tv BBC Newsnight WHUT October 19, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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sources in kenya and norway have wanted us to this man, black shirt, seen here firing a rifle inside the supermarket on the first day of the siege. here fort" can reveal the first time that the man under investigation is hassan abdi dhuhulow, a norwegian citizen, 23 years old. he and his family came to know ouija as refugees in 1990 -- norwegian -- no way in -- norway in 1999. he was nine years old. we understand that he lived as a teenager with his family until a few years ago. a neighbor told us he disappeared and moved to africa. he took a look at the cctv footage of inside westgate. >> might be him.
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>> this one, in the black jacket. >> he left in 2009, but he points without prompting to black shirt, apparently cooperating our other sources -- cooperating our other sources. >> it was pretty extreme. he was talking about the koran all the time. he did not like the way we lived here. his father told me that he did not like the way it was going. >> was his father worried about something? >> he was worried. >> what did he say? somaliansed about the fighting. links betweenther
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norway and somalia. two weeks after westgate, u.s. sameseal team six, the guys that regard osama bin laden, carried out an ambitious raid on a small town on the somali coast with the target of a senior al-shabab operator. the raid was not a success. the americans did not get their man, but he is understood to be a senior recruiter of foreign fighters for al-shabab and he spent time here in norway. 30 norwegiand citizens, almost exclusively of somali origin are thought to have traveled to east africa to join the fight, and he particular can -- a particular 1.5, thosegeneration that were born in somalia but came to norway in a relatively young age. >> they need people that are ignorant about somalia, and that
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it willrous because give them an agenda and make them more dangerous when they return to their home country. >> there is a sizable somali community. attempts to help them integrate have had mixed results. mohammed is a success story. he came to norway at the age of nine, and he holds a seat on the oslo city council. he said he knows many that feel alienated in their adopted homeland. >> i have seen people that i know, not my close friends, that have been radicalized, that have been changed. there are some people that i know, or i know there parents, who have traveled back, and yes, i -- >> traveled back specifically to fight? >> yes, to fight.
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>> here, in oslo, few are willing to speak openly about hassan abdi dhuhulow we contacted one person who talked about infrequent phone calls from a different somali number. the last time he called was the summer. he was in trouble. he wanted to come home. somalis came together this week but this is aven, community under pressure. onice had been keeping tabs hassan abdi dhuhulow for quite some time. we showed the footage to his relatives. i do not know what to think or say, they said. he has been, brainwashed. are you surprised by this discovery? >> not really, no. it fits the profile. it has been going on for some
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time. allnow there is a brigade over the world, and this happens to be from norway. surprising, no. >> he is representative of a general disaffection? >> we need to be very careful. it is enormous. there are something like 2 million, perhaps 23,000 in norway. the vast majority are not potential terrorists. i must stress that, but there are a significant number that might be. they have been going back to fight in some numbers. >> when you say some numbers, what do you mean? were was suggested there 200 fighting for al-shabab, 50 of which were british. we know 48 american sellouts --
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somalis have gone back. a population of 23,000 in norway, it would be surprising if there were not some among the population. >> you say the biggest community in this country? >> it official census is something like 108,000, but if you are asking the police, they say 200,000 or 300,000 british somalis here for very large, and the largest in europe. go and exercise and affiliation. >> there is a lot of traffic, they are british passport holders, and they are entitled to come and go. there are so many somalis going back to mogadishu now, because things are getting better.
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people are going back to build stuff. this is what worries the security forces, the danger is somebody goes back to somalia, gets weapons training, explosives training, on a british passport or european transport -- passport of some kind and do something here. that is the great fear. >> thank you very much. "international herald tribune" is no more. its replacement is perhaps "the new york times." there is perhaps no newspaper that takes itself more seriously. it is the job of journalists to report what happened. predicting the future is a job for their buoyant. the future -- nobody knows what the future for almost any part of the media is. "the new york times," the gray lady, has never been overburdened with modesty and claims to be the finest his
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paper in the world and it does have over 100 pulitzer prize is. >> it is the product of a monopoly. there is no other newspaper. is a shadowton post of itself, and so is "the los angeles times." >> historically, it has been slow to change, but one-third of abroad,omers are from so perhaps an international edition was inevitable, but it will not be easy. >> all newspapers are struggling, but if you have a global brand, a global recognition, it makes sense to go global. all i would say is where is the british are good at going global, going global with the "economist," "the guardian," " the daily," and so on, the americans have not really gone on -- global with their papers.
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>> the woman in charge of overcoming these challenges is jill abramson, the first woman in the job, who already made controversial decisions, none less contentious than the reporting with "the guardian does quote of thousands of -- "the guardian" of thousands of files from security agencies. she has the pleasure of working with mark thompson, who used to run the bbc. well, the editor of the new york times, jill abramson is here now. you are printing this new international edition. why are you doing that? >> we are still printing than international -- the "thenational edition and new york times" itself because we have a healthy audience of people that like reading a physical newspaper and it is a wonderful way of delivering the news. >> sure, but does it prove you are not with the beat?
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what's the point is we are a global news -- >> the point is we are a global newspaper now and we have been editions of "the new york times," and a very viable digital edition, both the global home page and the home page of "the new york times" are full what the best quality information and there is a tremendous hunger among readers all over the world for the highest quality kind of journalism, and that is what we do. >> you are working on the premise that journalism that you pay for a somehow better than journalism you do not pay for, is that correct? >> that is not necessarily my premise. "the new york times" business model involves a paid subscription plan, and for viewers that are not using our website constantly, we allow
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some free content. >> why pay for it and not just get it off of a free site? >> because of the quality and information that we provide, which is worth paying for. >> give me a hint as to how long you are planning to carry on printing for. >> you have said yourself nobody knows what the future is going to hold, but i feel we have a healthy audience of readers who love getting the print paper and are willing to pay dearly for it, and as long as that is the case, which i expect for a good long time -- >> five years, 10 years, 50 years? >> i am not a clairvoyant. >> let's talk about edward snowden and the revelations you and "the guardian" have published. -- sure.ou actually
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>> have you actually met edward snowden? >> no, we have not had direct dealings. mainly, we have been analyzing the documents that you provided, guardian," which shares some documents with us, and then doing our own independent reporting based on what we learned. >> does it worry you at all that you have had no dealings with the -- is it odd that you have had no dealings with the source? >> not terribly odd. usually we deal directly with our sources, but in other stories, the wikileaks stories, for instance, we were, again, reporting off of documents. >> how much of what you have of this stuff has not been published? >> quite a bit has not yet been published, and it is quite a considerable amount of documents, but i do not really think that is the important issue.
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i think the issue is what "the guardian" has published, and they have published far more have, thatan we those articles are very much in the public interest and inform the public, and it distresses me to see other people in the media being critical of journalists doing their job, which is to inform the public. i think these articles have been in service of that. >> but some things have not been disclosed. >> right. well, because responsible asrnalists actually do care citizens do about national security and the safety of citizens. >> some things have not been published for reasons of national security? >> some things have not been published because to publish them would possibly harm the
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safety of the public. >> do you mind i asking how it is that you know that? withoutld say that wanting to come across as arrogant, that i have years and years of experience, as do many of the reporters who work for me in washington, where the intelligence agencies are located, in dealing with these stories and making very difficult decisions where we weigh -- you know, we balance the need to inform the public against possible harm to national security, and we do that very seriously and soberly. journalism'sience can make that decision. but it has been said it does serious damage to national security -- >> i would like to see the examples that prove there has been a time, and when "the new
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york times" published the pentagon papers in the 1970s, the same claims were made, and yet the -- a couple of years after we publish them, the same officials who said that admitted there had not been any real harm to national security. >> the u.k. chancellor george osborne when around china this week trying to promote trade. as the chinese economy powers ahead, much of the rest of the world has consoled itself with the thought that while it might be kickable of dashing metal or work is of, the real the west, but is this true? >> its success is measured by the height of your buildings,
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the speed of your trains, or the weighting of your national flag in space, then china's revolution is complete, but the middle kingdom is still middle income. tech it comes to high- innovation, china consoled that compete with the world's most profitable companies. the ubiquitous phrase, "made in this," has yielded all of but the three words distort the real story. yes, they were made here, but the designs, the idea behind it has come from elsewhere, that is where the profits go, and that is what china wants a share of the. at the vanguard of the mission to integrate is the biggest company you never heard of. in just 25 years, they have become the second-largest telecom company on earth. it is headquartered in two -- in one of china's many silicon
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valley's. >> we do international property development. we have about half of our workforce, 70,000 of our employees do research and development. >> george osborne arrives here tomorrow to tell them he wants them to invest in britain. many do not want the investment. and the chinese high-tech industry is greeted with suspicion everywhere it goes. the american government has accused them as being a surveillance company disguised as a telecom company. >> hypothetically, the accusation is we are used to do espionage for the chinese government. we have said we will never do that in the future because it would be commercial suicide. >> another accusation is that china stopped companies from operating here and lift their
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ideas. block and clone. beware.means first, internationalvery service like twitter, google. the reason is to drive all of the chinese users to the server which they can 100% control. >> a business model based not on risk and thought, but that and paste, and it is difficult to create. the space toe innovate, you need freedom of information, freedom of speech. >> the engineers have headed for lunch. china has invested aliens, five times more than -- billions, five times more than britain on research and development, but
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they cannot deliver a household brand name, a top university, or a nobel prize in science. at 12:00, 10,000 workers this and on the cafeteria for 15 minutes, and then they are off. worked,how china has order and efficiency, but it has not been about a disruption of the norm, something that diverts from that. >> i am going to put this up. >> david is breaking the mold. has adied in canada and device that allows you to move products on screen with the thought of -- power of thought alone. >> we are going to make the strawberry explode. >> just like that. >> that was you? -- >> using my brain.
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lexi says the key is learning to think differently, and that is where china may struggle. china hason system in idealto steer into one model, not celebrating the individual characteristic. rudolphing the kindergarten down the road, he would not have seen this before. it, they encourage the chaos, no uniform, no order, little discipline. mrs. lee has been a teenager for -- teacher for 22 years and says nothing -- things are changing. >> everybody has a different personality. we used to focus on control, and now we let them have freedom. we want them to explore, the more creative.
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>> unleashing the forces of innovation could take the country to the next level of development, but can china's leaders really afford to let people think differently? letting go could come at a cost. >> that is all for this week. from all of us, goodbye. >> international news at the news. >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. >> at union bank, our
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hi, i'm john davis and this is motorweek! join us as we find out if the new cayman s is the new quintessential porsche sports car. pat goss adds color to our classic caddy restoration project. yolanda vazquez goes up close with how we watch our favorite sports. and we'll find out if nissan's five-door versa note plays the right tune for small car buyers. so come drive with us, next! closed captioning provided by maryland public television announcer: motorweek , television's original automotive magazine.
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diehard. more information available at john davis: it was hard not to be impressed with the third generation porsche boxster roadster when we first got our hands on it last year. but what excited us about it most was that we knew a hardtop variant would not be far behind. well, it's here, an all new porsche cayman. ever since the first cayman bowed for 2006, it's been on a mission to replace the 911 as the quintessential, fun to drive porsche hardtop. has that mission finally been accomplished? it's hard to believe that the 2014 porsche cayman is the 3rd iteration of porsche's smallest sports coupe. we're not sure where the years have gone, but they've sure been kind to the cayman.
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with age, it'sooking more and more like the 911, and benefits greatly from all the recent upgrades the 911 has received, including electro-mechanical power steering. porsche engineers managed to make the new cayman both bigger and lighter at the same time; and needless to say, it's one great looking car. the upgraded cayman s improves on that with bigger 19 or 20-inch wheels, and some great sound coming from the center-mounted dual exhaust. all of that noise comes from the boxster s's 3.4-liter flat-6 mounted mid-ship, just as before. horsepower is up over the last cayman s by 5 to 325. base cayman models share the base boxster's 2.7-liter that gets a bigger increase over last gen to 275-horsepower. for managing that power as it heads to the rear wheels, porsche's pdk is what most folks will opt for, and it works so well that it's hard to make an argument
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for the 6-speed manual transmission; though we enjoyed it very much, and it's nice to feel in control of something these days. the cayman, much like the latest boxster, is one car that hasn't dialed out all of the driver involvement in the name of progress. it feels more like a traditional 911 than the new 911, and can even get a little tail happy, allowing you to steer it with your right foot. but it doesn't feel like a lightweight; rather like it can handle whatever you throw at it and more. 0 to 60 sprints take just 4.7-seconds for the manual, about a half second behind the pdk, with full quarter-mile blasts in as little as 12.9-seconds at 106 miles-per-hour. the manual shifter is quick, but make sure you get the clutch pushed in all the way, as it doesn't like to be hurried, and overall operation isn't as smooth
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