tv Tavis Smiley WHUT November 8, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EST
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to win two terms in more than 100 years. a look at what this election means for the nation and president and for both parties with larry king. he continues to cover politics and more on his new show, "larry king now." join us for conversation about election night. coming up right now. >> there is a saying that dr. king had that said there is always the right time to do the right thing. i try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only halfway to completely eliminating hunger and we have work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out. >> and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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tavis: as we continue to digest the results of last night, i could not think of a better person to break down the results that a man who has covered so many of these. how many? since what year? >> on the broadcast of 1960. >> i was born in 1964. >> stop it. i was on the radio and television in 1960. it was the first televised debate. tavis: i remember this. >> nixon had just come from the hospital. i heard it from the radio. i thought it was a tie. when i got to the studio i heard
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that cannady murdered him. tavis: the talk-show host is doing a new project, "larry king now," on ora tv and hulu. >> it is relaxed, very different from cnn. it looks like my living room. tavis: can i do that? >> i have hosted the show. tavis: >> we have -- you are hosting your own thing. what did you make of it? >> i think it was a wake-up call for republicans. the problem the republican party faces being very objective is to when the republican primary, you
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have to appeal to the tea party or what might be called the extreme right. to win the election, you have to be moderate center. romney tried to be moderate center. it was too late. they have to appeal to the latino voter. thougthe latino voter will be te majority american in 2020. that is eight years away. you have to make a better appeal to them. they may have just misbegun. they have to reevaluate were there. i do not know what the answer is. the tea party held a press conference today. they blamed it on romney. they said we have -- that was the leap to establish the candidate. i do not know how they are blaming him. he won the primaries and they paid the price. tavis: there is a much talked -- so much talk.
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this is the guy that they did not want. they tried to pull everybody and his mama out of the ether to run for this and what it chris christie, jenna bush, -- jeb bush and the governor of texas. >> who is they? tavis: the republicans. >> when kennedy won the democratic nomination, there were only seven primaries. seven. that was called the back room. in the back room days, i am not sure that was not better. the league, the people got together and said this is our guy. when the primary system came in really heavy in 1960, the public started to pick the candidate. the public -- the registered voter summit romney.
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it is a new world of politics and now with the internet, twitter, is so instantaneous, the republican public, registered republicans are selecting candidates and they selected mccain, the right wing said they did not like and they selected from the that the bright wing said they did not like. you can i go for the right. they are in a dilemma. tavis: it is a new ball game. this is not rocket science. i cannot figure out, i do not know how you expect any candidate on the republican ticket to run far right to get the nomination, and then to hasselbeck to the middle for the general election without the democratic whooping him upside his head about flip-floping.
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once you get to the general election, you have flip-flop so much, -- >> what do you do? you need the right guy. have beenbe, i objective. i will never tell who have -- i have voted for. i have voted for democrats and independents. the perfect guy may be marco rubio. latin, florida, changing state to appeal, young. he is conservative but he has to appeal to latinos, he might be the answer. can he win the primaries? will he win the primaries? tavis: to your point -- he was
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lacking something for romney. romney could have taken the guy and he did not. >> romney went to ryan. a tea party year. -- partier. i will give you my campaign in 2016 if they pick them. in 1992, follow this closely, folks. clinton ran against bush. and defeated him largely due to ross perot. tavis: on the larry king program, the debate. >> in 2016, clinton against bush. hillary and jeb. now that already we are thinking 2016, that would be a campaign. the question is can jeb bush win the primaries? tavis: that is funny.
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>> can he be a strong candidate? absolutely. that would be a hell of race. tavis: you think hillary should run? >> if i were an adviser i would hope she would run. i -- we are ready for a woman president on either take it. we have had a certain point where the clintons, clinton helped elect obama. obama called him immediately. if obama can adopt a clinton's second term, they will be very strong because clinton finished with an enormous plurality in the economic side of things. he had a tremendous run as president. most people say if bill clinton were running this time, he would have run bigger than obama won. the public likes him and the like hillary.
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she has been a great secretary of state. even the opponents like her. she would be a very strong candidate i think. i would encourage her to run and i do not think she would have any opposition. i know that governor cuomo of new york and the governor of maryland -- tavis: will biden run? how long do you think -- she has the name recognition. >> she will be 69. tavis: as long as she has -- does not declare in or out she is handicapped in the field. how long does she have to have to make a decision? >> this is interesting. i am wondering about 2020. i am confused because i think chelsea were wound -- will run. grandson.orge bush's
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he is a great little kid. how long does she have to wait/ ? there were no democratic primaries. i do not see anybody challenging year. it is yours for the asking. i cannot get into her head. bill would like her to run. tavis: you think? bill clintonmeet and not like him. he is the greatest politician i have ever been around as a politician. she would be very effective. i think -- is hers for the asking. tavis: back to reality. 2013, obama's get sworn in for a second term. the hopes and dreams and aspirations of some many people on his left flank were put on hold. a lot of folks got silenced and
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sidelined and they are coming after him aggressively in a matter of days. the hispanic community is first in line as they see it and there are a bunch of other folks, black folk. what is the legacy going to be? >> too soon to tell. how does he approach the second term? he already sent out feathered cap to romney announcing when -- he wants to meet with romney. what is romney's position on the republican party? almost nil. i do not think he will run again. obama wants to sit down with him and talk to him. that is a sign he will then across the aisle. you can be tough for you candy a partial -- or you can be approachable. clinton was approachable. talk but very approachable. i think he is going to -- you're not going to have to run again. there is an advantage to that. you can go all out. he disappointed a lot of liberals. i thought obama was very
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hawkish. much more than they expected him to be. he did not close guantanamo. he was very disappointing in a lot of ways. the economic tide is turning already. whoever got elected this time, the mood in the country is better. the economic situation -- i think that is a pendulum. they go this way and that way and we're in a recovery mode now, i would guess. it is tough to read. well the republicans sit down with him? i think they have no other course to go. i am optimistic. tavis: let's go right at it. what the republican party has to do to remain relevant? i suggest to the other day and got internet conversation going. i said that the gop is toast. if they cannot figure out how in the most multicultural, multiracial, and multi-ethnic
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americans to play to a broader base, but how do they go about doing that? >> it is a different world but to say someone is toast, in 1964, lyndon johnson annihilated barry goldwater. and the theme was the republican party is dead. they have gone too far right, they had four years later, richard nixon who had been defeated in the governorship of california two years prior. nothing is forever. ever say never. nothing is toast. anyone can come back. a guy could come by in a white horse and there could be a new candidate emerging. it is too soon to tell. i would not put them into toast. do they have to come -- they have to find someone. we are very people oriented, not party oriented. obama was like. one of these that helped obama is people like him. that is a lot going for you if
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you can be like. they did not know romney and i do not think romney ever sold himself well enough to make that leap. rubio may be a tremendous canada. if he has charisma and he can swing through primaries, anything can happen but i would never locked in something. by any means it is not toast. tavis: if i were pushing back on larry king and i would never do that to larry king. if i want to push back i would only say that what makes your example different than the contemporary moment that we're in is america was basically white and black then add a lot more white than black. now america is a multi-cultural, multi racial, multi-as the place of the electorate is so different then. if you think you can win with white, rural voters, your toes. you have to have more than that. >> i have the perfect candidate. a latin american man, a white
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mother, a black grandfather on the mother's side. with hopefully an asian brother- in-law. if we could find this guy, he runs independent. he is backed by perot. carlos slim finances the campaign. he requires no federal funding. tavis: you are never really toast. i get it. >> with mass communications the way it is i can give you the next president who today is unknown. ok? unknown. let's say. who is the governor of south dakota? i do not know of his republican or democrat. let's say the governor of south dakota has a latina mother.
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and an uncle who is black. and there is a prison riot in south dakota, ok? get this, a prison riot, the prisoners have taken over the prison and they're demanding to see the governor. it wants to see him alone. and now it is a national story and everyone is there. pbs, cnn, internet, everyone is there. they have guards taken hostage. they want to see the governor. this governor who no one knows it announces, i am going into the prison and i'm going by myself. no one is going with me. all of television sees him. a little talk, little dark. kind of a latin accent. walks in and he is in the prison for four days. no contact. now, at the whole world,
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germany, everybody is going, what is going to happen? today's, three days, for a stake, he walks out with the prisoners behind him and the guards. the guards have taken control. peace has occurred in the prison. i have looked at crime back there, ladies and gentlemen, he is talking now. and i have discovered something. i am calling a national conference on drugs and crime and how we allow this to happen. we're going to step this out. we're going to get out of it with the help of guards talking to prisoners. we will have norm -- no more riots. we will solve it. he is on the front cover of "time," he is everywhere. he is the next president. tavis: and the conference takes place in iowa. >> and he runs in the primary
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and the tea party does not support him. you can be famous quickly. tavis: it is a famous story and a funny story but this leads me to this serious question. what do you make after all your years in the business of the fact that the media does in fact get not just caught up but transfixed with a horse race, with the personality, -- >> i do not know any other way around it, travis. did i call you travis? i have a friend who coaches my kids. it is a complement. tavis: i will take it. >> i have had a long day, ok? who is the media? tavis: it is corporate these
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days. >> you are the media. the he is the media. she could be the media. you could start a rumor that goes around the world. i do not know what the media is but we focus on personalities. that is the name of the game. what is your answer? tavis: i am tired of the media covering the traditional -- covering the horse race and not spending enough time talking about the issues, particularly issues that do not get attention unless new york is underwater. and when the news media in new york is forced to deal with the issue, then all the sudden, they deal with it. they were forced to deal with it and everyone has been saying climate change. they did not press these candidates about climate change, it did not come up one time. the get forced into covering
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what really matters. but because they're focused on the horse race, the personality. >> case and incident. i do not know what your answer is. you are intellectually correct. but demonstrably, you're not -- that is the nature of the media. programs like this, of course you're going to discuss serious issues. the problem is we do not think in the advance. for example, the money we spent on the iraq war. have we spent on building levees -- have we spent that on building levees, you would have no hurricane damage. right? we had that in europe. called leadership. thinking ahead. that is what this election was about. try to think ahead and create a
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path forward. >> you are worried about the environment and climate change. philip wiley wrote "generation of vipers." he said he will never convince man if you talk to him about generations not yet born. man desires immortality. if you desire immortality, you would rather build a smokestack then stopped the environment from getting worse because you are not thinking about your great great great grandchildren. your thinking about you and your son. tavis: i take that. the problem is every politician always preaches about how this will impact our kids and our grandkids. we cannot pass this debt on to future generations. it works rhetorically but it did not worked.
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>> there are people in denial about climate change. tavis: what is paul ryan's future? was this not a win for him either way? >> he lost his state. he is dynamic. i do not think he is presidential timbre yet, he might throw himself in that race. if he is a tea party candidate, he might win the primaries but he is going to be around, he will be a force, he is likable, i think. i do not dismiss anything. the one thing i've learned is you cannot predict anything. come on. the tigers, fourth straight. who the hell saw that? brian.not evebn so having said that, let me ask
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you to predict. whether or not -- you think president obama has a real shot at creating the kind of legacy given that he has a second term, that will make him the kind of iconic president, fdr, lbj, beyond his being the first african-american president? >> 50-50. the with the split is, you always have a shot. advance could make him. sometimes an event -- events make the man. without world war ii you have no eisenhower. tavis: depression and fdr. >> clinton became a great president. tavis: if you talk to him, he will tell you he would have
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loved to have had a moment during his presidency, he would have loved to have a moment that would have allowed him to have that kind of moment you -- prison monday spoke of. >> if you lose a little way, chris christie. people are blaming christie. tavis: i am coming. >> we are taping you next week. i am hamren you next week -- hammering you next week. i will tell you something. i like travis better. it gives you six letters in the first name and six letters in the last name. there is more balance to it. joye and travis miley -- join travis smiley.
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amy goodman, democracy now. wither here rig -- join her hee travis smiley. >> for more information on today's show, visit tavis smiley at tavis: hi, i'm tavis smiley. join me next time for a conversation with amy goodman. that is next time. we will see you then. >> there is a saying that dr. king had that said there is always the right time to do the right thing. i try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only halfway to completely eliminating hunger and we have work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out.
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