tv BBC World News WHUT November 29, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST
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what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> more borrowing and less growth. double trouble for britain as its finance minister prepares to defend its policies. chancellor george osborne will have to show he can review the strategy and find growth. opposition says he needs a plan b. >> you have got to change course today. he has got to accept that the plan has failed. he has got to take action to get the economy moving. >> hello and welcome to gmt from "bbc world news." i am george alagiah, with a world of news and opinion. also in the program, egypt's
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long wait for democracy. voters queue for a second day. lana peters dies in the u.s. it is early morning in washington and midday in london, where britain's finance minister, chancellor george osborne, is about to deliver one of the most important speeches of his political life. it is his chance to set the state of the economy. unfortunately for him, is likely to paint a dark picture. the office which publishes the raw data has concluded that growth is much lighter than hoped -- that the growth is much flatter. >> this will be a very difficult week for chancellor george
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osborne and his team. on monday, we had the warning that britain's economy may dip back into recession. tomorrow, on wednesday, there's a huge public-sector strike. millions could be on strike tomorrow. in the middle of all that, he has to persuade the public that his plan is still on track to get the british economy growing again. first, let's take a look at the scale of the task he has before him. >> what a difference a year makes. last autumn, the treasury had hoped it had mapped out a master plan for the u.k.'s economic recovery. now those things appear much gloomier. by the time george osborn gets to his feet in the house of commons, we will officially that growth will be much lower than forecast of last year. that makes it harder for the government to cut the deficit.
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it is something david cameron has already been trying to prepare public opinion for. >> growth is slow in britain, france, and germany. in the last quarter, we grew faster than many eu countries, faster than average, but we are well behind where we need to be. >> what can the government do to encourage growth? we already have some idea. the government will offer to underwrite mortgages for some first-time home buyers. there will be a so-called credit easing program that will help small businesses to get loans. there is likely to be an announcement on new toll roads. it is hoped all this will breathe new life into the u.k.'s economy and bring down unemployment, which is the worst it has been for 17 years. naomi, the whole basis of
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the government's plan was a lot of pain now but by the next election, it will be all right. of course, we have got to wait for the figures. >> it looks like george osborne's timetable for the next election is slipping badly. he had hoped that he might be able to offer tax cuts by the time of the next election. it is now clear that the deficit will stay bigger for longer than he had planned. of course, the problems with growth just adds to the task that he has before him. if unemployment goes up, that means the government has to spend more on social security. of course, if growth is sluggish, that could have implications for tax revenues. that is why some people fear he may have gotten himself into a vicious circle. >> thank you very much. thank you. now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world.
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psychiatrists in norway have submitted a report on whether anders behring breivik was sane when he carried out the two attacks in oslo. he said the killings had been necessary to defend europe against muslim invasion. we can go now to the capital, oslo, where a press conference is happening. let's listen in on what they are saying. >> [speaking foreign language] >> we have not been given any clear indication as to when the board will be finished with the report. we are hoping it will be concluded by christmas. >> [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] >> hence, we would strongly underline that the board is to conduct an independent examination of the report. this examination could give rise to further comments and examinations on the part of the doctors. >> [speaking foreign language] >> in light of this procedure, it might have been considered natural to wait before publishing the conclusions of the report until the board had completed their work. >> [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] >> but, as we can see from the mass of attendance at this press conference, there's a great deal of public interest attached to the conclusions of the experts' report. as a result, we have decided to publish the conclusions of this report even though the board of forensic medicine. s has not completed their work yet. >> [speaking foreign language] >> as for the report and its entirety, this is a normal criminal case document, which
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the police and authority is not allowed to made available to the media in its entirety. >> ok. we will leave that press conference in oslo. psychiatrists have not decided whether or not anders behring breivik was sane at the time he committed that atrocity. on that will determine whether or not he faces a trial. now let's go back to the economy. it's not just in the u.k. that it is looking gloomy. the eurozone crisis continues. the eurozone finance ministers are meeting today to try to bolster their giant bailout fund. joining me from brussels is chris morris. is there any likelihood that they will find any sort of solution this time?
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>> i think they will come up with a way to adjust the firepower of the fund. officials have been working hard behind the scenes. they now have a set of documents ministers that set out how the program would offer insurance to people who buy sovereign bonds in the eurozone, making them more attractive to buy, and hopefully bringing down interest rates. they hope that china and sovereign wealth funds from other countries will invest. the problem is that positions are not looking great. countries like china and others have not shown much inclination they want to invest. the original idea that this could be boosted to a nominal target of one trillion euros -- most people think it will be a lot smaller than that.
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therefore, money has to come from elsewhere. >> in the absence of interest from countries like china, there appears to be more pressure piling up on the germans. i noticed the polish foreign minister weighed in yesterday and said, "you are the only ones who can do this." >> he made some dramatic comments. he said, "i feared german power in lesless and i am beginning tr german inactivity." the germans are certainly not going to put more of their money in. they are not going to allow the european central bank to put more of its money in. that's where you have to look elsewhere. one of the possibilities would be credit lines from the imf. the idea is that the germans are looking for longer-term solution
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whereby they completely rewrite the rules that govern the eurozone and would make it more difficult for countries to step out of line. in the meantime, countries will have to muddle through with this enhanced bailout fund and the possibility of money from places like the imf. it's not exactly a recipe to bring back confidence. >> thank you very much, chris. >> newspapers in cairo have declared the birth of a new egypt and an open door to democracy. polling stations are usedopen fr a second day. most people agree it's on course for record numbers. in indication of what they say is pent-up appetite for democracy. on the streets, many egyptians casting ballots said they were finally being heard. >> i think it's a good experience for all egyptians to have a true election and give
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voice to the ones who deserve it. >> in 30 years of monitoring of these elections, he has never seen so many women. >> [speaking foreign language] >> i did not vote and i will not vote. what is happening in the election and what will follow is a farce. it still looks the same as before the revolution. that means irregularities will happen for sure. >> we know -- at this time, we feel it's a big difference. >> voices on the streets of cairo there. the pentagon has declined to comment on reports that the nato airstrikes that killed 24 pakistani soldiers may have been the case of mistaken identity. in protest of the cross border attack, pakistan will boycott
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the conference in bonn next week. the u.s. and germany have called for further action against the syrian government. moscow believes countries should stop using ultimatums to threaten the assad regime. the russian foreign minister wants to open the dialogue. a russian woman alleged to have been spying for moscow has won her appeal. she told an appeals commission that she was not [inaudible] still to come on gmt -- the most interesting defection for the communist party. we talk about the life and death of joseph stalin's only daughter. the world may not be able to feed itself by 2050.
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that is the warning in worlthe . report. bill has this report. >> the farmers of southeastern australia know the problem. rainfall has dropped in temperatures have risen. unsustainable use of water and other resources has pushed farms out of business. the world has ever more mouth to feed. in 20 years, there will be another two billion of us. if nothing is done, there will be consequences for everyone. >> the systems will not be able to contribute as expected in meeting the human demands for 2050. the consequences in terms of hunger and poverty are
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unacceptable. >> the damage is especially bad in asia, where billions depend on rice. the yields soared in the 1960's and 1970's, thanks to the so- called green revolution, but now growth is trailing off as the population keeps rising. fao says farmers will need to increase output by 70% by 2050, but in a way that does not damage the environment. >> provided we have the right framework, provided we have enough investment in sustainable agriculture, then farmers can produce more, generate income, mitigate climate change, and adapt to climate change. >> the fao says solving the problems will cost $1 trillion, but doing nothing will cost even more.
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>> this is gmt from "bbc world news." i am george alagiah. the headlines -- britain's finance minister is pleased to present plans to boost the u.k.'s sluggish economy. day two of the historic elections in egypt. voting is brisk and orderly. aaron is here with the business news, but you have some corporate news. >> corporate wealth still goes on out there. i just grab this off the press. american airlines, as well as american eagle airlines, filing for chapter 11 for reorganization. that's all we are getting on this at the moment. it looks like american airlines is filing for bankruptcy protection -- chapter 11. also, citigroup, like many big american banks, still trying to
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settle legal cases that date back to 2008. the whole financial crisis. the judge threw out the settlement offer saying it was pocket change to such a big bang. citigroup is accused of selling investors complex financial instruments and then betting against them. >> the spotlight is once again on wall street's role in the mortgage crisis. this time, it is shining on citigroup. a federal judge in manhattan has struck down a deal reached between the bank and america's financial regulators, the securities and exchange commission. the judge says he was not sure the deal was fair and he criticized the regulators for shielding the public from the details of what the firm did wrong. he said that when it comes to issues of financial transparency, it was in the interest of the public to know the truth. citigroup issued a statement saying that the settlement was fair and reasonable.
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if the case went to trial, it would present substantial, factual, and legal defenses for the charges. the settlement relates to a claim by the sec that citigroup misled investors and then went on to bet against investors. investors went on to lose $700 million. citigroup made a profit. >> reports that facebook is preparing to sell shares on the stock market next year and could raise $10 billion. that would value the company at $100 billion, twice as high as it was in january. "the wall street journal" cents has the company's founder not made a decision and his plans could change.
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in asia, european markets -- optimism that european leaders could finally bring out a big bazooka to try to fix the problems there. ftse. that is italy. italy went back to the money markets today. they borrow that money, but investors, george, paying 8% interest rates. unsustainable. anyway, more later on. >> thank you very much. thank you. psychiatrist in norway have found that anders behring breivik, who killed 77 people in july, was insane at the time of the crime. he refused to plead guilty. he said the killings had been necessary to defend europe against a muslim invasion. let's go to the capital of
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norway, oslo, where a press conference is taking place. i believe we can talk to a norwegian journalist who has been listening in. can you bring us up-to-date? the psychiatrists have found he is not fit for trial because of insanity. >> they have concluded that he was psychotic. the two psychiatrists carried out 13 sessions with anders behring breivik, a total of 36 hours, and they have watched 148 hours of videos from the police interviews. it's a very comprehensive report. >> my understanding is that the four out of five cases of which psychiatrists are asked to printouts on a suspect's sanity or not, usually say they are fit
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for trial. this is pretty unusual. >> this is very unusual. there were 360 psychiatric assessments in norway ofo four out of five of those came back and found the accused to be fit and sane. this is very unusual. >> given the effect this had on the people of norway -- we saw that in the most graphic terms at the time of the atrocities. what do you think the reaction will be when this news leaks out? >> i have spoken to a number of victims and families. opinions are divided. some of them feel that he deserved to have a label, being insane. i am sure anders behring breivik himself will be very disappointed about this verdict. he considers himself a very sane and intelligent man who has
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succeeded in an act of war. >> we will leave it there. thank you very much. josef stalin's daughter has died at the age of 85 in the united states after suffering from cancer. svetlana alliluyeva was born in .oscow in 197 she took her mother's name. at the height of the cold war, she defected from the soviet union and defected to the united states, changing her name to lana peters. she describes her father as a moral and spiritual monster. an author, historian, an academic who has written extensively on the history of soviet russia and currently a professor of russian history at oxford. thank you for being with us.
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she did announce her father. nonetheless, do you think she ever really truly escaped the time of being the daughter of a despot? >> i do not think so. she had a terrible early time with him. he wanted to dominate which boyfriends she had. one of them was sent off to forced resettlement just to get him out of the way. when she published her first book of memoirs, she still did not really see how bad her father was. this was criticized. she published a second vote of memoirs -- a second book of memoirs where she laid it on the
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line that she had been a fool not to see what was happening. >> to what extent was she trying to defend herself, and to what extent were they of interest to people like you as historical documents? >> they're very interesting. she was a very good writer. she had a lovely russian prose in her memoirs. she was the little housekeeper for stolen. after her mother committed suicide in the 1930's -- probably driven to suicide partly by josef stalin's peculiar behavior -- she was the light of stalin's life. she saw things. she knew what kind of things he would like to read. she knew what friends he had -- as far as he had friends.
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she saw what went on at dinner parties. >> give us an example of the kinds of things you would have learned from her memoirs that you might not have otherwise known about stalin. >> that's an interesting question there. he was a bit of a prude. he did not like any make-up at all. this man supposedly for the male liberation, he was a real high rent of victorian times in his own family. >> what do you think the reaction in russia will be of her passing? >> i do not think it will make a tremendous splash anymore. the big splash was when she defected in 1967 to, of all places, the united states of america. that was huge. >> we have ronald of time. that's it for us.
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