tv PBS News Hour PBS June 6, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: it was a military assault unlike anything the world had seen. president obama and other world leaders gathered today at normandy, on this 70th anniversary of d-day to salute the u.s. troops who stormed the shore, and changed the course of the second world war. >> when the shells were coming over i would say, 'if i can survive this, i will work the rest of my life for nothing, just to be alive." >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. also ahead, back in the u.s., the latest jobs report shows employment now exceeds pre- recession levels, but many of the jobs created have lower wages. and it's friday, mark shields and david brooks are here,
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to analyze a full week of news. those are just some of the stories we're covering on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> i've been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it. the ones getting involved, staying engaged. they are not afraid to question the path they're on. because the one question they never want to ask is, "how did i
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end up here?" i started schwab with those people. people who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives. >> united healthcare-- online at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: president obama, russian president vladimir putin and the incoming leader of ukraine engaged in high-profile diplomacy today at the d-day commemorations in france.
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putin met briefly with ukrainian president-elect petro poroshenko, between events. afterward, he said they agreed on the need for a cease-fire in eastern ukraine. >> ( translated ): i cannot but commend the position of mr. poroshenko that bloodshed should be stopped immediately in the east of ukraine. and he has a plan in that regard. what plan this is you'd better ask not me but him. he told me about it in a few words but it's one thing to talk about it here in france and it's another thing to explain it in his own country. >> woodruff: earlier, putin and president obama kept their distance during a group photo, but they did chat at a luncheon, their first face-to-face session since the crisis erupted. a white house advisor said mr. obama told putin he should recognize poroshenko and stop helping the rebels in ukraine, if he wants to ease tensions. the acting secretary of veterans affairs sounded a new warning today for the v.a.'s troubled health care system.
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sloan gibson said administrators who punish whistle blowers will themselves be punished. he spoke in san antonio, texas, after reports that 37 v.a. employees, in 18 states were penalized for complaining of problems. >> i am setting the expectation that intimidation or retaliation, not just against whistleblowers, but anybody that raises their hand and says, i think we've got a problem here or i think i know a better way to do this or i think this is wrong, that is absolutely unacceptable. >> woodruff: the office of special counsel, a federal investigative agency, is looking into the whistleblower cases. some involve employees who reported improper scheduling of veterans seeking care. the taliban insisted today that army sergeant bowe bergdahl was treated well during five years of captivity. a spokesman for the militants contradicted white house claims that bergdahl was in failing health. he said the soldier had fruit
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and other foods he requested, and even played soccer with his captors. in afghanistan, presidential front-runner abdullah abdullah narrowly escaped being assassinated when two bombs hit his campaign convoy. it happened outside a hotel in kabul where abdullah had just spoken. six civilians were killed, and charred remains of cars and debris were left littering the street. afterward, abdullah charged the bombings were meant to scare voters and disrupt the election. >> ( translated ): the enemies of afghanistan failed in their plot today, but unfortunately we have lost a number of our countrymen. three of my companions and three of our countrymen were martyred in today's attack. i express my sincere condolences to their families and may god rest their souls in peace. >> woodruff: abdullah is favored to win a runoff june 14th, to succeed president hamid karzai. >> woodruff: back in this country. seattle police dug into the background of the man who allegedly killed one person and wounded two at a college,
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thursday afternoon. he was identified as aaron ybarra, a grocery clerk. investigators say he opened fire in a building at seattle pacific university. when he paused to re-load, they say, a student pepper-sprayed him, then tackled him. the united negro college fund announced today it's getting $25 million dollars from the billionaire koch brothers, a major force in conservative politics. most of the grant will pay for nearly 3,000 scholarships for african-american students. the rest will support historically black colleges and universities. charles and david koch are best known for giving millions to libertarian and conservative causes. on wall street today, the dow jones industrial average gained 88 points to close at 16,924. the nasdaq rose 25 points to close at 4,321. and the s-and-p 500 added almost 9, to finish at 1949, another
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record. for the week, the dow and the s-and-p gained more than 1%. the nasdaq was up nearly 2%. >> woodruff: still to come on the newshour: remembering the invasion that turned the tide of world war ii; more jobs, but lower wages in the u.s. labor market; a close read of the book business; mark shields and david brooks on the week's news; plus, corruption casts a shadow on the world cup. >> woodruff: heads of state and surviving members of the armed services who bravely fought on the shores of normandy, france, on this day in 1944, returned there today to mark the anniversary of the d-day invasion. >> woodruff: as the sun rose over the english channel this morning, american veterans in their '80's and '90's gathered
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to remember the day they came ashore on omaha beach to fight the nazis. >> very special moment of my life, i'm so filled with joy right now i can hardly control myself. thanks god for being here. >> 6:00 d-day, landing time for the beachhead boats. >> woodruff: 70 years ago, "omaha" was one of 5 beaches in normandy where well over 150,000 allied troops fought their way into france. you see some of the more than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft that took part. by the end of that first day, the allies had a vital foothold. but it came at a high price. but, it came at a high price: more than 20,000 americans died
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at normandy, including the 9,387 who lie in the american cemetery next to omaha beach. president obama paid tribute to them today. >> america's claim, our commitment, to liberty; to equality; to freedom; to the inherent dignity of every human being, that claim is written in blood on these beaches, and it will endure for eternity. normandy, this was democracy's beachhead. and our victory in that war >> woodruff: of the 16 million americans who survived the war, only a little over a million are still alive. mr. obama said it's important their stories are passed on. >> we are on this earth for only a moment in time. and fewer of us have parents and grandparents to tell us about what the veterans of d-day did here seventy years ago. so we have to tell their stories for them.
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we have to do our best to uphold in our own lives the values that they were prepared to die for. >> woodruff: french president francois hollande vowed his country will always remember those who sacrificed their lives that day. >> ( translated ): they were your parents, your brothers, your friends. they were our liberators. france will never forget what she owes to these soldiers, what she owes to the united states. >> woodruff: meanwhile, british veterans, politicians and royal family members attended a service of remembrance at bayeux cathedral. it escaped damage during the war, and the city was the first one liberated in normandy. later, on the sands of "sword beach," where british forces landed, hundreds of dignitaries and veterans gathered for another ceremony.
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queen elizabeth the second arrived to a loud round of applause. the 88-year-old monarch is one of the few remaining heads of state who actively served during the war, as a driver and auto mechanic. today's events were the culmination of commemorative activities all this week. military reenactments took place along the five famous beaches. and in the skies over normandy there were special parachute jumps by veterans. 93-year old american jim martin jumped near utah beach. >> wonderful. >> woodruff: was it different? >> oh yes, nobody shooting at me. it's much nicer. >> woodruff: 89-year-old scotsman jock hutton took a tandem jump into the very same field in ranville, france, where
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he landed 70 years ago. >> we trained for months and months and months and we landed with one purpose in mind and that was to liberate ranville, which we did before first light. >> woodruff: back in the united states today, veterans attended a ceremony at the d-day memorial in bedford, virginia. bob sales from madison heights, virginia was in the first wave of soldiers to land. his wife spoke for him today. >> we have to make sure there might never come a day when june the 6th means no more than any other day, that there might never be a generation of americans for whom the name normandy means nothing at all. >> woodruff: to enshrine that history, the national world war two memorial in washington was built ten years ago. today, veterans laid wreaths in front of the wall of gold stars that represent all the americans who died in the war.
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the latest government jobs report shows the american labor market moving into it's strongest hiring pace in years. employers added 217,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate remained at 6.3%. its lowest level since september 2008. may also marked an important moment: the highest total payroll level in u.s. history. all in all, a seemingly solid report. but those looking closely say it's premature to celebrate much. especially when at least 10 million people are still looking for work. newshour economics correspondent paul solman has the story, part of his ongoing reporting: "making sense of financial news"
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>> woodruff: may was the fourth straight month employers added more than 200,000 jobs. the last time that happened: more than 14 years ago. yet the unemployment rate didn't budge. so we asked m.i.t. labor economist paul osterman for his take. >> good news and bad news. >> reporter: you know, it seems like every month i interview someone like you on the first friday of the month d they say good news and bad news. >> there's a reason for that, the good news, 200,000 jobs added. that's great. the bad news, the level of pain out there has not changed. there's still about 20 million people who are still unemployed or working part-time jobs or not in the labor force but would like to be in the labor force. that number is just stable and a lot of pain. >> reporter: the unemployment rate remained steady but that's because we've added 200,000 jobs but 200,000 people to the labor force. >> that's right but think of the
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population and think of the number of people who are working. that tells you how healthy the economy is, how good the job market is. that number plummeted in the recession and it barely climbed back up. we're not at pre-recession levels. >> reporter: indeed the so- called "employment to population ratio" has been below 60% for five years now, down almost one- seventh from the ratio, pre- recession, to a low last seen in the reagan recession of the early '80s. now the economy is adding jobs. in fact, may marked a milestone: five years after the end of the great recession, we've finally regained the nearly nine million jobs that were lost. but osterman, who has researched the quality of the new jobs, says they represent no progress in wages for the economy as a whole. >> 20-25% of all adults who are working are in poverty-level
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jobs. jobs that if they worked full- time, full year, would not raise them above 125% of the poverty rate for a family of three. >> reporter: a recent report by the national employment law project found that lower-wage jobs in sectors like retail, restaurants and "administrative services" have accounted for the lion's share of the job gains since 2009. christine owens runs the group. >> they accounted for 39% of job growth in the recovery. four out of every 10 jobs that were added were in those three very low wage industries. >> reporter: according to this same study, all low-paying industries accounted for less than a quarter of job losses during the recession, but they have accounted for almost half
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of job gains since. put simply: >> we've gained far more jobs in low wage industries than we did in mid-wage and high-wage industries. >> reporter: in may, for example, some of the biggest job gains were in health care. seemed promising. yet many of those jobs are low- paying. >> jobs like home care. home care is one of the fastest growing jobs in our economy and it is the job that is expected to grow the most over the next ten years. it pays poverty wages. >> reporter: paul osterman elaborated. >> health care is a very bifurcated, polarized industry. you've got the doctors and nurses at the top, you've got the home health care aides, you've got the c.n.a.'s, the certified nursing assistants, at the bottom. those bottom jobs are going to grow immensely because of the retirement of the baby boom, because of the demand of home health care. so the growth in health services that are expected does not necessarily lead to better jobs at all. >> reporter: consider the entire economy, says osterman, and what the average job has been paying.
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>> if you look at wage growth in the economy, over the last 12 months it's been about 2.1%. that's barely ahead, barely ahead of inflation, so people are not getting ahead in terms of their earnings in this recovery. >> reporter: and if you look at where so many of the new jobs cluster, in non-supervisory work, today's employment report says that wage growth actually trailed inflation over the past year. the bottom line for may, then: more workers and more jobs, but not necessarily the kind of jobs that signal anything like a robust recovery. paul details more employment numbers online including the underreported stat of those not in the labor force but say they want a job. see how high that has risen on making sense. >> woodruff: and we turn to one
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particular business that's experienced change from technology, consolidation and other factors: the world of books. jeffrey brown was there for the publishing industry's annual trade show that wrapped up this past weekend. here's his report. >> brown: publishers large and small, book sellers from far and wide, agents, editors, publicists and, yes, authors. the annual book expo america in new york was the center's largest trade fair, a place to sell your wares, make new connections and bask in the glory of the written word. james patterson is a rock star at b.e.a., a publishing titan with dozens of best sellers. for him, all would seem well, but he sees a continuing crisis in the world of books today, and he's donating a million dollars to independent book sellers around the country to help them
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raise awareness of their plight. >> this is a period of evolution, revolution, whatever you want to call it big shift to ebooks, and i think we just have to slow down and make sure it's an orderly transition. people need to understand what is at risk here is american literature. >> brown: that's been a long-running thought line in this industry with ebooks and amazon. this year, a more upbeat story. >> we're in the middle of another big disruption of the industry and we need another rethinking of our business. >> brown: dominic founded source books which has grown from a small startup in chicago into a large publisher of both print and ebooks from genre's from children's, to romance to non-fiction. a former statistician, she looks hard at the numbers. >> what's interesting is at the beginning of the conversation, i
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believe people believed we would have a 100% conversion rate. a p book or e book, that would be the conversation. we now know the conversation is an "and" conversation so that the bulk of buyers actually buy books. the bulk of users actually use them. >> brown: ebooks she says are bringing in more readers because keep people can sample more. the trick is to understand which books best wear, especially since it's harder to break through with thousands of titles published in print and electronically not to mention the world of other readily available entertainment, so what's a young author to do? >> my role is to eventually talk about the book as much as i can, to get it out there and talk to the readers. >> brown: one genre going bang busters is ya, young adult aivmenty wants to be a part of it. this was her first time at the
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expo touting and selling her first book, "the jewel," hoping to appeal to young people and adults who have increased readership for the likes of harry potter and hunger games and she's reaching out to all of them. >> you can really talk to people reading the book on twitter. for people who are not my mom and friends, people reading the books saying, i can't believe tending, i can't wait till the next one! and i'm saying, i can't either! >> brown: are you really responding to everyone individually? >> yes! for now wil (laughter) >> brown: until there's billions of readers. >> hopefully, yes. >> brown: no one's immune. publishing house veterans do their own version of seg new titles to earn prominent placement in book stores online and this coming fall. simon shuster publisher jonathan carp is overseeing new best sellers with a likely new one soon to come in hillary clinton's memoir. at the expo, he was drumming up
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interest in a new novel entitled "we are not our ovals" by first time and at this point unknown author matthew thomas. >> this is a book that explains the american middle class experience. if o'neil were alive today and writing fiction, this is the kind he would write. >> brown: are you telling this to me? >> i am pushing, yes, pushing the book. if i can't convey any enthusiasm about a book, why in the world would you want the buy it? so it basically, word of mouth, starts with us, and then it spreads to the book sellers and then hopefully through the media, through influential people like you and ultimately to regular readers. but we think readers need to hear about a book maybe four or five different ways. >> brown: four or five different ways. >> sure! >> brown: is that an actual calculation? >> sure, multiple impression. >> brown: one last possible impression of course is at your local book store, if you still have one, and the news here is
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more positive as well. after a blood-ling amid the rise of big box stores and online shopping, the american book sellers association representing smaller independent stores says it's members have actually grown to 664 this year, 250 more than five years ago. sarah bagby, owner of watermark books in wichita, kansas, says success today requires a cafe, an appeal to local quality of life, and a tough head for business. >> i think, over the years, people realize that the book stores that are in business and thriving in today's climate are real business people. they are very strategic about the books they get behind. we buy a product at the lowest price we can and then do everything in the store we can to connect our product to the customer. >> brown: so much for the romance of owning a small book store. >> oh, my gosh...
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it's fun. >> brown: and then there was the elephant in the room, or as it happens, barely in the room, amazon. whereby, by some estimates, 30% of all books are purchased today. there was a fight between amazon and stores on how to split profits between ebooks and print. displaying shipments or removing buy buttons. james patterson expressed his displeasure at the growing power of a amazon. >> that sounds like the beginning of a monopoly today. amazon as you know wants to control book selling, book buying and even publishing. >> brown: later, patterson was slightly more reserved,
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spreading blame far and wide. >> at this point, i'm going to say this -- no villains, but no heros. >> brown: no villains but no heros. >> no heros. nobody's stepping up going, we need to look at ideas and books and american literature. the government isn't dealing wit, the media isn't really dealing wit much at all. publishers need to be brave. >> brown: amazon did not respond to our request to quint at b.e.a. we're all aware to have the high stakes of this fight and the continued churning of the industry as a whole. >> woodruff: watch jeff with james patterson on our art beat page. >> woodruff: and to the analysis of shields and brooks. that's syndicated columnist mark shields and new york times columnist david brooks. so the story i guess that
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dominated the news this weeks bowe bergdahl, the american prisoner of war released from the taliban. five days after the president announced this, lots of criticism from both sides, especially republicans yesterday, the president still found himself answering questions and defending his decision. here's just part of what the president said. >> i'm never surprised by controversies whipped up in washington, right? that's par for the course. but i'll repeat what i said two days ago. we have a basic principle -- we do not leave anybody wearing the american uniform behind. we had a prisoner of war who's health had deteriorated, and we were deeply concerned about and we saw an opportunity and we seized it and i make no apologies for that. i write too many letters to folks who unfortunately don't see their children again after
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fighting a war. i make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man to his parents and that the american people understand that this is somebody's child. >> woodruff: so, mark, today the taliban is disputing what was said. they said bergdahl was eating and playing soccer. was this the right thing to do? >> it was the right thing to do. i think the expectation of the announcement in the rose garden and all that attended it was short of tone deafness on the part of the white house and the president in particular, but the act itself is the right thing to do. i mean, the principle he stated is the core principle of american values and that is we do not leave americans behind. we couldn't find out in plenty of time whether in fact the
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charges against bergdahl made by some people are true or not true or whatever else, but we won't do it on the basis of some sort of kangaroo court by conservative commentators and a rush to judgment to hang the guy. >> woodruff: some of the critics, david, are saying, well, because he left his post, apparently deserted, this is different. >> i'm with mark on this one. i think it's not the health of the individual but the national fabric you care about. we're a polarized, a segmented country but at the end of the day we have to preserve the idea we have solidarity. so in times of crisis, we react as one and when we fight we fight as one. when you do that, you have to have a sense of all for one and one for all, so you have to protect the fabric. so it's not all about him, it's about the fabric. he certainly said embarrassing things about the country and the army, but you get citizenship by
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birth and by being a member of the community. the soldiers that fight for us are not doing it because we deserve it, they're doing it because we're americans. so i think whether he deserved it or not is not the issue. the issue is he's american. if he did something, we'll bring him back and try him, but that is far from being proven. right now he's just an american soldier. >> woodruff: marx how do you explain this huge criticism including from some people who were calling for the president to get bergdahl back? >> i think that has to be at some point a political explanation to an awful lot of it, judy, especially those who were calling for every effort to be made to bring them back. in a strange way, this has become, in my judgment, a metaphor for the war itself, that it's a war that's unresolve, unlike the one that we're celebrating this day and whether a victory and a
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resolution and good triumphs and everybody comes home, this is a war that is remarkable to me that, while we've grown somewhat accepting of the fact of the terrible toll this has taken on america's troops, that they come home, the mental and physical wounds they carry with them, we ac my knowledge ptsd, and i just say, those in afghanistan, i'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until i have an idea. i don't know what happened there. the idea somehow this was an act of disloyalty to the country -- make no mistake, democrats on the hill were outraged. >> woodruff: they weren't informed. >> they weren't informed. congress is an institution, loves to have that. they don't want responsibility of declaring war, haven't done that since december 8, 1941, but they want sort of the
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acknowledgment of the authority. but the white house has been inept in its dealings with congress and there is anger and democrats have taken the defensive on the affordable care act, the veterans administration and air pollution -- >> two things i agree with and one thing i disagree. two things i agree, give them the benefit in the doubt, people under enormously stress. secondly, the tone deafness, non-profit anticipated this, to have had the rose garden ceremony as if it was going to be the oprah show and everyone will applaud. that is very weird and i don't have an explanation. the other area i disagree, we leave no one blind is not a blind principle. we have to be aware of the consequences. if we trade people who would kill 10,000 americans for one soldier, you have to look at the
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specific people we're releasing in this case. five really bad guys, out of circulation 12 years. not clear how much damage they will do. they might do damage but less damage than tearing up the fabric of america by saying to a citizen we're cutting you off. as was said this week, they'll trade 1100 people for one or three and they do that because they all know israeli parents are flesh of one flesh and they have sympathy for one another and preserve that sympathy in a country like ours that's deeply polarized. >> woodruff: do we pate and see what bergdahl says? >> yeah, i mean, the poor guy -- i say poor guy -- it's been five years, judy, essentially in isolation away from anybody he ever knew and anything he's ever familiar with. he's in germany in the hospital, saying he's having trouble with english. when he comes back, i'm sure there will be hearings.
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i trust american justice a lot more than taliban justice. >> woodruff: i'm hearing what mark is saying about the contrast of d-day. we're seeing the shores of normandy france, a different kind of war and legacy than anything we've ever experienced. >> the one parallel i draw is the president has said this phrase a lot the last couple of weeks which i yo euphemiest e, e don't do stupid stuff, and it's a doctrine that the u.s. errs whe when it does too much. d-day could have been a really horrible event and dwight
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eisenhower was prepared for that. the idea that our problems is cause bid overreach is just a half truth. the world war ii generation was a war and a postwar period where america was plenty aggressive, took plenty of chances and some of them paid off and some didn't. >> woodruff: and what eisenhower did, you say, was clearly reaching. >> on d-day, it was reaching. it was an incredible act. i think it's not simply the war. the war was remarkable, judy, in that there was an equality of sacrifice, it was universal. we absolutely were all engaged, whether the rationing of meat or gasoline or cigarettes or alcohol, whatever. one-third of all fruits in the u.s. were raised in victory gardens. all four served in combat in world war ii in the presidency.
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so that was part of it. the other thing, we usually acknowledge individual acts of great brave ri-- the medal of honor, navy cross, silver star -- this was thousands upon thousands of americans, all an act of incredible collective and individual courage. i mean, going and landing on that normandy beach, 80 miles of open water, all of it, it was remarkable. the memory at of the country at the time was something we should just treasure and covet. >> woodruff: elections and primaries, mississippi and iowa voted this week, and mississippi, particularly interesting, you now have a run-off, 7-term stalwart republican, that di -- thad cocw facing a challenger, mcconnell,
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tea party. >> there was a change in logic in the appropriators, which is when you brought a lot of steako a state -- he gave a lot to mississippians. a lot of people decided we understand the money is good but washington is so messed up, we've still got to vote these people out of office. a lot of people are saying that. the thing that's interesting about the runoff is who has the passion. we assume the tea party, the opponent has the passion. we assume they're more impassioned and motivated to vote than the regulars, but i'm not sure that's true this year. if cochran survives, it will be a sign among the establishment there are passionate voters, at least as passionate on the tea party side. >> cochran won nine consecutive elections in mississippi without ever once appealing to racial feelings at all. he's been above it.
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he's been a wonderful public servant. i agree with david that the remarkable thing about him -- michael barone put it well, says he represents a vanishing breed of the southern republican. he's personally decent, he doesn't demonize the other side. he works across the aisle. he does pride himself on being home. he's conservative but not rigidly so and agreeable to everybody. i mean, it's really a courtly southern type which is no longer in vogue. i really do think that he's in trouble. there's no question about it. he didn't get the majority that they hoped for. mississippi, former governor william winter, who is an excellent player on both racial reconciliation and education in this state told the "new york times" this would be the worst stereotype confirmed on
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mississippi if mcdaniel and the tea party win this one. and i think there's a lot to it. i say this, judy, it's a warning for the rest of the country. we are seeing the future in mississippi politics. $5 million goes into mcdaniel's behalf from outside independent groups, his campaign is 1/4 of that, 1.4. the outside groups are running these campaigns, they're funding them and driving them and that's, thank you supreme court of the united states. >> woodruff: we have to stop here. unless you have two seconds -- >> no, not wise. >> woodruff: save it for next time. we're glad you two aren't insiders. mark shields, david brooks. >> woodruff: we'll be right back with a look at corruption in
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>> woodruff: hundreds of millions of people around the globe will be watching fervently next week when the world cup, the world's most popular sporting event, kicks off in brazil. but a series of reports and investigations are casting a cloud over the sport and its international governing body, f.i.f.a. jeff is back with that story. >> brown: one investigative series, published in "the new york times," found a match- fixing syndicate was able to manipulate several contests in the run-up to the previous world cup in 2010. the stories included tales of apparent bribery that led to clearly suspicious calls by referees in an effort to exploit matches for betting purposes. separately, the sunday times , a british newspaper, published new documents showing corruption and
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payments behind quatar's successful bid to host the cup in 2022. declan hill is an investigative journalist who co-wrote the new york times series. he joins us now. so these games that were fixed in the runup to the last world cup, tell us briefly what happened. >> well, jeffrey, it's an extraordinary story, a sinned case working out of singapore and malaysia that for years have been traveling around and police say have fixed hundreds of games, corrupted and gotten to players and referees around the world and this was just some of their activity. they got into the officials of the sub-african soccer association, not all, just a couple. some officials were heroic and trying to stop them, and they were fixing games literally days before the start of the 2010 world cup. >> brown: is there any evidence it reached higher into the world cup itself, into more meaningful games? >> well, i think it's an
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excellent question because the fixes have been coming to these big international soccer tournaments for at least 20 years, they come chronically and consistently. what we found in the "new york times" investigation is strangely the thief investigation report we were using as some of our sources stalked their investigation at simply the exhibition matches before the world cup. so they didn't find any evidence of world cup matches being fixed. on the other hand, they really weren't looking for them. so we're still unclear. >> brown: well, this is a big part of your story, clearly. fifa looked into all of this, but you're suggesting they didn't -- well, it's not clear how hard they looked or what they did afterwards, right? >> it's a very complicated story. there are lots of heros and villains. what's clear is the investigative report only started two years after these matches and then it was released two years ago and it's kind of hung around. lots of people inside fifa and
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the soccer association have signed the allegations in the report yet nothing has been done. >> brown: so the issue is how vulnerable are these -- the world cup that's about to start, these games, and what is being done to take care that this doesn't happen again. >> i think it goes right to the question of credibility. it's not just that the games could or could not be fixed. it's whether an honest, fair-minded person could be watching the games thinking to themselves, hang on a second, was that a mistake or something worse? and that's what fifa has to eliminate. they tried fair play. they have a new fifa director of security, a former german police officer, who admitted openly for the first time in fir fifa histy that fixers do target these games and they're trying to do something, but it may be a question too little too late at this moment. >> brown: as you showed and the fifa investigation showed, the way in was through particular individuals, right,
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through referees who would make certain calls. but even then look funny, i guess. >> actually, jeffrey, it's far worse. i have been following this story for a number of years and i have written a couple of books on this. what we've shown in the "new york times" is it wasn't just dodgy referees and the odd corrupted player, it's moved up into the high level soccer officials, the national association. so not fifa it wasself, but, for example, some soccer associations, for example in south africa, there were officials inside saying some of our colleagues are clearly corrupt. which of those officials were corrupt, we don't know. we do know there were allegations of death threats, there was bribes, you know, there was lots of money floating around, but we still hadn't been able to get to the bottom of this murk where scandal. >> brown: now i want to move to what we also learned about the decision to award the 2022 world cup to qatar and with
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apparently a lot of money changing hands. what do we know at this point? >> the decision to award the world cup which you know is the world's biggest sporgt tournament by different factors, far outranks in terms of world attention and cash. almost from the very minute in december 2010 that qatar was given the world cup, there have been questions why would such a country which is so small with such a small population base, much smaller than even washington, d.c., be awarded this huge sporting tournament. and our colleagues at the sunday times in london announced last sunday they had millions, their words, of e-mails, cached e-mails both from fifa and former fifa officials alleging a series of very systematic payments to various soccer officials to award the world cup hosting rights to qatar.
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>> brown: all right, declan hill, thank you so much. >> thank you, jeffrey. >> woodruff: we have more online. you can find a world cup primer and a viewer's guide for exciting matches to watch out for, that is on our world page. >> woodruff: again, the major developments of the day. leaders of the world war two allies and veterans in their 80's and 90's marked the 70th anniversary of the d-day landings in france. on the sidelines of the d-day events, russian president putin met briefly with president obama and president-elect poroshenko of ukraine. and the u.s. economy added 217,000 jobs in may, while the unemployment rate was unchanged, at 6.3%. on the newshour online right now, despite the title, queen bees have no authority. so how do bees work together without a leader? miles o'brien visits with
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researchers who study the complexity of hive culture, in the latest "science nation" video. all that and more is on our web site, and a reminder about some upcoming programs from our pbs colleagues. gwen ifill is preparing for "washington week," which airs later this evening. here's a preview: >> ifill: when is a victory not a victory? when you're the white house and you've rescued the last soldier held in afghanistan, or when you're mississippi's thad cochran and the tea party is nipping at your heels? we examine politics in all its many delightful shadings later tonight on "washington >> woodruff: be sure to join hari sreenivasan on the pbs newshour weekend tomorrow night. and we'll be back, right here, on monday with a look at nationwide data on wait times at v.a. health care facilities. that's the newshour for tonight, i'm judy woodruff. have a great weekend. thank you and good night.
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this is "nightly business report" with tyler mathisen and susie gharib. >> back to even, the economy finally regains all the jobs lost during the recession helping stocks extend their record rise. stars and shareholders, walmart's annual meeting was part pep rally and strategy session, but the focus was on stemming slow sales. our guests tonight will talk about double digit returns over the next year. all that and more tonight on "nightly business report" for friday, june 6th. good evening, everyone, and welcome, susie gharib is off tonight. well, the dow, the dow transports and the s&p 500 closed at record highs today, with good
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