tv BBC World News WHUT August 26, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> the end of an era in american politics. senator edward kennedy loses his battle with brain cancer. >> his extraordinary life on the circus come to an end. the extraordinary good that he did lives on. for his family, he was a guardian. for america, he was the defender of a dream. >> from a civil rights to battles over health care, we look at ted kennedy's legacy as the leading liberal in washington welcome to "bbc world news." . broadcast on pbs here in america. i am -- 17% of the votes are now
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counted. president karzai inches ahead in the afghanistan election. abdul aziz ak-hakim has died in exile in tehran. >> hello. he was the best known american politician never to make it to the white house. senator edward kennedy has died after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. president obama described him as "the greatest senator of our time." he had achieved so much, from civil rights to health care reform, and tributes flowed in from a political foe and friends
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alike. this from our north american editor. >> they called him the last line of the senate. he was the youngest of the kennedy clan who had become kingmaker and never came, lofty aspirations undermined by deep personal flaws. the united states is in mourning, but it is democrats to agree that the most. led by the president. >> he is one of the most accomplished americans ever to serve our democracy. his extraordinary life on this earth has come to an end. >> and the vice president also grew tearful. >> so many of his those embraced him. they know he made them better. >> he was the youngest of the kennedy clan, a rich catholic clan that became a political
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dynasty. he was in the shadow of his glamorous older brothers -- first jfk who was assassinated, and bobby was murdered, too. the last surviving brother spoke at the funeral. >> he was a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war, tried to stop it. >> there are already questions -- he was suspended from harvard for cheating. then came chappaquidick. he drove off a bridge after a late-night party, leaving his passenger, a young woman, to drown in his car. he did not report the accident for nine hours. >> i regarded as inexcusable the fact that i did not report the accident to the police immediately. >> his presidential hopes were in tatters, tales of drinking and womanizing following him for
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years. he did oppose jimmy carter for the democratic nomination in 1980, but he ended up pushing not always last of liberal causes through the senate. >> he is a fabulous united states senator. when he is against you, it is tough. when he is with you, it is a great experience. [laughter] >> in britain, and he was suspected for a long time with sympathizing with the ira. he helped bring peace to northern ireland. this year, a rare honor for a foreigner. >> we owe a great debt to be like and courage of senator edward kennedy. -- to the life and courage of senator edward kennedy. >> he was the elder of the democrats. last year, the tried we need to hear hootie liberal lion with tapped to become president.
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he was gravely ill at the presidential inauguration. he collapse. -- he collapsed. for 47 years, ted kennedy ruled on the hill, and one of his greatest passions was reforming the american health-care system. he will not be around to help the president pushed through his increasingly difficult reforms, but democrats hope that the lions last roar will that go beyond the grave. today i knew at the tap has been going -- "he is the brother who mattered the most." he will be buried between his brothers, the last of the dynasty. bbc news, washington. >> what lasting impact will ted kennedy had on politics? with me, his biographer. thank you for coming in.
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how much of an impact do you think he had outside washington? >> i think this is where he became a great senator. if you voted 18 instead of 21, you had ted kennedy to thank for it. if he were elderly and you get the medicare benefits or a meals on wheels, you have ted kennedy to thank. college students -- you will find it is cheaper than it would have been otherwise. an enormous range of activities -- civil rights, healthcare, education. the legislation he was responsible for made life better for americans. >> he wanted to be president, but he may have had more an impact as a senator. >> i think he did. and he had more impact than most presidents have. it was only after he tried and failed to become president that the bulk of his achievements were registered. after 1980. his interest in being president
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was one of so many of life which is. it was something that he wanted to do, possibly because his brothers had tried. one succeeded and one was killed. he just had a wonderful knack for the place. he cared about his colleagues. one of his reasons for success -- the senate has about 100 members, maybe not too great a set of standards for entry, but once you are there, your there. i have heard from many senators that kindness was what kennedy gave them. people with no relation to them ideologically. the senate is not an ideological place. he was a great liberal, but he worked with people of all sorts of persuasions if he could find common ground. >> and of course his great passion was health care reform. how much of this is a blow to barack obama now? >> if he had been without the
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tumor, he would've been active this year and we would be further along. moreover, his ability to strike deals and say all right, you do not like this and we will cut back 50% of this, it was tremendously affected. the other thing that he does -- and this is where the liberal credentials matter -- he can persuade people that this program may not be all we want, but it is a good start so let's go for it. >> in a world where we can focus on the presidential figure, personality and the politics of edict, you knew about political compromise. >> he was a natural for the senate. he knew how to work it. he had a string of republican allies. republicans thought he made millions of dollars over the
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year by promising -- republicans probably made millions of dollars over the years by promising to protect america from edward kennedy. he never passed any thing that did not have a prominent republican ally. we have heard some of them like orrin hatch. for 30-odd years, no republican in the senate's escaped being a colleague of is on something. >> thank you for your time. and you can see much more on that legacy on at the bbc's website. he was a polarizing figure. do you think he was a great one? if you can join the conversation on that is it from washington. >> many thanks indeed for that. israel is nearing an agreement with united states on the
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hugely-controversial issue of israeli settlements. netanyahu is meeting with the least envoy in london. he seems willing to limit construction, but the comprehensive freeze americans and palestinians one seems unlikely. netanyahu says he will accept no restrictions on what they do in jerusalem. the supreme leader of iran says he is not certain leaders of the country's post-election on rest were knowingly part of the plot by foreign powers such as the u.s. and britain. that statement appears to be aimed at hard-liners' calling for their arrest. red cross officials from south korea began talks with their counterparts in the north, all this raising hopes that families divided by the border may be allowed to meet for the first time in two years. relations with the south and the u.s. has sought in recent weeks. -- have thawed in recent weeks.
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the latest results from the afghanistan election suggest the gap between the two leading contenders has widened. karzai has 43%. his closest challenger, abdullah abdullah, has 36%. many 50% to avoid a runoff. -- and they need 50% to avoid a runoff. we have more. >> we need to be careful about extrapolating what the results me. one thing that has become clear is that karzai and abdullah abdullah have established themselves as the front runners. the critical question still unanswered, and still unanswered for many days to come, is wilt either of them managed to finish above 50 -- will either of them managed to finish above 50%? all of this happening against the background of continuing
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claims of fraud and wrongdoing, particularly from many of the smaller candidates and from the campaign of abdullah abdullah. all of them accusing the government, the state machinery of conspiring to add a legally to the vote count of president karzai. -- to add illegally to the vote count of president karzai. perhaps 5.5 million votes have been counted. this would be up disappointing turnout. -- this would be a disappointing turnout. no one is quite sure how many votes are in afghanistan. clearly fewer voted in this election and the last one. both for international governments who sent their troops here, that will be a disappointment. >> will as the vote count in rolls on, so does the violence. another blast reported in the
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southern city of kandahar. that a day after the deadliest bombing of the year in the city. casualties are being reported. no firm figures of four. local officials of the bbc of injured people being taken to hospital. the taliban stronghold has seen a number of attacks this year. still to come for you on "bbc world news." nothing is better than at a bit of berlusconi bashing. a new biography. first, to many he will always be the greatest -- britain crowned him the sports personality of the century. he was loved all around when he came to manchester in northwest england. he was visiting the british boxer. we have this report. >> once famously he claimed to float like a butterfly.
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today, sadly, raising a wing for a wave is a painful, jerking effort. but the aura of the man remains. the ravages of parkinson's disease largely confined mohammad ali to a wheelchair. not today. he still had his pride. at this gym, this is part of a visit to raise funds for the terrible foundations to which he devotes himself. 28 years after he quit the ring, fans are here in full. remembering the punching, the bravado, the bravery, the showmanship. [laughter] [applause] >> from the moment he won the olympic gold in 1960, he revealed himself to be a man of
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particular principle politically. >> i went downtown, and i went in a restaurant. at that time, things were not integrated. i went downtown, and i sat down, and i ordered a cup of coffee, a hot dog, and the lady said, "we do not serve negros." i said something was wrong. >> if you saw him professionally, you would raise your game. >> peabody is failing, but the spirit remains -- the body is failing, but the spirit remains. and he is as he has always been the greatest. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." . the latest headlines -- president obama leads the tributes to senator edward kennedy. he died of a brain tumor at the age of 77. the latest election results from
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afghanistan suggests both -- suggested karzai is a widening his lead. one of the most powerful shia leaders has died in tehran. abdul aziz ak-hakim died of lung cancer. he emerged after the fall of saddam hussein. we have more from baghdad. >> mourners at the home of abdul aziz ak-hakim, soon after his death was announced. some are overcome with grief. the leader of one of the country's most important shia parties, he wielded important power in iraq. >> he and his family offered everything they had for the sake of a rock. -- iraq. >> he died at this hospital after a long battle with lung cancer.
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he maintained close ties, here meeting president ahmenijad. after the u.s. invasion of iraq, he became a key american ally, too. the question now will be whether his party will keep such close links with the americans. his party is under pressure. they did badly in provincial elections earlier this year. this week, in announced it will be a new political bloc, and at winning support back. although he never held an official position, abdul aziz ak-hakim was one of the most powerful players in iraq after the u.s. invasion. his death comes at a critical time. his party will have to fight for his position with the elections a few months away. he is due to be buried tomorrow. the morning continues
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morningmourning continue -- mourning continues, in washington will be watching closely. bbc news, baghdad. >> not to a place of teaching harmony and etiquette in one of the most violent of settings. the academy of peace and our kids children of all backgrounds a chance to learn manners and music. from the iraqi capital, we have this report. >> it is a city used to violence and chaos, but in baghdad, there's one place where they never talk about war. a place where it does not matter if you are shiite, sunni, kurd, or christian. it is an alternative to the
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harsh reality of their daily lives. the school was set up by the director of iraq's national symphony orchestra. >> they have seen enough turmoil, and not blood. -- enough blood. you should know for now what is more secure for your future. and -- ♪ > >> both teachers and students have been harassed. some have had their instruments confiscated. >> i do not care. there is a risk. i do not care. i will do it for me. >> in many ways, this life is
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really about hardship. hear, it is all about -- here, it is all about art. >> politeness is one thing teachers say iraqi youth have lost during the war, and that is like clauses in etiquette and manners are mandatory here. they call this civic interaction, losses in how to have a conversation without turning it into a confrontation. kissing a woman's hand may seem like a useless skill, but these girls love it. >> yes, it is very unborn. because not all people know about etiquette, how to act with each other. it is very important. >> is also a welcome escape from
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the routine of -- it is also a welcome escape from the routine of life. bbc news, baghdad. >> now as the photoshop disasters go, this one surely ranks high. microsoft added it out a black man's face, replacing it for the polish market with a white man's face. the change was spotted because they forgot to change the color of his hand. the software company faces accusations of racism. they have apologized. where do we start? we have this report. >> software giant microsoft has stepped on a land mine. this is the change that caused the controversy. in the u.s., this online ad featured a black man. in poland, he was edited out and replaced with a white man. accused of racism, the company has apologized.
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but one microsoft analyst says be a mistake can be explained. poland is the most homogenous country in europe. with 97% of the population belonging to one ethnic group. >> the figure is more representative of their local market to have white guys. it probably ended up being approved in the giants got the material by overworked and hurried managers, and no one thought about the consequences. >> but the discrepancy was quickly spotted on the web, and microsoft is not alone. ford motor co. in the 1990's caused a furor when it replaced images of asian workers with white ones in u.k. advertisements. microsoft has traditionally embraced diversity. >> this is a huge embarrassment for country -- for a company that tries to keep a positive stance on doing the right thing
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on the personal level. >> one insider says this is a keen awareness on at madison avenue, traditionally the home of bikers -- of american advertising. one powerful critic i spoke to said the company should -- >> and now the latest installment in a popular italian soap opera, the private life of prime minister berlusconi. his estranged wife veronica lario has written a biography and is pulling punches. she claims her husband is creating a ridiculous figure with his discretion with the young women. >> the first lady trying to have the last word. veronica lario, the estranged
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wife of italy's prime minister, now going to print with her version of the scandal that has embroiled the country. in her book, she says her husband is in danger of becoming a ridiculous figure before the world. this is the actress in question, an 18-year old, who apparently calls the prime minister "pappy." she says it is time for her to find respect for herself. she says she is leaving mr. berlusconi in what she calls "a catch-up divorce." the devoted mother to three of his five children, she married him in 1990, but for some years now she has lived separate lives. mr. berlusconi has gone into
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print himself this week. he denies that he has disgraced his position. he says anyone invited into his house is serious and elegant. he has admitted he is no saint. this is a declaration recognized by the catholic church whose bishops have spoken of their mortification over his arrogant behavior. veronica lario says her husband is now in danger of leaving a shameful legacy. the words of the bitter ex- partner, perhaps. but there may be some truth that many italians will recognize. bbc news. >> finally, please do not try this at home. this could make your head hurt just thinking about it. here is a kung-fu expert.
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she is telling eight cars with just her hair. she dragged this 30 meters along a street. do not expect any more feet from her. she has shaved off her hair so she can be officially recognized as a nun. many more details on >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you?
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>> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.
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