tv Mc Laughlin Group PBS January 18, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm EST
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>> from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original for over three decades. the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. >> issue one. is al qaeda back? al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, known as aqap, has taken responsibility this week for the deadly terrorist rampage last week in paris. the death toll in that murder spree was 17 -- the 10 journalists of satirical magazine charlie hebdo, the three french police officers four hostages two of the islamic terrorists, said and cherif kouachi, joined aqap during previous travels to yemen.
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also this week, aqap released instructions on how to make a new, difficult-to-detect explosive and urged followers to use the bombs aboard u.s. airliners. al qaeda appears to have financed the kouachi brothers with $20,000 to assassinate the editors and cartoonists of charlie hebdo. french investigators suspect that their spree was not intended to end in a shoot-out at a printing plant near charles degaulle airport, but with the shoot-down of an airliner using grenade launchers the terrorists possessed but never fired despite several gunfights with police. last sunday, 3.7 million people rallied in cities across france to support freedom of speech and show solidarity. in paris, more than 40 world leaders, including the u.k.'s david cameron, german chancellor angela merkel israel's benjamin netanyahu, and the palestinian authority's mahmoud abbas attended a march of some 1.6 million parisians.
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conspicuously absent, any american official higher than the ambassador, an oversight the white house now says was a mistake. >> some have asked whether or not the united states should have sent someone with a higher profile than the ambassador to france, and i think it's fair to say that we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there. >> and the threat continues. now belgium. swat teams there launched a dozen raids arresting 15 suspected jihaddists at one location. two suspects were killed after they fired on police. the government said some of the suspects had recently returned from syria and will planning to kill police officers. they may have been directed by isis. >> europe entering a new age of terror?
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pat? >> i'm afraid it is. this attack on charlie hebdo, they came out, escaped, captured the attention of the whole world, went out in a blavesglory. it's going to have a copycat effect on islamists in europe who say this is the way i can really reach the whole world's atension and i think al qaeda and the other folks in syria and iraq are gl to tell the europeans, stay home and carry out attacks that can bring the entire world or 40 world leaders to paris. it was a drarks horrible event but, i hate to say it, it was a military success. >> eleanor? >> europe right now is ground zero in a war over branding between al qaeda and isis. each wants to be seen as the leader of the world jihad
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movement and they're trying to see who with -- can be more outrageous -- outrageous it's not at all clear that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, claiming credit for the paris attack, not at all clear that they really directed it. one of the attackers had been in yemen five years ago, so he waited five years? it's a little dubious. but the point is they are vying for the honor be being the worst terrorists on the planet and associating themselves with the paris attacks which got worldwide notice say big feather of unbeaten of their attacks -- caps. so this is going continue because of the easy access to syria and people fighting there and coming back with some military skills. >> should president obama or vice president biden have been at the paris event? >> yeah, they absolutely should have been and i think it's
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quite extraordinary they didn't think of that. look at their schedules they didn't appear to have anything major going on. the real reason is to show that america stands with the values. our most important value freedom of speech. and they weren't there. august 2013, when assad and the chemical weapons, that took a big hit on american contribute and this has taken a big hit on american value credibility. it's very important because it changes how people interact with us for good or bad. >> president was on television friday. did he allude to any of this? were you satisfied with what he said? >> the president's remarks with david cameron on friday, he was focusing more on cybersecurity but i think the white house recognizes that he made a pretty significant mistake. john kerry has been in paris i
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think today with a little concert going on, which was slightly ofmentd but it's a mistake. people, people pay tension to this. it does not reflect solidarity to be absent. >> the white house staff did not even suggest sending anybody by -- but the ambassador. can you contribute anything about her and whether or not she was some kind of an effective substitute in? there's no way she could have been or any ambassador could have been an effective substitute for the leadership of this country not to have appeared there. it really is extraordinary how they could have missed the importance of all this, certainly for all of europe. the astonishing thing, i don't even know if they thought it was important or thought it was important. a huge blow and once again reflects, it seems to me some lack of understanding of what the role of the united states is in the world where we are
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figure skatinged -- faced with a hugely dangerous -- and well, they underestimated the power of that millions of people turning out in paris and the white house said they made a mistake. i think not having the president there is understandable. the security level is totally different for a u.s. president. maybe biden should have been there or kerry. it was a mistake. but it's much more divisive here among the pundit class than it is in fravens the parisians certainly know the u.s. is standing side by side. you don't hear any of that grumbling like you heard on this set there. >> eleanor, ok let's try this. ok, an american plot. foiled -- a terror plot against the u.s. capitol. federal authorities on wednesday arrested 20-year-old christopher lee cornell outside a gun range in cincinnati, ohio. cornell allegedly had just purchased two semiautomatic weapons and 600 rounds of ammunition to, quote unquote
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kill employees and officers working in and around the u.s. capitol. cornell also had studied how to build pipe bombs. he's been on the f.b.i.'s radar since last summer when he began posting messages and videos on the internet that expressed support for isis, the islamic state. cornell used the twitter name raheel mahrus ubaydah. he sent a message to an f.b.i. informant in august that stated "we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks. investigators do not believe cornell had any formal ties with isis or with other overseas radical islamic groups. in other words, cornell was acting alone. question. cornell proposed to carry out attacks on congress as early as next week. was it his plan to disrupt the
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state of the union address? pat? >> no. john i think there is a real possibility here of a measure of entrapment the f.b.i. captured some character, turned him, and they got some emails or something from this guy and he went there and worked for six months and then they arrest him. but, john, there is a very serious point here about this charlie hebdo thing. i think we have been ukeered -- euchered and brought into a battle defending that magazine which is deeply ain't islamic. is it slurs the prophet repeatedly. i think the first misdemeanor, fine but if we're defending that, we're going to alienate every decent and moderate muslim we want our side. >> but we should not be be equivoindicating on free speech the some of it is december
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pickable. >> before he -- we have the trite free speech but do you use it to insult the prophet? >> finding that line between incitement ant free speech is difficult. in the case of this young man, he seems to be a social misfirkts a loser rarnting on twitter. i'm glad the f.b.i. is monitoring these scites -- sites but then the fick suggests all this stuff, basically leads him to where he can find weapons and then swoop down. i don't think mr. cornell poses a major 24r5e9 >> ms. -- his father called him a mama's boy. and eleanor's point is well taken. there is now a rivalry between isis and al qaeda. now al qaeda has carried off or claims to have carried off the major terrorist incident since
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9/11. the two are going to be competing for attention in the islamic world and for who can kill more in a more dramatic way. >> and it's personal. zarqawi, are bin ladenance successor, is now in a very personal political fight with the leader of isis, who has pre-- -- proclaimed himself the emir of the believers. they're -- they're fighting for supreme singletary >> let me go back to france for a second. that was an extraordinary statement on the part of the people of that country that freedom of speech and the press was important the i mean this wasn't the most important magazine in the country. the fact that huge numbers, two million people showed up in paris, another million in the countryside, to recognize it. >> instead they arrested -- the next day they arrested 54
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people for hate speech. >> that is an issue. >> they arrested this comedian who is famous over there for hate speesm after four million marched for free speech. >> yeah, that's totally, totally mistaken. but it shows the effort to find the line between hate speech and free speech. and we have cases in this country and europe has much tougher laws against hate speech than we have. >> who didn't show up in paris in >> the white house didn't have a high enough representative. >> the president? the vice president? >> i think you have beaten that issue into the ground, john. the white house apologized shall the french shall happy and we're in a unified war against a very serious foe here. >> if you are in a unified war that's why you don't use your free speech to insult the prophet and god of -- >> you show that we stand up for our values.
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>> well, they're rioting in pakistan today. they conte -- won't let the magazine -- >> that's about islam, not about us. >> if you say the whole islamic world is rotten, how are you going to win the hearts and minds? >> they use this as a whipping horse instead of engaging on issues like poverty and economic mobility. >> let's get back to the question of knot-show of the president or vice president in paris. >> they should have sent i think the secretary of state, he's very popular, and bill clinton. >> and bill clinton? they should have. >> she should -- they should have had some sbsh some senior rit of this country at that ceremony. like it orn you can justify it any way you want. the whole world recognizes that was a huge mistake. >> white house, they've already apologized. what more do you want them to
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do >> i want them to be able to think about this in advance. >> why didn't they go? >> because one, security concerns for the president are totally valid. i wouldn't make that case with the vice president. i think they underestimated the symbolism and power of that moment. it was a moment, they're now trying capture it. they're having a white house summit on combatting violent extremism and are going to continue this conversation. >> sure. that's known as change the subject. >> it's also known as trying find solutions to all the online recruiting that is luring young people in cities and rural communities all overt world from detroit and mip minute to paris and everywhere else. >> recruiting them as well the >> pat's made some legitimate comments about charlie hebdo. >> excuse me. issue dwofment barak's india
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adventure. >> annual trade in goods and services between the united states and india has grown nearly fivefold since 2000 alone. bilateral foreign direct investment now stands at nearly $30 billion. and our trade and investment supports thousands of jobs in both of our countries. >> secretary of state john kerry, speaking last week, addressed a conference in india, a democracy the size of western europe with a population of over 1,250,000 people. india's main exports are petroleum products, precious minerals, machinery, iron and steel. india's estimated per capita g.d.p., gross domestic product is $4,000. in contrast, american per capita is $52,800. these statistics matter because president obama will visit india later this month. and it's a big deal. for the first time ever, india has invited an american
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president to be the prestigious guest of honor at its annual republic day parade. the u.s. secret service is gearing up. the press is reporting that president obama will travel in the parade in his heavily armored limousine as is the custom, side by side with the indian president. india is the world's largest democracy and it is now led by passionate economic reformer prime minister narendra modi. president obama wants to be on the good side of what may become the world's next superpower. secretary of state kerry is a big believer in the future of indian-american relations. >> the fruits of this kind of partnership are extraordinary, and the supply chain for goods and services now stretches not just one country to another, but between many different countries. here's the truth. and this is what is important
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at a meeting like this -- we can do more together and we must do more together and we must do it faster. >> question. should americans be excited that president obama is attending india's republic day parade? is this a sign of a new special relationship? mort zuckerman? >> actually, it is. we've had deteriorated relations with india for quite a while and this is a very important day for them and that he is attending is an important event. >> i agree with that. >> the other thing is that there say rapport between president obama and the leader of india and that also is going to be very helpful. they're a huge facto, a very important country for us. a huge marver of all kinds of good things. they're an important ally and it's important we have a healthy relationship. >> it's a key part of the
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president's pivot to asia as well. the president really didn't pay enough attention to asia during most of his presidency and he's making up for lost time. it also doesn't hurt that there is a growing indian american population in this country, they're wealthy, and they're kind of up for grabs between the two political 35er789s so there is domestic implications in addition to the economic fruit. >> do you favor americans being the home of wealthy people from other parts of the world? >> i like having lots of wealthy americans and i like to see the wealth gap narrowed. i'm just pointing out there are a lot of indian-americans in this country and they're doing very well and they're a political prize. >> do you have something so tay on this? >> yeah, i think it's important for the economic relations. pat is concerned about the globalization angle but as
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india gets more wealthy them buy more american goods, where we have a comparative economic advantage. india is a main, major democracy. has issues in terms of class culture but if we can resolve some of these, it's a huge strategic relationship both in the indian ocean and -- >> sorry to cut you off, but what is the story on inboundia's -- india's economy in >> i think it's growing the modi is essentially a reformer and his reforms in terms of cuth the bureaucracy opening up for foreign investment, reducing subsidies, is very important. we'll see what happens. >> yeah. the world bank p just yeshed new forecasts predicting russia to in a steep recession. china dropping to 1% growth and independent yar growing a respectable 6.4%. what do you think of that?
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>> india is not in the league with china or europe. what they want, they're looking up north at china which controls some of their territory. chinese submarines are appearing in the indian ocean. they want the americans brought in as a counterweight. i agree we ought to move close to india sort of economically good relationships but the -- but the idea of any kind of military alliance is out of the question unwise, foolish. >> one of your next columns is the economic trends, if they continue to grow at their present rate, india with -- will outrank china? >> it's going to be a long, long time. china is still growing by about 7.5%. and some say they're equal. >> in just a moment, india's growth has accelerated to 6.4 and if it continues it may be
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faster than china. >> i think they're exaggerating. they have major wealth inequalities between the urban and rural areas and -- >> which car will these two presidents ride in? >> the president never travels in any car other than the one that comes from the white house. >> secret service. >> if modi doesn't travel in that one he's going to travel in another car the it's going to be the president's car. >> do you know anything about the presidentas car? >> i've been in it. >> twhazz way? >> it's heavy as it can be the i've been on a plane when they flew it. >> it's indestructible. you think modi about -- will in the car? >> yes. >> issue three. the cyberwars. >> when "the mclaughlin group" first aired, there was no internet. we, the public, were still over a decade away from internet access.
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today the internet offers information that is almost infinite. likewise, business and social opportunities on the net. but there's another side to the coin. in recent months, terms like cyber crime and cyber terrorism have gained ubiquitous media coverage. whether the hacking of major corporations like sony pictures or the effort by jihadists to recruit terrorists towards violence or the schemes by organized criminals to steal personal information stored online or to share illegal material beyond police investigators, humankind is learning that there's a dark side to the internet. so, late to the game, world leaders are trying to catch up with the internet. this week, british prime minister david cameron met with president obama to discuss internet crime. prime minister cameron is particularly concerned that
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terrorists are using encrypted communications to evade intelligence monitoring. here's what he said earlier this week. >> in our country do we want to allow a means of communication between people which even in extremis with a signed warrant from the home secretary personally we cannot read? now up until now, governments of this country have said no we must not have such a means of communication. that is why, in extremis, it has been possible to listen to someone's phone conversations. that is why the same plies with mobile communications. but let me stress again, this cannot happen unless the home secretary signs a warrant. we have a better system for safeguarding this intrusive
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power than any other country i can think of. but the question remains, are we going to allow a means of communications where it simply isn't possible to do that? and my answer to that question is no, we must not. the first duty of any government is to keep our country and our people safe. >> following their white house meeting on friday, president obama seemed to agree with the prime minister's sentiment. >> given the urgent and growing danger of cyberthreats we decided to expand our cooperation on cyber security. >> what concretely is president obama doing to tighten cybersecurity? >> the first thing he was doing was speaking with prime minister cameron friday. >> what did you think of what cameron had to say? >> it's interesting because as much as they both agree about the threat david cam ran -- cameron is willing to and wants much tougher powers for the government to be able to go intercept things.
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>> do you think they exaggerated the threat? >> no. i disagree somewhat with prime minister cameron because i think the tradition of politicians being able to sign warrants is not a good one for the u.s. to cover the but look, technology has to be compatible with intelligence-gathering activities in a leal way. there's a middle line between what the president would be willing to accept and the prime minister. >> look, cameron made a very powerful, persuasive case that we ought to have a right to, in extremis, intercept phone calls, letters and he's right. but in a libertarian age the desire of people 0 -- to have their communications confidential is enormously powerful an the ability to encrypt it, i don't think he's going to be able to change that. >> well, we can tap phones.
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the internet say new form of communication and there should be what's called a book -- back door into monitoring some of the communications. people get more upset when they think it's the government monitoring but corporation drg corporations facebook, google, every time you go on line, they know where you have been and they're popping up ad 16r789 we're being watched. with appropriate safeguards and oversight the government should be allowed to monitor some of these sites that want to be encrypted and don't want to let anybody in and might be up to some wrongdoing. so -- >> what do you think mort? >> i think it's a not unusual balance between personal liberties and the concern of the community. there are going to be times where the government says in order to protect the community we have to have access abandon people -- and people say we don't want you to have it.
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maria hinojosa: up next: guam. governor calvo: we are the most patriotic americans that you'll see anywhere hinojosa: they serve in the military in surprising numbers. maggie aguon: boom, you're going to war. but when we come back, what happens to us? hinojosa: a population of unsung american warriors in the pacific. what is it gonna take for them to know that we're here? i don't know. you're in pain every day? yes. hinojosa: are they forsaken by the country they swore to defend? roland ada: i can't get the help that i need and i need the help now. this is the new america-- black, brown, asian, lgbt, immigrants. the country is going through a major demographic shift, and the numbers show it. the face of the u.s. has changed. christina ibanez: we're american. we care about the same things. but yet we also want to preserve our culture. i just see it destroying what we had planned to happen here. hinojosa: by 2043, we will be a majority non-white nation. norm gissel: we are making, as we speak
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