tv WIS News 10 Midday NBC January 15, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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meteorologist von gaskin for the latest on your forecast. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. during the late morning sunday low 50s. this morning an area of low 43 billion dollars. the budget puts an emphasis on 43 billion dollars. the budget puts an emphasis on five themes - education, public finance, public safety, flood recovery and economic development. in haley's explanation of the budget proposal, she made it clear that south carolina is taking care of its issues and moving forward. "i think that our sucess with grown over time. we hope that they'll do it. they seem very accommodating. they seem willing to work with us. what we saw three years ago with education, they just wanted to be
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they were willing to do it, they wanted to be shown how. for me, i can't sit there and ask them for something if i don't prove how we do it...." the governor's budget proposal goes to the legislature and revenue- generated bills have to originate in the house of representatives and voted on by the senate before going to the governor's desk. the state has ordered more than 330 thousand dollars in restitution for food stamp fraud cases. attorney general alan wilson says this is restitution from 99 cases in the state and is the result of the first year of a partnership targeting abuse of the federal snap program. happening now ... a highly debated rock quarry project proposed in lexington county is being heard before a judge. the company behind the project, vulcan materials, wants to build in the leesville area. one of two proposals vulcan gave county council in november would close stutman road -- that is what is being discussed in court today. vulcan says closing stutman road would keep the mining operation farther away from houses.
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concerns about noise and pollution, but say closing stutman road is not a solution either. wal-mart is closing 269 stores, more than half of them in the u.s. and another big chunk in its challenging brazilian market. the stores being shuttered account for a fraction of the company's 11,000 stores worldwide and less than 1 percent of its global revenue. the closures will affect 16,000 workers, 10,000 of them in the u.s. in the u.s., 154 locations will be closed, most of them small format stores called walmart express, which were launched as a test program in 2011. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s and 50s. the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. sunday another area of low
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across the gulf of mexico and change conditions across the area . during the late morning sunday clouds will start to increase again there is a 20% chance of a shower through the afternoon. gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. sunday another area of low pressure will move across the gulf of mexico and change conditions across the area . during the late morning sunday low 50s. today, senator and former presidential candidate lindsey graham endorsed candidate jeb bush as his pick for president. today, senator and former presidential candidate lindsey graham endorsed candidate jeb bush as his pick for president. graham started his speech by recognizing his campaign and saying he "fell short," but now as a citizen, he
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the senator explained that he thinks bush has the skills to get the world on board and working together. "i have concluded without any hesitation, without any doubt, that jeb bush is ready on day 1 to be the commander in chief for the sacrifices of the 1 percent who have been fighting education mick zais also spoke in support of bush. republicans donald trump and ted cruz came to an abrupt end, as the front-runners battled it out during a fiery debate in north charleston last night. trump questioned whether cruz is eligible to be president due to his canadian roots. cruz fired back, mentioning the birth of trump's mother in scotland. meanwhile, senator marco rubio burned cruz over immigration and his supposed flip-flopping. "ted cruz, you used to say you supported doubling the number of green cards, now you say that
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increase in the number of guest workers, now you say that you're against it. you used to support legalizing people that were here illegally, caucus approaches on february first. in the undercard debate, the big topics last night were the u-s economy and foreign policy. former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina said she would use her bump from the main stage to her advantage. she even took a jab at governor nikki haley's state of the union response in the process. presidential candidate "we do not need to be lectured about why we're angry and frustrated and fearful because we've had an illegal immigration problem in this country for 25 years." kentucky senator rand paul was missing from both of the debates. paul refused to participate on the undercard stage, after he was bumped out of the main debate. wis will have a special decision 2016 show at 7 tomorrow night.
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interviews with several gop candidates and an overall look at the race for president leading up to the south carolina primary. it's all happening saturday. coming off of the heels of last night's debate, ted cruz will join attorney general alan wilson today for a forum in columbia. it starts at 3:45 this afternoon at the usc alumni center on senate street. the event will be hosted by the conservative leadership project. free tickets are still available and can be found at cruz event s-c dot com. this sunday, the democratic presidential candidates will have a debate in downtown charleston. it's sponsored by the congressional black caucus institute and is hosted by nbc news. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton, bernie sanders and martin o'malley will be attending. our crew will be out there and will bring you the latest. and those same candidates will be in columbia next week. will be in the capital city for king day at the dome on monday. the event is held annually at the state house and is hosted by the naacp. solutions of hope to bring about
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community. that was the discussion last night on the campus of usc as part of the university's annual martin luther king day celebration. the panelists included justice jean toal, bob coble, representative mia mcleod and usc law professor eboni nelson. the audience raised questions about equity in funding, teacher training and parental involvement. they also discussed solutions with the hope that people will be motivated to do the work to bring about real change. all eyes are on the three states where the winning powerball tickets were sold. the winners will split the record setting one and half billion dollar jackpot ... making each ticket worth 533-million dollars. mark barger reports. :31 :45 :51 the question of who won the record setting one and half billion dollar powerball jackpot may be partially answered. with winning tickets sold in california, florida and tennessee, one couple has come forward, saying they have one of
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purchased in munford, tennessee. nats "it's not going very far." appearing on the today show, "so i checked them four times and said i'll believe it when the news comes on in the morning and they say hey there's a winner been in munford." so what's it like to be carrying a ticket around worth 533 million dollars? "now i'll be nervous because everybody knows." laughs "lost your anonymity." the next stop for the robinson's: turning in their ticket to lottery officials to make it official. mark barger, nbc news.
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paid leave is among the biggest points of contention on main street this election cycle. kate rogers reports on how new requirements could affect some businesses. :27-:32 1:02-1:14 1:45-1:53 in president obama's final state of the union address, worker protections were front and center. "equal pay for equal work, paid leave, raising the minimum wage. done." "the comments come at a time when the push to momentum continues to build to beef up employee benefits at businesses nationwide is gaining momentum. but new data analyzing..." one congressional paid sick leave bill shows main street could be hard hit. the conservative national federation of earn up to seven paid sick days companies,, like larry we just got hit with a min. people and entrepreneurs who have risked their homes their livelihood and building in 2016. in the past year big companies including netflix and microsoft announced enhanced paid leave plans. "we live in a nation that says we care about family values and yet being a good
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policies. that was kate rogers reporting. months after the history- making floods --- a site with a lot of history in lexington is still trying to rebound. the pond that sits near the old mill off highway one was a scenic place before the nearby dam breached --- sending out millions of gallons of water. high seas properties, which owns the site, says fixing things could take anywhere from two to five million dollars. what town leaders are counting on is the site's place in future planning. officials say since it could soon be considered public space for recreation they've appealed to fema for some help meeting the cost. "you know we kind of advocated for the dam itself..uhh the pond and putting it back and presented it to the local fema
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region.and felt very good about it." town leaders say at this point it's not clear what they'll look at for funding if the federal government says no. lexington town and county officials will be at a meeting concerning the old mill dam next month. if you didn't get there yesterday, you still have today and tomorrow to make it to the home and lifestyle show in columbia. the show is being held inside the south carolina state fairgrounds' cantey building. on thursday it was co- located with the palmetto senior show for the day. the show features home building and remodeling it's open today from 1 pm to 6 boulevard and is 5 dollars per vehicle. here's von with a glance your full forecast coming up next ... von? this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico.
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the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s and 50s. the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. sunday another area of low pressure will move across the gulf of mexico and change conditions across the area . during the late morning sunday
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marco rubio. he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty... then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa
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most areas with highs in the 40s and 50s. the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. sunday another area of low pressure will move across the gulf of mexico and across the area . during the late morning sunday clouds will start to increase again there is a 20% chance of a shower through the afternoon. daytime high will reach the low 50s. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. sunday another area of low pressure will move across the gulf of mexico and change conditions across the area . during the late morning sunday
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again there is a 20% chance of a shower through the afternoon. the daytime high will reach the low 50s. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s and 50s. the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near 60. sunday another area of low pressure will move across the gulf of mexico and change conditions across the area . during the late morning sunday clouds will start to increase again there is a 20% chance of a shower through the afternoon. daytime high will reach the low 50s. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s and 50s. the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday sunday another area of low pressure will move across the gulf of mexico and change conditions
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during the late morning sunday clouds will start to increase again there is a 20% chance of a shower through the afternoon. the daytime high will reach the low 50s. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" system will be out of there by late friday night. a rare january tropical storm is churning toward the azores in the atlantic. says the storm was about 220 miles south of the archipelago early this morning. tropical storm alex was
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strength hurricane with winds of about 70 miles-an-hour. it's is the first named storm of 2016. the hurricane season normally runs from june first to november 30-th. on saturday night- the koger center will serve as the stage for the annual rocketman concert. the elton john tribute show is a benefit for the nancy perry children's shelter in lexington county. the shelter has provided a home for abandoned or abused children since 1972. tickets for the concert are 25 dollars and the show starts at 7:30 saturday night. we've put a link for tickets on the big red 10. the usc women's basketball team got a little redemption last night.
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conference loss came on the road at kentucky. they were back in lexington thursday looking to keep a perfect record in tact against the number 9 ranked wildcats. kentucky opened up an 11 point lead early. but in the 2nd half, the second ranked gamecocks fought back behind a big night from a'ja wilson, who had 26 points. usc wins 73 to 62. they'll return to action sunday at one- 30 at home against 15th ranked texas a-and-m. tomorrow -- the usc men will look to rebound from their first loss of the season. the gamecocks are hosting missouri at colonial life arena. game time is 1 o'clock on the sec network. ice cube made a name for himself by rebelling
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now, he's reprising his role as a tough cop alongside kevin hart in ride along 2. raphael seth has this week's box :01 :21 :40 :56 nat kevin hart takes his talents to south beach in "ride along 2." he re-teams with ice cube in this cop caper. the comedian is still trying to earn the respect of his brother-in-law, so he volunteers to go undercover in miami to take down a drug supplier. "ride along 2" is rated pg-13. nat heroes come out of the shadows in "13 hours: the secret soldiers of benghazi." this film is based on the 20-12 attack at an american compound in libya. six soldiers stationed nearby volunteered to aid consulate workers under a battle against hundreds of terrorists. "13 hours" is rated r. nat nothing comes for free in "the benefactor." richard gere is a family friend trying to help dakota fanning after her parents are killed. but his money comes with strings attached..and fanning and her baby-daddy are tired of being puppets. "the benefactor" is in theaters and on- demand. nat a polar bear heads south for the
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"norm of the north." shiploads of people are moving to the arctic, disrupting the environment. so the misfit bear heads to the big city to convince humans to that's the box office preview, raphael seth, nbc news. this morning an area of low pressure has moved nbc news. this morning an area of low pressure has moved out of the gulf of mexico. the low will cross through the state later today and deliver 1" rain totals in most areas with highs in the 40s the rain associated with the system will be out of there by late friday night. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy with highs near
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