tv Today NBC October 20, 2015 2:07am-3:00am CDT
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the day that the shriner omey is here. >> he's got a new song "cheerleader." and he's going to be hear singing "cheerleader." >> and then the ladies of hollywood and tinseltown have things buzzing. we'll get you up to date with what you might have missed. >> plus colin quinn is here. >> are you sure it's not -- >> if you're noticing something a little different with our ms. hodi, hoda has changed. bay pay attention and alert the media. hoda has changed her part to go to the left. somebody had mentioned that --
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who was it? who? >> carol burnett. >> was it carol? she notices everything. >> she said you can't see. your bangs are a mess. i'm, like, they are? >> half the time you're looking this way. and your bangs were covering half your face. >> say something funny, i'm so not used to it, because for my whole life, how old am i, 51? ever since i've had a part, it's been that way. and now it's that way. >> turn, look and see hoda's beautiful face. thank you, carol burnett. when was i off? >> you were off on friday. >> no, we weren't. >> i was out in california. and i said, she's right. thank you, carol burnett. pumpkin? >> i saw it. >> the west bury islands. somebody went to a lot of trouble to make that.
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anyway, that's pumpkin. >> thank you for that. >> one of our producers was there with her cute son blake. >> thank you for sending that. how sweet. >> wow, so you never know what's going to happen when you're on a flight. and this is a weird one. there was a southwest airlines flight going from l.a. to san fran. >> not a long flight. >> a quickie. >> hoda knows about quickies. >> that was not funny, okay? >> a laugh from the crew. >> so the person, there was a woman sitting here, and she man behind her. it upset the man so much that apparently according to sources he reached around and grabbed her neck. in that region so, to stop her. and they were having an altercation. so it was so bad that they turned the plane around. >> she screamed for help when the crew came. >> it was escalating.
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>> well, chokings usually do. >> that's the way they described it. >> allegedly. >> i want to know what happened. i think pre-game arguing. i don't know that the first thing out of the gate, it's horrible, obviously, but grabs someone's throat. >> you're allowed to recline your chair. or i hate it when you get on a plane and they won't let you recline it at all. you don't want to be rude to the person behind you. >> if you have a child and someone has longer legs and stuff. >> who has longer legs than you, hodi. >> you feel like you're going to get kneecaped. apparently the fbi's involved. it's a whole situation. and he was removed and detained. >> but not arrested. they're going to figure out what happened. >> you know, when you fly, people get very edgy. there's a lot of edginess going on at the airport. >> who knows if there was alcohol involved.
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>> you're right. >> you never know. >> or pills. there's all kinds of ways to get loopy. are you a germaphobe? hodi and i are not germaphobes. we have several famous germaphobes around here. >> matt lauer. >> to remain nameless. but buzz feed took a look at the daily struggles of a germaphobe. take a look. he >> i'm justin. nice to meet you. [ laughter ] >> can i have a sip of that? >> i'll get another one.
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[ laughter ] >> come on. try a little bit. try it. >> come on, try it. >> no! [ laughter ] >> oh, my god, i'm so sorry. >> some people are like that. >> i get the one about the coughing and the handshaking. that's one i get. the other oncees i don't really get. >> donald trump has famously been a germaphobe. long before howie was. and i see videos of him out in the field. and you have to shake hands and kiss babies, and lots of times there's stuff drooling off babies, but i've never seen him grimace. >> maybe his immune system is kicking in. that's what happens after enough germs slather on you. >> have you had your flu shot yet? >> not yet. >> some people don't believe in those at all, who shall remain nameless. showering with soap.
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i'm so tired of these surveys. >> if you are taking your morning shower, they say that you don't need to lather yourself up with soap. you need to have soap in specified areas. >> where, hoda woman? >> you need do it under your armpits and downstairs, and that's all. >> and behind. >> you don't need your arms, your chest, your legs, that's they say the soap -- >> dries out your skin. >> you might be killing off good bacteria on skin which may harm our immunity. >> i think if you take one shower a day, you're probably not hurting anything. >> it depends on what you do for a living. hookers should do it more often. [ laughter ] >> okay. bradley cooper was on ellen yesterday. and, or today, actually. and he's got that movie out that looks great, called "burnt."
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he's a chef. he and ellen decide to have some fun. ellen had her hands behind her back and bradley's doing the work for her. take a look at how things got personal. >> it's time to cook, okay. now i'm going to just, look at the carrots. oh. it's important to taste it. they're delicious. mm. [ laughter ] [cheers and applause] >> so, knead the dough. i like to put my whole body into it. [cheers and applause] >> all right. i have to wipe my -- me liky. >> you know what? we did a thing on "whose line is it anyway", just like that with the guys, and it was so insane.
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>> bradley cooper. >> i know. >> so chrissy teigen and john legend announced they're having a baby. now they have the bump to prove it. she posted the photo on instagram. there we go. now fans started asking her if she was expecting more than one child because she did ivf. so this is what chrissy teigen responded in the only way she can. it isn't twins. i can see the damn things. get out of my uterus. you know what? she really doesn't care. >> she's saying it in a funny way? >> everything she says is that way. >> if you follow her tweets, apparently a lot of people say that's who she is. it's really her. but you do, you want to share your happy news, but you also don't want to be grilled about private details. >> so get out of her uterus is what she's saying.
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yet? there is something that announces christmas, that's the new toy truck. >> families have been sending it to us every year. >> all the children can play there. they've got the whole thing. >> i've got one. >> oh. oh. come on, hon. look at this. >> oh, how fun. >> look at this one. you've got the silver one. >> i've got the silver one. >> randomly placed into regular toy boxes. did they say 1,000, or 100? >> 100. you might get this one. >> they're $30, available on november 1st. from the hess toy you don't want to his the juiciest stories in hollywood.
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he is breathing on his own. he has talked, said some words to khloe, like good morning >> that make since. >> and he passed something called the swallow test, which is very important. which means he can swallow on his own. which means that his throat was not damaged by the ventilator or by the strokes themselves. >> i was reading that khloe was going to be with him throughout. sounds like she was going to is that true? too. she has been there by his side the whole time. she has a little cot next to his bed. she is planning to stay with him through the rehab, whatever he needs. he is going to need a lot of physical rehab because of the stroke and everything he's been through. >> they're not officially divorced. these things take a long time. it will be interesting to see what happens in the relationship. >> it's going to be at least two to four months before the
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but her whole family has been there. kris, kendall, this beautiful photo was instagramed saying they believe in the power of prayer. and think were happy to see him smile. >> yeah, everybody's pulling for him. gwen stefani debuted new music, it's always fun when they do that. >> she did. and it was a surprise. she was at the hammerstein ballroom and sang a new song "used to love you." so you can imagine who that's about. we're imagining. gavin, her husband of 13 years. they just separated two months ago. >> she got very emotional singing, is that right? >> yes. there's a video of herself singing. and she got very teary-eyed in the video. and the lyrics are very emotional. all about, i thought i was the
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>> that ever happened to you. >> and that i used to, i'm crying because i remember, i loved you before i hated you. you know, very intense. >> do we know the reason for this? i mean, it's nobody's business, but everybody asks. >> everybody wants to snowknow. >> in that rock and roll world, they seemed so suited to each other. and solid parents. >> we don't know the reason, but they have three kids, and one of them's just a year old. soy guess the problems were fairly recent. >> there was other new music released, at least we think it's new, by adele, right? there's a new song, is that for sure? >> it is a bit of a mystery. what happened is uk x factor yesterday, they went to commercial. and then this song just started playing. i think theres with a black backdrop. and it sounded like adele. and the rumor has been that she's coming out with a new
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>> let's listen. we'll decide. >> hoda's an expert. >> hello. it's me i was wondering >> yes! that is her. >> do you think it's her? >> i'm not 100% sure. >> i hope it's her. we want new mikes. real quick, bridget moynahan. congratulations. she got married. >> who's the man she married. >> andrew frankle. he's a businessman. it was a surprise, very spall wedding in the hamptons. and she instagramed this picture and said hey, look what i just did. >> hey, look what i just did. >> i always. happy and proud of these people who are able to do it their way and not have it -- frank and i
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and it was our 29th wedding anniversary yesterday. anwish and i wish them a lifetime of happiness. get your holiday shopping done early. what gives that gives back. >> we'll dig into the shopping back after this. this. we brought our freshly made bed to the streets to find out how much people love clean sheets. take one of those pillows and take a big smell. they smell really fresh. oooh, this is hot! what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really? no way are you serious? oh! no way! downy? uh. gimme! downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. it's like deodorant for your clothes.
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100% of this, from $25, 100% goes to gilda's club. and also these charities getting people to have fun. jason woo designed this for 100%. $35. >> it's a design he made to represent in his way. 100%. >> this is st. vintage. 100% of the proceeds. i really love that. 100% is 100%. >> meaning the whole enchilada. >> going to susan g. komen. twine and twig style.
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again, 100%. >> god bless them. >> ann taylor. i'm going to move on. i'm going to do this. this is a beautiful way to give to bcrf. and this is from ann taylor, limited edition. and each sem bollymbol on the bracelet represents something else. $50, now 50% goes to the breast cancer research fund. >> a lot of money. >> and great design, fun colors. i'm loving this. this is from land's end. and a portion of the proceeds from the embroidery, each monday gram go -- monogram goes to breast
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land's this is from lowe's. let's see if thisworks. lights off. it's a mood light. and it goes to hot pink. >> it has a very pretty glow to it. >> 25 cents of each bulb goes to breast cancer awareness. i really like that for the hot pink. now this is freebies. stephanie canadel created these freebies. she said cancer is expensive. you go on the site. everything from retreats to exercise classes to makeup, to scholarships. breast cancer i love this, because it's free. >> great job. she did it in three minutes. what a woman. ohmy sings his number one song "cheerleader."
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what is he doing? >> i'm playing with the truck. >> of course you are. >> i'm going to get that truck from you. don't dismantle it! you're just my type you think it smells fine, but your wife smells this... sfx: ding music starts luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics there's febreze fabric refresher it doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors...'ve gone noseblind to woman inhales use febreze fabric refresher till it's fresh and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher two more ways [inhale + exhale mnemonic] to breathe happy. there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. now there's a new way to stay tru to your health. new trubiotics with immune support advantage. this advanced formula combines probiotics
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with the power of antioxidants to support your immune health in two ways. trubiotics from one a day. skrch... skrch... what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through this brownie mess better than the competition, the first time. cascade. i was out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? you got to know when to hold'em. know when to fold 'em. know when to walk away. know when to run. you never count your money,
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>> and he takes that as a compliment. we talking about colin quinn. >> recently starred as amy schumer's irritable dad in "train wreck." >> he's back on the stage for colin quinn "the new york story." >> who asked for more? who actually asked for more? do we have names? was it your agent who asked for more? >> no. the, first of all, you said amy schumer's dad was irritable. the guy has ms in the movie. >> he did have a reason. you did have an interesting back story there. >> did you think the movie would do as well as it did? >> i think everything is, like, the biggest, it's going to be the best. nothing ever surprises me,
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like, what's people's problem? they got to get it together. >> as a big new yorker, what do you think of the mets? >> i think it's disgraceful -- no, i like the mets. what are they going to do, lose? i'm glad to see the yankees get their comeuppance. they've been on a winning streak for too long and it's annoying to the rest of us. anyone from brooklyn, queens, that's a yankees fan, that has never been acceptable to me. >> where is it written? >> it's borders, geographically. >> is that in your show? it is written? >> it is in the bible. >> what are they going to see? give us a little. >> they're going to see a
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>> we're going to see a legend. >> it's really about new york, how new york's personality's changing, very haomogenized. i don't like the people are very soft-spoken, people are positive all the time. it's a little much. that's fine, for, like, other places. supposed to be like that. >> but new york's different. >> what about pedestrian streets. >> they're not going to go because of the nude. >> you and amy schumer have been having fun on instagram. hope things are good, need to talk about money when you get a chance. exciting investment opportunities. she responded, please take me out of your phone.
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"the martial", for chicks. the venetian. and she responded i want you far out of your phone. you guys are getting along. >> i said put the money in the bank so she won't lose it. >> she won't earn any money on it either. >> let's play a quick game with you to see how well you know new york. >> i'm going to win this game. >> no one else is playing it but you. >> what is this? here's a freeze frame of a movie. that's all you get. >> that movie? >> ghostbusters. keep going. >> what's that? >> west side story. >> that's 48th street. geez, come on, it's a generic one. that's no fair. looks like some horrible chick flick.
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>> it's your own movie! [ laughter ] >> how embarrassing. >> that was bad. that was really bad, bad, bad. >> wow. that was so embarrassing. even for you. >> here's your prize, because you won. you were alone. >> i heart new york. >> these are the beginning of new york. i hate it. >> put it on. >> all right. you can find. >> i'll put it where it belongs. >> at the theater in downtown manhattan. by popular demand, apparently. hair and makeup, we love that the '80s is back in jim and the holograms.
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the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. get ready to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. for natural looking color as real as you are. show the world your roots with root touch-up. skrch... skrch... what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through this brownie mess better than the competition, the first time.
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[cheers and applause] come on, sing it. that is the song "youngblood", from "jem and the holograms." >> it is about a shy girl who becomes an overnight singing sensation. and molly ringwald is the supportive aunt who supports gem every step of the way. >> i think you are absolutely right. you are no rock star. >> right. that's exactly what i'm saying. >> i think you have the potential to become something so much greater. >> just listen, okay? >> no, you listen. there are some ideas.
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some voices that are too special to keep hidden. >> ooh, nice, molly. >> i never had an aunt like that. did you have an aunt like that? >> no. nobody does. >> did you cut your hair for this role? >> no. my hair was already short and blond and then it went back to red and grew out. and we did additional shooting and i had to do it blond again. so it's been short for a while. >> this movie was from an actual cartoon that i was unaware of. >> you were aware? >> i was too young. >> in between us somewhere, this was a cartoon that people knew about. and that's where the story got the genesis? >> that's where the fashion, "jem and the holograms," it's where the genesis, the origin of it was, but it's completely updated. >> we focussed on the rise to fame and who the girls were before they transformed and we brought in the new social media aspect. >> and the message, what would
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you say you want girls to come away with, the empowerment thing? >> not just for girls. but of course it's led by a female. but self-expression, being who you are, family values. all that kind of good stuff. >> you're hanging out with your friends in your house, and one of your friends says you have a great voice, and she decides to upload a video and it goes into the stratosphere. >> and your life transforms and you flick your friends away, what are you doing? >> i think there's a big decision she has to make. and part of that is if she takes the fame route, she can support her family. >> and it's confusing, which is something i love about the movie. because i have two girls, and they don't really realize that you can become famous overnight, and this decision that you make can affect your entire life for the rest of your life.
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>> and you're really singing. >> yeah. >> because you're really singing on "nashville", which is one of my favorite shows. is singing your first love? >> it's kind of simultaneous. i've vocally trained for 11 years. it's simultaneous. >> and molly's a singer, too. >> i don't sing in the movie. maybe in the sequel. >> can you give us any hints about "nashville"? >> there's lots of relationship drama. >> total tramp, i hear. >> i get to sing a lot more this seen. >> good. >> well, "jem and the holograms." we're excited for you guys. and when's it open, hodi? >> this friday. he's the singer behind hits like "cheerleader", and "the hula-hoop
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like a hula hula-hoop.oop. get ready to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. for natural looking color as real as you are. show the world your roots with root touch-up. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid...
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the city concert series on "today", is proudly presented to you by citi. >> jamaican born omi has been burning up the charts. >> he released the song in jamaica in twifl2012, but it took three years for it to come to the states. >> it's off his debut album called "me 4 u." >> i love how everyone's posed. i like it. >> he's not posing. >> they're waiting.
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>> this song, did you know it was a hit back in 2012? >> we had faith. yes. my manager, he told me, he's a prophet. >> okay. and how, did it just explode or take a minute for it to catch on? >> it took a minute to catch on in the states. it came from the european end, which is quite unusual. it's usually from the u.s. >> we love you. we love your song. >> we're excited to have you sing it for you, okay? here's omi. when i need motivation my one inspiration she's always in my corner right there
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do you think i'm pretty i found myself a cheerleader she's always right there when i need her oh, i think that i found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her she walks like she grants my wishes like a jeanie in a genie in a bottle do you need me do you think i'm pretty she will make you feel like i really think that i found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her ooh, i think i found myself a cheerleader
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ooh, i think that i found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her yeah ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, yeah oh, >> yeah! >> omi. >> oh, my, that was omi. that was terrific. >> congratulations. >> how awesome to hear it live. how terrific. >> you guys were great. our favorite things are next. but first, this is "today", on nbc. >> i like that song. she is always right there when i need her she grants my wishes like a
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well, if our sunny was right, she said it wasn't carol burnett but cloris leachman about the part. >> mine is josie maran argan illuminizer. you add this to your, your regular foundation or you just wear it alone, and it's 2$26. josie maran. >> it's a mini curling iron. this little pouch, like when you travel, you turn it on and you want to pack your stuff up you don't have to wait for it to cool. you slip it in here and put the
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it is a flat iron, which is what i thought i said. it's $30. look how cute and little it is. >> both of them $30. sold at sly beauty supply. hoda's having fun with that. marlow thomas is in a new play. and we're going to have halloween fun.n fun. all investors. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the market for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. i'm here to help you start it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you money. my job isn't just to entertain but to educate you and teach you. but to teach you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. orb tweet me @jim cramer. you can always tell when you're in earnings season.
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