tv Tavis Smiley WHUT October 30, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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the patients in the hospital where the young man was a victim of this -- it wasn't a young girl. it was a young man. everyone tells the same story. the diocese keeps tabs on him. he has no memory of what happened to him. i set out with a writer to make a film about the mystery of faith. that was it. i knew it would be disturbing because this story is disturbing. we tried to avoid all the clichés of the horror film. what we did has become the clichés of a horror film. i understand it and recognize it. tavis: when you say the mysteries of faith, give me an idea of what you mean. >> there was a man who wandered
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in the desert of galilee with a robe and sandals. he was probably a literate. he never wrote anything that was published. there is no recording of his voice. there is no photograph. the first of the gospels according to saint mark came out 70 years after his death, yet trillions of people all over the believed this man is the son of god. manalled himself the son of . the gospels differ, but jesus referred to himself as the son of man, so the idea of people who have never read anything, never seen anything -- they didn't catch him on tv, on the tavis smiley show or something. all of it comes from the gospels, yet this church was founded in his name.
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a religion is all over the world, and people believe. i think of it as the mystery of love. you might meet somebody and follow in love with them. someone else meets the same person, and that doesn't happen. love is a mystery. so is life and faith. tavis: that is what faith is, things you don't see. >> but you believe. why? i am not a catholic, but i believe in the teachings of jesus. jesus is said to be an exorcis t. there were many accounts of exorcisms performed by jesus and his disciples. could what you said i take many different directions. i will pick one. we will be here for the next re-
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or four days talking about the gospel and this. the question is whether or not you were ever disappointed that all of that was ignored, people's, or went over heads, and it was just a horror movie. >> it was not. the head of the jesuit order, whose headquarters was in milan, he had his own print of "the ," and he ran it for people he knew and liked. it was controversial, but at the highest levels it was accepted and even believed by people who are not catholic. such as myself. what is the value, the
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spiritual value to our re- visiting this 40 years later? >> new generations. people weren't even born when this came out. i do believe the film is still very powerful and effective to new generations. i have seen it. the world has become a lot more cynical. church has lost a lot of followers, but the pictures still seems to carry a certain power. i don't put it out there. i don't control that. if there was no demand to have it seemed there would be no 40th anniversary blu-ray. according to the gospels with the exception of all, jesus did
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not come here to start a new .eligion jesus came to reform the jewish church, and the church and people in palestine were controlled by the romans, and jesus was tried for sedition, for going against the government, and the roman herod, they king controlled the diaspora, and jesus felt the synagogue had lost its way, and what he was trying to do was bring them back to the beliefs of moses and the 10 commandments from which they .ad widely strayed that was his purpose here on earth. the priests or rabbis did not like that, so they called on the roman governor's to try him --
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roman governors to try him for sedition. they asked the populace which of the three men he wanted spared, and they said rob us, -- bar but theho was a thief, trial was for sedition. the actual penalty for sedition was not crucifixion. it was stoning. were thousands and thousands of people who were crucified. there were others who were named jesus and called themselves the messiah who were crucified. after jesus there was a man called stephen who became saint stephen. there are cathedrals built to him all over the world. he claimed he saw a vision of jesus and the heavens standing
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at the side of god, and he was tried for sedition and stoned to death. there is a lot of strange things that are unanswerable and normal terms about the mission of jesus, why he came here, who he was. very little is known, although hisad four brothers, and brother james was actually the spiritual leader of the church but it all's death, comes down to the mystery of faith. you believe it, or you don't. i don't subscribe to the catholic church today, being opposed to dam near everything. pope? what about this new >> he seems very promising, doesn't he?
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he has been saying some wonderful things and doing some wonderful things, but then i remember how great jimmy carter seemed when he became president in 1976 and how he carried his own bags, said wonderful things, and i don't they key was a great president. i think he is probably the greatest after president we have ever seen. tavis: i have had him on this program many times, and i thought he would bite my head off when i asked if he thought after president. you sound like a the logician -- theologian. i wonder if you think hollywood is best equipped to deal with all this. >> i think not. that. it attempts to do
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>> they make other films with exorcisms in the title, but most i have seen our garbage. -- are garbage. they have no spiritual undercurrent. they are horror films. out ares i see coming very promising. i think there is about to be a renaissance in hollywood films, but for years most of the pictures were about a guy in a spandex suit flying around saving the world, or they are about vampires, comic books, video games. been most of what hollywood has produced. tavis: you do realize this genre is a billion-dollar business
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thanks to you. rock.on't live under a maybe a rock in bel air, but i know what is going on. i will tell you something. i accept no responsibility for the stuff that has come out with this and the title or anything done in that genre. tavis: whether or not you like it you do get some of the blame for this genre exploding over the years. >> that is why i hide out and don't come out in public that often. rayis: it is out in blu- right now, and there is a wonderful excerpt from the book. "the french connection" is one of my favorite films. all these years later, you think what? of the movieact
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god. i didn't want any of those people with the exception of royce rider. the film was passed up by everyone. it was only a man named dick van nuck who said, i don't know what this is, but i have a hunch it could do something. i have a million dollars in a drawer. if you can make the film, go ahead. it was under the radar, didn't .ave stars in any sense i was not a star director, yet opening day people showed up in long lines around the world, and that was very surprising to me. i think it's a good film, but i
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see it as a cop thriller a sickly. -- basically. tavis: it's a little more than that. "the exorcist" cast was not what we thought it would be. cast the studio was pushing either. at all. the studio for the lead mother wanted either audrey hepburn or joan bancroft or jane fonda. great idea. we offered the film to audrey hepburn. she was married to an italian doctor and living in rome. she said, i will do the film, but you have to come to rome. i would have to bring every single member of the cast to rome. it would cost a fortune.
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didn't speak italian at the time. i would be speaking to the crew in italian. we asked her to come here, and she said, i don't want to leave. we went to an bancroft. , i would love to do the film, but i am on the first month of pregnancy if you are willing to wait. at the time i said, after you have your baby you are not going to want to go back to work. we could wait for years. ellen burstyn was the last woman standing. how thisn't it funny stuff works? it worked. great. the little girl had never acted before. she was a straight a student in connecticut. a room.r in after seeing 2000 auditions in
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person or on tape i thought, we cannot even make this film. i started looking at girls even seven teen, and i thought we could not make this movie until her mother brought her into the office. the room, and i knew instantly she was the one. tavis: the rest was history. this book is called "the friedkin connection." i knew i was going to fall in love with whatever you said because i went to the first pages and saw some of the dedications and the folks you use in the first few pages, and i realized you and i have something in common. we love samuel beckett. one of the pieces of work i live line, evere by, the
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no matter, try again, sale better -- fail again, fail better. have had numerous failures. you are talking about a medley of my hits. i have had films that didn't work with the public that i loved just as much. a lot of people get one or two failures and they are out of here, but i kept going because i and to work in cinema communicate. it has been an adventure and an education for me, so i keep going. i didn't know "the exorcist" would be a hit movie or "the french connection." i don't think it had much to do with me. you could cite a lot of reasons, but at the time there were no reasons. every studio passed on these films.
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many of them passed twice. how do you process when you get to this point in your life and you see you have done , how dot is now iconic you keep from sticking your chest out just a little bit? >> you know the great helosopher mike tyson said knocked somebody out in the first round. interviewed byas howard cosell, and after the fight, he said, what did you think of his plan to stay away from you, to keep shuffling away and occasionally try to jab you? how did you feel about the plan? tyson said, everybody got a plan until he get hit in the face.
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don't got a plan. that is my philosophy. that's the way it is. i had a plan to have everyone of my films be a colossal success, until i got hit in the face. then you pick up, try again, maybe fail again, but fail better. tavis: i am listening to you trying to figure out what you might have done had this not been your calling, your vocation . >> i had no focus as a kid. inever paid attention school. i never went to college, not because we were too poor. we were, but if i wanted to go to college i would have found a way. i have spoken in many colleges, but i had no interest in school. all.n't prepare myself at i would have loved to be, dr.,
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but i had no training -- to be a doctor, but i had no training. i was a bad boy, and it's a miracle i didn't go down for a long time like some of the kids i grew up with. reasons.e to a lot of the love of my mother and father really save me from having no focus as a kid. tavis: even though you didn't turn out to be a physician, i hope you think you made a meaningful contribution at this point. that's for others to say. i feel i have been lucky to acquire this location, the ability to t to, in the way i can relate to the stories of the new testament, though i am not a catholic, so i feel very
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fortunate, and that's about it. i am very fortunate. there are people far more talented than i am that can't get in the door. i know them, and i try to help them. to me it's all a matter of god's will, ambition, and luck. said talent. there are many untalented people making millions of dollars in the film business. tavis: i know some of them. follower. it has been a blessing to have you on this program. >> it has been my pleasure. i love your show. you are a great interviewer, and it is an honor to be here. tavis: there is so much to delve and times ofe livfe
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william friedkin. is out now.t" the extended director's cut and a wonderful theatrical version. there is a book that comes in blu-ray eersary duchenne, and there is the book and thereedition, "thee book itself, friedkin connection." you have to come again. >> just invite me. tavis: i think i did. that's it for our show for tonit. as always, keep the faith. >> for more information on today's show, visit tavis smiley at tavis: hi, i'm tavis smiley. join me next time for a conversation with jj abrams.
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kevin: today on "ask this old house"... i'm headed to seattle to install a new front entry door. -what do you think? -oh, i love it, tom. this is definitely going to keep the cold air out. tom: it sure is. if this safety device doesn't work properly, this water heater could become a bomb. and it's a plastic cylinder that comes with green rubber bands. what is it? you pour the milk in the top, you put the cheerios down here, and you say, "go make your own breakfast, kid." [laughter] kevin: that's next on "ask this old house." any color. no, really.
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any color. and then... let's make it happen. the home depot is proud to support "ask this old house" and doers everywhere. angie's list, providing reviews of local roofers, plumbers, dentists, and more, written by people just like you, helping you find help when you need it. angie's list is a proud sponsor of "ask this old house." man! what we need is some elbow grease. [ laughs ] yeah, you can -- are you kidding me? gmc -- lending "ask this old house" a helping hand since 2002. -hey, scott. -welcome to the northwest, tom. well, thank you. you know it's raining? it's seattle, it always rains here. i heard that about this part of the country.
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i love your house. how old is it? it was built in 1901. we bought it about a year ago. it's a historic home in a beautiful neighborhood. tom: it's nice, a nice front porch. scott: we do love the way the house looks up here. tom: i love this trim around the front door. very nice. it is nice, but our problem is the door. the door. well, tell me about it. well, it's a single pane window, so in the winter, we get some frost build-up, not to mention the cold air that comes in around the sides. so it's not a weather-sealed single pane door. that's not good. [squeaking] ooh, what's up with the hardware? door knob doesn't work. we have to unlock it every time we want to go in. all right. at least you can get in. as long as i've got the key. all right, so tell me, you want to replace the door, but what do you want to do about this trim? -i want to keep the trim. -okay, good. well, i think we can do that. to get started, let's get this old door out of here. all right, we want to take off the inside casing. first, cut around the outside with a utility knife. then i'm going to pry in between
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the casing and the jamb with a knife and then get my bar in there and pry it out. pull straight down. to get more leverage. once we get the sides off, we go after the head casing. now, the casing is nailed into the jamb, so what i did is we created a space for the blade for our reciprocating saw to go in and cut all the nails away. all right, scott, here's your new door. what do you think? oh, i love it, tom. this is definitely going to keep the cold air out. it sure is, it's a big difference to what you had, but first of all, let me tell you, this is called a pre-hung door, which means it comes with a jamb, it comes with a swing that we ordered, and comes with the holes already bored for the hardware. when you look around the perimeter of the jamb, there's a weather stripping right here, so when it closes, it will seal nice and tight, and this is insulated glass, which will make a big difference. all right, now, this is a wood door. this is a straight grain fir door. good door, but it is wood, so that means
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you're going to have to do something. you're going to have to seal it in some way, so you're going to have to oil it, you're going to have to stain it, or you're going to have to paint it, but you're going to have to do something. i can take care of that, tom. all right, great. well, let's get it in. all right, scott, we're ready to put your new door into this old opening. first thing i want to check is your threshold to see if it's level, and it is right on. but, tommy, the new door has a threshold. why are we keeping the old one? well, the old one is actually in pretty good shape. it's not rotted, so i'm going to keep it. now it's level, so we can set the aluminum threshold that comes on the door right on top of it. now, the other thing is is you wanted to keep the old-looking casing and trim look from the outside, so if we had taken this out, there's a couple of things. we would have had to patch this hole, and we need some place for the casing to terminate. it's a lot more work. so we'll leave it. next thing i want to check is the side casing to see how that is, and that is plumb.
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