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tv   Channel 13 News at 10  NBC  February 25, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm CST

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sub-state game against boone may have even more significance... good evening. i'm erin kiernan. and i'm dan winters. thank you for joining us. on monday, we shared how the perry players faced racially-charged chants from a handful dallas center-grimes fans. tonight... the fans from the two school cheered together as one... channel 13's justin surrency has the story. "something like that you really don't get over. it's something that sticks with you for life..."but instead of making excuses... "we were definitely in the wrong, our student body.:"students from d-c-g met with perry students early thursday and used the evening's boone vs perry boys sub-state game to make amends and teach their fellow
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"maybe educate them more because we don't have a very diverse school at all." "i think perry is 48 percent so i think it's understanding their side." and perry learned from d-c-g "the few that did those chants and said those things were not a full representation of that a neutral site in johnston, perry also welcomed students from ankeny, des moines lincoln, johnston and greene county... "it shows how united we can be not just with our own school but with diversity and here to have fun." students say it was a select few in the stands monday that tarnished the mustangs name three days ago...but now a different group of d-c-g teenagers with courage and honor put that burden on their backs to show perry the respect they deserve... hoping that other schools can take from this and realize whatever they are saying can have an effect on players and on the community and such." proving that no matter
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acceptance not exclusion...these two schools understand what can make america great again... "how everyone is accepted, everyone is united, it doesn't matter your race, exclusion...these two schools understand what can make america great again... "how everyone is accepted, matter your race, just going to be accepted... the dallas center grimes their student government group has brain-stormed the idea of a mutual program with perry that could help introduce their students to more diversity... it was obvious donald trump is the republican front-runner during tonight's debate because the other four candidates went right after him... po-127th for example, your the only one on this stage who's hired people illegally... you haven't hired one person in your life it wasn't just an attack over
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you haven't hired one person in your life it wasn't just an attack over illegal immigration tonight... senator ted cruz went on the offensive... questioning trump's republican credentials. , who does he want the most, who does he like the most? harry reid said 'donald trump.' why? because donald has supported him in the past and he knows that he can cut a deal with him. you know what donald? i don't want a supreme court justice because you cut a deal with harry reid to undermine to religious liberty /cause that same justice will also erase the second amendment from the bill of rights." presidential candidate "when you say crazy zealot are you talking about you? crazy zealot, give me a break." that was the final debate ahead of the biggest day on the presidential nominating schedule... marcv first... voters in 14-states will make their pick for president on super tuesday... . nearly 7-hundred delegates will be awarded on the republican side....and more than a thousand for the democrats. not everyone will be watching
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has been called to the president's office.. he invited the senate majority leader, the senate minority leader, the chair of the senate judiciary committee and the ranking member of the senate judiciary committee to come to the white house and sit in the oval office and have a conversation to continue consulting about the process about filling that vacancy it could be a short meeting. senator grassley plans to personally tell the president what he's already said in public... in a statement grassley says, "we look forward to reiterating to him directly that the american people will be heard and the next supreme court justice will be determined once the elections are complete." senator grassley wants to delay the hearing until a new president is sworn in. delays are nothing new for congress... and cedar rapids is a victim because of it. "we were i guess as a lot of people would say ground zero, the river is right across the street, we had 8 feet of water in here, closed us
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the devastation caused by the flood of 20-08 amounted to 6-billion dollars in cedar rapids alone... once the water went down.. the federal government promised to act... agreeing to pay for 65-million of the 100-million dollars cost of improving the city's levee system. "it's like telling my son your approved to go to college and he said great dad, how much money are you going to give me so i can go to college? and i say none, but you're approved to go, so that's the situation we are in." eight years after the floods... the feds are yet to come through with a dime in funding... that's forced the city to scrap levee improvement plans on both sides of the river. instead the city is starting with lowest areas of the levee... building them up as their own funding allows. "it's very frusterating to this neighborhood and to my buisness to know that it might be 20 years before we have protection." he might be right. improved levees in des moines were completed in 20-12... nearly 20-years after the floods of 19-93. the cost of college could go up
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universities... this is what students pay now for the most popular room and board plans... this is what the state board of regents is proposing for the 2016-2017 school year. some of that increase at the university of iowa is due to a high minimum wage for student employees. 13-hundred students work in the dining hall... and the university is raising wages to match similar increases across most of johnson county. on june first the wage will go up to 9-50 per hour... then on january first of next year it will jump again to 10-25. 22:57-23:07 our hope is that this is going to allow the students that come back to campus housing and dining and be able to work for us it will also help the students as well as they're making more money hopefully they'll have less debt regent member larry mckibben is against the wage increase. he tells have less debt regent member larry mckibben is against the wage increase. he tells radio iowa it will create more debt for students because the cost of the higher wages will be passed along to students. the iowa senate is trying to make roads safer for bicyclists...and
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i bike more than i drive these days and ive had a lot of close encounters, and it is scary when a driver is you, it definitely sends some chills down your back.' under the senate-approved to move into a different lane when passing a bicyclist. the rule does not apply when there is a bike lane in place. the bill now goes to the house. an accused child sex abuser will appear in polk county court next week. 18-year old scott strawman is charged with two counts of sex abuse... accused of a raping a nine-year old girl. he was arrested tuesday when the girl's mother reported the alleged abuse. strawman has a preliminary hearing on march fourth. west des moines is trying to take some of the fear out buying and selling on craigslist. anyone completing an online transaction is invited to meet officers set up a "safety exchange zone" that is monitored around the clock. it's also available
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custody swaps. there is a new venue for metro chefs to show off their good eats... today the greater des moines convention and visitors bureau launched "catchdesmoinesfla vor-dot-com." the website details the best dining this area has to offer. it profiles many of the award winning chefs. the site was designed to get more people to sample the metro's growing culinary scene... and friday might be the best day of the week to do it. 41:10-41:31 we're also going to do something called flavor fridays where our staff will go out to various partner restaurants and pay for people's dinners, lunches, or breakfasts to surprise and delight.... up and coming and want everyone to know about. we put a link to the new website at who-tv-dot-com. do you go to the game for the competition... or to find a
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it might be a different answer tonight. find out why fans were do you go to the game for the competition... or to find a date... it might be a different answer tonight. find out why fans were "swiping right" at wells fargo arena tonight, later in sports. his legacy has lived on long after his final resting place... and the iowa icon is now getting some much needed help... right after the break... how strangers are preserving his place in history. its more than 100-years old....
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what's all this nonsense about balls? pink balls, blue, yellow, red. it's hard to keep the whole thing straight. and all these so-called deals? well, they come with a lot of deal breakers. like when you leave the city the signal goes weak. u.s. cellular built a network to give you a stronger signal where the other guys don't. and as for deals? how's $300 back for every line you switch? $300! no ball nonsense. get $300 per line and a stronger signal,
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about to get a facelift. at one time, he was one of the most important people in the state... but the memory of governor samuel merrill has started to fade... sometimes, even an icon needs a helping hand... channel 13's andy fales has the story. faint as it is, our memory of samuel merrill is of a man who never left well enough alone. in 1856, he left a successful business and political career in new england and opened shop in iowa. 104318 '...he was a mercantilist, a tri- goods store...' he did well, but when war broke out
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recruited a number of the troops himself...' 104236 'he funded the uniforms for the first, second and third volunteer regiments.' but even that wasnt enough. merrill soon joined the iowa volunteer infantry and became an officer. 104348 'leading the charge at the battle of black river bridge, he was shot through both legs. critically wounded on the field, removed from the field, that ended his time as a soldier.' but he was hardly finished with iowa. he was elected governor in 1868, running on his leadership skills honed in battle. 104455 'youre leading men through bayonet charges, you have to assert yourself in that manner.' 130806 'there is nothing that is going to cast a person than that particular experience. i think thats exactly the reason why iowans chose civil war soldiers and people with civil war experience to lead the state after that.'honors for merrill starting coming before his term even expired...he laid the
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then new state capitol in 1871...a small town in northwest iowa took his name the following year...and a des moines middle wait, thats actually a different merrill, but you get the point. by the time he was laid to rest here in 1899, his legacy was assured, etched in a marble monument for a hundred years. 105012 'when the oak tree fell, it fell and it hit it moving all this out, breaking away a certain amount of the foundation.' when the damage was done, samuel merrill had no known relatives left. so there was no one to authorize or fund repairs to his grave. marble monument for a hundred years. 105012 'when the oak tree fell, it fell and it hit it moving all this out, breaking away a certain amount of the foundation.' when the damage was done, samuel merrill had no known relatives left. so there was no one to authorize or fund repairs to his grave. 105243 'i saw an opportunity, here.' local history buff, jonas cutler, took up the charge and began a seeking private donations to help renovate the grave. he knew just where to start... 124440 '...being a student of history, i chose some of the more
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adorn this office.' terry branstad shared $1,000 of his own money with the cause, after all, he and merrill share the same office...and same ideals...if not the same look... 124545 ' no, hes got more facial hair than many, and the early governors—y ou look at these portraits-- a lot of them had beards.the renovation effort is now just $6500 short of completion and the hope is that sometime this year, the honor that this iowa icon deserves will be restored to him. 131710 'when it was all said and done, governor merrill chose makes it real.' he was a man who, to our benefit, never left well enough alone. he came here, helped out, because it felt right. returning that favor would seem
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tonight we were informed by governor branstad's office that the governor has advised the iowa history fund committee to cover for restoration of samuel merrill's gravesite. the history fund gets its money in part from the sale of governor brandstad's autobiography. the committee is expected to approve construction could begin by this summer. if you're tired of the colder and dreary weather, you're in luck! clouds will continue to clear out through the night tonight, paving the way for more sunshine on friday. temperatures will be cool but average tonight with lows in the middle 20s. winds will also die down and become more southwesterly for friday. this combined with the sunshine will help warm
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throughout central iowa. by saturday winds will start to pick up from the southwest, but this will help to warm much of
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after an emotional week at perry with 40 megs of internet speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time, streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. yeah, the internet's great,
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yeah, that's not working. i much prefer the two-day beard, horn-rimmed glasses, just-slept-in-his-car kinda thing. yeah, i miss the rumpled crazy uncle look. okay. be "paul giamatti." that's the essence of this role. feel like a hollywood insider
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after an emotional week at perry high school, the bluejays just wanted to play basketball. and they did. perry hosting boone. that's boone's lane losh for two. torreadors down 11. then shammon ivory passes to rashon ivory. sweet pass. sweet hair. perry in throws down the coffin nail. perry celebrates a trip to the regional final. blue jays win 75-57. what a night for perry.
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athletics director. uni's president says it's easy to see how much isu thinks of harris. that is classy. the cyclones won't win the big 12 title, but they think the best is yet to come. kansas state at hilton coliseum saturday night at 5. or is that saturday afternoon?
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the barnstormers play just one home game the first month of the season. the head coach doesn't want you to miss the fun. blizzard and barnstormers at the well, tomorrow night at 7. the energy held "swipe right night". we need to know more, but i'm not the one to investigate. here's michael admire. before we go tonight... after 35
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considered des moines' "godmother of tattoos". only two years after learning how to tattoo in 1981 sherry opened her first shop in des moines. that tenure makes her the longest running tattoo shop in the city. for sherry though, its more than high praise or a career....its
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'its exciting to watch their kids grow up, you know sometimes you tattoo thing on em when babies are born and then babies turn 18 and theyre getting their own tattoos and then they have their own babies...and its kind of exciting to be part of a really big family like that.' when sears isn't completing a tattoo... she say's you'll find her
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so, let me get this straight -- u.s. cellular has the phone you're looking for, a network that's built to give you coverage way out here where the other guys don't, and 6 gigs for only $40 a month. that's a lot less than verizon and at&t. so, why on earth would you ever go with one of those other guys? switch to u.s. cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for $40 a month plus get $300 back.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- gerard butler -- jenny slate -- musical guest the 1975. and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 425 washington state.


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