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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 4, 2016 12:02am-12:32am CDT

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>> this is "nightline." >> tonight inside the final 30. holy voters. >> as christians we should vote for the platform and not the person. >> but this year the r >> there's disgust on both sides. >> causing a crisis of faith. >> some alarmed by the sinful rhetoric. >> what a national disgrace. >> others toeing the party lines. >> for me it's strictly biblical, why i'm supporting donald trump. >> how evangelicals are casting their votes. >> plus, does this election have you stressed out. >> i feel like i have a dark
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>> the tension testing marriages. could medication be what the doctor orders, and my favorite. the new list is here. some of her favorite things on oprah's list of favorite things and what she wants for christmas this year. but first the "nightline" five. >> mom thinks burlington is the place for coats. she's right. fashion coats. quilted coats, gloves, scarves, boots, hats. fraction of the cost. >> they have a ton of coats. >> i use met moussel because no one can beat it and it's the number one brand. it's also my secret weapon. because it gives you more health benefits than the competition. no wonder it's the number one doctor recommended fiber brand.
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thank you for joining us. the evangelical vote has belonged to the republican party for decades, but this year some are having trouble reconciling their christian values with donald trump's language. we are look at the spiritual divide inside the election series, inside the >> you'll be a friend to people of faith in this country. >> i'm casting my hat with them, and not with the demagogue. >> there's disgust on both sides. >> i can't just brush off trump's comments as locker room talk. >> reporter: for evangelical christians across america, this election has caused a schism. >> the church is a place of
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>> reporter: the top of the gop ticket this year, donald trump has many of the faithful at an impasse. >> i don't know what i said. >> such a nasty woman. >> sunday morning, dallas, going to church. the fellowship church. ed young said it's a choice between being stabbed or shot for evangelicals. ? >> reporter: ed young leads the more than 20,000 members of the fellowship church. young, diverse, cool. hip center christianity. >> it's all about jesus. would you pray with me? >> reporter: good for the soul, but we're here to talk about the presidential campaign. >> it's a sad, sad commentary on our culture that these are the two that we're left with. >> reporter: evangelical christians voting their values. >> the economy is a huge focus
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>> pro life would be an important issue for me. >> i have to choose the candidate that best reflects godly principles. >> reporter: it's made them in past elections a crucial gop constituency from ronald reagan to george w. bush, but for many of them, some of what they've seen and heard from donald trump is hard to stomach. >> it's disgusting, but it's on both sides. >> reporter: what's a chris not the person. >> reporter: pastor young said he would not his ministry to support a candidate. if donald trump called you -- >> he has. >> reporter: he did? >> not himself, but some of his people. >> reporter: what did they say? >> they wanted me to attend this rally and group and i said no. >> reporter: why?
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situation where vote for obama, vote for donald trump. i just want to be able to talk about jesus. >> reporter: but for all their angst about this election, they've made up their minds. come on, you're going to vote for trump? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: right? >> yes. >> reporter: 900 miles away across the bible belt in south carolina near greenville, a town with fewer people than young preaches to on any given sunday, there's a different kind of church. the harvest praise and worship center. get me to the church on time. this is a house church. christianity began in house churches. it is home to pastor burns. nice to meet you. >> welcome. >> hello, republicans. >> reporter: unlike ed young, pastor burns accepted donald
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became one of the trump campaign's go-to pastors delivering a fiery speech at the republican national convention. >> help me elect the next president of the united states of america. >> reporter: his church may be small, but his reach is wide. >> here we just have a small church studio where we do a lot of christian television. a large part of our audience is on tv. >> this is the colors that night. >> reporter: there he is. >> that is the man. >> reporter: burns is one of the few african american pastors supporting donald trump. >> a donald trump admin administration. >> reporter: did you pay a price as a black leader for meeting with donald trump and supporting him? >> i don't want to say pay a price, but we did go through some battles. we also believe in the power of prayer, and we're going to pray
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>> reporter: burns doesn't believe supporting trump conflicts with his faith. do you think donald trump has god on his mind and heart as he campaigns and as he looks toward governing? >> i don't understand donald trump is qualified to lead anybody's church or qualified to even lead a bible study. but do i believe he talks to god in reference to the direction of our country? i can say absolutely, yes. for forgiveness? >> i'm not sure i have. i just try to do a better job from there. i don't think so. >> reporter: donald trump once said he's never asked god for forgiveness. that sounds un-christian. >> donald trump was trying to say i don't want to bring god in the mix of my failure. i want to try to do it right and make it right to you. i'm not just going to make it spiritual and then still do you wrong. >> reporter: but other
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moral imperative to speak out. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything, grab them by a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: in a scathing op ed in "christianity today" they proclimb claimed, quote, enthusiasm for a candidate like donald trump gives our neighbors ample reason to doubt we believe jesus is lord. >> we saw christian women leaders who don't typically weigh in coming forward. >> reporter: for an editor at the tibmagazine, it was one of last straw. >> i'm one among many women sexually abused, misused, talked naughty to like we liked it. we didn't. as a victim of sexual assault, i tell you about devastation wreaked on women and girls by predatory men and boys who think women like it.
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trump still enjoys the loyalty of some of the top evangelical leaders in this country. >> i'm concerned when i see these leaders continuing to support trump, that they are actually fore saking their responsibility to up hold the dignity of women for political expedience. >> reporter: in the red state of kentucky at the very conservative christian southern baptist theological seminary, dr. denny burke is punches. i guess you don't like him much? >> yeah. . >> reporter: in his blog he called trump an extinction level event writing he must never be allowed during the oval office, ever. >> he already has divided conser conservatives. >> reporter: for most a choice must be made. >> are you going to vote? >> yeah.
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for. >> reporter: either of the major party candidates? >> yeah. >> reporter: there are people who listen and say traitor. what do you say? >> to fellow christians concerned about the unborn, i think they're right and i share it. you have a lot of people looking at two dumpster fires and trying to figure out which one burning less brightly. >> reporter: not inspirational, just 2016. overcoming election stress. with the help of meditation. and later, a look at oprah's brand new list of favorite things. simulation initiated.
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what greases the gears in washington? money. and ron johnson fits right in. six years ago, johnson took a shady $10 million corporate payout, went to washington, then voted to protect $21 billion in tax breaks for the world's biggest oil companies. $21 billion. a wisconsin senator, protecting tax breaks for oil companies. that's ron johnson. that's washington. and he fits right in. end citizens united is responsible
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? stress is nothing few americans. it's almost our national past time, but this election is pushing some people over the dredge, dread over the outcome turning some friends and family against each other. we set out to help voters in one acczen. >> she has tremendous hate in her heart. >> i feel very stressed right now. >> this is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes. >> i haven't been sleeping well at night. >> people have both sides of the fence feel stressed out about it. >> the worst election i think i ever remembered in my lifetime.
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with insomnia, stomach problems? you might be suffering from election stress disorder. >> is it a disorder. i think it's tongue and cheek, but i think there's stress impacting people around the election. >> reporter: according to one study more than half americans are feeling anxious or stressed over this election. >> it's a catastrophe. they're looking at worse case scenario possibilities if their candidate doesn't win. >> rte around the country are reporting things like stomach ailments, sleep problems, compulsive cleaning. are you seeing things like that? >> yes. >> reporter: i find during the dakotas i'm stress eating. >> such a nasty woman. >> reporter: now i really feel like i'm on the couch with you. i guess i am. >> why don't you lie down? >> reporter: i should lie down. as it turn out, i'm not alone. we decided to head to the battle ground state of pennsylvania to see how voters are coping.
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behind me is independence hall. people are genuinely and i think often justifiably freaking out. it's turning some family living rooms into battle grounds. would you describe yourselfs as stressed about the election? >> yes. >> having a sexist bully, having his if i thinker that close to a nuclear weapon scares me. >> reporter: she's pro clinton. i think people are tired of same old politics. i'm a big believer in women's rights. >> why would you vote for donald? >> reporter: they've been married 25 years and this is the first time this happened to them. >> the stress has been fun. >> we were on our way, i was dressed. heels. i got out of the car. it was moving.
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i put a trump sign on the front lawn and you put two or three hillary signs? i said there's nothing funny about it. i was so mad that i left. and i walked over -- i -- i'd have to do it, but i think it might be closer to five miles home. he thought it was over, he came home, and there was a suitcase. >> reporter: you walked to the >> yeah. >> reporter: what do you advise about a situation like that? >> don't talk about politics. >> reporter: some people are using puppies and kittens to get through the season. even hillary clinton prescribes this method. >> it makes you want to unplug the internet or just look at cat pictures. >> reporter: the experts also recommending turning off your tv, not right now, though, unplugging from social media, exercising, and then there's another method that i personally
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going to make america calm again. >> exactly. >> reporter: that's why we brought in a nonpartisan ringer, a meditation teacher from canada. are people here feeling stress about the election? >> yeah. >> i had it. i'm tired of the social media and watching my friends, my family fight with each other. >> i don't think that trump is a decent human being and i don't want him to represent our country. >> reporter: is it stressful to be in a room with people >> no. i believe we're all entitled to our opinion. one of us is right and one of us is wrong. i was just kidding. just kidding. i was trying to be funny. >> reporter: given the depths of the problem in terms of our divisions here, do you think medication actually could scale to be a useful force? >> absolutely, i do. it allows people to make better decisions, and we need a world where people are making better decisions. >> we'll start with a few deep breaths.
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them and see if they made any progress with election enlightenment later. you can do something proactive. we're going to meet a couple that has done that. >> it's counter programming against the vistrial we're getting from most of the media. >> reporter: how has >> i feel like i have a dark cloud over my head, and i know i'm a lot grumpier than i used to be. that's how we started this project to put 28 artists from all over the city holding happy signs to premind us that isn't armageddon. >> people stop by the door and read the sign and step back and look up. they get this smile on their face. >> reporter: in their studio, my
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of our own election stress. meanwhile back at the yoga studio. >> i feel a little lighter. >> definitely. i think that was exciting. >> reporter: everyone including us, seems to be surprised by what 15 minutes of meditation can do. >> regardless of the outcome, we're going to need to bring peace to ourselves every day. >> we have to see each other as more than labels and republican and a trump supporter. we have to see each other as people. >> even though our candidate may not get elected or the world is going to end, i think we need to generally have practices like this happen more often so more people can feel the way we do right now. >> reporter: this is dan harris meditating in philadelphia. >> thanks to dan. if you want a guide at meditation, we posted one for
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list of favorite things is here. guess what she wants for christmas? "when the ship comes in" by the hollies ? oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path ? ? d the seagulls ey'll be smilin' ? and the rocks on the sand ? it's so peaceful up here. [eagle screams] ? that the whole wide world is watchin'... ? introducing the new turbocharged golf alltrack with 4motion? all-wheel drive. soon to be everywhere. i struggle with bipolar depression, and it's tough. it leaves me feeling sad and empty. it makes it hard to be there for the people i love.
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russ: as i've traveled to all 72 counties, i've heard from a lot of people. including seniors, concerned that ron johnson is going to turn medicare into a voucher program. senior: don't let it happen russ. russ: i've heard from families in need of good paying jobs. blue collar guy: ron johnson's trade deals help other countries, not us. russ: the bottom line - people want an economy that delivers for them. and, russ, i think you need a bigger van. russ: i'm russ feingold
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finally tonight, a favorites list from one of our favorite people. it's that time of year again. >> so exciting. oh, my god. >> oprah's favorite things. a tradition for over a decade. even parodied on snl. oprah's favorit 2016, ranging in price from a free app to $1500 television. this year oprah giving up behind the scenes look at her selection process. her list including a pasta pot that drains it. a suitcase with its own charging dock. and, of course, pajamas. a onesie sported by oprah available for $40, but all she
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>> i think the most special gift is words that come from somebody's heart. >> the december "o" magazine featuriing favorite things goes on stand november 8th. thank you for watching abc news. as always, we're abc and our facebook page. ?? tonight, mariah's split gets even stranger. >> oh, darling. >> why mimi wants a their 50 million inconvenience fee after
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>> then prince harry's secret rendezvous with his new hollywood girlfriend. wwat we just found out. >> i'm not going to jinx it by seeing you. >> sarah jessica parker on her biggest fashion risks and her boldest move yet handing over her style empire to her 7-year-old. >> one of my daughters is plotting to take over. >> it's that time again. oprah is sharing her favorite things with "e.t.," but wait a minute. no one's getting a car. why looking way different this year. >> i am done with gifts. >> now for of november 3, 2016, this is "entertainment tonight". >> what does mariah carey wants her ex-billionaire fiance to apologize for. >> that's not all. it comes with an inconvenience fee. >> i'm also going to be a diva in different ways.


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