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tv   BBC World News  WHUT  September 29, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> world news is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding is made possible by the freeman foundation in new york. the macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> now, bbc world news. >> accused of indiscriminate killing. a human rights groups said the security forces shot dead more
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than 150 protesters. a massive relief effort is underway as typhoon ketsana continues destruction. nato's secretary general promises his forces will remain in afghanistan. welcome to bbc news. coming up later, britain's prime minister declares his party can win the country's next general election and can change the world. how man's best friend is transforming the life of american inmates. >> i don't want to be the bad guy anymore. thethe puppies show me that, that it is all right to help someone.
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>> reports of gunfire and more civilian deaths. this is the capital of guinea. security forces opened fire on about 50,000 demonstrators. the opposition to save 157 were killed. the army has been condemned for shooting indiscriminately. the country has been plagued by instability since last year. here is our west african correspondent. >> the full scale of the violence has emerged as the organization's count their dead. it seems as if there security forces killed and injured at will.
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among those that are those -- the true number of victims may never be known. the demonstration began with a sense of purpose fall optimism and ended with people running for their lives. addressing the crowd, one opposition leader said the argument was no longer about whether or not they will stand in next year's election people of guinea want him to leave. it is not about being a candidate or not. he must go and the people will ask for it until he leaves. but capt camara has given his answer. the international community has condemned the killing. the african union is talking of sanctions. the question is whether the opposition will rise again.
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>> a powerful earthquake that struck and the pacific off of the samoa islands as reported generated a tsunami. the earthquake measured 8.3. the earthquake hit 190 caliber southwest of the samoa. -- 190 kilometers southwest of the samoa. rescue workers are pulling more bodies from mudslides and swollen rivers as sending all our transport and implements to the coastal village to bring all these casualties as well as the injured people to the main hospital. >> that was the manager of the city hospital in western samoa. we'll bring you more as soon as we can establish more. rescue workers in the philippines are pulling yet more bodies from mud and swollen rivers, as they struggle with the flooding and
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landslides that came with a typhoon. at least 240 people are known to have died. nearly half a million have been driven from their homes. around 380,000 are now living in makeshift shelters. from manila, our correspondent reports. >> a covered basket, one of hundreds of makeshift refugee places across manila. here the survivors share precious shelter with the dead. more than 50 people died in this community. they say 100 or more are still missing. with their homes gone, there's little they can do, except wait for help to come. but at least for now this child is safe. many of those killed were children, swept away by the floods. peter santino was at worg when the storm hit. his wife was doing the laundry when the water level started to rise. she rushed the children upstairs.
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for four hours his family clung on to the roof of his house, he said. but then the building collapsed and his wife and children were pulled under. 5-year-old mary ann drowned. her body was found way downstream the following day. things are starting to get desperate across manila, as even basic supplies of food and water, medicine and clothing, are struggling to make it to those most in need. in those homes nearest to the river, there's little left to salvage. the government and aid agencies say they're overwhelmed by the amount of help that's needed. international assistance is on its way. but for now small community groups are doing what they can to give out the basics. there are queues of people like in all over manila, as church groups try and provide what aid they can to those who most need it. here they'll get a few tins of
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food and a few both els of water. they're trying to get help to everyone who needs it. >> i think there's still so much to be done. we still need a lot of help, actually. >> hundreds of thousands of people are preparing for another night living rough, as more rain is predicted and the number of people dead or missing continues to rise. bbc news, manila. >> for now the extreme weather is moving across vietnam towards laos. the typhoon has killed 31 in vietnam and forced 170,000 to flee their homes. for neighboring cambodia, our correspondent has more. >> vietnam had been bracing itself for this -- the full force of the typhoon, as a supposedly weaker tropical storm it had been devastating. by the time the typhoon reached the fourth largest city, it had been upgraded to the even more potentially destructive typhoon
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status. danang was the first major population center in its path. authorities cancelled flights and closed the airport. schools were also shut and tens of thousands of people were evacuated from coastal areas. for this city, the world heritage status was little protection against the path of a typhoon. travel inside the city was hard enough -- leaving it was all but impossible. more than 1,000 people were trapped at the main railway station and roads linking north and south vietnam were cut off by floods. >> this morning water has been rising quickly. we need help from the authorities, as my house has collapsed and we have lost everything. >> at least there had been some time to prepare. the aid agency world vision said it believed the people had been given sufficient warnings about the typhoon and that local authorities were well placed to cope with the impact of the typhoon.
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bbc news, pa nom pen. >> from one of the most unstable parts of west africa, reports of gunfire and more civilian deaths. this is the capital of guinea. a day after security forces opened fire on 50,000 demonstrators. the opposition says 157 were killed. the african union has condemned the guinean army for shooting indiscriminately. the u.s. has criticized the brazen and inappropriate use of force. the military took part in a coup last year. here's cat per layton. >> the full scale of the violence meted out on the people of conakry. it seems that the security forces read the order that monday's demonstration was illegal was carte blanche to kill and injure as well. soldiers took some bodies to army camps, so the true number
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of victims may never be known. the demonstration began with a sense of purposeful optimism and ended with people running for their lives. addressing the crowd before the shooting began, one opposition leader said the argument was no longer about whether or not the military leader stands in next year's election. >> people of guinea want him to leave. it is the departure of dadis. he must go, and the people will ask for it until he's definitely leaving. >> but captain camara has given his answer. the international community has condemned the killings. france has sustain penned military cooperation. the african union is talking of sanctions. now the question is whether the opposition will rise again. casper layton, bbc news. >> an afghan-born man has
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pleaded not guilty to allegation that is he planned a bomb attack in the united states. zazi is accused of plotting an attack on new york city using common chemicals. a federal judge has ordered that he be held without bail. prosecutors believe he received explosives training from al qaeda in pakistan. at least 30 people, including 10 children, have been killed in afghanistan. a bus hit a land mine in kandahar province. a local official has accused the taliban of planting the device. no comment from the militant group so far. pakistani officials say at least 12 suspected taliban militants have been killed in two american drone attacks. five died when missiles hit the home of a taliban commander in south waziristan. in his first meeting with president obama, the new nato secretary general has promised the north atlantic alliance will remain in afghanistan as long as it takes to finish its
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task. the war in afghanistan was not america's responsibility alone, they said. our washington correspondent, paul adams, has been monitoring developments and gave me this assessment. >> well, i think mr. rasmussen came here very much anxious to say to the americans, look, while you debate, and this is a very serious and big debate here in america -- whether or not to send more troops to afghanistan, don't forget that this is a coalition operation. others are fighting and dying there, too, and you, the americans, need to recognize that. certainly president obama, when they met, this was a message that he clearly understood and he repeated. and i think it was also worth noting that mr. rasmussen very much steered clear of getting involved in this heated debate in america about whether or not to send more troops. we know that general mcchrystal, the american general on the ground, who, of course, is a nato general, too, has put in his request for more troops, anything up to 30,000
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to 40,000 more troops. but the u.s. administration, the obama administration, has only begun now to hold a whole series of high-level meetings, which are going to play out over the next couple of weeks to decide what their revised strategy is and then what sort of resources they need to throw at it. >> two days before crucial multi-party talks in geneva, the head of iran's atomic energy association has insisted tehran will not discuss its nuclear rights nor uranium enrichment. other officials suggest they won't allow discussion of the new plant either. the government has said it will soon announce a timetable for u.n. inspections. the lawyer for roman polanski got the swiss authorities to release him on bail. s's wanted for sentencing in the united states and admitted having sex with a 13-year-old girl more than 30 years ago. south africa's president has
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publicly support add law which would allow police officers to open fire on armed criminals without waiting for them to shoot first. south africa is one of the world's most violent countries. around 50 people are killed every day. the united nations human rights council has been debating a report that accuses palestinian militants and israeli troops of war crimes. during the gaza conflict. the judge who wrote it wants to hold both sides accountable for violations of human rights. the bbc's correspondent reports from geneva. >> it's one of the most critical reports ever presented to the human rights council. today its chief author defended the investigation into the gaza conflict. but israel has always dismissed this report. >> the authors of this finding report have little concern with finding facts. the report was instigated as part of a political campaign.
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it represents a political assault directed against israel and against every state forced to confront terrorist threats. >> but a decent into politics is, the report's authors say, exactly what they want to avoid, because the civilian victims of war deserve better. >> i would like to see a transparent open investigation into the findings made in the report, both in israel and in gaza. there are many, many people in scrawl and -- israel, and many, many people in gaza who deplore the violence to which both sides have been put and for which they are responsible. >> richard goldstone said there were war crimes committed by both sides. among them -- indiscriminate targeting and civilians in gaza by the israeli defense forces and rocket attacks on southern
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israel by hamas. and while this report has been welcomed by many human rights groups as serious and balanced, the human rights council itself is widely regarded as spending far too much time criticizing israel. meanwhile, the united states and the european union say they can't support all of the report's findings. once again, human rights investigation may be destined to drown in politics and u.n. bureaucracy. bbc news, geneva. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." stay with us, if you can. still to come, why not use your noodle? why japan may be the answer to economic woes. >> first, though, indonesian police have been giving details of their evidence that last july's deadly attacks on two luxury hotels in jark ta were carefully planned and executed. officials also believe that
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despite the death of southeast asia's most wanted man two weeks ago in a shootout, many militants who worked with him are still at large. from jakarta, our bbc correspondent has an update on what the police have been saying. >> indonesian police say this video footage was found on a laptop which they seized when they raided a house in central java two weeks ago. it shows two suspected suicide bombers pretending to exercise in front of the rhythms and marriott hotels in jakarta, weeks before the luxury hotels were hit by two deadly blasts. the attacks killed nine people, including the two suspected bombers. >> this video was made when the two suicide bombers surveyed the area before the bombings. >> the police say that the july attacks on the two hotels weren't the only ones that were planned. >> after the last marriott
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attack, they planned new attacks. according to the evidence, we found there would be serial attacks. >> indonesia's anti-terror unit has been under pressure to produce some results in the investigation into the july jakarta bombings. earlier this month, during a raid on a house in the central javan town, they killed one of southeast asia's most wanted men and three other suspected militants. it was here that the laptop containing the video footage was found. police believe that he mastermindsed the suicide attacks on the two luxury hotels and was believed to be behind a number of attacks on the country over the last several years. bbc news, jakarta. >> latest headlines for you on "bbc world news." a tsunami generated by a powerful earthquake beneath the pacific ocean has struck the islands of samoa and american
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samoa. but a pacific-wide tsunami warning has now been cancelled. the u.s. and african union have condemned the killings in guinea. a human rights group says security forces shot dead more than 150 protesters at a rally on monday. well, he's been lauded for saving the global banking system and honored as world statesman of the year. but here at home it's nothing short than disastrous. he's been addressing the rowling labour party for the last time before the general election and as we report, it is for his and his party's future. >> the labour party was in real need of a confidence-boost, after months of depressing opinion polls and divisions about gordon brown's leadership. so, before taking to the stage himself, mr. brown deployed one of his best assets -- his wife, sarah, for a quick character testimony. >> i know he's not a saint.
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he's messy, he's noisy, he gets up at a know that he wakes up every morning and goes to bed every evening thinking about the things that matter. i know he loves our country and i -- [applause] >> then it was the prime minister's turn to pitch his case. he argues his party was on the right side of the argument when the economic crisis hit last year. he said he acted quickly and decisively to help avert another great depression. mr. brown did acknowledge difficult choices had to be made to get the public's finances back in shape. >> when markets falter and banks fail, it's the jobs and the homes and the security of the squeezed mitt l that are hit the hardest. it's the hard-pressed, hard-working majority, the person with the trade, the small business owner, the self aemployed, the classroom assistants, the worker on the
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shop, the builder on this site. >> finally, he ended with a rallying cry to his party not to submit to defeatism in the next few months before a general election. >> now is not the time to give in, but to reach inside ourselves for the strength of our convictions, because we are the labour party and our guiding duty is to stand, to fight, to win and to serve. [applause] >> the activists got what they came for. they needed to hear him say they can still win the next general election. but the most important audience remains the british public and it's hard to see this speech alone turning things around for gordon brown. bbc news, brighton. >> and japan struggles with unemployment. many people have been changing careers entirely, hoping to beat the recession, and many are heading for the food industry. hence, the surge and people
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learning how to make the specialty udon noodles. >> in japan it's polite to eat noodles with an appreciative slurp, and few varieties are saved ord as much as those found here. at a technical training school, they teach the skills to make the dish, kneeding the dough and cutting the noodles into shape. and this year with unemployment at record highs, they've had more applications than ever before. >> we believe the biggest reason is the lack of employment opportunity. >> 15 would be -- would-be noodle chefs began the course, among them this 44-year-old, who used to be a car salesman. when the recession hit, the numbers of customers fell. his employers began to struggle, and he decided to make a career change.
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>> during a recession companies are in an unstable position. this is my life and i want to take charge of my own future. >> learning to make the noodles is difficult, particularly getting the dough at precisely the right consistency for the prized chewy texture. but the students can take inspiration from those who have done the course before and now run their own restaurants and get tips on the best recipes. >> i know my goal is to serve the best-tasing udon. >> becoming a chef is an attractive option in a country where old style jobs for life are increasingly hard to come by. >> i hope everyone's dreams of opening an udon restaurant come true. >> japan's economy is still stumbling after its worst post-war recession, but there will always be demand for
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noodles. roland burke, bbc news, tokyo. >> now puppies behind bars does indeed sound like a classic ends of tv news bulletin fluffy story. but shame on you for being so cynical. this is a success story. in the state of new york, high-security prisoners are being recruited to raise puppies for law enforcement. in the wake of 9/11, they've trained dozens of dogs for bomb-sniffing and to help soldiers wounded in afghanistan and iraq. our special correspondent reports. >> there you go, good girl! >> dogs being trained to sniff out explosives. most of their trainers are inside for murder. now they're serving the forces of the law which put them here. >> what do we do to begin teaching a puppy to use his nose? >> buff is currently one of 77 animals in six prisons, including this -- the mid orange correctional facility. the program, called simply "puppies behind bars," has provided nearly 400 dogs, some
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for bomb detection, some for guide dogs, and some as service animals for wounded veterans from afghanistan and iraq. it's also transformed daily life here. once the men are accepted on this program, it's a 24/7 commitment. >> some of these men have been behind bars for decades. the puppies give them responsibility, they give them love. perhaps most importantly, the dogs aren't judging these men for the crimes that they've committed. >> they take on puppies that just a -- are just a few weeks old and live with them for as much as two years before the dogs move on. the facility's newest recruit, buff, has been assigned to a veteran. christopher stewart has spent 32 years inside. >> the puppy is hectic. you have to change your whole schedule, your whole life. everything changes with the puppy. if you have a high-energy puppy and you're more of a laid-back individual, you got problems. >> but is the program
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essentially a soft option? i asked the woman who founded it 12 years ago. >> they're locked up at my expense. i pay taxes. my taxes, in essence, are paying their room and board, and they can either spend their entire bid pumping iron and watching tv and they can get out with no skills, probably angrier than they were when they were locked up, or, while they're incarcerated, they can do something to contribute to society and they can feel better about themselves. >> i just don't want to be the bad guy no more. i don't want to be the bad guy no more, and the puppy showed me that i don't have to be. it's all right to be a person. it's all right to express myself. it's all right to want to help someone. >> in many ways it's a program that gets results. bbc news, orange county, new york. >> just briefly, the main story for you -- a tsunami generated by a powerful quake beneath the pacific ocean struck samoa and
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american samoa. a pacific-wide tsunami warning has now been cancelled. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation and union bank. ♪ >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bake kohn. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lilly taylor. >> public broadcasting is my source for news about the world
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