tv BBC World News WHUT June 26, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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>> this is "bbc world news." funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of international commerce. we put our extended global network to work for a wide range
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of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> nato's council has met in special session. nato ambassadors pledged to stand by turkey. the country's prime minister issued a warning to syria. >> the syrian regime is in posing threats on our borders and we are not going to tolerate this -- is imposing threats on our borders and we are not going to tolerate this. >> hello and welcome to gmt. i am george alagiah, with a world of news and opinion. also in the program -- >> [speaking foreign language] >> at least 18 killed as
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landslides in you gone but buried several villages in the east of the country -- in uganda. the queen will meet a former ira commander turned politician. it is midday in london, 7:00 a.m. in washington, and 1:00 p.m. in brussels, where there has been a special session of nato ambassadors but it was called by turkey to address the shooting down of one of its fighter jets by syria last friday. the outcome appears to be no more than a general commitment by all nato countries to stand by turkey. the turkish government itself appears to have ruled out any military action. speaking today, its prime minister said syria's actions will not go unanswered. our defense correspondent reports. >> turkey's coast guard still searching for the wreckage of the phantom jet shot down by syria on friday, and for the two
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still missing. the downed phantom, similar to this -- there is still uncertainty over its precise mission and whether it strayed into syrian airspace. the turkish prime minister made clear that this was an unprovoked and unwarranted attack that came without warning. >> [speaking foreign language] >> our aircraft was shot down eight miles off the coast. this hateful attack was followed by a search and rescue for our pilots. we are sensitively carrying out these activities. this is a hateful attack. >> an angry, and nervous turkey is looking for international support. this morning in brussels, it called together a special meeting. turkey says its not looking for a military response, but it has invoked particle four of the alliance treaty, which requires
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nato to consult. it has concluded with condemnation. >> we consider this act to be n it intable and condemne the strongest terms. it's another example of the syrian authorities' disregard for international norms, peace, security, and human life. >> more proof of the limits of international intervention. >> in syria, government forces -- >> on monday in new york, the un secretary general once again expressed his concerns at the continuing violence within syria. there's still no consensus as to what happened next he -- as to what happens next. >> its a shame that this council continues to stand by, rather than to stand up. >> for turkey, the stakes are
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rising. the violence is already spilling over the border with a steady stream of refugees and defections from the syrian army. no one wants to spark a fuse that could lead to wider regional unrest. >> our correspondent has been following developments in turkey and joins us now from istanbul. prime minister recep tayyip erdogan says the action will not go unanswered, but what answers do you think he has? >> none at the moment. military response is about the only real kind of way they can get back at syria. that has been dismissed by everybody as too risky. what he did in his speech, he needed to sound tough to his own people, and he did. he needed to justify turkey's policies. he is responding about turkey's
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wider policies. he did that. he also described it as entering a new phase in which any syrians coming to the border would be treated as hostile and a threat. a tweet now that there are new rules of engagement for the turkish armed forces. as far as this is concerned, turkey has the international support it wanted. it really does not have any other options to respond. >> when you say it has international support, i suppose that's what it got at this nato meeting. realistically, it was just more words, wasn't it? >> it was. the problem is, turkey got caught by surprise. these aircraft have been operating along the region by the border for some time. perhaps they were testing syrian
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radar. perhaps this time syria decided to have a go. it has created a crisis which turkey has to handle. it is calling for an overthrow of the assad regime. like the rest of the international community, it has no real idea on how to proceed from here. on this instance, there's nothing more they can do besides these words. at least the prime minister has said he will not be so passive, if this happens again. >> inside syria, activists say there has been renewed fighting on the outskirts of the capital of damascus. the syrian observatory for human rights same members in several countries, including qadsaya and al-hama. there is no word on casualties. now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. rescue efforts continuing in eastern uganda following
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landslides that killed at least 18 people. the incident occurred near a major tourist attraction near the kenyan border. the government has been moving heavy equipment into the area. our east african correspondent reports. >> of the landslide started in the early afternoon on monday. at least two villages were hit by a torrent of mud that rushed down of the slopes, burrying the occupants. a group of schoolchildren had just returned from their village for lunch when the landslide struck. this coffee-growing area has been prone to such disasters. it is fertile land and villages are reluctant to resettle, despite the dangers they face, especially during the rainy season. >> this area is at risk.
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the mountain area [inaudible] fall,the rain eventually, the landslide happens. they need some level of enforcement. people though the landslides are there. [inaudible] >> a tewam from the red cross -- a team from the red cross is helping search for survivors. it is not clear how many people may still lie buried. the red cross estimates that each village could be home to as many as 80 people. >> russian president putin is continuing his tour of the middle east. he has been in the west bank
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town of bethlehem for talks with palestinian leader abbas. mr. putin has called on both sides to resume dialogue. abbas is refusing to re-enter negotiations until israel halts the settlements in the east bank. john joins me. what leverage, if any, does vladimir putin have in the middle east, especially on this peace process? >> there are not too many optimists in the region in terms of peace talks. the have been stalled since 2010. russia sees itself as a big player in the region. it is a member of the middle east quartet. in that respect, it does have leverage. there was not too much coming out of the press conference today. mr. putin and his huge entourage are about to leave actually.
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both men gave brief statements. mr. putin said that he wanted both sides to take the necessary measures to get back to negotiations. mr. abbas move to the idea of an international peace process to be held in moscow. it will be interesting to see if that gets any traction. there were no questions. you get the impression that mr. putin in particular did not want to talk about syria today. >> in a more general sense, what do you think vladimir putin is achieving? i am not just talking about bethlehem today, but yesterday, as well? >> he clearly wants to say to his electorate at home that he is a global player. it was very interesting to see the huge russian press corps that came along for this visit. i think russia is clearly very
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much engaged in the situation in syria. it also has considerable leverage on what this going on in iran. the fact that mr. putin is here and then will head on to jordan for talks later today, he wants to say he is in the region and he wants russia to be a power here. >> thank you very much. thank you. time now for the business news. jamie is with me. let's start with news corp. we are getting the idea that the company might be split. publishing on one side and television and film business on the other side. >> this idea came from "the wall street journal." it is part of news corp. it is part of the publishing section. it does not contribute a huge amount of profits -- something like 18% of operating profits. on the other side, you have the
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very fast growing broadcasting side. 20th century fox and so one. listen to what to reza -- what theresa wise said, an independent analyst. >> part of it is the preventing the bleed into other parts of the business. the other is a structural idea. the media side still has a lot of head room. the publishing side of the business are very slow growth or no growth businesses. because the media and the publishing businesses are combined, the whole company of news corp. is being less highly valued because investors can't pick out the slower growth from the faster growth so easily. >> wise there.
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a look at the eurozone summit coming up. another one. >> i think this one is different. i think we are going to get to some sort of end game in this. this is largely because of what is on the table this time. there will be a report put before the members of the eurozone which will have to do with creating some kind of central fiscal control. a control of each individual government's budget. also, a banking union, as well. these are very advanced ideas. if that is put forth and the markets start to think we get on that route -- listen to an analyst who has been watching this. >> a very binary fashion. either everything is great or everything is terrible. either we move toward a fiscal union and everything is fine and we can see the euro rally from
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there. people get more and more happy about the future of the eurozone. or, if we do not see something like this and every single dollar state is left to deal with this, as they are at the moment, -- and every single state is left to deal with this, but that's when the markets get antsy about it. >> the head of mi-5 said the u.k. is working to counter astonishing levels of cyber attacks on it. not just from criminal gangs, but also from state. >> appearances from the head of mi-5 are rare. in a speech last night to which cameras were not invited, jonathan evans laid out the threats he sees facing the country.
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the threat from cyberspace is one major concern. he said mi-5 was investigating cyber attacks on many countries, describing it as astonishing. the results of a hostile cyber attack by another state -- 500 million pounds. in the short term, the olympics are at the top of the agenda. mr. evans said the games presented an attractive target. he said there's no doubt some terrorist networks have thought about whether they could carry out an attack traders not thought to be credible intelligence of any major plot -- an attack. it is not thought to be credible intelligence of any major plot. new concerns over threats from the middle east because of the weight instability has created
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an environment in which al-qaeda could find it easier to operate. >> still to come on gmt -- mexican drug traffickers are using new ways to evade u.s. border police. the u.s. supreme court has ruled that the state of arizona can go ahead with a controversial immigration measure that requires police officers to check the immigration status of those they detained. president obama said he was concerned that it could lead to racial profiling. jane little reports. >> it has been called the check your papers provision. from now on, police officers in arizona will have to check the immigration status of all they stop. the supreme court was unanimous in upholding this most controversial clause, a ruling the state governor said was a victory for all americans. >> today is a day when the key
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components of our efforts to protect the citizens of arizona to take up the fight against illegal immigration in a balanced and constitutional way has unanimously been vindicated by the highest court in the land. >> arizona has more than 300,000 undocumented immigrants and argued it needed it where the federal government had failed. >> it is basically allowing law enforcement to go forward and racially profile poor people and people of color. we believe this is a decision that does set back civil rights. >> president obama echoed that concern, but he said he was pleased the court struck down three other parts of the law. in a split decision, the justices ruled against parts of the law that would make it illegal to seek work in the state, allowing police to stop people clearly on the suspicion
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they were illegal and forced people to carry proof of their status. other states closely watched the decision. five have other -- have already passed similar laws. one thing is certain. there will be more legal fight in a fierce battle that is far from over. bbc news, washington. >> and this is gmt from "bbc world news." i am george alagiah. nato's secretary general has said syria's shooting down of a turkish jet is unacceptable and shows a disregard for international norms and human life. rescue efforts are returning in -- are resuming in the east of uganda after landslides and wiped out homes, leaving at least 18 dead. queen elizabeth is in no. i learned today, where there are two days of events marking her
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diamond jubilee -- is in northern ireland today, where there are two days of events marking her diamond jubilee. ira commander, martin mcguinness. mark simpson has this report. >> there have been protests about the clean -- the queen's visit to northern ireland. she has been here 19 times as queen. she also came in 1946 when she was a princess. this was long before the violence in belfast and the sectarian clashes which dominated life here for more than 30 years. the troubles have not ended. the sign of that will come when it the queen meets martin
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mcguinness, northern ireland's deputy first minister. >> i think it is important that we all recognize it. >> the meeting will take place tomorrow. it is a two-day visit covering belfast. >> the visits are normally kept secret until she arrives. this one is very different. everyone knows she is coming and the preparations are being made. security is always high for royal visits. in recent years, the atmosphere has been more relaxed. in the next two days, the queen is expected to attend six different events. >> authorities ever more stressed. one. battleground is the rio grande valley in texas.
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smugglers have come up with a new escape tactic to evade the law. >> it is a race for the river. they make it again. >> we have a splashdown. we have a splashdown. >> the 1 latest -- the latest technique by mexican drug runners. police chasing a vehicle full of drugs. >> they do not care how many felonies they commit. their goal is to get away from law enforcement. >> the vehicles are abandoned. the drugs are brought back to the mexican side of the rio grande. it is dangerous and they will do whatever it takes. >> we have seen them jump off cliffs into the water. the cartels that are in control of these situations are very
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ruthless. their life depends on them either getting the load to where it is going, or safely getting it back. >> the rio grande valley on the u.s.-mexico border is a battleground. the getaway tactic has been used at least 65 times in the past three years. the drug runners know the authorities do not have the votes they need to stop them -- the boats they need to stop them. >> they know once they get into the water, they are safe. all enough to do is when home. >> that will soon change. this boat is one of six, loaded with machine guns. the head of safety says it will bring in more boats, if they need to. it is a game of cat and mouse. with the big guns brought in, the smugglers may have to get more creative to outrun the police. >> a new tv show in south korea
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is trying to challenge the prejudiced experiences from the communist north. is the show really changing attitudes, or is it just reinforcing stereotypes? >> you do not often seen north koreans on tv. when you do, it does not look like this. they are all north korean defectors who live here in the south. this tv show sets to rebrand them. the lipstick, but short skirts, .nd a dance routine >> [speaking foreign language] >> we wanted to create an image of north koreans as fashionable and sophisticated, an image that would make people want to meet them, to marry them, to get to know them. i want to transform the image
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people currently have of north korean defectors. >> that image has changed a lot since the first defectors arrived in the south. back then, the tv cameras were out to capture the heroes' welcome. now, defectors are more likely to be greeted by a money lenders, prejudice, and newspaper articles about their alleged criminality. some people in the south believe the u.s. is now a bigger threat to security than north korea. 60 years after the division of the koreas. >> [speaking foreign language] >> when she is not appearing on tv, she talks to soldiers and schoolchildren about how lucky they are not to live in north korea appeared after all, she says it's not up to south koreans to change attitudes about the defectors. it is up to koreans themselves. >> [speaking foreign language] >> we may have been driven here
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by hundred and led very bad lives in the north. i do not want south koreans to see us as weak minded. we have a role in bridging the differences and helping south korea understand the north. >> it does not always work. the first attempt at show business with the north korean girl band never really took off here. perhaps it was the outfit. perhaps, it was simply too north korean. how much they have to blend in here -- it is sensitive. at the end, they send video messages back home. there's little chance they are watching. the pain is something south koreans empathize with. this is entertainment tv, after all.
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as she said, would you watch it if they look like north koreans? >> stay with us here on "bbc world news." there is plenty more to come. >> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> "bbc world news" wa>> workinw ventures and help provide capital for strategic decisions.
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