tv Charlie Rose WHUT February 2, 2010 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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>> rose: welcome to the broadcast. tonight we begin with the oscar nominees that were announced earlier today. we'll talk to annette insdorf of columbia university, stephanie zacharek of, dana stevens a film critic for and tony scott, film critic of the "new york times" and co-host of the television program "at the movies." >> i think it's between sandra bullock, a hollywood insider who never received the kind of acclaim being showered on her with "the blind side." between the two of them. i think meryl streep is always such a camilleian. by the way, the past couple years, the oscar has gone to attractive women in deglamorized roles like halle barre for "monsters ball" and kate winslet in "the reader." so the fact that meryl streep is made to look much dowdier than
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she is hashgs that may help her win. >> rose: >> with catherine bigelow, she takes a lot of care with looking at what's in that frame. you always know where one character is in relation to another. whatever there's something happening, whatever there' movement. she's very attune to that. that's one thing that i kind of never hear mentioned is... it's not just wow, a really good movie made by a woman it's the fact that so few people bother to take that kind of care with action sequences anymore. that's one of the things i like about the movie. >> i think best actress is the only acting cad gir that has anything play. we know christoph wol waltz will be best supporting actor, mo'nique will be best supporting actress, and jeff bridges is a shoe in. i would love to see merrill win, she's the overdog, i know, but i love that performance and i love merrill. >> if there's a wild card in this slate of nominees, it's "the blind side" which, again, a big popular success, not loved
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by critics, anchored by a very, very popular star who has a very wide appeal. and a kind of up lifting broadly appealing accessible sort of heartland story that i think could could surprise us. i'm not making... i'm not putting any money on that right yet. but if i had to go for what the... what the dark horse or the long shot is going to be, i think it would be "the blind side." >> rose: we kohl collude this evening with chaimny diaz of "golf digest" and "golf world" with interesting comments on someone he has known and covered tiger woods. >> he knew he was going to be facing an uncertain kind of different life, i think. and he was interested in how the media was going to treat him and what his obligation to the media was going to be and his preference was that keep them off of me. i don't want to share everything. i've already shared everything since i was four or five years old. i've been on television forever. i've been on "that's incredible" and "the mike douglas show."
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i think he felt robbed by that. >> rose: because of time considerations, our preview of the new ipad will be seen later this week. tonight, oscar nominations and jaime diaz next. if you've had a coke in the last 20 years, ( screams ) you've had a hand in giving college scholarships... and support to thousands of our nation's... most promising students. ♪ ( coca-cola 5-note mnemonic )
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: the nominations for the 82nd annual academy awards were announced this morning in los angeles. for the first time since 1943, the best picture category was expanded from five to ten, opening the field to popular contenders. leading the top of the list were "avatar" and "the hurt locker." each one nine nominations including best picture and best director in what is already being called a david and goliath battle. "avatar" the 3d science fiction epic directed by jame cameron is who t world's highest grossing film. "the hurt locker" directed by catherine bigelow, cameron's former wife, is a tightly wound iraq war drama that has seeked where many films about iraq has not.
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quentin tarn teen knee roh's "inglourious basterds" earned eight directions. jason rooit man's "up in the air and leanne dell's "precious" earned six nominations each. the surprise was "the blind side" starring sandra bullock. she was nominated for best actress. joing know talk about that is annette insdorf of columbia university, stephanie zacharek from, dana stevens a film critic for and from chicago, tony scott, the film critic of the "new york times" and co-host of the television program "at the movies." before we begin, here's a look at the ten nominees for best picture. >> i'm pleased to announce that the ten films selected as best picture nominees for 2009 are: "avatar," james cameron and john landow producers. >> you must choose your own and he must choose you.
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>> when? >> when you are ready. (screaming) >> "the blind side" nominees to be determined. >> it's mine? >> yes, sir. what? >> never had one before. >> what, a room to yourself? >> a bed. >> "district nine," peter jackson and carolyn cunningham producers. >> hey, hey! (screaming) you tell him to stand down! >> watch it! watch it! >> "an education," fin nola dwyer and amanda posey producers. >> my choice is to do something hard and boring or to marry my
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jew and go to paris and rome and listen to jazz and read and eat good food in nice restaurants and have fun. it's not enough to educate us anymore, ms. walters, you've got to tell us why you're doing it. " >> "the hurt locker" nominees to be determined. >> 25 meters, roger that. >> shot at 2:00. dude has a phone. >> why is eldridge running? come on, guys, talk to me. >> drop the phone! >> i can't get a shot! >> "inglourious basterds," lawrence bender producer. >> we're going to be dropped into france dressed as civilians. once we're in enemy territory, as a bush backing guerrilla army we're going to be doing one thing and one thing only... killing nazis. sound good? >> yes, sir! >> "precious," lee daniels sara
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siegel magnus and gary magnus producers. >> i never really talked in ass before. >> how's that make you feel? >> here. >> "a serious man" joel co-enand ethan ecoenproducers. >> where would i go? >> for instance, the jolly roger is quite livable, not expensive, your rooms are imminently habitable. >> it would allow you to visit the kids. >> you've got a pool. >> wouldn't it make more sense for you to move in with cy? >> larry, you are jesting. >> "up" jonas rivera producer.
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>> so longs, boys! i'll send you a postcard from paradise false. >> and "up in the air" ivan reitman and jason reitman producers. >> how does it not cross your mind that you might want a future with someone? >> it's simple. you know that moment when you look into somebody's eyes and you can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second? >> yes. >> right. well, i don't. >> rose: i'm pleased to have everyone on this program toalk about what has been an interesting year in film. i start with tony scott. why ten rather than five? >> i think one of the reasons that the academy was quite explicit about was to get back some viewers. in i think a couple years ago when there was a race for best picture between "no country for old men" and "there will be blood," that was the lowest-rated oscar broadcast of all time and the lowest aggregate box office gross of
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the five best picture nominees. so there's a sense that the oscars are losing touch with the mass public and this was a way to bring in more commercial films, more movies that were big hits. also, you know, some smaller movies. and to just sort of widen the field. and i think that it's worked in that for the first time in a long time i feel like the best picture field is a pretty good snapshot of what movies were in 2009. you have two very popular science fiction movies "district nine" and "avatar." you have the sort of comedy "up in the air" which is sort of topical and timely. you have some smaller independent movies. you have "the blind side" which has been not much loved by critics but a huge hit, especially among people who don't necessarily watch the oscar broadcasts. usually. so this is, i think, an attempt to restore the broad popular
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appeal of the academy awards. >> rose: any trends here? i mean, what's the overall sense of movies in 2010? >> well, first of all, women are for me, much more prominent. first of all, catherine bigelow. the fact that not only she's nominated for best director but ere's a very good chance she's going to win, which would make her the first female director in history to win the academy award. >> keep your hands up. >> okay. >> easy, easy. >> can i touch my head now? >> slowly. >> we're on the same side, guys. >> jesus. >> i also think that having helen mirren and meryl streep nominated in the best actress category is a reminder that older women on screen don't have
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to be musty, they can be lusty. they can remain sensual, vital beings. there were many films directed by women and, indeed, "an education" is among the ten nominees. so that's just one... >> rose: a good year for women. >> it's good. the other thing i would propose is that with "avatar" being so prominent in our consciousness, along with "district nine," we're seeing the use of cutting-edge technology but used to critique colonialism or oppression. in other words, it's a unique moment where the technical aspects of the medium are now wedded to a genuine vision that deconstructs some of the myths that have informed american movies up to this time, 1939 there were ten nominees and among them "stagecoach" which i showed last week in my class at columbia. and when i think of how "stagecoach" had us rooting not
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exactly for the native americans not for the indians, but you go to something like "avatar" where you realize that your sympathies are being manipulat and invited towards the natives, not the so-called white oppressors. >> rose: but it's an old classic theme. >> absolutely. just with a new tweak. >> rose: what did you like about this year? >> what i wa going to add is i think it was a great year for animated movies. you see for that in that an animated movie "up" has broken into this picture category. has there been an animated nominee? >> i think "beauty & the beast." >> it's been a long time so i think animated film is breaking new ground and i can think of three times that i went to an animated film and thought "that's the best animated movie of the year." "up," "coraline" and "the fantastic mr. x." it was a strong year for that. >> rose: a good year to write about movies? >> yeah, i think it was a great year to write about movies,
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particularly "avatar" which i didn't particularly like but as annette was saying, there's so much going on in that movie and so... to me, that movie is more about obsessiveness than it is about passion. and i think it's interesting that, you know, we're kind of making a case for this movie as, you know, it's kind of james cameron's "let's be fair to the indians" movie. >> rose: right. >> but for a movie that... >> rose: be against the military. >> yeah, exactly. but for a movie that is so much about how we all have to plug our ponytails back into nature, this movie feels kind of strangely bloodless to me. of course, it's very, very popular and there's a good chance it will win best picture. >> rose: let's talk about best picture and the competition here. it's a great... i mean, it's david versus goliath, catherine versus jim. it has everything. i mean, it could not be more
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tightly competitive issues. >> yeah, absolutely. although i think in all honesty there are five nominees in terms of the best picture category. just look at who was nominated for st director. those are the films that we need to be seriously considering or predicting. "avatar" "the hurt locker" "precious," "upn the air" and... >> rose: "inglourious basterds." >> "inglourious basterds." those are the film wes keep seeing in other awards situations so i think think the other five nominees have been invited to the party as opposed to being serious contenders. at this point i'm rooting for catherine big low partly because she's an alumna of columbia's film school where i teach, partly because i'd like to see the first woman finally win. it's interesting just talking about that. that film you would never guess a woman directed it. if she's going to win, it's
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because it's lean, terse, told completely from the purview of the men's action. in "hurt locker" the approach is similar to the task of the men with the bombs. it's closeup, it's hand held with limited information and it works because of that intensity. >> rose: tony, what do you think? let me do it this way. it's the old classic way. what do you think will win and what should win best picture? >> i think i... i loved "the hurt locker" since i first saw in the toronto i thought it was just a tremendous piece of film making. a great action movie in the classic sense, full of excitement and suspense. and a brilliant character study of in particular the main character played by jeremy renner who got a well-deserved best actor nomination and also the other members of his company. and it really is about professional devotion and fanaticism and that is fanatical
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devotion to your profession as much as it's about war and combat. and it's held up for me on repeated viewings and it's just as suspenseable the third time you see it as the first which says something about how kathryn bigelow directs these set pieces. i think it has a pretty good chance. and i'm heartened by its staying power and momentum. this was a movie that came to toronto in 2008 with no distribution, was picked up, was released in the summer, didn't really go over very well with audiences. made a tiny fraction of what "avatar" as made. but was kept alive, i have to say, you know, not to pat myself and our colleagues on the back, but was in part kept alive by the devotion of critics. and now has the achieved this momentum in tae ward season. so i would love to see that win. and i can't pick it between that and "avatar" which i do tnk are the front-runners. i would disagree a little with what annette said. i think that if there's a wild
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card in this the slate of nominees, it's "the blind side." which, again, a big popular success, not loved by critics, anchored by a very, very popular star who has a very wide appeal. >> this is your tail back. when you look at him you think of s.j. and how you'd never let anyone or anything hurt him, you understand me? all right. go back. >> and a kind of uplifting broadly appealing accessible sort of heartland story that i think could surprise us. i'm not making... you know, i'm not putting money on that right yet but if i had to go for what the... what the dark horse or the long shot is going to be, i think it would be "the blind side." >> one of the things that people keep talking about when they talk about "the hurt locker" is how amazing it is that this woman director is so good at directing action sequences. and i don't consider "the hurt locker" and action movie per se. it's a movie about war.
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but i think she's an amazing action director among men and women because so few people, young directors in particular, do not know how to direct action clearly. and with kathryn bigelow, she takes a lot of care with looking what the's in that frame. you always know where one character is in relation to another. whenever there's something happening,henever there's movement. she's very attune to that. that's one thing i kind of never here hear mentioned. it's not just "wow, really good movie made by a woman." it's the fact that so few people bother to take that kind of care with action sequences anymore. that's one of the things i like about the movie. >> rose: so you prefer that and think it will win both? >> i wish. >> rose: all right, tell me what you... >> that's really true and what makes "the hurt locker" feel li among this spate of nominees as if it's the art
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film, in the way. even though it's about things exploding and whether or not various bombs will blow up. there's something about it that's very cerebral and quiet and intense. i think kathryn bigelow should and will l win for best director. for best picture it seems like a tossup between cameron and bigelow. tony's idea about "the blind side" would be a real upset, amazing. but i don't see that happening. >> rose: what about quentin tarantino in "inglourious basterds"? >> well, i think "inglourious basterds" has a lot more to do with quentin tarantino's exuberance than any reality of world war ii. i mean, it's a fantastical interweaving of historical fiction. >> rose: about quentin rather than war. >> that's not a bad thing. but having written a book on film about the holocaust, i came to "inglourious basterds" and said "i better not expect this to fit into my book." and i was right. he uses and plays with hollywood conventions but his feverish imagination is rarely limited by them. it's a very enjoyable motion picture.
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i don't know that it has cinematic greatness stamped all over it. but what compelling individuals he creates. i mean, he's... the colonel beautifully played by christoph waltz is a memorable figure and i think a lot of people have'm graced "inglourious basterds" because it has a wonderful flamboyant fever but let's not confuse it with anything having to do with history. >> rose: let's talk about "precious." >> first african american director since i think john singleton in 1991. >> rose: talk about the film. >> i feel like i'm the wrong person to ask about "precious" because i can't stand up for that movie. i was not convinced by "precious" and even upon a second viewing, i think it has great performances in it and it's powerful but i found its power to be essentially bludgeoning and i'm not looking for it to do so well in any category. although i think mo'nique is a shoe in for best supporting actress and a well-deserved award. >> rose: precious?
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similar? >> i feel similarly. i think performances are quite good. the movie didn't stick with me as much as i would have hoped. i think i was just relieved that it was better than the book it was based on. and just kind of a blunt effective piece of movie making. i would give et credit far but it wasn't my favorites. >> rose: tony? >> i'll stand up for "precious" if no one else will. i think that it's... i mean, it's an interesting and slightly unstable hybrid, you know? there's very tou ground level realism. there's just some operatic melodrama. there's fantasy sequences. there's also some very well-observed... just looks at the way people behave together. the best scenes in that movie for me, the ones that kind of hold it together are the classroom sequences, where you get a sense of this girl, precious, interacting with her peers and how they draw her out. and i think it's a very moving
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story of a character who's been completely shutdown by this horrific abuse, kind of opening up and waking up and discovering herself. and i think that it... i think it's really effective. it's fascinating to me because i think it has also been a very controversial film. there's been a lot of argument about it within the african american community and also generally among film critics and any movie that is strongly polarizing i always think is interesting. so i mean i take seriously the objections to it that it's overdone and might be manipulative and that it's just too... the mo'nique character is too monstrous and too crazy. but somehow lee daniels has brought it all together and it works. i think it is a coherent and powerful and... and in its own way subtletys have worked. >> rose: "precious"? >> i found ate very powerful juxtaposition of this gritty
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harsh harlem reality and those flights of fantasy. i can't say that i enjoyed the experience of watching it, but i was genuinely moved. i thought the performances across the board were very, very strong and it's a little... it's another one of these little independent films that could have had no career at all. it could have not gone to sun dance, won at sun dance, it could have wound up straight at video but it's been embraced critically and to some extent commercially. anthat's a good thing. >> "district nine" is also a movie i wasn't in love with but like "precious" i'm glad it's out there and had a greater box office success than what what was expected. i think inclusion of those movies is a good thing. >> rose: "up in the air" got six nominations. what did you think of "up in the air"? >> again, not a fan. you talk about being genuinely moved, i feel like i was ungenuinely moved by "up in the air." i had an experience that seemed
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inauthtic after leaving the movie. it's not bad but i find it's being overpraised. i don't know if you all agree. >> rose: including clooney's performance? >> well, in general i like him very much. personally i like his performance in "fantastic mr. fox much better." (laughter) >> rose: i did, too, actually and in "michael clayton," too. >> i'll defend "up in the air." at the tell you ride film festival it was the first screening. i walked in to see it and i didn't know what it was. and i thought what a smart, sassy, timely piece of work. and from what i understand, a lot of those interviews... i mean, what grounds the film, a film that aspires to the sky is the reality of these people who have lost their jobs and i gather that a lot of them were real people that had lost their jobs who were encouraged to use their own words. so if they said that, you know, it wasn't scripted. i mean, to the best of my knowledge that is what some of these people felt so i'm not going to blame reitman if it sounds a little bit typical or
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conventional, predictable. i thought the performances were wonderful and it's a film that i think represents our times pretty correctly. >> rose: there is also "a single man" in which colin firth is nominated for best actor. it didn't get best director or a best picture... best picture or director but colin firth nominated for "a single man." what did you think of the movie and the performance? >> well, i thought colin firth's performance was amazing and i'm happy to see him nominated. i'm rooting for jeff bridges but i think colin firth is very, very deserving in that performance. the movie, though, to me, the tom ford movie was almost unwatchable. i found it so overbearingly aesthetic. >> rose: the look of it small >> i felt like i was in a very expensive sew show hoe shop the entire time. it's beautiful looking but i was not able to emotionally enter the story because of the level of aesthetic care put into every single frame. are. >> rose: "a single man." same thing? >> i feel the same way.
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also in terms of the way the julianne moore character was portrayed and used and she just looked, you know... she's such a beautiful actress and i thought this is the movie that kind of makes r look...... >> rose: i know. >> you know? >> rose: i do know. >> your question is inseparable from jeff bridges in "crazy heart" because that's another film that didn't receive a nomination except for jeff bridges and surprisingly maggie gyllenhaal for best supporting actress. >> rose: that's a surprise. >> people thought it would be julianne moore in that slot and it was maggie gyllenhaal and i happen to find "crazy heart" a wonderful film anchored by this magnificent performance. >> rose: is there anybody in the world that doesn't want jeff bunker hill bridges to win this? >> a few people are tired of the speeches that he's been giving because he's won pretty much everywhere up to now. those are the on only ones that may be questioning the choice. but what a wonderful actor. he's been doing this for decades and he finally deserves that oscar.
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>> georgia wildcats, ever hear of them? >> no, i nevereard of the georgia wildcats. >> no, i didn't figure you did. how about hank williams? hmm? gene autoly. waylon and them boys? >> lefty frizzelle. what's your real name is >> i'm bad blake. i was born bad, when i die my tombstone will have my real name on it. until then i'm just going to stay bad. >> rose: let me just for the audience at home, we've lost because of the satellite and trying to repai with tony so i hope we get him back for some summary observations here. you've moved us to "crazy heart" and the performance for best actor. they include jeff bridges in "crazy heart" george clooney in "up in the air," colin firth in "a single man" morgan free man "invictus" and jeremy rener in "the hurt locker" which we've talked about the performance already. jeff bridges, what was it about the performance that has
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everybody rooting for him? >> i'm with annette. i've given my heart to "crazy heart" completely. essentially now i refuse to see any flaws in that movie. i don't want to see it again and see what doesn't work. >> rose: do you normally watch movies twice or three times before you write about them? >> no, not before i write, whereof the chance. but if something's nominated for an award and i want to look at it again, likes "precious," i'll try to see it again. jeff bridges, i've never seen him give a dramatic performance like that. we've loved jeff bridges for 30, 40 years but he tends to play romantic leads when he was younger and comic roles, allah "big lebowski." it made me remember a movie called "fearless" about the plane crash, remember? fantastic. he's so good and it was maybe the first time i started to see him as a dramatic actor of that depth. >> rose: stephanie, jeff bridges. >> he's also such a relaxed looking performer. people look at him and say "he's not doing that much." and yet you can keep going in layer by layer and he really...
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he just gives so much of himself also even in terms of the speeches he didn't get up like there like jim con and say "i'll make it sure because i have to pee." there's a certain amount of graciousness and modesty, which is always i peeling i think. >> rose: morgan freeman is nominated for "invictus." it's a good performance? he plays nelson mandela? >> it's okay. i think that's the academy ticking off a box. >> rose: the box of what? that we know... >> morgan freeman playing... >> rose: he's a good actor and nelson mandela is a famous person. >> noble character. >> rose: extraordinary person. >> so it's funny i haven't heard critics talking about that performance, i can't think of anyone who hated it. but it does seem like the kind of thing they would nominate but it doesn't make much of a splash anywhere else. >> rose: okay, best actress in a leading role, sandra bullock in
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"the blind side" helen mirren in "the last station" carey mulligan in "an education" and gabourey sidibe in "precious." meryl streep, finally, in "julie & julia." everybody's talking about meryl streep here. >> it's meryl streep's 16th nomination. if she wins it would be her third win but still not close to katharine hepburn who had four. i'm rooting for "julie & julia which would have been in my top ten. i was still hoping... >> rose: for best movie in >> for best movie. i thought it might slip in there but i think it's between sandra bull wlok is a hollywood insider who's never received the kind of acclaim that is now being showered on her with "the blind side." between the two of them. but i just think meryl streep is always such a chameleon. by the way, for the past couple of years the oscar has gone to attractive women in deglamourized roles like halle barre for "monster's ball" even
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kate wednesday let in "the reader." so the fact that meryl streep is made to look much dowdier than she is, that may help her win. >> rose: stephanie? take a good look at any of the actresses you want to talk about but certainly meryl streep and sandra bullock. >> well, i actually... i really enjoyed "the blind side." and that movie to me is very... it's very effective, simple, old-fashioned. >> rose: it tells a story because many people i think don't know the story. >> well, sandra bullock is this kind of texas mom who meet this is young student who has come to the school at that her children attend and she realize he is needs to be taken under someone's wing and she destidz do it and he turns out to be this fabulous football player. and so she kind of urges him on it is one of those old-fashioned
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inspirational stories. but the thing about her performance is you can definitely see sandra bullock in there. it's a case of an actress taking certain qualities just giving everything a little tweak to portray this character. a real life character that isn't sandra bullock and isn't, of course, exactly this person she's playing but something in between that works. >> rose: tony, we've been missing you. tell me what you think of jeff bridges' performance and whether there was a second performance you admire greatly then we'll move to best actress. >> well, i heard the discussion about colin firth and jeff bridges and i think that the similarity between those two movies is that they are built around the central performance. i mean, they're character studies of these men in crisis. in a different kind of crisis.
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i think neither film is very much more than that performance. yes, tom ford's direction in "a single man" is a little overlys a thet sized and beautiful. but unlike dana i felt what i was looking at, the production design and beauty, carried some of the emotions that the character was not expressing. similarly, i like "crazy heart. "but "crazy smart a pretty hokey and familiar story about second chances and redemption and the life on the road and the love of a good woman and so on and you sort of see every beat in the story coming just the way you hear... see every line in a good country song coming. so i think those who movies are about the central performances and i have trouble choosing between them. i like both of them a lot. i would go probably with jeff bridges just because of that amazing body of work. i've never with the possible exception of "starman" never not liked him in any movie that i've seen going all the way back to the last picture show and
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"hearts of the west" and these terrific movies. you know, i'm sort of root ago little bit for jeremy renner. he's not going to win. he's not well known, he's too young from "the hurt locker" but boy, that is a powerfu performance. >> rose: it sure is but he will have many great performances, i would assume. as jeff bridges has. people have been saying this about jeff bridges. >> best actress is the only category that has anything in play. we know christoph waltz is going to be best supporting actor. we're pretty sure mo'nique is going to be best supporting actress. i would love to see meryl win, she's the overdog i know but i love that performance and i love meryl. second... it would be exciting to see a newcomer like gabourey sidibe or carey mulligan. >> rose: did you like carey mulligan's performance in "an education?" >> it's a slight movie but she makes a splash. she feels like somebody who's arrived on the scene. >> rose: best actress, tony?
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>> i think it's probably going to be sandra bullock because she's lad quite a year, she was in "the proposal" which was a big hit. she was in a terrible movie called "all about steve" that i'm sure she'd like to forget about but i think she she has a lot of appeal in the academy, a lot of audience appeal, people have liked her for a long time. i think she's in the position like what julia roberts was in ten years ago when she won for "erin brockovich." someone who's been known as one kind of actress, a comic actress, a romantic actress, taking on something a little more serious and still being herself. still being the sandra bullock that we all love. >> big mike, why were you going to the gym? >> because it's warm. >> do you have any place to stay tonight? n't you dare lie to me.
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>> i've seen that look many times. just about to get away. >> come on. come on. >> i think she's probably going to win. my heart tse they are with meryl streep or gabourey sidibe who i think does... is the glue that holds "precious together." >> rose: okay. let me move to... we've mentioned act knorr a supporting role, mat damon, christopher plummer, tan stanley tucci in "lovely bones" and christoph waltz in "inglourious bterds." everybody thinks christoph waltz is going to win this. >> i have to say, christopher plummer has never been nominated for an academy award before this years which scandalous, not even for "the insider." so today when i saw he got nominated i got "the curse is broken.". he's not the only one, edward g. robinson, myrna loy. but the fact his name is finally
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in play for an academy award, that's a good thing after a career of four decades of extraordinary work. >> i wished the been for something else, though. >> rose: you didn't like the film? >> no, and i... that was... i felt like what the director in that film was doing was just saying "more, more! give me more!" >> but i love the on ratic mention of that. >> rose: helen mir ron was over the top. >> they were all over the top. there was no top! >> rose: stephanie begs to differ, tony. >> plumber is playing this old get to. he's got the get toy beard and i love him... >> rose: leo tolstoy is an old get to. >> i don't know. i like a little bit more glamour helen mirren and christopher plummer as leo tolstoy and his wife. >> rose: and the last year of his life, too. but you weren't crazy? >> as tony said, there was no top. it was all pure excess and i found it almost unwatchable. >> but i loved it and i think one can jusfy the excess
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because there were always documentary crews-- and this was true of tolstoy's life-- they were always on stage. they knew people were always watching them and documenting them so for me it rationalize it had fact they were doing everything in this extravagant manner. >> rose: let me just make one... >> this was english actors try too hard to be russian. >> rose: (laughs) all right, actress in a supporting... okay. actress in a supporting role. our last category. >> maggie gyllenhaal is definitely my favorite performance of all of those and i think tony you were saying earlier that it's a story we've seen before, we know how it ends. but there are no new stories. look at "the blind side." oldest story in the book. it depends so much on the performers, obviously on the director and how she or she shapes the story. gyllenhaal is so... she's just the perfect match with him, you know? she also looks so kind of fresh and pretty and he's so grizzled
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and been on the road and i think they balance each other perfectly. >> rose: dana? >> i have to agree and this is why i don't see it as analogous... as "crazy heart" is analogous with "a single man." it's a really unbelievable world that jeff bridges is inhabiting. so, yeah, i would like to see her win. i inthe inevitable march of 'nique up to the podium will be a great moment. i'm excited for her to win because i think she's the glue that holds "precious" together and this is a brave performance. >> i agree. i mean, to turn a monster like that mother into somebody that i can actually look at and listen to and then feel a glimmer of sympathy for when she says "who's going to love me?" i mean, that was one of those moment when i sat there and felt something inside and i realized this woman is getting to me and i think she a.o.l. win. >> rose: tony? >> i think she'll win. i liked the performance a lot. i like her oscar campaign maybe even better, her anti-campaign
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campaign. kind of cutting through all of the hype and nonsense and fake reverence around the oscars. i think that was a good thing. i like both ofthese women in "up in the air" vera forme ga and, and rich and interesting and different comic female characters. >> rose: thank you so much. great to have you even if you're coming from chicago. and... >> it's great to be with you guys, i wish i were really there. >> rose: and much continued success with the television show the academy awards will be presented on march 7 and stay tuned. we'll later have an oscar special with nominees who have talked about the films that we have talked about on this program. but it's great to have all of you here to talk about something i love: movies. >> rose: the oscars, the 82nd annual academy awlardz take place in little more than a month. over the years we have interviewed many winners for their pictures and performances.
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beginning this evening, we hope our archives to you and will be showing you each night oscar moments. we hope you'll enjoy them as much as we did. >> i wanted to make the movie because i liked the idea of the challenge. once i understood it, is that it looks at his life, a very interesting, unusual life which not only includes sort of genius and extraordiny moments of epiphany and creation but also this sort of... this break between genius and madness and this sort of psychic damage that that does. and it... you know, there's the potential there to take the audience on the journey with john nash so instead of observing it as a case study from a reasoble difference at its best i felt it was asking the audience to go on the ride.
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>> rose: jaime diaz is here. he is a senior writer for "golf digest" and "golf world." 20 years ago he wrote the first major magazine profile of a 14-year-old golf prodigy, his name, tiger woods. since that time, he has had unequaled access to tiger woods and his family. for the last eight years, he's written an annual assessment of woods' year and his career. his latest is "tiger woods needs a heart-to-heart with tiger woods." i'm pleased to have jaime diaz back to this table. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> rose: everybody knows that you have more access and you have written more about this guy than anyone else. mel me the man that you knew. what was he like as an athlete? what was he le as a human being? what was he like as a friend? >> well, i don't pretend to know him well. i think tiger's a guarded person. i feel lucky saw him in unguarded moments when he was in his teenage years and what i found was a kid who had a burden
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in terms of the pressure being put on him already because of force of talent. his dad projecting him forward as this very significant person. at the same time a likable kid, curious, intelligent, interested in other people and what they did. wanted to talk about things other than golf. but also extremely aa student of the game. really into the minutiae of the game, the history of the game at a young age. very much, i guess, like a genius profile. he was immersed and would take all great pains to get to do what it took to get better. >> rose: how do you explain what he has as a golfer? >> he's got a combination of the components i would say. he's got physical talent. gifted physically people, people with bigger bodies, people with more strength and speed. >> rose: people with a better sfwhing. >> yeah, i would say. i think ben hogan probably i would say had a swing that is biomechanically more correct than tiger's at this point.
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i think tiger aspires to achieving hogan's proficiency but not quite there yet. but i think tiger has incredible will. a will that when you have to make this six-foot putt is the difference in a champion and a guy who's not the champion. >> rose: did his father teach him that or learn that on his own? >> i don't know if that's innate. you know, interesting doing this story, i wonder what he was trying to achieve when he was a young man. was he trying to please his parents so much that... what was that drive that made him want to do it so badly? and sometimes i think it was because he knew his parents didn't have th most wonderful marriage and he was their source of joy and he was the guy who could make it better. >> rose: the only thing they shared was... the primary thing they shared, according to this and others, it was devotion to him. >> yes. they have regard for each other, but it was... you know, it was a difficult marriage. >> rose: in fact, they lived apart. >> after tiger moved out. i think tiger has tremendous
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ability to focus, which is a cliche but even as a young kid his mom said when he took on a little task, whatever it was, he would see it through. he didn't get bored after two minutes like most three-year-olds did. he had an ability to see it through and really make sure he did it right and didn't quit until he finished. that's a gift and i think it's very important in golf, especially when you practice. >> rose: it is in a sense the ability to practice with a purpose. >> yes. and it's difficult. >> rose: now here's what's interesting about him. you would see him reach out to have questions about fame and how you live within a famous life. >> that was very early on. i haven't had those conversations as he's become extremely famous. >> rose: but even early on he was aware. >> he knew he was going to be facing an uncertain kind of different life, i think. he was interested in how the media was going to treat him and what his obligation to the media was going to be and his preference was that... keep them off of me. i don't want to share
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everything. i've already shared everything since i was four or five years ole. i've been on television forever. i've been on "that's incredible" i've been on "the mike douglas show." i think he felt robbed by that. while earl certainly fostered it and thought he handled it, i think, in a responsible way because he truly loved tiger. i think a bit of his childhood was taken and he had some gaps and i think the manifestation of those gaps are coming to the fore now. >> rose: tell me what you mean by that. >> well, i just don't think that he fully developed all the coping mechanisms that most of us... i say most of us. we're all a little screwed up but the point being that when something was difficult for tiger, you know, outside of golf and school, other people took care of it. and he was also allowed, i think because his parents put a big burden on him to be off by himself and have his own private time and do things alone as he wanted to do them.
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to some extent, that's a secret life. he had a secret life all along. not say it was a pure prurient secret life but it's a way of coping that most of us are socialized and have more normal relationships and trust people more. he was always dealing with people who wanted something from him so it was keeping the world apart from him i think. it created an isolation and distrust that allowed him more easily to kind of being a man apart. >> rose: does he have many real friends or are they primarily people in one way or another who work for him? >> i'd say he has real friends but it's a high bar to cross and it these do with people who knew him before he was famous. >> rose: at stanford and places like that? >> even before. in junior high school. >> rose: that were still part of his.... >> he's kept those loyal... he believes the loyalty was tested when he didn't have anything. the people who've known him since then, it's very hard to pass the test because he just didn't feel like it's as genuine as those who knew him when he didn't have anything. >> rose: if he has a heart to heart with himself, what would
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he say? >> "kind of person do i want to be? this is what i turned out to be. i'm shocked, probably, that i have this failing. and i'm going to correct it. i'm very good at correcting things in golf and i'm going to apply those same gifts i have that of intelligence and will and find out what's wrong and address it. i mean, even president obama made that point today that he believes people with the right discipline and intention and knowledge can change. so i think the heart to heart is going to be... i didn't know what i was, now i know and i don't want to be that. i want to be something different. and i think he that has tools to address that. >> rose: and that's the question he's asking, what do i want to be? >> i'd be very disappointed with myself and i would never want to repeat it and i think he's got to feel... you know, i've seen people do this. that's not what i was going to be. i was going to be something bet ere than that. and i have to change. i have to address it. i think he's going use all that
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energy that he's used to be what he's wanted to be as a golfer to be what he wanted to be as a person. his new project is himself. >> rose: so we don't know what he wants to do with respect to his wife and his family other than to have... >> everything i have that heard and my intuition tells me is he's trying to save that marriage. it's important to him i know. he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of his dad and their divorce in the early... in his dad's first marriage. his mom was a child of divorce, that's been inbred of him. you don't divorced, you stick, you make it work, make sure those kids have a great upbringing. i know he loves those kids and i'm guessing very strongly he loves his wife and this was a compulsion and i think he wants to keep that family intact. and, you know, there's a lot of reports that the divorce is inevitable. am suspending judgment on that. i think they're going to give it a good try. >> rose: michael jordan said before the scandal "i can sense and see stress in him and see he's battling himself more than
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he should. i think a lot of that happened more as of late because his father passed." >> yeah, i talked to a person in that story also who's sort of an expert on the way sons cope when their fathers pass and tiger in particular really miss his father. because he didn't is v a lot of friends and his dad was with him so often and his dad spent so mutime... an inordinate amount of time because he was a second family, he trusted his dad for everything. and his dad was a sounding board and i think without that sounding board and all of the questions he must have had about fame and all this uncharted territory he was in that other people haven't been in, his dad was the guy he missed the most. and like mr. . chethic mentioned, when father dies a sun has different ideas about his mortality and he's got to make his life more pleasurable. he's got to do things that... for fun because life is short.
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i'm... that's dimestore psychology but it does answer perhaps why he went to the compulsion he went to. >> rose: here's one of the things you say. "of the chilly chosen one, immune to human weakness is gone. it may well be his former domination or even his competitive desire goes with it. still, he has a chance to attain something more human when he reemerges, woods will have a truly suffered, not knee injury suffering, not even lost father suffering, rather the kind of suffering that heroes who have ruined their charmed lives confront at the climax of a shakespearean tragedy." >> well, i don't think it's... this is the biggest fall of a public figure, the fastest and farthest fall of a public figure i think in history. you know that sounds so exaggerated but he was a special figure. but i think tiger represented to a lot of people this sort of kind of a human potential
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extreme that we loved to see sort of untouched someone who had lived the life that all along the way was on an upward curve and he was the one that we could sort of all look into and go "that's what a human being can do if everything goes right." and everything was going right. you know? and now the knee happened. at was first sort of ding. but it wasn't a fatal one. and now this has happened. and i think that it discombobulated people and plus the sordidness of it then disrupted all their projections about how perfect this guy was, which were unfair. tiger never pretended to be perfect adds a person and you're right, the corporate endorsements were all about his excellence as a golfer, not about his being a perfect family man. he never claimed that. so we've projected a lot on tiger but we do on every public figure so i would just say the image has fallen. i don't know if tiger's fallen. i don't think he has. ultimately i think he'll return
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and perhaps be a greater more compelling figure. >> rose: great to see you. >> great to see you, charlie, thank you. >> rose: among other things, jaime diaz is a fellow north carolinaian. he writes wonderfully about golf and wonderful if this case about the human dimension of golf. probably the greatest player... one of the great players to ever flay the game, tiger woods. and that has attention of the world. in the past about... or up until now about all of the behavioral questions at some point it will be about his game. thank you for joining us. see you next time. captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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