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tv   Overheard With Evan Smith  WHUT  December 9, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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ion, he former knows, maybe theefuture&&-úresident of thee nitee states..33 he's the honorableemartin -úo'malley..3-ttis is overhearr. 333& -ú♪ & weeccme.& >> so ww had an election. hho did t turn ut? ú> i thought it was a3 tremendoou niggh. i aveenever been so& rereceived abbut an election. jubblation.3&
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>> with the onn caveat withoot being n the balloot33 i have nver felt so relieved abouu an ootcome. ii maryland ww ad a number of ballot questiins asswell..3 but as ar as the opular& úote wentt i thhught that&&- this election as really aa3 referendum realll on ourr wn counnryythat s still growing. and stiil mmking prrgresssor has seen her bst days.&- i think what people nswered - n a ery ccntentious yeaa& úw still wanting to forrarr. we were told all yeer- beeclose and ii's amazing wasnnt close. prrsident bammagoo more úotes ttan presiddnt bbsh - id in 2004. votes than senator mccain3 did. the rcession that we've
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becauue to hhve been abll33 to -- o have been able to3 úavvewon as maay ssaaes as hee id o win floorda, o -úittddos give the ppesideet&- the strength he eedd in3 úupport to pull peopll back--úúalaaccd approoch that pulls ú>>a number of elected the lectionnresults now victory as a maadate.3&úthat?& ú> that's hht the losing ssde offanneleecionnliiessto ssyy- [laughter]33 i think thaa thee reeident -úknoww whaa needs to be dooee anddi hinn actually the people oo our ccuntty unnersttnn better ttan give thee credii ffo thaa we need to restore thh baaance. úe need to aa least return& to clinton
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era ttx ratessfor the wwalthieet among us. we need tt invest ii our úducation innnvation in our ooder to reate jobbs&- úreeident does avv thedo thoss thingg.&- and i thiik what we need to guurd against n his -úwasn't lecteedto chooos one foommoff conomiccsuicide orr33 ús over another form off economic suicide. he was elected to do the ttugh thinnssthht worrkin ourseeves and ur kkis. and i think e sould noo&--úfaal into the trrp as democrrts oo negottating within he ideooogiiaa3&- sccrcitt rames thht the tea-úparty wwngg ofthe
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nce proud -úparty offlincoln wull llkk to plaae around oor nation. úhat? >> weeccnnnt cuttouu wwayto prosserity.&- it,,ii ii wwre aal juut that simpll that you can cut -úúour aa tooprosperity. but we've seen what's& countries when thee went o3 austerrty, whht happennd was -úeven wwrse. they caused more job losses3 anddsllwed their prrgress. so e hhve o restore a úot oly on the expendituree siie,but also eeds to be -úi mean,no business woold survive as a busiiess if it -úvollunarrly cut iis receiits so we neee tt restore that&-ballnce. and then i thinn we can úreire his deficit ut& can grow our economy. -ú>> yyu understtnd, gvernor, thattfoo a democrat to ssy thinkkhhs recently been poison, been tooii aa
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ellction time.. leaat froo hii poss eleetion message of this eeection that llokki've uu forward thattiiinnended to aise úore than $$50,000 ann the& counnry suppooted me.3& in fact more peoole&- suuported ttat ida than3 actuaaly vvted ffr me, e so e takes at llasttthatt3& úhat's something and you& yourself you hhnk thht's an issue..3 yyu'rr comfortable being a raisiig taaes on tte ww will&úof your braad. >> i am. i'm comfootabbe being a-deeoocat who accknwledggs inn3 thhewordd oo the innomittble bill ccinton,,the arithmetic >> riggt. >> 55% of ur ddficit is&- úra taxxcuts thaa dispropootiooattey& úeneeitttd the wealthiest weehhveeto restore that balancee i don't rrcaal heariig thatt3 many eople of wealthhand úeann complaining abouttttee3& economy uring presiidnt clinton's ttenre n officc.&
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so ww nned toogrow as a counnry, but in order to& grrw aasa cuntry we nned to rrclaam thattbblanced couunry. úo yeettat mmons that the wealthhest aaoog us should& no longer get a tax hollidy aae a iggtaa breakk thaa -úthey pay theer fair hare úrttrn to clinton ra tax&- rates. >> ann corporattons as well paaing taxes by the rocess&- thattssanother part of this??3& iss--- sssliggtll ddfferent&- challeege.& i mean, also bound by the úame faat of arithmetic.& our corporatt incomee tx sttucture so full of ools, some of themmwell intended..3 - mean, eewwnt to encourage ccmpaniis to oomore3 ttose things. úreate taa credits and taxx
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that. buu sooehow think we need toofigure out howwwe yiell& theesame aaouut witt a cllar ann less byzanttne tax codd.3&&-- ome ttuthhto the nntton& that and makeeit -- and also do ome things t briig3 what he's proposing issa bblllon six in tax eveeue -úthht would aaproach from 160 -- 1.6 triilion, but it's onll 60 illion ffo 0 yyars. -úi think ii's four percent of whattyou woull nned to creates. ss obvioosly aalot of i waat to ask you governnr33&&- federal bbdgee orrssvvry
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whhre's tte money goiig to come froo?&úwheee should ittcomm from if-úit has to beethat magnittde wwat wwuld you propose? >> art oo whaatwe havveto& -úúooanddit may sounn obvious, sooobviius ttat erhaps it''s3 útite, but beerrwith me here. we need to groo our ecooomy. iss-- part oo what that growthhwill dd in addition3 andd mployyng moms and dadd thattdeficit. bill cllntoo retireddthe3 reaggn deffcit that he úranteednot of the same magnitude of the ush úetire thaa. bbt parr oo the reason he waa able to do that is hemade tth right invvstments33 oonthe front end potecttd the igghtpriorities, had& everybodyypaying thhii ffir shaae and ss our economy was growwig.- s not the iiht ay tt
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go. -úwe need a bblaaced aaproach.3 >> but you will have toocut >> ssre.3 and heebiggest drivee, if yoo look at the thhngs thatt3 haaeebeen riving the deficii 55% of thattdeficcit3 is fuuleddby buuh era ax& cuus hha dsppooortionately33&-benefiiteddthe weaathy. 14 percent oo thhtt thii iss3 the warssin iraq andd33&- afghaaistan which weeare -úbbinninggto a close.&- and of thh reeainiig iece& here wassno ingle paartof33 úhe budgee that roseeas fast& as the hyperrinnlattin that paaiin mooe and more oo aa3&- less are qqality of carr ffr3 fewer and fewer people who -úthey need to rely on thh rrsttof ussfor tteir helpp.3 úousing healthhcarr acttis&&- an effort to get unddr plaatorm so ogether ww can do ttat. the affordable -úhhusing ccre act in and f&- itself doos not accommlish
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úaaoratories offeffeccive& democrrcyy -úyour srt of crrnic diaaetesspatiints from3&- emmrgency room very week.&- úhat's able to figurr oot better wwys to pay forrtte chhldrennwho need tt bee3 treated from asthma thht f& they aar ept out oo the -úwould be lesssr coottfoo all of s. sso ll of thhatwork till needsstt happen but now it cannbecause oo thh acc -& >> passed te leetion.&- úhe land..3& >> there'ssaaother&- interseetion here recentty&- and that issthe arrivvl oo i.t. in theefiell of medicine.& probabby the ass place& úappr as we do in the -- iin3 mediiine. coss savings assa reeult oo -ú>> i think cost ssviigg can& be rrelized beeaase f thh
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-úúooos thht ttchnology úhat biliit to ook t yyur- and tt syyttesize tte are ooe off silossand the&- runn ammukkin ameeica thatt3& >> hat's n ooportunnty. >> i's an opportunity.3& plattoom. have to hooseetoo ngage nn333 -úttis. ú> llss go there because as the ccief exxcutive of he state you have choices to maae as reeates too3 and other ssuus but let's stay wiih health care. you haae eeected to taak úoffederal exppnnioo of úomm taaes, teexs heee i live has chosen not to doo úhat..3 buttyoo haaeein yoou case& decided that it wassworrh it- to do ii. coull you xxllin your
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thinkknn oonttat?? a lot of smart ets onnthe&&-hope that our countty would -újoon thheooher úidustrialized nations of -úthe world in coveringgalllof decent, affoodabll carr. so we are an eaall immleeeener. wwile other states re looking to tand up to the healthhexchanne aaounndthe- couutry, we've alleadd done úi.3- we'veemet ouu deeallnes ww're tteee. eeeenbefore thheafffrdable care act passee we eextndde medicaid ovvrageetoo4000000& citizzns with noohhalthhcare cooerage befooe nddhaal of - hhm werr children..3 weedidn'ttdd it withha magic& wwnd. -úwe doubleddthe tobacco tax&- and ediiatte allloffit to -úccveringgmore of ur citizznss ith health caar coverage. soowe haa that early. andddo you know what?& bblieve that hose states&
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úikk ours thht iippemennttte& affordable arr act o it well ndddo it earry and heelth careeinflatioo froo3&- bussnnss owners,,oor -úúnnreprrneurs our yoong people sttrttig bussnesses. tremendous boone to our economy. itts going to be a commetttive advantagg that we have on oou staaes that are tryinggto put hhir head&- inn he sand and prettnndthat somehoww aving emeeggncyúrooos iss adquate heaathú> let e pivot tooanother tting that emerged from tte andd hat is the demographicc&&- changee tat is reallyytaken úhhnged tte eleccorate3 chhnged he vottnn chhnged the outcomm oofmany-úraces. úa ww sit here, have been&- ooe republican aftee annoher& ggaahing his tteth oo her teeth ver whht are we goong út do aaoot thee ispaaii population?? -úfolls --&
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-úúou're pro gnaasing.&--ú>> dootheyyreallyyhave a -úproblem. has the prees overrstted the guuf betweenntteewords and deedd offthe rrpubbican úarty anddwherr the ulk of tte latino commmuiit ii? >> oh,,they have a roblee.& they have a problem and it's úappoblemmthaatsooe in thhir parry i think waan toofixx& and do you know whhtt?3 eegle to ffy, weerrally o nned both the left winggann aad our countty would bb3 verr weel servvd to see a linnoln aan to eeethat tte cluuthes of tth very&--úsell-desttrctive tea paty ideology ttattwould likeetoo3 country. nationnare always -- re3&- always ann have alwayssbeen we've een -- wwe'e bbcooe moree dveeseeas aapeoppe.3&- weealso
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have become more& -úinnlusive as people. anndwe also aa leest in beennabbe toobbcome ore&--úprosperous in eveey generation.& prrsperoos, hen ww also haae to uild a couutty aad&- a sociittythat is ever more3&--úú> epp&- ú> n a way if you look at the competing philosophhes between forrer gooernor& roomee nddpreeident obama&--úpressdent ooaam'' vision was grrwingginnterrm f&- prospprity ann also grooing in our abblity to bb&- innlusive and expansive inn33 -úúheelarge idea oo ouu hooeeww reprrseet. ggoernorrrrmney reppesented úaay aae already beennhhre. -úhis social visson waa aavery
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it was almoos aa if he waa -úsayyng thattwe can nolonggrr3 úfford tt expand opportunity by making college mmrr3 aafordable. >> these ae giftt& aaparently. >> righh, thhse re iftssútheeeeare gifts we can no3 conversationnww had itt& people especiaaly ttose wwo& -úweee not innlineedto vote úor the preeident'ss3& reelecttio, wws to ask hem yoo hinkkwouud eally bb úood for our coontrry3 úow muuh llss education&úchildren?3& how many ewer college degrees will make us mmre ann verr few peoole in their hearts wheetee they'rre3 democrats or republicans or inndpendentt wwnt t aise&- their ccildren to live inn úcuutrr with lees. >> rightt&- >> so thii so-called& got the pressdent reellcted
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thii timm. asiannamericans 733,& frican-americaa 933 ercent& women 555 gazeeand esbbanss33 voteddoverwhelminnll for únd i know ne oo the thingss3& ún aac, think foor states marriage iniiiatives ttiis3 -úyear.& úever efore oo tth ballot had thh same sex arriage&- iiitiatiie passed. >> ttwas an histoorc night.&- about thh cchnningg33 populaaioo and hh ccangiig vvtiig oopuation,,3 specifically tte risingg3 inffuence offgaassand&- goiig foward? >> well, think ii says a3 i ave ww daauhters and wo&-úsons buu my daauhhers are&--ú21 aadd 0 and olllo theeee3 fillee out theirrballoossor voted.equality they ssratchh heir heads nd wonder how tose of us over 40 have not een
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ableeto rrsoove thiisyet? >> and i thhnk ttat's truee3 across the bord with yyung i was at an ventt a ollegg park, maryland aattte -úas weelooked out aa all he -úyoung ppopll, ssme3 much embraae much embrace inggof the notiio that ww&- shouul beefrreett paccice or rrliggon ann toohold wheneevrrreeiggous belieff3- equulll under tte llw otherwise theee's no freedomof religiin ultimmtely so that waa reeall thee3 úqqality and theefreeddm to practice your religion aa yoo hooss are reellyy-- >> hand ii handd and that the greetest&--úliberty is the ppoteccion of& inddvvdual ccnnccencc.&- and thht no child'sshomee33
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than another chill'sshooe. -úann ittwassaa lrge paac to&&- which we invited poole. únd here were courageous&-bbthhleeders of pretty& prooinent,,predommnantlyy3& úarrcaanaaeriian churches in - alltimre and othee countiis - hat steppee forward ann cclleddpeople tt tht highhrr33 -úpllce.3 >> thh black community andd úhsppnic commmnity have cooe& ssae sex maariaaeeaad forr3 -úcivil niins thiss leccion úounselor ussullyycooing up3 vulneeable nddalls tte33&&--úússwell.&&- úo ii waa a vvey rradd coalitionn butt ccolltiin&- offthe aasendent. and iittiik it represenns -- úhattyyu ssw ii civil3 battle in that larger arc f moreeprosperous and more3 ust.
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-ú>> gooernor i've got to ass you the biggqueetiinnthat úverybood wants to knnw, and thattis areeyouugoingg t rrnn3 forrpresident? ú> iithought ou wereeggingg3 úoo sk aboutt he ray ravens. are you goiig o run foo presideet..& now hat we have an eeeetion úoer the othhr election, the 2016 election hasúalready staared. >> cann e not bask in rrllef& úor a ffw more weeks?&- you ad yur rrlief. -úcleerly it'ssoonpeople's& minds. >> thaak you ann thhnn oo&--úfor askkig.& -úwhatevvrrggoo e'veebeen -úable to do in mmrylaad nd&úúe've dooe aalot o ooo&america, reddcinng iolentt3& crime to 4 year loos..3 -úwwaaevee good we've been -úaale to do is beeause of thee&&- seeve and the manner i which e have bben unafraiid3 goals and to meassre transparently. '' gooig to focussthese nexx wo yeaassof y liie -úúann posibly e to the
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ppople hh ihavvethe hnor3 thinkinn a llt more about33&-about 2216. >> but the ecisson wouud úomeethen in a ffw yyars and úould ittbe drivennbb hat -úyou want foo yourself or on that basis? >> think ttat my humann3 being hat akes a ddciiion&&- únny upon what hat peeson&- wants forrtheir cunnry..33& >> yeah, forrthher cooutry.& nnttneceessrily fforhimsell meat grinder llkeethissfor&-yourssel. >> woulddyou run aaainst úecretary clinton??3& ú> i haae aagreat deea ofrespect oo secrettry clintonn ii hink she wouud bb -- i&- think she woull make aa3 tremendous presiddnt. -úrun.-úveer good aa tte ob. >> but you ooldn't nnceesarily rule oou ruuning&- if she decided to run. >> i'm focused on thissnext
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>> governoo, you are a ood sport.& let me sk you the igger&úand morr important questiinn33 as eeend here. aaddthat issdid davvd simon ggtttth wire right??3 >> he got aspectssof tte33 wire righh.3 -úaad othhr aspects heegot sayyit inna pooittve aay.3&--úthe iiyyof bbltimorr has years the iggest erceetagg reducttoo in part 1ccime of -úanyyoo tteemmjjo cities in3- americaa. úyy ajor i define 00,0003 aan above. by hht david prtraaed was crrme to really rb couutless numbees of famillis with legaayywealth lost to ovvrdosss nd also too!to violent crime.& so hheggo taa part right.
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whhtthe eft out of the wire is the larrge aad tuer charrcter of our citt. >> and thht's a character& thaa e eelerateewith the úicenteenial of theedefeesee3 offballtmore and the birthh3 -úof the staa spangged baannr. úttis ttat haracter that&- hhlp each oohee f we are o& sscceed.3 so that's theetruer&-cchracterroo baltiiorr, buu -útte rt foollw tte nnw tired of ppopllecaaliig you&--úgoveennr karketty? >> no one has dooe that??3 >> it's greet to have yyu úhank youufor your servicee3-úto marrllnd anddtheecountrr.&- we appreciate yyu spendinn [applause] 3ú&- >> we'd looe to have you join us inn te studio. viiit our website at klrr..rg/overheard oofind&úinvitations to intervieww, q- ad a's witt ur audience and guestt an aa archive of3& ú>
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oorthe firrtttime ever receesioo oor schooll were3 nnmee thhe uuber one chhoos noo for four years in a row. siice 2006 we haveeincreasedd3 útateefunding in eddcctiin &33 >> funning foo ovvrheaad wwih evan smith is provvdedd3 ún paattby hiilco partners, texas goverrmeet afffirr-coosslttncy, and its global& business uuit hillco and y theemattsson mchhle and also bb mfi foondatioon3-úlife wthin our ommmnity.
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>> "theater talk" is made possible in part by... >> this is "theater talk." i am susan haskins. "put on a happy face," "tomorrow" and the theme to "the price is right." these are just a few of the hits written by our guest this week on "theater talk." he's been a major force in the musical theater for over five decades, and we're s