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tv   Morning News 6  FOX  February 12, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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3 ((adlibs weather hit))flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're traffic center. are looking live at: 3 3 we're just a 3 3 we're just a little more a week from the south carolina primary.. and the republican
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spending a lot of time in the upstate. upstate.this morning bob jones iversity is hosting four of the candidates to talk about issues surrounding faith and families. carolina's ashley minelli is live near campus this morning and ashley it's not too late to get tickets for this event. 3 - talk about what's going on out there now - go online to fox carolina- free general admission, to event happening here 3 - carson 12:30- bush 1:15- rubio 2:20- cruz 4:45 4:45- these 4... behind trump in the gop poll here in sc: cruz, rubio, bush, carson- last chance to see candidates ahead of tomorrow nights debate - still don't know if the four attending today's event will all be at gop debate in
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3 - doors open at 11 11 3 preps are well underway for tomorrow's republican debate in downtown greenville at the peace center. crews are already getting in place and you can expect security to be tight around that area.we're still waiting to find out who exactly will be on stage tomorrow night.
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debate... out of the seven republican candidates donald trump, ted cruz, and marco rubio will automatically be on the stage.polls indicate: jeb bush and john kasich could also be included.the debate is set to start at nine oclock. oclock.and if you are headed to downtown greenville this weekend there are some road closures you need to know about.they are all right there on your screen.the closures are supposed to last from about 8 am saturday until 2 am sunday. 3 the democratic candidates are cusing on both nevada and south carolina--but last night they met in wisconsin for a debate.hillary clinton says the kind of criticism she's getting from bernie sanders, is something she would expect from republicans. clinton blasted sanders after he suggested in an interview that president barack obama didnt succeed in closing the gap between congress and the american people. the pbs debate was their first meeting since sanders won the new hampshire primary on tuesday. both candidates aimed to sway voters--- by prompting talking about change. 3 3
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3 "i'm running for president to knock down all the barriers that are holding americans back and to rebuild the latters of opportunity to give every american a chance to advance especially those who have been left out and left behind." behind." 3 3 "the american people are tired of establishment politics, tired of establishment economics they want a political revolution in which millions of americans stand up, come together not let the trumps of the worlds divide us and say you know what in this great country we need a government that represents all of us not just a campaign of wealthy contributors." 3 and here is a look at the democratic candidates running for president.the south february 27-th. 3 3 in texas -- a woman accused of **killing a spartanburg man.. who attended the south carolina school for the deaf and blind.. is **behind bars** this morning.
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know why michelle chase shot and killed their loved one-- they say she left his body outside her apartment sunday then returned the next day-- and left an apology note. authorties say she admitted to the shooting after officers found a gun inside her home. she said she shot farr after he startled her by banging on her door.we spoke to some of farr's siblings who say they facebook. 3 3 3 "my sister and my niece found out on last night that our brother, william eugene farr, had been killed out in texas, a facebook posting was up on facebook and my niece forwarded it to my sister."out in texas, a facebook posting was up on facebook and my niece forwarded it to my sister." sister." 3 3 "on january 28th, he posted that he had a job, a new job working at a car wash. and i called him 3:47 and i said are you doing ok, he said yes cause he can call through tdd, the deaf thing. 3 "he said he was staying with a
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yes.3 farr's family has set up a go-fund-me page to help with costs to bury william in spartanburg.a 3 3 covering our counties:in greenville county -- mauldin police say a 16-year old girl is in jail -- charged with murder. murder.police say the teen had an active role in planning and carrying out an attempted armed robbery at the bojangles on east butler road back on january 30th. 30th.19-year old savon allen was killed in a shooting -- on that police think was drug- related. 3 three other teens are also facing charges.19-year-olds trevonte watts and william newton... and a 15-year-old girl, who is not pictured, were also charged with murder. 3 water workers in greenville county are hopeful a yellow dye found in the reedy river will be completely gone by sunday. sunday.the renewable water resources say the dye was found in water collected at the mauldin road water resource recovery facility. we're told the dye likely came by from a nearby manufacturer and is no longer showing up in
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there is no threat to the public or the environment. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes with nicole. 3 flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s. 3
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3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: this: 3 you're taking a live look at 3 3 it's ______.good morning joe. joe.good morning you guys. we're out at lake hartwell where a bunch of crazy people are going to jump in these freezing waters tomorrow!but not to worry, it's all for a up. 3 we head to break with a live look at...usc upstateyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 you're watching 3 we're following breaking news this morningone person is recovering from burns after a fire broke out at a greenville inn.according to firefighters, a fire broke out at the country hearth inn on bruce road around 4:30.the assistant chief says one person was burned trying to fight the fire in one of the rooms and was taken to the hospital. rescue crews say the room was not occupied and it was cleared after 5:00. 3 3 in oregon-- the last four activists who occupied a national wildlife refuge are expected to go before a judge today. 3 all four were involved in a ranching standoff and finally surrendered to f-b-i agents on thursday. their group seized the refuge nearly six weeks ago -- demanding the government to turn the land over to locals and release two ranchers who had been arrested for setting fires. all four face a federal felony charges. 3 also happening today -- law enforcement across the country are encouraging everyone to wear blue.its to honor police
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the line of duty. the national sheriff's association says this comes after a string of deadly attacks on police officers -- who were killed just this week --including one in georgia -- two in maryland -- and one in north dakota.a moment of silence will take place at one p-m eastern time. 3 the greenville zoo will announce the name and gender of their new baby giraffe today. 3 the greenville zoo staff will talk about autumn the giraffe's baby -- who was born on february second. the event will take place in front of the giraffe exhibit at 1:30. during that time -- the calf's name and gender will be revealed.we'll be there for it all.the zoo will reopen to the public tomorrow at 10 a-m. 3 it is freezing cold today..and nicole says it'll be cold tomorrow.. tomorrow..the perfect weather for taking a dip in a lake..seriously.. carolina's joe gagnon is live from lake hartwell..because a bunch of people will be doing that
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3 tomorrow morning it is dozens are signed up to jump into these rather cold lake hartwell.. hartwell..they are doing it for a good cause for sure.. it's for a fund called pennies for support babies born was started by grace cromer who was born prematurely herself and weighed about a pound..registration is at 9 am...the plunging begins at the portman marina in andersonto sign up..go to 3 3 back to you..
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3 time for traffic and weather
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3 ((weather hit))flurries possible 3 friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s. saturday becomes sunny and cool in the 30s and mid-40s, followed by highs in the 30s sunday.
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showers and possible sleet, then changes to heavy rain by late afternoon. some light accumulation is possible before changing to rain. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to chris with traffic.
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3 with to chris 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: this: 3 you're looking live atpit crew traffic sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet kevin whitaker sponsored by pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker
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3 news you need to one was hurt when an s-u-v slammed into a home in greer last happened on anita street. police say the driver experienced some type of medical condition. one person was inside the home at the time. 3 one man is on the run and another is in jail after an armed robbery in spartanburg county. deputies say the suspects held up the "scotchman convenience store on north blackstock road with an assault rifle. we're told matthew hemphill could be driving a 1997 or 2007 burgundy b-m-w. 3 nascar has new a new daytona 500 qualifying format along with overtime rules.drivers will now have unlimited tries to finish a race with a new overtime lane.duel races will still be used to determine the dayton starting line up but will reduce the number of open spots. 3 we head to break with a live look at...greenville county.. pelham road you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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today, lori grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge, fully cooked and ready in seconds.
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which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo, prompting a celebration in lori's backyard. with jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days. 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're
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pleasantburg ... b-j-u... republican candidates.. forum for faith and families.. 3 parents -- what if your son told you he was dropping out of college to dunk basketballs for a living? living?well, that's exactly what one canadian man told his mother. mother."jordan kilganon" says he dropped out of school with just a year left on his bachelor's degree.he says his mother was not a fan when he told her.jordan is now popular on youtube with his creative dunks.he also has a training program that is bringing in money.according to jordan,
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3 now to weather with nicole 3 ((weather hit))flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 traffic center.chris is in the 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're
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3 you're looking live at: 3 we head to break with a live look at...usc upstateyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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bamberg: i was one of the leaders in the house to take charge and say the flag has to come down now. bernie aligns more with what i'm passionate about -- addressing issues with civil rights, criminal justice reform, income disparities. change needs to happen and it needs to happen now. we need a leader like bernie who is not afraid to go against the status quo. for years he stood up against wrong, even when it wasn't popular.
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3 the morning news at 6:30 starts now.. now.. 3 a few flurries will be possible during morning, then skies will clear for the afternoon. mountains will see snow near tennessee most of the day. highs will reach the 40s. 40s. 3 the republican candidates will have a debate right here in downtown greenville at the peace center ahead of the south carolina primary. i'm live with a report. 3 good morning.... it's friday, february 12i'm lauren elise eliseand i'm ben hill, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay.
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3 ((weather hit))flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight 3 stays dry and cold in the 20s. 3 let's send it over to chris. 3*********hold******
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watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 you're looking live at: 3 we're following breaking news this morningone person is recovering from burns after a fire broke out at a greenville inn.according to firefighters, a fire broke out at the country hearth inn on bruce road around 4:30.the assistant chief says one person was burned trying to fight the fire in one of the rooms and was taken to the hospital. rescue crews say the room was not occupied and it was cleared after 5:00. 3 3 we are just about a week out
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presidential primary and in just a few hours there is an opportunity for you to catch up woth four of the candidates. candidates.a forum is happening at bob jones university -- it will deal with issues surrounding faith and families. carolina's ashley minelli is live there this morning... and ashley aside from front runner donald trump... there's some big names attending... 3 ted cruz, marco rubio, jeb bush, and ben carson who round out the top 5 in the sc gop polls will a be here for the event 3 - candidates will take the stage separately 3 beginning at 12:30- doors open for the forum at 11- ag alan wilson will be here to moderate 3 - here's a look at the line up
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speaking in reverse order of how they poll here in sc- even happening founders memorial amphitorum 3 - tickets available online- free general admission
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3 the national spotlight will be on greenville tomorrow when the republicans meet for a debate at the peace center. center.we're still waiting to find out who exactly will be on stage when the debate begins at nine oclock. oclock.based on criteria for the debate... out of the seven republican candidates donald trump, ted cruz, and marco rubio will automatically be on the stage.polls indicate: jeb bush and john kasich could also be included. 3 senator marco rubio will be in the upstate for a third day in a row. row.after he e tends the forum at b-j-u--a rally is planned at the downtown greenville airport at 5 oclock.this is a look at his town hall event at southside christian school in simpsonville thursday.the senator addressed a wide range of topics from foreign 3 3 3 you are scared and you are worried, you are concerned and you have every right to be. no ordinary election, this elections a turning point. history will write that 2016 is a turning point for america. what kind of turning point is what we must now
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3 jeb bush is also 3 jeb bush is also making a stop in the upstate before he heads to that forum at bob jones. he's holding a meet and greet at the anderson civic center this morning at 11:15. 3 doctor ben carson stopped by the gaffney visitor's center thursday afternoon.he spoke with voters during a q-and-a session with the political group "americans for peace, prosperity and security." carson says the current administration is not handling the gun control issue well. 3 3 "the obama administration's ideal of taking care of this is to deprive the people of guns. i think it's really just the opposite. the government should be offering the people free courses in how to utilize guns in order to protect themselves." themselves."for a list of where all the candidates will be click on the "you decide" section of fox carolina dot com. 3 right now there are seven candidates remaining on the
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side...and just one week after that...the democrats will face off in their primary election on february 27-th.sanders and clinton took part in a debate last night in wisconsin--y-y'll hear from both of them in the next hour. 3 3 covering our counties now:a greenville county teen is **behind bars** this morning -- charged with church vandalism. vandalism.investigators say they've been trying to track down a suspect for months. fountain inn police say they arrested 18 year old robert grigsby, junior from simpsonville on thursday. police say back on january 5th, bethlehem baptist had windows, glass doors, and vehicle windows were shot out with what appeared to be a b-b leaders say they 3 3 3 it breaks your heart. you know, we're not mad at him because kids sometimes do stupid stuff. but you know, we don't want them to attack us, and we just want jesus in their heart heart3 rocky creek missionary baptist and calvary baptist in simpsonville were also vandalized last nth.police say grigsby is not charged in
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3 spartanburg county investigators are asking for your help tracking down a theif.. caught on camera. camera.police say the person you see here broke through the glass door of the m and m tax building located off east blackstock road.reports state they were called out on wednesday morning around 8:30 when someone came to the store to get their tax refund.we're told the robber got away with cash.if you know anything about this burglary -- call spartanburg police- 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 ((weather hit))flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies come partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s.
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3 now to chris with traffic. *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 3 you are taking a live look at:
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3 it's ______.good morning joe. joe.good morning you guys. we're out at lake hartwell where a bunch of crazy people freezing waters tomorrow!but not to worry, it's all for a up. 3 we head to break with a live news on fox carolina.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look at...greenville county.. pelham road 3 it is going to be bitter cold tomorrow morning..but when you head outside..don't grab your winter jacket..get your swim trunks.. trunks..and then.. jump in a lake.. carolina's joe
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hartwell in anderson to explain why.. 3 tomorrow morning it is dozens are signed up to jump
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hartwell..3 they are doing it for a good cause for's for a fund called pennies for support babies born was started by grace cromer who was born prematurely herself and weighed about a pound.. registration is at 9 am...the plunging begins at the portman marina in andersonto sign up..go to 3 3 back to you..
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3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 ((weather hit))flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s. saturday
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30s and mid-40s, followed by highs in the 30s sunday. monday starts with snow showers and possible sleet, then changes to heavy rain by late afternoon. some light accumulation is possible before changing to rain. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching: watching: 3watching: watching:we are 3*********hold****** *********hold***************hold******
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3 to pit crew 3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching:hwy 290 @ e. poinsett st ext injuries eastbound lanes openi-26 west @ 24 mm mm 3
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pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker 3 3 time for news you need to enforcement agencies across the nation are encouraging you to wear blue's to show support of officers killed and hurt in the line of duty. a moment of silence will take place this afternoon at 1:00. 3 the federal trial for accused church shooter "dylann roof" will be delayed.defense lawyers say they want to wait to see if prosecutors will pursue the death penalty.his summer. 3 prison leaders in mexico say at least 52 inmates have been killed in a prison riot.local media is reporting the fight was caused by two rival factions.pope francis is scheduled to visit another month. 3 we head to break with a live look at... usc upstate 3 but first let's take a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. numbers.
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3 good morning, i'm cody alcorn. and i'm diana watson.first at four...with winter weather on the way ... we'll take a look at five things that can land you in the e-r if you're not careful.and it's decision time for voters ... and the g-o-p candidates have stops all over the upstate tomorrow to win your support in the primary.
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3 you're watching the morn3 welcome back--we're taking a live look at... greenville county 3 kanye west has a new clothing line and music album this morning. morning.he invited 18-thousand fans to his listening party called "yeezy season 3" in madison square garden thursday. the new album is titled "the life of pablo".he also showcased a new collection of clothes and adidas shoes to compliment his album.after the show was over, he debuted a teaser for a video game he's designed called "only one".the of his new album has not been set. 3 the pressure is mounting for the remaining 12-american idol
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to work with american idol winners from years past. 3 3 3 'let the sky fall,' fall,'3 that was asheville's own- caleb johnson - the winner of season 13 of american idol. caleb performed 'let the sky fall' by adele with contestant soniko . both singers had to work out their different genre styles before finding the right sound.they were eventually able to rock it out and impress the judges. 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 ((weather hit))flurries possible friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry
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3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: on: 3 you're looking live at:
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3 it's ______.3 the gop presidential hopefuls are coming to greenville. ashley minelli is live with what you need to know about a forum thats happening today. 3 be sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long. we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock. throughout our four hours of news you can catch live reports from the field, plus weather and traffic updates
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(vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one.
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candidates are going all over south carolina, working for your votes.we're live at bob jones university where some of the candidates will be talking about faith and family, later today., the democratic candidates face off in their last debate before the south carolina'll hear how hillary clinton and bernie sanders are making their case.. coming up. up. 3 some of you could see flurries this morning.. as cold conditions linger.we'll see what's in store for the weekend.. coming up. 3 good morning.... it's friday, february 12.i'm lauren elise.... 3 and i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and chris scott.
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3 flurries possible 3 friday morning through lunchtime, then snow develops near tennessee in the mountains. otherwise, skies become partly cloudy with highs in the mid-40s upstate, and upper 30s in the mountains. tonight stays dry and cold in the 20s. 3 ((wrap up))3 3 let's send it over to chris


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