tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS September 21, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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captioning sponsored by wnet on this edition for sunday, september, 21: hundreds of thousands turn out in new york city and around the world to demand action to halt climate change. a new mission to mars. miles o'brien explains why it matters. and in our signature segment, from hungary, the rise of a far right party pledging a crackdown against the romas-- or gypsies. >> ( translated ): there were so many policemen you couldn't move. they just kept saying, "out! out!" next on pbs newshour weekend. >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: corporate funding is provided
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by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we are your retirement company. additional support is provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. from the tisch wnet studios in lincoln center in new york, hari sreenivasan. this is pbs newshour weekend. >> sreenivasan: good evening. thanks for joining us. world leaders are gathering in new york for a climate summit at the united nations on tuesday and today, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gathered in cities around the world to demand faster action to reduce carbon emissions. last week, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration said this summer was the hottest on record and that this year is likely to be the hottest ever. we'll have more about all this
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in a moment. security has been stepped up outside the white house. following friday night's incident when an intruder made it over the fence along pennsylvania avenue, then raced across the lawn and actually got just inside the building before being tackled and arrested. officials identified the intruder as 42-year-old omar j. gonzalez, a veteran, who had done three tours in iraq. initially, officials said he was not armed. they now say he was carrying a small folding knife with a three-and-a-half inch serrated blade. late yesterday, president obama issued a statement expressing complete confidence in the secret service. the florida department of corrections has fired 32 guards for their alleged role in the deaths of inmates at four state prisons. the guards are accused of criminal misconduct or wrongdoing. all this, according to the miami herald, which has been investigating the incidents. the teamsters union, which represents the officers, called the firings a massacre and said the guards had not been afforded due process. general motors is recalling more than 200,000 cars because of a parking brake defect that the company warns could lead to fires. the recall covers the 2014-15 chevy impala and the 2013-to-
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2015 cadillac xts. g.m. says it does not know of any crashes, injuries or deaths caused by the problem. the chairman of the house intelligence committee, republican mike rogers of michigan, voiced concern today that president obama's announced intention not to send ground troops to fight isis is frustrating military leaders. >> we should lay out our battle plans but we shouldn't take anything off our battle plans. i think what you're seeing now is a frustration. frustration on a military perspective, saying please don't limit us on what we need to do to defeat this terrorist group. >> sreenivasan: but the former chairman of the joint chiefs, retired admiral mike mullen, said reports of a rift between the president and the pentagon have been blown out of proportion. >> i don't know any leaders, military or civilian, who are talking about brigade sized units, 4,000, 10,000 at a crack. we certainly learned in these wars that it's important to have indigenous forces on the ground and our ability to train and support them has made a
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difference. >> sreenivasan: the head of the turkish disaster agency said today 100,000 people, mostly syrian kurds, have fled into turkey during the past week, as isis troops advance toward a key syrian border town. the united nations says it is preparing for the arrival of hundreds of thousands of others. across the border in turkey today, clashes erupted between turkish security forces and turkish kurds trying to head into syria to confront the isis extremists. the pope traveled today to albania, a predominantly muslim nation, where he accused extremists of perverting religion to justify violence. in an apparent reference to isis, he said: >> ( translated ): let no one think you can use the shield or god while planning and committing acts of violence and oppression. let no one use religion as a pretext for actions that contradict human dignity and fundamental human rights.
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>> sreenivasan: in afghanistan today, a political breakthrough, nearly six months after the presidential election, the top vote-getter, ashraf ghani, on the left, agreed to share power with the runner up, abdullah abdullah. the deal was struck only after afghan officials agreed not to release the final election tally, which abdullah said was so tainted that it should never be made public. and zoo officials in the czech republic marked world rhino day. by setting fire to more than 100 pounds of rhino horns in an effort to highlight the endangered status of the animals. poachers kill the animals then sell the horns, which, for centuries, have been prized in asia for use in traditional medicines. >> sreenivasan: as we just reported, hundreds of thousands of people marched today in new york and in other cities around the world demanding that world leaders do more to halt climate change. for more, we are joined by katherine bagley. she is a reporter with inside climate news.
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getting in today's march where have the world when it comes to taking action on climate change? >> there is no global agreements on what to do about climate change which is one of the things we will be hashing out on tuesday at the un, buta lothá+'f individual countries have -- have decided to take action themselves and a lot of the actions have been in europe, a lot of european countries are really on top of this. aldr lot ofbb#5 the island name, maldives that are literally disappearing into the action are, into the ocean are taking action, but there are a lot of carbon dioxide polluters that are, that don't have a national initiative on world change, china hasn't donecó ca>w>?x russia, india, a lot of people are going to pay attention to the big countries to see how committed they are on this because they haven't really been in the past. >> so you are out there in the march. you have been covering this for a while, is there organizing that went into it, what is the the purpose of today's march? >> it is just to show how we want them to act on climate change. they didn't have a set demand.
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they just wanted to show leaders how many people want action, any action on climate change. >> and who are all of these different groups? >> i mean you said there are hundreds just organized in this particular event. >> so, there were two main groups that organized,pgux abbad but they had 1,500 different organizations. they started back in january and this march has just grown beyond expectations and even in the last month it went from 750 organizations to 1,500 organizations in just a couple of weeks. >> and it is not just environmental organizations that are participating? >> no that is what makes the march so remarkable is that 8? the first time in a climate fighu visual demonstration of how many people from so many different organizations really care about this. there are a lot of labor groups that are involved, high school groups that are coming in, different universities, but you also have parents with young kids and faith based groups and
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a lot of social and racial equality groups are coming in, and i think the big thing has been the realization that climate change isn't just environmental issue. it is an economic issue, a social equality issue. it is a labor issue. it is kind of everybody's issue. >> and do you see any business groups involved or sponsoring or involved in this too? >> there are a few small businesses involved, and not just in the i have but a few companies that got involved. >> so how do they hope to change the conversation heading into the paris discussion a year from now? because even ban key moon the head of the un said we didn't get enough accomplished in copenhagen. >> what is the agenda there? >> the agenda tuesday is they want to lay the ground work. so they will be talking about how to actually passage .. the whose carbon reduction targets and the trick is getting targets and getting improvements at all all of the different countries can actually agree on, you know,
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you have countries that didn't exact contribute to climate change and they will have to make the sam agreements that developed world countries will have to. there is also going to be a lot of talk about global climate change finance, developed countries setting aside buildings of dollars to help those developing organizations, that are often the hardest hit with climate change. ' is to set aside to help them adapt to climate change and deal with the risks. >> all right, katherine bagley, a reporter with inside environment news. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> >> sreenivasan: and now to our signature segment. our in-depth reports from around the nation and around the world. last week, we reported from france on growing anti-semitism there. tonight, we take you to hungary, where another long-persecuted group-- the romas, or gypsies-- are also coming under fire. newshour correspondent stephen fee traveled there recently and has our report.
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>> reporter: just a two-hour drive east of the capital budapest, miskolc is hungary's third largest city with 160 thousands residents. and on its outskirts this summer, we met 55-year-old jozsefne nagy in the courtyard of her former home. nagy, her daughter, and three grandchildren lived in this city-owned apartment for three years until they were evicted this past august. >> ( translated ): we didn't know we'd have to leave. my daughter left in the morning to go for her job training program. she went to school and the kids were here, and i get a call from the neighbors that they're moving my daughter out. kids and all. >> reporter: nagy rushed home to a chaotic scene. a newspaper photo from that day shows men hauling the family's belongings outside. >> ( translated ): there were so many policemen you couldn't move. they just kept saying, "out! out!" i repeatedly told them we don't have any debts, but they just kept repeating themselves.
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>> reporter: and she's not the only one facing eviction. city officials plan to demolish this neighborhood of around a thousand people, whether the tenants have paid their rent or not. >> ( translated ): the people who live there are poor, and users and drug dealers have appeared, which is something the city must deal with in some shape or form. >> reporter: but nagy says she and her neighbors are being thrown out for a different reason. >> ( translated ): the goal wasn't to evict those who don't pay, but to evict gypsies. >> reporter: here in what was once hungary's industrial heartland, the vast majority of miskolc's gypsy, or roma population is unemployed. the evictions are the latest chapter in a history strained relations with their non-roma neighbors. it's a tension that's hardly unique to miskolc, or even hungary. since their ancestors arrived in europe from india some 600 years ago, roma people have been enslaved, expelled, and ethnically cleansed.
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hundreds of thousands were slaughtered during world war ii. more recently, france deported thousands of roma who overstayed visa requirements in 2010. the e.u.'s justice minister called the expulsions ¡a disgrace.' fears of crime have motivated anti-roma feelings across europe. and headlines about roma criminal rings help drive those perceptions. >> across europe, thousands of children are being forced on to the streets to beg and steal. >> reporter: a 2009 b.b.c. documentary called "gypsy child thieves" focused on roma pickpockets. but unlike those cases, roma in hungary aren't migrants, they're citizens, and in hungary, fears of roma criminality have driven the popularity of a nationalist political party called jobbik. founded just ten years ago, the party netted 20% of the vote in this year's parliamentary elections.
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the group describes itself as a principled, conservative, and radically patriotic christian party. >> through the presence of a very strong, openly anti-roma far-right party, anti-roma talk, rhetoric and even policies are becoming mainstream. >> reporter: that's szabolcs pogonyi. he chairs the nationalism studies department at budapest's central european university. a disclosure: i worked at the university for two years. >> they were the first party which got into parliament and openly spoke about what they call as gypsy criminality. that is openly linking crime and ethnic background. >> reporter: three years ago in the hungarian town of gyongyospata, disputes between roma and non-roma over property crime erupted into a confrontation. as this video from the hungarian civil liberties union shows, jobbik party members along with
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other groups marched in the streets. they railed against what they called gypsy crime, promising to protect the villagers. critics say it was a campaign of intimidation against roma. pogonyi says levels of anti-roma feelings in hungary have been consistent since the early 1990s. but the jobbik party, he says, is the first political bloc to capitalize on those feelings. >> people living particularly in rural areas, poor rural areas have the sense of being abandoned by the government. i mean, they face petty crime, and they realize that the government, the authorities do and can do nothing. and at that point some people appear and they say, we will protect you. >> reporter: jobbik leaders declined our interview requests, but on their website, they defend the term gypsy crime, calling it a unique form of delinquency, different from the crimes of the majority in nature and force. i asked roma journalist and
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advocate erno kadet if there was validity in using a term like gypsy crime, especially when crime rates are higher in some roma-majority communities. >> the way i see it the problem is, and they are perfectly aware of this, the jobbik party, that by using the word gypsy and the word crime in the same sentence, it brands everyone. i don't think there is a single roma, a single credible roma leader, who says there are no criminals among the roma population, just as there are a substantial number of criminals among the non-roma population. but they say it's because of poverty, not because of belonging to a certain ethnic group. >> reporter: in hungary today, 70% of roma live below the poverty line and 85% are unemployed. government spokesman and former social inclusion secretary zoltan kovacs says the country is working to improve conditions for roma but those plans will take time. >> it is impossible to have a breakthrough.
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i mean, there's a complete agreement in professional circles as well as in politics that you have to be very consistent actually on applying these measures on the long run. that means at least ten years. the roma issue has been with us not only for the past couple of years or decades it's a six hundred years old issue. we've been living together with the roma communities for the past couple of centuries. >> reporter: you know, someone might say if they listen to this interview, that the rhetoric that we've been living with the roma, with us, that you're already separating yourself from people who are hungarian citizens, right? >> it's an ongoing debate actually, even with the roma themselves. they also use this terminology, that us and them, so you like it or not, this differentiation on both sides is present. >> reporter: back in miskolc, deputy mayor gyula schweickhardt designed the plan to eradicate the city's roma majority neighborhoods. >> ( translated ): we don't
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think the question is whether someone is roma or not, city leadership is not approaching this as an ethnic or racial issue. it is in fact sad that the issue has been raised as one at all. we approach it as an endeavor to eradicate an impoverished slum. >> reporter: the city isn't replacing the housing, but will pay evicted tenants up to $8,500 to find a new home. but on the condition they buy homes outside the city and not return for five years. already, surrounding communities have signed petitions saying they won't welcome miskolc's displaced residents. local roma leader gabor varadi concedes the roma neighborhoods have their social problems. but that destroying them will only lead to conflict. >> ( translated ): i think the solution is not to evict people and relocate the problem to another settlement, or to throw families out into the street. if we do that the problem gets bigger and creates more tension. >> reporter: after facing so much difficulty, i asked jozsefne nagy, evicted this august from her neighborhood on
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the fringes of miskolc, if she wants to stay here in the city. >> ( translated ): yes, definitely. definitely. we were born here and we'd like to die here. we went to school here, we spent our life working in the factory here, at the waste plant. i don't want to leave. the children go to preschool here and to school. they are heartsick, all of them, we're terrified, like everyone else who lives here. >> reporter: since the eviction, she's moved in with another one of her daughters, also in the same neighborhood. but with the city planning to build a parking lot here once demolition is complete, nagy's days here are almost certainly numbered. >> see what life is like in the romas community, the producers notebook at >> later tonight, the nasa made in spacecraft is expected to complete a ten month voyage to mars. once it is placed into orbit
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nasa scientists plan to gather information about the red planet's atmosphere. information they hope will offei climate. for more on the mission's significance, yesterday i spoke with the newshour miles o'brien. >> why are space nuts, mars nerds so excited for sunday night? >> well this is all part of the big tapestry if you will of laying the groundwork for one day putting human bootsma on mars. we hope. you just don't fly off in a rocket and land there. you need to learn about the soil, the ground, gnd in this case the atmosphere. one of the big questions, the overriding questions which troubles scientists and which has a lot to do with future exploration of mars is what happened to the planet over the past 3 billion years? it used to be warm and wet, and now it is often dry and awfully cold .. what happened along the way? and understanding what is going on in the fringes of the atmosphere, whichuv[añ is what n
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will do, will help the scientists learn, did the solar winds blow the atmosphere away, is this what happened as it went there 2 ultimate climate change? >> so there are going to be multiple orbiters around this planet if the united states successfully satellite into the right orbit and then on tuesday india has one, that hopefully they will succeed as well? >> yes. if everybody succeeds, if the u.s. and mason and the india succeeds with their first enter planetary mission, which is an exciting think thing in its own right .. that will put five craft in orbit around mars doing all kinds of work, scientifically. looking at the planet itself, obtaining imagery, mass spectrometry, looking at the solar wind, ionation, a whole host of things about the magnetic field and also .. assisting what is on the ground. we have two rovers on the
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ground, opportunity and curiosity, both nasa craft. that are doing their scientific work. on the one hand, these, some of these satellites serve as relays, communication relays for theeh,ykyt8->z rovers on the grd also the science they conduct on the ground is compared to the science that is done in orbit, and that helps scientists make comparisons which are useful. >> incidentally, on october 19th, there is a comet that is going to nearly strike mars, and there is some concern that these craft might, you know, be in harm's way, fortunately that won't be the case, but there is a good chance they might get some imagery and certainly some interesting science about what happens when a comet enters an atmosphere. >> so all this information from all of these missions means what? humans will set foot on mars in a couple of decades?k÷-y >> that is the long range plan. the devil of coursepdaiñ is in e details, and of course the budget, but no one things it is a wise idea to go to mars without laying the groundwork scientifically and robotically, and that is what we have been
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seeing in a systematic way for a number of years now, you know, going back to the pathfinder mission on mars. it is kind of a two track thing. on the on one hand, scientists e getting goals that come strict strictly out of robotic anythings that help them understand, are we alone in the universe? was there a second genesis of life on mars is a fundamentally good question separate from whether we put human beings on the planet. but ultimately, the samep scientists will tell you that a geologist on the ground with a hammer and the ability to chip a rockaway here and there can do in a matter of hours what robot would take weeks to do. so the idea that scientists may one day be there on the ground may be the only way that will answer all of these big scientific questions and plus it is a big part of the overall picture of exploring the cosmos and wondering if, in fact, human beings are ever going to leave this planet in a meaningful way. >> all right, miles o'brien, thanks so much for joining us. >> you are welcome, hari.
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>> this is pbs newshour weekend sunday. >> a programming note, tomorrow night the pbs documentary series pov debuts koch a look at newe$ york's colorful three term mayor who died last year. here is an excerpt showing how koch dealt with the tran sister strike in 1980. >> i look out the window and it overlooks the brooklyn bridge. i see millions of people working across the bridge. and i say to bob, i am going too go downstairs. i didn't say w2" >> hi everybody. >> and they follow me as i walk towards the bridge. and as i get on to the bridge it was like something took over and
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i started to yell, keep walking, keep walking over the bridge, we are not going to let these bastards bring us to our knees. >> thank you. >> i really appreciate your coming to work today. >> this is ridiculous, i have to go to work at yonkers. >> 286çjo street. what is the single biggest factor to go more smoothly at sicsth. >> it is a different mayor, firstly. >> we are not going to take this. from a couple of whack goes. >> new york zazi not just broke, it was depressed. >> and here comes koch who real cheerleader for the city. of, you know, you don't have to just roll over and play dead. this i is the big apple. this is new york. >> don't -- don't stop or i will have to give you a ticket. okay? >> am i doing all right? thank you. >> all right, everybody.
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thank you!ki >> some late news before we leave you even as demonstrators around the world called53o for faster actc on climate change, scientists reported today that global carbon emissions rose another 2.3 percent last year to record levels. thousands turned out in moscow for an anti-war rally, they were protesting the kremlin'slhgx involvement in ukraine. and it has been a violent weekend in chicago, at least 28 people were shot and two of them died. one of those wounded was a 12-year-oldsén join us on air and online tomorrow at the newshour. we will report from florida on the most expensive race for governor in the country. that is it for this edition of pbs newshour weekend. i am hari sreenivasan. thanks for watching. >> captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by
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media access group at wgbh >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we are your retirement company. additional support is provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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