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tv   Charlie Rose  WHUT  March 22, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT

9:00 am
9:01 am
(snoring) (mumbling) morning. (exclaims) oh, man, that's too much. i gotta get back in. (yawning) oh, boy, oh, boy.
9:02 am
(snoring) (screams) i can't... (groans) ouch! oh, man, i hate mondays. phew. (microwave beeps) ah. hot, hot, hot! (chuckling) (whining)
9:03 am
good morning, odie. (barks) are you hungry, boy? (barks) (laughing) atta boy! well, breakfast is nearly ready. we'll eat as soon as i rouse mr. grumpy. garfield! jon: breakfast! garfield: well, what do you know? i guess every cloud does have a silver lining. ow! oh, no. ow! stupid... ow! (loud crash) (garfield gasping) oh, my. (grunting) uh-oh. (sighs) (gasps) good morning, garfield! good morning? good morning? jon, it's monday. monday is the armpit of the week.
9:04 am
it's like a black hole in the calendar that just sucks all the joy out of your entire being. lighten up, garfield. you're the star of a comic strip. work is a big part of the problem. well, you'd better cheer up fast, pal, because we leave for work in 20 minutes. (sighs) i could just cry. good morning! hmm. (groaning)
9:05 am
(giggling) cat: hey, stop! hello there. (exclaims) look. there they are. nermal: morning, guys. why don't you sit in the back, odie? good morning, garfield. good morning, arlene. hey, why don't you sit up here with me? hiya, garfield! get in the back, nermal. i'll just sit in back. (snickering) buckle up, kids! garfield: this is gonna be a long drive. hey, garfield, guess what day it is today? i know what day it is, nermal. oh, come on, guess. nermal! i guess you don't know. it's monday. it's what? monday! and...
9:06 am
♪ you hate mondays! ♪ m-to-the-ondays you hate 'em! you hate 'em! yeah! ♪ not as much as i hate you, nermal. (people chattering) jon: hey, jack! howdy. billy: there's three shades of dumb right there. i like it! i'm so hungry i could eat a horse. good morning, billy bear. hey, that's my name, don't wear it out! how are you, randy rabbit? jon, i'm fantastic! oh, man, here we go. billy: hey, tail de creoles
9:07 am
tastes so good, it'll make your tapeworms stand up and burp! (billy chattering) zelda, zelda, zelda. how's my favorite catering wench today? (grunts) what's your poison du jour? cat creole. care for some? you ever thought of just letting your hair down? (scoffs) i'll bet you'd be a heartbreaker, babycakes. (yowls) (laughs softly) walter, please! sorry, dear. why must you always be fiddling with things? i mean, why can't you just sit quietly like a good husband? yes, dear. hmm. (billy chattering) yo, wally. hey, garfield. so what's the world's greatest inventor up to today?
9:08 am
watch. billy: ...parrots, you know... i thought i had another cookie. (murmuring) hmm? hmm. hey, where can i get one of those, wally? i'll put you on the list. contrary to popular belief, nose-blowing is an art. let me demonstrate. (clears throat) "the toot." (trumpet sound) not bad. (all sighing) oh, man, i gotta get out of this place. "the whoopee cushion." (inhaling) (makes farting sound) (all laughing) i love when he does that.
9:09 am
9:10 am
♪ ♪ ♪ wow! i know. [ male announcer ] new kool-aid fun fizz. drop it. watch it. drink it.
9:11 am
9:12 am
here it comes! the first cupcake cereal ever! ♪ new cupcake pebbles, party in a box ♪ mmmmmm! ♪ tastes yummy like a cupcake ♪ ♪ makes you want to rock new post cupcake pebbles. part of a good breakfast. ♪ party in a box! yum yum! >> announcer: if your child is struggling with math or reading, let your child blossom at sylvan. and now get four sessions free when you enroll by april 20th. sylvan's individualized approach builds exactly the skills your child needs to succeed, guaranteed to improve math or reading skills by one full grade level equivalent in only 36 hours of instruction. [♪...] huh.
9:13 am
(exclaims in delight) thanks. live it up, pal. and my fave, "the party blowout." oh. there she blows. (screaming) you are disgusting! now you're getting it! walter, let's go! yes, dear. (all snickering) look! whoo-hoo. here comes betty! everybody act naturally. (all murmuring in agreement) (screams) good morning, everyone! hi, betty! morning. huh?
9:14 am
(groaning) (gasps) oh, my heavens! oh, randy! oh, my dear! oh, i didn't realize! oh, sweetheart, i'm so, so sorry! (blowing air) (exclaiming) (all laughing) (chuckling) oh, you! that was a good one, guys! (humming) are you okay, garfield? (sighing) you seem to be depressed. i prefer to think of it as pensive. well, if pensive means being a butt, then i'll go with that. i'm just tired of doing the comic strip, going through the same routine every day, hearing the same tired jokes every day. every day. oh, man, a change of scenery would be wonderful. i need a break. (gasping) a break from me?
9:15 am
this isn't about you, arlene, it's about me. do you ever notice it's always about you? (sighs) hey, i meant to give you this. why, garfield! (exclaims) how sweet. (giggling) oh, and here i am being all paranoid. paranoia's good. it's... you know, it's good to... i mean nobody should take a good relationship for granted. monday roughs! well, how about that? time to go to work. (gasps) here you go, betty! oh, thank you. any time! the scripts are here, people! we have a comics page to get out! (barks)
9:16 am
(humming) tempus fugit, people! today, i need garfield and odie. are you sure i'm not in the script? did i ask for nermal to step forward? keith, did the name "nermal" escape my lips? i don't think so. there you go, "i don't think so." aw! (randy laughing) oh, prop boy? yes, you called, sir? the script calls for a bone. (exclaims) a bone. let's see, what have i got? i'll be back in one second. hey, don't get too attached to that bone, dog.
9:17 am
it's the official property of the prop department. can jon do my lines today? (yawning) i need a nap. how about the sooner you do what i tell you to do, the sooner you get to take a nap. why do i put up with this? all right, let's shoot, people! eli, bring up the park set! you got it! director: are we ready to shoot? (barks) where is garfield? garfield, get over here! (sighs) i really need a break.
9:18 am
director: places, people! (sighing) action! odie and i enjoy each other's company. take it. bring up the rollercoaster set. eli: coming up. (gasping) action! whether it's going to an amusement park... whoopee! take it. bring up the kitchen set. eli: yes, sir. (groaning) action! or just getting together for kicks! take it. perfect! (yelps) (muttering) and that's a wrap on garfield.
9:19 am
keep moving, people! we have two more strips to do! (sighing) (whining) what's up, dawg? oh, and you're in love with the bone. (agreeing) and you don't want the prop boy to take the bone back. (grunting) uh-uh! what would a smart dog do with that bone? (murmurs questioningly) a smart dog would hide it from the prop boy. (exclaims) good luck. fishing is stupid, billy. you won't say that come dinnertime, randy. director: take it! (camera clicks) randy: why, what are we having for dinner? director: take it! (camera clicks) pizza! we're fishing for pizza? director: take it! (screaming) (camera clicks) perfect! let's get everything ready for the stegmans.
9:20 am
was it good for you? 'cause i really felt i was the shark that time. yes, kid, you were marvelous, absolutely marvelous. keep it moving, people! yeah! (muttering) (groaning) (grunts) (chuckling) (moaning) (grunting) (grunting) uh-oh. ah. okay, dog, where's my prop bone? (grunting) i don't know. i am keeping an eye on you, dog.
9:21 am
hey, eli. hey, garfield. would you mind if i just slip under your control station for a little nap? help yourself. thanks. (sighs) maybe a nap will put you in a better mood. i'm in a rut, eli. i'm just tired of this job. i'm tired of doing the same thing over and over. i need a change. garfield, don't touch that. a lot of people would kill to do what you do. you have adoring fans. you're a celebrity, man. wow, it must be nice. what's nice? sitting around, pushing buttons all day. why do i even talk to you?
9:22 am
walter: hey, bonita, why did the existential chicken cross the road? director: take it! an existential chicken wouldn't have to cross the road if he didn't perceive a road, walter. take it! now be a good boy and take out the trash. i don't perceive any trash, bonita. director: take it! perfect! that's a wrap, people! put it to bed and print it, betty. aye, aye, captain! right away, sir! ugh. (muttering) (groaning)
9:23 am
garfield: odie and i enjoy each other's company. whether it's going to an amusement park... or just getting together for kicks! (camera clicks) attention eli! attention eli! (sighing) the comic strips are ready for transmission. i repeat. the comic strips are ready for transmission! betty, why do you use the intercom? oh, well, because... it's kind of neat! that's why, eli. (sighs) all right, let's get the screen ready.
9:24 am
it's show time!
9:25 am
(humming) (yawns) smells good, sweetie. kids, breakfast! and the funnies are here! yeah! yeah! all right, let's see what's going on in the comics. (boy laughing) (all laughing) let's watch someone read the comics. and billy bear says, "pizza!" "we're fishing for pizza?" and what does billy bear say? (screaming)
9:26 am
you got it, rusty! what a great kid! he's one of my biggest fans! give me a break.
9:27 am
♪ hmmm. ♪ get a thrill from the cheesiest... with kraft mac & cheese spirals. cheese me! ♪ ♪ hmmm. ♪ get a thrill from the cheesiest... with kraft mac & cheese spirals. cheese me!
9:28 am
9:29 am
[ barks ] [ slurp ] you want it, boy? here, here. fetch! [ squeak ] [ male announcer ] respect the pouch, respect it! hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. yeah, change the channel!
9:30 am
here you go. whoa, whoa! back it up! eli, look over at the hotdogs and zoom in. you got it, garfield. that is one of the most beautiful sights i've ever seen. oh, hello, little hotdogs. wow. oh, yeah. that's beautiful. here kitty, kitty, kitty. come on over. (laughing) oh, boy.
9:31 am
yummy! (exclaiming in delight) (gulping) (burping) the real world. (chuckling) (all laughing) (muttering) (grunting) (laughing) mmm-hmm. hey! (alarm sounding)
9:32 am
hey, what... wait... what's going on? (all gasping) hey, that's my bone! oh, great. billy: what's going on? (whining) step away from the patch in the screen, odie. everybody stay away from the patch in the screen or you'll end up in the real world with no way back, like odie's bone. oh! the real world. that's the change i need. prop boy. bring me the special tape. okay. let's see, special tape. uh, just a second.
9:33 am
(alarm sounding) what... what's happening? what's wrong? come back! garfield! garfield? garfield! wow, i'm in the real world. look, i'm a real cat! this is the real deal! oh, man, this is just the change i needed. oh, yes! wow, what is that smell? get out of here, you crazy cat! come on, get out of here! hey, i know you people in the real world can't understand what i'm saying, but all i wanted... i love you, man! crazy cat!
9:34 am
this is great! no more boring job at the comic. no more slobbering dog to bug me. i'm free to do whatever i want! oh, wow! here's to my new life! (burping) i don't believe it! my cat! gone! eli, what just happened? all right, (indistinct chattering) everybody listen up. this screen separates the comic world from the real world. the comic world is pressurized like an airplane. (groaning) if you get sucked into the real world, there's no way back. special tape. are there any questions? what's he talking about? no. huh? (whooshing) ow.
9:35 am
get away from there! (gasping) didn't you just hear what i said? (screaming) everybody stay away from the patch, got it? got it. billy: you don't need to tell me twice. give me that special tape. i hope you've all learned your lesson. i think garfield learned his lesson. (groaning) (sighing) garfield's just getting started on his lesson. (barks) (growling) (grunting) my bone! my bone! (screaming) (grunting) my bone! odie! oh, no, you don't. you're not gonna ruin my new life.
9:36 am
you can go right back where you came from. (whimpering) see you in the funny papers, odie! (all gasp) (sighs) that didn't work. there must be an easier way of sending you back, odie. (groaning) where are you going, arlene? i'm going to join garfield. oh, no, you're not! we have a strip to do, lady. nermal's right. this is where we belong. garfield, too. he's just a little confused right now. and if you stay, garfield will have one more reason to find a way back. oh, he better come back.
9:37 am
well, odie, it looks like i'm stuck with you. let's find some real food to eat. (grunting) eli, we lost them! don't worry, it'll just take me a second to find them. there we go. come on, odie. (barks) (all yipping) we should have found a buffet by now. this is the buffet, pal. whoa, a talking trashcan. i didn't know they had those in the real world.
9:38 am
i ain't no trash can, fellow! you must not be from this neighborhood. i'm not from this world. i'm garfield the cat. you know, from the comic strip? uh, right. and your dog friend there must be odie. hey, odie, a fan! (mocking) looks like odie's made some new friends. well, i'm shecky. glad to meet you, shecky. so when do they serve dinner around here? (sighs) how are we going to have a funny comic strip without our star? we need a funny cat. hey, hey, hey! what am i, chopped liver? first, we'll change the name of the strip to nermal,
9:39 am
the hilarious adventures of a wacky kitten and his slow-witted but well-meaning sidekick, arlene. what do you say? let me at him! i'll kill him! i'm gonna kill him! arlene, chill, babe! just trying to help.
9:40 am
but i love chef. [ whistle ] ♪ [ woman ] what do you want for dinner? [ male announcer ] chef boyardee. boy, this stuff is good.
9:41 am
[ male announcer ] chef boyardee. this say? >> boats float in the ocean. >> envelope! >> woman: what does this say? >> these children are reading-- yes, reading-- some before they can even talk. by seizing a small window of opportunity of accelerated learning in the first five years of life, thousands of parents around the world are seeing how your baby can read has changed their lives. >> at one point i thought he was just memorizing the order of the words on the screen 'cause he had read everything. >> that... >> what's that? >> bib. >> bib! excellent! and... >> that's... >> you tell me, what's that? >> turtle. >> turtle! >> man: turtle. >> lindsey: your baby can read is so much more than just the reading aspect. >> mozart. >> mozart. >> there is nothing that he doesn't want to learn more about, and that includes sports.
9:42 am
you know, the next thing i know graham is outside shooting hoops. he's incredibly well-rounded. >> "...would last for years and take the lives of more than 600,000 americans." >> no way. >> way. >> announcer: here's how it works. your child sees and hears the words "clap," followed by hearing and seeing the meaning of the word while saying or doing the word. it's that simple. seize this small window of opportunity to give your child the stimulation they crave. get the complete your baby can read early language development system today. a 30-day risk-free trial is yours to try for only $14.95. this complete package of dvds, books, sliding cards and games helps unlock your child's learning potential and confidence. that's not all. order today and you'll get these three free gifts valued at more than $75, and they're yours to keep absolutely free. [♪...]
9:43 am
oh, me and some buddies are going to dinner and a show. wanna come? yeah, sure. just as soon as i help odie out of this situation. hey, odie! throw me the bone!
9:44 am
(panting) (all yelping) (groaning) there's more than one way to skin a dog. (sighing) ho, ho. wow, now that's what i call a calorie-burner. here you go, odie. the real world is certainly more exciting than the comic world. sure, whatever. hey, the show begins soon. sounds good. lead on, mr. shecky. here we are, gentlemen!
9:45 am
yeow-kee! yeow-kee! yeow-kee! hey! lame twit. this is waldo. he's not as bright as he looks. thank you. and this is sheila. cheers, lads. i'd want her covering my back in any catfight. guys, this is garfield and odie, you know, the comic strip characters. wink, wink. (exclaiming) i love you guys! i read you all the time! i just... mostly i look at the pictures, you know. why, thank you. (barks) hello, hello! you're kind of cute, darlin'. (laughs nervously) (meows) what? you want cute, lady, i'll give you cute! uh-oh.
9:46 am
welcome to club shecky! this is where we come for dinner and a show. we put on a show and people throw dinner at us! this i gotta see. allow me to demonstrate. ow. okay, waldo, this course is yours. oh, goody, goody! good evening, ladies and gentlemen! our first performer this evening is none other than the man himself... (muttering) for crying out loud. please welcome shecky! thank you! thank you! hey, it's great to be back at club shecky! you know, a funny thing happened on the way to the fence tonight. i was run over by a milk truck! that's the first time the drinks were ever on me!
9:47 am
(laughing) go on. thank you. thank you. for my first number... hey, be quiet! we're trying to sleep up here! i'd like to sing something from my latest album. shut up, you stupid cat! get ready, here comes dinner. it goes something like this. ♪ you only got me when you got me (sputters) ♪ you only squeeze me when you squeeze me ♪ (sputters) hey, knock it off! whoa. shut up! (people clamoring) thank you! thank you! i love you all! our next act will be out momentarily! how'd we do, waldo? we did great! we got a bone with a little turkey on it, there's a sardine left in this can...
9:48 am
all kinds of good stuff. okay. garfield, it's your... out of my way, amateur! there are a couple of things you really should know. shecky, let's not keep my fans waiting. okay, break a leg. our next performer is a comic's comic. please put your paws together for garfield! good evening, ladies and... (exclaims) (giggling) you gotta bob and weave out there, garfield. a moving target is harder to hit. hey, i know how to handle a rowdy crowd. (giggling) a smaller target would be harder to hit, too. as i was saying, good... (yelling) (alarm clock ringing) (groans)
9:49 am
i'm seriously considering retiring from showbiz. (sighing) it's dinnertime! you know, i think you're kind of cute, too. what? oh, garfield! really? oh, yeah. say, are you gonna finish that fish? touch it and i'll break your arm, lover boy. oh, just like a man! he's truer to his stomach than he is to me. well, we're home. see you, mates. good night, guys. night, sheila. night! (barks)
9:50 am
(exclaiming) garfield: hmm, got plenty of room. you'll have to excuse the mess. i gave the cleaning lady the week off. oh, and the elevator is temporarily out of service. oh, watch out for that step! (grunts) you mean this step? yeah, that's the one. (gasping) (snickering) i know it's a bit of a climb, but the view is worth it. (barks) (panting) tell that to my legs and my back and my feet, and my... (grunts) nice! a room with a view. and well-ventilated, too. my dump is your dump.
9:51 am
you wouldn't happen to have anything to eat? nope. is that coffee? probably, but it's been sitting there for a while. that's the way i like it. (slurping) (burping) (sighing) yeah! what just happened? what do you mean? your head. what about it? uh, never mind. (yawns) i think i need to get some sleep. see you in the morning. good night. (whimpers) there you go, buddy. today was just our first day in the real world. tomorrow will be a better day, you'll see.
9:52 am
(thunder) well, great. (water dripping) good night, arlene. good night, garfield. sleep well. (sighing) top of the morning to you, garfield! hungry? is that a trick question? what say we go to the park for a little dumpster diving before the trash collectors show up. mmm... that sounds good. every time i think i've hit bottom, someone hands me a shovel.
9:53 am
(humming) hey, odie. let's see how the folks back home are faring with our strip. (dogs barking) (all barking) (screaming) what? they're canceling my strip? they can't do that. this wasn't supposed to happen. it's all your fault, traitor. hey, the newspaper's having a contest to replace my strip. hey, guys, i have an idea. odie and i'll go to the newspaper contest and make sure they don't replace our strip. what's he doing? that is one crazy cat.
9:54 am
all you guys have to do is figure out a way to get us back home. see you there. we can do this, guys. that's the spirit, garfield. (stammering) good luck at the newspaper contest. we're here for you, garfield. yeah. let's go, odie. odie? (mocking) (laughing) (all grunting) (exclaims)
9:55 am
(yelping) we're here to come up with a plan to get garfield and odie ck. don't be afraid to speak up. remember, there are no bad ideas. (all murmuring) me. me. me. yes, wally. what if we built a device, an inter-dimensional escape hatch that would pass through the screen, equalize the pressure between... we'll have to excuse walter, he's given to flights of fancy. walter, dear, your silly dreams for inventions have never worked and they never will. yes, dear. okay, any more ideas?
9:56 am
anyone? (sighs) ♪ oh lolli lolli lolli ♪ lollipop [ pop! ] [ female announcer ] treat yourself to the new thin and light dell inspiron 1564 laptop. powered by the new intel corei3 processor, to deliver a fast and responsive experience. now from $599. call or go to to get this laptop delivered in 48 hours through our fast track program. restrictions apply. dell, yours is here.
9:57 am
[ intel bong ]
9:58 am
[door opens, footsteps] >> how about going out for dinner? >> how about helping with math first? >> hmm... how about calling for takeout? >> how about calling sylvan? >> announcer: enroll with sylvan by april 20th and get four sessions free. sylvan pinpoints the source of each child's frustrations and builds the skills for success, guaranteed. call the number on your screen. [♪...] rowling)
9:59 am
(all yelping) have a nice day. done playing with our little friends, are we? (murmurs in agreement)