tv Caucus New Jersey PBS December 9, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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manufacturers insurance company we believe that all citizens need to be informed about the important issues that effect their daily lives. that's why we're proud to support programming produced by caucus educational corporation and their partners in public television >>funding for this edition of caucus new jersey has been provided by the pnc foundation which supports early childhood education through grow up great a multi-year initiative to help prepare children from birth to age five for success in school and life the new jersey education association robert wood johnson university hospital the heart of academic medicine md advantage insurance company of nj choose nj our mission is attracting companies to the garden state cohn reznick accounting, tax, and advisory where forward thinking creates results and by adler aphasia center helping stroke and brain injury survivors recover their speech promotional support provided by new jersey monthly
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the magazine of the garden state available at newsstands and commerce magazine [music playing] [music playing] hi i'm steve adubato we're talking pre k. what does it mean why does it matter? we're here talking with our good friend stephen barnett who is director of the national institute for early education research at rutgers university good to see you steve >>good to see you >>early childhood education matters because? >>because it's the first step on a path to success and because it's important in its own right as a valuable time in a child's life and it also intersects with providing childcare so parents can work >>you and your colleagues did a very comprehensive study it was called the apples study. what was it? why did that matter? >>well apples is a study of
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what's probably the highest quality preschool program on the planet. which is in what are called the abbot districts in new jersey >>abbot? 31 districts? >>31. about a quarter of the kids in new jersey vast majority of low income and minority children >>right >>and it's court ordered >>court ordered just go back it's all the way back to the originally robinson versus k hill case then became known as the abbot case this is a case brought really before the supreme court saying that children in certain school districts that were poorer deserve the same quote unquote thorough and efficient education that the constitution in new jersey said that each kid should have right? and they argued they aren't getting that. what does that have to do with pre k? >>well i think the court concluded that kids were starting so far behind in these districts a year and a half on average that they weren't ever going to catch up and we
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would spend tremendous amounts of money trying to do that and not be effective whereas a couple of years of high quality pre k could give them a much better start out of the gate >>and so the study told us what? >>the study told us that not only did they get a better start out of the gate >>if they went to pre k? >>if they went to the pre k program but that they did better in kindergarten they did better in second grade and most recently fourth and fifth grade and better means scoring higher on the achievement test scores that are given the statewide tests so language arts literacy math and science and that they are much less likely to fail a grade and have to repeat much less likely to be in special education >>what goes on in pre k that creates such a strong foundation for these kids? >>well really you can break it into two pieces. one is that they develop the language the knowledge that makes them
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more successful because they know and they can do more things that a child of their age is expected to do and which they haven't had the exposure to often before the other is that they learn how to regulate their own behavior to think before they act to plan take personal responsibility get along with other kids >>so it's interesting the study comes out with these results in 2008 the state legislature in new jersey decided that you know that what would happen with respect to pre k and the state and then what happened after they decided that which seemed to make that decision somehow not very serious >>well they said they would take the first step to large scale expansion of the pre k program beyond the abbot at least for four year olds >>so beyond the 31 districts that were identified in this court case the legislature
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said let's expand pre k beyond those disricts and do what? >>let's serve all the four year olds in another 100 something districts >>which makes sense? >>made a lot of sense given the success so far >>and those districts that they picked they had lower scores in those districts? >>they are by and large lower income districts >>good they're on the fringe if you will of the abbot districts >>right >>okay s what happens after that? >>well the recession hits state revenues tumble and they don't have the money >>the state doesn't have the money? >>the state doesn't have the money >>so what happens in those 100 or so districts? >>very little. in fact we've had a problem in new jersey with districts having to cut back. cut back on pre school programs that already had moved from full day to a half day sometimes even with kindergarten >>okay so okay but here's the thing. when you talk about programs when you talk about cutting back on programs the reality is you're talking
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about children who are now not in pre k programs? >>not in pre k programs or only in them for a half day rather than a full day >>so then you go back okay so the cycle continues and these children are now behind once they get to kingergarten? >>right and they're costing us more money >>how so? >>over the long term well just from a physical perspective if you looked at the cost of providing high quality pre school for them for a full day and then you said well if they don't have it over the cost of the 12 next twelve thirteen years of their education what is it going to cost us in repeated grades in special education? and the answer is more that if we'd paid for a preschool program >>so why hasn't the legislature stepped up? why hasn't state government the experts in education and the department of education said hey wait a minute it's a smart investment because we will pay less now
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than we will have to pay later >>well i think there is always the consideration that we don't have the money now and it's someone else's responsibility later. having said that the state has applied and received a federal grant to develop pre school and has applied for a new federal grant that actually provides more money that will let them expand now whether they get that or not remains to be seen >>so the state's not asking the feds for more money? >>right >>that's the plan. who's the champion for these kids with respect to expanding pre k? who is the champion in state government in the state capitol for these kids? >>well you know i'm sure they have a champion in state government >>but kids are supposed to be our most precious resource >>they are supposed to be >>who's the champion? >>well i find it you know in other states i can identify we work all over the country
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at the institute >>at rutgers? >>all 50 states >>in most states there is a champion on behalf of three and four year olds >>there's somebody there's a business leader >>sure >>there's a religious leader >>there's the speaker or senate president and often the governor. but not new jersey >>not in new jersey? >>not as far as i know >>we'll stay on this steve we'll keep talking about it stephen barnett is the director of the national institute for early education research at rutgers university and we thank you for joining us and shedding light on this incredibly important issue that continues to impact three and four year olds not just at that point in their life but beyond that which means it impacts all of us thank you steve >>thank you >>stay right there we'll be right back right after this. thank you. >>to see more caucus new jersey with steve adubato programs visit us online at if you would like to express an
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opinion email us at find us on facebook at and follow us on twitter at @steveadubato >>beverly lynn is cief executive officer of programs for parents inc good to see you >>god to see you >>what exactly is programs for parents? >>we're a non profit agency located here in essex county and our responsibility is to help and assist parents with their early education needs. one, by accepting applications to determine f they're eligible for financial assistance and then secondly to provide parenting training and support and in addition to that we also provide training and professional development for early education professionals >>let's talk about children in terms of pre k, how great
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is the demand in terms of how many families are looking to get assistance to send their children to pre k? >>well steve we serve this year about 21,000 children >>21,000 children? >>children. we receive 40,000 applications >>wow >>but not every family is eligible. they're >>what makes them eligible or not eligible? >>well you have to meet the income guidelines that's first so a family of two could not earn more than 31,070 dollars in addition they have to be working 30 hours or more or in school full time or a combination of the two and if a parent makes one dollar over that threshhold they are not eligible for assistance >>what happens to those families? those kids? >>well what we do is we try to assist them and find the alternatve care whether it's thtough head start
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which you know is free or a provider a home base provider that might accept a lesser fee but many times they're out sort of making their own way because they do not have access to financial assistance >>you know so much of this issue in terms of early childhood education is not just about education it's about quality of life >>mm hmm >>talk about that >>well first of all you know programs for parents was founded on this premise that parents are working and while they're working they need to feel confident that they're leaving their children in very good environments and so for our working families it's critical it's a necessity it's not a luxury and what we find is that parents are coming to us looking for assistance but what we also say to them is we want them to find high quality chidcare not just any old childcare we want them
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to look for high quality childcare we provide that information so that they can become educated consumers >>how would you find out? >>how do you determine that early childhood programs and say this is a release of a program this isn't. how do you know that? >>well we give the parents a list of questions and things to look for when they go to that provider. so for example ratios the teacher to child ratios, how many children in a classroom what kind of training has that teacher received? also you know what kind of curriculum does that program have? and can they share that information with you because you want to make sure that you're taking a child somewhere where they're not just being nurtured but they're also being educated especially preschool children >>you're in essex county >>mm hmm >>you serve what area? is it purely essex county? >>purely essex county with the exception of one of our programs which is
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called new jersey first steps and we work with professionals who work with infants and toddlers in seven counties >>hmm >>the seven northern counties >>so i'm curious about this in terms of demographics >>mm hmm >>of the 21,000 children you serve in essex county essex county has 22 municipalities. >>that's correct >>all very different the children you serve disproportionately black and hispanic? >>that is correct >>90 percent plus? >>um i would say so >>so it's fascinating the vast majority of the children you serve are black and hispanic >>mm hmm >>now if you extrapolate across the state the vast majority of children that would then need pre k and can't afford it are black and hispanic. >>um i would guess to say that's
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accurate >>so if you play this out if those children have parents or a parent >>mm hmm >>who wind up being one dollar over that limit that child disproportinately and we're talking about a child that's black and hispanic >>mm hmm >>they wind up not getting that opportunity to be in a situation that another kid would get that is literally a tremendous disadvantage >>that is accurate >>and we expect that kid to do as well as everyone else? but all the research shows what? >>the research shows that when they're in good quality programs that they are ready to learn when they reach kindergarten they are equipped, they have the language skills and literacy background to support their foundation for learning in the elementary school years >>talk about the professional development work you do >>well what we find is that there are people who enter
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our field the early education field who do not have training at all >>well how are they entering if they don't have training? >>well unlike other professions you can come into a childcare program without experience or training once a director hires that person there's an expectation that they're gonna give them an orientation but we know orientation is very different from training someone about child development how to communicate >>sure >>relationship building activities development curriculum all those things require training >>the art of teaching? >>the art of teaching absolutely >>and so what do you do with them? >>well we bring them in and depending on the age group that they work with we focus on a variety of training areas and we rely on a director to help that staff member select a trainer that's most appropriate so for example if it's an infant
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toddler teacher we're gonna do a whole series of training about relationship with infants and toddlers and as you know there's been a lot of research done about brain development. and so that brain the baby's brain is creating synapses and they're connecting every child every time that caregiver or the parent smiles talks communicates hugs loves that child and those are the positive kinds of things we want all children to receive >>hmm final question parents out there whether they qualify or not they're looking for a quality pre k you say to them? >>call us we will help you find child care in your community >>even if they're not >>even if they're not income eligible for our subsidy we still provide childcare resources and referral services for anyone living or working in essex county >>beverly lynn chief executive officer of a program called programs for parents inc thank you so much for everything >>thank you >>keep up the good work
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>>thanks >>alright. stay with us. we'll be right back right after this. >>to see more caucus new jersey with steve adubato programs visit us online at if you would like to express an opinion email us at find us on facebook at and follow us on twitter at @steveadubato >>we are pleased to welcome molly dunn executive director of preschool advantage which is an organization that does what? >>we fund children age three and four to go to preschool. kids who otherwise would not get to preschool cause their parents can't afford it >>so my... this program is based in morris county >>right >>that's interesting so i bet you people watching throughout the tristate area that may know of morris county they'll say oh morris county that's a pretty wealthy area you know why would a kid
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need a scholarship to go to preschool? you say? >>i say there are plenty of wealthy people in morris county and there are also plenty of people who are very not wealthy in morris county >>what's happening with those kids? what are they dealing with? >>these... in many cases these are first generation kids immigrant kids who have their parents are working very hard to support hem... are familes that... these are families that are earning 30 to 35 thousand dollars a year supporting families of four and five very hard working people but they certainly don't have any disposable income to pay for preschool which is people would be surprised how expensive preschool really is >>talk about how expensive prescool really is >>for us we... if we fund a child for the entire school year ten months for half a day only half a day we preschool advantage pay on average just over 4,300 dollars for every kid
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and we are not paying full rates so that is our rate >>woah woah woah what do you mean you're not paying full rates? >>we have a relationship with sixteen partner pre schools throughout the county and these schools hold a certain number of sports for us at rates that are reasonably level and affordable for us so that we can get as many kids through as possible. in some cases they're less than half of what someone coming from the street would pay >>wait a minute hold on these are schools that are partners >>correct >>that want to be helpful that aren't charging the full rate and in fact you say it's about half >>in some cases no we have a wide range of schools >>okay >>but in some cases for example we have partnerships with some of the top montesorri schools we are paying less than half of their rates >>oh my gosh by the way your accent comes from which part of new jersey? >>[laughter] >>[laughter] the bit across the water the big pong [laughter]
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i'm from scotland >>that's a wonderful accent i love it >>thank you >>i'm so fascinated by the idea of and i've to this about other, with other guests our daughter as we do this program olivia happens to be in a wonderful pre k program montclair pre k and i'm always proud to say that because they do wonderful work and i see what has happened in just a few months for her and i see what happened with our boys as well our sons i see the impact that it had on them for them and how much better off they were when they went to kindergarten. help people understand what happens to a child that does not have that advantage. help people understand that. >>well what happens to those kids is they hit kindergarten without being prepared for what's going to happen to them >>define what it means to not be prepared >>these kids... one of the... let me take a step back
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we actually benchmark our children against so called full paying kids in the same school >>sure >>so when they come, very often these kids when they come in they're measured against you know what would be acceptable for their grade our kids are typically ignificantly behind even at that stage at three years old for a variaty of reasons it may be language issues >>language is big >>it's a big issue but also you know the parents... these parents are working very hard they do not have a lot of time to sit and read to their kids and play with their kids and so on so these kids are already at thre years old behind, when we measure them at three and then at the end of the year the gap closes dramatically and that one year >>just in that one year? >dramatically >>because of being in a pre k program? >>correct >>go ahead i'm sorry no it's so they're, if, they're, the opposite is therefore if they don't go into that
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program they're just gonna fall further and further behind and then when they get to pre k to the kindergarten they can, they barely know how to sit still in a room they've never been you know they've never been disciplined in that kind of way they don't have the attention span. they haven't perhaps had too much... >>how about playing with other kids? >>yeah the social thing is enormous and we find that our kids when they go in at three years old that's the biggest gap we see between them and their peers you see social emotional skills they very often they have not really mixed and mingled with other kids, and then to drop these kids in age five the kindergarteners are... this is not a criticism of them they're just not able to deal with that so these kids then get labelled as troublemakers you know they're not ready then they're in special education >>are they ostracized? >>and then it goes you know they get sent to the special ed and they get labelled basically and then
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>>through no fault of their own? >>no these are just kids they're just ordinary kids like the rest of us you know >>well take a step back because morris county is so diverse and because it has such incredible wealth but also has real poverty and also has people on the border struggling >>right >>working poor >>correct >>what have you found with some of the wealthier parents and children when they come face to face with some of the children and families who have been helped by your organization those children come together and what happens? are kids kids? >>kids are kids, the kids are absolutely kids this is this is why preschool advantage was started by a family who just the way you describe it they saw how their kid did they were born >>they were wealthy wealth... they were wealthy they were blown away with what was happening and they said to one another wouldn't it be wonderful if every kid could do this and they said we'll fund
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another one and that's how the whole thing started >>a family... excuse me for interrupting. a family with means >>correct >>who were able to do it for their child said wait a minute we need to help others? >>yep >>privately? >>privately >>not the government? >>not the government hat's how it started and to this day we are totally private we are totally privately funded >>where does the money come from? >>it comes from mostly these wealthy individuals that we talked about that's the advantage of being where we are these people do exist and they're incredible people and they're incredibly philanthropic the individuals we deal with. we also have some great institutional supporters people like pnc who do the grow up great >>corporate and foundation support >>correct >>pnc which... the grow up great is not just a slogan they live it every day >>they live it every day correct and the kirby foundation >>the kirby foundation's great >>the kirby foundation supports us. the william simon foundation so these are people who really believe in what we are doing and they put their money in and 81 to 88
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i think we measured 82 cents on every dollar that comes to us goes straight to those kids we are a volunteer... largely volunteer run organization we have a very low overhead we have a very interesting business model with the 16 partner schools which enables us to have very little overhead and we just actually put all the money into sending these kids to school >>molly dunn executive director of preschool advantage giving young people a tremendous advantage and thank godyou're doing what you're doing every day >>thank you >>we appreciate it and we'll keep monitoring your progress thank you >>thank you >>that was wonderful >>the preceding program has been a production of the caucus educational corporation celebrating over 25 years of broadcast excelence and thirteen for wnet njtv and whyy funding for this edition of caucus new jersey has been provided by the pnc foundation the new jersey education association robert wood johnson university hospital
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md advantage choose new jersey cohn reznick and by adler aphasia center transportation provided by air brook limousine serving the metropolitan new york new jersey area caucus new jersey has been produced in partnership with tristar studios hi i'm governor tom kean a dear friend of mine had aphasia which is a language disorder that occurs from a brain injury or a stroke it robs a person's ability to communicate but it doesn't effect their intellect. programs and services offered at the adler aphasia center helped to improve my friend's communication skills as well as his self confidence and quality of life. most importantly he was among people who understood him. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with aphasia there is hope. closed captioning provided by aciem studios
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> ifill: the senate intelligence committee charges the c.i.a. with deceiving the white house, congress and the american people, in a new report that reveals brutal new details of the interrogation techniques critics, including the president, call torture. good evening, i'm gwen ifill. >> woodruff: and i'm judy woodruff. we dig into the details of the report, with senator diane feinstein who led the investigation, and robert grenier, former head of the c.i.a.'s counter terrorism center. >> ifill: then, we continue our series on innovations and inventions that could affect how we relate to man's best friend. scientists develop new ways for
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