tv Morning News 5 FOX February 11, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST
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thursday, february 11i'm ben hill hilland i'm lauren elise, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 we have school closings and delays to tell you about. haywood county schools will open 2 hours late madison mitchell and yancey county schools will all be closed. take a look at the ticker at the bottom of your screen for more closings and delays-- as well as online at fox-carolina- dot-com. 3 teens and 20s start the day, but sunny skies bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high
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into the 20s with a light breeze. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching 3 this in the pit crew traffic center. are looking live at: 3 3 with this bitter cold weather sticking around... many experts are warning about the danger of *not* bundling up. up.and there are also some other things you need to be aware of-- of--fox carolina's ashley minelli is live in pickens county... how's it feeling out
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3 - ad lib about the weather right now, talk about the current temperature 3 - we've seen a lot of people bundling up over the past few days... - that will continue through weekend- this morning... wind chill can make it feel 20 degress... 3 - frost bite: cover nose, toes, fingers, face... etc- hypothermia: body temperature dips below 95 degrees... babies and elderly people most at risk- shoveling snow: take breaks, drink water, keep back straight, use your legs
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up3 3 3 covering our counties. things are back to normal this morning after a fire broke out-- just outside a spartanburg hospital. 3 take a look at this pictures. firefighters say they were called on to "mary black hospital" on skylyn drive around six last nightthey say the fire started in a dumpster
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3 fire crews say the emergency room was evacuated--- luckily no injuries were reported. several fire and police departments were all on scene. no word on exactly what started the fire. 3 a teen is locked up in anderson county -- after police say he **attacked his grandfather. grandfather.take a look -- 18-year-old joshua driver is charged with **attempted murder** afterinvestigators responded to a home on fant road in belton on tuesday. investigators say they found driver's grandfather --who said his grandson hit him in the head with a metal baseball bat.driver had fled the scene before deputies got there.. and was later taken into custody by west pelzer police. 3 deputies in madison county need your help tracking down a bank robber.. 3 they say tony reems--- robbed the first citizens bank in marshall last thursday. authorities say reems was last seen driving a 2006-- burgundy ford expedition with the north carolina tag you see on your screen. if you have any information you're asked to call the sheriff's office. 3 3 the repubican candidates are continuing their campaign tour in south carolina today..
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of the primary election next weekend. 3 marco rubio and ben carson will both be in the upstate today. today.on wednesday rubio and donald trump were in the area-- just a day after the new hampshire primary. trump was in pendleton at the t-ed 3 3 3 3 all of these characters are going to give it up, we're going to run the table, and we will make america great again, 3 3 if they win, our military keeps getting gutted. if they win, dodd frank stays here forever. if they win, all the things that have happened--the second amendment, the judges they appoint 3 rubio will be in the upstate again today --he'll be holding a town hall in simpsonville at southside christian school.and doctor ben carson will be at the gaffney visitors center. for more information on the events head to fox carolina dot com. 3 the republican field is getting smaller--carly fiorina announced on wednesday that she is suspending her campaign after coming in 7th place in new hampshire. 3 and new jeresey governor chris christie is also out --after receiving only seven percent of the vote in the new hampshire primary.
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republican candidates -- we are now down to seven.they will be here in greenville this saturday.. for a debate at the peace center.its all ahead of the south carolina republican primary on february 20th. 20th.then on february 27-th.. the democratic candidates will face each other in the south carolina primary.remember -- for information on all the candidates --head to fox- carolina-dot-com. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes with nicole. 3 teens and 20s start the day, but sunny skies bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high elevations. tonight, lows drop into the 20s with a light breeze.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: this: 3 you're taking a live look at 3 3 3 3 it's ______.coming up,a months long standoff in oregon could be over. find out why, straight ahead. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemson you're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...usc upstate 3 3 a standoff at an oregon wildlife refuge could be coming to an end-- as soon as today. 3 the last four activists inside the malheur national wildlife refuge say they will leave their weapons behind and turn themselves in to authorities. late wednesday night "cliven bunday" the father of occupation leader ammon bundy was booked into jail after flying into a portland airport. the dispute is over
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3 in maryland -- flags will be flown at half-staff today to honor two deputies who were **killed in the line of duty. 3 authorites say a 67-year old gunman **shot and **killed one deputy inside a crowded restaurant and the other deputy was **killed in a shootout. the gunman was also killed in the exchange of gunfire not far from a shopping center. the sheriff's says no bystanders were hurt. investigators say the gunman had warrants out for his arrest in florida and another part of maryland.the police haven't released a motive for the shooting. 3 back at home -- it's going to be a busy weekend in downtown greenville. and if you have plans to be in the area --- you're going to need to plan ahead. ahead.there's the republican presidential debatevalentine's day weekenda clemson basketball game and a swamp rabbits hockey game at the well! well!city leaders say there will be extra security, and some street closures.with all the extra people that means hotels and restaurants are filling up.those in the food and hotel industry tell us - you need to call ahead to see
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and rooms.some restaurants are adding extra hours of service to accommodate the big crowds. 3 3 3 3 what we do is we have our normal hours and usually add an hour on each side opening and closing and if we fill up all those time slots we add some more so we'll be opening at 4 on sat and serving til 11 sat night" 3 3 3 - it should be fairly easy, all the parking garages will be accessible - although one side of the garage may be closed because of some of the thigns going on downtown, everything will be available 3 the greenville trolley will be running over the weekend--for more information on this weekend road closures, and
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3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 teens and 20s start the day, but sunny skies bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high elevations. tonight, lows drop into the 20s with a light breeze. friday will be partly cloudy with a slight chance for tn border snow, and highs in the mid-40s. the weekend stays dry with sunshine and a breeze, highs in the 40s saturday, and 30s on sunday. monday brings the next chance for daytime snow, changing to rain late. stick with us for the latest. teens and 20s
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bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high elevations. tonight, lows drop into the 20s with a light breeze. friday will be partly cloudy with a slight chance for tn border snow, and highs in the mid-40s. the weekend stays dry with sunshine and a breeze, highs in the 40s saturday, and 30s on sunday. monday brings the next chance for daytime snow, changing to
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traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 news you need to know.. spartanburg police are trying to figure out who robbed a local girl scout camp. they say it happened on camp scout drive monday night. no suspects have been identified. 3 "sirhan sirhan" will **stay behind bars for assassinating senator "robert f kennedy".he was **denied parole for a 15th time wednesday.a witness is asking the state to reopen the case saying another gunman shot kennedy. 3 parents are hoping the pickens county school board will reconsider a plan to close three schools.dozens came to a public meeting last night.the school district says to save millions of dollars they will vote on monday whether to close a-r lewis, holly springs, and ambler
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3 the braves are moving to a new stadium next year-- but some questions remain whether the hank aaron statue outside turner filed will join them. 3 in 2017-- the braves will be moving to "suntrust park"--- just outside the city. according to the atlanta journal-consitution-- **the atlanta fulton county recreation authority** claims to have uncovered documents proving the statue is owned by them.meaning it would remain in the city after the braves relocate. there is no word on when adecision will be made. 3 3 it's (time).coming up:one woman is making sports illustrated history--more on who they picked for the new magazine--next. 3 we head to break with a live look're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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see herself in the new issue of sports illustrated. illustrated.nicola griffin is the oldest woman to appear in the swim issue. she will be featured alongside two plus size models as part of a sim retailers "#swimsexy campaign-- which focuses on body confidence for women of all shapes and sizes. the new issue of sports illustrated will be revealed on saturday and hit stands on february 16.
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3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this: no delays or accidentscsx railroad work in greer closeds. main st@ hwy 14 e. poinsett st@ city hall hall 3 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.coming up, the democratic haven't forgotten about voters in south carolina. why they'll head to the palmetto state a little later--- before the primary. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemson you're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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3 and the cold, cold air is here making for a frigid morning-- i'll tell you if it will warm up at all today and talk about some possible winter weather heading our way. 3 good morning.... it's thursday, february 11i'm lauren elise eliseand i'm ben hill, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the morning news.
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highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high elevations. tonight, lows drop into the 20s with a light breeze. 3 let's send it over to chris. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 3 3 live at: 3 3 in pickens county-3 a plan to shut down schools at
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shuffle students around has parents concerned... and speaking out before a big vote happens next week. 3 take a look:the board is proposing closing: a.r. lewis, holly springs and ambler elementary. 3 fox carolina's ashley minelli is live at the pickens county school district... so ashley- when will a final decision be made. 3 - board making a final vote on monday monday- many people feel, board already made up their mind- didn't stop them from speaking out at meetings around district last night- kids there, devestated- parents feel this is the wrong move
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3 "the mountain schools are their own community. i just feel like if we close these schools the morale is going to go down." down." 3 "our pledge is that no matter the size of the school, large or small, students can be successful. and we've proven that year after year that they can be successful." 3 district leaders:- closing school will save nearly 12 million dollars- several of the kids will be sent to haygood elementary after closing 3 concerning to parents: - how quickly this decision was made... plan announced on monday 3 - any teacher layoffs?
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3 the candidates for president are setting their sights on south carolina after a major battle in new hampshire. hampshire.both marco rubio and ben carson have events planned in the upstate today. today.and on wednesday several of the candidates spent time with voters.donald trump, jim gilmore, and senator rubio, were all in our area.john kasich spent the day in mount pleasant -- while jeb bush and ted cruz were on the coast. 3 3 3 "now south carolina is going to play the role its always played in presidential race, the historic role of choosing presidents. and the great thing about iowa and new hampshire is that its narrowed the field, it's given south carolina a clear choice. the men and women of south carolina i believe want a consistent conservative, somebody who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow." 3 new hampshire's runner up - ohio governor john kasich -- is hoping to capitalize on momentum in the palmetto state. kasich held a town hall meeting in mount pleasant.he also made a stop in charleston
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event.kasich says his success is getting the attention of voters. 3 3 3 i'm going to hilton head tomorrow. we were supposed to have 75 people. we now have 1,000. so you know, people are starting to pay attention. they're either going to like me or not and i'm not worried about what anybody else says. 3 jeb bush began his day with a town hall in bluffton.south carolina senator lindsey graham endorsed bush.. after dropping out of the race for the white house.graham joined bush during his campaign stop wednesday.governor bush talked briefly about ohio governor john kasich. 3 3 what i like about john kasich, his heart. believes that we can solve problems, concerned about those left behind, so am i. i respect him, i am the most conservative 3 reform minded governor running. running.he has been effective governor. my record
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3 bush is just one of seven remaining republican candidates after carly fiorina and chris christie dropped out. trump, cruz, rubio, kasich, bush, carson, and gilmore will be at bob jones university on friday for the faith and family presidential forum.the candidates will also be at the peace center for a debate on saturday night ahead of the primary elections here on february 20-th. th.just one week later.. the democratic candidates will face off in south carolina. hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and willie wilson will appear on the ballot on february 27-th.clinton and sanders are set to debate tonight in milwaukee. 3 before the democratic candidates stump in south carolina, they'll be focusing on the state of nevada. nevada's caucuses actually fall the week before the south carolina democratic primary. workers with hillary clinton's campaign say they're trying to change their approach to voters after a loss in new hampshire.vermont senator bernie sanders raised millions shortly after polls closed. clinton will be hosting a town
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center:no delays or accidents accidents 3 you are taking a live look at: 3 3 it's ______.fresh boots will soon be on the ground in afghanistan.why 500 troops are being sent overseas -- up next. 3 we head to break with a live look at...greenville county you're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look at... usc upstate 3 the justice department is taking the city of ferguson, missouri to court. general "loretta lynch" announced on wednesday the city is being sued to forcibly overhaul the police department and court leaders say they're trying to work with the federal government but their requests will bankrupt the city.ferguson's mayor says he supports city council and will fight the feds in court. lynch is accusing the police department of violating the constitution. 3 defense leaders in washington say they're sending 500 soldiers overseas.they say the taliban has re-established their operations in a province of afghanistan.the soldiers will relieve a company of 150 soldiers.their goal is to protect special forces who are training and advising the afghan military.a spokesman with the military operations in afghanistan says the new troops will not be involved in
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3 covering our counties: firefighters say a space heater sparked a fire in spartanburg county. county.these are pictures of the home on lowell court in una.firefighters say this was the scene around five wednesday morning.according to rescue crews, smoke alarms woke the homeowner up and saved his life.they say the smoke alarms were actually ones firefighters had installed for the man free of charge. 3 3 3 just when its cold be extremely careful. make sure that if you do use an alternate, make sure youve read the directions and you follow all the directions to be safe safethe fire department says one man was taken to spartanburg medical center.the red cross is also helping out. 3 the greenville county sheriff's office is asking for help finding a missing man. man.this is a look at adam worley.his family is asking people on social media in the greenville and spartanburg areas to be on the lookout for him.according to the posts, he was lasts seen in greer.if you see him call your local law enforcement agency.
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the thieves who stole from a spartanburg county girl scout camp.police say burglars hit the camp on scout drive.. sometime between six o'clock monday night and 7:00 tuesday morning.according to reports, a microwave, two-way radios, a t-v, a computer, and three mountain bikes were suspects have been named but police tell us they found several partial fingerprints at the scene. 3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 teens and 20s start the day, but sunny skies bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high elevations. tonight, lows drop into the 20s with a light breeze. friday will be partly cloudy with a slight chance for tn border snow, and highs in the mid-40s. the weekend stays dry with sunshine and a breeze, highs in the 40s
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monday brings the next chance for daytime snow, changing to rain late. stick with us for the latest. teens and 20s start the day, but sunny skies bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty conditions are expected through noon for high elevations. tonight, lows drop into the 20s with a light breeze. friday will be partly cloudy with a slight chance for tn border snow, and highs in the mid-40s. the weekend stays dry with sunshine and a breeze, highs in the 40s saturday, and 30s on sunday. monday brings the next chance
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3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching: watching: 3 you are taking a live look at: pit crew traffic sponsored by pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 news you need to know...south korean leaders say the military chief of north korea has been executed.they say "kim jong un" ordered the execution for corruption and other charges.investigators believe the killing was part of a power grab by kim jong un. 3 some of the republican candidates running for president will be here in the upstate ben carson will be at the gaffney visitor's center at 3 pm. then marco rubio will be
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meeting at southside christian at 4 pm. 3 operations are back to normal at mary black hospital in spartanburg.firefighters say the emergency room was evacuated around 6:00 wednesday night for a injuries were reported.we're told the fire started in a dumpster outside the hospital. 3 researchers seem to think there is a lot of hope for people at risk for dementia. dementia.according to findings in the framingham heart study -- dementia rates are down 44 percent over the past 40 years. they say a big reason is lower cases of heart disease. researchers say people who were diagnosed sooner had a better chance of survival.they also say a good way to help fight dementia is exercise.the findings were published wednesday in the new england journal of medicine. 3 3 it's ______.coming up ...the next instalment in the harry potter series is on it's way. we'll tell you when the latest story is set to be released.. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemson
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minutes.we'll see you re watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 welcome back--we're taking a live look at...greenville county.. 3 starbucks is adding more chocolate to their menu.. just in time for valentines day. 3 starbucks announced three new chocolate drinks for valentines -- until february 14th you can get -- the molten chocolate latte.the molten chocolate frappuccino. and the molten hot chocolate. the company also launched a valentines day-themed "gif" giver --with starbucks animations to send to loved ones via email, text and social media. 3 muggles, rejoice!!a new harry potter book is set to be released this summer. summer.the book is titled "harry potter and the cursed child".it is the eighth
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series.according to the official synopsis, the story picks up 19 years after the last deals with harry's relationship with his own son.the book will include the script of a play about the can look for the book on shelves in july. 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 teens and 20s start the day, but sunny skies bring highs to 47 in the upstate and 35 in the mountains. gusty
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3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: no delays or accidentscsx railroad work in greer closeds. main st@ hwy 14e. poinsett st@ city hall hall 3 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.3 it's ______.after weeks of camping out, armed protesters out west say they will turn themselves in.we'll tell you why coming up. 3 be sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long. we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock. throughout our four hours of news you can catch live
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few. something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do. ...when too many encounters
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we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. we're following breaking news out of anderson county. broadway station and whitefiled broadway county. out of anderson breaking news we're following breaking news out of anderson county. broadway station and whitefiled firefighters are on the scene of a house fire near blue ridge circle.they say fire started around 5 o'clock this morning. luckily no injuries were reported. no word on how the fire was started. stay with fox- carolina on air and online as
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3 with this bitter 3 cold weather 3 with this bitter 3 our way.i'll tell you if it will warm up at talk about some weather heading our way. 3 good morning.... it's thursday, february 11i'm ben hill hilland i'm lauren elise, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 we have school closings and delays to tell you about. haywood county schools will open 2 hours late madison mitchell and yancey county schools will all be closed. take a look at the ticker at the bottom of your screen for more closings and delays-- as well as online at fox-carolina-
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