tv Morning News 8 FOX February 25, 2016 8:00am-9:00am EST
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tonight. 3 high winds leave a big mess in spartanburg county.we're giving you a live look .. coming up. up.following back to back wins for donald trump.. the republican presidential candidates have another debate tonight.we'll tell you what to watch for.. coming up. 3 good morning.... it's thursday, february 25.i'm lauren elise.... 3 and i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and chris scott. thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 power outages are still affecting our area this last check more than 34-hundred duke energy customers were still without power in spartanburg county. greenville county is reporting about 28-hundred.and in anderson county about 11- hundred homes and businesses are in the dark.and in rutherford county a little over a thousand people are
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3 now lets send it over to the pit crew traffic center. 3 we're watching: watching: 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 3 at least four more people have died in a powerful storm system that's affected areas from the gulf up to the east coast. coast.that system has brought heavy rain.. winds and virginia.. two men and a young boy were
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tornado hit their mobile home. storm warnings and advisories stretched more than 14 hundred miles across the country wednesday.. putting about 50 million people in the storm's path. 3 one death was reported in south carolina on wednesday. we're told a man was killed in darlington county after being hit by a fallen tree. 3 people in the upstate are dealing with wind damage this morning... especially in spartanburg county.snapped power lines on several streets -- and downed trees have created a mess across the area. 3 fox carolina's ashley minelli is live on east park street in spartanburg where one tree took out a power line ... 3 - ad lib about the tree and the power line- talk about current outage 3 - looks like tree missed house
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street closed down now... - off of daniel morgan avenue avenue- downed trees a common scene in 3 spartanburg- one man took matter's into his own hands- cutting branches that fell in his yard on blachard road 3 professional tree clean up: - don't take matters into your own hands, call clean up service- don't want to mess around with power lines... and power tools
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3 windy conditions made a house fire in greenville much more dangerous wednesday evening. crews responded to this home on smythe street... near the lofts can see heavy smoke in the air.there's word on how bad the damage was.. or how the fire started. 3 3 covering our counties-- spartanburg county deputies are looking for a man accused of trying to run someone off the road, after a drug deal went bad. bad.deputies were called to the hot spot on north blackstock road tuesday. witnesses said a group of people were trying to buy drugs, and then tried to rob the dealer.they say christopher cox used his car to push theirs off the road. we're told one person had to be taken to the hospital. hospital.christopher cox is now wanted for attempted 1-888-crime-sc if you know where he is. 3 new this morning...anderson county sheriff john skipper is campaign today. today.the sheriff is set to speak at noon at tucker's restaurant in anderson.sheriff skipper says he wants to keep
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businesses and county leaders to make the county safer.he was first elected in 2008. 2008.but he is being challenged in his re-election bid.three other republican candidates are running against democrats have announced plans to run.the primary is june 14. 3 3 tonight, the republican presidential candidates will debate again.. five days ahead of "super tuesday." tuesday."cnn and telemundo are hosting the debate in houston. after donald trump won nevada and south carolina.. the other candidates will be looking to chip away at his chances of becoming the nomimie.analysts predict marco rubio and ted cruz may go after trump more aggressively than ever before. next tuesday... republican voters in 11 states-- including georgia and tennessee-- will head to the polls. 3 48 hours before the south carolina primary.. the democratic candidates are meeting with voters. voters.on wednesday, hillary clinton was in columbia. today..she will make stops on the coast and in the lowcountry.during her stop in florence, , she'll also be joined by new jersey senator cory booker.meanwhile, her husband will campaign on her behalf in the upstate.. upstate..former president bill
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this afternoon.. to take a tour of the golden strip career center.then at 4:30.. he will have a get out the vote rally at usc upstate.that event is open to the public. 3 bernie sanders will return to south carolina tomorrow.he will take a tour and have a rally at claflin university in orangeburg.there will also be a get out the vote rally and concert at township auditiorium in columbia.both events are free and open to the public. 3 the third candidate on the democratic ballot-- doctor willie wilson-- is telling upstate voters that the democratic national committee isn't giving him a fair shot. he held a town hall event at the phillis wheatley center on wednesday.. and talked about his views on gun control, education and national security.he also donated five thousand dollars to phillis wheatley to help get their roof fixed. 3 the south carolina democratic primary is this saturday.polls are open from seven am to seven carolina will have full team coverage of those results as they come in. we'll keep you updated on air and online throughout the night. 3 now for weather and traffic every 10 minutes.
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3 expect sunny, breezy conditions for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light tennessee border snow lingers. tonight stays clear and cold with lows at freezing or below. friday brings back sunshine and cool temperatures in the low 50s. 3 ((adlibs)) 3 let's send it over to chris.3 3 we're watching:spring forest @ haywood/howell rds batesville rd @ pelham rd tree downi-85 south just before exit 54/pelham rd
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3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 good morning, joe-- joe--good morning, good morning, joe-- joe-- 3 happening this weekend... kids in the upstate have a chance to sit down to breakfast wth their favorite storybook characters.we're live in spartanburg with the details. 3 here's a live look over clemson -- you're watching the
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3 today, south carolina's budget writing committee will finish work on a plan to spend millions on roads, and give teachers a pay raise. raise.the house ways and means committee tentatively approved a seven-point-five billion dollar plan on wednesday.the budget provides 250 million dollars for road calls for d-s-s to hire more case also spends an additional 300 million on k- through-12th grade.this includes a two percent raise for teachers.. with veteran teachers getting more.the budget also calls for a 130 million dollar income tax cut. 3 3 this in spartanburg will be able to meet some of the legendary figures of childhood..'s the storybook breakfast being put on by the spartanburg junior league.. league.. fox carolina's joe gagnon is live from the
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3 the junior league of 3 spartanburg will be putting on this event..and many kids will see these legends of children's tales in person.. person.. 3 saturday, february 27, 201610am cleveland park event center choose between 5 table themes: eric carle, thomas the train, pinkalicious, dr. seuss, and pete the catwe will have face painting, music, and storybook characters!children will receive a copy of a spartanburg based book written by jls president- elect leah anderson 3 back to you..
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will be sunny and cool in the low 50s, while sunday warms into the low 60s. next week, a slight chance for showers comes monday with otherwise dry conditions through midweek, highs in the 60s, and lows in the 40s. expect a sunny, breezy day for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light tennessee border snow will linger. tonight stays clear and cold with lows at freezing or below. friday and saturday will be sunny and cool in the low 50s, while sunday warms into the low 60s. next week, a
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traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac! 3 3 3 news you need to know..a buncombe county woman is behind bars accused of stabbing her roomate and then taking off with three children, deputies say it happened in weaverville tuesday night. krystal hopkins was found shortly after with the kids. the victim is expected to be ok. 3 a colorado community is remembering a sheriff's corporal who was killed in the line of duty wednesday morning. nate carrigan was killed and two others were hurt when a man they were trying to evict from a foreclosed home opened fire on them.the gunman was killed. 3 florida health workers say three pregnant women have tested postive for zika--bringing the total number in the state to 32. they say all the new cases are believed to be travel related. zika can cause birth defects in babies. 3 and here's a live look in greenville--you're watching
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news on fox carolina.we're looking live over lake hartwell. 3 for decades, cold cereal has been a breakfast staple -- but a new study is showing millennials may be bucking that trend. trend.the study shows that *40 percent of millennials surveyed said they don't eat cereal because they have to clean up afterwards.results show they choose smoothies or breakfast bars instead. millennials surveyed also say they don't want to start the day off with processed grains. the survey was conducted by the market research company mintel.
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3 expect sunny, breezy conditions for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light tennessee border snow lingers. tonight stays clear and cold with lows at freezing or below. friday brings back sunshine and cool temperatures in the low 50s. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 time for traffic. 3 we're watching:spring forest @
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rd @ pelham rd tree downi-85 south just before exit 54/pelham rd rd 3 here's a live look at west 3 washington street in greenville. 3 3 3 it's ______.leaders at hollywild animal park are asking neighbors to step up and help.. or else the park may close.more on that story when we come back. 3 here's a live look over greenville--you're watching
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much colder. colder. 3 high winds leave a big mess in spartanburg county.we're giving you a live look .. coming up. 3 good morning.... it's thursday, february 25.i'm ben hill. hill.and i'm lauren elise .. here with nicole papay and chris scott.thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 take a live look in downtown greenville. during yesterday's high winds, a utility pole was pushed into power lines along whitestone glendale road. this morning there are still thousands without power in the upstate. 3 and in mauldin --the winds whipped the roof right off a bus shelter at the golden strip career actually landed on the roof of the main building.. causing some damage.thankfully no students or staff were hurt.
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3 time for traffic with chris. 3 we're watching:spring forest @ haywood/howell rds batesville rd @ pelham rd tree downi-85 south just before exit 54/pelham rd rd 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 in spartanburg county- downed trees and snapped power lines are a *common* sight this morning.. after high winds whipped through the area... wreaking havoc. havoc.and thousands are *still* without power in the area as a result. 3 fox carolina's ashley minelli is live on east park street... and ashley- luckily the tree
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3 it did miss the house... but you can see, it did *not* miss the power line here here 3 - off of daniel morgan avenue- one of *several* downed trees throughout spartanburg county- closed down roads... and kicked out power here herecheck this out... the wind scooped up this trampoline, and it landed *perfectly* on a home homeowner- tried to get it offquite a phenomenal sight.... 3 3 3 "i think it blowed up here and hit these blocks up here and i don't know it just got airborne, and it's crazy how
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know!"3 - right down the street... one of her neighbors took matters into his own hands- cutting branches that fell in his yard on blachard road3 3 - tons of cleanup today... professionals do recommend calling them in... especially in situations like this one one 3 dont forget to download our fox carolina weather app for
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weather moves into our area.we update it around the clock. 3 3 covering our counties.. anderson county investigators say they need the communities support to find a man accused of stabbing a security guard. guard.police say "abe cowan" tried to leave the anderson mall with stolen clothes earlier this month. month.when the security officer tried to stop him - he him, pulled out a knife, and cut the officer's arm.if you see him or know where he crime stoppers at 1-888-crime-sc. 3 a spartanburg county animal park is hoping the community will rally around them to save it from going under. under.hollywild animal park met with the community wednesday morning during a public forum.park leaders asked what changes need to be made to make the park a better place.they say hollywild is at a crossroads after a tough year in they're asking you to help them reach an ambitious goal. 3 3 3 financially, with volunteer effort, with in-kind donations, with support to insure that we have a strong future moving forward. it's time we asked and it's time
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responds."3 the parks director says hollywild may have to close their doors for good if they can't get enough support from the community.if you have any suggestions for the animal park--we've got a link on fox carolina dot com. 3 3 tonight, the republican presidential candidates will debate again.. five days ahead of "super tuesday." tuesday."cnn and telemundo are hosting the debate in houston. after donald trump won nevada and south carolina.. the other candidates will be looking to chip away at his chances of becoming the nominee.analysts predict marco rubio and ted cruz may go after trump more aggressively than ever before. next tuesday... gop voters in 11 states-- including georgia and tennessee-- will head to the polls. 3 the democratic candidates are campaigning in south carolina, ahead of saturday's primary. hillary clinton heads to the lowcountry today.. while her husband will be in mauldin and at usc upstate this afternoon. bernie sanders returns to the midlands can find
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carolina dot com. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. minutes. 3 expect sunny, breezy conditions for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light tennessee border snow lingers. tonight stays clear and cold with lows at freezing or below. friday brings back sunshine and cool temperatures in the low 50s.
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3 now time for traffic with chris. 3 we're watching:spring forest@ haywood/howell rdi-85 south just before exit 54/pelham rd rd 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- joe-- 3 happening this weekend... kids in the upstate have a chance to sit down to breakfast wth their favorite storybook characters.we're live in
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3 here's a live look over greenville-- you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. introducing longhorn's big, bold, steaks. the only way to make em' better was to make em' bigger. our new center cut 10 ounce filet. our perfectly seasoned 16 ounce t-bone. and our fire grilled 18 ounce outlaw ribeye. big, bold, steaks. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. for lunch, try our steakhouse burger
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic. 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox are looking live in chicago.. dealing with a major winter storm.hundreds of flights are canceled today... 3 3 health workers are monitoring three pregnant women in florida who have tested positive for zika virus. virus.the secretary of health announced the cases on wednesday saying all three cases are travel related.those three cases now brings the total in florida to far there have been no *confirmed cases in south workers have identified several cases in georgia and north leaders are calling zika in south
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3 with just months left in office, president obama is considering several supreme court candidates to replace justice antonin scalia. scalia.white house sources say one of the candidates is nevada's republican governor "brain sandoval".sandoval says he has not been contacted by the president but says he's honored to be considered.he has experience on the bench as a former federal judge.senate minority leader harry reid says he will back the governor. majority leader mitch mcconnell says lawmakers will not hold hearings or vote on any of the president's nominations. 3 3 the spartanburg junior league is just days away from one of the most legendary breakfasts imaginable..'s the storybook breakfast and it is this saturday.. carolina's joe gagnon is live from the hub city with more.. 3 3 3 saturday, february 27, 201610am cleveland park event center choose between 5 table themes: eric carle, thomas the train, pinkalicious, dr. seuss, and pete the catwe will have face
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3 expect a sunny, breezy day for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light tennessee border snow will linger. tonight stays clear and cold with lows at freezing or below. friday and saturday will be sunny and cool in the low 50s, while sunday warms into the low 60s. next week, a slight chance for showers comes monday with otherwise dry conditions through midweek, highs in the 60s, and
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sunny, breezy day for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light tennessee border snow will linger. tonight stays clear and cold with lows at freezing or below. friday and saturday will be sunny and cool in the low 50s, while sunday warms into the low 60s. next week, a slight chance for showers comes monday with otherwise dry conditions through midweek, highs in the 60s, and
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3 let's send it over to chris for traffic. 3 3 3 we're watching: landrum crash w. rutherford rd @ mtn view rd accident/shoulder i-385 north @ woodruff rd/exit 35 35 3 3 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on--pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac! 3 3 3 and time for birthday shout-
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celebrating their 33rd anniversary.-gregory from piedmont. piedmont.some belated shout-outs...-cindy from iva. -kristie from fountain inn. -bernice from spartanburg. -sandra from spartanburg. spartanburg.-aniyah from greenwood greenwoodif you'd like us to mention a birthday on the air, send the name, date, and hometown to *birthdays at fox carolina dot com.*and let us know if you'd like to see it in either the 7 or 8 o'clock hour. 3 we'll be right back.but first... a look at yesterday's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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there once were two sisters whowere alike in almost every way.they each had a nice family,lived in a nice house and had internet service whichthey used to download music, shop and stream videos. everything was the same...except one of them had high speed internet from at&tand only paid $15 per month. uh, excuse me! she's only paying how much? er. [clears throat]$15 per month. it's the high speed internet youwant at a price you'll love. and it's really reliable. we like it more than our old cable internet. high speed internet from at&t is99.9% reliable, so you can stream, surf anddownload worry free. okay, we're switching to at&t! so...everything is the same. well, almost... get high speed internet-just $15 dollars a month for 12 months with other qualifying service and a one-year agreement. all on one bill! and get a $100-dollar promotional card with thisgreat offer! only from at&t. don't wait.
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3 we're back with news you need to least four more deaths are being blamed on a powerful storm system that's traveled from the gulf up to the east virginia.. two men and a young boy were killed death was reported in darlington county south carolina. 3 tonight, the republican presidential candidates will debate again.. five days ahead of "super tuesday."cnn and telemundo are hosting the debate in tuesday... republican voters in 11 states-- including georgia and tennessee-- will head to the polls. 3 south carolina's budget writing committee will finish work on a plan to spend millions on roads, and give teachers a pay raise today.the seven-point-five billion dollar plan was tentatively approved on wednesday.the budget provides 250 million dollars for road work. 3 expect sunny, breezy conditions for most on thursday with highs in the mid-40s to low 50s. light
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3 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 a unique little kitten in california is permanantly stylish thanks to her little mustache. mustache.the feline known asas **mustache kitten** was found abandoned in a donation bin at a salvation you can see, the kitten has a pattern around its mouth in the shape of a perfect mustache.a shelter worker thinks the little kitten can be a movie star with the look. 3 3 3 "we think she's going to be a beauty the rest of her life and especially given the right kind of care. (covered by cu, sally anne) and that face is remarkable it's unforgettable." unforgettable."animal workers say they think the little kitten should be ready for adoption by next week. 3 thanks for joining us for the morning news on fox carolina. don't forget to join diana, cody and kendra at four, ten,
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honey, would some captain d's make you feel better? yeeeaah! (woo) when you love seafood this much... back again? i hope it's just a clumsy phase.'s gotta be d's. anything's worth it for our new home-style flounder meal or double dozen shrimp. also, try our grilled menu featuring new tuscan tilapia. for full meals starting at just $4.99,
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>> wendy: get ready for a huge "the 700 club." presidential hopeful donald trump sits down with pat robertson. plus...a mother in constant pain. >> i would sometimes have to forego even playing with my son. >> wendy: and nothing offered relief. >> i couldn't sleep. >> wendy: how she got her ultimate gift. >> he is definitely my healer. >> wendy: on today's "700 club." >> pat: well, welcome to "the 700 club." man, we had a time yesterday. the clear front-runner for the republican presidential nomination came to regent university, donald trump. he made his views clear on several key issues during his visit, including government spending, president obama's executive orders, and what he wants in a supreme court justice.
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