tv WISN 12 News at 530PM ABC December 10, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST
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say yes to more. call now. announcer: the following@ is a paid presentation @ @@@@@@@@ brought to you by mypillow, incorporated, creators of the world's most mfortable pillow, mypillow.@@@@ hello, i'm mike lindell.@@@@@@@@ cve invented the world's?ost mfortable pillow, mypillow.@@@@ st comfortable pillow.@@@@@@ make them right here in the united states.@@@@@@@ not change that channel,?@@@@ mfortable pillow, mypillow.@@@@ st comfortable pillow.@@@@@@ e ve fallen in love@@@@@@@@@@ stay tuned for mike's? believable buy one,p@@@@@@@ t one free offer d discover why people@@@@@@ the amazing mypillow.@@@@@@@@@ and nothing's worked like mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@
5:01 pm
i love it. i can't sleep without it.@@@@@@@ erall, it's just a better night sleep.@@@@@@@ absolutely love my pillow.@@@@ i can't sleep without it.@@@@@@@ that's all i can say is i love my pillow.@@@@@@@@ you wake up with a headache,? a stiff neck,?@@@@@@@@@@ w about this-- do you find yourself tossing@@@@ the cool side st to get comfortable?@@@@@@ en you,0like millions@ of other americans,?@@@@@@@@ mply aren't getting@e st to get comfortable?@@@@@@ a good night's sleep.@@@@@@@ ke's here to share with us en you,0like millions@ y getting a good night's sleep@@
5:02 pm
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ere is no biggem an a pillow.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ mike,p i hear what you're saying.@@ this is what blew me away--@ 70%0of us do not like@@@@@@@ what's going on here?@@@@@@@ is pillow here @ pushes back.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ you know when you sleep@ your back,?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ you can feel that pillow.@@@@@@? is pillow here @ pushes back.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ u're on your ba, d0you're like this@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 've all slept o, th the curve.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
5:03 pm
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ at about this one? is one here@ s ruined america.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ d you0know how ? a washer and d? yeah.@@@ ey don't care? at we keep buying pillows@@@@@@@ just wanted somp d i did something about it.@@@@@ this pillow here, i can't say@ ey don't care? ough bad things about it.@@@@@@@ rrible,0terribl. mike,0i love your pillow.@@@ i love that it's made in america.@ the best thing e about this pillow@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
5:04 pm
@@ your pillow and you're like is and you go like this,@@@@@@@@ hundreds of thousands of people@ have benefited@@ om sleeping on mypillow.@@@@@@ at they can't return d0get their money back.@@@@@@@@@ 's the most amazing product, d i 100@ it'll be the most comfortable@ pillow you'll ever own.@@@@@@@@@
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5:06 pm
?@@@@@@@@@ tried every pillow out there,? and nothing worked.@@@@@@@@@ 10 years ago, i invented mypillow.@@@@@@@@ everything you t in a pillow.@@@@@@@@@@@@ w is the best time get your mypillow@@@@@@@@@ because mike will give you a cond pillow absolutely free.@@@ ,? der now@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ n't delay. y one get one free.@@@@@@@@ order now.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ use your arm for support, ich can cause pain.@@@@@@@@
5:07 pm
st head down, asleep,p and it's nice.@@@@@@@@@@ need my rest.@@@@@@@@@@@ pillow helps me get@eep,p a good night's sleep@@@@@@@@ d how about this?@@@@@@@@@@ d comes with an amazing@ -day money-back guarantee@@@@@@ and i can put them in my dryer.@@@@@@@@@@@@ th 4 boys, a lot of bedding, 's just great.@@@@@@@@@@ not only that, mike does l his own manufacturing@@@@@@@@ and i can put them in my dryer.@@@@@@@@@@@@ in his home state of minnesota d has over 1,100 employees.@@@@ i love the fact@ is made in the usa.@@@@@@@@@
5:08 pm
@@@@@@@@@@ personally guarantee that mypillow@@@@@@@@@@@ ll be the most comfortable llow you'll ever own.@@@@@@@ pe to that mypillow@@@@@@@@@@@ call now to order your mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@ when you do, i'll give you a second one absolutely0free.@@@ ke the rest of your life@@@@@@@ e best of your life@ th mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@@ use the promo code your screen@@@@@@@@@@@ for the best night's sleep@ the whole wide world ?@@@@@@@@ ?isit ?@@@@@@@@
5:09 pm
and what does that do?@@@@@@ you don't restore yourself,? d health deteriorates.@@@@@@ mypillow is great@ because i feel like@@@@@@@@@ eeping on a mypillow,p@@@@@@ do believe ensures a good night's sleep.@@@@@@@ mypillow is great@ because i feel like@@@@@@@@@ minutes later, was out.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ not getting int@ i could now do @
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ earlier we talked about@ the importance@@@@@@@@@@ which is something can really relate to.@@@@@@@ i have to admit,d about@ was pretty skeptical.@@@@@@@ just would get cruciating headaches.@@@@@@@ and so one of t@ en we talk about washing just would get and drying a pillow,@@@@@@@@ and when i took it out of the dryer an@ they're taking a and grandma's house.@@@@@@@@
5:12 pm
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ en hopefully when they got to be my age,?@@@@@@@@@@ that my0kids sleep on a great pillow.@@@@@@@@@@ i was out worki, and she said--@@@@@@@@@@ i wanted everything made here@ in the united states.@@@@@@@ and you have a product that's gonna effect@@@@@@@@@ have over 1,100 employees now, and every one of them@@@@@@@
5:13 pm
so my customer service center@ is right outsid@ just how i would want@ to be treated.@@@@@@@@@@ and it's very--@ so my customer service center@ is right outsid@ you know,?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ didn't wake up with the headaches.@@@@@@@@@ i was more aligned.@ everything felt good.@@@@@@@ you toss and turn l night,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ u are not alone. or sleep is an epidemic.@@@@@@@
5:14 pm
, inventor of mypillow.@@@@@@@ tried every pillow out there,? and nothing worked.@@@@@@@@@ 10 years ago,? i invented mypillow.@@@@@@@@ it took me 2 ye, cause i wanted to have@@@@@@ erything you would ever want 10 years ago,? i inin a pillow.@@@@@@@@@@@@ get your mypillow@@@@@@@@@ because mike will give you a cond pillow absolutely free.@@@ that's right,? ge der now@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ n't delay. y one get one free.@@@@@@@@ order now.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ other pillows go flat, using you to fold them over@@@@
5:15 pm
d aligned to your exact@ dividual need.@@@@@@@@@@@@@ st head down, asleep,p and it's nice.@@@@@@@@@@ mypillow helps me get@ a good night's sleep@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ d comes with an amazing@ -day money-back guarantee@@@@@@ with 4 boys, a , 's just great.@@@@@@@@@@ not only that, mike does l his own manufacturing@@@@@@@@ d comes with an amazing@ -day money-back guarantee@@@@@@ in his home state of minnesota d has over 1,100 employees.@@@@ with 4 boys, a , 's just great.@@@@@@@@@@ in buying a product,@@@@@@@@
5:16 pm
d that it really does? at he says it'll do.@@@@@@@@@@@@ personally guarantee that mypillow@@@@@@@@@@@ go to call now to order your mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@ when you do, i'll give you a second one absolutely0free.@@@ ke the rest of your life@@@@@@@ e best of your life@ th mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@@ use the promo code your screen@@@@@@@@@@@ n't delay. y one and get one free.@@@@@@@@ for the best night's sleep@ the whole wide world ?@@@@@@@@ visit ?@@@@@@
5:17 pm
od,0i met you@ at the state fa@ yes, i remember. and i didn't even know i was looking f@ d you0saw me and said, need to talk0to you."@@@@@@ u know,0it's ch@ it's changed th@ th your big shoulders,@@ ere's a lot of people@ u knlike you.@@@ it's changed th@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i've always been a side sleeper@ th the arm that@ because of stories like yours.@@@@@@@@@ didn't work to@ the first night@ because of stories likewas down there-@ it's 2 hours away? wife's folks,@@
5:18 pm
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ abbed the pillo@ the second nig@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ abbed the pillo@ right, that's awesome.@@ that just goes to show.@@@@@@@@@ even someone your size,? right, that's awesome.@@ w it helps--@@@@@@ we help everybody@show.@@@@@@@@@ om the smallest person@@@@@@@@@@ up to the biggest,size,? right, that's awesome.@@ u0know?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ it's great.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ om the smallest person@@@@@@@@@@ d we're gonna s? the state fair this year?@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ hi.@ hello.@@ good.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
5:19 pm
ve my own company, floral design company.@@@@@@ i really, really need sleep,@@@@ the flat pillows,? the firm.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i tried a water pillow,?@@@@@@@@ i really, really need sleep,@@@@ d then one of those@ memory-foam pillows.@@@@@@@@ the flat pillows,? the firm.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and it just-- it was not-- you don't have the energy,@@@@@@ and you0can't deal with children memory-foam pillows.@@@@@@@@ the flat pillows,? en you're doing that.@@@@@@@ asaw mypillow it was not-- you at one of your shows.@@@@@@@ and i thought, you know,children memory-foam pillows.@@@@@@@@ the flat pillows,? i'd invested enough money?@@@@@@ ight's sleep@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ my life in years. w.@@ i have energy, and i love my pillow.@@@@@@@ did you believe it when you seen the sign@@ and he was like, "you want to@ end money on a pillow?@@@@@@
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ d that they do believe highly? what the product is.@@@@@@@ for the pillow that you've made, mike.@ d they-- is is0from--@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i send pillows er to afghanistan.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ this guy,0he wrote me, d they-- said, "i'm writing you@@@@@@@@@ ght now, m sleeping on a cot@@@@@@@@@@@@@ with a bag full of unused? othes as a pillow,"@@@@@@@@@@@@@ some of those@ we've seen today.@@@ and what we did,of unused? sent them pillows,?@@@@@@@@@@@@ d i can't beginp w nice it is@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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it's-- it's great.@@@@@@@@@@ @ or maybe had a hard time aying asleep??@@@@@@@@@ when you went to bed?@@@@@@@@@ if you're not sleeping well,@@ aying asleep??@@@@@@@@@ n't settle r any ordinary pillow.@@@@@@@@@ if younow is the time@ well,@@ get a mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@@ your arm goes asleep stead of you.@@@@@@@@@@@
5:25 pm
mypillow has my patented fill@ that adjusts@@@@@@@@@@@@ to your exact individual needs,@ gardless of your sleep sition@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i think that it is@@ i tried a couple other more expensive pillows@@@@@@ d it just didn't really work.@@@ as soon as i tried the mypillow, more expensive pillows@@@@@@ it worked out great.@@@@@@@@ and nothing's worked like mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@ cause mike will give you a d pillow absolutely0free.@@@@@@
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ink about how many pillows u will purchase@@@@@@@@@@@@ er the next 10 years@@@@@@@ ink aor how much you've spent the last 10 years@@@@@@@@@ d comes with an amazing@ -day money-back guarantee@@@@@@ i have never heard of a pillow@@@@@@@@@@@@@ having a 10-yea? til mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@@ i think it's awesome that mypillow offers@@@@@@@@ didn't think mypillow@ would stand up@@@@@@@@@@
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me state of minnesota.@@@@@@@@@@ y wait?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ me stait's time you0discovered@@ e most comfortable@@@@@@@@@ and supportive pillow@@@@@@@@@ the world,0mypillow.@@@@@@ mypillow's better and different@ because it honestly?@@@@@@@@ throughout the night.@@@ m i love mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ because it honestly?@@@@@@@@ s work.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ go to call now@ order your mypillow.@@@@@@@ en you do, i'll give you a second one absolutely free.@@@ ke the rest of your life@@@@@@@ the best of your life@ th mypillow.@@@@@@@@@@@ e the promo code your screen@@@@@@@@@@@ order your mypillow d get 2 for the price of 1.@@@@
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n't delay. y one and get one free.@@@@@@@@ mypillow hasn't done me wrong? for 12 years.@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ en you bring up mypillow@@@@@@@@ how many people@ ve mypillows.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ if someone came@ d said they were gonna@@@@@@ i absolutely love mypillow.@@@@@ at's all i can say is i love mypillow.@@@@@@@@@ ?or the best night's sleep@ the whole wide world ?@@@@@@@@ at?isit ?@@@@@@@@ is i love mypillow.@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ mypillow, incorporated, eators of the world's@@@@@@
5:30 pm
tonight, the deep freeze from coast to coast, an arctic assault, snow, ice and frigid temperatures. >> i'm wearing snow boots but i can barely walk. >> buses stopped in their tracks. spinouts on the highways, and the polar blast on theay washington state to maine. breaking political news, donald trump's likely pick for secretary of state, and the award that man once received from vladimir putin himself. plus new intelligence claims that russia interfered with the election here. tonight, why trump is taking on the cia. the explosions outside a major soccer stadium, the powerful blast knocking people to the ground miles away. the images just coming in. the road rage attack that killed an nfl star, the shooter
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