tv U.S. Farm Report NBC November 29, 2015 5:00am-6:00am CST
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market movement during a holidayweek. "this price at 3.60, 3.70 corn is too cheap, i think it'svery relative and i think it could be a lot longer at thatlevel barring some sort of weather event." weather in the week ahead and if you're wondering what the weather isgoing to be like over the next 90 days, i'll have your winterforecast coming up snow is filling john's world.. "thefirst snow, it's a special thing." and celebrate theseason. it's our annual harvest of thanks...tribute to america'sfarmers and ranchers. now for the news that moved the marketsthis week... the u.s. dollar the news that moved the marketsthis week... the u.s. dollar seeing volatility thisweek--continuing to force swings in commodities. the currencytrading at its highest point in
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watching the fed for directionon interest rates. it's expected to make a decision in the nextcouple of weeks. cheers from the crowd as argentina voters electmaruricio mackree. he's expected to devalue the currency and liftexport taxes. that could bring a flood of stored grain to market.some estimates say the supply is worth roughly 8 billion dollars.if that happens, u.s. markets could feel the increasedcompetition. if we do get the reduction in export taxes likemacri has promised then it could really be a major changes downthe road. so short term impacts to the corn market, soybeanmarket and wheat market with potentially more supply comingfrom argentina both short term and long term here. south koreais reopening its markets to u.s. poultry. that's according topolitico. the country put up restrictions during the avianinfluenza outbreak earlier this year. state officials say theban is coming off--after months of discussions betweenwashington and seoul officials.
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meanwhile south korea alsodealing with an outbreak of it's own. twelve cases of highly pathavian flu have been reported there this week alone. agsecretary tom vilsack says the chinese government is movingquickly to finish reviews of biotech crops. after meeting inchina for bilateral talks, vilsack says the chinese arecurrently 'reviewing eleven agricultural bio-tech eventspending approval and they're also continuing a dialogue onaccess for u.s. beef.' the beef market has been closed to theu.s. since 2003. vilsack says he hopes for action over the next30 to 60 days. usda rolling out the october cattle on feednumbers. the number of cattle and calves on feed climbed twopercent from a year ago, coming in ten-point-eight million head. however, placements into feedlots last month droppingfour percent--as owners either refuse or are unwilling to paycurrent prices. the sterling profit trackers says last weekfeed yards were losing an average of 542 dollars per head.and cattle moving out of the
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over year to lowest point in 19years. the latest crop progress report indicating most of themajor crops are out of the field. cotton harvest remainssluggish with only 70 percent harvested nationwide. and while96 percent of winter wheat is in the ground some key southernstates--north carolina and texas are behind their 5 yearaverages. 53 percent of the wheat crop is now rated good to excellent. those are the headlines...meteorologist mikehoffman joins us now with weather... and mike we're switching things up this morning-you're starting with ourlong range outlook? should we expect more storms like lastweek? crop watch this week... thanks clinton actually i thinkwe will but the more the likely the storm track will showfarther and farther south as we head into winter, but its kindof an interesting set up as we head through this weekend andinto this coming week with a big old cut off out west that alwayscauses issues with computer models. it don't like that andits usually something they have trouble with down the road. soas we put this map into motion
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tuesday brings us cut off alittle farther east. blends it in with the main jet streamquick shot of cold air later this week in the east and thenit back to a ridge with a trough underneath and this is what ithink the winter situation is going set up like. a southernjet stream and a northern jet stream and how those cometogether make a big difference in the forecast. so lets gothrough our 90 day outlook we'll go through the firsttemperatures month by month. above normal temperatures forthe northeast. northern tier of states and the northwest. belownormal for the four corner region over towards new orleansand the far western portions of the florida pan handle. byjanuary we'll expend that below normal area just a little bitfarther east. still above normal for the northern tier of statesand on to february we go we'll expand that below normal areaall the way to up and down the east coast with above normalonly for the northern plaines and the pacific northwest.that's kind of the way this whole winter is setting up. 90day outlook for precipitation
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of advanced trading and dustinjohnson of ehedgeer. thank you both for being here. let's startby taking a look at the macro economy, the world as we knowit. and, boy, things seem to be changing even this week. >>absolutely. so the world's a different place since we werelast on the show. there's definitely more risk in theworld. i'm not exactly sure how that's affected grain marketsyet. i know it's affected the stock market and the currenciesand we might end up saying we're almost becoming aligned withrussia to go fight the bad powers of the world. it's affecting markets. it's affecting currencies. i guessmaybe it's a good thing for grains that maybe there's, youknow, you're not always just
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going to be able to import grainfrom a country and think your ports are safe, but the world'schanged. it has an influence on crude oil, and it's play byplay. it's changing by the second. >> how could that crudeoil impact start to bleed over into our other commodities? imean if we see that rally early in the week we saw it up $1.50in trade. if that keeps to come up is that going to change someof our commodity outlook? >> you know, i don't necessarily thinkso. the commodity bust has already happened and isunderway, so to build up that demand again is going to take awhile, and i also think that the relationship between crude oiland let's say corn is much less now than it was back when therewas a question of discretionary blending. >> oh, sure. >>knowing that we've got a defined amount of gas we're going to usein this country, that's not going to impact the ethanol usetoo much, i wouldn't think. >> yeah, what about the dollar,tommy, with all this stuff happening in the world? how isthe dollar impacting us? >> everyone's fear is that thedollars keep rallying and, i
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dollar rallies that commoditieshave to go down. they don't have to, and we saw some action likethat earlier in the week where the dollar rallied, went to 100,and actually by the end of the day a lot of the commoditieswere higher. so we're possibly looking at moving interest ratesin december. we've had a strong dollar. to dustin's point,that's a lot different than the big bull market we dealt withwhen we were trying to get out of the low stock market. wour country wanted a low dollar. i don't know that we necessarilywant a high dollar, but that's what's happening, so it'saffecting the markets. i don't think it's a scarythere's bigger fundamental reasons for why corn and wheatand beans are going lower just besides the dollar. >> yeah,what about trade? are we seeing that impact on trade? i think weare. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. take corn sales, for example. weare running way behind what we should be at this time of year,and our window will eventually start to close as we start toget more competition from other areas of the world again, but right now we're about
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going to make it an impact onour carryout, which, again, is a supply side issue that's notgood for price. >> yeah, one of those impacts we could see inthe world markets is happening in argentina as they transitionto a new president, tommy. >> right, big week in argentina. alot of rumors flying around that the taxes were going to be takenaway. we'll see. as people now in the states, politicians willsay anything to get elected. i guarantee there will be somechanges, and there is going to be some grain flowing out ofargentina that the world may have known it's there but ithasn't been able to hit the market. so it will beinteresting. i think it's played out into that dollartrade also where we had just a basketful of bearish news. strong dollar, argentine election and soybeans traded's interesting. >> it is interesting. and what you thinkabout the argentina situation? >> well, a lot still to be knownabout it. like tommy was saying we get to december 10th andthat's when macri is going to
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idea of what the country'sfinances are in and what kind of incentives he needs to place toget producers to sell their grain. so it's been rumored thatmaybe a 90 they'll completely eliminate theexport tax for soybeans. they're holding onto a massive amount ofbeans on farm, and close to 500 million bushels to get townto what brazil's carryout level currently is. so if that sizewas to hit the market in a short time span, let's say that 90window, that's going to be, i would say, very detrimental foru.s. sales and just for prices in general because it's what themarket probably wouldn't be able to handle on its own. >> youagree, tommy? >> a little bit, but i question is argentinaorganized enough and have the rail and the truck and the roadstructure to grain, we know that, i agree.can they get it out to the market in a timely manner. >>can they ramp back up as we get through this? real quick,interest rates both of you, you think that's going to happen ornot happen and does it matter?
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>> it matters, but i was soconfident they were going to do something a few months ago, andi think the feds caught in a terrible conundrum where theyjust going to raise rates the stockmarket goes down, and the feds should not care what the stockmarket does. and every time they open their mouth again they makethe dollar stronger, which makes the commodities go down, whichmakes most people watching this show sad. so you could blame thefed, but, you know, they'll figure it out. i hope we haven'tbecome japan. >> all right. well, we'll keep an eye on it.we'll have more to talk about in
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that's the sole answer to that. without a weather event somewhere around the world we'reprobably at a fair price, maybe even at risk of going lowersince how poor demand has been. we talked about the poor cornexport sales. so my whole point to that is this huge injectionthat argentina's getting. you're going to see an increase inacreage next year, especially on the corn side depending on howthat tax implication is. that's one more competitor we're goingto have again for our corn exports around the world. sowe're so longer the low cost producer around the world, and ithink that to say that, okay, well, this price of 360, 370corn is too cheap. i think it's relative, and i think it couldbe a lot longer at that level barring some other weatherevent. >> all right, you agree, tommy, or no? >> in some ways,yeah, we can't predict the weather world events, but takesomething that's not grain related like silver. silver'sbeen trading under the cost of production for several years.often time on ag
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like this you hear when graingets to your cost production start marketing it. i think whatdustin and i agree upon is, what if we don't get there? theamerican farmer needs to learn how to market grain under thecost production. i'm not happy to say those words. this is just a reality. and, yes, the farmer's holding a lot of '15crop. they're buying seed right now and prepaying for it so theycan go produce the '16 crop. they are becoming and gettingready to become long corn again and so are our friends in southamerica. >> to that point i was just going to say that one bigthing that's not being talked about right now, is that thefarmer's holding onto the largest spec positions in theworld right now. storing grain, waiting for the price to gohigher, you know, whether or not that's the right answer is to beseen, but so far a laissez approach to marketing has notbeen the right answer. and we have to start thinking thatmaybe these are the prices that are here to stay, and what arewe going to do about it? are we going to continue to pay storagecost to get that increase in price? or are we going to thinkabout what's the right answer
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bit, tommy, there are good sidesto low other side of the coin, whichwould be our livestock folks. >> sure. one of my friends inlivestock always said, if you want to help your friends whogrow row crops become better at marketing, have them call alivestock guy once a week because we don't have thefederal crop insurance. we can't store our hogs and cattle. wejust can't say, hey, we're going to wait and cattle are going togo up. let's throw them in this bin. a livestock guy has adifferent approach to marketing. of course they enjoy theloweprice grain, but even with grains being lower, the numbers still aren't working in livestock. so a lot of time inour business, in our industry you hear the world, profit. i'mnot sure who's profiting in agriculture, but i live a milefrom a dairy, and he's not happy. i know plenty of row croppeople, they're our customers. i work with some livestock people, and they all seem to be complaining. i don't think as agroup they're all liars. i think it's truly we are in thatchallenging of a time. so the
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said casually as if it'shappening. >> as we move through the rest of this year and into2016, what surprises are out there that could take thesemarkets? >> well, you know, we've got yet to be seen whatargentina does, how quick those bushels come to the market. wealso have the funds that in building a short position, andthere's still 50,000 plus contracts away from getting tothat short of a position as they were in may. so producers, youknow, continue to hold onto it. if the investment communitycontinues to sell, that might be the surprise that the market'snot aware of is that there's still more shorts to becoming.>> yeah. really quick, tommy, what do you think? >> to add tothat when you have a bear market i think we agree we are in abear market, is that short covering rallies are vicious. sowe could have a day where we see corn limit up, and someone,maybe the producer thinks it's the new ll market, but whenyou get that many shorts all the same way and something changes,something sparked in the world. we can have limit up days incommodities. it doesn't mean
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shortcoming rally. the numberone thing that can surprise you is how fast we can go up in abear market. >> all right. we'll have more and get your closingthoughts here in just a minute in markets now. we'll be backright after these messages. this is machinery pete, invitingyou to check out my new website, offeringfarms are tens of thousands of used equipment listings tosearch. let machinery pete help
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welcome back. it's time formarkets now. dustin, yourclosing thoughts? >> i wouldjust say that with the price of corn so depressed, i thinkthere's a big tendency for a lot of producers and for analysts,including, to look for a bottom, try to bottom pick the market.and that's where i would say there's no shortage of thoseguys out there. if that's what your goal is looking for it, youcan find them, but to my -- you know, keeping to the same pointi've been making throughout the show is that it's still a lotmore risk than i think people
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contract lows, and i would sayjust be prepared for that possibility. >> all right.tommy, what do you think? >> well, look at my notes. it'sbeen 560 days since fronmonth corn's traded $5, and it couldbe another 560 days. it could just be 60 days. markets cansurprise you, but the facts are we're no longer coming on theshow talking about that prices can go down. and the time toworry about prices to go down was when we were $7.50 corn. nowthat we're $3.50 i think there's still downside risk. i agreewith my friend here, but we also have a ton of upside risk, andyou need to manage those risks both upside and downside andunderstand that. you talk to people in the cattle industryand you say, how do you make money in the cattle industry?and they say, you got to buy them right. my advice for theamerican farmer is to buy those inputs right, work out thoseland rents and let the market do its own on going back to higherprices. >> all right. good advice, both of you. thank youboth for being here. john phipps
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you talk tomorrow's marketstoday? join chip flory five days a week for market rally radio.all markets, all the time. the phrase winter is coming...madepopular by the hbo tv show--game of thrones--can't be trueforever. and as john phipps tells us, at some point winteris here. .ah the first snow of the season. if you are done inthe fields and reasonably caught up in the office, the firstsnow, especially if it's kind of a surprise can catch you unawarewith it's seemingly benign beauty. not yet are the howlingblizzards with bone-chilling temperatures. just a soft,silent invasion of crystalline fragility applying a base coat to the winter landscape. sufficient unto the day are thelong dark days ahead and road hazards and school closings andsnow shovels. right now you might as well regress to aneight-year old who cares nothing about the downside of snow. forme the first snow has been a
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today, it is whispered softly,not a cry of alarm. your homesuddenly seems more inviting andlooking out at the falling flakes can trigger a memoryavalanche of snowfalls past. if your circumstances permit, ihope you can enjoy your first snow this year. maybe itsnatural sound suppression can dampen the nagging voices ofworry for a few hours. maybe the falling curtain of flakes canhelp you focus on what is close and worthwhile. maybe anoverexcited child will burst into your moment of reflectionand instead of spoiling its wondrous solitude, provideinstead a small explosion of untainted joy. maybe this willbe a time for forgetting, just as the snow quietly concealslawns and forgotten garden tools, unraked leaves, andscarred sod. maybe you will find
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and abe al maybeou'll ly get 4 inchesr so. so true--thanks john. well staywith us, our annual harvest of thanks holiday special...iscoming up next. john returns with an inspiring message plus,we travel to plymouth rock ---along the east coast andthrough in the panhandle of texas...celebrating the hardwork and bounty of america's farmers and ranchers. stay withus, harvest of thanks begins right after the break. thanksgivingoan american tradition celebrating the giftsof harvest. a time when families
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always easy-for many it's afulfillment of generations worth of work and effortoas farmfamilies scratch an existence from the landocreating anagricultural system envied by the world and beyond the dreamsof our forefathers. now hundreds of years later we stillcelebrate and give thanks for a year's harvest. andrew mccreatakes us back to where it all began. in the fall of 1620, themayflower left england with 102 passengers that we today calledpilgrims. their ship eventually landed, here, in what is todayplymouth, massachusetts. they spend this winter of 1620-1621 building houses and unfortunately digging graves.they lost about half the members of the members planting companyover the course of that first winter. in early april of 1861,the mayflower headed back to
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native named, squanto. he hadbeen captured from the area in 1614 and taken to europe. afterfive years in england, he found an opportunity to come home. hethen manages to get back to new england, he comes back overmakes his way back to, makes his way back to his home town ofpawtuxet, only to find that by 1619, everyone was either deador has fled to other villages. it was the cleared ground fromthat prior native american village that the pilgrims beganto cultivate. in the fall of 1621, native americans andpilgrims celebrated their first harvest together. whilesignificant, there's little evidence of what took place ofthe event we call thanksgiving. we really only have one recordof what happened on that first thanksgiving and it is from thetime period, it is from someone who is present and the letterbegins, "the governor sent four or five meant out followingso... they rejoiced together in a special manner, the nativeshaving come amongst them." there's not a lot. there's acouple of sentences describing
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the fall of 1621, but the exactdate is not known. none the less, it is the meal that wetrace back to the holiday we have today.> we know it went onapproximately three days, we know it was attended by at least100 native people. there were only 51 or 52 english people inthe town, so remember the natives are outnumbering themtwo to one. it was not an annual event however, more columnsarrived soon after and there were now more mouths to's plymouth plantation recounts the struggle of thosemen, women and children. the ground is far much as it wasnearly 400 years ago. the key to plymouth's success is not thefishing that they did, but they were a maritime community andthat was an essential part of their daily life and survival, but they were also an agricultural community and thati think is the part that kind of gets forgotten. we think of themas being here for their church, but in order to support theirchurch's survival here, those who were members and those whowere not, they had to eat. the story of plymouth is truly oneabout agriculture. it was
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bounty for thanksgiving. acelebration we still have 400 years later, traveling the countryside in plymouth massachusetts i'm andrew mccray.thanks andrew. while today the midwest stands as the pinnacleof production-the east coast remains an important hub ofagrarian output. while the farms may not stretch across miles ofprairie, farming in the shadow of the nation's capital is bothrewarding and challenging. national corn growers presidentchip bowling farms near newburg, maryland, which is tucked awaynear the chesapeake bay. for him harvest is always the first stepin preserving a family legacy into another year. at thesouthern tip of maryland, adjacent of a tributary of thechesapeake bay, you'll find national corn grower associationpresident, chip bowling and his family, farming the land down below. "when i get done
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cover crop down and run theturbo till. uh oh, here comes mom." harvest is a still afamily affair. "that includes ice tea, watermelon. it didn'tmatter. whatever. that was the most important thing, the icetea." their story, like the area, is steeped in u.s history."our family came here in the early 1700s. they wereestablished virginia, across the potomac river, across from where we were standing. in the mid-1700s, my great great greatgrandfather bought some land over here." the bowling'sdeveloped to developed to grain and cattle producers. but fordecades, tobacco was always king. "we would still probablystill be growing it if there was a good market for it and if thestate of maryland didn't have a buy-out in the late 1990s." after the buy-out, came environmental mandates. sooneven cattle didn't pencil out to have so close to the bay. that's when row crops took a front-seat. his crop year is nowfull of corn, soybeans, and double-crop wheat. "i tease withmy buddies that are on the
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the end of april and i don'tstop until july. they joke unhook the planter and put thattractor onto something else." those hours turned out well forhim this harvest. bowling cut one of his best corn crops ever.hurricane joaquin didn't do much damage to his location. "we wereactually so dry, we needed, the rain. while weather is out ofhis control, traveling more than half of the year and living soclose to an urban environment has its own challenges. "when wemove the combine, sometimes i can have 40 or 50 cars behindme. if it's a holiday weekend, we don't move equipment." butbowling isn't just an industry leader and farmer. "we're aboutthree miles from where the crow flies from the potomac river."he's an active sportsman for the bay that he grew up on. "i havespent so many days down here as a kid, walking around barefootin shorts, swimming, crabbing and fishing. so this river means as much to me as any environmentalist in thiscountry. that's for sure." it's a balance between two passions:farming for maximum yields while
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celebration. it's a reminder ofwhy farmers do the job year after year. "it's a good feelingto know that you're doing the same thing that your ancestorsdid." reporting in newburg, maryland, i'm betsy jibben.thanks, betsy. when we come back we'll meet another east coastfarmer representing america's soybean growers. he too isthankful for a bountiful harvest and the opportunity to do thework he loves. and later, we're off to the texas panhandle wheresorghum farmers are thankful for plentiful rains in 2015. butfirst, harvest is one of the most important events in thefall. afteral, a hard year's work comes down to those finaldays. but it's during those long, stressful hours thatagriculture's true character really shines, especially whenadversity creates barriers in getting the crop out of thefield. so throughout the show, we'll share some of thoseheart-felt stories of farmers helping farmers. we'll start offin galva, illinois for the most
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growers are on pace to harvest the largest crop in history--even as many keygrowing areas saw their fair share of weather challenges. asapresident richard wilkins farms in greenville, deleware. andwhile he's had a good year, like chip, he says living and farmingin the chesapeake and deleware bays comes with its own set ofunique challenges. "you can see the height of the soybeans theywere stressed and stunted for so long." harvest is always richardwilkins favorite time of year... by the time the moisture came itwas too late to set anymore blossoms. but this year theamerican soybean association incoming president knows yieldsare going to be down. for at
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"so our corn crop was about 80bueshels an acre higher than our aph history however our soybeansare probably going to be 5-10 bushels per acre lower than whattheir aph yield history has been." despite the challengesthis growing season, wilkins is living his dream. "it's my dreamprofession. always has been since i was a yound child." thewilkins family has worked the soil along the east coast sinceimmigrating here from europe decades ago. "until it hit mewhen my father i was sixteen years old and he sat me down andhe said if your ambition is to be a farmer...i would want youto do something else but if your ambition is to be a farmer youhave to figure out a way to do it on your own." and that's whathe did. "the first 3 acres i rented as an ffa projectsoybeans was the crop i grew there." renting ground, growingand diversifying the operation. "i had other career choices icould have taken that mostly likely would have given me thesame or more income working
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passion and this was my love andfortunately i met a young lady that shared that passion andvision and we became husband and wife." throughout whole marriage i have done pretty much everything on the farm. apartnership that goes beyond the beans, the pair run a retailseed and feed farm store most days i would probably be in thestore waiting on customers. they grow multiple crops includingvegetables and lima beans. we had dryness hit us in august andseptember so we had a lot of blossoms pods drop off the limabeans but they still made respectable yeilds. 750 poundsto the acre. beans that don't make the grade end up back atthe farm as feed for their herd of cows and calves. "i'mthankful everyday for my family and for the opportunities thatwe have to be able to live the life that we have. and farmingis a great life. it's a great family life." a great life--when you're going through the field that's how you can reallyanalyize what worked and what didn't work. with challenges andrewards... --regardless of yields---this delawarian farmfamily rolls through another harvest season ... thankful forthe opportunity to participate in this great american industryone more year. when we come back we're off to the texaspanhandleowhere farmers are
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for the rain. after multipleyears of historically dry weather, the skies let loose in2015. we'll meet a sorghum grower counting his blessings asthe bushels roll in. and later a great reminder from john phippsabout how a little thanks can go a long way. but first, we're offto michigan where a fellow farmer is still recovering froma recent brain tumor. but with the help of area farmers, 300acres were rescued this fall. farming in the southern plainsisn't for the faint of heart.
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year, mother nature changedcourse, providing ample rain to start the crop year. i traveledto the texas panhandle this fall and met the national sorghumproducer chairman james born. the worry for 2015 is notfinding enough bushels, but discovering enough space tostore the abundant yields. for texas panhandle farmer jamesborn, it's not about raising the biggest crop every year. "keepyour head up, evan." it's about teaching the next generationlessons that aren't found in any textbook. "i'm thankful for myfamily, being on the farm that we can run and manage andoperate this farm as a family." hand-in-hand, james and his wifedana, take great pride in making everything they do, a family affair. born a former ag teacher, is now the chairman ofnational sorghum producers. a job he doesn't take lightly. hefarms in perryton, texas. that's known as the wheat heart of thenation. "i like to say that if
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it has a hearty soul,withstanding multiple years of heartbreaking drought. "this isjust programmed to be tough." while drought is fresh on hismind, 2015 turned out to bring many blessings. that includesrain. "we received our annual average perceiptation in themonth of may and part of june. while the weather shut off inaugust, born says scorching temperatures took 15 to 20bushels off the yield. "still this crop held on, thrived andis going to be what looks like for the county a record sorghumcrop." and that could create what some view as a goodproblem, finding enough storage for it all. "in this county, wehave a lot of acres planted. we have a lot of yield there. fromhere on up into southwest kansas, i think there will bemilo everywhere." from a record crop, to a record demand. "it'sbeen fun to be in the sorghum
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industry the last couple ofyears." exports are another bright spot in 2015. "typically,we export a third of our crop in sorghum. we exported over halfof our crop this last year." after traveling to some of thekey export buyers, born says there is a certain attraction tothe u.s. crop. "we have a high quality sorghum. we have sorghumthat's consistent with size and weight. i think our exporters doa good job moving that sorghum out in a timely fashion andhaving a good quality end product." while traveling ispart of the job, coming home and admiring a year's work with hisfamily by his side, are the days he cherishes most. "it's thetime we have together. that's why we do what we do." thanks,tyne. if you've been wondering about this incredible backdrop-up next we'll take you on a quick tour of bonneyville mill including its historical connection to harvest inindiana. and later illinois farmer john phipps joins us fromhis family farm to share his thoughts on bringing in thebounty. we'll be right back. clinton, before we head tobreak, we have one more story of farmers coming together in atime of need. mike conner
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with the hustle and bustle ofthankful for. sunday night, i plan to show my gratitude to...them. ---------------------- guys, 'tis the season for opening your etowuch time and energy went into producingproducts a century ago. al pell shows us a gem in northern indiana that still shows visitors the daily grind thatgoes into their daily bread. modern agriculture relies on rawenergy to power the machines that plant the crops and reapthe harvest. so let's return in time when water was the drivingforce. built in the mid 1830's, bonneyville mill served farmersin northern indiana and southern michigan as a feedmill...acenter of commerce...a gathering place to spin yarns and sharenews. john jenney is the miller and historical intrepeter. 30years on the job, he knows about
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closed, a water conservationgroup purchased the property to insure the land would never bedeveloped. it was later donated to the county. it reopened in1974 as a "living history' museum. the spinning stonesstill pulverize corn, rye and a variety of wheat --about fivetons annually. john says folks come back year after year,looking for their favorite flour and cornmeal, stocking up beforewinter sets-in and the grinding shuts-down. this is al pell.thanks, al..when we come back, a lesson from john phipps aboutgratitude and how it can make
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gingwe often are thankful for. but it's alsoa good time to run down the list of people we should be thankfulto. as john phipps tells us, making that list can widen oursense of gratitude as well as honor the many thoughtful actsthat make our lives richer and easier. it's a good thing toannually take stock of the blessings in our lives andthanksgiving gives us a great occasion to make that inventoryand acknowledge with gratitude how much we have. but this year, i find myself wanting in addition thanks to some specialpeople who add more to my life than possessions can possiblybring. first, i want to say
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thanks to all of you whopreserve the rare courtesy of extending the benefit of thedoubt. cutting others some slack is not in fashion in the currentatmosphere of instantaneous hot takes on every development.those who withhold judgement and comment, because they think theymay have misunderstood or misheard, those who allow for apossibility of an innocent mistake, are those who can admitthey just don't know enough to form an opinion are friends tobe treasured and i do. in addition, thank you for all of you who pay attention to conservation or presentationswithout checking your phone or tablet. this has become one ofthe highest forms of respect. i think it lifts our interactionsto a high level of dignity and efficiency. thank you to all ofyou who think beyond your time. from planting a hardwood tree toinstalling drainage tile or
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actions that lift our eyes tovery distant horizons and remind us that we are linked to thosewho follow us and that the world will not end when we're notaround. finally, i want to say thank you who simply show up.while i appreciate what the internet has done to help uscommunicate with each other. there is a reason we call verymoving experiences, touching. there is still an enormous valuein being with each other. those touches are a powerful bomb fora wounded spirit. from all of us at prairie township, happythanksgiving and thank you. beautifully said. thanks always from our families to yours-sincerest thanks to thefarmers, ranchers and businesses serving this great industry. may your harvest be full of thanks-and your blessing'sbountiful. the hard work, dedication and passion areappreciated by all of us on this
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for the all-new shark rocket powerhead brought to you by shark/ninja. vacuums designed to have more power are built bigger, heavier, and more difficult to maneuver. >> my other vacuum was huge and bulky. >> it doesn't go, like, under the sofas and the couches and the chairs. >> announcer: and those light, compact vacuums are convenient, but don't come close to giving you real cleaning performance. >> my other vacuum didn't have enough power. >> i have to go over the same surfaces two and three and four times. >> announcer: traditionally, in order to provide deep-cleaning
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