tv Democracy Now WHUT November 4, 2013 6:00pm-6:59pm EST
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>> in addition to announcing a review of u.s. ties, the pakistani government also summoned the u.s. ambassador to warn of a standoff and less drone attacks ceased. also financing the strike from the leading pakistani opposition leader imran kahn proposed a ban on nato supply trucks inside pakistan. ofn accused the u.s. sabotaging the peace talks. >> i feel sad that just as the dialogue was about to start take, those who are still part in the talks, were killed yesterday. >> the pakistani taliban has sayed asly picked kahn its new leader. the suspect in friday's armed attack at the los angeles international airport could face the death penalty for shooting dead a transportation security administration officer and wounding five other people. is charged with
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murdering a federal officer and committing violence at an international airport. the head of the police at lax described the attack. >> at 9:20 this morning, in individual came into terminal 3 of this airport, pulled an assault rifle out of a bag and began to open fire in the terminal. he proceeded up into the screening area where tsa screeners are, and continued shooting. he went past the screeners back .nto the airport itself personnel officers from airport police, los angeles airport police, responded immediately to the calls. they tracked the individual through the airport and engaged him in gunfire and terminal 3. and were able to successfully take him into custody. >> the slain victim, gerardo
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hernandez, was the first tsa agent to dying a line of duty since the agency's creation following the 9/11 attacks. he was a married father of two who had emigrated from el salvador as a teenager. source, law-enforcement the southern poverty law center says the gunman was carrying a note making racist, homophobic, and sexist slurs about government officials and andribing the tsa conspiratorial terms. the obama administration is rejecting calls to plant -- grand, sita nsa leaker edward snowden. in a letter given to a german lawmaker last week, snowden called on the u.s. to drop charges against him, writing "speaking the truth is not a crime." on sunday, dan pfeiffer ruled out clemency and said snowden should return to face criminal charges. in some of the latest snowden's disclosures, the "new york
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times" reports the nsa intercepted the talking points of view into secretary -- you would secretary-general ban ki- moon ahead of a meeting with president obama in april. we will have more on the story with the reporter scott shane after the headlines. a newly disclosed document shows the british government justified detaining the partner journalist glenn greenwald by accusing him of espionage and terrorism. in august, david maranda was on his way home to brazil when he was held from his nine hours at london's heathrow airport. he faced repeated interrogation, had many personal items seized, .ncluding some -- thumb drives an internal police order authorizing greatest attention from that they says --
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the un's top scientific panel on climate change has concluded global warming will threaten the world's food supply in the coming decades. elite draft of the intergovernmental panel on climate change his next report warns climate change could reduce crop production by 2% each decade for the rest of the century, driving up prices and plunging millions more into hunger and starvation. it is the first time the ipcc has issued a dire warning on global warming spread to the world's food supply. the report also warns global warming could exacerbate a number of other problems, including poverty, water scarcity, and war. the panel's report is formally due in march. according to nasa, new data shows this past september tied 2005 for the warmest september on record. israel is preparing a new round of annexation projects in the occupied west bank.
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on sunday, the israeli government issued tenders to build over 1800 homes in the west bank and east jerusalem. it is also reportedly planning to build a new separation wall along its border with jordan. the move comes ahead of a visit by secretary of state john kerry to encourage u.s.-brokered peace talks. the pending geneva peace conference on syria appears further in doubt after months of delay. on sunday, the opposition syrian national coalition set a timetable for the departure of president bashar al-assad remains a precondition for its involvement in any talks. the coalition also rejected the inclusion of iran at the negotiating table. the syrian government accused secretary of state john kerry of interference for publicly backing handover of power. two french journalists have been found dead following their abduction in mali. claude verlon and ghislaine dupont of the radio network rfi were kidnapped after interviewing the separatist leader.
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12 suspects have been arrested for the pair's murder. france invaded northern mali earlier this year to fight rebel forces. claims president obama's campaign team consider replacing vice president joe biden with hillary clinton for obama's bid to win reelection. the idea was reportedly discussed, but ultimately abandoned because it would significantly improve obama's chances. at the white house, press secretary jay carney said obama never consider dropping biden from the ticket. >> what i can tell you without a doubt is that the president never considered that and had anyone brought that idea to him, he wouldn't have -- would have laughed at out of the room. >> on sunday, president obama campaign in virginia for democratic candidate terry mcauliffe ahead of tuesday's gubernatorial election. he is squaring off against republican convention alley, virginia's attorney general.
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obama seized on the anti-to the recent government shutdown in his remarks. >> you have seen some extreme faction of the republican party that has shown again and again and again that they are willing to hijack the entire party and the country and the economy and grind progress to an absolute halt if they don't get 100% of what they want. [boos] this isn't just speculation, we saw it last month. here in virginia you felt the pain of the first government shutdown in 17 years. and there are a lot of states that felt more of the pain then folks right here in virginia. -- and there aren't a lot of states that felt more of the pain then folks right here virginia. city, dayyork laborers and their allies gathered sunday to call for immigration reform and to highlight the role of immigrant workers in the recovery effort after superstorm sandy, just over one year ago. the workers rallied in foley
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square to call for relief from deportation for workers who helped rebuild the city. a report shows 74% of construction workers who die on the job are latinos, even though census figures show latinos account for just 41% of such workers. pablo alvarado of the national day laborer organizing network said safety for relief workers is a key demand. ,> after a natural disaster workers need to be protected. fema comes in and they bring relief to homeowners and a lot of people who are affected, but people who go in, the first responders, people who go in and take out the contaminated waters, they don't even receive a glove. that needs to change. >> this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. the obama administration is rejecting calls to grant clemency to nsa leaker edward snowden just days after snowden asked for international help to lobby the united states to drop the charges against him.
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in a letter given to a german lawmaker last week, snowden wrote -- on sunday, white house senior adviser dan pfeiffer appeared on abc "this week" and was by george stephanopoulos about snowden's appeal. >> are there any conditions under which president obama would consider clemency? >> none that have been discussed. >> it is not on the table? >> mr. snowden violated u.s. law and arab league has been that he should return to the u.s. and face justice. but that was white house senior adviser dan pfeiffer speaking on sunday. "the new york times" published an explosive piece on sunday titled, "no morsel too minuscule for all-consuming nsa." new details about
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secret nsa programs and the agencies overseas surveillance based on documents leaked by snowden. "new york times" journalist scott shane writes -- "the new york times piece reveals how the nsa intercepted the talking points of view in secretary-general ban ki-moon at a meeting with president obama in april. a major eavesdropping effort focused on the climate change in 2007.e the documents also detail how the u.s. spied on iran supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei and gain the ability to scan the stream of international communications and pluck out
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messages tied to the supreme leader. the nsa has also been active in latin america. "the times" revealed the nsa aided the colombian army by monitoring movements of the farc rebel group using eavesdropping gear aboard a defense department plane flying 60,000 feet over columbia will stop venezuela was listed as one of six enduring targets by the nsa, along with china, north korea, iraq, iran, and russia. internal nsa documents describe -- agency's goal as it also reveals the existence of an nsa database called dish fire that "stores years of text messages from around the world, just in case." another nsa program called tracfin "accumulates gigabytes of credit card purchases." these are just some of the revelations in sunday's "new
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york times" piece based on the leaks of edward snowden. running us now is the national security reporter scott shane. welcome to democracy now! first of all, talk about how you got all of this information, all of these leaks of edward snowden. was,ll, what happened edward snowden did not get "the new york times" any of his documents apart he was upset "the times" had held a story about the nsa's warrantless wiretappinfor a year back in 2004. as people know, a lot of documents to laura poitras and glenn greenwald and others. "the guardian" was given a large collection of about 50,000 documents that were labeled as securityernment headquarters, which is the government equivalent of the
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nsa. they were closely with the nsa that about one third of those documents are nsa documents. the guardian shared those 50,000 documents with us that "the new york times" and some of us have spent the last couple of months going through them. >> and talk about what most shock you by the documents you have gotten better from the national security agency. we have gone through some of the points. you begin with ban ki-moon last april. why don't you start there. >> i used to be with "the baltimoresun" and i wrote back in 1985 and can say i was not shocked about any of this, but i think perhaps one of the most interesting questions these documents raise is i refer to the agency as an omnivore. they're under pressure from policymakers, from the white house, see -- cia, dod to the
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state department to sort of the prepared to supply information on almost anything. inrisis breaks out tomorrow an unexpected place, and nsa is under heavy pressure to produce intelligence from that place. and that combined with a big- budget in secrecy has, i think, created what actually secretary of state john kerry was saying last week automatic pilot, sort to snatch upeffort any kind of electronic communication there is around the world. i thought the ban ki-moon example was interesting. thank you men, the secretary- general to the u.n., very -- bany to the u.s. -- a ki-moon, secretary-general to the u.n., very frilly to the u.s., he was coming april to the white house for a routine meeting with president obama. nsa collected his talking points before the meeting. now the white house won't say
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whether president obama was given and read this talking point in advance of the meeting, but if you think about it, it is kind of hard to imagine those talking points would contain anything terribly shocking. of course, there is the political cost of being caught essentially eavesdropping on the secretary-general of the u.n. that cost has been paid. i think as long as they could remain secret about all of this stuff, nsa's instinct was to collect everything and whoever in the government wants to read it, fine, if not, fine. but now i think the administration is a very difficult decision to make about balancing the political cost of spying, particularly on allies, on friendly countries, frilly -- friendlynst people, against what they might glean from that. >> we're going to take a break and come back to this discussion. we're talking to scott shane,
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>> this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are talking to reporter scott shane. his front-page article i'm a "no morsel too minuscule for all- consuming nsa." can you talk about some of the programs that you outline from polar breeze to dish fire to the nsa's social network analysis collaboration knowledge services? >> one of the things they find out going through these documents is at first they are kind of baffling because nsa, ,ike most intelligence agencies talks about everything in terms of code words. so every program has a code name
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and usually the coding reveals nothing about the program. and so it takes a long time, sort of like learning another language, takes a long time to make any sense out of any of this. databaseturns out is a where text messages sent by cell phones around the world are collected and put into this database. from the bits and pieces you can take a from the documents, it appears to contain text messages in many languages going back for many years. there are documents that specifically say it is useful for going back in time. if you find someone who turns up of interest, summit you think might be a suspected terrorist or somebody involved in nuclear weapons trade, or a chinese diplomat of interest, you can go back into this database and run
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some numbers through it and maybe come up with some text messages sent by that person in the past. polar breeze is just mentioned in one document. somebodyethod by which who is an american agent who is using -- appears to be using perhaps a phone in an internet café, may in fact be sucking out the contents or monitoring the exchanges on a nearby computer. so there are just hundreds and hundreds of these programs under various code names. they have all remained pretty much secret until edward snowden revealed all of these documents starting last september. >> the tailored access operations where the nsa division of the nsa breaks into computers around the world sometimes leaving spyware after
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they leave? really a division of nsa that is increasingly important. when you think about what happened to nsa, as i mentioned in the article, cia, human spying, his really not changed over the years. you try to recruit someone to spy at the cia just as people did hundreds of years ago. but nsa has been transformed along with the kind of information revolution of the last 20 years. the rise of the internet, the advance of e-mail, the proliferation of personal computers and most recently, smartphones. operations,d access they break into these computers around the world. they basically are very skilled break in andhey still secrets from computers and also plant trojan software on
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computers. just like any hackers, but in a very organized fashion. the chinese are good at with this. they're doing it these days. they seem to be, i would say, in increasingly and porton sort of method or division of collection -- important sort of method or division of collection for the nsa. we discovered a branch of tao called transgression. the transgression team does something quite interesting. they look for other countries or other hackers around the world that are breaking into computers that are of interest to nsa. they essentially follow those hackers into the target computers. it is a strange -- it is kind of like burglars who go around the neighborhood looking for open windows and doors that the burglars ahead of them have
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left, then go in through those open windows and doors. fer for sort of a two- the nsa because they learn about the other countries hacking to abilities. >> scott shane, after you published your piece, wikileaks tweeted -- the last part refers to former nsa chief bobby inman. in your article, you quote his recommendation to his colleagues that the nsa who are embroiled in the spying scandal, bobby inman saying -- respond to both parts, what wikileaks at about the peace and what bobby inman said about,
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just get it all out now. >> well, to start with bobby inman, he was nsa director from 1977-1981. one reason i called him was that he was nsa director after the senate church committee revealed what many people consider to be abuses by nsa back in the mid- 1970s. that was when thousands of americans were on nsa watchlist, including civil rights activist, anti-vietnam war activist, and so on. so he has -- he was actually in office and worked on the fort intelligence surveillance act, which was the reform imposed in 1978 by congress on nsa. so he sort of has been down this road before. his advice to the nsa, as you mentioned, was to sort of did everything out there, stop the drip, drip, drip of revelations
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since there are still thousands and thousands of documents that have not been discussed by the media. he said sort of get it out there and try to get this behind you, go ahead and have the debate and decide on what happens from there. whether nsa will take that advice is unclear. it is true the director of national intelligence office has been putting up documents online in recent weeks that it never would've considered putting up before this -- the snowden revelations. on the wikileaks tweet, i'm not understood anders glad -- i'm not sure i understood the point. i think one of the impacts of the snowden links, the documents -- released to laura potras laura poitras and glenn
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greenwald, how slowly they're coming out all over the world. whether we are talking about angela merkel, it's not that they didn't have this information before, is that it's just coming out. right now they're asking perhaps edward snowden to either come to germany or somehow testify as they investigate this further. everything that is happening brazil with dilma rousseff not coming for a state visit in the u.s. because of the global peace that glenn greenwald also co- authored. but not summarizing, but doing in-depth reporting on each of these revelations. well, to compare what we have done here in the story that ran yesterday with wikileaks, i think there is a difference. it is an interesting debate going on about journalism these days. nsa and thehe
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director of national intelligence office some time ago -- i went to them with many of the points that i intended to .se in my story i essentially gave them the or to make anond argument that some of this would be too damaging to national security, would be dangerous to either individuals or to after extensive discussions, we did take out some details from the story that ran. wikileaks, generally speaking, has put stuff out there without myi have to say from observation for my conversations with "the guardian," i think everyone who has gotten his documents has been somewhat selective and putting them out. that applies to glenn greenwald, laura poitras, "the washington post." i think everyone realizes
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there's a difference between important information the public should have an information that is perhaps less newsworthy and could do real damage to important intelligence programs that could, among other things, prevent a terrorist attack. >> we just have one minute. james clapper, the head of national intelligence, clearly lie to congress when he said he was wasn't spying on americans. the white house is still pushing for the prosecution of snowden nsayet no prosecutions of officials or intelligence officials like clapper have been discussed. what about that? >> there is clearly a big contradiction that has not been resolved between president obama saying that he welcomes the debate that we are now having about nsa, about surveillance domestically, overseas, and the prospect of a long prison term
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for edward snowden if he comes back to the united states. clear, it is pretty think it is fair to say that snowden broke the law. it is also pretty clear to a lot of members of congress that he started a debate that is quite the futureo sort of of the intelligence agencies and to american democracy. , you know,t that out i guess we will find out over the next months and maybe even years. >> scott shane, thank you for joining us. he says, edward snowden says, he was exposing the fact the u.s. government itself was breaking the law. scott shane is national security reporter for "the new york times" and his front-page article is headlined, "no morsel too minuscule for all-consuming nsa." we will have a link to it at when we come back, pakistani
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called, "wounds of waziristan" by pakistani american journalist madiha tahir. madiha tahir traveled to northwest pakistan to speak to people in northwest pakistan. we have a broadcast exclusive. >> there is a wide gap between u.s. assessment of casualties and nongovernmental reports. nevertheless, it is a hard fact that u.s. strikes have resulted in civilian casualties. war.k that exists in every and for the families of those civilians, no words or legal construct can justify their loss. for me and those in my chain of command, those deaths will haunt us as long as we live.
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attacks is only just beginning. i lived most of my life living between america and pakistan. one sees itself as the center of the world, and the other is on the margins. in waziristan, where most of the drones attack, it is the margins of that margin, like so many americans and pakistanis, i knew very little about the place. waziristan is part of what is called the federally administered tribal areas, or fata. it is in pakistan and borders afghanistan. it has been bombed before. nearly 100 years ago, by the british when they occupied india. the british use the tribal areas as a buffer zone. they bombed it to suppress rebellion. it their policing -- air policing. ,hey said there was no law here
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so force was necessary. waziristan is only a days drive from the capital. checkpoints dot the border. no one can go there independently. pakistan security forces have killed many people here. the insurgents have, too. and now the american drones are doing the killing. language,mes to nobody describes the insurgents or the pakistani military's tactics as precise. but that very word, precise, is often thrown around in discussions about the american drone program. these attacks are described as neat, surgical tactics and
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precision-based warfare. they seem to suggest killing can be like surgery. you can take out the bad without disturbing the good. the consequences for anyone. consequences for anyone. no sorrow, no loss. they promised a death that is in a debt that all, and that is why drones are becoming acceptable among americans as a way to kill in yemen, in somalia, and in pakistan. waziristan. waziristan is made to seem a world away. so how could i be haunted by what i didn't know? ghosts can only haunt if we feel their presence. persist ifd can only the living can recall them.
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real to me. i met him in 2011. here is me playing a radio story i've done about him. >> and 2004, controlled by the cia and are supposed to be secret. u.s. doesn't confirm or deny the strikes and generally doesn't release information on who is been killed. in 2009, my home was attacked by a drone. my brother and son were martyred.
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waziristan. >> the government has ceased to exist. >> that man, those were the 1980s. pakistan's tribal areas were being used as a staging ground for the american ward as the soviet union. >> the afghanistan freedom fighters, a man here, his wife was killed in front of two children. there are still losing brothers. waziristan is only half the size of new jersey. how would it feel if bombs rained over new jersey for nine years? if theyu be frightened killed your son, your cousin or your husband and got away with it? would you be angry? you probably couldn't forget
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about it if you tried. you would be haunted. the british thought you were all savages and now the americans think you are all militants. >> can you talk more about the definition of civilians outlined in "the new york times" piece of president obama disgracing -- embracing the counting all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants? >> this revelation really is extraordinary. that any adult male killed in effectively a kill zone is a terrorist unless posthumously proven otherwise. the drone strike has killed 8 alleged militants along the afghanistan-pakistan border. >> a u.s. drone strike on suspected islamist militants in northwest pakistan has killed at least 10 people. >> 5 al qaeda militants were killed in the was donna strike
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-- u.s. drone strike. >> at least 45 suspected militants have been killed by missiles launched by u.s. drone aircraft. >> looking around like this. >> on sunday, killed five alleged militants. >> someone having a big mac in islamabad, they're out here. >> the alleged deaths of civilianand innocent casualties in general are complete rubbish. that is the funeral photo. she was less than one year old. photos of many living in the tribal areas to exist, so journalist began to take photos to document their deaths. their deaths would have to stand in for their lives. >> around seven children were murdered in this attack. it also struck a home.
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>> he iskarin's -- this is karim's lawyer. he told me why it is difficult to narrate his clients lives for the court in the media. and we i have a client went to look at this person was killed, we like to construct his life on photographs. family photos and from when he was in yemen and was in school and teens and they grew up and all those photos. they are not there because you don't have them because you don't take pictures.
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pakistani government's relationship to the tribal areas. he is a researcher. he is from south waziristan himself. it is governed by a law introduced by british in that area. [indiscernible] the office of the political agent basically has all the judicial and legislative, executive and judicial power in his hands, in the hands of local agents. there is no accountability. decisionake a judicial or any decision, there's nobody accountable. them
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>> people in the tribal areas call the system the black laws. under these laws, people living in the tribal areas didn't even get the right to vote until 1996. the tribal areas are political category, place haunted by its past. it just means the plays were colonial law still exists in the pakistani constitution doesn't apply. a place with at least four different kinds of security forces from malicious to the to the army.ias the pakistani state still claims there is no law here. it means a place that is kept invisible. and that has been to the advantage of the u.s. and the pakistani army. america has paid billions to the
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pakistani security forces. together, they have used pakistan, especially waziristan. during the cold war, it was the battle communism to fund and moesiahe my regime -- dean. >> these camps are supposed to exist on pakistani soil. they are in an area only partly controlled by pakistan. in the tribal areas, near the border of afghanistan. >> now it is to support the u.s. as it occupies afghanistan. so america, the pakistani security forces, and the insurgents they have created are
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linked. and for decades, they have been destroying waziristan together. now, america is just blowing the place up. the reason? they say there is no law here and force is necessary. >> neither conventional military action nor waiting for attacks offers moral safe harbor. and neither does a sole reliance on law enforcement and territories that have no functioning police or security services, and indeed, have no functioning law. >> 3, 2, 1 -- >> you asked me a question about terrorism. can i ask you one? what is the definition of terrorism or terrorist? > ♪
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>> so what does it mean to be haunted by loss? >> just like we are haunted throughout conventional fighting , but asnistan and iraq commander-in-chief, i must weigh these heartbreaking tragedies against the alternatives. >> there is no escape for the haunted. there are no alternatives for the haunted. the loss lingers, the sorrow persists. land, dead to not exist among the living. the living exist on the dead.
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>> the new film, "wounds of waziristan." directed and narrated by pakistani-american journalists madiha tahir. this has been a democracy now! broadcast exclusive. you can watch the film online at, tell your friends, share on facebook and twitter. you can also watch our interview with the pakistani family whose grandmother was killed in the u.s. drone strike. her two grandchildren, eight years old and 12 years old, were wounded in the attack. they join us in our studios last thursday. you can tune into democracy now! on tuesday when we will be joined by three-time academy award-winning director and screenwriter oliver stone who joins us for the hour to talk about the untold history of the united states. that does it for our show. democracy now! is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed
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tavis: good evening. from los angeles, i am tavis smiley. tonight, a conversation with two of the founding members of tower of power. over the years, they have toured constantly and released more than 20 albums. their latest is called "hipper than hip." it features the or and section that defines their distinctive sound. tower ofation with power, coming up right now.
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with the great worn sections? >> were there that many? tavis: more than there are today. >> that's true. i guess they gave up. less music in the schools, there are fewer horn players coming out. guys want to play guitar and synthesizer. link -- ihink that think you are right about that. it is a serious indictment. what kills me is that the data is so clear on what music education does for children all the way around. not just for their tone or there is a, but the performance in the key subject areas. >> math and science, we can use some mathematicians.
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clearly in my children. my wife homeschools. we got them into music and immediately, all of their subjects got better. unfortunately, it means everything and one of the first things to go as the music program. -- is the music program. tavis: why did you choose to homeschool? >> we are church people. we are believers. we wanted to make sure that our .hildren were specially guided you don't get that in schools. good at it.ery i don't think it is for everybody. if you are not good, you can hire other people to help you do it.
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