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tv   On the Money  ABC  August 14, 2016 3:00am-3:31am CDT

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of the police shooting in milwaukee. >> and angry emotional outburst. officers in riot gear. >> officers tried to stop a vehicle with two men in it both men fled on foot. >> were being pulled over. officers gave chase. >> one man was armed with a handgun. the officer fired shots in that man is deceased. >> he was a 23-year-old man with a lengthy criminal record. >> the gun at the scene that we recovered was stolen in a burglary from waukesha along with 500 rounds of ammunition.
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of people killing each other and we're tired of the police killing us. >> and of course, the information being released as part of the ongoing investigation right now. the state investigates that because it involves the milwaukee police department. what you are seeing on your screen was sent out via twitter from the milwaukee police department. you can see the squad shattered that was sent out hours ago. that was one of the first tweets that that this was getting out of hand and we saw several police cars where they had their windows shattered. rocks at them, one officer was
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in the hospital. he will be ok. >> we are taking another look at the 22nd and fond du lac and the person with best eyes on the scene would be bob palmer. give us an account of what you are seeing in front of you. >> up. you can see the second floor. it some kind. they were throwing cables out the window. it was probably cables for the fan. i think they are blowing smoke out of the top floor. that is about much firefighting as we can see here. no one has left the scene. a little while ago, a few more
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there are still plenty here working on containing this fire. >> thank you for that, bob. we will have six separate arson investigations in the city of milwaukee. another situation that has never occurred in the past. we have individual build a what the word is -- a sense of relief these fires did not catch other buildings. that is one of the concerns they have at the o'reilly auto parts store. they want to get all possible combustibles dealt with before they walk away. they don't want to see anything else catch fire as a result of a
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eye on these fires for hotspots. >> these businesses would obviously be closed, you never know someone could be sleeping in there, saying in there. >> you have people inside buildings all the time. >> we have not heard reports of people being inside, except the gas station. those people all got out. we have not heard reports buildings. that is the good part. >> police tweeting out that they feel they have gotten a handle on the situation and have watched order resume in the area of 44th and burleigh. here is the tweets. mpd is restoring order to the
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and reducing deployment. sheldon was showing us traffic started up again in the area. there have been a lot of people out and about and we are not able -- and were not able to get to their home. police will put out a perimeter, police tape throughout the area. i don't know how wide that israel was tonight. they were keeping people from using certain intersections. >> we received one official update throughout the evening and into the early morning. let's listen in to part of that. >> this is a serious situation and this is a neighborhood that has then affected by violence in the past. i know this neighborhood well.
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of good people who live in this area. they cannot stand, like any of us, cannot stand this violence. they want to have order restored. our police officers are doing everything they can to restore order. we have a lot of police officers there. firefighters are fighting the fire that was set at o'reilly auto parts. in the last few minutes, they have entered tce on that fire. there were three individuals in that gas station. all three were able to get out of the gas station safely before it went up in flames. this is a situation where we are asking every resident of the community to do everything they can to help us restore order. that means, again, this is pointed at aaron of young people. you can see there are a lot of
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if your love -- if you love your son or daughter, catch them, call them, pull them by the years and get them home. get them home before more damage is done. we do not want to see loss of life, any more injuries. we are going to stay on this. our police presence is going to be strong. tomorrow we will meet with church leaders and community leaders. we are going to make an this is something that is important to me as mayor and the city. this is something we are going to continue to work hard. >> that after a chaotic situation, at that point, four fires going on in virtually every police officer available at the perimeter there.
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things seem to be getting back to normal. how is it looking now? >> more calm compared to the last few hours. i want to show you what the riley old -- the riley -- the o'reilly water parts -- auto parts looks like now. they are down to one elevated latter rose above the building right now. hose, you can see some of the initial damage the intersection we are at, this is where 35th, birdlike, and fond du lac all me. next to that, there is a beauty
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there is a small fire at the bank. crews have been here throughout the night, scaling back their resources and their manpower. parts of the intersection, that is back open. we haven't seen too many people out and about. police have asked they did acquiesce. a couple of people got put in the back of a police van. why they got put in the back of a police van, that is something we are working to get information on. the intersection where the three fires are burning simultaneously, they appear to be under control.
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they are keeping an eye on hotspots that are happening. we are going back to nick, who is covering this top to bottom. the mayor talked about how they are going to try to restore order in the city tonight. >> chief flynn has been out of town attending a family funeral. some of the command staff has gone home for the night as some of these units are being sent back to their stations. more sign they feel the situation is under control. police, quite a large presence. not for what we saw early, this would be a huge police presence.
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presence throughout the overnight hours, keeping the fires and the situation from --. >> we are looking at pictures from early tonight. it was at the hyatt -- the height of the chaos. you and auto parts store, and a beauty supply store all in flames. >> the ceiling feels different than what was going on earlier. it feels more calm. just because the police are stepping down, they are not going to bed tonight. >> they are going to have quite a few more officers than they
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districts on scene here. they are getting filled in by officers coming in on their days off. there is quite a police presence . they will not be vacating this area in the overnight hours. >> we appreciate all your hard work. matt is doing a good job of keeping us informed. our job is to keep us -- is to keep you informed in this situation. tomorrow, there will be more analysis and more discussion about what kinds of solutions might occur. we want to keep an eye on what is going on in the city tonight. >> as we sign off, we will keep an eye, monitoring the
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we will keep you updated online and our morning crew will start at 5:00. announcer: you have been watching breaking news coverage. stay with wisn 12, bui will be a huge supplier of lithium-ion batteries. it is called the giga factory. a massive facility where the sustainable is shipping powers by lithium-ion battery packs. >> and it has a superexponential rate. >> and they expect to start building lithium battery packs for the new vehicles, including the new model three which will have a price starting around $35,000 and according to tesla
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>> i believe we are on track to meet the half million in 2018. >> reporter: more than 90% of the cars and trucks in the world are still powered by gasoline and that is unlikely to change any time soon. but as sales of electric cars like the tesla model s., chevy volt or nissan leaf continue to grow, so will demand for lithium. a relatively unknown mineral found in deserts that could be the key to how we drive in the future. >> lithium may be unknown to most people except for those with electric or hybrid vehicles but make no mistake,s in in demand. in fact, becky, spot prices for lithium in the last year are up 20%. that speaks to the race for this new mineral that are the key to widespread adoption of electronic overwhelms in the future. >> questions is how green are the green cars and people are buying them because they want to
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impact does it have on the environment or is there a big one? >> well, one of the bigger ones is the impact for the wildlife in the area. because you have these big extracti ponds and so -- and any birds or other wide life that are going into the ponds, as the water evaporates, obviously the level of lithium is higher and other chemicals could have an impact on the wildlife in the area so it is worth watching but at this point we're just starting to see that deveen and that will be one of the key focuses in the future. >> bill, thank you. i learned something new today. >> good. up next, we are "on the money." paying to play. how parents are choosing kids sports over their own retirement.
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long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica. create investment and infrastructure investment and university partnership and the lowest taxes in decades are creating the right environment in new york state for to thrive. let us help grow your company tomorrow and today at the rio games are in full swing and everyone has bit of olympic fever right now. especially the 44 million kids who are playing organized sports. this may have their own gold medal hopes. of course the big dreams come with an equally big price tag. and while footing the bill for trainers and club and equipment and parents are side lining their own financial goals. sharon epperson joins us with
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how much are parents spending to get their kids into competitive sports. >> spending a lot of money. twhird thell spend between $100 and $500 a month per child on competitive sports. >> what if you have four kids. >> exactly. >> so parents are putting up this money. it is a significant chunk of change. obviously it is impacting the budget. how often does it actually pay off in the end where the kids get some sort of a scholarship or something like that. >> what is really interesting is how many parents are prri really important financis having an emergency fund. 60% of parents with kids in sports have no emergency fund. that is a lot of folks. and many of them have sidelined rye tiermt savings and -- retirement and college savings for kids so they are putting hopes and dreams in their kids hopes and dreams of getting an athletic scholarship and the
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actually get an athletic scholarship to college. >> and that is important to note. put that in context. less than 25% see this pay off in a monetary way. i could understand as a parent that is an impossible decision, how do you say no to anything your kids want but do you have any tips for people to you have how to figure out how to balance and you are not short changing anybody's future, including your own. >> prioritize your sports. many kids play multiple sports so narrow it down and that could help narrowing the player field and literally and when you are looking to buy the equipment for your child, think about gently used or the older kids in the neighborhood that may have some equipment that you may be able to use. that is one way to cut costs. the other thing to consider is volunteering yourself, whether you could coach or maybe you don't have the skills to do that but maybe there is other way you could help the team. and the other thing to consider is when you are looking at what type of lessons to get, get group lessons over private. whether it is a sports activity --
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kids. >> you may be able to get a discount that way. and think about the things that you buy for the sports related that are not the equipment, the supplies, the snacks and the gatorade and the water bottles and that stuff and see if you could buy it in bulk and pool your money with other parents and get it at the beginning of the year and make sure you have enough supplies. >> go to costco first. >> exactly. >> sharon, thank you very much. >> sure. up next, "on the money," a look at the news for the week ahead. and our very own kate rogers enters the checking out a new start-up with knock-out potential. we'll be right back. >> search from over 4 million cars and use your desktop and tablet or smartphone. it is fast and friendly with no ads or distractions. find classic and new cars all on >> 200 million watching history being made and 2 million making their own.
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for more on the show and on our desk, go to the website at opm at and on twitter at "on the money." and here are stories impacting your money. this week we'll hear from walmart, dow and cisco. monday willar of woodstock. 400,000 people headed to upstate new york for the famous three-day festival that we've all heard so much about. lots of fond memories. on tuesday we get a reed on inflation with the consumer price index for july. and check out an amusement park this tuesday. some of them are going to be offering discounts to celebrate national roller coaster day. then on wednesday, the federal reserve will release minutes from the last meeting. if you are involved in any kind of a sport, you know how
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right equipment. one woman discovered that no one was making the right stuff for her sport. kickboxing and martial arts for women, so they took matter news her own hands. kate rogers joins us with more. >> hey, becky. that is right. and gear that fits properly is an even bigger challenge for women playing a sport long dominated by men but nguyen lee is out to change that. take a look. >> 27-year-old lynn lee got her big idea teaching kickboxing problem against female fighters, they're gear didn't fit properly. >> the women of my community and my students that i was training with, heard the same complaints or frustrations and questions which isre do find good women's gear that actually fits. and for me, the more i heard it, the more i realized that i, too, was wearing stuff that didn't mit me. i was wearing men's stuff and i just made accommodations to my training based on how they fit. which wasn't well.
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lee was inspired by nike, adidas and columbia sportswear and she decided to make gear for fighters who participate in boxing, kickboxing and krav maga that mark a contrast from the neon shiny options seen on the market place today which meant no bubble gum pink gloves or spandex. >> these women deserve their -- their athleticism deserved that is saying you deserve a product just as good as mens. >> she took that message nationwide in 2015 first on kick starter and now on the web and in a handful of local gyms and so far they have raised over $500,000 in product and they retail from $50 to $120. >> and we wanted to design what the modern day female rocky would look like and that was the inspiration behind our sportswear line. >> and despite the fiercely
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athletics industry, the community has rallied around her and the brand message. >> there is also a strong community of fostering local artisans and local businesses. >> we saw that a lot in my recent trip to portland. the small businesses there, especial thon athletics were supported in the city thanks to the active and healthy lifestyle. it is a great fit. >> what is different about the female fit. how did they get the gloves to fit. >> they did all of these focus groups with everyone from pe seriously and competing, rather, to moms that are just trying to get fit. and people who are doing it just for fun. and they did all of the focus groups to basically have a glove that fits tightly around a smaller hand. >> and space in between for blisters and things like that. >> and more padded here. it is bigger than the notice i would normally well. they felt big when i put them on but when i was sparring with her and she was going easily on my, it fit way better. >> do you pack a punch.
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>> thank you, thank you. >> that is the show for today. i'm becky quick. thank you for joining us. next week, the best apps to save you cash on the back to school shopping. this is "on the money." have a great week and we'll see
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and here's what we're working on for you. usda hits the market with its latest take on yield... we have complete analysis. a viral call for change is causing a shake up among cherry growers... our farm journal report has both sides, and it's a battle over price and trade. i'm andrew mccrea. i'll take you to the birthplace of the first olympic basketball team. he wrote that they would shoot the ball much like a patron would dunk their doughnut into their coffee > it's a basketball team that defied the odds durng the great depression in this week's american countryside. and in john's world... we said goodbye to a good friend.


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