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tv   Morning News 6  FOX  February 9, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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3 tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in
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become dangerously cold overnight. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center. are looking live at: 3 several communities in western north carolina -- especially near the tennessee border -- are seeing some **snow this morning.
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reeser joins us live in **asheville --and andrew -- whether you live in the mountains or upstate people can expect to either deal with winter weather this week. expected to get higher than the 30s...we are watching a winter storm warning for several counties...that is in morning. 3 3 take a look...this was last night in asheville...light snowfall was the story there... not enough to other counties however,
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border...snow is sticking around.the big story today in asheville though are the temperatures...highs expected to remain in the 30s...and that cold weather not going anywhere for the next few days... 3 so far no school closings or delays to tell you about...but when the winter storm warning expires around 7 today...a winter storm watch will be in effect...snow always likely with these falling temperatures.ben? ben?
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3 covering our counties:a 31 year old greenville county man is **behind bars** -- accused of murdering his brother.this is video of "ryan mcbride" appearing before a judge monday night around 9:30.his bond was denied. 3 mcbride was arrested back in january.. after investigators say he **stabbed his brother. brother.investigators say 33 year old "sean mcbride" was **stabbed in the leg on long forest drive and taken to the hospital.we spoke to the mother of both men -- who says sean **died on friday. prosecutors **upgraded ryan's charges on monday.patti burroughs told us that sean was stabbed -- while defending her. 3 3 "he headed towards me, and sean saved my life because he pulled ryan down.""the next thing i knew he was stabbing sean right there in the living room and i was screaming to 911 to please get out here" "his smile, his laugh, his goofy personality, he was so tender hearted, he was my
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was."3 burroughs says she thinks drugs were behind ryan's attack. 3 a cherokee county teen -- **killed in a car crash -- will be laid to rest today. today.the coroner says "dominick galosi" **died friday along with 18-year-old shemar byers in york county. both were gaffney high school students.the funeral for galosi is today but the funeral arrangements for byers haven't been announced. announced.troopers say "rhett boheler" ... who was driving the car ... and "brooke blanton" ... who was a backseat passenger...were both airlifted to the hospital. right now.. we don't know their condition. condition.we told you about the crash friday night -- just off highway 211.troopers say the car hit a tree.. and then a leaders say grief counselors and ministers are available at the school.
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hampshire.the first in the nation primary is today. today.voters were at the polls at midnight to cast their first ballots in dixville notch.the community is the first community in the nation to vote in a **primary. democrat bernie sanders and republican john kasich got an early boost. 3 despite that early vote -- donald trump is expected to do well in new hampshire today. trump holds the lead in cnn's latest poll for the state. marco rubio and ted cruz are a distant second and third. analysts believe this is the last chance for carly fiorina to stay in the race for the white house. 3 on the democratic side -- many analysts are expecting bernie sanders to win new hampshire by a wide margin.the latest poll from cnn shows sanders lead over clinton is nearly double.clinton already has a lead on sanders when it comes to delegates won.. after winning the iowa caucus. 3 along sanders and clinton -- willie wilson -- will appear on the primary ballot in south carolina.. which takes place on february 27th.. are the nine republican candidates voters
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carolina's republican primary is a week earlier.. on saturday february 20th. 3 former new york city mayor michael bloomberg says he's considering a last minute run for president.that's what bloomberg told the financial says voters deserve better candidates than what this election is offering. he says he needs to get his name on ballots by early march to have a serious shot.the new york times reported last month he was contemplating a third-party run. 3 and later today franklin graham will be in columbia. he's bringing his prayer rally to the south carolina capitol at noon.this is the fifth stop on graham's prayer rally tour of early caucus and primary states.his prayer rallies began back in december.. after quitting the republican party.. and saying our government needs more religious people in office. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes with nicole. 3 tuesday will be cold and
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skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight. 3 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: accident free free
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3 3 it's ______.3 good morning joe. does free wings for a year sound?i'm live with how to score big. 3 we head to break with a live look at...usc're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning news. she spent a lifetime making a difference for people. winning healthcare
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benefits for families of reservists and the national guard. standing strong around the world for human rights and women's rights. hillary clinton. she'll raise the minimum wage. take on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs. and give everyone the opportunity to go to college without going into debt. she'll get the job done... for us. i'm hillary clinton
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your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. e series compact tractors come with
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...snow falling in virginia this morning. 3 3 president barack 3 obama says he is trying invest in the country's future through his 20-17 budget proposal.the president says he wants to double the u-s's funding in clean energy over the next five years.he also proposed increased investments in clean transportation and programs to accelerate the development of cancer treatments. 3 a police officer who shot and killed two people is once again angering people in chicago.
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killed when an officer shot and killed a teen going after him with a bat back in december--both victims families brought a wrongful death suit against the police department but now officer robert rialmo is filing a counter lawsuit against the teens estate--claiming because of him-- he experienced exteme emotional distress after killing an innocent person.both victims' families are calling the lawsuit "nonsense". 3 for many -- today is a day to indulge -- because it's fat tuesday. gras time in new orleans. orleans.this is video of the **krew of orpheus** the big parade for the celebration.fat tuesday is always the big party before ash wednesday--the official start of lent for catholics.hundreds of thousands have been flocking to new orleans for the massive street party that will take place tonight. 3 this is a live look on bourbon street in new can night's mardi gras.
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3 a new restaurant in town is really going to make it worth your while to be one of its first customers.. food for a year.. carolina's joe gagnon is live in greer from the east coast wings on the explain. 3 today is a good day to head to work a big later than normal.. because the first customers here for its grand opening will be enjoying free wings... wings...join us to enjoy 5 free wings with the purchase of an entrae all day long and the chance to win some fun prizes the first 50 people in the door will win free wings for a year....east coast has had a soft opening for
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months now..but today it is the grand has received an average of 4.4 stars in facebook reviews..the doors open at be sure to get here well before that.. 3 you.. 3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes.
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skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. 3 tonight stays breezy 3 and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight. wednesday will be sunny and cold with a strong breeze, highs only reaching the 20s and 30s, with single digits and teens at night.
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with a slight chance for mountain snow showers again by friday. the weekend will remain sunny, but colder than normal in the low 40s. tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight. wednesday will be sunny and cold with a strong breeze, highs only reaching the 20s and 30s, with single digits and teens at night.
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with a slight chance for mountain snow showers again by friday. the weekend will remain sunny, but colder than normal in the low 40s. 3 ((weather hit))
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3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: accident free and no delays delays 3 you're looking live atpit crew traffic sponsored by pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 the wofford terriers are winning games and setting records in spartanburg. spartanburg.during its game monday night at the benjamin johnson arena the team hit **17** three pointers from
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n-c-a-a division one men's basketball record. that record gave them a 92 to 60 win over the virginia military institute. 3 3 it's (time).a practical joke ended with charges for one florida man what landed him in jail is coming up.... 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at downtown asheville.small amounts of snow from overnight.dangerous temperatures. 3 you're watching the morning news. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership.
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people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. the first job of a president is to protect america. our next president must be prepared to lead. i know jeb. i know his good heart and his strong backbone. jeb will unite our country. he knows how to bring the world together against terror. he knows when tough measures must be taken. experience and judgment count in the oval office. jeb bush is a leader. he'll keep our country safe. jeb bush.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...bourbon street in new is fat tuesday. you can see the clean up from last night's party. 3 a practical joke has a florida man facing some very serious
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morning.investigators say josh james decided to throw an alligator in a wendy's drive- thru as a prank in decemeber. luckily no one was hurt -- but the florida fish and wildlife was far from amused and tracked him down through his credit card in december.he is now charged with assault with a deadly weapon.james family says their son is harmless and shouldnt be sitting in jail. the alligator was recovered and placed back in a nearby
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3 now to weather 3 with nicole 3 tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this: greer accident
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3 you're looking live at: 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemsonyou're fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 the morning news at 6:30 starts now.. now.. 3 snow, cold, wind--the winter weather in some way shape or form is coming to you this week. week.
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bring wintry weather to the area...and its not going away any time soon. soon.parents are pleading with the pickens county school board to not close three schools.when a final decision could be made--coming up. 3 good morning.... it's tuesday, february 9.i'm ben hill with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the
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3 tuesday will be cold 3 and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight. 3 let's send it over to chris. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're
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101 @ i-85 i-85you're looking live at: 3 3 whether it be the snow, the cold or the blustery wind--no matter where you live you will need to bundle up this morning. carolina's andrew reeser joins us live from asheville with the latest on this cold blast that doesn't look like it will be letting up anytime soon. 3 some light snow in asheville last giving way to frigid temperatures here... here... 3 3 3 many counties here in western north caorlina remain under a winter storm warning. swain, yancey, madison, mitchell, jackson, haywood and graham counties all under threat of
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this morning...last night in asheville there was light snowfall...snow looking like it's going to stay mostly near the tenessee border...not much accumulation apparent around here...the big story today here in the mountains...the temperatures... 3 temps not expected to get above 30...highs today area wide in the 30s and lows in the 20s...we are feeling it today...but so far no school closings or delays to tell you about...we'll let you know if we hear of any. ben?
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3 3 voters in new hampshire will head to the polls today for the first in the nation presidential primary. primary.the small town of dixville cast their ballots shortly after midnight--with just nine votes:bernie sanders and john kasich took early leadsbut this is only the beginning-- beginning--voters will choose between these nine republican candidates.donald trump is holding the lead in the latest c-n-n poll polland bernie sanders is expected to win the state by a large margin over hilary clinton. 3 3 covering our counties:parents in pickens county say they're not happy with a new proposal that would affect nearly half a dozen schools. schools.dozens showed up at monday night's school board meeting, the crowd spilled into the hall outside the
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springs, and ambler elementaries all could be shut down after a motion passed.. students from a-r lewis, holly springs, and hagood elementaries would go to school together from kindergarten to 2nd grade. students who go to ambler elementary would go to dacusville. 3 3 "i'm absolutely shocked, outraged upset, there's so many different emotions going through right now." now.""i am very disappointed in the school district that they would be even thinking about doing this." this.""as the board looked at all the ways they could cut costs they realized there was no way to cut costs of millions and millions of dollars over several years without looking at school consolidation." consolidation."the committee says the merger would save the district nearly 12 million dollars over five years.this wednesday, there will be public meetings at the three schools...and next monday... the full board will vote on the proposal. 3 a greenville county pharmacy
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morning accused of shooting a woman inside the store. 3 we told you about the shooting at the parker road drug store friday night.investigators believe an argument broke out before a woman was shot...she was taken to g-h-s and is expected to be ok. ok.deputies say a store employee - "mark wansley" is now being charged with attempted murder.he is being held without bond. 3 3 in this morning's most wanted. greenville police are asking for your help finding a group of thieves.investigators say they robbed the little caesars pizza on augusta street saturday night around 11:30. police say three men forced a worker back into the store as she was about to leave.she was forced to take out money from the cash register.if you recognize the thieves or know anything about the robbery you're asked to call 23-crime. 3 a honea path community says they're on the lookout for bandits accused of stealing guns, jewelry, and family heirlooms. heirlooms.families we talked with say at least 7 homes within about 15 miles of each other were hit.six of the break-ins happened in just one
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thieves stole more than a dozen guns that have been in the family for years.another couple says they even had a working curity system installed before the break-ins but it didn't stop the suspects. 3 the carolina panthers are back home this morning after super bowl 50. 50.the team received a warm welcome when it returned to charlotte monday evening. although they didn't come back with the title--fans still crowded the airport to show their support. 3 and as the team stepped off off their bus at the bank of america stadiuman even bigger crowd waited for them.dozens of die hard fans cheered despite the coldas many players--and even head coach ron rivera-- high fived and waved at the crowd. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for
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flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center:accident near bmw sc hwy 101 @ i-85 i-85 3 you are taking a live look at:
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3 it's ______. ______.3 how does free wings for a year sound?i'm live with how to score big. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemsonyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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(vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone...
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look at...i-85 in greenville.
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3 a local lawmaker says he wants to give people in south carolina the freedom to carry a gun for protection without being licensed. senator lee bright from district 12 wrote a bill that would do away with the requirements to the concealed carry law.the bill is now in a senate committee after passing the house.right now, cwps require a 6 to 8 hour class with a test.the proposed bill would no longer require training courses of any kind. 3 a northeast georgia student -- accused of posting a terror threat on social media -- is facing charges this morning. morning.the franklin county sheriff's office says they received informrmion the threat was directed at the high school monday.deputies, school administrators and a school resource officer collected digital evidence of the threats and identified a suspect.the student was arrested and charged with terroristic threats and acts. 3 the justice department is investigating after 20 thousand f-b-i employees had
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published by hackers--....only a day after personal data for almost 10 thousand homeland security employees was publically posted.the group tweeted the information was pulled from the department of justice's database including the hashtag "free palestine". officials said it did not appear that private information -- like social security numbers -- was accessed.they are now trying to track down those responsible.. 3 3 if you're a big fan of chicken wings then you'll like this.... an upstate restaurants is giving away free wings for a year today.. carolina's joe gagnon is live from where it is happening...east coastst wings and grill on the parkway in greer.. 3 today is a good day to head to work a big later than normal.. because the first customers here for its grand opening
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wings...join us to enjoy 5 free wings with the purchase of an entrae all day long and the chance to win some fun prizes the first 50 people in the door will win free wings for a year....east coast has had a soft opening for customers for a couple of months now..but today it is the grand has received an average of 4.4 doors open at be sure to get here well before that.. 3
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you..3 3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold
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sunny and cold with a strong breeze, highs only reaching the 20s and 30s, with single digits and teens at night. thursday stays sunny and cold, with a slight chance for mountain snow showers again by friday. the weekend will remain sunny, but colder than normal in the low 40s. tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills
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overnight. wednesday will be sunny and cold with a strong breeze, highs only reaching the 20s and 30s, with single digits and teens at night. thursday stays sunny and cold, with a slight chance for mountain snow showers again by friday. the weekend will remain sunny, but colder than normal in the low 40s. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold******
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3 we are watching: watching: 3 you are taking a live look at: pit crew traffic sponsored by kevin whitaker sponsored by pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker cadillac 3 3 time for news you need to
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are casting their vote today in the first-in-the-nation presidential primary.the small town of dixville has cast their votes with bernie sanders leading the democrats and john kasich leading the g-o-p 3 former new york city mayor michael bloomberg says he is considering a last minute run for president.he says he believes voters deserve better candidates than what this election is offering. 3 federal prosecutors say that the wife of former senior leader of the islamic state-- --"umm sayyaf" is being charged in the death of american hostage, kayla mueller.officials say "sayyaf" contributed to muellers death last june. 3 its another first for a panda cub at the zoo in washington d-c.last week the cub took his first steps outside--and yesterday **bei bei** climbed his first tree.the adorable moment was caught on camera!it takes him a couple times but he finally gets it-- bei bei lives at the smithsonian national zoo 3 3 it's ______.coming up ...two nuns who feed the homeless now fear becoming homeless themselves. stick around to
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3 we head to break with a live look at downtown asheville. small amounts of snow from overnight.dangerous temperatures. 3 ut first let's 3 take a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...bourbon street in new is fat tuesday. you can see the clean up from last night's party. 3 greenville is welcoming tucanos brazilian grilland they're planning on bringing more than just good food! food!the brazilian steakhouse will soon open at magnolia park on woodruff road and they're dozens of jobs. jobs.the resturaunt is looking to hire 150 full and part time employees and will begin in- person interviews today at verdae village.interviews will be from 9 a-m till 7 p-m through saturday. 3 two nuns in san francisco who have spent years feeding the homeless could soon be homeless themselves! themselves!last month the sisters recieved a noticed
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be raised over 2,000 dollars-- something the nuns cannot afford. their landlord says that they must pay or face eviction. the sisters say they sleep in a small room and survive financially on homemade pastries they sell at farmers markets...and on donations. they fear they are being prpred out. 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 tuesday will be cold and breezy, with partly cloudy skies and a chance for mountain snow and upstate flurries. highs reach 41 in the upstate and 30 in the mountains. tonight stays breezy and cold with lows in the teens and 20s. wind chills become dangerously cold overnight.
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3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: on: 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 3 be sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long. we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock. throughout our four hours of news you can catch live reports from weather and
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minutes.3 the morning news starts now. now. 3 get ready for cold and breezy conditions today.. with a chance for snow in the mountains and flurries in the upstate. upstate. 3 snow has already fallen in parts of western north carolina.we're live in asheville taking a look., it's the first presidential primary in the nation.. and we've already got somomof the results this morning.more from new hampshire.. coming up. 3 good morning.... it's tuesday, february 9.i'm ben hill... here with nicole papay and
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us on the morning news.we have
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