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tv   Charlie Rose  WHUT  September 17, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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>> >> welcome to the broadcast. we continue our coverage of the critical debate taking place in the congress on health care reform with senator jay rockefeller, democrat of west virginia who signatures on the senate finance committee. >> you can't put another insurance company out there one that doesn't have to make profit or pay attention to wall street just pay attention to consumers, their needs and have lower costs. >> charlie: we continue with conversations about movies with charlize theron and guillermo
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arriaga. >> whether you do 20 films every time is a new experience and you'll either fail or not but you can't -- it's like a relationship. you can't enter that relationship not have 100% trust. you just can't. >> we're very optimistic because in the end people who go they always have a hope and they always have a chances to redeem themselves. >> charlie: the health care debate in washington and all about movies when we condition. >> charlie: additional funding for "charlie rose" was also profided by these funders.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> charlie: we begin this evening with the ongoing debate of health care reform. president obama attended a rally of mostly young people. it was the administration's latest effort to restore public support for a democratic overall of the health care system and he said congress had taken many meaningful steps towards reform. >> the good news is we're closer to reform than we've ever been. after debating the issue for the better part of a year there's four out of five committees in congress have completed their
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work. yesterday the finance committee put out its own bill. each bill has its strengths and similarities between them and our overall efforts have been helped by groups, businesses, drug companies even. most importantly doctors and nurses are supporting this effort. i've also said that one of the options in the insurance exchange should be republicans. let me be clear it, would only be an option. no one would be forced to choose it. no one with insurance would be affected by it but what it would do is provide more choice and more competition and put pressure on private insurers to make policy a policies afford a
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better. >> charlie: senator jay rockefelle rockefeller joins me now after meeting with president obam obad meetings with about health care reform. i'm pleased to have him. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. thank you very much. >> charlie: tell me where we are at this moment as we record this broadcast at 7:28. >> we're not there yet. the 80% that the president mentioned may be a little bit high right now. that's maybe too optimistic but this is the first meeting we've had just democrats because no republicans are voting for bill and we're hoping we get olympia snowe and when we get closer to
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vote than just give speeches and you focus more and think with the people of your state more and health care policy and how it makes individual people and faces come before you and i think you do a better job of legislating. now that's very optimistic to say, let's see if it works during the amendment process in the finance committee is going to have to be substantial and successful to make the bill substantially better than it is. >> charlie: you're not happy with the bacas recommendations. >> no, i said that and i said it won't vote for it as it is today. other people said that in the meeting. you see, it isn't what it is today but what change us make in the amendment process and knowing you'll have all republicans maybe minus one
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voting against you. that can make it better and hopefully something that i could vote for because it's a better product. >> charlie: are you going to vote for a bill that doesn't include a public option? >> you know, i would be hard-pressed too. i'd be hard-pressed to. people say there's two ways of looking at a public option, one the president just said very well and that is that it's not the government taking it over, it's not -- it's just an entity. it doesn't give government money. it has to get money from its premiums from the people who decide to go with it and it's not going to have to make profit. it's a totally nonprofit insurance company, insurance entity and that in turn forces and people will come to understand this more and more as time goes by that it forces other insurance companies to
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lower the cost of their insurance. that's the whole point of it. you can't just put another insurance company out there but one that doesn't have to make profit or pay attention to wall street just pay attention to consumers and they're needs and have lower coast coast lower co? >> charlie: and the quality will be as good that's private companies. >> it has to be. the president said that. >> what if it drives the private companies out of business. >> it will never happen. it's not just the president but others have said the congressional budget office it will never come close to driving the giant insurance companies out of business. now i have my moments sometimes
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when i wish that would happen because of insurance practices. this fellow from cigna came before the congress committee and became a sort of a folk hero and talked about their responsibility and his responsibility too and he grew sick of it from purging people from the roles and finding -- this is overdramatic but it was true and someone had acne when they were younger and therefore they don't qualify being insured. things that are horrific and always happened in america and under the radar. >> charlie: is that going to change? >> you're darn right it's going to have to change or it won't get my vote. >> charlie: do you believe there will be health care reform in this congress, first question? >> i want very much to. charlie, you're asking me a favor question and i'm not giving you a fair answer but the best i can
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i hope so but it will have to be better product coming out of finance. finance committee has a particular kind of a weight in all of this. then you say maybe it doesn't come out of finance committee so well but so what because you can have amendments on the floor and you conference with the house and get together. actually, it doesn't work nearly as easily as it sounds. it's very hard with blue dogs in the house and if the house drives us to the left you have to get 60 people to pass this vote and some of them could drop off if we do get pushed too much to the left. it's all very delicate, 59-60 type process. hence the tension and hence the fun and the excitement. >> charlie: if you don't have the 60 do you have any problem with going to a reconciliation? >> i don't. that's also not easy because of
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the bird rule, senator robert seberg my colleague which means everything has to be paid for and that's all points. i'm not denigrating the republicans but you know when you have none of them voting for you -- with you, it does make life a little harder and does make you more skeptical saying you have the house, senate and house but when every single thing is challenged or filibustered, we have to get 60 votes which means you got to get more than we have. we've got to get a republican or two republicans or not lose two or three democrats who are particularly conservative. it's hard. it's hard stuff. >> charlie: one democrat said that the problem is that
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democrats are being asked to support a bipartisan bill that doesn't have any bipartisan support. >> you sort of hit the nail on the head, in fact you sort of nailed through the floor. we have the stimulus bill which most democrats voted for and one republican and it was referred to as a bipartisan bill. you know, in truth in lending it wasn't really correct on the vote in health cares with a republican vote than that republican vote is magnified in its size because couldn't have got end the 60 votes without the republican vote. >> charlie: what does olympia snowe needs to go for this?
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>> don't know but she's the most popular person on the floor of the senate. from the republican point of view she's the least popular. i have endless sympathy for her and i've seen her on the floor taking tough votes that siding with the democrats and the pressure the republican caucus is able to bring on its members is something to democrat can understand. it's interesting otherwise but substantively. when clinton was president and they caucused to discuss policy for two hours and he president came in and the george mitchell said respectfully, mr. president, we have our role, you have your role. you have your own role but we
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want to discuss policy and we want to do it as a legislative branch, would you please leave and it was something i'll never forget the president and the secret service hustling out of the democratic office room but that's separation of powers. now dick cheney on the other hand never missed a republican caucus hence the terrible pressure when we were investigating were there chemical weapons in iraq and all of it as far as health care reform. >> charlie: was it inevitable because health care was so tough it would be this way or have there been other judgments made earlier that would have made this smooth sailing? >> probably but that's not where we are. >> charlie: exactly. >> i'm not going to worry about that. legislating a controversial
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subjects and legislating health care, above all including military policy is complex. it is possible to say with all respect to my colleagues there probably aren't more than ten percent of the congress and house and senate that understand the weeds of health care. what you really do have to understand at a deep level in order to make good public policy. or bad public policy but you have to know what you're talking about. >> charlie: some argue, a lot of republicans don't want to see health care reform because they think the president would benefit and his party significantly in the next congressional elections. >> i think that is a very strong
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factor. a very strong factor. and i hate to say that because i am very at reaching across the aisle and everything i've been able to do is because i've been able to do with republicans so i hate to make a statement like that but it's the nature of the -- all the things going on, all the presidents programs, the recession, people being angry, people not having work, people not liking congress, not trusting government, when still government plays a major role in their lives. i mean, i say to people you get government out of health carry say you want medicare to go? you want and the v.a. system to disappear? but people don't have to look at it that way. they can have feeling and can simplify the feelings because it's easier to have a strong
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negative feeling. >> charlie: the bill that might get through this congress will satisfy -- will be 70% of what jay rockefeller wanted to see and what do you think that you wanted that you think now unlike to be there? >> let me give you acouple examples in a time when medicare is being stretched and the medicare trust fund is going to start declining in the year 2017 which is like next week in the world of health care, i don't like congress people in the house or the senate making decisions of how much a hospital for a doctor is r reimbursed fo the service they provide because it makes it political. there are 14,000 lobbyist has it work on health care. that was true during the clinton health care bills and true today
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and they all represent one little piece of health care and that go after that health care and they can only go back to their bosses and say i'm doing my job if they get an increase. it's totally the wrong way. the question is what's important in health care. how should you -- we need to have more people who are geriatricians because america is getting older and they train to do that and they owe so much for their certification and do it a few years and go into something else to make more money. i won't try to explain it but it'sed m it's medpack a group of official has it know health care policy cold. they don't give a hoot about lobbyists and they can make these decisions, how much do you reimburse a hospital, not just fee-for-service which we need to
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start getting away from but reimburse them in terms of how are they're outcomes. how much recidivism and do people need to return to hospitals or doctors because they didn't do the job right in the first place are they spending too much on mris because it's a prestige thing when you can do the same thing with a pet scan. this is where professionals who are dde detached from policy. and gail medski and they all trust her and so do i and he's a republican and she knows it cold and you get them to beef up sure staff to do the research on what needs to be reimbursed at a
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higher rate, same rate or maybe a lower rate, people not taking advantage of medicare and i'll give you an example. ophthalmologist. we did something back in 1989 toll reduce specialties and bring up primary care fissions and obgyns and that kind of thing and lasers had been invented to people were having their eyesight problems treated by laser but the doctors were still charging what they used to charge when they were doing procedures, operations on eyes. well, we stopped that. you have to stop that. there isn't that kind of extra money to throw around. >> charlie: here's what's interesting to me, you just heard the president say doctors and nurses are in favor of this but you are saying also that this health care reform that you expect to see and hope to see
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and believe will go a long way will change the way these doctors practice medicine. >> i think that's true. >> charlie: and they're in favor of that? it will make their life better? >> yes. first of all, we need to get away from fee-for-service ands the more you provide the more fees you get. >> charlie: therefore you get things you may or may not need. >> that's correct. >> they did a survey in the journal of medicine did a survey, extraordinary results, 20% of physicians, doctors in this country want a single-payer system. >> charlie: 20%? >> and including that number up to 80% are in favor of the public option. now explain that to me charlie? they want the system to change. they want it to change. they want competition to become more acute.
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they want oversight to be more penetrating to lead to better results, better outcomes, all these things which are subject to words people don't want to hear but which are really important for good health care. >> charlie: he one issue i see people talking about and certainly people writing about health care is they think the numbers are just not going work. >> well, i mean, you know, i don't have to accept that do i? that's why our bill in the senate which i'm not satisfied with you at the finance committee comes in at about at $100 billion less than what people were saying we'd do was we want to as they say bend the curve. save money and reduce deficit,
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reduce debt over a period of years. we'll have to do that in many areas in order to survive. that's the argument for efficiency and not having fee for service. that's the argument for not having intelligence oversight by in group of calm professional oversight what works and what doesn't and what doctors are doing a good job. we need more geriatricians and obgyns and real health practitioners and centers so let's give them more money as an intensive. that's the way you use professionals and specifically don't use congress whoever's working on them and that's a little unfair and unkind to say but if you have lobbyists working down long enough and you don't know how to argue back they'll probably do what they
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say because they make a good case it will be good for your constituents. they may be wrong and i want lobbyists and congressmen out of the process and i think the president agrees with this. >> charlie: we know certain states operate more efficiently than others and there are differences in regions do you buy you ought to be able to buy your insurance in any state you want to? >> no. i'll tell you exactly why and i'll make some people in oklahoma mad when i say this. i come from west virginia and so let's say i buy a health insurance policy from a company in west virginia and our overite of health insurance tends to be pretty good, pretty rigorous. now suddenly i'm attracted to something in oklahoma because they put up a good sales job on me or something.
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in oklahoma i bet they do hardly any regulating at all, and i'm sure i'll get a lot of letters for that and i don't care. i think i'm speaking the truth. states are so uneven in the job they do it's better you keep health insurance within the contours of the state understanding all the companies that issue is are national. most are national. and understanding also that as in alabama has been used 90% of all health insurance is introduced and given, sold, by one company. they can get away with anything they want. they can cut people off, purge people out. find they had something in their background which they didn't know about the story of the fella that had gallstones and he said he didn't know anything about it and they said he had him and he was cut out. they do that charlie and they're incentivized to find what's
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wrong with people to chop them off their rolls and thus reduce their risk and make more money. >> charlie: well -- >> it's a hard business. it's a hard-edged business involving the most sensitive part, precious part of people's lives. >> charlie: when will we know what bill we're going to see? how long's this going to take? >> i don't care how long it's going to take to do it. you want me to say it will be soon, next week or two months. i want it to be right. i want a real improvement in health care and this if the senate process and finance committee and i have a 17 i may offer and another 17 i may offer and others feel this is my way and this is my chance not being part of the gang of six to introduce what i feel strongly about and try to get support for it and if i carry a majority of the votes even if it's just a
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majority of one my policy prevails and becomes part of the senate finance package and that -- the whole process could take a couple months. >> you're not thrilled by the game are you? having said all this, charlie, it's exhilarating and in th intellectually process and you're seeing the faces of families and nursing center and in-home care and it changes. >> charlie: cuts to the heart of their existence.
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>> yes, and maybe cuts to the heart of what you feel. >> charlie: thank you senator. i hope we can do more of this and do it again soon but i thank you very much this evening. >> thank you. >> charlie: jay rockefeller will be involved intimately in this process. we'll be back in a moment. stay with us. >> charlie: charlize theron and guillermo arriaga are here. he's the oscaroscar-nominated screenwriter and they've teamed up for his debut, "the burning plains" here's a look at the film. >> i guess so. >> what are you talking about?
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[ indiscernable ] >> i don't understand. >> yes or no? >> charlie: i'm pleased to have charlize theron and guillermo arriaga at this table. >> thank you very much. >> charlie: how is the shift from screenwriting to directing? >> one of the most enjoyable things i've done in my life. part of the enjoyment is working with the team and having the wonderful people behind and in front of camera make my job very joyful. >> charlie: casting is a big part of it, isn't it? >> casting is a big part of it and i enjoy. i like it because it's like having your wife pregnant and you don't know what your kid's going to look like.
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>> charlie: tell us about the film. how you saw it and what is it about that we should anticipate? >> i think this is a movie about love. >> charlie: you got me already. >> but not love in the kind of valentine kind of love, heart, you know. >> charlie: right. >> intense love that can hurt, destroy and heal. love that can always open for someone and this is a story of of someone who walks through the destruction and has the ability to come back through love. >> charlie: these are the kinds of stories you want to tell? >> i think the movies i write are very optimistic because in the end the people who go through dark packages they always have light, a hope and a chance to redeem themselves.
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this is a movie with the loss of identity and how slowly through love, the love of daughter, friends, any kind of love you can go back to. >> charlie: this is also a sensual film and it's about passion. >> of course. >> charlie: tell me your character, my dear? >> he did such a beautiful job. she is somebody -- i'm a massive fan of his write something the idea of getting a guillermo arriaga script was to me amazing. >> charlie: all right but tell the story because this is is what's been written when you first got the script and you knew his reputation of being a brilliant screenwriter and he said he had one to read and you had not met him and you thought this could be one more, word you use used was "a-hole." >> i would never. not me, charlie. >> charlie: and then i met him
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and i found out he was in fact different. zmo >> he's okay. he's a bit of an a-hole. i knew i'd love his writing and love the script because there's a voice that he has if you read "babble" and "21 grams" and others there's a voice i love. >> charlie: what's the voice? >> guillermo is one of the people that i very rarely worked with directors or writer-directors who have such an innate natural understanding of the human condition and it's effortless for him to understand human struggle, human strife and therefore he makes an amazing journey for a human being to go with and to have dinner with
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this man was incredible and i think that voice, that kind of story telling, i like that he plays with time. i like that it's nonlinear. i think he writes how humans think and i think the struggle is honest and agree with him. i think there's beautiful light and optomism in his stories >> charlie: you also like a director that you get involved. >> i like effortless is what i like i guess. i like sitting down with somebody and feeling that it's not a circle being pushed in a square. from the moment i met guillermo it was effortless. effortless. when it's that, that's what love is and what chemistry is. you have to have that in order to feel like you can jump off a cliff with somebody. >> charlie: the film is jumping off a cliff? >> it has to be. people are always like asking me working with first-time directors and isn't that scary but you know, whether you've done 20 films or not, every time
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is going to be different, right? every time is going to be a new experience and you're either going to fail or your not but you can't -- it's like a relationship. you can't enter that relationship not having 100% trust. you just can't. >> charlie: when you get scripts like this you look at the directing and you're looking at the script. what else are you looking at? what is it that makes you say, wow. >> i guess it's the thing that you don't look it, it's the thing that you feel. >> charlie: yeah. >> i think sometimes our smarts can get in the way of making a choice you know and i think it's actually -- i bring it full circle. it's about love. you can't really overthink love, right? when you fall in love with somebody there's a lot of things to consider, is this the right person and looks at the problems but at the end of the day you can't articulate something --
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>> charlie: it's not an equation or mathmatics. >> and that's the thing i look for. >> charlie: tell me about your character's transformation here. >> well, we meet -- not to give the opening way or some of the movie away -- >> charlie: but get someone understanding so they may want to go to the theatre. >> the opening to this film is my favorite to any i've seen, you'll just say that. after the movie starts we meet a woman where it's very evident there's something about her, there's an enigma. she's behaving in a way we don't normally see women behave. >> charlie: reckless. >> and instantly your intrigued. you may be turned off or feel awkward or a little uncomfortable but your intrigued and incredibly intrigued. so meet silvia.
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she is a woman that has many secrets and she's trying to survive the best she knows how to. >> charlie: jennifer, casting of jennifer in this film, we're going to see her now. >> first of all, the film you can't build it way cornerstone and that was charlize. she was the foundation. the corner stone. you begin building the landscape of human -- the human landscape around that cornerstone and it has to be coherent with that first approach. i was looking at the very first day and when we have lunch and this beautiful woman accepts me in the film she said you have to be careful with the casting of marianna. a 15-year-old girl who is --
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this is very important the story so the first day i watched the casting that brilliant casting director sent me and i said that one. i want her. >> charlie: she leapt off the screen. >> yeah. when you're casting someone i think that i cast someone for three reasons. obviously talent, what the persona brings to the character that means how they stand how they walk and most important is the taste. >> charlie: taste? >> taste. how they express their emotions is taste. how much they can reveal something of the character with the movements of the body is taste. i personally don't like
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overacting over faces. i like an actress or actor that can be able to say a lot of things with very little and i was impressed with how this very young girl was able to do that. i say i want her. the very first day and also who plays santiago. people were like -- people were like how director you are? >> charlie: and you had her in your mind? >> charlize? >> charlie: yes. >> all the time. >> charlie: all right. roll tape. >> why do you want to see me? >> i don't know. >> i don't think it's okay for you to talk to me. >> why?
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>> do you look like your mom? >> no. do you look like your dad? >> a little. do you know how your mom and my dad met? >> no, i have no idea. hand it over. >> charlie: tell me about the scene adds the director. >> first of all that was the most difficult actor to work with. >> charlie: they're not easy, are they? >> there were some persons and this is a scene where marianna
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and santiago really met for the first time and her mother and his father are having kind of like a love affair and meeting and trying to know what really happened between your parents fell in love so this is the very first scene and i love that place and it gives me the chills. it's beautiful. >> las cruces, new mexico. >> charlie: this you said wasn't shot na in a nonlinear way. >> in a nonsequence way -- >> charlie: it's too expensive? >> yeah, and when have you an
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ensemble cast and a story that jumps as much as this and you have to rely on the director and it's great when he's the writer and it's a one-man show. but you do, you need that. i think it's -- have you to always kind of know you know where the volume is and where you're building the arc and how much and how little. >> charlie: do you think about directing? >> not now. >> charlie: it's a thing you'll do later? >> i don't know. i'm one of those people i never say never. if someone would have told me 15 years ago would i produce i think i would have said no. i think things find you. i'm always open to it threw we desire to produce and i don't have the same desire as for acting and i don't have any of that for directing. >> charlie: so if you look at the body of work where it is today, has it put you in essentially a place in terms of experience, in terms of options, in terms o offy off of future y
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like to be? >> i feel blessed. part of me makes me feel i worked hard to get here. i'm a hard worker. i've had some incredibly lucky moments but my heart and soul's always been in it in a very honest way and i've done everything for a real honest reasons. i haven't done anything in my career for dishonest reasons or put my creativity in a compromise that i would live it and for that i'm incredibly blessed because i no so many actors that have had to do that so pay their rent. >> charlie: are there muscles you want to create more? >> always.
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that there always needs to be room to want to explore and by no means at this time in my life feel like i have the answer and i love that. i absolutely love that. >> charlie: what's the best way for an actor to grow? >> i believe it's the people you surround yourself with and a feel incredibly lucky i've had the opportunities with the people i've had. . i can look back in my career and every single person that i've worked with and i've been policed to work with amazing people and producers, directors, writers, actors, i'm talking about cinematographers and i've been lucky and those have been my teaches h teachers and mento need to have a real interest and fascination with filmmaking and if you have that and you work with good people and you become a sponge and soak up that energy and information, that's the best scenario you can hope for.
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>> charlie: you've said you've been extraordinary lucky too. what with you were you referring to? >> i met my first manager in the bank. >> charlie: you made a deposit. >> i was making a deposit in a bank one of the oldest stories in the book. >> charlie: he came up to you and said you should be in movies. >> i was having a tantrum because it was an out of state check and she wouldn't catch it and i was staying in a cheap motel that was going to kick me out and i was desperate for m m and they write i was interesting a tantrum and this man tried to help me out, that's kind of lucky, right. >> charlie: if he was a good manager he's lucky and a lot of
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it is not lucky but being ready for when the opportunity kind of shows up and i was always -- i've always been that person. i've always been -- i think it comes from any background in ballet, i come -- my head and my machine works really with work and discipline. you know, i'm not one of those people -- there's a constant need for knowledge and i think i'm a searcher at heart so there's a constant need to kind of evolve and with that when you can kind of spot and notice an opportunity you can be prepared for it. >> charlie: if you look back at the roles that you have taken, those you have taken risk with and for whatever reason perhaps they put you in a certain location and work with certain actors you like and it will be fun, just that. that's okay. do you find a commonality and
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common denominator there with the characters you've inhabited. >> i have done that. i've learned. i have definitely -- i'll give you an example. i was a huge fan of john frankenheim and i got offered a film and it was called "reindeer games." it was a script that needed work but i took the job because i love him and to me mentoring is as perfect as it comes for me. the experience was incredible working with him and getting to know him. it was -- i think that making that film taught me way much more as a producer than just the logistic of what needs to happen to make a movie and watching him work and watching him work with
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actors than the movie didn't turn out great. the character didn't turn out great than probably any other movie where the character turns out better and my performance turned out better or the performance turned out better. i think every film you walk away with different -- >> charlie: do you know when you walk away though it's not going to work? >> sometimes, yeah. yeah. i can usually tell if there's going to be problems and i've always been surprised the other way around. >> charlie: in the editing room it turned out to be okay. >> i've been surprised and this is are great editors -- an amazing editor walked in. >> charlie: can i talk about mexico for a bit. >> sure, go ahead. >> charlie: others worry about lawlessness and non-state actors. >> i think mexico is going one
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of toughest period of our recent history. when there's money from drugs it's very difficult for a state to survive. the drug lords to corrupt the system is huge. this is -- i'm going to pay, you're the police chief, i'm going pay you $400 a month, you do not accept next time it's your kid's head in a shoe box. >> charlie: so it's the dollars or your kid's head. >> i talked to people and you try to fight them but there's too much money involved that it's difficult and the only solution is to have a both sides many sides dialog about it. personally, i think that legalization of drugs would really help a lot.
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i know that some people in the state have said no, it will not solve anything because the crime groups will go to other area of crime which i don't think so because this crime didn't exist when i was a kid. >> charlie: take out the profit motive. >> it would take out the financing and i think for mexicans what hillary clinton did accepting the united states blame and >> charlie: responsibility for the demand. >> it was like -- it really alleviated us and made us feel that at least we're not alone in the program because where the guns come from? they come from the state. >> charlie: and the d demand fo the drugs come from the state. what's interesting when i was in mexico recently, there was some -- there was that, that our problem is also your problem and
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we'd like to you recognize it the other thing was there was a sense that mexico was doing pretty good about the global economy collapsed and then it suffered and there was some blame and wanted the united states to say i'm sorry for what happened to the global economy. do you sense that? is there a sense of that in mexico. >> they say that when united states has a small cold, mexico has the flu. >> charlie: is it different under president obama. >> at least the perception is they're willing to accept and work together with everyone. that's a relief. >> charlie: than to speak to their aspirations. >> there was some elections --
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fake elections, who will mexicans vote for and 97% of mexicans would vote for obama. >> charlie: this against mexicans. >> the mexicans could vote they would vote 97%. i think this is the only way things can work is through dialog. >> charlie: does mexico get the politicians it deserves? >> i don't think so. >> charlie: when the political policies are not filling the gaps, society has to fill them. we must not accept that everything comes from the politicians. we must solve the problems in the society. >> charlie: is there a film in this for you. >> yes.
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the movie instead of talking about drugs in the border it talks about love because on the board is not just drugs but friendship and love and many other thing and this is our points of encounter we can have between both countries. >> charlie: nice to work for a man who speaks like that. >> i love that. i love that you can tell a story that deals with the border and to say there is no border because when you deal with humanity it's all the same. >> charlie: just we saw you sitting in the in the box watching tennis and you looked enthusiast >> you were watching tennis? >> charlie: in the president's box and every time the camera
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took one away from the court it wept to her beautiful face is what happened. >> i envy her. >> charlie: you like tennis too. >> charlie: it's about what? passion? >> because federer's mom is south african. >> charlie: you said you're a nadal -- >> i like them both. they're both incredible and this incredible -- look, they've been amazing to the sport and they've been amazing to watch and they've definitely made me a bigger fan and i watch way more regularly because of the two of them and i think if you're rooting for one of them the other is your number two and i think you can appreciate them both. >> charlie: what i love about it, it's two people engaged and if you look at federer and randy roddick at wimbledon at their best but as two people and what i do affects what you can do. unlike golf essentially you're playing against the court and
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yourself. >> i think what you said is very true. i love it because of that mental thing too. is really is you and your mind. i think you physically a great tennis player but if you don't have a great mind you can't do it and at the end the guys sincerely shake hands and that gentlemen aspect -- it's agent men's sport. >> charlie: we talk to her about the finals because she has not seen is and everybody watching thinks i'm an idiot because i haven't talked about it. >> i'm going home tonight and watching it at like 3:00 a.m. >> you don't know who won. >> charlie: i couldn't have waited. >> the winner was -- >> charlie: don't tell her. >> let me tell you a story about
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tennis. the united states team was playing against mexico and a wanted to see how they were training and a went to the stadium and there was no one. the stadium was where i used to go. they said -- the american team, i was a huge fan of jimmy connors, they were going to arrive at 5:00 and i was the only person and they closed the door. and was the only spectator between jimmy connors and my stadium. >> and they didn't say who's the creepy guy watching us? >> no, they said who's the sexy handsome guy watching us. >> charlie: he must be a famous coach. that's a great story. >> i was 17 and for a kid having been the only one in the stadium with the united states practicing and why jimmy connors, one of the greatest of all times. >> amazing.
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wow. >> charlie: so why didn't you become a tennis something. >> because the great thing about being a director you can be ten feet from the best actors in the world. >> charlie: thank you for coming. much success. it opens friday night. thank you for joining us. see you next time captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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