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tv   BBC World News  WHUT  July 17, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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"bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own foundation, and the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. renewed protests in the streets of tehran as the moderate former president warns the country is in crisis. >> we have all lost. why did this happen? >> nine dead as islamic
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militants struck indonesia's. the other face of afghanistan. peace and stability. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast on pbs in america and around the globe. coming up later, the shuttle docks at the international space station. acceptable or not? causing trouble in germany. hello. the man who many feel could sway the outcome of iran's elections standoff has publicly wade into the controversy. the moderate former president attacks the government for its handling of the crisis and demands that protesters be released. he spoke as thousands of
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protesters rallied on the streets of tehran and the first large opposition demonstration in more than a week. our reporter has this. >> they are not allowed to protest, and foreign media are not allowed to film them. but once again, members of the opposition were on the streets of tehran today in force. this time, they tried to avoid the ban on demonstrations by attending friday prayers. inside this ceremony, former president rafsanjani issued a statement. one of the most powerful figures in the islamic republic, he called for the release of political prisoners and an open debate about the disputed election on state tv.
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>> there are some people, a large number of our people who say they are doubtful about the result of the elections, so we should try to help these doubts go away. back outside, iridium tv showed the police on motorcycles moving in. -- >> iranian tv show the police on motorcycles are moving in. the pictures show what appears to be a peaceful crowd. the opposition has shown in to bring supporters on to the street, whatever the obstacles. one website said there were millions there today, though that is impossible to verify. it is not clear if they have a strategy beyond that. president ahmadinejad it is said to be sworn in on august 2. he has been visiting eastern iran, staying well we from the capital. today has been a reminder of the
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bitter divisions over the election, going to the heart of the islamic republic, and there is no sign of compromise. what exactly is a former president rafsanjani proposing? today, he put forth a message, which has been discussed. first, he said all factions need to work within the law. is that authorities should promote dialogue in public and allow them to speak their mind. he said prisoners who were arrested during the demonstration should be released. members harmed during the unrest should be compensated, and the current restrictions on the media need to be relaxed. joining me from washington is our iranian analyst. thank you for joining us. how much impact do you think rest and johnny -- rafsanjani can have? >> he is a seminal figure.
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he is a lie and of the 1979 review nation -- he is a lie and of the -- he is a lion of the 1979 revolution. when stalin was told that the pope opposed him, stalin said, "how many divisions does the pope have?" they have not shown shyness using instruments of force. i think the speech today was a very significant for what he did not say. some thought he would step back and all four conciliatory speech. what he said is this political fight will go on and live another day. >> he knows about the forces arrayed behind the current administration, and supposedly he is speaking for a significant
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sector? >> there is a significant sector of the clerical elite and iran that have questioned the stability of these elections. but there are even some who did not abide by the idea that clerks should rule the state, that clerics are not a monolithic force. there also a receding power in iran, and the ascending power is the revolutionary guard. in many ways, they are the ones who are aligned with mahmoud ahmadinejad, aligned with the ayatollah khamenei, and the protesters on the streets today were protesting this government. >> thank you for joining us from washington. just a few weeks ago, indonesia was celebrating elections widely hailed as a success. islamic militants have always been a presence, and on friday
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struck again, killing nine people, wounding 50. in a pair of suicide attacks on luxury hotels, the explosions happened as guests were having breakfast at the ritz carlton and marriott hotels in jakarta. another device at a third hotel was defused. these pictures capture the moment as people were on their way to breakfast when the first explosion took place. it tore through the lobby of the j.w. marriott hotel, killing and injuring people in its wake. a few minutes later, another explosion across the road in the ritz-carlton hotel work off the front of the hotel facade. huge clouds of smoke covered the building. they are in one of the most prestigious business districts in the capital, a place where foreign businessmen and tourists go.
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this person was inside the marriott when the blast went off. >> i was on the right-hand side of the building. >> shocked but safe, he told us what he saw. >> it happened this morning. i was in my room at the j.w. marriott. i was just getting ready for breakfast and i heard a loud blast. simultaneously, the building shook. >> dozens were injured from the same -- dozens of the injured were in fact we from the scene. manchester united was due here this weekend. they were going to stay in the ritz carlton. arriving for their first match, they said they're canceling those plans. >> with regard to the safeguards of our players, we need to make
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sure we are comfortable going in. >> indonesia is no stranger to violence of this kind. in the earlier part of the decade, it was rocked by a series of deadly attacks, with most novel -- the most notable the bali attacks. it will now have to grapple with the impact of the events of today on its reputation. indonesia has been targeted by islamic extremists in the past, but trouble free elections a couple weeks ago suggested they were losing influence in the world's largest muslim democracy. humphrey moxley looks at the security picture across southeast asia. >> it is almost seven years since the war on terror came to indonesia with the bali bombings in october, 2002. more than 200 people died at the busy night spots.
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indonesia, the world's biggest moslem nation, became a testing ground in which a spectrum of values competed for support. at one end, the vision of democratic freedom, on the other hand, islamic ideas. this was a litmus test for much of the philippine world and the impacts much of southeast asia. nearby in the southern philippines, the government is battling a long-running muslim insurgency, and islamic extremists in southern thailand have taken up arms against their own government. the group behind the indonesian bombings is known as jemaah islamiah, with al qaeda links. it was arrested in 2007 with assessments that the terror threat was being defeated. >> many governments agreed with the assessment that the threat has been reduced, but what we
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have seen is the terrorist threat has continued. there has been more recruitment and fund raising and procurement, and now we have witnessed another significant terrorist attack. >> this latest violence is not likely to deter indonesia's's political direction. support for conservative islamic parties is gradually eroding, and recent elections voters in the huge society opted for democracy and modernization. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has arrived in india on a four-day visit on strengthening ties between the countries. during her first bout in mumbai, she paid tribute to the people killed in last year's terror attack at the taj mahal hotel. pope benedict is recovering
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after a minor surgery after a he was injured at a fall. they say surgery to realign his bones was successful, but you have to wear a cast about a month. the pakistani supreme court has overturned the conviction of opposition leader. he had been found guilty of trying to stop musharraf's plane from landing. the head of the british army has called for better equipment to protect against roadside bombs in afghanistan and said he will compile a shopping list of what is required. prime minister gordon brown has insisted the army has enough equipment. despite the toll on british forces, in other parts of afghanistan, real progress is being made in the battle against the taliban. some towns and villages are prospering, free from militant control.
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parcourse on it has been there -- our correspondent has been in central afghanistan to see the contrasting experiences of the local people. >> how would you feel if he came home to find a house full of soldiers? -- if you came home to find a house full of soldiers? this person is in the middle of a war zone and has no idea when it will leave. when it u.k. troops conduct a major trips, more civilians flee, but her family has no choice. with four children to protect, they are too poor to get out. her father tells us the province has been destroyed. he believes people here only understand the violence. you would be forgiven for thinking this is a lost cause, a nation of total despair.
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400 miles away, it cannot be more different. in central afghanistan, there is peace in spite of the traumatic past. under the taliban, there's -- this was a place or massacres were conducted, women shot, fields raised. since the fall of the taliban, this is a place where they have seen it real progress unmatched anywhere else. it may seem shabby, but the street is free of bombs and bullets. given security, afghans will make opportunities of the rhone. this family runs a clothing shop, unthinkable under the taliban. they are prosperous and well educated. life is good. but they are taking nothing for granted. >> to see the progress of
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society, if we're not going to have that in afghanistan, we're not going to be successful in the future. >> jobs and better safety are drawing people here. the answer to castle housing arcades. for centuries, they have taken refuge. afghans are tough and resourceful. this boy has no toys. he plays with a beam of light. afghanistan has made progress. but what about the future? what would you tell this little girl? you were watching "bbc world news." still to come, the shuttle
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endeavor talks with the international space station. -- the shuttle endeavor docks with the international space station. usually it is fights between the israelis and palestinians that makes talk, but riot police in jerusalem have been battling protests in ultra-orthodox jewish neighborhoods that started with the rest of their religious woman accused of starving her 3-year-old child. the case has sparked debate about whether or this group can opt out from mainstream society. our correspondent sent us this special report from jerusalem. >> jerusalem's ultra-orthodox jewish neighborhoods turned into a battlefield this week. in traditional clothing, some dating back to the 18th- century, hundreds of religious men took to the streets,
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bringing traffic to a standstill, burning bins, and throwing stones. protesters are incensed of the detention of the religious woman accused of child abuse, now under house arrest. this is a close community. outside interference is bitterly resented. for months, tensions have been proving. -- tensions have been brewing. things are a bit quiet, but the situation is tense. it is the eve of the jewish sabbath, so people want to organize a family meals, but if peace is not found soon, more riots are promised. many israelis accuse the ultra- orthodox of anti-social behavior, not just rights. it is seen by some as taking public handouts, but refusing to
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take taxes, dodging military service, and not recognizing the state of israel. hello, and welcome. >> not see the news unfold. go to it is easy. read the latest headlines, but the top stories from around the globe, and watch video reports. discover more about the subjects that interest you and find out what issues the world is talking about right now. "bbc world news" online, go to you were watching "bbc world news." the headlines, the former iranian president rafsanjani has
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renewed debate about last month's protested elections. bomb attacks on hotels in jakarta were carried out by suicide bombers. nine people were killed, 50 injured. people with autism can have real difficulty an incredible gifts. of the major problem with adults is finding employment, funny how they fit into the workplace. a danish computer company is giving autistic people a chance. far health correspondent went to copenhagen to find out more. >> focus and persistence have made this person 8 champion weight lifter. those qualities are part of his mild form of autism. it makes them hard to shine at job interviews and unemployment drove him to despair.
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>> i was getting job interviews, but i was not getting offers. my confidence got lower and lower. >> he is now relaxed, in a job that he loves. it is detailed work testing computer software. his boss knows he needs a fixed routine. >> i have to predict my working day before i start in the morning. i get very easily stressed, so i need to know. >> this little boy is the inspiration. he is the autistic son of the person who has helped dozens into work. now he wants to start a branch in glasgow to expand his mission.
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>> when i receive mail from parents, they say they did not recognize their son anymore after they started working for ross because suddenly -- after they started working for us because suddenly there of life has become so meaningful. >> these models are used by workers with autism to express their technical skills. they may not have had that chance before. many do not have jobs, yet they say work is the one thing that would help improve their lives. the top companies have been hiring the autistic workers and paying market rates. their executives recognize the staff need special support. >> we need somebody in some way taking care of them. if you are not in some way taking care, it will not work out. >> the deniz experience shows people with autism can lead
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fulfilling lives -- the danish experience. the space shuttle endeavor has docked with the international space station, creating the largest ever get together in orbit. no fewer than 13 astronauts greeted each other when the hatch opened. at one point, the commander of the shuttle had to rotate backwards so his team could check for possible damage to the craft. >> just one-and-a-half hours after the aircraft docked, the hatches open to. after the pleasantries, there is work to do. the 11-day mission includes finishing work on a japanese search laboratory. one of the japanese crew members has been aboard the space station three months and will leave to return home. the space shuttle endeavor had moved 3 centimeters per cent toward the international space
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station, shown spend up 15 times. the craft were orbiting above the earth at 20,000 -- 28,000 kilometers, 17,000 m.p.h. moments before, they performed a role so they could expose the bottom side of the heat shield and examine it. experts need to make sure that the shield is intact f the return to earth. during the first of five spacewalks, they will add a platform to the laboratory, where materials can be exposed to the harsh conditions of space. some of the tasks include installing batteries and maintenance. the shuttle is due to return to earth on july 31 after the 16-
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day trip. a customs officer in india now has become the first proud owner of the world's cheapest car. they handed over the keys at a ceremony in of mumbai. the vehicle which cost just $2,000 is aimed at bringing car ownership to the masses and 100,000 are expected to be sold by the end of next year. german prosecutors have begun an inquiry into whether a garden gnome to pectic giving and not the salute is against the law -- depicted giving a nazi salute is against the law. they have been illegal in germany since world war ii. >> it may have only been 40 centimeters tall, but this midget has sparked a giant scandal. this is the nazi gnome of
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nuremberg, its arms raised in a hitler salute. the german police have launched an investigation. the gallery owner does not understand what the fuss is all about. >> nobody was bothered about this before. now somebody has seen it, and complained and suddenly everyone is excited. >> and the plot thickens. german television has track down hundreds more. in germany, the public display of nazi are prohibited. these were displayed by an artist. >> when i looked to the reaction, i can tell i have done the right thing. by raising this subject, it seems to be a sore point. >> prosecutors are expected to announce in days if they will press charges.
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>> it can be argued that by showing the hitler salute, the garden gnome is meant to criticize the nazis, so there may not be a case to answer. >> if that is the conclusion, it will remain on display, a pint sized reminder of a terrifying past. our main news, the man who many feel could sway the election standoff in iran has weighed in to the controversy. rafsanjani attacked the government's handling of the crisis and the man the protesters be released. you are watching "bbc world news." "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own foundation, and the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. macarthur foundation.
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