tv Charlie Rose WHUT October 16, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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have legislation passed by the senate. it will go to john -- go ahead. >> yes. no, i'm sorry, that's right. i skimmed over some details. basically we have legislation that's going to reopen the government, lift the debt ceiling into early next year in both cases. it almost certainly looks like it's going to pass both houses. everyone's indicated that. and in exchange for that there's the smallest of figure leafs in terms of a policy concession. it dism change anything. we might have in fight all over again late this year and early next year. i think there's a substantial chance that even if the tea party faction says we want to do this again i think john boehner as and the senate republican and every leaders have the power to prevent this and had the power to prevent it next time will prevent it. nothing's for sure but there's a good chance this fundamentally changes the kind of deadline-driven budget fights we've been having. >> rose: nothing in this agreement that the senate massed
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about healthcare at all, the obama healthcare reform package affordable healthcare. >> nothing substantially changes obamacare going forward. >> rose: and what about the effort of some republicans to limit the power of treasury during these kinds of debt ceiling issues. >> actually, it's been moving so fast all day, i defer to julianna on that. i haven't seen the latest language. >> rose: what's in that senate bill that's going over to the house. >> that was something charlie, that republicans had been trying to get in the past few days so that come february 7th, that was the hard dead line saying thtree any of the extra powers that they've been using for the last several months. that was something that came up in a conversation earlier this week between president obama and mitch mcconnell. they made it very clear they wanted the flexibility to use no, sir extraordinary measures.
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it means you hit the debt ceiling come february 7th but you have a month to use some of those abilities that the treasury's been using. >> rose: so the whitehouse is estatic about this. they think they fought the good fight, they had the right strategy on their side, the president stood firm and the president wins. >> i don't know that they're estatic but yes everything else. they fought the good fight. the president does come out the winner in this. but it's hard to be ecstatic over averting catastrophe so that's what they're saying. yes, this is good, this is an important bill because it does provide the economic certainty, removes the cloud of the threat of default that's been hanging over. but as david was just saying, it's still, we're still bracing for another fight several months from now. and the sticking point in this budget discussion is still going to be entitlements versus revenues. >> rose: david, you and i talked about this. go ahead. >> i was going to say i think that's well put and i think there's two reasons they're not estatic. one they're trying not hard to seem publicly estatic because they don't think it helps them
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to look like they're spiking te football. the second thing there's a way in which republican win on the sequester back in early 2013 was a really big win. the whitehouse didn't think republicans would agree to these lower spending levels for both domestic spending and defense. whitehouse misestimated on that. republicans were okay with that and that has not unchanged. so we're still talking about spending levels that are much more in line with republican desires than with democratic desires. >> i was going to say that's right because some of the grumblings i was hearing from the democrats is that they kind of misfired back in 2013 in january over those fiscal cliffs negotiations that they got one bite of the revenue apple then. it's going to be hard to go back and try and get the trillion dollars or so in revenues, $1.4 trillion they've been trying for earlier this year. >> rose: senator ted cruz had been mentioned. he could have delayed what the
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senate did before it could go into effect. will this, why did he make the decision he did. what pressure was he under? where does he go from here? >> he's had a bad couple weeks. the houston chronicle which endorsed him came out today and said we take it back, we missed billy hutchinson who is a very conservative senator from texas, republican but not quite as conservative as ted cruz. there's no question that ted cruz has helped his profile with a certain segment of the party here. there's no question he now has a national profile, if he wanted to run for president, he could do so and he would have some support. at the same time, it's hard to see him as a viable standard bearer even as a viable stand bearer coming from the right after this. in a kown way, my guess is that one of the big winners of this is rand paul because he still have a deep deep conservative credentials but he didn't go off on this mission here the way cruz did which really looks to
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have failed. >> rose: he said it was unwise to do it because it would fail in the end. >> and he was right. >> rose: what about john boehner julianna what does this do to him and his desire to be speaker, to continue to be speaker? >> this is something what's interesting. a lot of reporters were asking members, republican members of the house as they were coming out of their meeting this afternoon. nobody wanted to weigh in really. i think that what it does is it empowers boehner for the next round of fights. it's unclear whether or not this really imperils his speakership especially since we're seeing the poll numbers for tea party republican. there's a poll that came out just this afternoon that shows 49% unfavorability for the tea party in this country. that's up from 37% in june. >> rose: finally, there's the larger economic question of u.s. credibility even though we
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didn't have a default. what kind of damage has been done to reliance on america to get beyond these battles and to get beyond the notion that all they can do is kick the can down the road. >> it's kind of blind faith at this ponent already because if you look over the last couple weeks the president had to cancel his asia trip, china's been calling for the deamericannization. and the whole world has been watching this. you had yesterday fitch not down grading the credit but it is on watch like we saw in the s&p down grade back in 2011. again it's blind faith assuming that the tea party republicans, that the republican leadership is able to learn from this experience and apply that to the next on february 7th that we don't get into a situation where republicans say okay, we went here, next time it's the
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president's turn to blink. >> rose: what happens to affordable healthcare, david? >> well, in terms of the act, i think the most important thing by far is whether the administration can fix some of these substantial technical problems. that's a really big deal. now, it is true that medicare part d had a bad rollout and now is working very well. it is true that when medicaid first started, most states didn't sign up for it and in fact the last state arizona took almost 30 years to sign up for it. all those things are true. these programs take a long time to get right and a lot of states may ultimately sign up for it that aren't now because it's a pretty good deal for them. said all that, they bungled healthcare. people can actually log in and get it is a deeply important thing for the administration to
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fix inial canning weeks. >> rose: julianna lots of people have taking note of the embarrassment that happened in washington and felt like it did damage to the united states and the possibility even more grieve just damage. but will anything change about the at must fear because i note harry reid said he would work with mcconnell and everything possible to change the atmosphere in the senate. >> i think that's the real hope coming out of this is that both sides realize okay we've played this game one too many times and it's just too dangerous to keep playing. and that's one of the reasons probably the main reason why the president stood so firm in his non-negotiating posture because look, they acknowledge, they negotiated in 2011 around the debt ceiling and it set a very poor precedent that's taken oust from count down clock to count down clock to count down clock. so there's some thinking the environment here is so toxic
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that this episode might be what's been able to break the fever. >> rose: david, go ahead. anything you want to comment on that? >> well i think one of the tricky things here is some of the divide stems from a real divide among voters. the fact is we have in this country, a very large group of very conservative voters and a pretty large group of liberal voters. not only that but they sort themselves over the last couple decades. they tend to live near people who think like they do. that's not gerrymandering. that's why we have these districts. a lot of members in the house face no consequences for not going to the middle. and so i don't think this will be the end of this but i agree with julianna that there is a chance it could change the dynamic in a way that we actually notice. >> rose: is there an optimistic outlook now for the u.s. economy, dated? >> if the government stopped
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doing damage i think there might be. this is remarkable. this did damage to the u.s. standing around the world and it did really tangible damage to the economy. that's just continuing now for three years we've had the government doing damage to the economy. whether it's cuts in government spending at the federal level, the state level, the local level. as you and i have talked about before charlie, whether it's the federal reserve and the rest of the government under estimating the duration of this weak recovery. so yes, the private sector is now growing at 3%. you can imagine a scenario in which the government stops causing problems and then there's a little bit of a feedback loop in which you get more confidence. it's a little bit hard after so many years of economic trouble to be two optimistic, but you have to hope that at some point it's going to turn. >> rose: finally, the white house. did they think they won because they stood firm but did they think they did an effective job of communicating the issues at
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hand? >> well you know part of the challenge for them was because this also placed during the shut down, the president was restricted in traveling under normal, under other circumstances maybe he would have taken his message on the road, done a bus tour to try to get his message across. he couldn't do that. remember he went down to make remarks at a sandwich shop. that was something that was a challenge for them in trying to get their message across. in some ways just being silent and playing, taking a back seat role to harry reid and mitch mcconnell was the message they wanted to communicate. this is congress' job to raise the debt ceiling. it's congress' job to fund the government and if the president gets involved and tries to negotiate around those issues, then he's seen as setting a poor precedent for not only his presidency but other presencies in the future. >> rose: thank you very much julianna, thank you david. >> thank you charlie. >> rose: we'll wait and see what happens in the house. back in a moment stay with us.
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>> rose: mariano rivera is here and just to say that means so many people i know are envious of me because i'm sit n this chair and they are not. he's one of the greatest baseball player ever and closing pitcher of the game i've ever seen. he's retiring after 19 seasons with the new york yankees. he won five world series ring for the franchise and recorded the final out for four of those victories. in the "new york times" it was said last month in a game in which perfection is elusive, he was reliably sublyme in the high stress vocation of ninth inning pitching, he was the embodiment of zen calmmaster among the hot heads and extra planetary source
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of composure and grace in the gritty often chaotic world of major league baseball. he's the subject of a documentary that will premier on fox this sunday, it's called being mariano rivera. here's a look at the film. >> you have been privileged to wear this uniform. next year i will be. >> it's been so long. it's hard work. >> he choose me as i didn't choose. >> they unite people and we were there at this special moment united.
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>> rose: baseball chose you. god chose you. what did you mean. >> what i mean, charlie, is that my passion. i did play baseball but it was a mutual thing for professional. that's why i said that god choose me. baseball was just something that i loved to play it but it wasn't there. it wasn't just, i mean i have fun with it but it wasn't there. i didn't know, i was real naive when it came to professional baseball. >> rose: have you ever thought about what would have happened if you went to play soccer. >> i never thought about it. see, i don't think like that because i don't use the word if. >> rose: you don't worry about what might have been, it
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is what happened. >> it is what happened, exactly. >> rose: we've seen this footage so many times number 42 coming out of the bullpen. and running. running. not walking. >> not walking, exactly. >> rose: that's on purpose. >> that's on purpose. >> rose: mariano is here. he's ready to go to work. >> yes. >> rose: what are you thinking? >> at that moment when i toss both doors open and i'm going through that field, i have one thing on mind. just get however as quick as possible. i can get three out on four out five out six out. as many outs that i can get or that i need to get to bring the win. to get the win for the team. and just go home. i like to simplify things. i don't try to make, i don't try
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to complicate things. base ball is complicated otherwise people would do it. >> rose: so you try this. if he fouls it out it's a little bit too close. >> yes. too good a swing. it's good because i mean i learn, i have that passion and competing and facing the best is amazing. >> rose: when did you know you were the best? >> see, that i don't know. because i never considered about that. >> rose: you never thought about it. >> no. >> rose: nobody can do, this nobody in the game has ever been able to do what i can do, which is close the game for my team and win the game. >> charlie, i was always worry about the team.
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never worry about myself. worrying about what can i do, how can i do something different to help my team win. if i can do that, i think we do a good job. and that was my worries. never about myself because i knew that god controlled that. but i can do something different, i can help my teammates in a different way. i think it made the team better. that's what i worry about. >> rose: i don't know the answer to this question. and i can think it might be one of two answers. would you have rather have the career you had as a closer than starter in your life. >> i won't change it. >> rose: really. >> i won't change it. it is what it is. and that is what i love. i think like i said, you don't choose me for this. i thought my career came but i
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didn't have enough gas for that. i didn't have enough patients when i pitch five, six innings, i was out of gas. so they knew that and -- was my manager. he put me in the role that i can succeed, basically. >> rose: you owe a lot to him then don't you. >> oh yeah, oh yeah. he was special to me. definitely was species to me. he came me the opportunity and gave me the time to being able to pitch and learn what i can do and what i cannot do. >> rose: how do you know when it's time to say good-bye? >> well, you have to be a combination of a lot of things. you know, first of all leaving the house when spring training comes. >> rose: leaving your house. >> leaving the house. >> rose: where your wife -- >> my wife and kids.
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that is, you know when it gets that tough it's a sign. >> rose: when you sort of wish you could say another day. >> i wish i can stay another week home, you know. but that's one sign. the other sign is this traveling. traveling gets too heavy. going to hotels and hotels and flies and flies. staying focused with that. you just kind of need to have constantly and you don't want to do it no more. >> rose: you gave up knowing the man you gave up knowing you're making a ton of money. you give up knowing when you walk on a field depending on who the opponent is, 50 or 60,000 people stand. >> do you know what, that's interesting that you say that because i mean that's the way i wanted. identified ask the lord to give me the opportunity to pitch another year. he did. that was a good season, thank
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god. but the most important thing for me i didn't want to leave the game when i was scratch. when people wanted to push me out of the game. i wanted to get out of the game on my own terms and at the time that i say well you know i still can compete. i decided not to because i'm moving towards another day. >> rose: we'll talk about that in a moment. but it was important for you to say i can come back from injury. >> yes. to me that was one of the biggest decisions that i can make. because i mean, 2012 was a toug. seeing myself on the dirt, running track in kansas city. it wasn't easy. i didn't want to leave the game that way. so i pray. i pray to the lord. i said lord just give me an opportunity to come back and
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live the right way. and it wasn't easy. it wasn't easy. after surgery i had the blood clot in the leg. i had to have and them train. the trainer will say the rehab. but thank god for the people that he surround me with. >> rose: you can't resist this. suppose you get up one morning and god says, mariano, i need you. the yankees need you. i'm telling you to go back. i made a mistake. i'm sorry, i don't make many mistakes but i made one. will you? i spoke too early. >> well first of all, first of all, he make no mistake.
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it has something like that for me to go back. it had to be something like he is behind me 100%. god's will, not my will. if that happens, i'm it. >> rose: what do you think god contributed to your abilities? >> everything. >> rose: he gave, your belief your faith gave you the will and the power to maximize your talents. >> yes, sir. >> rose: that's the way it was. >> everything. and on top of that, charlie, he gave me the pitch. >> rose: we ought to be honoring god not you. >> he is, yes, yes. i mean amazing. >> rose: but seriously, it is. in the development that led to yankee stadium for you, did you have more ability than kids
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around you? i mean, how much do you put it%a baseball in your hand. and what's in your heart. how do you balance that? >> well that's something special, charlie, because i didn't have more ability than the rest of my. there's a few but not everybody on my home town. >> rose: in your home town. >> in my home town. so that's what i mean when i say god choose me. you have to do things. you have to work up a little work up. you have to rest, you have to do all that stuff. on top of that, you have to do what you need to do, and that's the running, the tough, i would say the biggest thing that i
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learned was mental toughness. because for me, everything happened there. and you win, you got to be fit first of all in your mind. >> rose: being there's so many people out there who have lots of talent. >> tons of talent. not a lot, tons of talent. but they cannot have the same, they cannot have the same ton of mental toughness. and that's different. >> rose: how do you get that? >> i mean i think you're just born with it. >> rose: mental toughness. >> that's what separates good from the greatest. the michael jordan, you know. tiger woods, plays the game in the tough time can't slow down
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everything. and that's where they shine, you know. that only comes from mental toughness. it's no individual. they have that kind of ability. not too many. >> it's a bit like the great ones, joe montana football. >> exactly. >> rose: he wants the ball with two minutes to go. >> there you go. he won't be shaking. >> rose: he won't be shaking. >> he won't be shake. >> rose: you want the ball in the last inning. >> yes, sir. >> rose: michael wants a ball with 20 seconds to go. he wants the ball. >> no one else. >> rose: no one else. and whoever's in front of him -- >> oh yeah. >> rose: when you would walk out, and you think about the first pitch, you know, what are you saying to yourself. are you at the execution of the pitch, is it relax, is it keep your focus on where the ball is supposed to be. >> it's a combination of a lot of things. it's a combination of you know,
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first of all you have to know what you're doing, you know. the release on the pitch, it tells where the ball's going to go, you know. and trusting the pitch. sometimes the catcher wants you to throw a pitch but you don't want to throw it. you throw only because he's asking to no the pitch. and you don't put conviction into the pitch. and the result of that. >> rose: you don't put the same conviction? it. >> exactly. because you don't feel like it, you don't feel like you want to throw the pitch at that time. but okay he's seeing something different but you don't trust him the same way. you say i want to throw this. it's different. so you have to trust and believe what you're going to do out there. >> rose: do you say to yourself when you're going to pitch and you see the hitter, whoever it might be. i assume the tougher they are,
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the better it is for you in a sense of looking to the challenge. >> yes. >> rose: do you say i'm going to take you down, i'm going to throw a pitch at you you cannot get, you will not be able to hit this pitch. >> always. i always, you know. it not always happen. >> rose: but you're saying that. >> but always, always. >> rose: hey, hit this. >> that's it. i'm in control, i have the ball. you got to hit what i'm going to throw you, you know. it's amazing. that's confidence. to me that's confidence. >> rose: what happens when they hit a home run off of you. >> well you have to check it off. he hit it. >> rose: he guessed right, is that what happens. he guessed where the ball was going to be. >> most of the time it's a mistake. >> rose: a home run is mistake by the pitcher. >> by the pitcher. he just didn't release the ball when he was supposed to release
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it or he didn't just throw it right and leads to disaster. >> rose: if he threw it the way he intended to, he would have gotten what he intended to. >> exactly. and the result would have been an out. when people say oh when the pitcher's on, this guy's on, he's untouchable. you can't hit him. >> rose: what makes a difference when he's on and when he's not on. >> when he's on he don't make mistakes. >> rose: what causes him to make mistakes. if he doesn't release it exactly the way he wants to. >> sometimes being able to release the ball the same way every time. sometimes you don't do that. sometimes when you release it, instead of standing on and finish in the front, you don't do that. you go around the ball and he goes swinging in daylight saying hit me hit me hit me. and guess what, those guys don't
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miss it. >> rose: do you know that when it leaves your hand. >> oh yes. why don't swing don't swing. >> rose: i didn't do it the way i wanted to. it's going to be a big bop right there for you. >> you know pitchers know how hard the hitter hit the ball, how soft he got by the sound of the bat. >> rose: so by the sound of the bat, you can tell whether it came right out of the sweet spot. >> yes. >> rose: of the bat on to the ball. >> yes, sir. >> rose: you can hear it. >> you can hear it. >> rose: do you play golf. >> no, i never have. >> rose: i'll come to that in a minute but you can hear that in golf. tiger, tiger knows the sound of a perfect, you know contact. >> you have to. as a professional, you have to, you know. as a pitcher, i do. when you hear the strike of the ball, you feel it wow. >> rose: you don't want to
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look where it goes. >> no man but i want it far. >> rose: it's going a long way i just hope it's right at the edge. >> i so want. sometimes it is hit so hard as a line drive it's right at someone. i think it's fair because i mean sometime we throw a pitch that is broken perfect pitch, broken bat, single. should be an out but it's a single. and to even that, i call it when they hit a line drive, it should be a double or triple is an out. so we even it up, you know. >> rose: when you're pitching, you don't think you could go more than four or five innings, you would be too tired. >> yes, i would be too tired. >> rose: why is that. >> you don't train to do that. >> rose: you train to go three innings or one or two. >> one or two. three innings as a closer you're pushing. you're going into different levels. >> rose: bring in someone
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else. do you feel, do you lose something off the ball? do you more likely make more mistakes with it. >> you make a lot of mistakes when you go past a number of pitches buzz -- because now yoe getting tired. it's like a sprinter, sprinter for 200 yards he's good for that but if you pass 300, he can't do it. >> rose: his whole body is geared, propulsion come at 200 meters. >> that's a closer, that's what we do, you know. one inning, two innings most. we work for that. when you pass three innings, now there innings is pushing. you're getting to the margin where you will now make a lot of mistakes because you're getting tired. >> rose: did you fear any hitter. >> no, i didn't fear a hitter. >> rose: did anybody fear you at all. >> no, no. >> rose: nobody. nobody that, anybody whose
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hitting 360. >> i will put it like this. the only guy i didn't want to face when tough situation comes, it was edgar martinez. the reason because i couldn't get him out. i couldn't get him out. it didn't matter how i threw the ball, i couldn't get him out. >> rose: he hit your number. >> oh my god, more than my number. he got everything with me, oh my god, yeah. i mean, that's something though. but that's the game, that's the game. sometimes you get a hitter, then you get him out even throwing the ball on the end. you know, so i mean, it don't matter how you get him out. amazing. >> rose: tell me about studying for a hitter. how do you study a hitter? >> well, we have some videos.
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>> rose: you have a lot of videos. what do you get out of that video. >> well the thing is for me, i just learn about the experience. i watch the game, exactly the game that we're playing. if the guy's hot, paying attention to the game. i'm seeing the game while i'm doing something to get ready. and you know because sometimes there are reports that say okay, he's a good slider or fast ball hitter. which fast ball are you talking about, do you know what i mean? i mean, that doesn't justify. so i'm a power pitcher. i throw 99.9% fast ball. >> rose: 99% fast ball. >> yes, fat -- fast ball. i don't throw no breaking pitch. >> rose: fast ball is so overpowering or you don't have a
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very good slider. >> i don't have a good slider or change ball. i'm not going to use it. >> rose: i've got one pitch here it is, see if you can hit it. >> exactly. that's how my career was. >> rose: is that right. >> yes. >> rose: who else other than martinez. >> that was it. to me, there's a lot of, many guys. but i don't want to see that guy there. i don't want to see that guy there. the rest, we go into a fight. we go into it. >> rose: i they had we're seeing it in this conversation but even red sox fans like you. >> i know. >> rose: what is that. >> how about that. it's amazing, though. >> rose: what do you think it is. they see a good person, they see somebody with tenant but it hasn't gone to his head. >> there you go.
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i think that they would say how you respect the game. >> rose: that's it. >> i mean, that's what i do. i respect the game. i have a special passion for the game but i also respect the game. i play the game the way everybody should play the game, you know, hard, the right way. respecting the opposite team. >> rose: taking care of your gifts. >> taking care of your gifts. for me, i don't disrespect anyone. if they hit a home run or i get them on, i don't disrespect no one. i go there do my business and go home. simple. so that's what i believe that they really respect me. and they did, they did tremendous. my last game that i played there. >> rose: i know there. >> oh my god. >> rose: what did you think at that moment? here was the hated red sox honoring you number 42.
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>> they kind of rushed it didn't they. oh my god, the whole team came out. >> rose: i know. >> charlie the whole team came out. i don't know how to react. you know the fans. >> rose: what you should have done is not gotten them out. >> just let them go. >> rose: i appreciate this here. >> there you go. >> rose: it really touched you didn't it. >> oh yes. oh yes, it did. oh yes, it did. i mean, again, you know. >> rose: i can't believe i'm at fenway park. >> i can't believe it, i didn't believe it. i mean it was wonderful. >> rose: do you know what it is, i think it is the best respect the best, you know. and people respect talent and they respect somebody that they know gives it its best, took care of his gift, his tenant. -- his talent.
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and respects the talent. it could be warriors or soldiers or athletes. somehow beyond a competition and the will to win, have respect for that other person even though you want to beat their brains out. >> exactly. even though that. and that's what i truly believe happening in fenway. >> rose: what's it mean for you to be a yankee? >> oh. it's amazing. >> rose: what is it? is it different. >> i never been in another organization. i always asked about what life to play in fenway, being home team. or like to play in san luis. but for me it's proud, prestige, honor. i feel so blessed putting that uniform every day that i had the chance to put it on, you know,
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and fight for it. that's the amazing thing. then i guess wanting to win. how many more championships i can win. >> rose: what do you do with those championship wins. >> in the house. >> rose: but it's important. this is a house we built and this is a house of demaggio, this is a house of all those who have come as you said, maris, munson, barrow. >> oh my god. it's amazing. >> rose: i'm going to come back to baseball. but where are you now? what are you going to do? i mean what kinds of things will replace baseball in terms of your energy, your talent, your focus?
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>> well, i'm going through, we have a church in new rochelle. my wife is a pastor. and we will be there helping. i will be helping there. helping the community. that's my biggest goal. that's my new challenge. and i love to help, i love to work, to help others. because the lord have blessed me in amazing ways and i wanted to give ba to the community and that's one of my ways to do that. i like fashion and i love clothing. >> rose: you do. >> i love clothing. >> rose: you do these commercials, i see the ads. >> i did a canali. >> rose: that's right, a men's fashion statement. >> men's fashion statement, yes. >> rose: what does your fellow player think about that. >> i don't know i don't know,
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everybody's coming to me though. >> rose: see how you like this. >> there you go. you know, but i do that, you know. and also being involved in baseball, you know. i mean we have a company, we're working towards that also. >> rose: now would you go to yankee spring training. >> i would say this year i might don't go. >> rose: why not. >> because i mean, it's too early for me. and that would give me maybe feelings that i don't want to have. if i go there and i start getting all this rush, this feeling or this competition anxiety. >> rose: that's it, you might be tempted.
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you're going to stay away. >> i don't want to put myself in that position. >> rose: i'm going to talk to god. you're going to get a call. here's what some people said about you. back to baseball and what you do. in fact, i'm going to have you sign this obviously. but and what they've said but. his mechanics are perfect. he only throws one punch. what does he mean by mechanics. is it the way you come back, is itç4s] the shift of your weightw you use your body. >> everything combined. that's called perfect. everything combined. all the movements are the same and you are able to repeat it. >> rose: repeat it. >> over and over and over. exactly. that's what it means, mechanic is perfect. because if you throw one pitch in one release point and then the other pitch comes from the other side relief point is no good. it's no good, you have to be
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able to repeat the same mechanics to be effective. >> rose: somebody else said about you is that, you've said this, i like to simplify stuff. i get the ball, i throw the ball and take a shower. >> that's it. and go home. simple. >> rose: that's simple isn't it. i get the ball, i get him out and i go home. that's what i need to do. they hire me to go out on the mound, put a ball in my happened and throw a pass on some guy who thinks he can hit it with a stick. that's all i do. >> that's right. >> rose: and you made a good living too. >> i did. >> rose: i can buy some fancy clothes. how much, do you tithe? you to. you clearly are very very religious, religion means everything to you. >> yes. not religion, but relationship, relationship. religion, we can create religion
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but religion would be different but we all need to have relationship. >> rose: did you have that a long time or some experience. >> some experiences because i was many born like that, you know. but i had the heart, i had the heart for the lord, i definitely do. >> rose: did she influence you, your wife. >> oh yeah. she's a beauty, you know. >> rose: she really is. i saw the two kids. >> she's a strong individual. and she has been there her whole life for me. you know. so thank god for her. >> rose: it's time for you to do something for her. >> oh yeah, oh yeah it's time definitely. definitely, it is. >> rose: it's about time. but talk to me a little bit more about pitching. i realize it's as simple as that in your words. i take the ball i pitch the ball i get the men out and i go home and have dinner with my family. do you just look at it one time,
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put your hand on it and you get it right or do you have to sort of -- >> i don't look at it. i just have it in my hands and i know where it is. >> rose: when you got it right it feels good. >> i know where it is. i know and i grab that ball and i feel that thing. okay. >> rose: i'm ready. >> i'm ready. >> rose: and motion. where did you get your motion? how far back do you go, how much you use your body. because you know, there are pitchers and everybody, all of us know hitting a tennis ball or golf ball it's all about in a sense how you use your body and your arm is simply an extension of what you set in motion. >> yes, sir. >> rose: because that's how you get the maximum out of power. >> the power of the pitch, yes. so you don't collect all those movements together. you create a mess. and that's where the profession
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comes. if you have all the balance and you wait for your arm to get in position for you to be successful. that's what you need to do and that's why you need to repeat. so everything, the movement the release the ending the finishing of the pitch. all that has to come with one package, one package. it's no that you can throw and this arm going that way and this arm going to go that way. it doesn't work that way. everything has to be in one motion, it's like dancing. >> rose: you would be good on dancing with the stars. >> you have to be floating. oh no. i love to dance. >> rose: i can imagine. the captain derek jeter, how is he doing. >> well i haven't spoke to jee since the finish but i hope he's doing good. physically. i mean i know mentally he's
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okay. but physically. >> rose: it must be a terrible thing for an athlete. >> no my god. it hurt me knowing the kind of player that he is and how he wants to help the team. but he can't. >> rose: that was the same place you were. >> yes. >> rose: when you went down people said oh my god, oh my god what's going to happen to the yankees now. >> but they were able to do it, you know. it's different, though. when you have that type of player that myself or derek jeter, andy posada, you're trying to find all kind of ways to help the team the most you can. and when derek jeter tried to come back and he got hurt again, that was devastating for him because we know how, where he was or how serious he was.
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it wasn't just one month or two month thing, you know, it was more than that. and sitting there and not being able to help. it was hard for us. i can imagine for him. >> rose: and a-rod. >> yes. well you know, a-rod, yes. >> rose: what do you think of that? i mean here you love this game and there are many people who believe a-rod hurt the game. >> mm-mm. do you know what, charlie, he's my teammate. he's in a sense my brother. and you will have people like that in teams and families. we still have to protect them. you don't agree if you're doing the wrong thing but you still have to protect them. >> rose: how do you protect them. >> protect them that sense that you just not awe greg -- agreeing if you do something wrong you're okay why you do it. >> rose: you don't say it.
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you don't approve. >> i don't approve but i'm there for do you know you can continue doing the right thing. giving the right advice. you can't just go there agree what he and and make him feel comfort. i want him to feel comfortable knowing he can do the right thing and play hard and be successful and not do what you think is good for you and hurting the team and hurting the organization. >> rose: is that what you think he did. he thought it was for him -- >> i really don't know if he did or not because i mean -- >> rose: some of it. >> some of that, you know. but at the same time you know i mean again, he's my teammate, you know. and i have to be there for him in a sense. you know i mean, sometimes you have those issues on teams that
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you have to continue. you have to be there for the person. i mean i love the guy, you know. he's my friend and i will always try to do the right thing for him. >> rose: i believe that leaving was really hard for you. that was not some, you came back and you proved you could come back. you didn't go out injured. you came out at the top. >> at the top. >> rose: right. >> but it was, i mean for me, it was easy to do it knowing that i asked for it and i did everything that i wanted to do. the last game that i played in my career, you know, it got emotional because this would be the last time that i will do this in my life as a professional.
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and i remember where i came from in 1990. all the tough times that i went through the minor leagues came to the big leagues with the injuries, the good times, the bad times, you know. and all that got hold of me on that time. and that's why i got emotional. not because i'm leaving the game. it was hard to leave the game. no, because i was ready for that. it was because i knew it was last time and i just want to enjoy. i just want to, you know, be there for one more shot. and i did it. and it was wonderful, charlie. it was wonderful. >> rose: thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. >> rose: pleasure to have you on this program. >> thank you very much. >> rose: thank you for joining us. see you next time.
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adam and ab dw. i face a huge challenge. >> days not london what are you doing. >> as they return to soy maul yeah. -- somalia. >> when i left my hometown in into thnortheastern somalia. i dried like a baby because i didn't want to leave. we had to go to a different country and experience a different world and it was something that scared me. >> my family moved to to london innein the early 90s. today adam and abdi live in west london and run an ngo called atm. the antitriballism movement. >> trtribalism means
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discrimination. the smaller tribes don't have any rights whoa sofer. whatsoever. and they don't get anything in the political power sharing. >> in two days abdi and adam will leave london to bring the antitriballism movement in somalia where tribal conflicts are a major obstacle to peace. people used to get caught simply because they were from different tribes. and those things are the things that will stick to the hi histoy of somalia for a long period of time. if we can get the people of mogadishu to be different the whole country will be at peace for one day. >> tonight, abdi and adam are having a farewell meal. it's an opportunity to spend sometime with their close friends before they depart.
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>> my mom thinks i'm a bit cuckoo. >> this is where i grew up. >> i spent the rest of my life living this i can say in the next three or four years i would be ready to going back and live my life in mogadishu. >> it's no way we can come in with that thing or in else is it meanif it's meant to be it to be. >> i don't fit in every aspect of life. i know at that the london side of me and the england and uk side of me but i feel like the african and somali side of me i haven't explored yet.
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right now i may be a bit -- i think. we are -. >> we shall. that would bwe wish you all thed hope you are great and successful and good luck! good luck! >> hey. >> hey you are going to mogadishu good luck. when you are going? tomorrow morning. good luck have a safe journey hello to mow g mogadishu for me. >> have you been there recently? >> i never been there. >> you have never been there? >> when i was a baby was the last time. are you willing to go back there. >> as soon as i get enough money to go back.
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