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tv   Channel 13 News at Four  NBC  February 22, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm CST

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mmmm, yoplait. des moines police announce a break in a january homicide investigation. find out who they are linking to the murder of norma jean mcneeley the national frontrunners each scored big wins, this weekend... and another republican dropped out of the race. find out where the contests stand with super tuesday just a week from tomorrow. and not everyone is cheering the pre- spring meltdown. find out where the ice is threatening central iowa homes again. news at four front door open 40 degrees in february? that's
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a south side des moines homeowner has a new addition to her front yard. a former tree is now a dancing snoopy sculpture. good afternoon ... i'm sonya heitshusen. .and i'm dan winters ... thanks for joining us. it will be quiet and cooler this week. this evening will remain cloudy with temperatures dropping to the low 30s. a cold front will move through during the morning on tuesday which will could bring a quick rain/snow mix through central iowa early in
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the man shot and killed by urbandale police earlier this month is suspected in an unsolved murder in des moines.
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71 year old norma mcneeley last month. mcneeley was found stabbed to death in her home on pioneer road on january 24th. investigators sent blood samples to the d-c-i crime lab for d-n-a testing. last week, tests confirmed a match to yahia, a known violent was trying to rob mcneeley and that he acted alone. they say this is the type of criminal they want off the streets. 9:04:59 'you know when we think about the reason we get into the business and putting bad guys in prison... this is the guy were thinking about. this guy was a known violent offender... no empathy for anyone else i believe he had no conscience and his actions very clearly demonstrate that he was very violent.' yahia was killed by urbandale call at the holiday inn on february 13th. police say he pulled out a gun and fired on officers. they returned fire... killing him. here's a look at a portion of yahia's criminal history. in 20-14... he was charged with
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ethnic grocery stores in des moines. he reached a plea deal... and was sentenced to probation. then... in january 2015... he was charged with second... third and fourth degree theft. he ended up pleading guilty to first degree theft and wilfull injury. again... he received probation... a suspended sentence and was fined 1750- dollars. jury slection is underway in the trial of a boone county man accused of killing his wife. alexander fazzino is charged with the first degree murder of emily fazzino in january of 2012. at first her death was ruled accidental ... but a second autopsy determined her death was homicide. the trial has been delayed five seperate times. it is being held in winneshiek county. we'll have full coverage of the trial this week once the jury is seated. the des moines city council will be making some multi-million dollar decisions tonight that will reshape the face of downtown des moines. the council will finalize its capital improvements budget for the next fiscal year by giving final
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construction projects. the biggest of those is the replacement of the grand avenue bridge. the council will also approve the money for locust street bridge improvements and the final leg of the southeast connector project. council members also expect to receive a final proposal from developers on the future use of the former ywca building. principal financial wants to build a parking garage on most of the site at 7th and grand. another developer would build a luxury apartment and retail building next door. the project requires the city to sell the land to the two developers. and there are more "i's" to dot and "t's" to cross on the iowa events center hotel plan. the council will be asked to approve a revised financing plan to pay for the development. demolition is already underway on the project. the hotel is expected to open in 2018. republican lawmakers say farmers, teachers and businessowners across the state could soon face tax hikes if democrats don't take action. republicans want legislators to
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coupling...which lets you claim on your state taxes some of the deductions you claim on your federal taxes. farmers use that deduction to offset some of the cost of new equipment. overall, legislative analysts say extending the coupling provision another year would cost the state revenue about 95 million dollars. one farmer said it's not fair to tell him now that his taxes would go up as he's filing his tax forms for the past year. dan rickles...2231 i could have planned if we would have helps the economy." lawmakers have permitted coupling in all but one year over the past decade. but senate democrats worry the state can't afford it right now...especially as lawmakers have struggled to come up with the funding they want for schools. a pair of big concert announcements for this summer were made today. the biggest news ... legendary singer- songwriter paul simon will be on
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tickets go on sale this friday at nine a-m. and another grandstand act at the iowa state fair is set. country singer brett eldredge will play on saturday august 18th. tickets for that show go on sale next saturday. he joins a granstand lineup that already includes dierks bentley, jeff dunham and newsboys. last week was a bumpy one for both the hawkeye and cyclone basketball teams ... and today both of them were bumped down in the a-p poll. both teams dropped four spots in the new rankings. the hawkeyes one game last week was a loss at penn state. they drop to number eight today. the cyclones lost at baylor ... then won at home against tcu on saturday. they drop to number 17. according to espn's leading "bracketologist" the hawkeyes are now a two-seed in the ncaa tournament ... the cyclones are a four seed. of course the real seedings for the tournament don't come out until sunday, march 13th. temperatures climbed to the 60's
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the warmup. coming up next ... our roger riley takes you to webster county where ice jams are once again threatening riverfront homes. and a little later ... find out your favorite pet a therapy animal and open doors for it all over town. overnight flash flood warnings were issued for central webster
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you can learn from granola. keep it simple. make every piece count. let other people know what you're made of. always be real. don't be fake, don't be artificial, but always be sweet. and of course, wear sunscreen. nature valley granola bars.
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county afer an ice jam caused water to rise swiftly. the water has gone down in some areas ...but today one fort dodge neighborhood was still dealing with some flooding. roger riley reports on how authorities are trying to get a the ice will go next.... in the riverdale neighborhood residents were watching the mountains of ice on the des moines river. water creeping inside some of the homes..and covering the yards of all the houses. sot sara messerly roger standup im standing on madison avenue in northwest fort dodge where large ice boulders..and water have this road closed. emergency management coordinator scott forbes said the ice jam flooding is hard to predict. scott forbes/ems webster co came up fast- housing for some residents.
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reports on ice jams we like to document them jeff zogg of the national weather service was touring areas where the ice had caused some flooding today. he says this part of the river is prone to ice jams.... sot zogg the last big flood in riverdale was in 2010..and most residents here know that this comes with having a place along the river.. sot sara in fort dodge rr channel 13 news ad lib main weather it will be
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ad lib main weather it will be
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this evening will remain cloudy with temperatures dropping to the low 30s. a cold front will move
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will could bring a quick rain/snow mix through central iowa, but accumulation is not expected. winds will pick up during the middle of the week with temperatures dropping back into the middle to upper 30s. temperatures will bump up to the upper 40s again briefly on saturday with the possibility of more snow on sunday night into monday morning. therapy animals can be a life or death companion for some ...
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therapy animals can be a life or death companion for some ...
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than ever to cheat the system so you can take any pet anywhere. we'll show you how it works ...
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what if you could take your including restaurants or movie theaters. bryan polcyn is about to show you how he did it. and how easy it would be for you to do it, too, even if you don't need a therapy pet. when a grown woman tells you she can't live without her duck. it's only natural to wonder... "i'm not makin' this up."how does a duck... help? "they have something that they have access to that humans don't."carla fitzgerald says her feathered friend is more toddler than waddler. he plays with toys...
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"daniel flip! good duck."but most importantly, he can sense an anxiety attack before she even knows she's having one. "it's almost like he's trying to climb my leg and he's yelling as loud as he can, 'ma ma mama mama mama ma ma.'" fitzgerald suffers post traumatic stress from an accident when a car struck the horse and carriage she was operating in milwaukee's third ward. "i got catapulted out and landed on that drawbridge." three years later, she's still afraid to leave the house alone. "so, i started seeing a, um... psychologist." and for each appointment... "let's put on your other shoe."she brings along daniel... .her 3-year-old indian runner. "i could see that there is real comfort there."doctor constanz hartney has seen for himself how daniel calms his client. "i became convinced that the duck was sensitive to her emotional changes."so he wrote her a letter saying the duck is therapuetic. "huh? where we goin'?"now she
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goes... in the car... to the movies... to church... "yeah, you want a noodle?"even out for a quick bite of lunch. "when he's in public, he behaves."the trouble started when she decided to get an apartment in cudahy. "oh, we can't allow that. we can't allow that." "bryan, you always learn something new in this job."cudahy mayor john hohenfeldt says when they first got wind of a duck moving to town, it ruffled a few feathers in the health department. "when you think of a suburban community are ducks the most cleanliest animal?"they even proposed a new ordinance... "prohibiting the ownership of ducks in the city limit."
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the city attorney did more research. "this is nothing more than bullying. that's all that it is."federal law not only protects your right to live with an emotional support animal... airplanes. increasingly controversial as more exotic creatures show up where standard pets are not allowed. like the unruly pig kicked off a us airways flight two years ago. the kangaroo a couple tried to bring into a beaver dam mcdonald's last year. or the turkey spotted flying delta just last month. complaints about support animals on airplanes have tripled in the last six years... raising questions about whether some pet owners are abusing the system. "that's a problem. that is a big problem."after all, getting a doctor to
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just google - emotional support animals... click one of the myriad links for a doctor's letter. and fill out an online medical exam. "do you feel depressed on a daily basis?" "we'll say yes."it took me about 30 minutes. "preferred emotional support pet. that would be..." "goat."and a $159 charge on my credit card. and two days later, i had a letter from a licensed psychotherapist i'd never met. never even talked to on the phone. she diagnosed me with an unspecified mental health condition... and prescribed me 'one goat' for emotional support. "c'mon girl."with the help of a local goat farmer, we borrowed a 70- pound nubian-boer mix, named -- of all things -- 'duckie'. and we hit the big city. first stop... "you're gonna love it in here."the milwaukee art museum. "is this a service animal?" "it's an emotional support
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"oh, it is. alright."needless to say... "first time at the museum."we drew a crowd. "is she a helper?" "she's an emotional support animal."we also got into the museum without any trouble. "hi duckie!"duckie was instantly the musuem's most popular exhibit. "wow, neat!" "hi, sweetie!"everyone loved duckie! well, maybe not everyone. "quick mop up over near the brooks stevens display." "look at the camera!"within minutes, the goat at the museum was a social media sensation. but we didn't stop there. we took duckie into starbucks... lulu lemon... the marcus south shore cinema... and the milwaukee public market. "is there any way that one of you could take the goat outside. we dont allow animals in here." "oh, i'm sor... this is my emotional support animal." "okay. but, we dont even, like, allow dogs in here."at any sign of resistance, i just pulled out my 'therapist's' note. "i have a letter.' "okay."
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'yeah.'and that did the trick. "this is my emotional support animal." "okay, do you have. you said that you have papers?" "i do."a quick scan of my official documentation and... "at this point, i'm gonna say we're good."duckie and i had a front row seat for tina fey's latest flick. "it speaks well for our city's open mindedness."it also speaks to a rising concern in the disability community. "that there are people out there playing this card when they really dont deserve to play it."kit kerschensteiner is managing attorney for disability rights wisconsin. "a lot of people think i have an emotional support animal i can take him on the bus, take him into walgreens or a restaurant. thats not the point of the animal." while ful-fledged service animals, like guide dogs, can go anywhere their owners go, federal protection of emotional support animals only applies to housing and air travel.
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ask permission."but most people don't know that. "i have a letter." "okay." "okay?" "yeah."so schemers can easily take advantage. "that's making it harder for people with disabilities."she's worried they will ruin it... "oh, dan. you're such a good duck."for people like carla fitzgerald. "this is my emotional support animal. i need him."after further review, the city of cudahy informed fitzgerald she can live there with daniel, after all. "and i said, 'carla, i never said i don't want you living in our community. i just want to make sure we are doing it right.'" you might say it's a feather in the cap for disability rights. "all i'm asking is to live peacefully and quietly... with my duck." the therapist that issued reporter bryan polcyn's goat is sed inlifornia. sheays she ually skypes or ails with a person before agnong them, but she did neither of those things for bryan. she says that's because his answers to the questionnaire were complete and informative. as for the potential for people to abuse her service, she says it's just as easy to lie in person as it is over the internet. the search for answers is
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spree this weekend in michigan. a man with no criminal history opens fire ... killing six people ... all while performing his duties as an uber driver. coming up next ... we'll tell you what authorities know about the victims and the suspect as they search
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six yesterday in michigan. we'll tell you what we do know about the alleged gunman. are gun advertisements to blame for mass shootings in america? find out who is claiming that and who they are taking to court over it. and are the presidential races close to being decided? we'll tell you where things stand after two big votes over the weekend. news at four front door an uber driver is accused of going on a shooting spree in kalamazoo michigan over the weekend. an uber driver accused of going on a killing spree in michigan saturday in court. prosecutors say they think they know "what" happened... but they're still trying to figure out "why". dalton has admitted to prosecutors he is there guy. nbc's chris
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45-year old jason dalton... a husband and father of two... and an uber driver... now charged with six counts of murder... plus two counts of assault with intent to murder... along with weapons charges. natural sound the defendant did murder mary lou nye" prosecutors in kalamazoo, michigan say dalton conducted that killing spree over about six hours saturday night, all while continuing to give rides to unsuspecting passengers. but as of now, they still don't know why it happened... and what, if anything ties the victims together. sound jeff getting - kalamazoo prosecutor :36-:49 "this was not just a momentary lapse, this was not just a crime. there was not something to provoke this. there are video tapes of these incidents. he walked up on these people and shot them." in all, eight people were shot in three separate locations. a woman at an apartment complex... a father and son at a car dealership... and five people in a restaurant parking lot... among the dead there, bart nye's mother and aunt... best friends who play. sound bart nye -
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1:05-1:09 "i don't know how i'm going to explain this to my son, that he doesn't gets to see his grandma again," natural sound people in the community still stunned over these seemingly random killings have come together to pray for the victims... sound bishop paul bradley - st. augustine cathedral, kalamazoo 1:16-1:28 "when we ask why these 6 people, people of all ages - all walks of life, innocent, minding their own business where so violently taken from us" uber says dalton passed a background check. police say he has no prior criminal record. chris pollone nbc news new york. two people remain hospitalized ... a 14- year old girl and a mother of three. the shooting spree in kalamazoo is certain to reopen the debate over america. a judge will soon weigh in on the question of who is to blame for in american history ... the sandy hook massacre. the families of children who were in the school that day are suing a gun
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promotion of its products inspired the shooter. deborah feyerick has the story. it lasted less than five minutes. but when the shooting at sandy hook elementary finally stopped - 20 children and 6 educators lay dead. one was david wheeler's seven year old son benny. his other son, who was nine, was also there. "he spent that entire time hiding in a box of t-shirts in the supply closet. and he heard every round. and one of his first questions to me was, 'how many people were there dad? how many were there?' and i said 'there was one guy.'"one-hundred-and-fifty four rounds fired from an ar15 high- powered, semi-automatic assault created and designed by the us military to be fully automatic and used in combat. "each of the kids had 3 to 8 bullets in them and you think, "there's something wrong."jackie barden's six-year- old son daniel was also killed. both parents are part of a potentially precedent setting lawsuit, alleging -- remington, its distributors &
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market such a dangerous product. makers do the opposite --using adrenalin-fueled ads and targeted-product-placement in video games like call of duty - which the sandy hook gunman played repeatedly before the rampage. "i would like to see them to stop looking at violent prone young men as their ideal customer." "it's their target."the lawsuit focuses on a 2005 law passed by congress that protects gun manufacturers from liability if, essentially, a firearm is "misused" in a crime to kill people. remington declined cnn's request for comment citing pending litigation. however, in papers to dismiss the suit, their lawyers argue the 2005 law "provides complete immunity to
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since 2012, the ar-15 has been used in seven of america's deadliest shootings which together claimed 79 lives; they include the aurora movie theater, and most recently san bernadino's isis inspired rampage. "do you think that if the gunman used a different kind of firearms that maybe, just maybe, your children would have survived?" "he chose that because he wanted to." "he had other firearms on his person and in his car and he didn't use them, he didn't take them. he knew what he wanted to do." remington is asking the judge to dismiss the case. if that fails... the gun
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in connection with the at sandy hook elementary school. apple computers now has four order that it helps the fbi break into a cellphone belonging to one of the san bernardino shooters ... ... and it appears the company plans to defy that order. the fbi is asking apple to write a program to allow them to access just the one phone. but apple is pushing back, saying it could create a slippery slope that could allow law enforecement access to any i-phone. this morning apple ceo tim cook emailed staff and thanked them for their support in the legal battle and reminded them that --quote-- this is about more than one phone. it will be quiet and cooler this week. this evening will remain cloudy with temperatures dropping to the low 30s. a cold front will move it will be quiet and cooler this cloudy with temperatures dropping to the low through during the morning on tuesday which will could bring a quick rain/snow mix through central iowa early in the day. nevada is next up in the
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house - and donald trump's odds are looking good. he has a strong lead in the polls ahead of tomorrow night's caucuses ... and the stars are lining up for the super tuesday delegate bonanza a week later. right now marco rubio and ted cruz are battling it out for second-place. brian mooar has the story from washington. donald trump is hoping a third straight win tomorrow night in nevada will give him insurmountable momentum next week as the gop primary race goes nationwide. sot: michael steele, republican strategist, former rnc chair :12-:15 right now he's leading in 10 out of 14 states. you tell me who stops him." south carolina turned the republican race into a three-man contest - with marco rubio narrowly edging out ted cruz for second place. a fight that's getting even more
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:26-:30 "every single day something comes out of the cruz campaign that's deceptive and untrue." as rubio questions cruz's honesty ... cruz questions rubio's ability to win. sot: sen. ted cruz :36-:40 "i would point out, even in florida, his home state, he's right now polling in third place." march first - super tuesday - could prove decisive - with nearly six hundred delegates up for grabs ... including those in virginia ... where john kasich is being forced to clarify this statement about how women supported him in the 1970s. sot: gov. john kasich :54-1:05 "we just got an army of left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and to put yard signs up for me. all the way back when, you know, things were different." and things will be different - with super tuesday looming as a potential game-changer in the gop race. audio outcue: "brian mooar, nbc news, washington." jeb bush dropped out of the race saturday. rubio and cruz are said to be competing fiercely for his supporters and his are now focused on their primary in
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the latest polls show hillary clinton has nearly a 30-point lead there. this weekend a 106-year old woman felt like a kid again on a visit to the white house. virginia mclaurin not only got to meet president obama and the first virginia mclaurin not only got to meet president obama and the first lady... she got to dance with them. in 2014-- mclaurin began a social media campaign to meet the obama's.
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ad lib main weather it will be quiet and cooler this week. this evening will remain cloudy with temperatures dropping to the low 30s. a cold front will move
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will could bring a quick rain/snow mix through central iowa, but accumulation is not expected. winds will pick up during the middle of the week with temperatures dropping back into the middle to upper 30s. temperatures will bump up to the upper 40s again briefly on saturday with the possibility of more snow on sunday night into monday morning. coming up next ... see how some wisconsin residents celebrated the end coming up next ... see how some wisconsin residents celebrated the end of snowmobile season and the start of baseball season at the same
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however softball season is already in full swing in wisconsin. softballs were flying on sunday in greenville, wisconsin ... along with snow and slush. eric peterson introduces us to snowmobile softball. "all right, we're going to begin the next game, between van asten's and o-c-c firefighters.: the match-up sunday at the outagamie conservation club had the makings of a classic. a spot in the finals was on the line. "we call it snowmobile softball. it's basically slow-pitch softball, played on a snowmobile." there are rules specific to the sport.
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sled turned off. the batter stands in a circle, can't start them up until the ball is hit." "you have to wear a coat. you have to wear a pair of gloves. so with a 16- inch softball, you can't pick it up one handed with a pair of gloves on." the action was intense. like this hard smash. the second baseman got a ski on it. the toss to second got the sledder on the force out, but the relay to first base for the double play was not in time. "as long as you don't smack your sled up, it's not bad. otherwise, some of these guys got $10,000 sleds out here. you do that, you're in trouble." shane stone found himself in a bit of a bind. players helped him back on his sled after he twisted his ankle. "foot gets stuck in the snowmobile, and you can't do nothing. you're stuck there. but you're okay? yep, we're good." at times the action looked chaotic, but players say that's
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"no strategy. same as softball, you just run the bases with sleds." "it's awesome. you got to try it once, and you get addicted to it." "it's just a good time for the people to get out, who got cabin fever, get out here, and enjoy winter a little bit." "this is amazing. super fun to be out here watching the men out there, and the women. great family event for all." we'll be back in three minutes
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again! again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal...
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thanks for joining us on the channel 13 news at four ... the news at five starts right now. police have named a suspect in des moines' first homicide of 20-16... why the man will never be arrested or stand trial. a local blood center is doing its part to stop the spread of the zika virus... find out how the precautionary
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your taxes are due two months from today... the plan state lawmakers are discussing and how it might affect you. police found their suspect in an unsolved murder in des moines. but he won't be arrested or stand trial for the crime. good evening, i'm erin kiernan. and i'm sonya heitshusen. thanks for joining us. des moines police believe they'vve solved the murder of a 71-year-old woman. but their only suspect, ali yahia, was shot and killed by urbandale police earlier this month. channel 13's jannay towne joins us now with more on how police linked him to the crime scene... it's first on 13. the brutal stabbing of norma jean mcneeley was des moines' first homicide of 20-16. police were waiting for a break in the case... and forensic evidence provided just that. des moines police say they know in the early morning hours on january 24th
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violently inside the home. there was a lot of blood inside 23 that bloody crime scene helped investigator solve her murder. they collected samples from inside the home... and followed a blood trail leading away from where mcneeley was killed. the d-c-i crime lab tested them and a d-n-a match led investigators to this man... police 08:57:32 that match came back to a man by the name of ali yahia- who is a known violent offender . he's the same man.. urbandale police shot and killed on february 13th... at the holiday inn. officers responding to a drug complaint say yahia pulled out a gun and started shooting. they returned fire..killing him... almost three weeks after it's believed he killed mcneeley. neighbor 02:02:40 it's just a horrible thing and it would be horrible to happen to anybody, but they were just so vulnerable and the crime was just so atrocious 52 the 71 year old lived with her sister...who is disabled. police dont know of any connection between mcneeley and her killer. police 09:00:45 we don't know why he targeted that house. it's really anybody's guess


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