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tv   Today in Iowa Saturday  NBC  February 20, 2016 8:00am-10:00am CST

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dupont pioneer has cut 175 jobs in iowa... but now, the state
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layoffs. state leaders say once the dow- dupont merger is complete, the company will still have a presence in iowa. 51:21 iowa was successful in all the company as to why iowa should be the location for this 'global business center' for seed and biotechnology they hoped dow-dupont would locate its company headquarters in johnston. instead... they selected wilmington, delaware. johnston will become home to the company's research and development branch thanks to millions of dollars in state and local tax breaks.. 4:53:58 so when you look at what iowa maintained, and what it's going to be able to do in the future as far as
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modest in getting this deal done." here's a look at the deal... in exchange for maintaining 500 research and development jobs... dow-dupont will get 16-million dollars in state aid. 2-million will come in the form of a forgivable loan. the rest is from tax credits. the city of johnston sweetened the deal by adding on to the tax break the company already receives. 5:08:05 "it's $1 million, it's actually an extension of our tax-increment financing that we already have with the company." dow-dupont is also cashing-in in delaware... the company decided to base its headquarters in wilmington.... after the state offered a 5-year grant worth nearly 10-million dollars, and another nearly 4-million dollars in incentives tied to the creation of 4- hundred new jobs. the county is also kicking in 7-point-5 million dollars. the iowa utilities board needs
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the proposed bakken oil pipeline. the three member board met friday to discuss details of the construction... maintenance.. and repair of the pipeline. they are trying to decide if the private developer should be allowed to bury the pipeline on land against the land owner's wishes. the board expects to make a final decision one of their next meetings... either the march 9th or the 10th. the first deadline at the iowa legislature has come and gone. one bill to expand autism insurance is advancing this session.... after several failed attempts. channel 13's jodi whitworth reports. 193706 m a r i o... there is an owhen it comes to fighting for a child well its just a really difficult thing to get funded the battle is ongoing for the lust family... children of state employees have had coverage for 5 years now and we would just like the same coverage - - if you need help with paper
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for two and half hours.... five days a week, for the last three years -- brandon receives applied behavior analysis or a-b-a therapy. he was diagnosed with autism at age four... we had seen what a great impact it was having on his behavior and on his life and on our lives as a family aba said to be the only research based treatment for autism... but it's also expensive it's about a thousand dollars a week. brandon's mom -- kerry says insurance companies repeatedly denied her son's therapy. they received coverage under a medicade waiver.... but even that's short lived. the waiver expires for children when they turn nine.... brandon is 8 which one of these goes on your feet? i like how you used your words today... a piece of legislation is moving through the statehouse... that would require insurance companies to provide autism
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until the age of 21. major insurance companies like wellmark are lobbying against it, saying it already covers several services related to autism. in statement.. wellmark says... quote-- " in addition, iowa already has an innovative autism support program that assures coverage for those who cannot otherwise get coverage for aba therapy." prior attempts to get the law changed have failed.. but this family is remaining optimistic... they won't have to put a pause on brandon's progress i dont know and thats what scary. there is a very good chance that if this doesnt pass at age 9 he will be done. so yeah, i try not to think about that the lust family says treating kids with autism at a young age will allow insurance companies to save money down the road, because they won't need as much care. iowa health officials are dealing with the state's first case of the
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the department of public health says a woman who recently traveled to central america brought the virus back with her. zika is believed to cause birth defects when pregnant mothers are infected. the mosquito that carries the virus is not in iowa, but could be a concern for spring break travelers next month. the main risk to iowans is if we travel. we go to the caribbean, central america, south america and that is the place we want people to understand that there risk is so that they'll take some common sense type of precautions so they don't get this viral infection while they travel. those precautions include wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants... using mosquito spray.. and avoiding the outdoors during peak mosquito times. the collins-maxwell school district is looking for a new superintendent... the former superintendent, jason ellingson, resigned one day after he was placed on administrative leave.
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"earlier this week, the district received a report making certain allegations against the superintendent. the allegations releated to off- duty matters. there is no evidence that any persons have been harmed." the story county sheriffs office tells us they are not actively investigating ellingson. some folks in warren county have had it with the condition of their roads... they say this is a common sight.... large pot holes, no gravel with a lot of mud, and impassable conditions. the county engineer blames the weather and says his department is operating on very limited funds. but drivers say the roads are dangerous and the county needs to fix them... now. 'when were driving out here and youre coming up a hill and your essentially in the middle of the road because both sides are so swampy and you're coming up blind on someone coming down the hill, its a head on collision waiting to happen.' the county engineer says workers
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coming weeks to accelerate maintenance operations. friday's 60 mile an hour wind gusts made it was hard to travel on even paved roads. this is one of at least five semi- trucks that were blown over. the crash in linn county caused a long backups until the truck was towed away. homes couldn't escape the damage either... this tree was blown over in the quad cities... it came down on the house and shot a branch through the roof and the ceiling inside. another man in the quad cities realized his apartment building being torn apart. he heard a loud boom and thought something hit the building... but looked out to see the wind ripping off the outer shell and railing of his deck... one iowan's act of kindness has gone viral. a muscatine county deputy went out of his way to help a group of girls stranded on the side of the
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highway 61 monday night. so deputy dustin brooks followed them to a gas station and bought them anti freeze to use on their car. one of the girls captured it on video, and those who know brooks say they aren't surprised to see it... he could have said well you have a cell phone that works i guess if you cant get your car started you can call a tow truck he could have left but that's not what happened. the sheriff's department offered to reimburse deputy brooks for the anti freeze, but he declined. still to come on today in iowa saturday... this four-legged helper gives new meaning to teacher's pet. what she's doing in the classroom that's improving students' grades. today is national love your pet
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your favorite picture of your furry friend and show us how much you love them. here's a few we want to share! submitted by ilana sheley: "our little deaf buddy, chewy louie, was rescued as a puppy 2 years ago from the arl. nobody wanted a deaf puppy so he sat for weeks and weeks with no interest in his little doggy corral. he is the light of my life and i feel like it was meant for him to be part of our family!"
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submitted by tami anderson: "my labradoodle, charley loves to give kisses." you can submit your favorite picture on our facebook page for a chance to be featured on today in iowa saturday. our mild february weather will continue for another day. it will also be less windy across the state. skies will be mainly sunny and winds will be from the west at 5 to 10
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upper 50s to 60 degrees. more clouds roll in tonight ahead of a cold front. the front may bring a mix of some early morning flurries and rain
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across the state early sunday morning. skies will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy the remainder of the weekend. temperatures will drop back to highs in the 40s
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dust off your thigh masters, put a richard simmons video in your v-c-r and start sweatin' to the sizzle with "body by bacon." a special guest is here to get you in the mood for bacon...
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welcome back to today in iowa saturday...i'm joined now by marshall porter, chief bacon officer of the blue ribbon bacon festival. directions picture
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but in northern wisconsin, one teacher's actual pet, is helping students through challenging times and changes.
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thank you megan. it is
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it is now and time to recap out top stories... iowa will not be home to the new dow dupont agricultural headquarters. dupont pioneer's merger with dow chemical will create three spinoff companies. state leaders hoped the ag company would be located in johnston, but instead, dow- dupont chose delaware. iowa will still have a research and development branch... after providing 17 million dollars in state and local incentives the iowa department of public health has confirmed the
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the zika virus... a woman between the age of 62 and 80 brought it back with her after a trip to central america. zika is believed to cause birth defects in pregnant women. the mosquito that carries the virus is not in iowa.. but could be a concern for people traveling for spring break next month. the race for the white house is heating up... today, republicans in south carolina and democrats in nevada will decide which presidential candidate should be on the ticket in november. victor blackwell has more. donald trump trying to turn a lead in the south carolina polls into a win... and he tells supporters he expects he can run the table if he can start with a win here. and, this morning, he has a message for black voters across the state... presidential candidate: "i will do more for the african-american
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soon to be eight years, and then, by the way, he's out, and thank goodness."south carolina may be the site of jeb bush's last stand... as he's not pulling any punches. presidential candidate: "donald trump has never shown any interest in any one other than himself. and the two candidates that are gifted speakers, marco rubio and ted cruz, have shown nothing in their past that suggests they could make a tough decision."with the state's governor, nikki haley, by his side... senator marco rubio is confident he can recover from that disappointing showing in new hampshire.... and win the gop nomination. presidential candidate: "i can't wait to be the nominee of this party because we're going to take conservatism to people who have not voted for us in a long time."ted cruz says he can relate to the people of the palmetto state better than anyone else in the race. presidential candidate: "south carolina and texas... we got a whole lot in common."meanwhile, across the country... : "there's a caucus here in nevada!"the curtain rises on the democratic contest. hillary clinton comes in with endorsements from south carolina congressman jim clyburn... and the voice of morgan freeman. : "she understands our country can't reach its potential...
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do."but bernie sanders says it's not about the endorsements... it's about voter turnout: presidential candidate: "show the world that democracy is alive and well here in nevada." results from these third contests are expected to shape future of the race... and reveal the strength of the contenders. justice antonin scalia funeral will be held today at the nation's largest catholic church. yesterday, the late justice's current and former law clerks lined the steps as the casket, carried by supreme court police, was brought into the great hall. a private ceremony was held for scalia... followed by a public viewing. president obama and the first lady paid their respects. his funeral will be held at the basilica of the national shrine today with his son-- father paul scalia-- will lead the services. president obama will spend part of his weekend reviewing nominees to fill the vacant supreme court seat of the late justice antonin scalia.
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information and research on several potential candidates out of the oval office friday. when asked 'how many names' he plans to review - obama laughed off the question and kept walking. senator charles grassley chairs the committee that will consider the in any hurry. he co-authored an op-ed in the washington post .. it reads in part, "no one disputes the presidents authority to nominate a successor to scalia, but as inconvenient as it may be for this president, article ii, section 2, of the constitution grants the senate the power to provide, or as the case may be, withhold its consent." grassley wants to wait until the next president is in place before filling the supreme court vacancy. the most powerful storm ever recorded in the southern hemisphere is slamming fiji. tropical cyclone winston is packing winds of more than 220 miles per hour. that's the equivalent of a
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a radio station in fiji is reporting one person dead. they say an elderly man has died on koro island after his house collapsed on him.... s/ ahmed sami/ international red cross :15"the advice is to stay indoors and a lot of preparedness messaging has been ongoing. so, people are aware that what type of preparedness they need to take while they're staying indoors. so, we have prepared the community very, very well." other fiji media is reporting damage, including a roof being blown off one home. flooding is also a major concern and the capital city, suva, is without electricity. moments before a sightseeing helicopter went down in hawaii's pearl harbor thursday, the pilot alerted air traffic control of a problem. the aircraft was salvaged on friday. it divers and crews about an hour to float the downed helicopter using inflatable bags, then take it to joint base pearl harbor-hickam. the
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expected to take months. the helicopter crashed into waters just off the arizona memorial visitors center thursday morning..critically injuring a 15-year-old boy and leaving two others in serious condition. the small south alabama hometown of author harper lee is remembering the pulitzer-prize winning author. harper lee died friday at the age of 89 in her hometown of monroeville. the town was most known for being the literary inspiration of "maycomb" in lee's pulitzer-prize winning novel "to kill a mockingbird." residents say they can easily point out locations depicted in her book, including the historic monroe county courthouse. "well even today, the story is still very relevant. the racial and the injustice that goes on in society today is just as relevant if not more so as it wa back when it was written, and i feel like people gravitate towards
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monroeville ... home to about 63-hundred 90 miles north of mobile. residents call it alabama's "literary capital" because of their fame from "to kill a mockingbird". more bacon inspired fitness and the crowning of the bacon queen... plus where you can celebrate iowa's rich distillery history on a
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good morning, it's a great day to get out and enjoy all of the activities and events around des moines... you won't want to miss the 2016 blue ribbon bacon festival! bacon inspired fitness sessions, bacon sampling, bacon recipes and a crowning of the bacon queen will take place from 10 to 5 today at the iowa events center general admission tickets are 48 dollars and 25 cents and 79 dollars for early admission celebrate iowas rich distillery history at cabin fever: spirits & sweets dare to pair one of a kind mini-tinis mixed by iowa distillers with bite-sized sweets from local eateries at
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the event is from 3 to 6 this afternoon tickets are 20 dollars finally, catch the des moines buccaneers in action against the chicago steel! and you wont want to miss the animal rescue league of iowa's annual doxie dash during intermission. the puck drops at 7-0-5 tonight at buccaneer arena tickets start at 14 remember, there are millions of ways to explore all of what des moines has to offer. to find out how, check out our events calendar on our website at catch des moines dot com. our mild february weather will continue for another day. it willl also be less windy across the state. skies will be mainly sunny and winds will be from the west at 5 to 10
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to 60 degrees. more clouds roll in tonight ahead of a cold front. the front may bring a mix of some early morning flurries and rain showers across the state early sunday morning. skies will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy the remainder of the weekend. temperatures will drop back to highs in the 40s
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still to come on today in iowa saturday... this four-legged helper gives new meaning to teacher's pet. what she's doing in the
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coming up in sports, the finals are set at the state wrestling tournament and a huge game for dougie mcbuckets the title of "teacher's pet" doesn't always have a positive
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but in northern wisconsin, one teacher's actual pet, is helping students through challenging times and changes. lane kimble shows us how. every morning, you can count on the school bell to deliver excitement for some kids... ...and anxiety for many others. "which one do you like better?"but at tomahawk middle school... can always count on another "bell"...
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"you immediately, i see kids, 'oh, bell's here!' and they get the biggest smile on their face." three or four days a week, bell the therapy dog does what she does best... joining middle school students in class to listen, eat and just be there. "she just enjoys being around as many people as possible and just has lots of love to share." special education teacher alyssa zimmerman originally got bell as a pet nearly two years ago. she trained the well-behaved lab as a therapy dog out of her own pocket and asked the school if bell could become the newest..."faculty" member. "there to help and to bring a calm atmosphere and for them to pet her, of course, but i didn't want to take their attention off of the teacher."
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"if they're having a bad day, sometimes they pay a visit to bell as well." principal paul kurth helped zimmerman and the staff figure out insurance coverage and allergy concerns... and get approval from the superintendent. "middle school is a hard time to be in school and the pressures of grades, pressures from home, as you walk in the hallways or you're in the classrooms you can just kind of feel an extra calming in the building when bell is in the building." beyond soothing, bell's presence has helped improve social skills and grades. teachers say students are reading better thanks to practicing their reading to bell. "they're able to hear themselves read, picking up errors when they're flying through a sentence and they say
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huge piece to reading." "when i'm stressed she comes over and lays right next to me. sometimes she'll lay on me." bell helps
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and test-takthe march continues at state wrestling. day 2 is almost in the books and the finals are set in class 3a. michael admire has more from a packed house at the well. 3a team scores after the quarterfinals... southeast polk 1 point better than
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class 2a semifinals. 145 pounds. albia's bryce leshen, 3-1 winner. leshen is on to the finals. 170. seth maitlen pf creston-orient- macksburg...winner in extra time 7-5. both move on to the finals tomorrow night class 2a team scores heading in to the
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clarion goldfield dows in the mix. now in 2nd. albia a good showing up to 3rd. 1a head to the championships. 160. i-35's sal arzani, ranked 3rd. 14-3 major decision over nate van buren. 120. 2nd ranked brady kyner of se warren winner by fall. kyner on to the finals its a 2 team race in class 1a. alburnett and lisbon neck and neck. i-35 is in 7th. with state wrestling winding down that means state basketball is right around the corner. 10 days till the girls take over the well. first regionals. class 2a. 12th ranked des moines christian taking on south central calhoun. 1st q. lionsnside to mia sener, easy 2. dmc thetans answer jadyn kommanvon ries the 3. we're tied at 8.t the lions rally in the 4th. ma veenstra hits the 3. des ines christian advances 51-47 ake women on the road at uni. e annual pink came in cedar falls.jor decision over nate van buren. 120. 2nd ranked brady kyner of se warren winner by fall. kyner on to theilsits a 2 team race in cla .burnett and lisbon neck and
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down that means state basketball is right around the corner. 10 days till the girls take over the well. first regionals. class 2a. 12th ranked des moines christian taking on south central calhoun. 1st q. lions inside to mia rosener, easy 2. dmc up 2. the titans answer jadyn kommanvong, buries the 3. we're tied at 8. but the lions rally in the 4th. emma veenstra hits the 3. des moines christian advances 51-47 drake women on the road at uni. the annual pink came in cedar falls. 2nd half. drake trying to stay in it -- emma donahue knocks down the trey to get the dogs within 11 -- after getting a technical bulldog coach jenny baranczyk then tries to rile up a large drake crowd that made the trip -- instead --
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madison weekly ge the j -- 22 the game for wel-panthers win 85-74 nba bulls and raptors. huge game for doug mcdermott, the pride of ames high. mcdermott, 3 from the corner. chicago up 13. 100-87. later only up 3, lets make it 6. high 30 points for mcdermott. bulls get a much needed win 116-106 its crunch time for iowa state. 5 games left in the regular season, 6th place in the big 12. the cyclones have the talent, but need more consistency. cyclones back home tomorrow against
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tip set for 6:30 from hilton.
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state incentives.. the role iowa will play in the dupont pioneer merger. what state and local leaders had hoped for and the deal that's keeping part of the company here. our mild february weather will continue for another day. it will also be less windy across the state. skies will be mainly
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will be from the west at 5 to 10 mph. temperatures will reach the upper 50s to 60 degrees. dupont pioneer has cut 175 jobs in iowa... but now, the state is paying the company to stop any more layoffs. state leaders say once the dow- dupont merger is complete, the company will still have a presence in iowa. iowa was successful in all our efforts making the case to the company as to why iowa should be
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business center' for seed and biotechnology they hoped dow-dupont would in johnston. instead... they selected wilmington, delaware. johnston will become home to the company's research and millions of dollars in state and local tax breaks.. so when you look at what iowa maintained, and what it's going to be able to do in the future as far as growth, this package today was extremely modest in getting this deal done." here's a look at the deal... in exchange for maintaining 500 research and development jobs... dow-dupont will get 16-million dollars in state aid. 2-million will come in the form of a forgivable loan. the rest is from tax credits. the city of johnston sweetened the deal by adding on to the tax break the company already receives. 5:08:05 "it's $1 million, it's actually an extension of our tax-increment
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with the company." dow-dupont is also cashing-in in delaware... the company decided to base its headquarters in wilmington.... after the state offered a 5-year grant worth nearly 10-million dollars, and another nearly 4-million dollars in incentives tied to the creation of 4- hundred new jobs. the county is also kicking in 7-point-5 million dollars. the iowa utilities board needs another few weeks to decide the fate of the proposed bakken oil pipeline. the three member board met friday to discuss details of the construction... maintenance.. and repair of the pipeline. they are trying to decide if the private developer should be allowed to bury the pipeline on land against the land owner's wishes. the board expects to make a final decision one of their next meetings... either the march 9th or the 10th. the first deadline at the iowa legislature has come and gone. one bill to expand autism insurance is advancing this session.... after several failed attempts. channel
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m a r i o... there is an owhen it comes to fighting for a child well its just a really difficult thing to get funded the battle is ongoing for the lust family... children of state employees have had coverage for 5 years now and we would just like the same coverage if you need help with paper use you words, im up here. ok! for two and half hours.... five days a week, for the last three years -- brandon receives
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he was diagnosed with autism at age four... we had seen what a great impact it was having on his behavior and on his life and on our lives as a family aba said to be the only research based treatment for autism... but it's also expensive it's about a thousand dollars a week. brandon's mom -- kerry says insurance companies repeatedly denied her son's therapy. they received coverage under a medicade waiver.... but even that's short lived. the waiver expires for children when they turn nine.... brandon is 8 - which one of these goes on your feet? i like how you used your words today... a piece of legislation is moving through the statehouse... that would require insurance companies to provide autism therapy coverage until the age of 21. major insurance companies like wellmark are lobbying against it, saying it already covers several services related to autism. in statement.. wellmark says... quote-- " in addition, iowa already has an innovative autism support program that assures coverage for those who cannot otherwise get coverage for aba therapy." prior attempts to get the law changed have failed.. but this family is remaining optimistic... they won't have to put a pause on brandon's progress i dont know and thats what scary. there is a very good
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doesnt pass at age 9 he will be done. so yeah, i try not to think about that the lust family says treating kids with autism at a young age will allow insurance companies to save money down the road, because they won't need as much care. iowa health officials are dealing with the state's first case of the zika virus. the department of public health says a woman who recently traveled to central america brought the virus back with her. zika is believed to cause birth defects when pregnant mothers are infected. the mosquito that carries the virus is not in iowa, but could be a concern for spring break travelers next month. 11:41 the main risk to iowans is if we travel. we go to the caribbean, central america, south america and that is the place we want people to understand that there risk is so that they'll take some common sense type of precautions so they don't get
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travel. 5:12:00 those precautions include wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants... using mosquito spray.. and avoiding the outdoors during peak mosquito times. the collins-maxwell school district is looking for a new superintendent... the former superintendent, jason ellingson, resigned one day after he was placed on administrative leave. the district released this statemetn... "earlier this week, the district received a report making certain allegations against the superintendent. the allegations releated to off- duty matters. there is no evidence that any persons have been harmed." the story county sheriffs office tells us they are not actively investigating ellingson. some folks in warren county have had it with the condition of their roads... they say this is a common sight.... large pot holes, no gravel with a lot of mud, and impassable conditions.
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and says his department is operating on very limited funds. but drivers say the roads are dangerous and the county needs to fix them... now. jolynn riedesel - frustrated taxpayer 18:44:26--41 'when were driving out here and youre coming up a hill and your essentially in the middle of the road because both sides are so swampy and youre coming up blind on someone coming down the hill, its a head on collision waiting to happen.' the county engineer says workers have been asked to put in overtime in the coming weeks to accelerate maintenance operations. friday's 60 mile an hour wind gusts made it was hard to travel on even paved roads. this is one of at least five semi- trucks that were blown over. the crash in linn county caused a long backups until the truck was towed away. homes couldn't escape the damage either... this tree was blown over in the quad cities... it came down on the house and shot a branch through the roof and the ceiling
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another man in the quad cities realized his apartment building being torn apart. he heard a loud boom and thought something hit the building... but looked out to see the wind ripping off the outer shell and railing of his deck... one iowan's act of kindness has gone viral. a muscatine county deputy went out of his way to help a group of girls stranded on the side of the road. their car overheated on highway 61 monday night. so deputy dustin brooks followed them to a gas station and bought car. one of the girls captured it on video, and those who know brooks it... he could have said well you have a cell phone that works i guess if you cant get your car started you can call a tow truck he could have left but that's not what happened. the sheriff's department offered to reimburse deputy brooks for the anti freeze, but he declined. still to come on today in iowa saturday...
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the whole family... how to spice up your fish
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today is national love your pet day! we asked you to submit your favorite picture of your furry friend and show us how much you love them. here's a few we want to share!
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picture: "my little miss sunshine 4 months old and a ball energy!" diana miller submitted this photo: "kasey says hi from pella, ia" deanna sturtevant submitted this picture: "our best friend and puppy is deanna sturtevant submitted this picture: "our best friend and puppy is muggsy a boston terrier/pug known as a bug. he was abused and about to be put down because he wasn't connecting to anyone when we adopted him. 7 years later he is the best guard boy and tea companion ever." you can submit your favorite picture on our facebook page for a chance to be
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our mild february weather will continue for another day. it will also be less windy across the state. skies will be mainly sunny and winds will be from the west at 5 to 10 mph. temperatures will reach the upper 50s to 60 degrees. more clouds roll in tonight ahead of a cold front. the front may bring a mix of some early morning flurries and rain showers across the state early sunday morning. skies will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy the remainder of
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drop back to highs in the 40s
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still to come on today in iowa saturday... enjoy a candlelit dinner paired with the finest southern italian wine... when we return...a guest joins us in studio to talk about the recent re- opening of a des moines classic and where you'll want to make your next dinner reservation. welcome back to today in iowa
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surf, stream, download, and play on multiple devices at once, with centurylink internet. get up to 40 megs for $20 a month for 1 yeye when bundled with qualifying home phone plan. just call... ...right now. wanna see this as an action movie? [ deep voice ] get ready. 40 megs is only $20 a month. [ normal voice ] or drama? [ melodramatic voice ] get up to 40 megs for $20 a month. [ normal voice ] only from centurylink. spspd may not be available in your area.
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i'm joined now by owner and
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welcome back to today in iowa make a simple and tasty idea for
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criteria real well...shrimp lettuce wraps a great friday evening meal. i cooked my brown rice in mandarin orange juice. you can add any style of salsa or hot sauce...especially when you have kids eating this you can always go easy on this. add mandarin oranges and that is
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it makes great leftovers. you can use whatever you have at should be easy. whitney thank you for the idea. you can email whitney and we'll be
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at should be easy. whitney thank you for the idea. you can email whitney and we'll
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our mild february weather will continue for another day. it will also be less windy across the state. skies will be mainly sunny and winds will be from the west at 5 to 10 mph. temperatures will reach the upper 50s
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thank you megan. it is now and time to recap out top stories... iowa will not be home to the new dow dupont agricultural headquarters. dupont pioneer's merger with dow chemical will create three spinoff companies. state leaders hoped the ag company would be located in johnston, but instead, dow- dupont chose delaware. iowa will still have a research and development branch... after providing 17 million dollars in state and local incentives the iowa department of public health has confirmed the state's first case of the zika virus... a woman between the age of 62 and 80 brought it back with her after a trip to central america. zika is believed to cause birth defects in pregnant women. the mosquito that carries the could be a concern break next month. the race for the white house is heating up... today, republicans in south carolina and democrats in nevada will decide which presidential candidate should be on the ticket in november.
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donald trump trying to turn a lead in the south carolina polls into a win... and he tells supporters he he can start with a win here. and, this morning, he has a message for black voters across the state... presidential candidate: "i will do more for the african-american people in one year than barack obama has done in seven years, soon to be eight years, and then, by the goodness."south carolina may be the site of jeb pulling any punches. presidential candidate: "donald trump has never shown any interest in any one other than himself. gifted speakers, marco rubio and ted cruz, have shown nothing in their past that
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governor, nikki haley, by his side... senator marco rubio is confident he can recover from that disappointing showing in new hampshire.... and win the gop nomination. presidential candidate: "i can't wait to be the nominee of this party because we're going to take conservatism to people who have not voted for us in a long time."ted cruz says he can relate to the people of the palmetto state better than anyone else in the race. presidential candidate: "south carolina and texas... we got a whole lot in common."meanwhile, across the country... : "there's a caucus here in nevada!"the curtain rises on the democratic contest. hillary clinton comes in with endorsements from south carolina congressman jim clyburn... and the voice of morgan freeman. can't reach its potential... unless we all do."but bernienders says it's not about the endorsements... it's about voterrnout:presidential candidate: "show e world that democracy is alive d well here in nevada." sults from these intests are expected to shape fute of the race... and reveal the strength of the contenders. justice antonin scali's funeral will be held today at the nation's largest catholic church. yesterday, the late justice's current and former law clerks lined the steps at the supreme court
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into the great hall. a private ceremony was held for scalia... followed by a public viewing. president obama and the first lady paid their respects. his funeral will be held at the basilica of the national shrine today with his son-- father paul scalia-- will lead the services. president obama will spend part of his weekend reviewing nominees to fill the vacant supreme court seat of the late justice antonin scalia. the president carried a heavy binder of background information and research on several potential candidates out of the oval office friday. when asked 'how many names' he plans to review - obama laughed off the question and kept walking. senator charles grassley chairs the committee that will consider the nominee and doesn't seem to be in any hurry. he co-authored an op-ed in the washington post .. it reads in part, "no one disputes the presidents authority to nominate a successor to scalia, but as inconvenient as it may be for this president, article ii, section
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power to provide, or as the case may be, withhold its consent." grassley wants to wait until the next president is in place before filling the supreme court vacancy. the most powerful storm ever recorded in the southern hemisphere is slamming fiji. tropical cyclone winston is packing winds of more than 220 miles per hour. that's the equivalent of a category five hurricane. a radio station in fiji is reporting one person dead. they say an elderly man has died on koro island after his house collapsed on him.... s/ ahmed sami/ international red cross :15"the advice is to stay indoors and a lot of preparedness messaging has been ongoing. so, people are aware that what type of preparedness they need to take while they're staying indoors. so, we have prepared the community very, very well." other fiji media is reporting damage, including a roof being blown off one home. flooding is also a major concern and the capital city, suva, is without electricity.
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helicopter went down in hawaii's pearl harbor thursday, the pilot alerted air traffic control of a problem. the aircraft was salvaged on friday. it divers and crews about an hour to float the downed helicopter using inflatable bags, then take it to joint base pearl harbor-hickam. the n-t-s-b says its investigation is expected to take months. the helicopter crashed into waters just off the arizona memorial visitors center thursday morning..critically injuring a 15-year-old boy and leaving two others in serious condition. the small south alabama hometown of author harper lee is remembering the pulitzer-prize winning author. harper lee died friday at the age of 89 in her hometown of monroeville. the town was most known for being the literary inspiration of "maycomb" in lee's pulitzer-prize winning novel "to kill a mockingbird." residents say they can easily
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including the historic monroe county courthouse. "well even today, the story is still very relevant. the racial and the injustice that goes on in society today is just as relevant if not more so as it wa back when it was written, and i feel like people gravitate towards that." monroeville ... home to about 63-hundred 90 miles north of mobile. residents call it alabama's "literary capital" because of their fame from "to kill a mockingbird". saturday... the variety of beer is bound to please any palate out there... when we return...the owner of a new brewery shares his story and with 16 tap handles, your taste buds will never get
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our mild february weather will continue for another day. it will also be less windy across the state. skies will be mainly sunny and winds
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mph. temperatures will reach the upper 50s to 60 degrees. more clouds roll in tonight ahead of a cold front. the front may bring a mix of some
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across the state early sunday morning. skies will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy the remainder of the weekend. temperatures will drop back to highs in the 40s and 30s during the work week. i'm joined now by jeremy boka, owner of reclaimed rails
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the march continues at state wrestling. day 2 is almost in the books and the finals are set in class 3a. michael admire has more from a packed house at the well. 3a team scores after the quarterfinals... southeast polk 1 point better than fort dodge. valley still in the mix in 3rd. class 2a semifinals. 145 pounds. albia's bryce leshen,
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to the finals. 170. seth maitlen pf creston-orient- macksburg...winner in extra time 7-5. both move on to the finals tomorrow
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the finals...creston orient macksburg on top. clarion goldfield dows in the mix. now in 2nd. albia a good showing up to 3rd. 1a head to the championships. 160. i-35's sal arzani, ranked 3rd. 14-3 major decision over nate van buren. 120. 2nd ranked brady kyner of se warren winner by fall. kyner on to the finals its a 2 team race in class 1a. alburnett and lisbon neck and neck. i-35 is in 7th. with state wrestling winding down that means state basketball
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10 days till the girls take over the well. first regionals. class 2a. 12th ranked des south central
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dmc up 2. the titans answer jadyn kommanvong, down that means state basketball is right around the corner. 10 days till the girls take over the well. first regionals. class 2a. 12th ranked des moines christian taking on south central calhoun. 1st q. lions inside to mia rosener, easy 2. dmc up 2. the titans answer jadyn kommanvong, buries the 3. we're tied at 8. but the lions rally in the 4th. emma veenstra hits the 3. des moines christian advances 51-47 drake women on the road at uni. the annual pink came in cedar falls. 2nd half. drake trying to stay
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trey to get the dogs within 11 -- after getting a technical bulldog coach jenny baranczyk then tries to rile up a large drake crowd that made the trip -- instead -- it just the uni crowd going as madison weekly gets the j -- 22 in the game for weekly -- panthers win 85-74 nba bulls and raptors. huge game for doug mcdermott, the pride of ames high. mcdermott, 3 from the corner. chicago up 13. 100-87. later only up 3, lets make it 6. another 3 from dougie high 30 points for mcdermott. bulls get a much needed win 116-106 its crunch time for iowa state. 5 games left in the regular season, 6th place in the big 12. the
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more consistency. cyclones back home tomorrow against tcu. horned frogs are the worst team in the big 12. tip set for 6:30 from hilton. with your
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zooming in from outer space to see what we are doin' tiny little astronauts ready to get to it intergalactic scientists earthbound on a mission they're the brightest of the best a team of friends upon a quest all aboard they send reports of projects they are doin' question and investigate there is nothin' to it make a guess and do your best gathering the data
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they're a band of cosmic friends tiny happy aliens blast off to another world secretly exploring when they land upon the earth nothing's ever boring they might have landed in your room be teing in the kitchen or exploring in the bathroom have you noticed something missin' it's another undercover super secret day experimenting all the way they think our planet's really great here come fleeker boomer flo adventures everywhere they go so check your room for cosmic friends tiny happy aliens they're floogals three two one let's go [buzzing] - what's that noise? [gurgling] - what? - huh? - what? - okay, evie. - duck. - coming.


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