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tv   Caucus New Jersey  PBS  August 12, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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hi i'm warren geller at englewood hospital and medical center we believe that all citizens need to be informed about the healthcare issues that affect their lives that's why we're proud to support the caucus educational corporation and their partners in public television orthopedic surgery for baby boomers next on caucus new jersey funding for this edition of caucus new jersey has been provided by njit new jersey institute of technology investors bank united water making the planet sustainable is the best job on earth amerihealth caritas parent company of performcare care is the heart of our work johnson and johnson new jersey sharing network dedicated to saving lives through organ and tissue donation and by the ollendorff center promotional support provided by the record north jersey's trusted source and and by
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the new jersey business and industry association and its monthly magazine new jersey business [music playing] [music playing] welcome to caucus new jersey i'm steve adubato you know baby boomers are still extremely active in sports but all this is taking a toll on their... it says their there but it's our bodies i'm included here to explore ways to prevent these injuries as well as new medical advancements we have lauren snowdon who is the clinical manager at the kessler institute for rehabilitation doctor david feldman is the director of hip surgery at englewood hospital and medical center jodi poskitt has been with us before back by popular demand she is a aertified fitness instructor and finally walter nolan underwent hip replacement surgery in 2010 and 2011 and also knee?
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i had a knee in between the two hips you want to disclose anything else walter? [laughter] is that it for right now? nope that's it for now terriffic i want to thank and by the way also did some personal training for many many years as well in your career doctor here's the question as we keep information up throughout this program that is valuable whether you're a baby boomer or not it's important information and those who are not yet will be and you said right before we got on the air doctor part of the problem is that some of us in this category baby boomers i know i'm also a baby boomer define baby boomer before i ask you the loaded question well they define baby boomers as those who are about 9... 50 years old up until about 60... 65... 68 okay so here's the thing okay you don't have to look at the camera right here cause you hurt yourself you can hurt your neck doing that are you ready for this? the question becomes for those of us who are baby boomers are we just not taking it slow enough are we just not hanging out enough? and relaxing the way
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previous generations did? and are we confusing ourselves with people who are 15 20 years younger who want to do more is that part of the issue? you know what? today i think there are so many different fitness methods and in retains and sometimes you can take it a little too far and maybe our bodies aren't prepared for it so give me for instance so for intance i'm not bashing anything or trying to go against anything but for instance they cross fit it's a fantastic way to work your body if you're conditioned for that but to start say in your mid to late 40's with something like a cross fit which is pretty intense with and not maybe having some modifications you definitely have a chance of injury and that person who wants to get healthier who wants to work out more mm hmm who's 45 to 50 to instead of doing that should do what? i believe we should take it at a slower pace so introduce it to your body maybe low impact doing some cardio mixed with a low impact lighter weights maybe more repetitions for instance i teach bar and
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pilates and i'm a huge fan because it is low impact and you can do that for the rest of your life so you want to keep your body conditioned and you can increase the intensity you can increase and add modifications if you need to you can change it up if your body is not ready for that day then modify it what drives me most crazy is when people push themselves and are not doing modifications is that part of it doctor? well i think that since we don't want to go gently into that good night and we want to keep doing the things that we've done when we're younger the response that many of us have is to keep pushing and to do the same things that we did when we were younger and i think that's admirable we all you know this generation doesn't want to sit back and watch other people doing things we want to go out and we want to play baseball we want to go jogging we want to do all the things that we used to do and i think it's important
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to listen to your body to an extent and to work with for instance personal trainer's important to do things that are not hurting you and to let's be more specific gradually... well you know for instance when yogo out jogging yes you really have to spend some time it's an investment in your running to stretch out and to get your muscles warmed up so that when you're running you don't start tearing things because you... someone says i like this i just t a pair... i have this old pair of sneakers i've had for about ten years they say you know i want to go out there and run let me put those sneakers on they may not have the right arches they may not be running shoes oh i used to play tennis in these shoes i'm gonna put those sneakers on i'm gonna go out on the street and you know that's stretching things overrated it's not just that they were wearing the wrong footwear and doing it's the timing of how baby boomers are doing things as well so you're still trying to work take care of maybe your grandchildren or your children and then say oh this weekend while i have some free time now i'm gonna go do that five mile run even though i haven't done anything this week because
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'm trying to fit in with all the other things they're doing as well and they're competing in a race ure so it's doing things at high intensity with not balancing out the rest of their life and doing that you know that weekend warrior type syndrome where you're going all at it and those certain times a day and then not getting to it the rest of the time and with shoes we can go on abot shoes do shoes matter? for a long time very important to have the footwear be more specific at a minimum if you're a runner you're looking at different kinds of shoes possibly every couple months but certainly more the average workout person who's just doing it for exercise and wellness definitely at least once a year for shoes because? because of the support of the foot shoes wear down like everything else so you're looking at wearing down rubber those basic materials of shoes are not gonna be supportive they're gonna put a strain on joints where it shouldn't be yeah and that put you at high risk for injury you know what's interesting this baby boomer in terms of age and adjustment you're talking about the running the jogging and you're talking about the cross training my wife jennifer who never likes when i mention her on the air so that's why i mention her on the air [laughter] um runs cross trains as a lot of other things she like to run outside and she runs on the treadmill
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i used to cause this is really good of an age difference between us and i was like nope you got a back problem i had a laminectomy tell folks what that is real quick that's when you take bone off nerves that are being pinched in the back or discs that are pressing on your nerves yeah nice remind me so right so a laminectomy you got knees problems hamstrings so i said you know what? no more running outside because every time you have the injury you're out so now it's this stair stepper right elliptical right cause elliptical nweight bearing everyone got that well elliptical i'm also a personal trainer an elliptical is weight bearing but it's not impact and so and so it's got weight cause it's my weight? that's kind of what you're looking for cause that helps with the bone density for women who are trying to prevent osteoporosis it helps for the athlete who wants to get you know work on themselves during the week maybe can't get out on the tennis court can't go getting my cardio running but it keeps that impact down on your knees and it's less injurious
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and add to that cycling spinning i call it cycling but it is officially spinning class translation is that what you mean by adjusting for age and being a baby boomer but still getting a workout but i want to decrease the odds of injury am i on the ballpark here? yeah i love to run i just know what is gonna happen if i do well i always ask patients what is it that you want to do what is it... oh no i want to run but i just know how often you run hamstring knee back out bad combination therefore modification adjustment is that what we're talking about? you don't have to modify away i don't think from the activity just have to modify maybe how frequently you do it really? older athletes need more rest and recovery and slightly less intensity the acronym fit frequency intensity and time well what's your story? so well i was a full blown competitive everything that's why i ended up where i was a competitive everything is that the... [laughter] competitive natural body
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builder drug free in my 30's so i went on i switched from that because when i got to a certain level state championship i noticed that a lot of the guys weren't so natural so i said well let me go back to martial arts and then got my 4th degree blackbelt when i was 41 years old competing with guys i trained under an olympic gold medalist i trained with two captains of the us tae kwon do team and we were going at it fighting full blown these 20 somethings got it and i thought i could keep up with him so pop an advil after workout take an aspirin before a workout don't listen to the feedback my body was giving me and just wore my joints out basically so the two hips and a knee? and a knee and now you're back on the mend? you know part of what drove me to do it being a personal trainer you have to be up with your clients cause you know you want to be up and moving around with them i couldn't move around and we're sitting down i was in pain i didn't want to do exercises i had certain exercises for them because i had professional pride i was like okay let me stop doing this i went back got a masters degree but i was in so much pain my body was literally
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measured in pain my life was before i met dr feldman and doctor real quick the name of the surgery that you performed is? a direct anterior total hip replacement a direct anterior total hip replacement explain what that is because i heard you were right back out pretty quickly so go ahead um with a direct anterior approach you're actually not cutting a lot of the muscles that's done in other approaches it's sort of sneaking in getting down to the hip and putting in your hip replacement minimally invasive? minimally invasive the hospital englewod hospital invested in a table to enable this to be done is that what we're looking at right there? an illustration? yeah that is the hana table it actually enables the surgeon to gently bring the femur up out of the wound so that you can do your surgery without cutting a lot of the ligaments and tendons and rehab therefore is? rehab seems to be much faster for this approach
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than the other approaches and so for many who are trying to avoid and by the way you deal on the rehab side yes talk about that what percentage of folks out there baby boomers make the real committment to rehab that is necessary? you know usually after surgery and no matter what if you're using whatever just for hip surgery there is a recovery period some people might move quickly and go straight home and some will come to rehab so usually when they go through the surgical process they're usually needing some level of... and are how quickly after? oming into it... they're usually coming into a rehabilitation center within three days woah two to three days right so they're moving through relatively quickly out of acute care coming to rehab and are committed when they're there but the level of committment there are a variety of variables based on their pain tolerance we are seeing that pain has been somewhat less reported with the anterior approach though there are a lot of variables that can contribute to pain why is rehab so important? en you're looking at following any kind of surgery whether you do it in this approach or another you get swelling there is a period of time for healing and you want to make sure you attack that early so you're looking at managing the pain getting the patient
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as mobile as possible and also looking at education because after hip surgery... what does that mean? there are some movements that you're not supposed to do immediately following hip surgery for fear that you can move the joint out of place so it's really important to educate a patient they might be in the habit of doing something like crossing their legs for example what i'm doing right now this could be an issue if you have a hip replacement? usually the posterior approach definitely is one of the main precautions that you cannot cross your legs following hip surgery is that right? yes so in the end and depending on your surgeon your surgical approach you might have these precautions in place for a period of time where you can't cross your legs some people can't lean forward using the traditional approach so you can't bend down to put your socks on or with the anterior approach you can't really do a big backwards motion like you're stepping rubbers so being educated becoming more aware is critical? right because you're looking to protect you put that new joint in you're committed to it and now you want to protect your investment talk about the folks that you train people come in to you they're in that baby boomer category and they say help me you say? well when i train them or i do a lot of group fitness and that's you know that's difficult becuase i may have
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a cass of 25 people what's the range all different range of ages or range of motion both? actually you don't say oh this is a baby boomer group so you can have someone 50 and someone 25 i do yeah so you oh boy as an instructor i have to offer modifications and i'll always tell them at every class you may have done my class yesterday you may be doing it every day is different listen to your body if you did a plank today yesterday for two minutes today may only be a minute you just can't say plank on public television mm hmm expect everyone to know what it is a plank is...? i'm a plank-a-holic so here we go [laughter] a plank-a-holic is a certain exercise that works your core your core big time and your core is not just your ab it's your belly your hip your back your center describe the plank plank can be either wrist under shoulders extending the arms go ahead and your shoulders to your heel would be in a diagonal or you can have it a little more difficult they say is elbows under shoulders like a push up? like a push up but? but you're parallel to the floor your abs are engaged and you're basically
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parallel like a plank to the floor elbows under shoulders why is that such an important exercise cause you're a plank-a-holic? cause it's your core it's your core and your core is your center like an apple like anything your core your spine i had like you i had a very bad accident many years ago with spinal and back issues and i that was back in my 20s i coiuldn't move i had a lot of issues and after having my children is when i felt the pain i wasn't really working out as hard as i had been prior after and that's when i fell into pilates and just gentle movement like you asked earlier it was slow going it's frustrating when you're used to being athletic and you want to get back out there and run miles or do the jumping jacks but you have to listen to your body and take it very slowly and build up to it and if you're not feeling it it's okay you have to understand that but by doing the planks and learning how to do planks and things of that nature you're balancing your body and it's your center so you're strengthening your spine and things like that and what i tell people and
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if there's one thing i learned i tell them you brush your teeth every day i hope okay yeah [laughter] twice a day maybe hopefully why do you do that? you do it to prevent you know it's for all health it's to prevent any problems with your teeth why then are you not maybe doing a plank every day maybe two a day a minute that's all it takes you know as i hear you talk this i realize that one of the other issues that came up in terms of prevention is stretching and all these which is connected to pilates and other things yes you do so many of us who work out on a regular basis do what i call cursory stretching mm hmm you know what i mean by that? like i did about a minute before to say i did it and then truthfully this morning getting ready for the studio right before i jumped in the shower that's right i forgot to stretch about 30 seconds and it's as important of what the worst possible stretch you ever seen the problem with that is as it relates to sports injuries is? you're not doing what stretch
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is supposed to be doing you really want to give it time it's important and your body has to be warmed up right yeah most people don't do warm ups like you said right before you got in the shower or even before you get on the elliptical it's not really that necessary before you get on the elliptical it's after... i gotta get out of it's afterwards you gotta warm of there i gotta get to the up yeah studio what's the problem with that attititude? because it's just... it's gonna leave you tighter than the next time you go it's gonna lead you to injury and that especially for the baby boomer you are starting to get tighter so you want to warm yourself up thoroughly then if you're gonna do a ballistic exercise like tennis or something like a ballistic exercise? okay that you really want to then get a little bit of active stretching and then you finish with static stretching oh my god jump back in here doctor what do you tell your so it's two different kinds paents? i tell my patients that they should look at stretching as something that is going to make them feel better something that's necessary for the maintenance of the body it's going to make them run better it's gonna make them play tennis better it's gonna prevent them from being injured when they're doing these types of ballistic and forceful
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exercises it helps your golf game? it definitely helps your golf game that's right [laughter] to planks help your your core it's your center you are a plank-a-holic i am can... they do the patients have to realize too patients will come in and jump in and say well if i only have time to do this this is where i want to focus i want the cardio that day they tell you? ure this is if i have 30 minutes [laughter] it has to be i'll burn the most calories with the running or i'll get the st bang for my buck and they have to start to realize you actually more efficient use your muscles and set them up for better ability to be stronger to have more endurance if you stretch so they have to ee it as part of the big picture an investment the exercise and not a separate piece of the exercise you make it... it sounds... it's as important as your workout it is stretching is as important as the workout? absolutely as we age flexibility decreases i'm sure the doc... and you know your elasticity and you need to keep it moving and if nothing more we say the stretch is probably more important than the rest of your workout... like a rubber band like the rubber... is it like a rubber band doctor? and like how are you gonna feel if you... when you're young you don't feel stiff right when you're older you start to feel stiff or what can keep you from feeling stiff being flexible
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right so it's part of the way you feel you know get yourself a foam roller ot the foam roller i see it it's in the corner all the time a foam roller... she'll tell you it's your best friend i got the foam roller right yeah it's great for stretching and i roll on the foam roller and i'm like that hurts good [laughter] [laughter] i'm gonna put the foam roller back in the corner what should i be doing? cause it's not about what i'm doing by the way the foam roller it doesn't cost a lot it's the roll you got it there you roll on your back and like why is that helpful? oh if you think posture is one of the biggest challenges as people get older their posture just tends to come forward and we talked about core your whole body works as a unit so if the posture is good you're setting yourself up for better sitting better ability to do your work to do your physical activities and if the posture is good it all kind of leads down the chain and that roller is to just be clear what you're doing is sure you're rolling back on it and is it actually adjusting your vertebrae? sometimes you'll get some adjustment but it's not just for your back it's not you it band if you roll on your side which hurts it does hurt your calves your gleuts the i t band i can't even pronounce it it's the
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iliotibial iliotibial it's the thing that hurts so much it's illegal it hurts so hip... hip all the way down much you take that foam [laughter] roller and everyone says you need to do that you start rolling it over here on the side get this stephen et this... get this... you start [laughter] rolling on the side of your leg it kills but what's the value? well look if you want to go out and play basketball and jump and do a lay up if you're muscles are tight and you come down on tight muscles you're gonna be ripping that mm hmm you want to have your muscles stretched out smooth gliding well and that will help and the roller is like giving yourself a body massage that a lot of us don't find the time or can't afford nd it not only is it good to use to warm up your muscles prior to a workout but it's really good after and it's getting... loosening up the tissue and aiding in the repair process and i've been telling all of my classes and my clients that if there's one thing you're gonna invest in this year and it seems to be the buzzword i think or the past six months in any fitness or health related article
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that i read is all about foam rolling and there are benefits and it's really very helpful well let me ask you you do all these things you stretch mm hmm we... the foam roller we do the right things warm up warm down but doctor there are times with certain baby boomers who are very active where surgery is necessary and appropriate and the best protocol how do they know? well i always ask the patient do you love this activity? what do you... you know you have to find out where the patient's coming from if you have someone that loves playing tennis and loves playing basketball it's really simple to say well it hurts when you play this activity so don't do it anymore [laughter] but people you know the baby boomers want to keep playing basketball they want to play tennis and we understand that these joint replacements that we put in are gonna wear out but then there's the philosophy of do you want to not do any of your exercises to sit there watch other people doing
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them and then when you get older then you can have your hip replacement but by then what is it for? it's just for pain relief you're not active and you say? i say for those patients where it's important i say you can go back to playing your sports after...? after certain joint replacements knee and hip? the... you can go back after both you have to understand that there's a certain life for these replacements right and we're always working on new things to make them last longer and the understanding when you're operating on younger people is that it may wear out but then you've enjoyed all those years of doing what you want to do and then you can if a part of it wears out you replace that case by case basis you have to do it that way you can't just say these are the conditions under which you should have surgery because it depends upon the athlete it depends upon the
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sport it depends upon how important it is to them it depends on age and a whole variety of other factors right? oh absolutely jump back in you know what? you know like whenever the company says you want to get back or go i was walking i could barely walk around the block before i had the surgeries and when i did i was i pain wow doing it i would you know ask somebody if they were in the kitchen to bring me something cause i didn't want to get up cause it was too painful this weekend i played tennis for over an hour with a couple buddies and you said you were 53? i'm 53 now yeah okay so and i was 49 when i had the surgery by 49 you were asking people to bring you stuff in the kitchen cause you can't get it... now... if i left something on the loor i didn't want to pick it up cause it hurt so bad to bend down to pick things up now i get down on the floor i play with my dog walk my dog you know... i'm limited in... four years later what limitations do you have? i put limitations on myself because yes you can wear the joints out so i'm not gonna go back to doing the 12 miles... runs that i did when i was a kid but i run enough so that i could go play tennis i want to be able to play with my dog i want to
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do some things with my son play frisbee on the beach things like that so i modify it as much as i can because i know how aggressive i can be i know everyone's experience is different but i want to give folks watching on public broadcasting some walkwaway takeaway if you will tips and tools go i think if we look the one thing we didn't really touch upon is we have the whole baby boomer group who are very athletic very sports oriented and then there's a whole other group that gets arthritis just from being sedentary so being the opposite being obese what you're doing nothing you can get injury? being obese sedentary is a [laughter] you just sitting there? [laughter] all of a sudden now i can't move? but i didn't do anything to get hurt? if you're overweight if you're someone who's carrying around too much of your joints you can have issues from that since too... just your general arthritis with age... so it's really about making sure you are active and setting up a healthy lifestyle overall so that you do activity at moderate levels consistently you vary the activities so before you said... nutrition matter? nutrition matters tremendous and the connection between preventing injury and... really? absolutely you're looking at
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good nutrition you're looking at no smoking positive weight youe lookg at not... you carry 20 30 extra pounds as a baby boomer are you increasing the odds that certain injuries will happen? sure really? you're off balance you're you know you're not centered properly you're distributing your weight differently you're bending like you said maybe differently yeah sure by the way take away messages do your planks get your foam roller take care of yourself you know even if you need to modify you definitely need to keep moving and that is the key and especially as we age keep flexible what does it mean to listen to your body? listen to your body? so like i said if today is not the day for you to do jumping jacks and you feel that it's hurting you please stop please stop bring it to a march or if you're you know doing some other exercise change it up but listen to your body and make sure that you're still moving and if you have someone who's a trainer in your class you say tough it out come on you say? well i still say listen to your body if your body is telling you that i'm in pain
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right the pain needs to stop that trainer is not experiencing what you're experiencing you are no i mean there's different levels of pain i mean if you're doing abs and it hurts because it hurts in your ab that's a different pain right? that's different... right [laughter] but if you're feeling it in your neck and back please stop immediately because then you're just... you're setting yourself up for more injury and problems down the line that you know what? then you're out for six months so is it worth it? well listen i want to thank all of you you've done a great public service not only for baby boomers cause i was a lot of us are you know trying to stay in the game and stay healthy but for everyone else who is not a baby boomer yet but will be one day um thank you all very much and i have a feeling you're gonna keep running and doing all sorts of things the preceding program has been a production of the caucus educational corporation celebrating over 25 years of broadcast excellence and thirteen for wnet njtv and whyy funding for this edition of caucus new jersey has been provided by njit new jersey institute of technology
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investor's bank united water amerihealth caritas parent company of performcare johnson and johnson new jersey sharing network and by the ollendorff center transportation provided by air brook limousine serving the metropolitan new york new jersey area caucus new jersey has been produced in partnership with tristar studios hi im' peter rooney in 2006 i lost my father to renal disease he was on the waiting list for a new kidney but did not receive one in time unfortunately so many like my father have lost their lives while waiting for a life saving at new jersey sharing network we're committed to saving and enhancing people's lives through organ and tissue donation and by informing people about this important decision because you can make a difference and save a life
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: the world health organization sanctioned the use of experimental drugs to treat ebola, but manufacturers say their supplies of the medicine have already been exhausted, as the death toll in west africa surpasses 1,000. good evening, i'm judy woodruff. >> ifill: and i'm gwen ifill, also ahead this tuesday. despite calls for calm, outrage in ferguson, missouri over the shooting of an unarmed teen by police brings another day of tension and unrest. >> woodruff: plus, remembering robin williams. the oscar winning comedian and improvisational genius, as we learn details of how he died. those are just some of the stories 're covering on tonight's "pbs newr.


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