tv Morning News 6 FOX February 3, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST
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3 heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect gusty wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're
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*********hold******3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center. are looking live at: 3 3 we're following some developing stories this morning --in haywood county -- we're waiting to learn if charges will be filed after the death of a 17-month old baby boy. boy.autopsy results revealed tuesday that the baby died from blunt force trauma. deputies say they were called out to underwood road near canton early sunday morning. e-m-s worker tried reviving the toddler but he was pronounced dead at the house. his name has not been released.
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lawsuits filed by the family of tucker hipps will be decided -- in *one trial. trial.tucker hipps' parents have filed two lawsuits for wrongful death and survival action.each lawsuit sought up to 25-million in damages for the family's loss.the order to consolidate the lawsuits was signed last week. week.those lawsuits allege hipps was forced to walk along a narrow bridge railing by members of sigma phi epsilon fraternity --before his body was found in lake hartwell back in september of 20-14.the suits were filed against the local chapterof the fraternity three of its former members -- as well as the national sig ep chapter; and clemson university.the trial is expected to last at least two weeks and include testimony from 50 witnesses -- but a date hasn't been can read the combined lawsuit on our website... foxcarolina-dot- com. 3 family and friends here in the upstate are waiting to find out if remains found in hawaii belong to a woodruff native killed in a helicopter crash. crash.sergeant jeffrey sempler and 11 other marines were killed last month when two helicopters collided during a
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mission.the u.s. marines confirmed on tuesday that some remains were found--- during their efforts to salvage the downed helicopters.a specialized ship is at the wreckage site helping with the recovery effort. 3 we are following breaking news. the greenville county sheriff's office is investigating a double shooting.this is video from the scene on mansion circle in piedmont just after three this morning.we're told two women were shot and taken to the hospital but should be arrests were made at last check.deputies say neighbors did see two men getting into a dark older model acura--but thats all we soon as we learn more--we'll pass it along. 3 3 only on fox-- an anderson county bus driver's quick thinking may have saved a young boy's life. life.8-year-old brayden burns says he was about to cross the street when a speeding mini van came down the road. his mom and the bus driver say it barely missed him. his mother says she couldn't be more thankful to the bus driver known as **ms tweet** for laying on her horn and
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the speeding car flew by. brayden says, it was a scary moment for him. 3 3 3 "i was getting off the bus, i was about to take a step in front and the car flew past at 72 miles an hour!" 3 3 "it's my job, but it's my job as a transportation specialist, that the child is my number one safety." safety."the superintendent says the district is lucky to have someone like ms. tweet. we're told she has been working for anderson county district one for about 20- years. 3 3 as the carolina panthers prepare to take on the denver broncos in super bowl 50 -- there's a lot to pay attention to this sunday. one of the big stories is the quarterabck matchup. cam newton is favored for m-v-p.... then there is future hall of famer peyton manning.but the panthers know exactly what they're up against-- cam says he even learned a thing or two from number 18. 3 3 3
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peyton has done that is doing that i wish i could mimic, but i can't do it like peyton can or like how he can do it. but i try to translate not only the thing so learn from him, but other quarterbacks in this league. and i try to apply it to my own." own." 3 3 "it's very special. he's going to go down easily as one of the greatest to ever play. he's a guy who has been there, done that. you name it, he's done it. he's peyton manning. when someone says peyton and everyone will be like, manning? you 3 know he's big. but we have to make sure we leave the legacy at the door when we step out in the field. " 3 and dont' forget -3 on saturday february 6th at 7- p-mbe sure to catch "the panthers pursuit of the title"
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and everything you need to know about the journey to the superbowl. in the hours before the big game. 3 3 college football may be over-- but we could get a glimpse into where some of the young talent will go next season.'s national signing day--and clemson **could land the number one recruit in the nation. carolina's joe gagnon is live in clemson this morningwith more on where some of the top players could go. 3 the rich may get a lot richer today..after being a few points away from a national championship against alabama.. the tigers may be bringing in the number one recruit in the entire nation.. nation..3 after many experts thought
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michigan..the tides have turned after he made a stop in clemson a few days clemson is one of two options for the nose tackle.. tackle..4 star safety isaiah simmons from kansas tweeted his commitment to clemson last commitment to tweeted his isaiah simmons 4 star safety 4 star safety isaiah simmons from kansas tweeted his commitment to clemson last night...and many more big time names are expected to sign their letter of intent..and you can see it live on they will be having a live broadcast from right here this morning... u-s-c has quite the class as well..with more than a dozen verbal commitments that just need a signature... including korey banks, wr, tyrone, ga. (former unc commitment)a stephon taylor, dt, new orleans, la.a randrecous davis, wr, atlantaa jacoby hill, de, atlanta 3 after many experts thought rashan gary was going to michigan..the tides have
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clemson a few days clemson is one of two options for the nose tackle.. 3 4 star safety isaiah simmons from kansas tweeted his commitment to night...big time names sign their letter of intent..and you can see it live on they will be broadcast from morning... 3 u-s-c has quite the class as well..with more than a dozen verbal commitments that just need a including korey banks, wr, tyrone, ga. (former unc a stephon taylor, dt, new orleans, la.a randrecous atlantaa jacoby hill, 3 and we won't be able to make it to every high school this if you are at a signing fay make sure to send your pictures to or to our foxcarolina news facebook page.. page..
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3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes with nicole. 3 heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect gusty wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: this: 3 you're taking a live look at 3 3 we're following up on autumn this morning. 3 this a live look inside the greenville zoo' giraffe cam. we brought you this story as breaking news yesterday morning--- the zoo director says the newborn calf is healthy and has already started nursing. this is the thrid calf for autumn and walter.zookeepers will perform a physical exam to determine the sex of the calf this week. the greenville zoo foundation is offering people the chance to make a donation and suggest a name for the new giraffe!a winner will be picked... and a
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...pelham road... greenville county 3 3 the cdc has confirmed the first sexually transmitted case of the mosquito bourne zika virus. workers in dallas, texas say the patient was infected with the virus through sexual contact with an infected person who returned from a country where zika was present. zika virus is now
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emergency that typically is transmitted through mosquito bites.pregnant women are being told to be extra cautious. 3 3 covering our counties --an anderson county woman is behind bars after clemson police say she took money and electronics from two university buildings. 3 shawanna wright faces three counts of financial transaction card theft, six larceny counts as well as trespassing. trespassing.police say debit and credit cards, cash and several other electronic items were taken from strode tower and rhodes hall back on december 10th.they say wright is not a clemson student or employee. 3 super bowl 50 is just four days away --and fans in spartanburg are going all out to show their support for the panthers that train at wofford college during the summer. city hall there are several panthers decals along the windows, they also have placed a sign inside 'the beacon' restaurant that says "spartanburg loves the carolina panthers". people are welcome to come in and sign the poster. one of the owners says the sign will be brought to the super bowl and they
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super bowl night.wofford college is also taking a picture and sending to the panthers. 3 3 3 "everyone is just beyond excited, we just really feel like they're a part of our family cause they are with us every summer. our food service folks are so excited to cause they get to know the players really really well during training camp." camp." 3 "it's right here in spartanburg where you can get up close and personal to the panthers at training camp so i know everybody is really really excited and i know that all the downtown establishments all the places with big tvs are gonne be packed out on super bowl sunday with fans cheering for our panthers." panthers."3 the city also encourages anyone who is interested to come out on thursday at 10 to take a group picture in your panthers gear. 3 time for traffic and weather
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3 heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect gusty wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday with highs in the mid-50s. friday and saturday will be cool and sunny in the low to mid-50s, followed by sun and clouds on sunday. monday into tuesday next week brings colder conditions, with a chance for rain and wintry mix. heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect
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rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday with highs in the mid-50s. friday and saturday will be cool and sunny in the low to mid-50s, followed by sun and clouds on sunday. monday into tuesday next week brings colder conditions, with a chance for rain and wintry mix.
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3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this:traffic lights outgarlington rd @ woodruff rd rd 3 you're looking live atpit crew traffic sponsored by 3 pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 the denver broncos will be without rookie safety -- ryan murphy -- for the super bowl. bowl.murphy was sent back to denver after he was questioned in a prostitution sting. police say murphy's brother and a suspected prostitute received citations in the operation that happened in a motel parking lot on tuesday. the broncos head coach says it was the best decision-- that the team prepares for super bowl 50 without murphy. 3 3 it's (time).coming up, we all know movies are expensive--but you wont believe what two guys
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see "star wars"--we'll show you more after the break. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemson you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching news. at longhorn steak like this doesn't need anything else. which is why we don't just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at... usc upstate 3 if you're a movie fan -- you're probably always on the look out for a good deal -- but how far would you go to see it for free? free?two guys named bo and matthew posted a video of their elaborate scheme to sneak into a movie theater.the guys said it was a life long dream to sneak into see star wars: the force awakens.they dressed up in over-sized clothes and hid one of the friends under the clothes.both guys say they got in to see
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wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this: 3 3 you're looking live at:
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3 it's ______.coming up, the better business bureau says people need to be careful about an on-line company based here in the upstate.but this morning that company is responding--hear both sides after the break. 3 we head to break with a live look're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 the morning news at 6:30 starts now.. now.. 3 national signing say is here-- and the upstate could land one of the top recruits in the nation. i'm live with a report report 3 heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect gusty wind to accompany the rain. 3 good morning.... it's wednesday, february 3i'm lauren elise eliseand i'm ben hill, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay.
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*********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 you're looking live at: 3 we are following breaking news. the greenville county sheriff's office is investigating a double shooting.we're are live from the scene on mansion circle in piedmont--deputies telling us this happened just after three this morning.we're told two women were shot and taken to the hospital but t ould be arrests were made at last check.deputies say neighbors did see two men getting into a dark older model acura--but thats all we soon as we learn more--we'll pass it along. 3 3 senator ted cruz will hit the
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after meeting with voters in greenville. greenville.cruz held a rally at the t-d convention center tuesday night to celebrate his win in iowa.south carolina congressman "jeff duncan" officially announced he's supporting cruz.cruz told the upstate crowd he will get to work right away if elected.he says he'll repeal president obama's executive actions and bring a more conservative outlook to the white house. 3 "last night the people of the great state of iowa sent notice to the counrty." counrty.""the next president of the united states is going to be chose these most powerful forcus, we the people, the grassroots"trt 00:15 00:15now cruz's campaign is being criticized for being dishonest with ben carson says cruz staffers told voters in iowa he was dropping out of the race. carson called it a dirty trick but says cruz has apologized. 3 presidential hopeful rick santorum will be in washington d-c this morning instead of south carolina.santorum had plans to visit -- spartanburg,
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as part of a multi-county tour. his camps says weather and other issues are forcing him to postpone. 3 on the democratic side -- hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in a tight race after a nail biter in iowa. clinton eventually narrowly edged out sanders.sanders is expected to do well in new hamspshire -- since he's from nearby vermont.but clinton says iowa is giving her momentum. momentum. 3 3 "well, as you recall, my luck was not that good last time around (laughs) and it was wonderful to win the caucus and to have that experience of all the hard work, the grassroots organaning pay off the way it did." 3 3 tonight, sanders and clinton are expected to be at a town hall hosted by cnn starting at 8:00 in new hampshire. 3 voters in south carolina will head to the polls later this month for the primaries after new anticipation of the vote, several candidates will be stumping in the palmetto state.donald
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civic center on friday.bill and chelsea clinton will also be campaigning for the former secretary of state. presidential candidates from both parties have been invited to a discussion on faith issues at bob jones university on the 12th.the next day republican candidates will take part in a debate at the peace center 3 there are republican 11 candidates heading into new hampshire for the first-in-the- nation primary on tuesday. tuesday.and here's a look at the democrats that will be on the south carolina primary can find complete you decide coverage on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 3 covering our counties. oconee county deputies are looking for two people they y y stole hundreds of dollars worth of laundry detergent. 3 take a look.the sheriff's office says the pair pushed a cart full of detergent out of the seneca walmart on thursday - without paying.deputies tell us the merchandise is orth nearly 500 dollars. 3 deputies say they took off in this white four door saturn with a white paper tag with red lettering.if you have any information - you're asked to call the number on your screen. 3 in greenville county:the better business bureau is
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simpsonville called-- "campox company" 3 the **b-b-b** says they recieved nine complaints after customers say they never got the camping and hiking gear they paid for **or had trouble with the products. the bbb says only two of the complaints have been resolved. but we spoke to the company's owner who says they simply got too many orders over the holidays and fell behind.he says winter orders should be all be shipped by y xt week. 3 3 as the carolina panthers get ready to take on the denver broncos, one of the main story lines that keeps popping up is peyton manning versus carolina's defense. defense.luke kuechly and company will have the tough task of stopping one of the all time greats.the 39 year old future hall of famer has already won a super bowl title and countless other awards.but with all of his experience, manning says carolina has one of the best defenses he's seen. 3 3 3 "it's a very active secondary, they do a lot of different things. play a lot of different coverages, blitz, all the parts of the blitz
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their man-to-man well. they play zone well. you can tell they're well coached and communicate very well. you see them talking out there and all those things are very evident on the game field." field."the last time peyton faced the panthers was back in 2012 when devner beat them 36 to 14.but clearly these are two very differant teams facing off on sunday. 3 and remember - we'll have live coverage from san francisco and super bowl 50 the rest of the week.ashley minelli will bring you live reports from out west starting tomorrow. tomorrow.and on saturday at 7:00 be sure to catch the panthers pursuit of the title.. we'll have one on one interviews and everything you need to know about the journey to the super bowl. 3 3 it's national signing day! and the spotlight could be on the upstate--- if the country's top recruit choses clemson. carolina's joe gagnon is live for us this morning with more on national
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3 they expect a big day on the clemson campus with some big recruits including potentially the number one recruit in the nation headed here to tiger town 3 and in face a live broadcast will be happening from right here on campus with all of the updates on who will sign their national letter of intent..and we will have every single update online and on our website at including a live stream of coach swinney press conference scheduled at 2:30 this afternoon.u-s-c has quite the class as well..with more than a dozen verbal commitments that just need a signature... including korey banks, wr, tyrone, ga. (former unc commitment)a stephon
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a randrecous davis, wr, atlantaa jacoby hill, de, atlanta 3 and we won't be able to make it to every high school this if you are at a signing fay make sure to send your pictures to or to our foxcarolina news facebook page.. page.. 3 back to you.. 3 time for weather and traffic
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3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center:farrs bridge rd@ white horse rd garlington rd @ woodruff rdred lights out out 3 you are taking a live look at: 3 3 it's ______.thousands are bracing for severe weather states are at risk. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemsonyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine,
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3 top military leaders say they believe women should be required to sign up for the draft. and marine corps generals addressed senators tuesday on capitol hill.they made the comment when they gave an update on integrating women into combat jobs.they estimated that it would take three years before the integration is complete. generals insist the military will not lower their standards to bring women into combat jobs. 3 leaders with the c-d-c say they're working to lower cases of fetal alcohol syndrome.they announced tuesday that women who are old enough to have children should avoid alcohol unless they're on birth control.they say more than 3 million woman are at risk of hurting their baby because of drinking while they're pregnant.researchers estimate 1 in every 20 children are not developing properly because their mothers drank while they were pregnant. 3 thousands in alabama and mississippi are bracing for more severe thunderstorms and flash flooding today. today.according to the national weather service, at least half a dozen tornadoes touched down in both states
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say they all hit in about a three hour window.the national weather service will be out trying to determine exactly how many twisters touched down. and the midwest, is bracing for more winter weather. forecasters say blizzard conditions could hit much of the area -- shutting down roads and knocking out power. 3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with
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wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday with highs in the mid-50s. friday and saturday will be cool and sunny in the low to mid-50s, followed by sun and clouds on sunday. monday into tuesday next week brings colder conditions, with a chance for rain and wintry mix. heavy rain and t-storms likely until early afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect gusty wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s.
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conditions return thursday with highs in the mid-50s. friday and saturday will be cool and sunny in the low to mid-50s, followed by sun and clouds on sunday. monday into tuesday next week brings colder conditions, with a chance for rain and wintry mix. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching: 3*********hold******
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out 3 you are taking a live look at: pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 news you need to know...the circus is in town --ringling brothers and barnum and bailey will be performing in greenville today through sunday at the bon secours wellness arena. tonight's show is at 7:30. tickets are available online at ticketmaster. 3 the greenville county school system is holding a job fair for bus drivers and bus aides's being held this evening at wade hampton high school from 5:00 until 7:00. managers will be at the school to answer any questions applicants have. 3 60 year old "alvin toney" of greer has died after a car crash tuesday afternoon. troopers say toney drove off
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at longhorn steak like this doesn't need anything else. which is why we don't just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak and bacon cheddar melt.
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3 welcome back--we're taking a live look at...clemson... signing day.. joe is live for t 3 a one year old is showing she's got what it takes to tear up the slopes. slopes.this is little "sloan henderson".she lives with her parents in utah.her parents say they promised to take her snow boarding as soon as she could walk.this is video from a few weeks ago.sloan even has her own youtube page with more than 400-thousand followers. 3 it looks like cvs pharmacy and target will be working together in the future. future.the first target store in the nation with a cvs located inside opened up in charlotte on wednesday.cvs bought out target's pharmacy business last june.all pharmacies inside target stores across the nation will eventually be rebranded as cvs reps say there won't be any
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3 now to weather 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 heavy rain and t-storms likely until early 3 afternoon, with highs in the 60s. expect gusty wind to accompany the rain. rain clears this afternoon, with overnight lows dropping into the 30s and 40s. partly cloudy, seasonably cool conditions return thursday.
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3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on:farrs bridge rd @ white horse rdgarlington rd @ woodruff rd/red lights out in asheville: power lines down on vehiclecrab creek rd @ blue star way way 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.coming up, it's one of the biggest days of the year for highschool athletes moving to the next level.joe gagnon is live with all your local signing day news just ahead. 3 3 be sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long. we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock. throughout our four hours of news you can catch live
6:50 am starts now. now.3 new from overnight.. the greenville county sheriff's office is investigating a shooting that sent two women to the hospital.we'll tell you what we know about possible suspects.. coming up. up. 3 heavy rain and thunderstorms may slow down your commute this morning.i'll tell you when it should all clear out.. coming up. up.
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