tv BBC World News WHUT July 26, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> you are watching "bbc world news." thank you for joining us. the lawyer for anders breivik is running through a series of questions being put to him by journalists. we will listen in. >> i do not understand why. >> [inaudible] >> it was saturday morning. >> how did you hear? >> a call from the police. >> [inaudible] >> of course. many hours. the police call me, yes. >> would you describe him as talkative or reticent?
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>> talkative. >> to the point of over talkative? >> he talks a lot about his manifest -- may be over talkative. >> what was your reaction when you heard this news saturday morning and then heard from the police? what was your initial reaction? >> i was in shock. when a call from the police -- my first reaction was, of course, this is too difficult. when i sat down with my family, friends, and colleagues, we talked it through, and we said today it is time to think about democracy.
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usually in a different field of law? >> yes. >> is that a problem? >> not in this case, i think. >> tell us more about how that works. ?ow would that actually worke >> it will be a long court case. extremely difficult. i cannot go into that. i cannot comment on that anymore. >> why did you decide this? >> i believe the legal system is very important, and democracy. someone has to do this job. the police have to do their job. this is the way it works.
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it is this kind of law. it is business law. >> do you think you can get a fair trial in norway? >> yes, of course. >> 12 people on a jury or something? >> no one is not influenced by this. that is my job to secure. >> is it your current plans to plead insanity? .> it's much too early to say it's much too early to think about my legal strategy. it is too early to say. we will have to see the report. >> a cold person?
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very cold? >> my point of view is a very cold person. >> how many hours did you spend thinking about it? >> thinking about -- >> whether to take the case or not. >> 10 or 12 hours. >> you had never met him before. >> no. >> has your client shown any sign of empathy toward the victims? >> no. he is sorry that he had to do this. >> you both had offices in the same building. did he mention that to you? >> no. i have not talked to him about this at all. >> don't you think it could have
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been a good idea to mention your a member of the labour party? >> he shows hate to everyone who is democratic -- everyone who believes in the normal political system. anyone who is not an extremist, he will hate. >> is at the same thing as multiculturalism? voting?gainst bo >> yes, he is against that. >> was he at all surprised at the way in which -- [inaudible] >> he was a little bit surprised that he succeeded --
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in his mind, he succeeded. he hates all the western ideals and anyone in the west who believes in democracy and believes in the values of democracy. hhe hates. >> does he have friends or family? >> i do not know. >> when you say he is surprised that in his mind he succeeded, can you explain that? >> everything. >> how did he put that? >> it was expected he would be stopped earlier by the police or someone else. >> are you talking about during the actual day? >> the actual day. >> he expected police to get to him sooner on the island. >> at the time of the bombing.
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>> he did not expect to get to the island. >> well, it is difficult for me to answer, but he was surprised he reached the island. >> did you choose this case because you want to save democracy and he hates democracy? >> no. i do my work as a lawyer. >> when you say he is surprised he reached the island, can you explain that a little bit more? >> i cannot do that. i cannot do that. >> [inaudible] >> i cannot comment on that. >> [inaudible] >> i will not comment on which party or say anything more about that. i will not comment on that. yes. >> no idea?
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>> no. >> he writes a lot about his past, his parents, his brothers, his sisters, his friends. from what you know, is it basically accurate? >> i do not know. i have not had time to look into that and i have not researched, so i don't know. >> what is the role of the manifesto in a final court case? >> he would like to read some of it. if he is able to do that, i do not know. >> [inaudible] >> maybe. maybe. i do not know. maybe there could be some kind of connection. >> are the police frustrated, or
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do they say he is cooperating? >> they say he is cooperating. >> he is not giving a crucial piece of information about these other cells. >> no. >> any information about [inaudible] >> no, nothing about that. >> any other information on what his relationship with britain is? >> i do not know. it is too early in the case. i do not alloknow. >> is it true he went to liberia? can you confirm that? >> i do not know. >> how about the ways he communicated with the cells. >> i cannot comment because i don't know. it is difficult for me to answer. >> there was a fear he might
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send signals to those cells. that was a fear. >> did he want to read the manifesto at the initial hearing? >> yes, he wanted to read it and he read some of it for the judge. >> how much? >> maybe five minutes or something like that. >> [inaudible] at what point exactly? >> after the bombing, after the action in the island, and he also thought he would be killed at the trial. he believes someone would kill him. >> the other cells [inaudible]
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>> that is correct. >> [inaudible] has he said anything about that? >> he knows he is not permitted to say anything. >> [inaudible] >> it is complicated for me to answer. >> he actually surrendered to police -- can you explain why he did that? >> he was surrounded by the police and i do not know yet why he did s>> physically, it le -- he is not heavily bruised. has he got any signs of injury
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from being manhandled by a police? >> o. >> has he said whether his plan was to always surrender to police? >> he has not said anything about that. >> how did he get to the island? >> boat, but i do not know which boat yet. >> [inaudible] >> no. he does not say anything about that. >> he is refusing to respond? >> ok. >> do you expect another attack? >> he expects this is the start of war. his mind is very -- i do not know. i will not comment any more on his mind.
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>> does he expect these other cells -- does he expect them to continue the war? >> is there any indication whether these attacks from other cells could come in months? >> i do not know. the police must answer that question. >> it was the first of these cells? >> he started this war and takes some kind of pride, i guess. ok, thank you very much. >> [inaudible] >> can you confirm the fertilizer? >> i cannot comment on that.
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i don't know. ok, thank you very much. >> you have been watching a press conference with geir lippestad, the lawyer for anders breivik, the man of the center of the tragedy in norway. he has been talking about his client in varying detail. he talked about two cells. you may recall that anders breivik says that he may not have been acting alone and that there were two cells in norway and several abroad. he did say that the man said he is sorry that he had to do this, but it was necessary to start a revolution. he did respond to questions about whether there was any association with some right-wing parties. he responded in the affirmative, but not a lot of information coming out from geir lippestad. he is the lawyer for anders breivik. welcome to gmt. earlier, the country's justice minister praised the work done by police after the bomb attack in the capital and the
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shootings. there has been criticism of the time it took police to get to the island where anders breivik had opened fire on people at the youth camp. a people were killed on the island and another eight in the bomb attack. across the country, thousands took part in rallies to remember the victims and send out a message of defiance. family buchanan has this report. >> oslo cathedral, the focal point for a nation's grief. every day, the tribute and flowers grow and people flock to pay their respects. many week as they come to terms with the loss of some of the youngy's most promising people. hundreds signed the book of condolences inside oslo university. among them, the justice minister. he hit back to critics who said police ignored threats posed by right-wing zealots. >> we have learned lots of
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lessons and many experiences here. [speaking foreign language] we will work very hard to prioritize. in the past, we've been very successful at dealing with and monitoring these groups. i do not think it is fair to criticize us, that we have taken our eye off the ball. >> he also defended the police reaction last friday, criticized for being too slow. one boat had leaked and it took over an hour for officers to reach the scene of the massacre. today, the island is eerily quiet. teams searched for the remaining few that are still missing. the island is cordoned off and many people have left flowers along the banks, to wear so many were trying to flee to safety. in oslo, anders breivik's lawyer says his client took drugs to keep them strong in the wake before the killings. >> some kind of drugs.
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>> is the calm or anxious? >> calm. >> how would you describe his state? >> it was a plan for several years. he seems calm. >> the shock of the tragedy is still intense in norway and it will take a long time for people to come to terms with it. >> let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the first flight of the world food program into the somali capital of mogadishu is due to be under way in a day or so after calls for international effort to get aid to millions across the horn of africa. the un refugee agency says 40,000 people have flooded into mogadishu in search of food and water over the past month. many other somalis have fled to
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kenya and ethiopia. we can now speak to caroline, the spokesperson for the world food program. she joins us now. thank you very much for being with us. is any significant progress being made? >> yes. as soon as the airlift gets off the ground, it will be the first significant food to be brought into the country since the crisis was declared a famine last week. of course, it's all about scaling up the food for those people that are streaming into mogadishu from other areas of south somalia, as you rightly said. basically, we are running our operations there because it's a number one global priority for us. it's a matter of life and death. >> it is a matter of life and death. are you anywhere near that figure the u.n. has called for? >> the world food programme is
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looking at the region of $300 million and everything else. you can go to our web site to see how to donate, as well. the airlifts are quite expensive, but it brings the nutrition, especially for children -- the famine is affecting the very young in particular. it will be handed out alongside our wet feeding centers in mogadishu. we need to reach an additional 2.2 million people in somalia in order to save lives. >> are you getting any cooperation from al-shabab, which controls significant parts of the country where people are suffering? >> we're working through the u.n. humanitarian coordinator in somalia. this is not about politics. this is about life and death, as i said. we will use every possible means to reach the people who need our help. it's absolutely critical at this
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juncture. we are, of course, going into negotiations with certain people. essentially, one of the reasons why we had to pull out last year was because there were and expectable -- un expected operations and it was very high risk. >> we will leave it there. thank you very much for being with us. britain has joined france in suggesting that libyan leader muammar gaddafi could remain in his country if he gives up more power. he said britain would prefer gaddafi to leave libya, but it is up to the libyan people to decide. the international aid agency oxfam has said pakistan is still my sufficiently prepare to. comments come one year after the worst floods in pakistan's history, which affected 20 million people and killed over 1000 people.
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southern officials and sudan have accused northern sudan of declaring economic war by issuing a new currency just weeks after the south's independence, leading the country with large reserves of useless money. south sudan began using its own currency one week ago. now time to take a look at the business news. nice to see you. not good news for those watching the u.s. economy and the debt crisis. there's still no agreement between the white house and the folks on capitol hill. >> the time is ticking away. what is interesting is the markets do not seem to share that sense of urgency. there's a feeling in the market that this will get sorted out and that they will somehow come to a compromise. i have to say that it would be a strain for a u.s. president to risk the u.s. aaa credit rating at this time. many believe there will be a
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compromise, but the clock is ticking ever closer. there does appear to be a stalemate. both president obama and republican leader addressed the nation on television. here is what president obama had to say. >> for the first time in our history, our country's aaa credit rating would be downgraded, leaving investors around the world to wonder whether the united states is still a good bet. interest rates would skyrocket on credit cards, mortgages, and car loans, which amounts to a huge tax hike on the american people. we would risk sparking a deep economic crisis. this one caused almost entirely by washington. >> there was growth, but only just briefly today. the u.s. economy grew by 0.2%. economists are concerned that even if there continues to be growth, the latest independent forecasts have the uk growing by just 1.3% in the whole of 2011,
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which is significantly below the official forecast of 1.7%. to explain the poor growth in the u.k. -- economic factors include the effects on the supply chain caused by the tsunami in japan and the effects of higher global oil prices. other reasons suggested could have been growth, but the royal wedding holiday, the royal wedding itself, too much snow, too much sun in april, and even england's poor showing in world cup. manufacturing dropped by 0.3%. >> that is disappointing because some months back, the manufacturing sector was the bright spot in the u.k.'s
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economic recovery. that does not bode well going forward. the problem is now that it will be very difficult for the economy to recover any lost ground in the second half of the year. growth in the end might come closer to 1%, which would be very disappointing. >> the british oil giant, bp, reported second quarter profit of $5.3 billion, which is an improvement compared to the record losses this time last year due to the oil spill in the gulf of mexico. dudley says he expects growth to continue in all parts of his business. he says the company has now stabilized, while living up to its commitments in the united states. that leads us to the markets. bp shares are down around 2% simply because although the out that $5.3
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billion, it was less than analysts expected, mostly due to higher oil prices. also, banks taking a hammering. there are still concerns about the u.s. debt crisis. also, worries continue in the eurozone, as well. that is the business. back to you. >> thank you very much. within the last half-hour, the lawyer for the man who has said it carried out the attacks in norway has been speaking about about his client. he said anders breivik is sorry, but all his actions were necessary to start a revolution. he said mr. breivik police he was in a war and it was too early to say whether he was insane. the lawyer says his client took drugs before the attack. he said he also spoke of there being two more insurgent cells in norway and several others abroad. that's all for the moment. stay with us on "bbc world news." there is much more to come.
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