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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  October 20, 2016 7:00am-9:00am CDT

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>> kickoff tonight. color rush uniforms too. good morning, america. breaking overnight debate night stunner. donald trump refused to say he'll accept the election results claiming the system is rigged. >> i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. i'll keep you in suspense. >> that's horrifying. you know, every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. >> trump hitting clinton on her experience. >> she's been doing this for 30 years. why the hell didn't you do it over the last 15, 20 years? >> battling over putin and russia. >> he'd rather have a puppet. >> no puppet. no puppet. >> it's pretty clear. >> tangling over immigration. >> we have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out. >> that plan to build a wall.
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mexican president, and didn't it raise it. he choked. >> and allegations from women about sexual misconduct in it was all fiction. it was lies and it was fiction. >> he goes after their dignity, their self-worth. >> the candidates clashing in a heated final showdown. >> i think he's unfit and he proves it every time -- >> no, you are the one that's unfit. such a nasty woman. >> just 19 days until the final votes, our powerhouse political team will break down the race for the white house on a special edition of "gma." and good morning, america. the debates are done. race for the white house in the home stretch right now and what a finish. lots of fiery exchanges, the most electric by far, a defiant donald trump would not commit to a bedrock american principle that the loser concedes to the winner in a presidential race. >> and also, george, they did not shake hands before or after the debate and the families were kept apart by debate organizers.
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uncomfortable at times but hillary clinton, take a look at her afterwards. very happy with her performance. she was celebrating once it all ended and said overnight she remembers her first debate this election cycle a year ago and now that she's finished the last one she feels, quote, both relieved and very grateful. >> donald trump was surrounded by his family on the stage last night. right after the debate they all came up to wish him well. he took to twitter overnight, said he was pleased with the results, looking at some online polls that he said gave him the advantage. we'll hear from his campaign manager, kellyanne conway, coming up. also hillary clinton's running mate and our whole political team. abc's tom llamas starts us off from the debate hall in las vegas. good morning, tom. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. an incredible night and that one incredible moment everybody is talking about. donald trump refusing to commit to conceding. if he loses the election in november sticking with his position that the election could be rigged. from the get-go, hostility.
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the stage refusing to shake hands. then they let loose. >> the problem is you talk but you don't get anything done, hillary. >> he is denigrating, talking down our democracy and i for one am appalled. >> reporter: there's a flash point in the debate when trump was asked about his claims of a rigged election. >> i want to ask you here on this stage tonight, do you make the same commi will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the i will look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. >> reporter: trump asked again would he suspend his campaign if he loses. >> are you saying you're not prepared to commit to that principle? >> i will tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. >> chris, let me respond to that because that's horrifying. you know, every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. >> reporter: clinton then painting trump as a sore loser. >> there was even a time when he
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program three years in a row and he started tweeting that the emmys were rigged. >> should have gotten it. >> this is a mind-set. this is how donald thinks. and it's funny but it's also really troubling. >> okay. >> that is not the way our democracy works. we've been around for 240 years. we've had free and fair elections. we have accepted the outcomes when we may not have l t >> reporter: another turning point, trump's relationship with russian leader vladimir putin. >> from everything i see has no respect for this person. >> well, that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president of the united states. >> no puppet. no puppet. you're the puppet. >> reporter: trump who said he loves wikileaks asked whether he condemns russian characters allegedly hacking the clinton's campaign e-mails. >> you condemn their interference. >> of course, i condemn. of course i -- i don't know putin. i have no idea -- i never met putin. this is not my best friend.
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information from wikileaks to slam clinton including purported criticisms from clinton's own campaign chairman. >> wikileaks just actually came out, john podesta said some horrible things about you, and boy, was he right. he said some beauties. >> reporter: the candidates often cutting each other off. >> i sat in my apartment today on a very beautiful hotel down the street, known as -- >> made with chinese steel. >> reporter: even name calling? >> such a nasty woman. >> mr. trump's -- h every time. >> you are the one that's unfit. >> reporter: and trump dismissing a group of women that have come forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct as liars working for clinton. >> i didn't even apologize to my wife who is sitting right here because i didn't do anything. i didn't know any of these women. i didn't see these women. these women -- the woman on the plane, i think they want either fame or her campaign did it and i think it's her campaign. >> donald thinks belittling
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he goes after their dignity, their self-worth and i don't think there is a woman anywhere who doesn't know what that feels like. >> reporter: the candidates also clashing over immigration. >> now, i want to build the wall. we need the wall. one of my firgs first acts will be to get all the drug lords, all of the bad ones, some bad, bad people in this country that have to go out.the bad ones, we, bad people in this country that have to go out. we're going to get them out but we have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out. >> when it comes to the wall that donald talks about building eting with the mexican a president, didn't even raise it, se a danger. he u.s. would >> wait till you see what happens in the coming years. lots of luck, hillary. thanks a lot for doing a great job. >> reporter: iegt after the debate, no spin room for the
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donald trump heading straight for the battleground state of ohio where he'll host a rally later this afternoon. george. >> okay, tom llamas, thanks very much. let's bring in kellyanne conway. thanks for joining us again. i know it's an early morning out in las vegas. i want to ask you about something that donald trump said in the first debate. he said, if she wins, talking about hillary clinton, i will absolutely support her, last night he refused to say he would accept the results. what changed? >> i think it's the same statement in this way, george. results are actually known, certified and verified, he's not going to concede an election. he just doesn't know what will happen. i imagine if you asked al gore in 2000 if he was going to respect the election results he would have said yes. he actually called to concede the election to governor george w. bush called back to retract it, and as you know, we had six weeks until the supreme court of
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the next president would be. but i just think donald trump is also putting people on notice that if there are irregularities or voter fraud or large-scale malfeasance that's committed he's not just going to want to investigate that but we'll have to see what happens. if you look at his first statement and this one taken together you see somebody willing to accept the election absent widespread fraud. >> that's not what he said. what you just said, you said something important. you said al gore if you would have asked him before the election in 2000 will you commit uld have said yes just as e every single candidate in american history has. that's not what mr. trump did last night. he was asked specifically are you willing to commit to the principle of the peaceful transition of power that the loser concedes to the winner and he says i'll tell you at the time. he wouldn't do something that every other candidate has done. >> well, he loves the country and it's why he ran for president and he respects the principles of democracy. it's just that he can't say what's going to happen.
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if it's just a few votes here and there, if as was the case in 2000, george, if one state like florida is less than 600 votes as was the case then we just don't know what will happen. but obviously i think that there are many high notes last night. think one very important point that was new is donald trump challenging hillary clinton to give back the money that her foundation has taken from countries that don't respect women whereas he said gays are thrown off buildings and women vo have no rights. she did not respond. i hope the clinton foundation will take that seriously and she did not respond. i hope the clinton foundation will take that seriously and give back money to countries who don't respect women especially someone who said she's fighting inton to the w is that he's not going to ight commit to accepting the results in advance of november 8th. that is rock hard. >> you heard what he said last night, and i think if you take that in combination with his earlier statements, you find a candidate who is willing to respect the free and fair democratic process, but he just wants a fair shot. you know, if you're donald trump
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days. we saw just in this week, 96% of donations given by working journalists went to hillary clinton.this week, 96% of donations given by working journalists went to hillary clinton. he got 4% of them. we saw just this week you have specific journalists colluding with the clinton campaign asking them if he'd like to edit a piece before it's filed or asking if they're upset with a is is not how a full and fair ir shake most days. have a >> is he saying about press bias are reason enough to question the results of the election? >> no. what he is saying is when you talk about a rigged, corrupt system and somebody who's been there for 30 years as an insider you can't possibly look at that person and say there is a change maker, somebody who will adhere to democratic principles and improve the economy, defeat radical islamic terrorism, make our schools better. hillary clinton last night was talking about all the problems we have in this country, people in poverty, millions without
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been there for 30 years you can't be part of the solution, you're part of the problem. >> 19 days left. donald trump still behind according to most polls right now. what more can you all do to shake up this race? >> you saw a strong debate performance last night. these polls will tighten. you see donald trump flew overnight to get to the battleground state of ohio. he'll be competing there, north carolina, florida tomorrow. we'll compete in eight to ten swing states where you see governor pence and mr. trump in th that's where you see our investments on ads and ground game and field operation. we have a couple of different paths to 270 and fight until the last moment to get there. >> kellyanne conway, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you, george. let's bring in cecilia vega now and, cecilia, we've seen the oking really happy after the debate. th her debate performance?e was >> oh, michael, definitely. they are calling this her best
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party overnight after the debate right there with her husband bill clinton. she was all smiles after that watch party. she came to the back of her campaign plane to talk to reporters where she said that donald trump's refusal to say whether he will accept the results of this election was horrifying. take a listen to that. >> you know, it was horrifying what he said on the debate stage tonight. what he said tonight is part of his whole effort to blame somebody else for his campaign and for where he stands in this election. >> reporter: so that's her reaction this morning. her team is also talking about donald trump's behavior on that stage. let me just tell you a few of the words they are using to describe it. erratic, bizarre. they say, quote, a chilling preview of what his administration would be like. for them this fits into the narrative that donald trump is not fit to be president. one other moment to talk about, trump's bad hombres line still raising a lot of eyebrows especially with latinos who
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into an attack, amy. they say this could cause him to lose some votes in heavily latino states like arizona where they are already trying to make some inroads, amy. >> cecilia vega, thanks for that. we spoke with hillary clinton's running mate, senator tim kaine just moments ago. here's what he had to say about last night's debate. last night, donald trump would not commit to accepting the results of the election. with less than three weeks to go what kind of impact does that have? >> well, amy, it was shocking. this is a basic and important part of who we are and the fact that donald said he was not sure he could accept the results of a loss was just absolutely shocking. but it was in character as hillary pointed out. he's a guy who won't take responsibility for anything and if he loses he's always going to figure out a way to blame somebody else. >> senator kaine, russia and vladimir putin came up last night. hillary clinton said vladimir putin would rather have a puppet as president of the united states. she was referring to donald trump.
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what was she specifically suggesting there? >> well, i think she was commenting upon donald trump's own words and one of the things i noticed last night again and again and again, even though the fbi and the director of national intelligence has confirmed that russians are behind attacks on american electoral institutions, state boards of elections, the democratic national committee, donald trump kept trying to defend vladimir putin. >> let's stay on the topic of russia. we a leaked e-mails about what hillary clinton said behind closed doors about her paid speeches. last night, she was asked about her dream of open borders, but instead of answering the question, she pointed the finger at russian hackers. the question here is, should that information about what was in those e-mails, if true, still be information that we receive regardless of the source? >> well, i think it's very fair to ask questions about, you know, border policy, immigration
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sure, it is and i know hillary clinton's position. she wants to do comprehensive immigration reform with a number of elements including a path to citizenship but also including dramatic increases in border security just like i voted for in the senate in june of 2013. >> hillary clinton has had a substantial lead in the polls but trump pointed out and many others did as well she literally disappeared from the campaign trail in the days leading up to last night's debate. what will see in these final weeks from you and will we see more of her? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. look, hillary takes the debate preparation very seriously and as she said in the first debate, she doesn't apologize for preparing for a debate and she doesn't apologize for preparing to be president of the united states. but her doing intense campaigning. i'm in north carolina today. today is the first day for early voting here. all over the country, early voting or absentee voting is starting. millions have voted already and hillary and i will be campaigning separately but also together to now make the case in
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participation is so important. >> senator tim kaine, thanks so much for joining us. >> all right, thanks, amy. let's bring in the rest of our team. right now, we have matthew dowd and martha raddatz here with us as well. matt, we say this almost every day in the campaign, something we see something we've never seen before and that was that moment last night when donald i think it was an astounding moment in the course of this as we talked about last night, 240 years of peaceful transition of power in d single person that's lost the presidency has stood up and said let's bring the country together and concede. i think what's also troubling about this, is that this is a time when people don't trust almost every single institution, and when a major party candidate says he may refuse to accept the results, it undermines the system. >> martha, i want to ask you. i already have a sense of what your answer will be. were you surprised at trump's answer to that question? >> i think i was surprised at trump's answer and i'm surprised
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morning. i don't think in the next couple of weeks you'll see any change in donald trump's answer about that election and that resonates with his base. he's going after that base. that resonates with voters i've talked to out there who say, oh, it's rigged. donald trump says it's rigged. it's rigged. >> there were so many nasty moments. run that stands out i think to a lot of us, martha. clinton calling trump a puppet for a foreign country and then trump's response, both of those exchanges pretty remarkable. >> really, really remarkable and russia, he's talking about russia. and russia, the intelligence agencies of the united states believe there is no doubt that it is russia that did that cyberattack e that hacked into those dnc e-mails. that's what's really astonishing about that. he doesn't trust the intelligence agencies of the united states. they're not perfect and certainly have made mistakes before, but right now they all agree it was russia.
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>> and martha just made the point that donald trump last night was speaking to his base, his rock hard base, 37%, 38% of the country right now. they are probably not shaken at all, but the big question in the third debate is does he do anything to reach tout new voters? >> well, if you watch the first second and third debate he was at 40% in the first, 40% in the second one and he spoke to the 40% in the third one and when somebody has a 6 or 7-point lead in the race which hillary clinton does, he can't just get undecideds which i think most will not vote. he has to take voters away from her. there was nothing he did at the single voter away from hillary clinton. >> 19 days to go. matt dowd and martha raddatz, thanks very much. more on the debate coming up. first to ginger, a lot of record heat out there. >> more than 30 high temperature records broken or tied and look this, people laying out at jones beach and let me tell you what's about to happen, you go from laying out in the 80s to this wind weekend, and that can feel like the 30s, and even a flake of snow in some of the upper parts of the northeast.
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by macy's. temps between 45 and 50 with mostly cloudy skies. north in the air with highs in the mid 50s. more sun likely this afternoon. frosty late tonight as we clear and temps fall to the mid to upper 30s. sunny and chilly friday with h
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we're going to have some fact-checking. and what does donald trump really say should happen with the nuclear weapons? all right. and the moment that everyone talking from donald trump's hombre comment to the candidates' body language. what were they actually signaling on that debate stage? all that have and more when we
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why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. >> wisn 12 news time now is 7:23. melinda: just one day after the final debate, donald trump's campaign is now turning its attention to the badger state. ben: trump's daughter ivanka will be in wisconsin later today. she'll headline campaign events in wauwatosa and eau claire. the tosa event starts at 12:30 at the crowne plaza milwaukee west. doors open at 11:45. then ivanka heads to eau claire for a 2:30 appearance. both events are open to the public. >> wisn 12 news time now is 7:23. with we have a live look outside
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morning commute is up next.
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>> welcome back. a check on the morn about commute here. an incident on i-94, westbound lane off ramp to 68th street. that ramp is blocked right now. so the traffic is moving slow in that area. we are look at the drive times, one northbound from the hale to the zoo. >> now to a look at the forecast. sal z early morning temperatures 45-50 degrees at this hour. the skies are mostly cloudy. the cool front approached last night. 50 at the airport. 46 waukesha. mostly cloudy skies. plenty of holes in the cloud deck. i expect a mix of sun and clouds
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afternoon. 55 degrees.
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after tonight hillary clinton and donald trump, think about this, they never have to be in the same room again. it's like the last time we saw mom and dad fight before the divorce. >> a special live performance he nailed it. we'll have a lot more of the reaction from late night comedians coming up. >> that's right. also right now donald trump under fire for refusing to say he'd accept the election results last night as hillary clinton's team shows they are feeling confident sending michelle obama to the campaign in the traditional republican state of arizona today and then tonight, both trump and clinton will be speaking right here in new york. also much of the west is facing red flag warnings this morning, southern california in critical
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ginger is following it all for us. >> and also this morning, a lot of baseball news out there. the indians are now heading to the world series after beating the toronto blue jays and also overnight the cubs, well, their bats came alive and beat the dodgers, 10-2 in game four of the nlcs. the series is knew tied 2-2. they're going to play game five tonight in los angeles. whoever wins will go on to face the indians. >> that would be someth you know, i guess this whole curse is not over -- i mean, they were down 2-1. people were panicking because they didn't get many hits. they came alive last night. >> i know my husband kept switching between the game and debate. >> i think most americans. let's get to our debate fact check. our team hard at work and abc's jon karl joins us from the debate hall in las vegas. good morning to you, jon. >> reporter: good morning, amy. there was lots of to fact check
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donald trump made about hillary clinton and his border wall. take a listen. >> hillary clinton fought for the wall in 2006 where thereabouts. now she never gets anything done so naturally the wall wasn't built. but hillary clinton wanted the wall. >> reporter: well, there is some truth to that. hillary clinton as a senator did in fact support something called the secure fence act of 2006 th border wall along hundreds of miles of the mexico/united states border. we rate that yes and no because she supported a wall though it wasn't donald trump's wall along the 2,000-mile border of the mexican border. so, next up there was this on nuclear weapons. >> he's advocated more countries getting them, japan, korea, even saudi arabia. >> this is just another lie.
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when -- >> there's no quote. you won't find a quote from me. >> reporter: well, there is actually a quote and the interesting thing it's a quote with an interview donald trump did this year with none other than chris wallace, at moderator of last night's debate. listen to this. >> so, north korea has nukes. japan has a problem with that. i mean they have a big problem with that. maybe they would in fact be better off if they defend themselves from north korea. >> with nuke including with nukes. >> reporter: so we rate donald trump's contention that he never advocated unusuals for our allies as mostly false. he clearly did in that interview although eventually he backed away from that position, amy. >> john, i know you and the debate fact checking team have been busy overnight. you looked into some of hillary clinton's claims from last night, as well. >> reporter: yes, including this claim that she made about her
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proceeding. i do not add a penny to the national debt. >> reporter: well, she said she does not add a penny to the national debt in her economic plan. we rate that false. the committee for responsible budget looked at her economic plan and found that it would add $200 billion to the national debt over the next decade. now, that's a fraction of what donald trump's plan would add to the debt but it certainly is a and then finally one other one here, amy. this was on the question of russian hacking. take a listen. >> we have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks come from the highest levels of the kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. >> reporter: well that is
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agencies saying that russia was behind the hack. donald trump, again, disputed that but the u.s. intelligence agency said it is, in fact, true. >> all right, jon, thanks so much. we appreciate it. george, we'll send it over to you. >> back with matthew dowd and cokie roberts and let's take a step back and look at all three of these debates together. pretty remarkable for the level of anger, the contempt the candidates had for each other. you saw -- used the word lie. i remember when a candidate would of using that word. >> nobody used it and the idea that he used it over afnd over again. he used it when she was going through the litany of the people that he has demeaned. you know, the disabled reporter, the khan family, miss universe and kept saying, wrong, wrong, wrong, of course, there's tape of all of those things but it is true that the level started with
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pretty childish. >> always a debate whether debates actually matter. if you look back to the first debate three weeks ago this race was dead even at that point and basically a dead heat. now significantly different after those three debates. >> yeah, i mean debates, these are why people made the argument that debates didn't matter is somebody would win the first one then somebody would come back and the third one would roughly be tied. she has won all three and fairly overwhelmingly and gone from two point, one or two points as you say roughly t up to six points up in the aftermath. 19 days left. this to me is a bit -- donald trump has -- these are like pit stops in a nascar race that he has to catch up in the middle of that pit stop and debate and has not caught up in any of those and now he's got 19 laps left and she's far ahead. >> but a few other things did happen. of course, other than the debate, i mean, we did have that tape, the infamous tape and then the women. so he has had a whole series of hits against him and those have
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had a lot of stories about hillary clinton than those wikileaks, but they kept being pushed out of the top of the news by his women and including putting his wife on television when it was starting to die down. >> i have to say her strategy of preparing for the debates taking time off, she basically in the course of these three, 200 million people watched these debates and she prepared for them. donald trump had rallies totally about 200,000 people so i think her strategy was a lot better heading into this than his was. >> michael. >> all right, george, thank you. and our big board is coming up, everybody. amy and i, we're going to have what everybody is reacting to last night's final debate. what was the moment that had everyone talking, plus, hillary clinton, is she sending a secret message with her body language? we'll talk about that with our expert in just two minutes. stay right there. ng out ?
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our team of insiders standing by. paula faris at the table and let's begin with all of that reaction to the final showdown before the elections. millions weighing in on social media. taking aim at clinton and trump. and, paula, it was must see tv around my house and around millions of hopes and it turned into must read online. what were some of the biggest moments that people found online. >> guys, we have google, facebook, we got twitter. we'll get to. i've got to say one of the most popular google searc moment from hillary clinton. take a listen. >> before the invasion he supported it. and, you know, i just want everybody to go google it. google donald trump iraq and you will see that dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of iraq. >> wrong. >> and you can actually hear the audio of him saying that. >> michael, if you could interrupt me and say wrong, i would meal for comfortable. people went to google and
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biggest trends on google. you can see that spike but when it comes to facebook, there are about 80 people that were engaged likes, comment, that sort of thing but one of their top moments was from donald trump. >> now john podesta said you have terrible instincts. bernie sanders said you have bad judgment. i agree with both. >> 80 million rather. not 80. 80 million -- >> that's close. >> i was off by like 79 million but 80 million were comment, likes that sort. >> the hombre hombre moment. that has been all over the place. >> let's not forget this was offensive to a large group of people but there is a difference between ombre and hombre. miriam-webster getting into the action and actually had some -- they broke it down for us with some photos and they said, ombre
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having colors or tones that said into one another. we node bad ombres exist and here there are. no fade edge. this is supposed to be a gradual transition from one color to the next but there is video, if you have experienced a bad ombre, not a bad hombre but a bad ombre, there are ways to fix that on youtube. >> i'm constantly learning stuff. >> hombre, ombre, how about that. let's move on to the body language. we heard what they said. we have an expert. chris ulrich, good morning. let's start with hillary clinton. what stood out last night, maybe something that was different from what we saw in the last debates? >> absolutely, michael. what we saw last night is chris wallace asking really powerful questions and putting them on the spot and with that we see a lot of anxiety and we see pacifying gestures where one part of our body will touch another part of our body.
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you pacify and for hillary we see her touching her chin and when we're really nervous or anxious blood will rush into the nose tssee rubbing of the nose. >> are you stressed right now, michael? in no, not at all. >> power move she does that allows her to come across more powerfully. if you like her you think it's powerful. if you don't it comes across as a bit arrogant. >> interesting. and, well, donald trump's facial expressions have certainly cetera, so what did you see from him last night? he's a very expressive person. >> yes, he is. he does something out of the gate. you'll see him grabbing his mike a lot during parts of the debate. when he's grabbing it it's a territorial preening gesture, kind of taking over his space and tidying up almost. we see it when people are stressed on a plane because of turbulence, they'll grab something to help calm them so it's a calming gesture for him saying, okay, i got this.
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is preening gestures. >> i've been grabbed on a plane. i'm not calm either. >> all right, chris, thanks. now to the election odds. the candidates weren't the only ones with a lot riding on it. gambling on the 2016 presidential race has become big business with people from around the world getting in on all the action and abc's chris connelly joins us now and, chris, this has become almost a sporting event, this presidential debate. so how big has betting become? i actually didn't know this was a thing so tell me about because gambling, but in addition to betting on -- in addition to betting on the results can you do these things called prop bet with offshore sites where you're able to place money on whether a certain phrase would be used in the course of the debate. take something like wikileaks. how many types would wikileaks be said, over/under was five types. that hit the over. how many types rig or rigged. that was just once. that hit the under and how many types would trump say tremendous. that was two so that hit the under.
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phrases. where is nasty woman or as janet jackson would say, who's jamming to my nasty groove? >> oh, man. you know what, chris, you said it all over the world and it's big really in ireland of all places. >> weirdly enough patty power, an irish bookmake ser paying off bets on hillary clinton up to a million dollars already they think she's won. just a way of getting money back in the hand of betters who can spend it the way people pour stuff like that i like the idea of people betting i guess on elections but people when they bet they want to make things more interesting, right. like in the movies they say let's make this more interesting and they bet on something. how much more interesting can this election get? >> exactly. i don't know that that's even possible. i want to ask the game of chance in vegas. >> drinking and seeing shows. does that count? >> no. >> slot machines. >> the chriss, chris, you start.
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chris c. >> the only thing i bet on is the set list for the super bowl halftime show. i'm all in on gaga doing, you know, "edge of glory". >> what about you? >> i like craps. that's my go to. >> whoa. >> how about you. >> blackjack. i never win. i don't go expecting to win but expect to donate. chris and chris, thank you and paula, thank you, as well. coming up, in two minutes the best late night laughs after the debate. our man t.j. holmes is here with that and we'lle that left everyone in suspense. >> i see what you did there. plus, what is all the tension in this election doing to you, our realtime debate stress test, just ahead. you'll be surprised. >> i'm sweating. >> wrong. >> wrong. ! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. woah, woah! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that.
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even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. americans... ... 83% try to eat healthy.
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from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies. get to kohl's this friday through sunday and take an extra 15 percent off or 20 percent off when you spend 100 dollars or more. that's on top of 40 to 50 percent off outerwear for the family and these already great prices for your home like $8.99 sonoma towels. now that's the good stuff. hl's. all right, back now with the big late night laughs from the debate. and t.j. holmes is here with all the funny. good morning, t.j. >> get this. some of these late night comics went live last night so that
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and their show started to put the finishing touches on the jokes. in a debate that many viewers could find cringeworthy or made them growl or gasthe comments reminded there was a reason to laugh. >> the final presidential debate ever, i think. i don't think there will ever be another one. this debate was more focused on the issues than the others were. they had very strict rules no cheering, no clapping, no booing and no answering the actual questions asked. >> i want to make sure i heard that correctly. >> ooh. oh, suspense. democracy is going to end with a cliffhanger. >> i'm sorry, keep us in suspense -- am i the only one super freaked out by this. did donald trump just dismiss democracy like it was dressing on a salad. you know what, i'll look at it later. put it on the side. >> the last two weeks trump has been saying thes election is rigged, the election is riggeds and sure enough. >> whatever it is is rigged against him?
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rig. >> he'd rather have a puppet as president. >> no puppet. no puppet. >> no, you're the puppet. you're the puppet. you're the puppet. you're the puppet. >> that last less juvenile than the debate. >> okay. >> stole your line. >> you watched. you didn't find a lot to laugh at but afterwards they remind you there was plenty. kimmel said our show "black-ish" was preempted because of the debate and preeme b of white-ish and orange-ish. you got to laugh at this stuff. >> they are good at what they do. >> laugh to keep from crying. >> they didn't have much time to get those jokes together. >> great job by those guys. coming up in our next hour, back to you, t.j. much more on the debate plus tory johnson is here with big "deals & steals," you won't want to miss that. great stuff.
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carmax. drive what's possible. ? the death of a bachelor ? abou, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted.
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i'll build a little model in photoshop and add these... ...details in with a pen. i could never do that with a mac. i feel like my job is... put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences... ...imagination to fill in all the blanks. this windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools... ...right at my finger tips is incredible. from the hail in indiana to the fire in california, there's more where that came from. this segment brought
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lower premiums and cut health care taxes. i want to do the hard work of improving the system so it works for middle class families. but in washington, senator ron johnson sides with big insurance. voting to make medicare a voucher program, forcing seniors to pay more for prescription drugs, and letting insurance companies deny coverage to cancer patients. senator johnson - hurting wisconsin families. "good morning america" is brought to you by the venture card from capital one. earn unlimited double miles you
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ben: wisn 12 news time is 7:56. a controversial religious group is planning a trip to uw-m today. me protest. it's not the first time they've protested in milwaukee. uw-m students are organizing their own protest at the same time. students say they will counter the group's hateful message with a free hugs campaign. more than 100 people have already rsvp'd on facebook saying they'll attend the counter-protest. ben: if the zipper merge has been driving you crazy, good news. both will be gone by the end of next month.
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tells 12 news the first to go will be the zipper merge on northbound 894 in west allis. then the one on eastbound 94 in brookfield will be gone by thanksgiving. out on the roads now, an accident on i-94 westbound on the ramp to 68th street. the current traveles on the screen. now to weatherwatch 12. >> here is sally with a look at the forecast. sal? sally: i'm thinking a little heat in the car this morning with the temperatures in the mid 40s. 45 waukesha. 50 at the airport. clouds are fairly stubborn for this morning, dry air to the north and west, a cool front is
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beginning to part some this afternoon and allow for the sunshine. mostly cloudy from the live camera in mequon. mid 50s. north breezes beginning to die
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. debate bombshell. donald trump refuses to say he'll accept the election results. >> what i'm saying is that i will tell you at the time. i'll keep you in suspense. >> well, that's horrifying. >> the debate veers from policy to the very personal as new polls show trump now trailing with just 19 days until the final votes are cast. stressed out. what is all the tension in this election doing to you? our "gma" focus group put to the test, hooked up to heart monitors while the candidates went head-to-head in vegas, the moment they got the biggest response and what experts say you should do to get your stress under control. ? feels good ? >> election cycle. on the road and in the air. our intrepid reporter on a journey across the country. >> the weirdest thing i've ever seen. >> what americans from coast to coast are really thinking and
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tory johnson is here cooking up some huge savings. she's here to say -- >> good morning, america. ? what a showoff, michael strahan. >> those bags were heavy. couldn't you have removed the cereal and put the empty boxes in there. heavy. >> so you're working off the stress. we'ven it's so intense, the anxiety around this election is real. >> i know, we were all saying sitting around watching the televisions i felt my heart rate go up. guess what, we put it all to the test and we had a realtime stress test during the debate, viewers right there and we'll have the results coming up. they're pretty interesting then, michael, this is another big part of this stress, kids. >> i walked to kids about it and
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culture school here in manhattan yesterday. i talked to these fourth graders who were so witty, so smart and so well informed. >> they wanted michael strahan, i can tell you, my kids went there and in the middle school but the buzz was all through that michael strahan is coming. >> the great thing is i learned from the kids. >> they're dumbfounded by what they're witnessing. they know they're not supposed to behave like that with other children. >> that was the biggest thing that upset the kids the most, behavior, being polite. >> we'll see that tomorrow. and switching gears a little bit, "deals & steals" today. all for your kitchen. tory johnson is with us and you saw michael, he was getting those guns going. >> firing them up. >> that's just how big these bargains are. >> that is all coming up. it's thursday and now we've got to get the morning rundown from paula faris. >> good morning, michael. was there anything in those bags or were they just stuffed with paper? >> it was full of real food. >> full of real food. >> yeah. >> i expected fake but it was real. >> all real. thanks. good morning, everyone. we do begin with the fallout from the final presidential debate. donald trump taking heat for
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but this morning trump is claiming victory in last night's showdown. abc's tom llamas has the latest. tom. >> reporter: paula, good morning. it's the moment everyone is talking about. donald trump refusing to commit to conceding if he loses this election. his campaign manager kellyanne conway was on "gma" earlier today. >> i just think donald trump is also putting people on notice that if there are irregularities, if there is voter fraud, if there is large-scale malfeasance that's committed that he's not just goto that. >> reporter: and in another strange moment in this debate, donald trump condemning the alleged russian hackers that hacked into the clinton campaign's e-mails that have been used in wikileaks, but then later trump using material from wikileaks to slam hillary clinton. right after this debate trump flew out to the battleground state of ohio where he is today hosting a rally. paula. >> all right, tom, thank you. hillary clinton, meanwhile, deflecting questions about her campaign's e-mails and donations to the clinton foundation but her campaign is calling this her best debate yet and abc's cecilia vega has more from the
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>> reporter: hi, paula. good morning to you. the clinton campaign says if the election was held today they would be feeling very confident about the results. one big moment they are talking about this morning, donald trump's refusal to say whether he will accept the election results. after the debate clinton went to the back of her campaign plane to talk to reporters. she called that comment, quote, horrifying. another issue her team is raising, his behavior. they call it bizarre, erratic, it got downright nasty on that stage. were sparring about vladimir putin. >> he'd rather have a puppet as president. >> no puppet. no puppet. >> reporter: they also went at it on trade, immigration and the clinton foundation. >> this is just another lie. she totally lied. >> reporter: another moment donald trump's line about bad hombres, it is trending on twitter. so many people calling it offensive and derogatory and, paula, the clinton campaign is already using it to attack their opponent.
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development that could further complicate the war in syria. turkish warplanes attacked a group of rebels in syria that are supported by the u.s. government reportedly killing at many as 200. those rebels are part of a kurdish militia that the u.s. is relying on to help fight isis. back in this country a sheriff's deputy in california has become the fourth officer in that state killed in the line of duty in just the last two weeks. jack hopkins was shot while responding to a disturbance call near the oregon border. a suspect is in custody. and there is new concern this morning about the so-called big one in california. researchers now say the most dangerous earthquake faults in the san francisco area is actually connected to another fault line raising the risk for a quake more powerful than the one back in 1989. and finally on this thursday a couple from ohio hit the lottery and they didn't even have to buy a ticket. they were renovating their home and found this, it's an old suitcase. they found it in the basement
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they opened it up and what did they find inside, some cold hard cash, $23,000 in cash. they also found a newspaper from 1951, which is probably when that loot was stashed away. okay, so, guys, what would you do? you know, don't mind the fact that you find it in the ceiling or that it's in a suitcase but you find $23,000, what are you going to do with it? >> spend it. >> answer the question. >> vacation. >> right, but 23,000 1951 ar >> probably like $3 billion. a lot of money. can you imagine? >> they probably were stashing it away, saving it. >> i'm going to look in nye ceiling. >> didn't believe in the bank system. >> sometimes i lose christmas gifts but not 20 something thousand dollars. >> i'm psyched when i find a dollar in my pocket. >> "pop news." >> "pop news" time. >> yeah. >> good morning, everybody. happy thursday to you and, ah, if you've been feeling perfectly lonely without some new john mayer music, i have news that will leave you on the edge of desire.
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project in the works posting, quote, mixes and meetings and photo shoots and finishing touches. pop music, i'm coming back. john, please understand the gravity of your words. ding, ding, ding, don't leave us free-falling. it's been three years, and the last was a folk rock album called "paradise alley" and since then he's been playing shows with the grateful dead. john, it's time to say what you need to say in song and speaking of grateful, we would be ever so grateful if you would let us know when this alleged album will drop and if it's not true, get ready for some heartbreak warfare. >> that was incredible. i got to give you props. >> she's been double digits before -- >> i have been, thank you for reminding our viewers, george, but this was especially exciting for me. i happen to be a big fan. >> me too. that song "daughters" makes me cry. you saw my voice broke up just there. >> his music is fantastic. now i have some movie news. in a tip of the top hat to the
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willy wonka is coming back to the silver screen. warner brothers is teaming up for what is described as a standalone story focused on the man willy wonka, who he was, where he came from, his early adventures, yet to be announced which supporting characters will join the chocolate connoisseur or if johnny depp might play him original. the original one played by wilder in 1971. this has the blessing of the roald dahl estate, so that is ci to be rocked. the remaining members of the '70s supergroup queen have released a super fast version of their most famous anthem "we will rock you," this version recorded the same day they released their '77 album that features the one we all know and love but here you go. this is your first listen of the other one. ? playing in the street going to be a big man someday ?
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disgrace kicking your kind all over the place ? ? we will we will rock you ? >> come on, george. >> no. >> sing it. >> but i like it. >> you do? >> why was it under wraps for so long? >> i don't know. but you can get it soon. the hyper fast version of "we will rock you" part of the new "queen of air" collection compiles the band's appearances on the bbc between '74 and '77, available november 4th. i know what i'm getting george for christmas. >> i know what i'll be exercising to. going. >> look at you. i think i saw like a foot -- let it be known, america, i saw a foot tapping underneath stephanopoulos' desk. >> we saw it. well, hopefully we have more of that coming up from george. and our election stress test. that's coming up. wait till you see what the debate did to voters in realtime. plus, big "deals & steals" for your kitchen starting at just 10 bucks. we'll be right back. >> come on.
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you inherit lots of tr ancestor, lady beatrice, introduced the elizabethan ruff. great-grandfather horatio went st during the gold rush. and aunt susan was a a world champion. i inherited their can-do spirit. and their double chin. now, i'm going to do something about it. kybella? is the first of its kind injectable treatment that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. kybella? is an fda-approved non-surgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness... or a bit more.
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a? can cause nerve injury in the jaw resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness, and trouble swallowing. tell your doctor about all medical conditions, including if you: have had or plan to have surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; have had or have medical conditions in or near your neck or have bleeding problems. tell your doctor about all medicines you take. the most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area.
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? living in america ? there are hillary clinton and donald trump on the stage last night. a lot of tense moments in that debate and a lot of tense moments for people at home watching as well. >> yes. >> that's right, so we thought of a pretty good idea. we conducted a realtime stress test on a group of voters during the final debate. abc's mara schiavocampo is here with the results. good morning, mara. >> reporter: amy, good morning. you know, the country is deeply divided and people are definitely feeling it. one volunteer surveyed by the american psychological association finding 52% of adults reporting the 2016 election is a very stressful or somewhat stressful experience and last night we saw that firsthand. >> you were very much involved -- excuse me. >> reporter: the debate, a head-to-head battle filled with emotion both for the candidates on the stage. >> he'd rather believe vladimir putin -- >> reporter: -- and for the viewers at home.
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>> it has been corroborated. >> reporter: "gma" doing its own unscientific stress test. this is your self-reported stress level check-in. ten voters using an app from life data to rate their levels of stress one through ten while watching the candidates up on the stage. so this is where we're starting. this is our predebate stress check-in. you can see that the numbers actually pretty low. the average score, 3.27. they also strap on a myzone heart rate monitor. a raised heartbeat a potential side effect of stress providing a window into how this election may be affecting us. >> the election is everywhere. meaning, you know, it's not just the debates and not just watching the debate tonight. there is social media, there is tweeting. we're sort of inundated in it. it's almost like you can't escape it. >> reporter: while the group's self-rated stress and heart rates start low, they don't stay there. during candidates' responses on an abortion question, tempers rise. >> it's my body. i get to do whatever is in it. >> reporter: and so do heart rates. the background color changing as
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tension. how do you feel right now? >> stressed. >> my face -- >> tight. >> i feel it in my -- >> it's almost like i'm holding my breath and just like this pressure. >> i felt my jaw clenching. >> the tightness in the chest, it really hits you hard. >> reporter: the political climate affecting the group as a whole. while some argue -- >> she's full of [ bleep ]. >> reporter: -- the heart rates of even those just listening rise. >> because they were shouting, some were cursing. >> that's when i could feel my heart, like i could hear it in my ears. >> reporter: the biggest stress response during the discussion of trump's treatment of women. >> nobody has more respect for women than i do. nobody. >> reporter: these are the highest levels that we've seen all night and the interesting thing is the stress levels are an even split between supporters of both candidates. >> the nature of these two candidates has just brought out a lot of emotion in people. >> reporter: in september, a pew research center survery found
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>> worrying about who is going to win the election isn't going to actually do anything. do what you are in control of. go out and vote. >> reporter: overall self-reported stress rising steadily throughout the evening and there are still 19 days left for the election. >> hillary, you have no idea. >> 17 in -- >> reporter: now, doctors point out the heart rate changes are not necessarily caused by stress. still, the overall self-reported stress levels during the debate averaging 6.8 out of 10. the trump supporters reporting a slightly higher average of stress than the clinton supporters but it is stressful just being around all that arguing, george. >> well, as the psychologist said, mara, there is no escaping it this year. cokie roberts, we're here with cokie and matt dowd and, again, it's partly the candidates, partly media, partly the times but it just seems to be everywhere. >> we were stressed watching last night, right? it is. it's everywhere and it's also throughout the whole season,
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that donald trump is not qualified. so then people who were republicans saying, what should i do? and a lot of democrats not liking hillary clinton so people are very upset about what their choices are and what they should be doing about it but it's also just rude and crude and yelling at each other and all the things we tell our children not to do. >> and speaking of that we are adults and feeling stress and our children are watching too. i had three around the tv last night and i know, matt, you're not just a political analyst, you're a father of four and this on them, as well. >> i have ten brothers and sisters and it's had an impact, and the patterns of behavior that people have now watched in their adult leaders is not a good pattern of behavior that's been reflected i think in our children in this and the normalization of the sort of -- all the things we tell our kids, don't call names. don't get angry, they're seeing it in their leaders. >> i had my daughter yelling at the tv last night. she was reacting emotionally. >> teachers are saying this, as well. >> i was going to say we got a
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daughter's teacher saying she had a debate with herself whether or not to even teach the election. >> that's been a lot of stories about that and i have six grandkids and they are very much the same ages as your kids and they -- you know, there's a tremendous amount of conversation about it, as well. they really are aware of it in ways that you haven't seen before but they're puzzled about how to react to it. >> matt, i wonder what kind of impact it will have on election day. you know that both sides are now simply trying to fire up their supporters, and qu is that going to work or are we going to see a high turnout or will people be turned off and walk away? >> i think we'll see the lowest turnout percentagewise we've seen in 16 years. we'll see a low percentagewise. i think the problem for this is the partisan bickering that's gone on between these two political campaigns has left out a majority of the country who really isn't bickering in that partisan way. i think the truth is, with all this emotion going on, we actually need more of a pastor initially than a president. >> so each candidate had a
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was there any chord of unity at all thaw hear last night? >> well, hillary clinton tried. i mean, she talked about the country is great because it's good and bringing new people together and that's what she has to do for the next 19 days. if she really is as far ahead in the polls as she looks like she is, she has to move to that position. >> they could take a page from abraham lincoln, his second inaugural address after the civil war after the civil war when h let's strive to bind the nation's wounds. that's what they need to do, bind the nation's wounds. >> will the voters follow? that's another question. > coming up, thursday, tory johnson is here with the big "deals & steals." ? i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c.
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eatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. i prefer b. b. what was a... bath and bodyworks. and their favorite... suave. really? i am impressed. three fragrances preferred over bath and body works. how tall are you? how do we measure greatness in america?
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in college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. you're acting so funny, what's wrong, billy? my doctor says i have skittles pox. are they contagious? i don't think so. contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow! what's going on here?
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you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits.
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back here on "gma," a thankful thursday. and i'm thankful that tory johnson is here with a big "deals & steals" for your kitchen starting at just 10 bucks. >> we're going to put michael to the test. >> ah, a little strength going on with the kitchen bags. >> you got it. >> all of that coming up in just a moment and a very wisconsin-filled audience, but first, let's get a check of you5 and 50 with mostly cloudy skies. north breezes keep a chill in the air with highs in the mid 50s. more sun likely this afternoon. frosty late tonight as we
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upper 30s. sunny and chilly friday with highs in the low 50s. warmer weekend with low 60s by sunday. all right. time now for "deals & steals" for your kitchen and tory johnson is here with huge savings on everything you need to get cooking starting with an item for the grocery store. >> starting with the grocery store. so we partnered with this company, mighty hands. i didn't know you didn't necessarily know you were going to be put to extra work this morning. >> no, i did not. >> you're holding two mighty handles. each one of these little devices has this no slip grip that allows you to carry up to 50 pounds of groceries so i don't know if everybody can do that at home. >> you can walk home and get your exercise at the same time. >> there you go or you can at
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get four of these. normally four of them, $20 slashed in half, 10 bucks, >> 20 bucks. and now ten bucks. >> everyone here is going home with these. you all are getting these. you guys go to on yahoo! >> we'll be back with more
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>> good morning. wisn 12 news time now is 8:27. we are on the traffic and weather watch. we are looking at the morning commute. 94 at wisconsin 20, we are moving along headed through the
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now... sally is here with a look at the forecast. >> we are 45-50. 50 in racine and kenosha and 45 sheboygan. the clouds are stubborn. they are hanging tough throughout the morning and beginning thinning a bit in the afternoon. hit or miss clouds. sun is trying to come through. frosty tonight. the lows 37 degrees. the best chances of frost
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and we are outside in times square and we have a great audience with us on this thursday. yes, we do. [ applause ] and, george, why don't you get us started. >> we're going to start with a little throwback thursday. we all remember our class pictures growing up. oh, there he is. michael strahan. >> is that you? >> amy. >> oh. >> you look really happy to be at school. >> what was the matter with you? >> i think because i had a dress on. >> oh. >> another hint for you. i learned a long time ago about
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they can never come up -- >> no. come on. >> you had that hair back then. >> i don't know where it is. >> you didn't submit one. >> you have to work on that. >> we'll have that coming up in just a bit. there is a reason why we're talking about school picture, a great story, 3-year-old kaley anne steinback is the hero we need. she took picture day to a whole supergirl. and i love that she actually brought her sidekick, not so little actually. that's almost like a life-size sidekick. her action figure superman. kaley was given a lot of outfit choices by her mom. you could wear this dress or this outfit. she turned them all done and came up with a superhero outfit on her own and, of course, now it's trending big and the best part kaley says she loves all superheroes because she loves
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if you guys -- who was your superhero growing up by the way. >> i really was a big fan -- well i like the whole justice league. i was a big fan but loved aquaman. >> i'm a spider-man guide. >> i'm a spider-man woman. i have the spider-man underroos. >> now you'll have to model them. >> i still have a pair to be honest with you. but it's great that her parents say, hey, that's what you want to wear, you be who you are. >> i think i would have had a smile on my face if my mom had let me do that. wherever you are right now. >> your school picture threw me off a little bit. >> and moving on to our next topic. how many of you listen to music to fall asleep? and so there's this thing they did that people who listen to a certain type of music can help
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>> they found if you select your playlist of music it's better than going to a regular playlist that says, a sleep playlist and found that certain artists tend to help you battle insomnia, coldplay being one. [ applause ] johann seba johann sebastian bach being another. mozart. brian eno and ed sheeran. and what they hope, researchers are trying to do is pin down the support you so if you want to combat insomnia, you know where to go. you have your own personalized list, it's not just a generalized list for everybody and helps you sleep better. >> something specific about coldplay and ed sheeran's music that was it their cadence? >> the cadence, you're teaching mere deeper than i know but i imagine the chords and cadence. >> i find i listen to the words. sometimes i start thinking about something that the words remind
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>> i had words stuck in my head. >> you always have -- >> i like white noise. i have a white noise machine and i actually have it on my phone so everywhere i go i actually ground noise. >> we have the white noise in our bedroom too. >> i'm really into this white noise thing. different colors. >> blackout shade, white noise. >> is yours like ocean. >> shhh. >> like the -- okay, all right. well, there you go. >> few horns in the city, put me right out. >> as you're now learning, sleep, you take it where you can get it however you can. >> okay, we want to check back in with michael koenigs riding his bike across the country during the convention and keeping it up all through the election cycle. there he is. let's take a look. >> michael and this is the election cycle.
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here. good to see you. >> my home number. call me with questions. >> thank you so much for everything. >> trumps were born in this house actually. >> how do you like trump? >> trump, what? >> i think he should win. >> i was all for trump until his bad mouthing. >> what do you want trump to say in this last presidential debate. >> nothing, he just keep his mouth shut and let him win. >>al now we're zipping away. [ cheers and applause ] >> this has been so fun to watch. i love this idea. michael has done a terrific job and 600 miles so far and not done yet. this morning, michael is live from hoover dam. good morning to you, michael. [ cheers and applause ] >> what a shot. that is gorgeous. >> that is awesome. last night i know you were in las vegas. what did you find most people
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what did they have to say about the debate and what they saw? >> a lot of people were surprised that trump wouldn't commit and as we were balking down the strip, it was a real interesting split, though, still people still don't love hillary necessarily and so we were just getting a very small, small sample, but no one comes out of vegas a winner and is it a tight competition last night? maybe a slight lead to hillary. >> michael, you've been talking to all dre can you sum it up and think of one big thing you've learned from all those conversations? >> it is amazing how divided the country remains and we're going through cities and the countryside and a lot of these city, college campuses they're leaning toward hillary and when we get out on the country roads on some of these dirt paths, trump supporters are just as passionate so it's a divided country and we've got just 20
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>> pretty divided country. you had a chance to speak to flavor flav. any others? >> yeah, flavor flav endorsement could make a big difference here so sat down with him. he has a big old clock on and just seeing time, coming down to the wire, he was conscious of how much time the candidates spent on their answers, but he said he wears that clock so he knows and so the country knows, you know, how close election is coming. >> well, you're doing a great job. i hope you're having a lot of fun as well. thanks for sharing your stories with us. i know you have more ride as head of election day. >> great job, michael, thank you. >> thank you, guys. long ride ahead. >> thank you, michael. coming up more "deals & steals." tory johnson will be back with big savings, everybody.
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i'm russ feingold and i approve this message. on healthcare, russ feingold will work with both parties to lower premiums and cut health care taxes. e system so it works for middle class families. but in washington, senator ron johnson sides with big insurance. voting to make medicare a voucher program, forcing seniors to pay more for prescription drugs, and letting insurance companies deny coverage to cancer patients.
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welcome back to "good morning america." we just celebrated unity day by wearing orange and today we're all wearing purple. that is right. it's spirit day together with the disney abc choose kindness campaign we're taking a stand against bullying and showing our support for lgbtq youth. it of ten of them are bullied. # choosekindness.
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we have to, of course, you having a good morning. >> yeah. >> let's have atemps between 45 and 50 with mostly cloudy skies. north breezes keep a chill in the air with highs in the mid 50s. more sun likely this afternoon. frosty late tonight as we clear and temps fall to the mid to upper 30s. sunny and chilly friday with h >> that weather brought to you by harvoni and it is time for "deals & steals." >> all right. thank you, ginger. back now with tory johnson here help you get cooking and let's get right to it. >> so we have partnered with all of these companies to bring you the deals starting with black & decker. they make some of the most phenomenal blenders and food processors, we have a big assortment, not just the ones you see here but what you see here is all of the things these do whether making soup, salsa, smoothies. this one makes dough. can you shred, dice, do all sorts of things and with the
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make kitchen prep more fun, exciting. everybody loves a home cooked meal but are good for every day and you'll love the prices. depending upon what you choose they start at $75 but we are slashing everything in half 37.50 to $45. your choice of blenders and food processors. >> phenomenal. >> phenomenal. i love this company called epare and all about creating so that's for scallions. you want to test it. >> there you >> this makes me feel like i'm good in the kitchen. >> you are. >> mario batali would be real proud of that. there is a spiralizer so everyone -- spiralized vegetables to make pastas with your zucchini is popular. i love the milk frother and have been using it for the past week. even the saul and pepper grinders, here, hold your hand out. >> oh, wow. >> yeah. >> the automated one, manual ones, huge assortment. all of these things, look at that.
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>> just a phenomenal assort many. i like the pocket wine aeratorses so take it on the go. big assort many. these all start at $12 slafshing it in half, $6 to $25 for your choice of all these different amazing kitchen gadgets. another fabulous company is scalli. what i love about these they remember momsters. typically you have one timer. the turkey, the stuffing and thanksgiving. >> you have all these different bake types and then nothing comes out right because the times are all off. all of these products help with precision weighing of the ingredients, precision timing of the cooking. you cannot beat this assortment. our biggest assortment ever from escali even bigger than the products you see here. i'm in love with the idea of getting it right, one thing everyone loves to do. >> what is the price of this? >> normally all of these range
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what you choose and we've slashed them in in half, $6.50 to $50 from escali and from pack-it. what i love about this. that's for groceries. this is a little lighter than we had you carrying. what's amazing about this brand is that there's built-in insulation so there's no messy ice packs or lost ice packs. you put this entire thing folded up right into the freezer. >> i can feel it's a little cool. >> and keep your groceriesnd baby bottles, all of it cool. we've slash i had in half, $7.50 to $2.50. you guys since we love you guys are all going home with a frother. >> everybody going home with a frother. >> make your own frothed milk. >> for all of these. >> can you go and find them at on yahoo! >> you got it. >> tory, you are amazing. you know, the slashing of prices, you are the best.
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is here and they're performing live so stay right there. we'll be right back with more "gma." ?
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. one where personal customer service is much more than just words. hello, milwaukee. we're network health. and this is an actual member event where some of our 63,000 medicare members are getting to meet the friendly voices on the other end of the phone, in person. we're new to you, but we've been serving northeast wisconsin with a personal touch for more than 30 years. and, 9 out of 10 network health members are satisfied with their medicare plans. if you'd like to join them, and learn about plans that let you see any doctor who accepts medicare, either in or out of network. plans with zero dollar monthly plan options, prescription drug coverage... silversneakers fitness benefit, and person to person customer service. call now and get help choosing your plan. network health. we're local, we care,
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there is hope! we are here now with panic at the disco. their fifth studio album ""death of a bachelor" certified gold, unbelievable. debuted at number one o billboard and you guys were here when it first came out in january. welcome back to "gma." >> thank you so much for having us. >> hi, guys. how does that feel? i know this one was near and dear to your heart. >> absolutely. everything i write is personal. i felt reborn and wanted to showcase that and i hope it comes across. i think it does. >> i think it does as well and a lot can enjoy you. big tour in the work. >> yes, february. we're starting a headline tour. it'll be phenomenal. >> headline tour meaning, tell me where.
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>> all over. >> all over the u.s. >> u.s. >> so what we're doing is this is actually my first -- i'm happy to say this playing madison square garden. >> yes. >> oh, my, what. yeah, it's crazy. >> do you get nervous. >> oh, yeah, always. i love it. >> do you have a ritual. >> high-five and take a shot to kill the nerves. >> we got a chance to watch you warm up. a little sinatra. a little queen influencing your music. >> absolutely, i love both of those artists. frank, i have him tattooed forever and ever. both phenomenal and so different that i love pulling from different ends of the spectrum. >> we love your voice. >> thank you so much. >> unbelievable. >> my little girl is here by the way. i know you are excited. we won't keep fans waiting any longer. panic at the disco with "death of a bachelor."
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? do i look lonely i see the shadows on my face ? ? people have told me i don't look the same maybe i lost weight ? ? i'm playing hooky with the best of the best ? ? pull my heart out my chest so that you can see it too ? ? i'm walking the long road watching the sky fall ? ? the lace in your dress tangles my neck how do i live ? ? the death of a bachelor oh oh oh ? ? letting the water fall the death of a bachelor oh oh oh ? ? seems so fitting for happily
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? how could i ask for more ? ? lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor ? ? i'm cutting my mind off feels like my heart is going to burst ? ? alone at a table for two and i just want to be served ? ? and when you think of me am i the best you've ever had ? ? share one more drink with me smile even though you're sad ? ? i'm walking the long road watching the sky fall ? ? the lace in your dress tangles my neck how do i live ?
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oh oh letting the water fall ? ? the death of a bachelor oh oh oh seems so fitting for happily ever after ? ? whooo how could i ask for more ? ? lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor ? ? ? ? ? ? the death of a bachelor oh oh oh ? ? letting the water fall the death of a bachelor ?
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? happily ever after whooo how could i ask for more ? ? lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor ? "gma's" fall concert series present the by carmax.
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on healthcare, russ feingold will work with both parties to lower premiums and cut health care taxes. i want to do the hard work of improving the system so it works for middle class families. but in washington, senator ron johnson sides with big insurance. voting to make medicare a voucher program, forcing seniors to pay more for prescription drugs, and letting insurance companies deny coverage to cancer patients.
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tonight, trump, clinton, the final presidential debate in the book. trump needs a turnaround and clinton aims to hold on to her lead. with just 19 days to go this is where america turns. abc's "world news tonight" with david muir. >> we've got a lot of fans here. panic at the disco, thank you, guys, so much. you might have been nervous but you didn't sound it. >> thank you. >> not real nervous, though.
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>> good morning, wisn 12 news time now is 8:57. >> battling a public health issue. today, the milwaukee common council's public health committee is tackling opioid abuse. the medical college of wisconsin will update the committee on their work to reduce drug use. right now, the college has programs in place that are working to cut down on drug abuse and dependency. >> just one day after the final debate, donald trump's campaign is now turning its attention to the badger state. trump's daughter ivanka will be in wisconsin later today. she'll headline campaign events in wauwatosa and eau claire. the tosa event starts at 12:30 at the crowne plaza milwaukee west. doors open at 11:45. then ivanka heads to eau claire for a 2:30 appearance. both events are open to the public. >> now to check on the forecast with sally. sally: early morning
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degrees. a fair amount of clouds out there. clouds are stubborn for much of the morning and some parting in the afternoon. you are seeing thin spots to the north and west. here in the east and south, pretty stubborn. now, i will call for hit or miss clouds in the afternoon, a little more sunshine coming through and highs around 55 degrees. breezy north winds are settling down just a little bit in the afternoon. tonight clear skies. we are overnight and frosty toward the morning lows 37 degrees. now, for the friday, bright sunshine in place. it is cooler 53 for friday. we are warmer for the weekend.
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, he's the man with a plan, matt leblanc. and from "american pastoral," dakota fanning. plus, broadway star john leguizamo joins kelly on the hour. all next on "live!" ? ? [cheering and applauding] and now, here are kelly ripa and john leguizamo! [cheering and applauding] ? ? >> john: roger rabbit.


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