tv BBC World News WHUT May 23, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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>> hello. you're watchingworld news." a british soldier is thooked death in broad daylight as terrorists bring horror to london. the the british prime minister david cameron brought response. >> the people who did this were trying to divide us. they should know something like this will only bring us together and make us stronger. >> looking at whether these men were already known to security services. >> as the cleanup begins in oklahoma we'll hear one parents frantic search to find his son. >> i wanted to find my son so bad but there was so much debris. i had an almost lost hope. >> learning more about the power of vol canos. we send our intrepid reporter
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into the belly of the beast. >> 5,000 years ago an eruption carved out this chamber, and it's here in the heart of the volcano that scientists can better understand what's happening at the source. >> alice has joined us. we're looking at business and manufacturing figures. >> that's, kate. because markets are tumbling, investors are jittery. why? does it have to do with the weak manufacturing numbers that have come from wall street and the world's largest economy isn't recovering as quickly as hoped? hello. it's 7:00 a.m. in washington. 2:00 p.m. in damascus, midday here in london where it has been confirmed a man killed in a suspected terrorist attack
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was a member of the armed sources, the soldier has not yet been formally identified. he was hacked to death in the ets by men warmed meat cleavers and david cameron who chaired an emergency meeting described what happened as absolutely sickening. >> fingertips searches at the scene as a major investigation continues, the victim is now known to be a member of the armed forces but it's unclear whether this was the act of two extremists or part of a wider plot. >> they don't care about youth. >> amateur footage taken at the time shows the suspects in the street and both were later shot by armed guards and one is in serious condition. >> this morning there were further meetings of the cobra
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emergency committee. the mayor of london, bore is johnson, appeared for calm. >> the people of london should take their queue from the people yesterday who showed astonishing natural courage in dealing with an appalling event and stood up to those killers. >> at the scene of the killing work continued throughout the night. a tow truck removed a vehicle thought to be involved. this will be a long, detailed investigation. >> it's so important that we don't zwrounch conclusions and it's so important that we allow the police to establish that this was an isolated incident and that it is contained. because these are critical to re-assurance of the public. >> it's thought the victims struck by a car before being attacked by the two men. initially the eyewitnesses thought they were trying to
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help the victim then they realized they were killing him. >> he said don't touch. i said why? he said he is a british soldier. i said why? >> he said he killed muslims in other countries. >> and i said that has not to do here. >> he could have -- they could have walked off but they were wanting to come together. >> there were minor confrontations between the police and group some frft english defense league but there were no arrests. there were attacks on mosques ines exand security has been stepped up at military barracks and police are waiting to question the two 911 the hospital. mike, "bbc news." >> in the past half-hour the british prime minister david
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cameron says the responsibility of the attack remains solely on those sickening individuals that carried this out. >> the people that did this were trying to divide us. they should know something like this will only bring us together and make us stronger. today our thoughts are with the victim and with his family. they are grieving for their loved one. and we have lost a brey soldier. -- a brave soldier. this morning i've chaired a meeting of cobra and i want to thank the police and security services for the incredible work they do to keep our country safe. there are police and investigations underway. so obviously there's a limit on what i can say. but already a number of things are clear. first, this country will be absolutely resolute in its stand against violence, extremism and terror. we will never give into terror
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or terrorism in any of its forms. second, this view shared by every community in our country. this was not just an attack on britain and on the british way of life. it was also a betrayal of islam and of the muslim communities who give so much to our country. there is nothing in islam that justifies this truly dreadful act. we will defeat violent extremism by standing together, by backing our police and its security services and above all by challenging the poisonous narrative of extremism on which this violence feeds. >> we can cross live now to the scene of the attack. outside the royal artillery barracks there. the local people in the buildings, the soldier died --
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many cards are describing him as a fallen hero. let me read a couple of those cards to you to read a couple of the sentiments. >> one reads you were innocently taken, wrong, wrong, wrong. another, much respect to a true hero savagely taken from our streets. >> earlier i spoke to a lady who was a former war artillery keydet when she was 16. she used to come here for her training. she was also a member of the territorial army and knows people inside barracks and described it as extremely shaken. this is what she has to say. [inaudible]
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>> now barracks here have a long connection with the local area. they were built around 300 years ago. that's one of the earliest buildings here to date. now we have about 700 soldiers barracked here at any one time. it acome dates soldiers who are passing through london and also for the second battalion princess of wales royal battalion. people passed through here leaving flowers and some say they know people inside here. later we expect london's mayor, boris johnson to arrive here to
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feet in soldiers to give them reassurance about their position here and described this attack as savage and one that will not shake londonners and that life will go on. >> thank you. joining us now our defense correspondent jonathon beal. the information is -- it's an ongoing story and bring us up to date with what we do know so far. >> well, we do know it was a soldier who was killed and we now know the name of one of the suspects. one of the suspect it's accused of carrying out the attack he is michael adibaloga. that information from sources, we have notted that confirmed by police but clearly questions about these two individuals who are are both in hospital. one in serious condition being guarded by police. what motivated them?
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were they radicalized here in the u.k. or elsewhere? is there a connection to any other group? any sort of internet sermons? and we know there's a number of police -- it's unclear as to exactly what the raids were about. but this is an ongoing operation. the police are not saying very much. >> the prime minister referred to being questioned as to whether they were already known to security services again not confirming or denying. >> if you listen to david cameron saying yes, they were known to security services but he wasn't going to get involved into how they were known to security services, how that came about, but clearly a lot of questions as to the identity of the two individuals and why they came to the security services.
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>> in linking this that the stage to terrorism, a lot of people would say couldn't it just be two deranged individuals carrying out a breakoutal murder? we then november this sort of terrorism link and we have to be quite cautious, i would think, about that. >> maybe we have to be cautious but the prime minister was clear in his use of the word terror and from the outset they have pointed towards what they have called a terrorist reasoning. in other words, it's more than a dispute between a number of individuals. this is about an ideology and the prime minister making reference to it being one that wasn't shared by the muslim community as a whole but this is a perversion, a twisted perversion, in his view, of islam, and that these extremists should be confronted and will be condemned by all
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communities in the u.k. 13w4r briefly you said bore is johnson saying there's no link with foreign policy but clearly one of the men was quoting foreign policy was the very reason they are claiming for the attack. >> yes. mayor boris johnson also said it wasn't linked to islam. it's not linked to the religion but linked to a political view of that religion that's being spread and disseminated by extreme groups but also very clearly in that video clip, the people are talking about our land. about the affects of british troops in muslim countries. so that would slightly contra bore is ut the point johnson was making was that foreign policy was not going to be influenced by a few extremists, and it's not view
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shared by the community of muslims as a whole. >> thank you. now, the other main story this week, the dust settling in oklahoma made the cleanup from one of the worst tornadoes in american history is underway. stories still emerging of extraordinary survival and a man's young son was hiding in the school which took a direct hit. he raced to find his son and his neighbor, jim joins anymore that frantic search and they have spoken about their harrowing times that then ollowed. >> i was at work when they sounded the alarms for tornado warning in our area. i was stuck in between do i have enough time rescue both of
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my kids which were both in the path of the tornado. i knew there was no way i could make it. i left the shelter and went to the rest room and i prayed. and i prayed. and i got in my truck. i called my wife and at that time she said that the school just was hit. where my son was at brianwood elementary. she said they are showing it. it's wiped out. it's gone. >> i just got into a different mindset. a different mode. it was rescue mode. and i thought we've got to get to the school. >> i wanted to find my son so bad. it was so much debris. i almost lost hope. so i started calling his name. and his teacher started waving. she was in the field, and i look and seen her so i start
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going towards her. and i didn't see my son. she said, no. she said your neighbors got him. >> as hezakia was coming out of the rubble where students teachers had students. he ran to me and i said, i got you! >> ha ha! what did i tell you! that's his my son, buddy. when she said that, soifs at ease and i hadn't even found him yet, because i knew that he was in good hands. so as i'm looking around and she said he has him so when i see him, he runs across the street. we embrace. it's a feeling i don't wish on any parent to have that experience. but it was the best feeling i felt in my life.
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to finally embrace him. >> any parent sympathizing with that story. of course mariano rivera on the aftermath of the tornado, you can go to our website and get more on the cleanup operation and zoom in on the path taken by the tornado as it tore through the town of moore. talking about his son, hezakiah. >> still to come on "bbc world news." could the new early warning system for volcanos help save lives and billions in usiness? >> the national archives in britain released secret files showing the telephone line for a king was bugged. at the time he was deciding
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whether or not to give up his throne marry the woman he loved. >> he was the king emperor, she an american devorsa. their relationship was seen as a threat to the very constitution. the documents released today showed the home secretary was so determined to keep on top of the crisis he had the king's phone bugged. >> he was under enormous stress and strange and was acting in a very strange way. his mother described him as totally unhinged during this period. so i'm not surprised at all they started to bug his telephone. >> nearly 600 files are being released today. they relate to british intelligence between the years 1936 and 1951. and they offer a rare glitch of a secret world. >> the sands of time are running out for spain's little cesar.
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>> there's the story of the spy posing as a journalist told to keep a low profile. he was arrested in madrid dressed as a woman. and there's an extraordinary account of churchill's late-night drinking session with stahl in. he drank effervesce ent wine and they stayed up until 3:00 a.m. and were as merry as a marriage bell. a valuable resource for historians, many files are being made available online. "bbc world news" at the national archives. >> now they are mesmerizing to look at. but throughout history from mom pais to the pacific volcanos have been devastating. one reason they cause so many sprobs quite simply we don't
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get much warning before this happens. i'm sure many of you remember the scenes when one volcano in particular in iceland effectively shut down european air space with one mighty ash cloud. that cost global businesses as much as $5 billion. now the new technology hopes to give us much more earlier warnings. we report from inside a volcano. >> plunging deep into a volcano just a few cables to hold us. it's a tight squeeze at the top but then the underground vault opens the reveal a mas of color forged by huge explosive forces. this is iceland's volcanoic laboratory. 5,000 years ago an eruption carved out this chamber. and it's here in the heart of
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the volcano that scientists can better understand what's happening at the source but in order to better predict eruptions, we need to head up to the top. >> it's a group of scientists with an arsenal of equipment at their disposal. their aim -- to give us more warning the next time the volcano stirs. today they are putting a new touch to the gas monitor looking for telltale signs of magazine ma intruding through the ground beneath. the other is the icelandic eteorological source monitoring the networks 24 hours a day. before they erupt they show many measure rabble signs. it's a challenge for today's volcanoologists to gather all that information and make use of it in real time and that's
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exactly what it's about. >> of course none of this wouldn't have happened without this 2010 eruption which closed down much of european air sface and left travelers stranded around the world. they say the new science being done above and below could prove variety the next time around. >> inside the volcano we have equipment to detect how much magazine ma will come out? we want to better quantify it so we can also fly safely. threat is scrrn the from the volcanos are not going anywhere. it's not question of if but when it will blow. >> my goodness. well, from the red lava of the volcano to the icy cold heights of mount everest where an 18-year-old japanese climber has become the oldest climb
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tore climb to world's peak. he may not be able to stave glory long. he reached the summit early thursday morning making it his third time on top of the mass but another help in he's mountaineer is planning to climb eff rest next week and he is 81. there's something of a history of rivalry between the two. in 2008 mira reached the top at ge 75 and his rival beat the record the next day at the age of 76. >> unemployment and resentment are being blamed for riots sweeping stockholm. through a fourth night ray mid growing fear that decades of growing integration efforts have been dangerous. >> another night dousing flames on the street in the poorest mainly immigrant suburbs of the
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swede irv capital. all this week there have been those on the -- youths on the rampage. the ongoing unrest four nights in a row now has led police to change their tactics in response. >> we are much more offensive now to prevent, stop and if that's not enough, arrest people. >> that's because the emergency services, firefighters as well as police have become targets of the rioters. >> it's awful. >> the worst thing the is people throwing stones against the emergency services who have come here to extinguish the fires. it's scary, i think. > and as swedes reflect on the -- on what's behind it all. it may be because the police shooting to death a 65-year-old
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and has it been stoked by youth unemployment. there may be underlying issues at work. but whatever the cause, these images have shocked a country facing austerity but not the level of crisis that's proy advocated undomestic other european countries. >> coming up in the next half-hour on gmt much more on that brutal attack on the streets of london and as many still come to terms with the gruesome murder of a british soldier, we will also be hearing from the british armed services to look at what the impact of social media has had on the coverage. the u.s. justice secretary says four americans have been killed in drone strikes. stayed radical cleric was the only u.s. citizen to have been
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directlyal targeted in drone operations. president obama is due make a speech on counterterrorism and expected to explain for the first time the legal and justification for the drone strikes. >> the carmaker ford has announced it's ending production in australia. two factories will close and more than 1,000 people will lose their jobs. ford has been making cars in australia for nearly 90 years and has been struggling recently with high costs and declining sales lots more coming up in the next half-hour of gmt. of course it's been confirmed the man killed in a brutal attack in southeast london yesterday was a serving soldier. much more on that story to come here on gmt and bbc world. >> funding of this presentation
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daylight. recovery work is in full swing in oklahoma after monday's deadly tornado tore through the u.s. state. a japanese climber has become the oldest person to reach the summit of the world's highest peak. british police are trying to determine the motives of two government officials believe the suspects may have links to muslim extremists. the attack took place in the city's southeast. witnesses said the assailants killed a man with a knife and a meat cleaver. police officers shot the suspects and sent them to a hospital for treatment. authorities have not identified the victim. british media say he's thought to be a soldier from a nearby barracks. witnesses said the suspects did not flee the scene but urged onlookers to film them. one suspect said he and his partner were
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