tv Charlie Rose WHUT August 9, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we beginin this evening with a conversation about the circumstance inside syria with rafif jouejati, spokesperson for the syrian local coordination exit committee. >> before he assumed the presidency, he came back to syria after his older brother was killed in a car crash and i had several occasions to speak with him directly and we talked about his... if you will, his asent to the presidency of syria. and he was very reluctant. he really just wanted to be an eye doctor. i don't believe he was ready to assume the responsibility of running a country, particularly one that had been under military dictatorship for decades before him. now once he assumed power and as
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he progressed as president of syria i believe the absolute power did corrupt him. what we're seeing today is essentially a homicidal maniac. we're not seeing the mild-manner bashar al-assad that used to live in the shadows of his father or older brother. >> rose: also this evening, ami, former head of the security agency known as shin bet. >> what should be the future of the middle east ten years from now? i'll tell you, it should be based-- the whole concept of stability, security, statehood, should be based on several parameters. first of all, we have to accept that it is very, very important to create a coalition, a sunni coalition that will be led by turkey. why turkey? because we have to accept the idea that if ever we shall see democracy in the middle east it will not be like the israel democracy or the american democracy or like western liberal democracy.
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it will be something... hopefully something like turkey. >> rose: also, "2 days in new york," starring chris rock and julie delpy. >> what i want to say about relationships is that it's not perfect. it's not the best thing in the world to be in a relationship but maybe it's better than to be alone and miserable. >> you know, the great artists get themselves on the screen and julie was really able to get all the different levels of who she is on the screen. i mean, she shot it amazingly, the writing is impeccable and she coaxed a great performance out of me. >> i'm moved! i'm really moved! >> rose: perspectives on the middle east and events in syria as well as a new movie called "2 days in new york." when we continue.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: we begin with syria where the battle for aleppo continues between troops loyal to president bashar al-assad and the free syrian army. some fear that the worst is yet to come as reports show increasing use of heavy weapons in civilian neighborhoods but there was good news for the rebel this is week as prime minister t prime minister defected from the government. he denounced assad as a leader of what he called a terrorist regime. starting now from washington, rafif jouejati, she is an english language spoke person. she's been helping organize the
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opt sigs and she brings an insider's view on the conflict that is raging in syria. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> so tell me what you know about what's going on on the ground from the sources you have inside syria. >> well, throughout syria the violence is ongoing with the regime showing essentially every mayor... shelling every major city and town. they are concentrating in aleppo but we need to remember that they are also showing in homs, in damascus suburbs, in hama and others. as about an hour ago, the death toll had reached 140. those are 140 confirmed dead. so the situation is simply getting worse everyday. >> rose: and how do we assess the defections that are continuing with the latest high-profile figure, the prime minister? >> well, what we can say is that
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it's crumbling internally. the prime minister was the highest position to defect. i expect there will be many, many others in the coming days. >> rose: when i talked to king abdullah over the weekend he said "be careful not to underestimate the strength of the syrian regime militarily." do you share that idea? >> well, certainly they are far better equipped than the free syrian army. certainly they have the benefit of russian attack helicopters and migs with which to bomb civilian communities. however, we do know that the vast majority of regime soldiers are greatly demoralized. the increasing defections are not helping with soldiers' morale and they have a fundamental problem with firing on their own. so i don't think we should overestimate assad's power, either. >> rose: okay, does that mean we
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shouldn't expect this necessarily the worst in aleppo? >> oh, i think assad will take things as far as he can before he's either captured or assassinated so i would expect increasing levels of violence until he they are the free syrian army can win this militarily or assad runs away or somebody catches him. >> rose: where could assad run away to? >> well, i believe he's been offered exile in iran, perhaps moscow. there's been rumors about him considering moscow. there are other nations that would be willing to take him in. but from now forward he's a dead man walking and he will always be on the run. >> rose: is it possible... the king talked about a plan "b" where he might try to flee to some alawite enclave and bring soldiers with him and perhaps other weapons of war.
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>> certainly that theory has been thrown around as a possibility and we should probably be prepared for the worst. i think the majority of syrians are united in their desire for a united syria and i don't think a small enclave like that would be tolerated but syrians or the international community. i think an alawite enclave would simply make the area more unstable) >> rose: do the members of the high command of the free syrian army know where the chemical weapons are located >> we've heard many reports do know specifically where the chemical weapons are located. in fact, we've had some defectors that know a little more than just location and that kind of information is kept pretty close at hand. >> rose: what are your worst fears?
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>> >> my worst spheres that he'll continue the violence. we have over 20,000 dead and as you know, charlie, we have hundreds of thousands of refugees now outside the country and more than two million people internally displaced. so my fears are of a growing humanitarian catastrophe in syria. my fears of increased shelling he's destroying residential communities but he's also going after the archaeological sites. they have targeting the aleppo citadel. he's essentially destroying syria's past, present and future by targeting children. >> rose: does that mean that you would like to see some kind of significant intervention from outside syria to come there and to hasten the end of assad? >> well we in the local coordination committees have
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been asking repeatedly for humanitarian intervention. with regard to military intervention it may be too late for the west to now intervene. we have reports of some arms making their way through to the free syrian army and it would appear that the combination of civil resistance and peaceful protest and the free syrian army is doing the trick. >> rose: suggesting that you think there ought to be some guilt on the part of countries outside of syria who have not come to the aid of the free syrian army and syrian people? >> oh, absolutely. i think the international community had a moral responsibility to prevent these types of massacres we're seeing. they had a moral responsibility to prevent what is now really genocidal proportions of killing and the international community failed to act. the united nations has been paralyzed through russian and chinese vetoes but i think
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nations could have done far more. >> rose: as you know, at some point early on there was some notion on the part of other governments that he might have within him some reform tendencies. did he ever, is the first question, and secondly is he simply a reflection of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely? >> well, i think initially when he assumed the presidency i believe he was optimistic. i believe he had good intentions and wanted to see reforms implemented. what he actually provided were cosmetic reforms that benefited mainly the middle and upper classes where this popular revolt started was with the lower classes, with people who could not afford to eat so clearly the assad reforms never filtered down to those people. and since the revolution we've seen what assad reforms mean. they mean additional massacres. they mean live gunfire when
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people go out in peaceful protest demanding reforms. so as he has escalated the response to peaceful protest the anger and resentment against assad has escalateed so jopg there's any type of reform he could propose. >> rose: well, the question of the notion that's there is whether he is the reflection of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. >> certainly. before he assumed the presidency he came back to syria after his older brother was killed in a car crash and i had several occasions to speak with him directly and we talked about, if you will, his ascent to the presidency of syria. and he was very reluctant. he really just wanted to be an eye doctor. i don't believe he was ready to assume the responsibility of running a country. particularly one that had been
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under military dictatorships for decades before him. now, once he assumed power and as he progressed as president of syria i believe the absolute power did corrupt him. what we're seeing today is essentially a homicidal maniac. we're not seeing the mild mannered bashar al-assad who used to live in the shadows of his father or older brother. sfup what do you think the likelihood that his... if he, in fact, is to be killed it's most likely to come from someone inside. >> that may be very likely as people from just outside his inner circle see the increasing number of defections. as they see what is happening to syria they see that massive destruction. i believe he's creating ill will even within his own inner circle. now, with the defection of the prime minister beyond the fact that the regime may be crumbling internally it also points to breaks within the security circle.
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the secret intelligence should have known about that defection and they did not or they chose not to report it. so i think the circle surrounding assad is getting narrower and narrower and it may very well be that somebody that n that circle takes it upon himself or herself to take care of him. >> rose: take me through what will happen when assad goes. >> it's a good question. i presume that the syrian national council will with members from in syria and outside syria will assume a transitional authority of sorts. i will assume they will benefit from the work that's been done as part of the day after project, the transitional framework. and they will move to restoring order throughout the country and beginning the process of enabling the syrian people to conduct free and fair elections. of course, this is the
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optimistic view. the pessimistic view would be that there would be ongoing chaos. but i try to stay with the optimistic view. i know that the free syrian army has already committed to transitioning to a civilian-led government. this is an incredibly positive step. i know that there are organizations like the national consensus movement operating and pushing for a secular agenda. i know that the syrian national council and other opposition groups have called for a civil democratic state. so i think those commitments and statements would go a great way to allay any fears of sectarian violence. those are all part of the optimistic view. i have to stay optimistic. i believe the syrian revolution has paid a very high price for freedom and i believe once we achieve it things will be better. >> rose: do you also believe that influence because of their participation with the
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rebels that groups like al qaeda have will be contained. >> i believe they will be contained. i believe the reports of al qaeda are a little bit exaggerated. now certainly we can't deny that there have been al qaeda type groups that have infiltrated. i blame this squarely on assad. he's created chaos and groups like al qaeda thrive on chaos and will take every opportunity to exploit chaos. i think the syrian people by nature are reasonably secular. we have a cultural mosaic that covers all religions, all ethnicities, really. i believe the people of syria will go back to what they are fundamentally and i think the opportunists operating there will be pushed out. >> rose: in iraq, after the overthrow of saddam hussein, after... when the invasion came everybody acknowledges a number of mistakes and clearly you see a desire that these kind of
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mistakes not be made in syria. any thoughts on that? >> sure. as i said, the free syrian army has committed to transitioning to a civilian-led government. >> rose: keeping the army in place? >> keeping the army in place but actually reforming the whole security sector. the army is meant to protect the borders, defend the nation, not fire at civilians. so clearly there's going to be some security sector reform. we probably need to disband the internal intelligence services, the domestic intelligence services because their sole function has been to spy on, report on and terrorize the civilian population. clearly this needs to be done away with but we need to retain an army to so it can protect our borders. within... within the opposition framework and the transitional council i think there is a strong desire to retain regime officials who do not have blood
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on their hands. so we need to keep the infrastructure going. in a sense, we need to keep the lights on, unlike what happened in iraq. certainly syrians are looking at the iraq situation and taking lessons from that as well. >> rose: when do you think it will end? >> just today i heard a prediction from a friend of mine and she said november. so that seems a little distant. i would have liked to say it will end in the next couple weeks but i believe it will be several more months. not years and i believe it is only a matter of time. >> rose: and it could be at any time if someone decides to take matters into his own hands or there could be if they could get to his brother-in-law then clearly he has to be looking at his own shadow. >> absolutely. absolutely. he is a man running scared and part of the evidence of that is that we've seen very little since that damascus bombing. one would have thought that somebody who felt was in control
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of his nation would have at least made some public statements. if only to allay the fears of his remaining supporters. his army is showing the largest city in syria... shelling the largest city in syria and he has nothing to offer the syrian people. >> rose: thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much for having me. >> rose: back in a moment. stay with us. ami ay'all lon is here. he's the former director of shin bet. today he's focused on how to resolve the israeli palestinian conflict. he urges israel to take constructive steps to achieve a two state solution but israel's facing more immediate problems today-- growing tensions over the nuclear program in iran have led to speculation that a strike could be soon. meanwhile, deteriorating security in neighboring egypt and syria threaten the borders. i'm pleased to have him here back at this table. welcome. >> thank you very much. >> rose: for people who might not know, they're familiar with mossad.
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what is shin bet? >> i think that shin bet is like the f.b.i. and the secret service. internal security. >> rose: you and others seem to be... that have spoken, who have left official positions are speaking out with more passion and more candor than you ever have before. is it was... what? >> i think that most of us believes it, we are on the wrong way. that we are heading nowhere. and today much more than yesterday agreement between us and the palestinians became much more urgent, much more important and much less possible. >> rose: because? >> because this is the way we understand the new reality in
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the middle east. this is the way we understand the whole security equation if you call it. let's try to understand the middle east of today. it's a saturated area. you mentioned before we have egypt, we have iran, we have instability. we have syria, we have problems with turkey. the world is in a huge economic crisis. so it is becoming much more difficult and in order to try to not only understand but create some survival strategy we have to prioritize, we have to try to understand what... where should we start with. and if you ask me-- and this is my personal view based on my security background-- if you ask me what is the major threat to israel i'll tell you that the
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threat of losing our identity as a jewish democratic state. iran, it is a huge threat, but it comes later. now everything is combined. in order to try to understand and to create a viable strategy we have to jump ahead at least. well according to judaism history goes forward in 40 years but we have to create a kind of reality. realistic reality. we are living in the middle east. if you ask me what is the reality? what should be the future of the middle east ten years from now? i'll tell you it should be based... the whole concept of stability, security, statehood should be based on several parameters. first of all we have to accept that it is very, very important to create a coalition, a sunni
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coalition that will be led by turkey. why you are the economy? because we have to accept the idea that if ever we shall see democracy in the middle east it will not be like the israel democracy or the american democracy or like western liberal democracy. it will be something. hopefully something like turkey which is a democracy like turkey which is stable, which can prove economic success and... >> rose: and which is secular? >> yes. and we have to understand that democracy in the middle east will have to have a very strong muslim flavor. now if turkey became an original power, especially today because events in syria, because events in egypt so this coalition should be led by turkey. second the role of the acceptance of israel as a legitimate player would be based
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on the idea that the arab league decision will prevail. meaning that we should accept israel along the lines of '67 with a change of territories and i believe that although the israeli/palestinian conflict is not the major conflict, the major conflict in the middle east sr. the sunni/shi'a conflict. in order to create this coalition we have to understand that showing progress on the israeli palestinian conflict became a condition, a precondition. so these are the parameters. i think if we are able to create this coalition that will be supported with the international community led by america we will be able to face iran, we will be able to respond to the iranian threat the to the nuclear
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capability that iran is trying to require. and this is why it is so important for us to show what can be done by israelis today in order to reach this point ten years from now. >> what can be done by israelis today to reach that point? >> we have to accept the idea... if you would ask me two years ago i wouldn't accept it. but there is no partner. there is no partner although it is very important. >> rose: no palestinian partner? >> no palestinian partner. not because abu mazen don't want. in the middle east of today leaders became weaker and streets became stronger. abu mazen does not have the support of prague malt i can leaders like mubarak. so arafat... sorry, abu mazen cannot deliver what he thought he could two years ago and baby
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netanyahu will not offer it to olmert. >> rose: he does have the support of people like fayad. >> but he doesot have any political power and ef-to understand the new middle east that was created during the last three years the street sometimes lead. leaders became followers. now, since he lost this support we have to understand that the concepttor paradigm that led the process or the middle east during the last 20 years that was based on the idea that direct negotiations will bring us to agreed solution is over. it does not exist. so this is why we are presenting a new paradigm. >> rose: you believe that israel should recognize jerusalem not... as the capital of the palestinian state? >> i'm not here to tell you where will be the capital of palestine. >> rose: but you're avoiding
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some of the critical hard issues. >> no, no, i'm not avoiding. if you ask me the parameter will be based on what we said in the last ten years. jewish neighborhoods under israeli sovereignty, this will be the capital of israel. arab neighbors and palestinian sovereignty. i imagine they will declare that the arab neighborhoods are the palestinian capital and this is for them to decide. second we have to independently to stop building any settlements beyond the security fence including arab neighborhoods of jerusalem. >> rose: would you leave the security fence where it is? >> until they will come to negotiate, yes. the idea it will stay, security fence will stay if and when they will come to negotiation. we shall negotiate how to swap land. what to give, what to keep.
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until then we shall go on building in the major settlements west of the fence but we shall not build on the east side of the fence. we schaaf to pass the law of bringing back settleers who wish to return. according to our polls 20,% to 30% of the settlers once we build the fence understand that it will not be the future in the state of israel, it will be palestine. we send them. if you ask me, they achieved the victory for us. victory meaning recognition of the arab world. four, we have to prepare a plan since the future of the rest of the settlers will be discussed with the palestinians we have to show to the israelis that we are not going to repeat the same mistakes that when we shall bring them back we know how to do it with housing, with labor,
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with a national plan and six and last we have to convince the israelis that finally if ever we shall have an agreement of the palestinians, it will be the result of the decision of the israeli people. national referendum. we should not repeat the mistakes of taking this most difficult and painful decision the way we did in the past. >> rose: the issue for every israeli leader that i've ever talked to is security for israel. >> we are not in danger. i.d.f. will stay. >> rose: israeli defense forces. >> that's right. israeli defense forces will stay along the jordan river. if along the jordan river we should have an agreement. we are not going to create vacuum until we should have an agreed border.
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agreed solution. >> rose: how long do you think it will take to do that? >> look, i believe if you ask me i believe that if we shall take this within a few months palestinians will come to negotiate. if they will not negotiate we are losing nothing. we are losing nothing because i believe that within ten, 20, or 40 years the international community will recognize the fence as the eastern border of israel and then as i told you before since our major threat is one state this threat is eliminated. >> rose: some people even would suggest that if there's no two-state solution and continued
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occupation it becomes a kind of some argue apartheid. totally right. >> totally right. i think we are heading directly into this destiny. and i as i mention before biggest threat to israel is a threat to us. when my parents came in the '30s the dream was to create a... they did not use this language but if you read our declaration of independence this is what we mean. we are a democracy that belongs to the jewish people that we are a democracy. in order to have a democracy, our eastern border should be a border of our identity not security. security should be the result. we have to create a boarder in which we will be majority otherwise we do not have the right the moral right. we don't have the political power to dictate the values, the calendar, the symbols and the
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story that we tell our children. >> rose: where do you think the mind of the prime minister is? prime minister netanyahu. where is his internal sense of what you want to see happen? >> well, i have no idea. usually i used to say that psychology department of my family belongs to my wife. so i'm not sure but deep down if you ask me i believe that finally, finally he can accept this view. i think that the major parameters if i understand him again that israel is secure and a jewish democracy is... he accepts... >> rose: so if you can get him to accept the ideas of security and democracy? >> if he understands the parameters israel will be safe,
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secure, will keep its identity as jewish democracy. if he understands the parameters that palestinian refugees return to the state of palestine i believe that these are these parameters. but, you know, finally it's up to him. >> rose: turn to the question of iran. what should israel israel do? >> certain a huge threat. we cannot live with with iran having nuclear military power. we should not accept it. the question is how much time do we have and what should we do. for me how much time do we have is a correlation to what should we do. because if we are going to act
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unilaterally without any american or international support, without creating the atmosphere in the middle east it's not only that we shall have to face the reaction. probably it's too late for what we can achieve with our military power probably is to delay the program for i don't know, 12, 18 or six months. but if we believe we are a power based on a sunni coalition and america... >> rose: what do you mean "sunni coalition"? >> sunni coalition means that turkey with egypt, jordan, saudi arabia understand that the major conflict is with shi'a led by iran and they create this coalition. in order to create this coalition that we face iran so
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this is the coalition. >> has there been an event or a person that changed your mind? that brought you to where you are today? >> i met a group of palestinians some of them friends in london in 2002 and it was after the beginning of the intifada, hundreds of people were dying on both sides of... on the two sides of the border and we met trying to see whether we could fix that. and i was pouring myself a cup of coffee and a palestinian friend approached me. he's a psychiatrist, works in gaza with children that suffered post-trauma because of the violence in gaza at this time and he told me finally we palestinians, finally we won, we
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achieved victory. i said come on, are you crazy? hundreds of palestinians are dying. you are losing your dream of independence. what does that mean a victory. and he tells me a.m. yi, you don't get it. you don't understand that all what we want is tosy you suffer. this is all that we want. after 50 or 60 years we came to understand that we are not... we will not be the only one who suffers in the middle east. and as long as we shall suffer you will suffer and we reached a balance of power your f-16 versus our suicide bomber. at that point i understood that we are losing the idea of victory. we are killing each other and we
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tend to forget okay, yes, when we suffer we are looking for revenge. but revenge will not bring us to see israel secure and a jewish democracy. if you asked me, this palestinian friend with what he told me which was horrible, horrible, created me to believe that finally it was said years ago it's not important how many of our members were killed or how many times we concur a city. finally victory is measured in the better realities that we create. and sometimes in the middle of the violence we tend to forget it. >> rose: it's argued by some that the arab spring is a threat to israel because governments that israel had a relationship with like the egyptian
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government are going to change is that bad or good for israel? >> i think it depends on us. even when i was the director of the shin bet and i was asked tell us what will happen i told cabinet ministers tell me what you israelis will do and i'll try to give you a good analysis. so it depends on us. so i'm optimistic not because i see that something will happen and i will get some money from the lottery. i am optimistic because i believe depends on us. so i say that we have the power to shape our destiny and if we shall take the right course yes, there are risks. yes, it will be very unstable but there are opportunities and
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this is why it's very important for us to detect it and to accept it is in our hands. >> rose: how long is the window of opportunity? >> look, every time we are saying okay, the when doe of opportunity for direct talks is over. it's for us to open a new window and to shape a new paradigm and if we are able to recreate a new paradigm we shall have a new window of here. >> rose: thank you very much for coming. a pleasure to have you at this table and i hope we can continue the conversation as we watch events unfold in the region. back in a moment. >> rose: julie delpy, the french actor made her directorial debut in 2007 with "2 days in paris"
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it told of a relationship between an american man and french woman. now delpy's character marion has a new guy in a new city. her new film is called "2 days in new york." joining me is julie delpy, the director and star and chris rock who plays the man of her interest, a huge star in his own right. now listen to me. he told me this morning on another television program that you were the best director he ever worked with. tell me why you say that? >> well, she knows exactly what she wants to do and she's a great actress and she... the acting affects the directing, it affects the writing. she's like a one stop shop. >> you're so sweet. >> i said you're the best director besides steven spielberg. >> rose: you said that after i said "best director?" and i realized i... >> you put steven spielberg... okay, time competition with steven right now. i'm going to get him. i'm going to get him. i'll be better than him!
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>> rose: now was this for you... thank you very much. >> rose: was this a surprise? >> he's a wonderful actor, amazing actor. >> rose: you think she's a great director she thinks you in ear an amazing actors. >> she cuts an amazing performance out of the dribble that was coming out of my mouth for a couple months. (laughter) >> rose: when you said it to me you meant it seriously. >> i do. >> rose: explain it to us. >> when you watch the movie, you know, the great artists get themselves on the screen and julie's really... was really able to get all the different levels of who she is on the screen. she shot it amazingly. the writing is impeccable she coax add great performance out of me. >> i'm really moved! i'm really happy... >> i got no shame. >> she was amazing the entire... you know, i didn't have to do
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much work in the editing room. >> rose: how did this union come about? >> i decided to do a sequel to "2 days in paris. "and i was like okay, marion has a new boyfriend. i want a woman who doesn't know what where she's going or doing and she's searching for the mate, the person she's going to spend her life with and the first person that came to my mind was chris. >> rose: first person that came to your mind? >> yes. so i was like i want chris rock. and so i started writing and then after a while i was like you know what? i better... if i'm writing for him... like i watch everything you've done and i was like, you know, a little bit, like, doing my work and i've got to figure out if he's remotely interested so i went to imdb and i found his agent is an ex-agent from mine, i got fired from an agency in l.a. actually, this might not have
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fired me i don't remember it's confusing so i called him and said would chris be remotely interested in working with me and two hours lately i get an answer saying "yeah, remoatly." (laughter) >> we met at the oscars at the after brunch. >> and i noticed the way you were talking... >> you know, beautiful french accent, she's flirting. >> you were more talking to ethan. you didn't flirt with me at all. >> a little bit. >> you were flirting with ethan hawke. >> rose: you wrote with him in mind. >> yes, entirely. when i found out that... >> that's amazing. >> we met again. we have friends in common. >> i don't even write with me in mind. i try to get denzel and he says "no," then i say okay, i'll do it in my own movie. >> it was great to know the interest in doing an indy french
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chi movie. >> i think marion sounds much better pronounced with a french accent. >> she's neurotic, though, a handful. >> rose: she has visitors, the young couple in new york has visitors and everything else flows out of that. >> when you meet the family of the person you love, especially if you live far away from them, sometimes you discover about that person it reveals things about them, their personality changes, they go back to who they are when they were kids or behavior changed slightly. but even the film is not major changes in marion but it's enough to show some side of herma that maybe he's not fond of. >> when people visit you that don't know the city and have friends in the city that's... even if they're coming for a week that's like four weeks
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you're really responsible for them. they're not going to drop their bags and see their friends. you have to feed them. >> they get arrested, lost. people visiting me in los angeles they go walking down the street, they get arrested. it's really high maintenance. >> rose: this is a different kind of film for you. >> oh, yeah. >> rose: (laughs) yes, indeed. >> well, half of it's in french, so, yes, this is a much different film. >> rose: was thaw a stretch for you? >> i always... i've done... i've done some indy stuff but i was attracted to it because i got to play a grown man. >> rose: (laughs) >> in contrast to... >> rose: well in american comedies they're not written for grown men. they're like man-boys that still play video games and the whole thing is is he going to grow up. this guy is grown up. he's been married a couple of times and he's got a kid and
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he's trying to make this relationship work. so i was attracted to that aspect of it. >> is it simply the romance? is it the sense of the difficulties of romance and relationships? >> i think i'm obsessed with relationships. how do you work it out with people? how do you spend your life with someone? i have the example of my parents who spent their entire life together. how do you keep the love and romance? how do you not kill each other after ten years? i'm not sure i know. so i'm searching and making a movie. >> you've never been in a real fight. >> you can throw each other apples, always better than shooting guns. >> your parents are in it. my father. >> rose: he's a well known french actor. >> yes and he's the clown. he's a crazy santa claus.
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>> rose: it's his movie. he's the funny guy. >> you're the funny guy. >> rose: not on the poster but he's the funniest guy in the movie. >> he's not bad. he's entertaining. >> rose: how is it to direct your father? >> it's fun to direct my father because i've seen him on stage. he's a stage actor. i've seen him on stage all my life and i know how capable he was of going and how far he can go so it was fun to give him stuff to do that could explore his craziness and wonderful kind of acting and everything. sometimes it's difficult to get your dad to what do what you want. >> rose: is there a hunger for his approval? >> we're not like that. we don't prove things in the family. we don't have this... >> they fought the whole time. they fought the whole time >> we weren't fighting we were
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just speaking french. it's just a conference in french we fought once or twice. >> it's an indy film. we only filmed for eight days. >> is it different directing someone who has such comedic skills and instincts and timing? you just wanted to let it go? >> you know, we've worked together on creating this character as real as possible. that was really the goal obviously there were moments of comedy like he's the straight man but not it was really working. i loved comedies that are rooting with characters that are actually really real and i felt that was the work that you wanted to do and i wanted to do. it's not to make something totally unrealistic. the characters are very realistic. >> rose: there's a touch of
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woody allen here, too, sort of neurotic created people having a relationship together with snappy lines >> yeah, i love woody allen. if i have a tenth of his career, a tenth of his talent i'll be super happy. i never think of woody allen when i make movies. new hampshire is you don't watch everything he's done? >> i never do. >> i think of him all the time. when i'm in my trailer it's all woody allen. (laughter) >> he was a former standup comedian who became a director. is that a career path for you? >> it could be. i just finished writing a movie i hope the direct early next year. >> rose: what's the character? >> the... the movie's... >> about a comedian? >> kind of about fame. >> rose: okay. >> on some level. and you might be in it. >> you might be in it. >> rose: done.
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>> rose: directing for you. why? what made you say this is what i need do, want to do, have to do? >> i started writing... my first screenplay i was 16 and no one wanted to finance a 16-year-old woman's film like impossible in france even forget it and i went to film school and started to write screenplays and direct but it took me forever to get people to trust me. i would get into a room and people were like you're sort of... >> why do you put yourself in your films? >> you're the best actress you know. >> rose: well let her answer the question! (laughter) >> i'm thinking you can deal with a high maintenance actress, crazy director, pain in the butt writer but i'm all three so i just cast myself. it's much easier that way. but seriously i just... >> rose: i think the idea is that sometimes... >> it gets its own... sorry.
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>> sometimes the best way to develop yourself is to do it yourself. >> and i do a lot of... >> rose: like standup you have to go out there and start doing it and make it happen. >> and to get back to her thing i've written and directed a couple. every movie i've written is for paul tom sander son to direct or woody allen to direct. >> rose: but they weren't available. (laughs) >> once you get to the c-list you might as well do it yourself >> exactly! (laughter) >> yeah, exactly. the first time i was in the situation it was a 500,000 euros movie which is $600,000, going down slowly and no actress wanted to do the part for no money. >> the last movie i directed i hired a director and i almost went with it but in the middle
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of pre-production i found out he didn't like an "annie hall" and i had to fire him." i'm like "dude, you can't give me notes." (laughter) how can you give me notes if you don't like annie all? >> that's hilarious. >> rose:. i've seen her movies. >> rose: so what's next for you? >> i'm writing about six screenplaying right now. >> rose: six? >> yes, six screenplays. >> rose: how can you write six at one time? >> because attention deficit disorder. (laughs) >> rose: if you get writer's block on one you move to the other? >> i love to focus on many things at once. i love to have overload of ideas and they just move on one, move on one, move on one at the same time it's a good feeling. >> you're like bobby fischer. >> well, i used to play chess as
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a kid. a lot of chess. >> rose: what inform what is you wanted to say about relationships? >> what i want to say about relationship is that it's not perfect. it's not the best thing in the world to be in relationship but maybe it's better to be miserable... >> rose: better to be alone and miserable or with somebody miserable? >> how to enjoy... i don't know what i'm trying to say. i can't stop talking about them. the next film will be about guys shooting each other with one woman and she's a hooker and you only see her legs >> i'm in! >> like no relationship whatsoever. gangsters. >> where do i sign? >> a prostitute in the middle that you don't even see her face. >> rose: here's a clip. >> hey! hey what are you doing here, man? i thought we lost you to washington. >> i'm in town doing a radio interview. >> okay. justin, i want you to meet my girlfriend marion. >> oh! hello justin. so nice to finally meet you.
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>> this iser if family jean not, rose and rose's boyfriend. >> nice to meet you, too. >> i'm doing my radio show. why don't you get on the air. >> i'm catching the 4:20 to d.c. actually, i meant to call you about barack's visit to n.y.. >> to have him on my show? >> slow down there. >> okay. lafs >> he's doing a press conference and i think i can get you in. >> get out of here! sweetie, that's so great! that's wonderful! >> it is true? >> he's so good looking. so much better looking than sarkozy. >> socialist! yes! >> no, papa. >> not really a socialist. no. >> if i may say so, you did a great job in all the "kumar goes to white castle" that was so
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funny. >> i do not think he deserved to win the nobel peace prize. do you agree or not? >> i'm sorry, justin, she doesn't know what she's talking about. >> it's okay, it's okay. a free country, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. >> thank you. >> hey, sorry about that. i just met them. her family's come in for the weekend. it's crazy. >> it's crazy. >> rose: thank you for coming. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thanks for having me. >> any time. i'll call you about the role. talk to my agent. >> scott rudin will call you. (laughter) >> rose: great to see you. julie, pleasure to meet you. see you next time.
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