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tv   Channel 13 News at Four  NBC  February 16, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm CST

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the iowa caucuses are now history. but one candidate can't let it go. what donald trump is now saying about the leadership of the iowa republican party. partisan politics in washington have the nation facing the possibility of an eight-member supreme court for one year or longer. politics aside ... what does that mean for justice in the country? we'll get some answers on how an operate in the interim. ... but it is more than just a bicycle. hehe how the iowa biking conversation about policing the growing trend of e-bikes in iowa. news at four front door open
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melting snow and ice good afternoon ... i'm sonya heitshusen. .and i'm dan winters ... thanks for joining us. it's been an overcast cloudy day after our morning mix move through the state. more than three- tenths of an inch of rain fell in des moines this morning. it will be dry tonight, but patchy fog may develop. temperatures will drop from the mid 30s this evening to the upper 20s later
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we begin today with a truly disturbing story out of monroe county. a father there is accused of sexually assaulting an infant. justin stickrod is charged with felony sexual abuse in the first degree and child endangerment. the sheriff's department says stickrod sexually assaulted his own two-and-a-half month old daughter on february 4th. stickrod is being held on a 68- thousand dollar bond in the monroe county jail. the sac county sheriff's office is looking for a man charged with attempted murder. 36-year-old jeremy werneburg of ida grove is accused of intentionally hitting a glidden man with his car in carnarvon sunday night. the victim is hospitalized with serious injuries. authorities say werneberg has ties to the humbolt... carroll and wall
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whereabouts is asked to call the sac county sheriff's office at 712-662-7127. we are still waiting to learn the identities of the men who were shot in eagle grove this past weekend. both are in critical condition. it happened on sunday evening outside an apartment building. police say an argument between two men escalated into gun fire. police describe one of the men as a victim and the other as a suspect. however they aren't saying if the men shot each other ... or if one person fired both shots. again, the men are listed as critical and their identities are being witheld. tonight the iowa supreme court will hear arguments in the wrongful death case of former slipknot band member paul gray. gray's family claims his overdose death in 2010 was the result of dr. daniel baldi over prescribing painkillers. a lower court cleared baldi of wrongdoing ... but gray's family appealed to the supreme court. an insurer that was kicked out of iowa's medicaid privatization plan is dropping its attempts to get back into the program. in
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with the state was terminated over concerns about unfair bidding practices. the company had filed a suit to restore company announced it will drop its suit and considers the case closed. the state is scheduled to transition to a privately managed medicaid system two weeks from today. ...and today, the director of the state's medicaid program took questions from lawmakers. they want to know if things are lined up for the transition. iowa's medicaid program serves 560-thousand iowans. it was supposed to be managed by private companies, beginning at the start of the year... but the feds stepped in and delayed that switch. they said systems weren't ready at that point. the new transition date is march first. today, lawmakers questioned the medicaid director and the director of the department of human services about what still needs to be done. medicaid director mikki stier addressed 16 action items the federal government identified as necessary, in or order to be able to switch.
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16 items and they are completed two of them are being monitored right now with cms and that is our network as it continues to grow and the implementation of the training and support that we providing to the case management organizations and with our mcos to ensure the smooth transition with case management as we go live march 1st.' the director of the state department of human services agrees the systems are in place for a switch to privatization, but some of the members at today's senate committee hearing were skeptical. the republican presidential race moved on to south carolina this week ... but at least one candidate is still talking about iowa. donald trump finished a close second to ted cruz two weeks ago. however trump has since complained that cruz cheated... when his campaign spread a rumor that ben carson was dropping out. yesterday in south carolina, trump said the iowa results should be tossed out ... and criticized iowa gop chairman jeff kaufmann for allowing them to
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120105-120127 "frankly in iowa they should overturn the election based on what cruz did. i mean honestly because he was so dishonest between the voter violation and that. if they had a strong leader in iowa in terms of the republican party, jeff is a good guy perhaps he's not strong, i don't know. but what cruz did was a fraud and they should overturn that election." we reached out to the republican party of iowa and chairman jeff kaufmann for a response today. our calls and messages were not returned. with 4 days to go until the republican primary in south carolina, it is trump versus cruz, at the top... with the other candidates fighting to stay alive. nbc's steve handelsman explains. nats trump "we love south carolina. let's go!" donald trump in greenville today at a rally in augusta, trump called up a supporter sot: trump supporter :07-:10 "donald trump you're the best we got so far" he's leading by 18 in south
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nats trump "so le'ts go get em." to survive past saturday's primary, jeb bush needs trump seen as a joke sot: jeb bush :20-:24"i'll be a commander in chief not an agitator in chief not a blowhard in chief" in this state with so many active duty and retired military ted cruz promised a bigger u-s fighting force. sot: sen. ted cruz :32-:39 "with greater capacity to take on our adversaries. let me be clear: we will not go picking fights around the globe." marco rubio picked a fight ... charging cruz voted against military expansion sot: marco rubio :45-:48 sot: "so he's very weak on national security he knows that's liability in south carolina" more than half of south carolina democrats are black. nats mos "we just wanna be treated fair" hillary clinton courted african american leaders in new york sot: hillary clinton :56-1:00"my campaign is really about breaking every barrier" bernie sanders with black clergy in south carolina sot: sen. bernie sanders 1:04-1:14 "when we talk about inequality, it goes without saying that the african american community is suffering even more" sanders trails clinton by 21 in a new poll. but those south carolina polls
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the polling in nevada for the saturday democratic caucuses are even less reliable. i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, washington. of course a new major campaign issue arose this weekend. when should the late antonin scalia's seat on the supreme court be filled ... and who should pick his successor? in the meantime the court will operate with just eight justices. that raises a number of questions. coming up we'll be joined by drake law professor tony gaughan to talk about what, if anything an even number of justices can accomplish. and coming up next ... they are somewhere between a bicycle and a scooter ... so how should they be governed. hear how metro leaders are beginning the conversation on e- bike regulation. the ames city council will be meeting tonight to talk about
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future of a major road. the ames city council will be asked by a consultant group to name the five biggest issues along the lincolnway corridor. they
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projects for the city along lincolnway. there will be a neighborhood meeting on lincolnway on march 2nd and another lincolnway meeting march 3rd for businesses. leaders in the des moines metro area discussing a growing trend in transportation. they may look like a lot of otherr bikes ... but electric assist bikes, or e- bikes, offer a mechanical "push" to help riders. more e-bikes are being sold in iowa, and that has metro planners looking at how these new bikes should be 13s roger riley has the story... daniel cone-ig sells and builds e-bikes in his ichi bike shop in des moines east villiage 2939 its the fastest growing segment of cycling at this point. the e-bike is designed to assist riders when they pedal. helping people to go father with less energy. 1:15 ebikes have been around for a while were seeing them start to take off in the us the dsm area gunnar olson of the metropolitan
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e- bike to commute to work. 2:13 as a guy who has to goto a lot of meetings and wear a tie a lot of days, having bike allows me to travel much father distance expending less energy, so i dont show up a sweaty mess. the growing e-bike market is causing governmental planning agencies to look at how do you regulate this bike.. mike armstrong/ mpo planner 'polk county has a permit system, story county has a permit system, a few of our other places deal with it differently 910 right now if you want to ride an e- bike you kind of have to call ahead every jurisdiction and find out what you need to do. also concern over a motorized vehicle on a trail opens new questions. 11:35 people concerned about getting buzzed by bikes, flying down the trails. dan 1640 ebikers have responsibility to not put people in a position to feel like they are getting buzzed by an bike. another question raised, if an electric motor bike..why not a moped on the trails. 2705 an bike is still electric assist ..when i stop pedaling i stop, and when i pedal, im going, that would differentiate me from a moped. so far this group has more questions than answers, but studying regulations now in use in california to
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e - bikes also help those with some type of physical impairment be able to ride, and that may increase
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ad lib main weather overcast skies will hold tight over central iowa tonight. some patchy fog will develop by early morning. temperatures will drop to the mid-20s. wednesday may begin with a few flurries along a cold front moving in. expect to see a little more sunshine by wednesday afternoon with temperatures again in the upper 30s. there will be a significant warm up for the end of the week with highs in the mid to upper 50s. plan on slushy roads
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mud with all of the melting this week. coming up next ... we're putting politics aside and talk about
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coming up next ... we're putting the practical effect of justice
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professor tony gaughan joins us to talk about how an evenly divided
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cloth ... a quiet tribute to the justice who passed away this weekend at the age of 79. scalia will lie in repose at the supreme court building in washington d-c on friday. heis funearl will be held on saturday.
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the inevitable questions arise about replacing his seat on the bench. senate republican leaders ... including iowa senator charles grassley, head of the justice committee ... say his replacement should be chosen by the next president. that means the court would operate with just eight justices for a year or longer. what does that mean for the court and the cases before it? joining us now to answer some of those questions is drake law professor anthony gaughan. he dedicated his life to world peace ... and actually helped
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we'll look back on the life of the late boutros boutros ghali. there's a new trend in self-defense training ... hyper reality. see how one quad cities dojo is making the danger real for students. and coming up in the workout of the week ... reshaping the body begins with reshaping your diet. we'll check in with our co-worker aaron hepker as he continues his challenge to change his life. news at four front door the international community is mourning the loss of an unforgettable
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boutros boutros ghali, the veteran egyptian diplomat who helped negotiate his country's landmark peace deal with israel, passed away today at a hospital in cairo. in the early 1990's, ghali served as the secretary general of the united nations. nbc's dan scheneman has this look back at his life and his legacy. a distinguished lawyer and international diplomat... boutros boutros-ghali became the first arab and the first african to be appointed u-n secretary general in 1992. he was born into a wealthy family in egypt's coptic-christian community in 1922. he served as egypt's foreign minister and deputy prime minister after he entered politics. but his real fame came as the secretary general of the united nations. during his five-year term in office, he oversaw peace-keeping operations in bosnia, somalia and rwanda. "unless we will receive a massive support from the donor countries, we will not be able to solve the problems of rwanda." he pushed for u-n mediation in
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"we are the custodians of the dream of global cooperation." but he was criticized for the u-n's lack of response in its peace-keeping role, and he often disagreed with the u-s on policy decisions. in 1996, the u-s vetoed his bid for a second term, and kofi annan was appointed to succeed him. after he left the u-n, he continued public service as chairman of an international think-tank for developing nations and director of the egyptian national council of human rights. he said he wanted to continue his life's work - promoting peace. boutros boutros ghali was 93 years old. trader joes says it's moving towards selling only eggs from cage free hens. right now... about 62-percent of its eggs are cage free. trader joes say that will increase to 100-percent by 20-25. the move comes amid pressure from
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other free... like target and mcdonalds. the department of agriculture would like to see more eggs... meat and produce in grocery stores nationwide. it's proposing new rules that would compel retailers who accept food foods... and ensure that those foods are readily available. however... the rules would not require food stamp recipients to purchase the healthier foods. right now more than 46-million americans use food stamps. the hinterland music festival will return for a second year this summer ... boasting a bigger headliner. today festival organizers announced the red-headed stranger himself ... willie festival. it's being held august 5th and 6th at the avenue of the saints amphitheater in st. charles. that was the site of last year's festival as well ... though it wasn't the first choice. the event had to moved at the last
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it's been an overcast cloudy day after our morning mix move through the state. more than three- tenths of an inch of rain fell in des moines this morning. it will be dry tonight, but patchy fog may develop. temperatures will drop from the mid 30s this evening to the upper 20s later tonight. forget carrying a weapon or pepper spray ... your best defense in case of tonight, but patchy fog may develop. temperatures will drop from the mid 30s this evening to the upper 20s later tonight. forget carrying a weapon or pepper spray ... your best
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an attack is usually self-defense. the thought of being the victim of a mugger or a home invasion is scary. but self-defense instructors say
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the best way to make sure you are prepared. denise hnytka has the story. 33:55 gimme that gimme that. leaves him out of breath tonight it's happened on a mat... but next time... it could be in a parking lot... a mall or on the street... julie 58:15 if i'm attacked by someone who does not have a weapon, i'm going to fight him. julie sandberg got her start 20 years ago... after taking a self defense seminar... then never stopped training. it was have been put to the test... the night a man tried to follow her out of a store. 10:35 as i put my hand on the door to exit, i just went, and he put his head down and went back in. i demonstrated i am not the person. don't do it. now she makes sure to spread the word... women don't have to be victims. victoria 51:27 it's because i'm small. my dad was worried people would try to take advantage of me. so he wanted to me learn self defense. victoria roth... is heading to college in the fall... she says she's better prepared... because of what she's learning here... at the morrow martial arts academy in moline. victoria 52:05 the one knife one we were doing. that was my first time doing it and i got it first try. in this exercise... julie demonstrates how to disarm someone threatening you with a knife.
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side of his wrist... forcing the knife out of his hand. with each round... john morrow... is preaching muscle memory... john 13:10 repetition. it takes time and work. king fu means. time and react... before anything even happens. 36:13 you might want to ask me a question. like what do you want. then as i engage in speech, i'm slower. 36:26 hey hey. what do you want give it up come on. let go. kicks knife. good. like that. what they're not relying on... is weapons of their own. no pepper spray... no stun guns... just readiness... and reflexes. john 18:08 if you have to reach for something it could already be too late. 35:48 the technique slowed down, you hit the wrist and elbow. knock it out, there you go. now a black belt... julie says she knows the most important thing she's learned on the mat... that may have saved her life. 10:45 just having the confidence to give him that look and he said i'm not the easy target he's looking for tonight. ... that's it for tonight. morrow says kids as young as
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defense. ad lib main weather overcast
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every wonder what nature valley is made of? that's what we're made of. no artificial colors. no artificial flavors. no artificial sweeteners. nature valley granola bars.
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central iowa tonight. some patchy fog will develop by early
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to the mid-20s. wednesday may begin with a few flurries along a cold front moving in. expect to see a little more sunshine by wednesday afternoon with temperatures again in the upper 30s. there will be a significant warm up for the end of the week with highs in the mid to upper 50s. plan on slushy roads and lots of mud with all of the melting this week. changing his life begins with changing how he eats. we'll show mud with all of the melting this week. changing his life begins with
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you how our co-worker aaron hepker is learning that weight loss
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sot @ 4:55:03 - its really important to get these things done ahead of time' sticking to a diet and exercise program isnt always just about determination and willpower... it's also important to plan and to prepare. no one knows that better than our aaron hepker, who is now six months into his hepker challenge. in todays workout of the week, how his trainer, terri good makes meal planning almost as easy as going through
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terri good is all about making as many healthy meals as possible in a limited amount of time. she starts by showing aaron hepker how to make breakfast burritos. the ingredients: ground turkey... spinach... pre-packaged egg and cheese. terri says this is a good way to sneak vegetables into a meal. among the best. the breakfast burritos are individually wrapped and frozen so theres no guess work when it comes to portion size. another tip - use waxed paper so they can be microwaved without any fuss. dinner is a pork roast in the crock pot using just four ingredients. for lunch, aaron likes turkey or
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he gets about six ounces of meat... which is individually wrapped at the deli counter. again, its all about portion control and preparation. terri also recommends making double batches of foods you enjoy and freezing meals for those weeks you dont have time to prep. it saves prep and clean up time down the line. aarons cooking skills prior to this transformation consisted of throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. he says you are his biggest motivator for staying on track. hes even printed off the comments... and keeps pictures of the people he cares about most on his refridgerator. for aaron, this isnt about fitting into a smaller size for a big occasion. its about living a full and rewarding life. if you'd like to check out some of those recipes... check out
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website.. look for workout of the week... under the sports tab.. and as for aaron's progress - he's now lost 65-pounds and more than 11-inches. we'll be back in three minutes
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thanks for joining us on the channel 13 news at four ... the news at five starts right now. the state is just two weeks from it's transition to a privately managed medicaid system... why the program directors says everything is ready to go, even after the initial delay.. 20-16 has already been a dangerous year for iowa's drivers. what the iowa state patrol attributes to the deadly start... and how troopers say drivers can make the roads safer... and hear from the man who was rescued from an icy lake earlier this week... what he says was going through his mind after floating in freezing water for nearly a half hour... in just two weeks, iowa will
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but will the state be ready for the big move? good evening, i'm erin kiernan. and i'm sonya heitshusen. thanks for joining us. today, the director of the state's medicaid program took questions from lawmakers... they want to know if things are lined up for the state's transition to privatized medicaid. stephanie moore has the story, first on thirteen.... with a two week deadline looming, state lawmakers questioned the state's medicaid and department of human services directors about if things are set for the transition... 'the overriding responsibility of the department is to assure that those three mcos create a network that is assessable and quality for our members.' iowa's medicaid program serves 560-thousand iowans. it was supposed to be managed by private companies, beginning at the start of the year... but the feds stepped in and delayed that switch saying the systems weren't ready at that point... today medicaid director mikki
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items the centers for medicare and medicaid services or c-d-c identified as necessary, in or order to be able to switch. 'we do believe we have met the 16 items and they are completed two of them are being monitored right now with cms and that is our network as it continues to grow and the implementation of the training and support that we providing to the case management organizations and with our mcos to ensure the smooth transition with case management as we go live march 1st.' but some lawmakers aren't convinced.... 'if i called cms would they say everything is ready to go and marked completed and were going to move forward march first, couldnt speak for cms i dont know how they would respond what i do know is that we have agreed we really dont know, we believe were ready march 1st.' and are concerned some iowans may need more information and time


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