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tv   Today  NBC  February 19, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST

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holy war of words. donald trump responds after the pope questions his faith for wanting to build a wall along the mexican border. >> he has an awfully big wall at the vat cannicanvatican. >> we'll talk to donald trump live. on the democratic side,illary clinton is booed for a dig at bernie sanders. >> doesn't know what the last democratic president did. it's true. it's true. >> as our new poll shows that race tightening. paying respects. the body of justice antonin scalia set to lie in repose at the supreme court today. president obama scheduled to be there, but facing growing criticism over his decision not to attend tomorrow's funeral. moment of impact. a sightseeing helicopter crashes near pearl harbor. why the pilots actions saved lives.
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the dramatic increase in flu cases around the country. what you can do to ward off the virus. today, friday, february 19th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc brks krrksbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. it's friday morning. i'm savannah alongside willie geist. >> we talked earlier about how remarkable it is we had george w bush, president obama and president clinton entering in on the race. enter the pope. >> don't miss religion and politics, not applying to this race. it is a big story this morning. the presidential candidates are making their final pitches ahead of tomorrow's democratic caucus in nevada, and the republican primary in south carolina. as willie mentioned, this election has taken another strange twist, with this back and forth between donald trump and the pope. we will talk to mr. trump live in a moment.
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2016 coverage this morning with nbc national correspondent peter alexander. good morning. >> good morning to you. south carolina, of course, famous for a good spirited debate. the fighting has gone from surprising to surreal. here's where things stand on the republican side. you can see the race is tightening. donald trump, according to the new nbc news/wall street journal poll out this morning, up five points over ted cruz. down to a 16-point advantage he had one month ago. marco rubio and jeb bush in a statistical tie for third. >> reporter: donald trump now diffusing what began as a holy war of words. >> i don't like fighting with the pope. i think he's doing a very good job. the pope is a wonderful guy. >> reporter: the donald versus the pope started hours earlier. >> for a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful. >> reporter: pope francis after praying on the mexican side of the u.s. border responded by
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runner's proposal to build a wall. a person who thinks only about building walls and not bridges, he told reporters, is not christian. trump arguing the pope would be blessed to have him in the white house. >> if and when the vatican is attacked by isis, which as everyone knows, is isis' ultimate trophy, i can promise you that the pope will have only wished and prayed that donald trump would have been president. >> reporter: a top trump aide tweeting this picture, showing vatican city surrounded by walls. >> he has a big wall at the vatican. >> reporter: trump is also facing questions over a 2002 howard stern interview, in which he said he supported the war in iraq, despite the recent claims that he opposed it. >> are you for invading iraq? >> yeah, i guess so. um, you know, i wish it was -- i don't correctly. his remarks.
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anybody asked me that question. by the time the war started, i was against the war. >> reporter: for all the campaign season's nastiness, emotional moments, too. >> i would hope in the lord and in my friends, and now i found it in my presidential candidate that i support. i'd really appreciate one of those hugs you've been talking about. [ applause ] >> reporter: like john kasich, comforting a supporter struggling with hardship and depression. >> a powerful and moving moment there. 24 hours ago. no room for error for these candidates. all of them pulling out the stops, including jeb bush, whose mom, barbara bush, 90 years old, will be back on the trail today. back to you. >> peter, thank you so much. donald trump is with us now on the phone. mr. trump, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's see if we can clear something up that has become an issue in south carolina. the question is whether or not you said that the bush
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into the war in iraq. here is exactly what you said at the debate on saturday night. we will roll the tape. >> they lied. they said there were weapons of mass destruction. there were none, and they knew there were none. >> here's what you said last night at a cnn town hall when asked by a voter, who didn't like the sentiment, whether you'd be willing to reconsider. we'll roll that tape. >> would you be willing to rethink that? >> a lot of people agree with what i said. i'm not talking about lying. i'm not talking about not lying. >> which is it, mr. trump? it seemed like you backed off that claim a little bit last night. are you still saying that the bush administration lied to get us into iraq? >> i'm not saying anything one way or the other. >> you did. >> savannah, i'm saying that as far as i'm concerned, the decision to go into iraq was probably one of the worst decisions ever made in the history of our country. it led to the total de destabilization of the middle
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>> i'm sorry to interrupt but to this specific issue, there are voters in south carolina that are seizing on this. whether or not you accused the bush administration of lying. >> i think you're aseizing on it. i don't think the voters are seizing on it. i don't know if he lied or not. he could have. maybe he did and maybe he didn't. i guess you'd have to ask him. whatever, the decision to go into the middle east, iraq, was one of the worst decisions in the history of our country. we lost thousands of lives and we have wounded ware your eded warriors who i love all over the place. that was the decision. iran is taking over iraq. we lost and have been humiliated there. if you go in, you go in to win. but the war in iraq was one of the worst decisions. why he made it, there were no weapons of mass destruction. he said there were weapons of mass destruction. there were no weapons of mass destruction.
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maybe the worst decision ever made by the united states. >> mr. trump, it's willie geist. let's take up that question of iraq. you have said as one of the pillars of your foreign policy credentials that you had the wisdom to know it would be a bad idea to invade iraq. you said you said that in 2003 and 2004. last night, buzzfeed unearthed a clip of you talking to howard stern september 11th, 2002, where you were asked, should we go into iraq and you said, yeah, i guess so. i guess my question to you, mr. trump, is, are you exaggerating how strong you were against the war? i know you've said things down the road that put you out there as someone who was against the road, but are you exaggerating how hard you were against it? >> no. that was long before the war started. by the time the war started and you have documentation of this, by the time the war started, i was against it. you see articles in 2003 -- don't forget, i wasn't a
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nobody cared about my opinion. that was just a question asked of me. i was a civilian. i was an entrepreneur. >> at the time, did you think it was a good idea? >> to go into the war? >> in 2002. >> it was a disaster. because the question was asked in 2002, long before the war started. by the time the war started, i was against it and immediately after it started and for many years, identify've been against it. i said it'll destabilize the middle east and iran will take over the middle east. that's what happened. >> let's talk about the dust up with pope francis. we heard about what you had to say about that, and you feel maybe pope francis didn't say something as initially harsh as you were told. you said yesterday no leader, especially a religious leader, should have a right to question another man's religious and faith. i was struck by that. over this last week, and even on
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how can ted cruz be an evangelical christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest. you have been questioning another person's faith. >> no, i'm not. ted cruz told many lies. he got caught. you'll be reporting on one in a while, what he did with marco rubio, with a false ad he put out. what he did to ben carson in iowa. >> you questioned his faith, whether or not the fact you say he's a liar makes him less of a christian. >> no, i didn't. >> how can he be an evangelical christian when he lies so much and is dishonest. >> i'm not questioning his faith. i say that ted cruz holds up the bible and then lies. he's been caught on almost all occasions. he did voter violation forms, which is a fraud. he did so many things so bad. i've never seen anything like it. marco rubio called him an absolute liar. he's never seen anything like it. i've never seen a politician do that. ted cruz lies. everybody knows he lies.
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says he's an evangelical christian. that's his -- i'm not -- i'm just saying he says it. >> mr. trump, thank you so much. i think we cut it out -- the cell phone signal cut out but i think we got it. thank you so much. >> thank you, mr. trump. things are getting tighter on the democratic side. look at our new poll. hillary clinton leads bernie sanders nationally. 53%/42%. a month ago, secretary clinton was up 25 points. andrea mitchell is following that race. good morning. >> good morning to you, willie. wb within hours of bernie sanders calling bill clinton's achievements disastrous, hillary clinton came out swinging against her rival at the msnbc town hall. >> i don't know where all this comes from because maybe it's that senator sanders wasn't really a democrat until he decided to run for president. >> reporter: it was the first time hillary clinton so fiercely attacked bernie sanders for not
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>> he doesn't even know what the last two democratic presidents did. you know what, it's true. it's true. >> reporter: firing back at sanders for saying in 2011 that president obama should face a primary challenger. >> the idea that there can be a primary with different ideas get floated and debated, it's not terrible. >> reporter: and for criticizing bill clinton. >> i happen to think bill clinton did a pretty good job as president. let's be clear, i happen to think our trade agreements from nafta, from tpp, have been a disaster. >> reporter: many questions focusing on immigration reform. including one woman, a u.s. citizen, whose husband was deported. >> what would you do to bring my husband home? >> clearly, those are not the policies that i want to see, and i will change those pollicypolicies. >> how long would it take to change the policies? i've been waiting six years. >> i can't -- we will use our executive office and power as
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>> reporter: later, unprompted, clinton reached out to her. >> i will end the three and ten-year bar provision, so you don't have to face that ever again. >> reporter: both were asked if they'd tackle immigration reform in their first 100 days. >> not a dictator here. it has to do with cooperation from the congress. >> it's at the top of this list. >> reporter: clinton came under fire for not releasing transcripts of her paid speeches. >> i am happy to release anything i have, when everybody else does the same. >> reporter: with exit polls showing young women voting for sanders, he embraced his feminine side. >> i consider myself a strong feminist. in fact, gloria steinem, everybody knows she's one of the leading feminists of america, made me an honorary woman many, many years ago. >> on thursday night, both candidates showed up at a union picket line with labor a key factor in the vote for the caucuses tomorrow.
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the caucuses. it is a critical test of hillary clinton's campaign. she was once far ahead and now it's neck and neck. >> senator sanders playing to the honorary woman vote in nevada. andrea, thank you. let's bring in chuck mod,todd, moderator of "meet the press" and moderator of last night's town hall. >> let's talk about the town hall and what's happening in the state of nevada. the polling there, i know you said before, polling is unreliable. we don't get a lot of it. it looks tight based on what we know. what was your sense of things in the room with secretary clinton and senator sanders last night? >> well, what was fascinating was the fact that, by the way, both of them got booed at different points. it was a ruckus room a little bit. i think it tells you something about what's going on in the ground in nevada. the time i spent there, it's clear to me that both campaigns agree that sanders has the
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whether clinton's lead, which she had a week ago here, is big enough to hold for a surge that there's an expectation that sanders supporters are going to flood at the last minute, reregister and get there. >> let's talk about south carolina. february 27th for the democrats to vote there. we have a poll out of south carolina on both sides. where does that shake out? >> look, i think a lot depends on nevada. a sanders win, and i'd argue it's a must-win for sanders, but a sanders win in nevada then allows him to say, see, i can win in a place with a diverse elekctorate electorate. it creates another week of negative headlines for clinton and it can close the gap in south carolina. a win in nevada would allow him to make it a single digit race in south carolina. that's why saturday is so important for both candidates. >> chuck todd on his way home, thank you so much. >> thanks, chuck. it is an emotional day at the supreme court where the body
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a public viewing ahead of funeral ralservices tomorrow. pete williams is at the court for us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. this will be justice scalia's final return to the supreme court. a building where he was among the longest serving justices in u.s. history. today's ceremony is one he knew well. >> reporter: inside the supreme court's magnificent great hall, justice scalia's casket will lie in repose, an honor last given to former chief justice rehnquist in 2005. back then, justice scalia escorted president and mrs. george w. bush as they paid their respects. today, president and mrs. obama will come to the court to do the same for justice scalia. stephen breyer, in the first public appearance of a justice since scalia's death, said friends were sad. >> he was a life force of the court and it'll be a grayer place without him.
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enormous impression. >> reporter: tomorrow, the funeral at the basilica of the national shrine of the i immaculate conception, where his son will celebrate mass. vice president biden will attend the funeral but president obama will not, prompting ted cruz to describe mr. obama this way. >> lawless and faithless president. who is eager to travel to cuba but unwilling to show up at the funeral of justice scalia. >> reporter: with republicans saying the next president should appoint scalia's successor, biden told rachel maddow the senate must act promptly on president obama's nomination to get the court back to nine justice is. >> if we don't nominate someone in the next month or so, start the hearing process, they say nothing is going to happen until the next election, it won't be until next june or july before you have a supreme court justice. >> after a private ceremony this morning with a prayer and a
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be open to the public for those who want to say their final good-byes. >> pete williams outside the supreme court, thanks. pope francis' back and forth with donald trump is not the only reason the pope is making news this morning. on his flight back to the vatican, he indicated that contraceptives could be used to prevent the spread of zika, despite the church's long-standing ban. ann thampe thompson is at vatican city with more. >> good morning. as we've seen with his comments on donald trump's border wall, pope francis can be blunt. even his closest observers were surprised by the exception he made yesterday to the church's opposition to artificial birth control. >> reporter: in pope francis' native latin america, the zika virus carried by mosquitos, is being linked to babies born with abnormally small heads. women are urged to avoid getting
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world that is enormously catholic. the pope said contraception to prevent zika is the lesser of two evils compared to abortion. he said abortion is a crime, absolute evil, and likened it to what the mafia does. his decision is not the first in church history. in the '60s, the pope allowed nuns in danger of rape to use birth control. in that case as in the zika epidemic now, francis said it was a clear exception. that exception has some people in latin america hailing francis as a modern pope who finds solutions. but experts insist this is not a change in church doctrine. >> this is not a blanket statement to apply to all forms of contraception at any moment, but this is dealing with a disease that's wreaking havoc in people's lives. >> now, pope francis also talked about the latest gossip here at
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friendship st. john paul ii had with a female american philosopher. pope francis said friendship with a woman is not a sin. popes can have holy and healthy friendships with women, and popes need their input. without it, he said, men are missing something. >> quite the newsy trip back to the vatican. appreciate it. let's get a first check of the weather from dylan in for al. >> not a week ago, we were talking about record cold. now, we're talking about record warm temperatures across almost the entire country. look at this ridge in the jet stream that's allowing temperatures to warm up. we saw several record highs through the plains, texas, the midwest yesterday. 20ed today, we'll see highs across the areas, as well. especially through the midwest, where temperatures will be running 15 to 25 degrees above average. look through the weekend. wichita, 72 today and 74 on saturday. the 60s on sunday. jackson, mississippi, mid to upper 70s. memphis, tennessee, top up in
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this will start to spread to the east. temperatures up and down the east coast will be well above average. we're looking at highs in washington, d.c. and richmond, virginia, to top out in the mid 60s for the start of the weekend. even into monday, temperatures well above average. that's a all year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. so when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. from electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund. walmart.
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periods of rain tuesday and wednesday of next with 2" rain totals possible. the biggest thing to remember -- today is it's the last day to cast your absentee ballot. if it's at a polling location, you'll have until 5pm directly to a polling location because it may not get there in time if you put it in the mail. that's your latest forecast. >> thank you. coming up, startling video of a sight-seeing helicopter carrying a family of four as it crashes near pearl harbor. one person is in critical condition this morning. one of the witnesses who sprang into action is speaking out this morning. with flu cases on the rise across the country, what can you do to protect your family?
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first, this is "today" on nbc. something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do.
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fabulous forecast over the next few days as high pressure is in place. look for mostly sunny skies today through the weekend with highs today in the lower 60s.near 70 saturday and low to middle 70s sunday. a pattern change by monday as a storm system moves our way and will increase clouds and our rain chances monday
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temperatures will cool down as well. could be heavy. family and friends are preparing to say final goodbyes to a midlands volleyball and track standout. 23-year-old tylaporte was killed last week in a car crash near holly springs, mississippi after colliding with an 18-wheeler. ty graduated from dutch fork high school. she had just just finished her four-year ole miss volleyball career. a visitation will be held tonight at bostick- tompkins funeral home on colonial drive from 5 to 7. funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2 at the columbia first seventh- day adventist church on riverchase way in lexington. the owner of a midlands estate sale company is expected to have a bond hearing today. tony hendon was booked at the breach of trust. hendon is the owner of columbia-based "real estate guys", which has been the center of several civil lawsuits that accuse hendon of ripping them off after agreeing to conduct sales. one of his charges carries a five year prison sentence--the other, a ten-yeaea sentence. keep it tuned right here to w-i-s news 10 for more of the "today show". and get breaking news first at w-i-s t-v dot com.
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your wis update. a midlands restaurant owner
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she spent a lifetime making a difference for people. winning healthcare for 8 million children. benefits for families of reservists and the national guard. standing strong around the world for human rights and women's rights. hillary clinton. she'll raise the minimum wage. take on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs. and give everyone the opportunity to go to college without going into debt. she'll get the job done... for us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. because i'm happy
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it's tgif. 19th of february, 2016. these folk rs gets are getting a jump start on their weekend with a visit to our rockefeller plaza. we have natalie, dylan, me and willie said this was like a slumber party. >> you were doing your nails. >> it's the truth. preview of steals and deals coming. >> i sat bacac like this. >> i thought we were doing a news show here. we are. we are. let's get to the headlines this morning. this is breaking this morning. u.s. war planes carrying out air strikes on an isis training camp in western libya. as many as 40 people were killed. the u.s. was reportedly targeting a senior tunisian operative linked to two militant attacks in tunisia last year. that operative was likely killed in the strike. our new national poll shows bernie sanders cutting into hillary clinton's leads.
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secretary clinton. 42% supporting sanders. both candidates taking part in a town hall last night, and they clashed over president obama. >> he's calald him weak and disappointing, tried to get someone to run against him in the 2012 election, the primary. i just don't know where all this comes from. >> there is one of the two democratic candidates here who obama. it wasn't me. >> the nevada caucus is tomorrow, while the republicans compete tomorrow in a primary in south carolina. and justice antonin scalia's body lies in repose today in the great hall of the supreme court building. the public is invited to pay their respects one day before funeral services. also this morning, we're learning more about a terrifying crash caught on camera in hawaii. a helicopter carrying a family of four, plunging into pearl harbor. nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer has more on this one. good morning. >> the national transportation
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site later today to start their investigation. they already have what could be a critical piece of evidence. video of the last moments the chopper was airborne. >> reporter: the sightseeing helicopter was losing altitude quickly. witnesses say smoke was coming from the tail as it closed in on a crowd gathered along the shore. then it happened. slamming into the water with five people aboard. the chopper began to sink immediately. scott witnessed the crash and sprang into action to help the victims. >> it was sputtering and came down. he put it right off the shore, where people were. as soon as people saw what was happening, they started running. >> reporter: as quickly as the helicopter went down, many plunged into the water. >> i swam in to the aircraft and the kid in the backseat was entangled in the seat belt. >> reporter: some passengers able to swim ashore, but a teenager was critically injured.
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>> i pray the kid is okay. i guess he's still in critical condition. >> reporter: the navy says the chopper is owned by genesis aviation, registered to jeffrey. this photo taken from his facebook page. the sightseeing company tours pearl harbor, offering stunning views of the u.s.s. arizona memorial, where the aircraft went down 20 feet offshore, directly next to a visitors' center. >> seen the helicopter sputter about 500 feet. the pilot did what i would say was an amazing job. >> reporter: the investigation into what went wrong has just begun. an incredible crash caught on camera that everyone was lucky to survive. >> siting privacy concerns, we know one person was listed in critical condition. the other injuries are believed to be minor, considering the force of this crash. we did reach out to the owner of the helicopter company. our calls have not yet been returned.
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thanks so much. there are new develops in apple's fight against the federal government on an order to hack into the phone of a san bernardino shooter. it's something the tech giant has done in the past. here's joe fryer. >> reporter: federal agents thursday taking evidence from the home of a relative of san bernardino shooter syed farook. >> can i talk to you real quick about the raid this morning? excuse me, can i talk to you? >> reporter: what the feds really want is access inside farook's iphone, sparking a public fight between apple and the government. more tech giants are backing apple, including facebook and twitter. its ceo writing, we stand with tim cook and apple and thank him for his leadership. the judge is ordering the company to create new software to unlock farook's phone. >> to deny government access under court order, that creates safe havens for all different kinds of bad guys. >> reporter: major tech companies get thousands of
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each year to hand over customeme ta. in many cases, faced with valid subpoenas or search warrants, the companies comply. in a court case last year in new york, prosecutors noted apple has repeatedly assisted law enforcement officers in federal criminal cases by extracting data from passcode-locked iphones. saying apple complied with at least 70 court orders since 2008. for apple, the san bernardino case is very different. apple can extract data from phones with older operating systems. ios 7 and earlier. farook's phone is running on ios 9 and apple says it can't extract data from those devices because they're encrypted. the company would have to build a so-called back door to get inside. steve wozniak says back doors are a bad idea. >> i believe that apple's brand recognition and value and profits is largely based on an
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means you believe somebody. you believe you're buying a phone with encryption. we shouldn't have hidden back doors. >> reporter: apple has another week to respond to the court order in this battle over impressive si privacy and security. joe fryer, nbc news, los angeles. let's turn back to dylan who is in for al. >> we have cool video. fire nato in missouri. the definition is a spinning vortex of flame. it didn't cause any damage, but it was part of a wildfire. sometimes these wildfires are so huge, they create their own wind. it's windy in the area anyway, and it helped to spread the fire. there has been no injuries reported. it's more a brush that caught fire. we are still looking at conditions today that could lead to the spread of wildfires. it's very dry. humidity is around 15%. it's also very windy. look at all these high wind warnings and advisories. 55 million people could see very gusty winds today, perhaps in excess of 65 miles per hour.
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as we go through the day today, we'll see the winds start to spread into the midwest. we'll see justs s gusts as high as 35 to 45 with isolated higher erer gusts. it creates the conditions for fires to spread. it's ahead of the cold front and behind it, we are looking at gusty conditions. up and down the east coast, not a lot going on. temperatures should be topweekend as highs warm into the 70s. showers return monday with periods of rain tuesday and wednesday of next with 2" rain totals possible. the biggest thing to remember -- today is it's >> that's your latest forecast.
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coming up, what questions do you have for us today? on trend, it is the return of the friday fishbowl. the late seaean surge in flu cases nationwide. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. but only if you have a brain. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns
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the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. hi, i'd like to make a dep-- scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. we're back at 7:43. this morning, hospitals are reporting a dramatic rise in flu cases. >> nbc medical contributor dr. natalie azar is here on what you
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good to see you. >> morning. >> let's take a look at cdc's latest map. we're seeing the flu is starting to pick up. >> yeah. >> how do you account for this? >> it's a little late in the season, generally speaking, but not too late. we always say that the flu season is going to start in the fall and go through may. one thing i want to point out about the map though is that it is last week's map. the cdc comes out with their weekly surveillance toward the late morning. in a couple hours we'll have a new map. importantly, when we reached out to doctors and hospitals across the country, they have valueeidated that we are seeing an uptick in the number of place scases. in some places, twice as many cases. there are different indicators the cdc uses to try to determine the severity of the season. while they have some, they don't have all of the indicators. again, the people we reached out to have said they've seen, and the cdc is confirming, we're seeing a range of severity, from
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importantly, there have been cases, again in the young adults we generally think are the not so vulnerable group, who have gotten severe illness that has required intensive care. i always want to point that out. we know that the most vulnerable groups are the people over the age of 65 and kids under the age of 2, as well as people with chronic illnesses. if you're not vaccinated and otherwise a healthy, middle-aged adult, you could still get a severe illness if you get the flu. >> does that map and the late surge tell us something about this year's flu vaccine? i know this year, it wasn't very effective. >> the major trainstrain h1n1 is covered by this year's vaccine. a lot of people last year were saying, why should i bother getting vaccinated? >> is it too late to get vaccinated now? >> absolutely not. we see flu season go well into early may. it takes about two weeks to
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vaccinated. really, now that we're seeing -- we're in the early stages of this surge of cases. it is not too late. we recommend vaccinations for everybody over the age of six months. a lot of anti-viral treatment, as well, if you're a candidate for it. speak to your health care provider if you think you're infected. >> good information. dr. azar, thank you so much. >> i got my flu shot from you and feel terrific. >> great. it went so well. just ahead on pop start, adele teams up with ellen to pull off the ultimate hidden camera prank. and photoshop fail. the battle over this image
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trail to social media. are you powered by protein? milk has 8 grams to help give you energy to unleash your potential. start every day with
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we're back at 7:50. getting a lot of recommendations on what savannah should do with the boot. >> we need to bedazzle it. bedazzle the boot. we might try to do that next week. >> we do have a bedazzling gun at home? >> i do. it has multiple uses. >> let's make it beautiful. we're back with a photo tied to the presidential race getting a lot of attention this morning. carson has the story in the orange room. >> a little more attention than your boot. this is crazy. follow along with me if you can. can cruz campaign shared this image on thursday of senator marco rubio shaking hands with the president. there it is. not so fast. quickly, this is an image that showed cruz's team photoshoped the image with rubio and obama's faces on it. watch what happens. here's the example of the
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>> oh, with their left hands. >> put rubio and the president's faces on the stock photo. immediately, the #cruz photoshop look off online. rubio was edited into everything imaginable. there he is on the mona lisa. luke skywalker. he was in space. he made the fayemous oscar photo. then cruz became the meme victim, getting his "star wars" mockup with princess leia. miley's wrecking ball. overnight, the cruz campaign replaced the edited image with a real handshake between rubio and obama. not quick enough to beat the trend. guys? >> it was almost like intentional. a left-handed handshake, and then they had the real picture. why not go with that first? carson, thanks so lot. >> the internet was there for us with the memes.
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internet by storm, what hot wait... wait... perfect. at del monte, corn is packed at the peak of freshness with just water and a dash of sea salt. nothing else.
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and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious.
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i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live.
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fabulous forecast over the next few days as high pressure is in place. look for mostly sunny skies today through the weekend with highs today in the lower 60s.near 70 saturday and low to middle 70s sunday. a pattern change by monday as a storm system moves our way and will increase clouds and our rain chances monday wednesday.of course temperatures will cool down as well. highs monday and tuesday in the lower 60s, look for middle to upper 50s the rest of the week. some of the rain on tuesday could be heavy. we are in first alert mode mon-wed and will have
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baseball season is officially here for the gamecocks! this afternoon-- the gamecocks open a 3 game stand against albany to start the season. usc has been among the top programs in the nation for years -- but missed the ncaa tournament last year for the first time in 1999. there has been optimism in the offseason that this year will be a different story. today's game is at 4 o'clock at founders park. first pitch saturday is 2pm -- then 1:30 on sunday. and the usc women are back-to-back sec champions! the gamecocks clinched a share of the regular season title monday. last night they had a chance to take the crown outright. the only thing standing in their way -- the georgia bull dogs. usc opened up a big lead over uga and would close the game out down the stretch. the team celebrated at half court with the championship trophy. it will be a battle of the
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county this saturday night. each year sheriff's deputies go head-to-head with public safety officials on the hardwood for a good cause. this year all of the money raised at the event will go to samaritan's well, a local shelter. the showdown will happen tomorrow night at gilbert high or 10 dollars at the door. keep it tuned right here to w-i-s news 10 for more of the "today show". and get breaking news first at w-i-s t-v dot
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coming up, when faith and families collide. >> you have no idea, the nightmare that we have been going through. >> meet the parents who say they lost their daughter to a secretive religion. everybody get golden everybody get goldie. >> i'm an actress. >> the legendary actress opens up about fame, family and the surprising new work that may be her most amazing accomplishment yet. >> it's the most important thing i've done? i'd have to say probably. hello, jamba juice. >> chug. >> she'll show you how ellen helps adele pull off the perfect prank. today, friday, february 19th, 2016. the way you do what you do >> i'm turning 21 in new york. >> i'm here to celebrate my birthday all the way from texas.
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it's my birthday. the way you do what you dough >> good morning, syracuse. it's our wedding anniversary. >> we're skipping school to dance in new york city. >> we're from texas to meet wrangler. >> good morning, everybody. it's friday, february 19th. 32 degrees on the plaza. great crowd out here. everyone is in a super good mood. love it. i love our boot ladies. i'll check it out. the medical boot is not fancy enough. we need to bling it out. >> accessorize. >> what's that show, "pimp my ride." >> nice. jill martin is here with a steals and deals to help drive away your winter blues, including a deal on nail polish that the ladies cannot stop raving about.
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consequences. >> yes, we are. don't forget, you have one week left for your chance at the ultimate wedding. we've partnered with my"my big fat greek wedding 2" to give you a wedding. go to for all the rules and regulations. >> sounds good. thank you, carson. let's head inside for the check of the top stories. >> for the presidential candidates, it's the final full day of campaigning before tomorrow's contest in nevada and south carolina. kristen welker is in las vegas. good morning. >> natalie, good morning. another busy day of campaigning here in nevada. with the caucus less than 24 hours away. thursday night at our msnbc/telemundo town hall, the
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exchanges on topics from immigration to who is more loyal to president obama. >> reporter: senator sanders and secretory clinton taking direct shots at each other thursday night. >> maybe it was that sanders wasn't a democrat until he decided to run for president. it's true. >> one of the two democratic candidates here ran against barack obama. it wasn't me. >> reporter: the audience also fired up, one person again asking clinton to release transcripts of her golden sacks speeches. >> i'll release it when everybody else does. >> reporter: sanders pressed on his filmeminism. >> gloria steinem made me a honorary woman. >> reporter: fighting to get im immigration reform done.
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>> you said you'll address it within the first 100 days. >> we will, jose. >> reporter: donald trump exchanging words with the pope. >> the pope is a nice guy. >> reporter: the pope said a guy who talks about building a wall is not a christian. buzzfeed unearthed a 2002 interview, where trump showed support for the iraq war, which he said he's been opposed. >> are you for the iraq war? >> i guess so. >> reporter: trump trying to clarify. >> by the time the war started, i was against the war. >> clinton is getting a boost. an endorsement from top south carolina democrat. the primary is a week away. clinton leads sanders there by 28 points. >> kristen, thank you. today, the president and
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their final respects to supreme court justice antonin scalia. throughout the day, thousands of people will file by his casket as his body lies in repose in the great hall of the supreme court. where scalia served for almost three decades. his funeral takes place tomorrow at the basilica at the national shrine of the immaculate conception in washington. an update on a story we told you about last month. an apartment building on the edge of a crumbling cliff was torn down thursday in pacifica, california. it had been condemned years ago because of the costal erosion. it was perched precariously, in danger of falling. another apartment building right next door may be taken down, as well. it's not unusual for a member of the harlem globe globetrotters to hit a trick shot. this may be the best yet. take a look. the staples center balcony in los angeles. he heaved the ball 100 feet into the basket below.
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>> nothing but net. the globetrotters are per forpingforp ing -- performing at the staples center on sunday. amazing. >> i wonder how many times he tried it. >> we see them do these things all the time. >> thank you, natalie. coming up next, we'll do trending. you think it doesn't matter what you wear to the gym? it does. not just for dating. apparently, what you wear can improve your workout. >> all right. >> i totally buy that. plus, you have to see what happened when adele shows up at a restaurant with ellen in her ear, telling her exactly what to say. for a lot of families, faith brings them together. what happens when it tears them apart instead? ronan farrow's eye-opening at johnson's, the products in our bath time routine work together like a team. the washes with the shampoos, the shampoos with the lotions. a combination designed to help improve your baby's skin barrier while you stimulate his senses.
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the more you put in, the more they get out. johnson's . so much more a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. it's just a cough. if you could see your cough, you'd see just how far it can spread. robitussin dm max soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. robitussin dm max. because it's never just a cough. get 30% off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long come seek the royal caribbean
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there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real.
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made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. all year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. so when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. from electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund.
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we're back now. it's 8:10. time for what's trending today. have you convinced yourself to buy fancy sneakers, thinking it might help you with your workout? or workout gear? or a cool dress, thinking i'll do better in my presentation? >> if i look the part, i'll be the part. >> i try to convince my husband all the time to buy something new. >> you're right and it's backed up by, wait for it, natalie, science.
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wearing designer names can boost your performance. >> ah-ha. >> it resolves around the pla see -- placebo effect. it allows us to relax and perform better. i think -- have you ever not wanted to go to the gym but you're like, i want to wear the new sports bra, whatever. >> i had the same wear of sports from when carson was hosting trl. >> the cut-off shirt? >> you'll feel better about yourself. >> when you look cute working out, you work out harder. >> that's what you're going for, cute. >> i'm not sure that's what i'm going for when i work out. an image went viral online. a korean war vet taken in the 1950s. the man in the picture, he wants to keep his identity private.
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picture on reddit and the internet declared him, the hot grandpa. >> nice smile. >> easy, easy. we shared this story on our facebook page and it went wild. a lot of you submitted your own hot grandpa photos. we have to share some. >> let's see. >> it's the uniforms. >> that helps. >> also the era. >> look at him. >> let's go back to the -- oh, he's cute. >> when reached for comment, natalie morales said, hubba, hubba. >> oh, my. >> it's like hollywood. watch out. it's friday. we thought we'd get out the old fishbowl. let's start with you. 90 seconds on the clock. >> i start? >> pass it around. >> random questions. >> we don't know what they are. >> if you don't like the question, throw it back. >> is that true? >> new rule. >> what's your biggest turn off? >> untidiness. >> i thought you'd say nail polish. >> cleaning up my stuff. >> would you rather feel
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forced to wear stilettos all day, every day, for a month? >> stilettos. >> hungover is never fun. >> hungover suggests maybe i had a fun night the day before. >> good for you. >> would you rather eat your favorite meal every meal for the rest of your life, or never eat your favorite meal again? >> i'd rather eat my favorite meal every day. than never eat it? yeah. absolutely. >> here we go. if you could read one person's mind, who would it be? that's a tough one. my dog. >> i was going to say, i have a running dialogue of what my dog is thinking. >> i love you, i love you, all day long. >> what scares you the most and why? i hate my stomach dropping, like on roller coasters, all that stuff. i don't know if that's the most, but it's one of my fears. >> the fire/tornado thing
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showed us earlier? >> who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? my wife. >> from nataliegnat if you could be any rock star, who would you be? good question. i don't know. madonna. >> okay. we're done. >> that's it. that was fun. >> madonna? now for the prank adele and ellen pulled off. danica patrick goes undercover for a joke, as well. >> thursday, adele was on the ellen degeneres show. talked about her performance at the grammys and how disappointed she was afterward. it didn't stop adele from having fun with ellen. she walked into a jamba juice with hidden cameras, wearing an ear piece with ellen's voice, and the singer had to do what ellen told her. things got funny. take a look.
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there? >> yeah. >> take out scissors from your purse. in your purse are scissors. i would like -- and start chopping some. >> can i chop some up? >> anything you want. >> put it in your mouth. chew on it. >> there's a brush in your purse. ask her to brush your hair. >> can you brush my hair? >> it was gold. >> awesome. >> you have to watch the whole thing. it was really funny. >> i love that series. another singer whose grammy performance didn't go as -- actually, didn't go at all. rihanna, at the last minute, she backed out due to bronchitis. now her world tour will be
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production delays. it'll be the first solo for rihanna since 2013. finally, danica patrick, you're used to seeing her in a car but not as your driver. the nascar racer went undercover, picking up unsuspecting passengers. see what happens next. >> buckle up for safety. you might need it. my boyfriend thinks i'm a horrible driver. >> why? >> i don't follow the rules. i drive too fast. i ride too close. gosh, come on, light. i hate waiting. that's what we want. >> come on. >> whoo! >> no way. >> this is crazy. >> there you go. in the end, danica revealed who she was and the passengers got a selfie out of the experience. that is your pop start for friday. >> a lot of hidden camera stuff. >> very good. >> popular right now.
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>> not goingshowers return monday with periods of rain tuesday and wednesday of next with 2" rain totals possible. the biggest thing to remember -- today is it's the last day to cast your absentee ballot. >> that's your latest forecast. savannah? >> dylan, thank you so much. this morning, we have a new installment in our series, undercovered. you pick the stories you think need more attention. >> investigative correspondent ronan farrow has been digging around and uncovered one about faith and family. good morning. >> good to see you. a little background, experts say there are more than 3,000
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across the u.s. and europe. some, people say, are dangerous,. what happens when a family thinks their daughter has been drawn into a dangerous cult? she says her parents aren't accepting her beliefs. sugar decuir suggested this undercovered topic. >> there's two beckys. the cult becky belongs to the group and we can't get her away. >> voicemail box of -- >> reporter: it's rebecca's birthday. those are her parents. they're calling but they know they won't hear back. >> we love you so much. we wish you were with us. we miss you. >> reporter: they say their daughter's mind has been hijacked. >> you have no idea the nightmare we've been going through. >> reporter: the family says it came out of nowhere. rebecca's childhood seemed perfect. she was in the national honor's
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she wanted to grow up to the a teacher. >> i was close with my sister. she was really happy. >> reporter: about nine years ago, an acquaintance invited rebecca to join a bible study group. her family said she started slipping away. >> she didn't come home for christmas. she didn't show up to my wedding. >> reporter: then they say things got really weird. suddenly, rebecca was married to another member of the church. >> they arranged a marriage. >> what makes you think it was arranged? >> it was so sudden. >> the fellow was from korea, spoke little english. >> we're glad each and every one of you joined us today. >> reporter: the group is called the world mission society church of god. it's a religious movement that believes god has been reborn as this woman, currently living in south korea. the group says it has 2 million members in 175 countries. branches are across the united states. it's a tax-exempt charity and does community service.
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five months of reporting, nbc news heard from specialists, reporters and former members who told a different story. including five former members who all used one word. >> i consider them a cult. >> reporter: that's former member michelle. she claims the group is brainwashing people, convincing them to hand over their savings because the world is about to end. >> people are separating themselves from their families. they're quitting school. emptying out their pensions to donate the money to the church because what do you need a pension and a 401(k) for if the world is going to end soon? >> you think it could happen to anyone? >> anyone. absolutely. but i didn't know, you know, what was going to happen. >> been a little over a year now. >> reporter: charles and candy are afraid for their daughter. they want her to get out like rachelle did. they set out from the family home in michigan to the last address they have for rebecca, an office in new jersey. >> we won't give up until we
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>> reporter: they think going public, exposing the group, may be their last chance at helping their daughter. they're wearing hidden cameras. when they find rebecca, she's furious. >> we came all this way. >> this earth is a drop in the bucket. you didn't drive that far. the earth is small compared to the grand universe god created. god is here in the flesh now on the earth. >> no. >> heavenly mother is here. do you think i'm ashamed that god came in the flesh? >> no. he came 2,000 years ago. >> and again in 1948. >> does that mean you can't have a relationship with us? >> i tried. it doesn't work. it's over. i'm not going to have a relationship with you. that's my decision. >> becky. open it. >> that's it. >> open it for a second. >> i am not going to hug you and kiss you.
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>> no, you don't. >> i need one. >> you don't. >> i need one. >> that was the cult becky. no matter what she tells us, we love her. we haven't given up. rewe want we wanted to hear from the group so we headed to the church where michelle and rebecca worshipped. >> what is a cult and what is not a cult? nobody can determine that. >> reporter: that's missionary john power. >> the world mission society church of god has always been an organization, a church, that wanted to share the love of god with mankind. >> reporter: he disputes every allegation. >> we don't brainwash anyone. we don't teach a date about the end of the world. >> reporter: he says no one is forced to give to the church. >> if anybody emptied out their saving account to do that, it wasn't because the church asked them to. it was something they felt they wanted to do. >> reporter: the church said they brought a member to talk to us, as well.
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that they reveal it's rebecca. >> i grew up as a normal kid. i had loving parents, and they raised me up well. >> reporter: she says her parents aren't respecting her choice of faith. >> it feels very much like an ultimatum. choose your faith in god the mother, or choose us as your parents. >> one of the things your parents claim is that you were placed into what they call an arranged marriage. >> absolutely wrong. it was not a forced marriage by any means at all. >> reporter: rebecca said her families actions are forcing her into speaking out publicly. she has a direct response. >> i am not in a cult. i am not brainwashed. i hope that you wake up, mom, and realize that i love you. i wish you would stop listening
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listening to me and believe what i say. trust me. >> there's becky. >> reporter: her parents are convinced they're doing the right thing in trying to bring her home. >> when she does wake up, i hope she doesn't say to us, why didn't you try more? >> or try harder. >> try harder to get me out. i really wanted to get out, but i just couldn't. >> experts told me this group's activities do raise red flags. it has a reputation for dividing families, retaliating against critical members. the group sued that former member i spoke so, michelle. she counter sued and it was dismissed. the group says this is america and they're exercising their right to freedom of religion. >> it's heartbreaking to see how it's torn the family hiapart. cult. but as a parent, you feel your child slipping away and they feel like they might be able to
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>> it's in the eyes of the viewer, whether this is a group you want a loved one to be a part of. there are a lot of families in this situation. >> and the parents heard her say, she loves her mom. hopefully there is comfort there. >> they're in contact again. we'll see. >> your next undercovered story? >> people picked good ones. first up, the crisis in flint, michigan. it's been a huge spotlight on water safety. is the answer to have private businesses taking over america's water. is it a recipe for more horror? college for convicts. policies involved there. but can it cut crime? finally, treating life and death illnesses. are they phony doctors and can they be dangerous?
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twitter page and pick what we commute. fabulous forecast over the next
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pressure is in place. look for mostly sunny skies a pattern change by monday as a temperatures will cool down as some of the rain on tuesday today -- candidates will make their last plea for votes ahead of tomorrow's south carolnia republican primary. you can see on this map...another busy day ahead for the candidates all around the state. the only candidates with scheduled stops in the midlands are john kasich and marco rubio. rubio is scheduled to stop by
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downtown columbia in about 30 minutes. kasich is expected to be at a town hall at senate's end at 10. the other four candidates will have events focused on the upstate and the coast. and a reminder. today is the last day to turn in your absentee ballot in the republican primary. you have until 5pm to turn them in to your county elections office. polls for electronic voting will be open tomorrow from 7am to 7pm. with a little more than a week until the democratic primary -- a big endorsement could soon be coming for hillary clinton.
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8:30 now on friday, february 19th, 2016. pretty day out on our plaza. gang is all here. matt comes back next week, after having this week off. looking forward to that. coming up, much-needed help as the winter weather has wreaked havoc on your skin. you don't want to miss jill's exclusive steals and deals. plus, is your kitchen set up to ruin your diet? sam kass shows you how to arrange your space to make healthier choices. goldie hawn opens up about her passion project and secret to her happiness. finally, our final day of our prizes sweepstake. we have private cooking classes
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head to our website, club to enter. >> wrangler, you're stepping on my good foot. i have one left. dylan, let's get a check of the weather. >> it's cold now but it'll warm through the weekend. on saturday, most of the country is going to enjoy a lot of sunshine. up and down the east coast, 50s and 60s. there will be some scattered thunderstorms, especially near st. louis and southern illinois and western kentucky. the rain spreads out a little bit into sunday. from ohio down to texas, those will be scattered showers and storms. still looking at temperatures above average up and down the east coast. 70s in the southeast. 50s through the midwest and into the plains, too. we are looking for more rain and mountain snow back in the pacifishowers return monday with periods of rain tuesday and
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totals possible. the biggest thing to remember -- today is it's the last day to cast your absentee ballot. if it's at a polling location, you'll have until 5pm directly to a polling location because it may not get there in time if you put it in the mail. >> we're celebrating a big birthday on the plaza. how old are you? >> 11. >> where are you from? >> boston. >> i see the pats hat. i didn't search him out on purpose, i swear. savannah. >> dylan, thank you so much. we have an all new steals and deals for you this morning. jill martin is here to help us beat the winter beauty blues. good morning. >> morning. it is snowing in studio 1a today. >> this is lovely. >> isn't it beautiful? we want to help you get out of your winter rut and get into spring with a beautiful beauty routine. let's start with the jojoba company. you get the facial cleanser,
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hydrating day cream. this is the whole set you need to replenish your skin. retail, $127.85. the deal, $38. 70% off. >> great. >> air brush makeup system. people love this. >> this is usually a situation because you don't know how to do it. this has everything in it, plus easy directions. dummy proof. the air brush visit. retail, $470. this is a major kit. beauty basics. you pre-select depending upon your skin tone, from four already put together combinations. light, medium. all on easy to pick which works for you. comes with four foundations. everything you need is in this kit. the retail, $470. the deal, $79. 83% off. >> that includes the makeup, foundation and the machine? >> everything you need. >> what do we have here? >> the mineral makeup set, $75 retail. we wanted to make everything
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when it comes, you the ditch everything you have that's six months to a year old and start over. this is 100% natural. there are seven collections. you can see all the different collections, depending on what you need to replenish. all on retail, $75. the deal, $19. that's 75% off. >> comes with a little brush, too. >> everything. that's a good travel brush. we like to pare down. >> we've been all over the nail polishes today. >> it's also a great gift to give someone. if you have a book club or you're going to someone's house. color club nail polish sets. $59.50 retail. seven pieces with all different combinations. everybody, you and natalie and dylan, everyone picked a different set and has a different personality. it's cool. retail, $59.50. the deal, $18. 70% off. >> wow. the pillows, memory foam. >> you could lay down a bit.
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>> elevate your leg. this sleep pillow, retail, $89.99. this is super comfortable. i never sleep and it's super comfortable. layers of memory foam. it molds to however you sleep. if youleep on your side. >> do you put your pillow case on it? >> no, just sleep on it, unless you want to put your pillow case on it, which is mine. $26.99 is the deal from $89.99. it has a comfortable material. it'll mold to how you sleep. >> you'll go to the orange room to see carson. skin care sets, the air brush system, the belletto studio set, the color club nail polishes and the jojoba company. >> jill also has a fashion line with qvc.
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we searched the country for an invention and crowned our winner. we did it live in the studio. leslie's genius product made qvc history. they sold out before anybody could describe it. jill, we're at it again. >> it changed her life and her business. we are at it again. in time for mother's day, we are looking for all you mom inventors out there. the moms in the world. head to to enter. you'll have a chance to appear live in our studio in front of a panel of judges. the winner the next day will come on live with me on qvc to sell their product. you have until march 4th to sbrr. >> get to it, moms. up next, goldie hawn opens up about what she says was the
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first, this is "today" on nbc. we are back at 8:39. most of us know goldie hawn for her legendary career in hollywood. it spans 50 years and includes an oscar win, too. >> she invited nbc's joe fryer into her home in los angeles to discuss what she calls her greatest accomplishment. >> i want to go out to lunch. >> reporter: comedy is the vehicle that drove goldie hawn to success. >> you think just because i'm a movie star, i don't have feelings. you're wrong. i do have feelings. i'm an actress. i have all of them. >> making people laugh and feel good and be funny, and all that, is the greatest gift i could ever have. >> reporter: for 12 years now, the oscar-winning actress has been following a much more serious script that focuses on children. >> in many ways, right now, is this the most important thing i've ever done?
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>> one, two, three. >> reporter: she create add program called mind up, working with neuroscientists, psychologists and educators. they developed an interactive way to teach school kids how their brains work and how to become more mindful. >> what does mindfulness mean? >> mindfulness is being in the moment. i think it's wonderful to be able to bring yourself back to center and actually have the sense of now. it's all we have. we don't have yesterday. it's gone. tomorrow hasn't happened. the beautiful thing is to live right now. >> how hard is that? >> the only thing that's hard about it is finding the time to sit down. >> reporter: a few times each day, the kids pause. it's called a brain break. after a few quiet moments, their eyes open and heart rates drop. >> that's telling our bodies that we're calm and we can think clearly. we're ready to take a test. or ready to calm down. aggression. >> if you're angry at your friend, should you hit them? >> no.
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breaths, in and out. conflict-resolution with students. they're better able to manage their conflicts with themselves. meditation. >> close your eyes. comfortable, hands in your lap. >> reporter: she gave me a quick lesson. >> thoughts come into your mind. float away. >> reporter: she started practicing in her 20s to calm anxiety during her rapid rise to fame. >> do you think kids today have it harder than when you were young? >> most definitely. i think the world has changed, obviously. it changed after 9/11. we live in a lot of fear. >> reporter: she hopes mind up gives kids the tools they need to be happy, optimistic and compassionate. 650,000 children, kindergarten through eighth grade, are doing the program. >> when you're calm, does it
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>> when i'm calmed down at home and i do my yoga, i feel like i can do my homework more and i can focus. >> when you hear the chime, how does it make you feel? >> good. >> why is that? >> because it cools you down. >> have you heard some success stories that have -- >> yeah. >> -- moved you? >> one was these kids that came back and said, if it wasn't for this class, i never would have gotten through college. >> when you hear stories like that, how do you respond? >> i cry. because our children have to have every chance to survive. and every chance to live in a healthy, happy world. >> reporter: for this comedy legend, it's a dramatic turn, giving children something good to think about. for "today", joe fryer, nbc news, california. >> i love goldie hawn. >> i know. >> blanket love. >> close my eyes and hear her voice. >> meditate.
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>> it's a great program. we saw kate middleton earlier this week doing the same idea, of teaching kids to really be confident and have a healthy mind. really important. >> we could all use that lesson, actually, right? >> absolutely. coming up next, former white house chef sam kass shows you how to set up your kitchen to live longer and better.
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nbc. today's food is brought to you by lala yogurt smoothies. practice it on the go. we're back at 8:45. kitchen fixing that can lead to a longer, better and healthier life. former white house chef, sam kass, says it all starts with how your space is arranged. good to see you, my friend. will you take everything i love out of the pantry and fridge? >> no, but we're going to rearrange a lot of it. >> where do we begin?
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number one cause of preventable disease in our country by a lot. a lot of it starts with how we set our kitchens up. we're trying to eat healthier, doing everything we can, but we're doing battle in our kitchens. we come home and put out our favorite treats on the counter. we end up eating more of this. a good friend of mine has done research that shows if a woman has chips or crackers, ty're likely to weigh nine pounds more than average. cereal, 20 pounds more than average. soda, 30 pounds more. it's just out for us to eat. >> we don't have to get rid of it all together, you want to conceal it a little bit? >> i would try to get rid of some of it. the things you really love, we're going to put them up here on the top shelf, where we can't see them. that means what ends up happening is you're only going to eat them when you really want it. >> work to get it. >> not when you see it. that's step one. you eat what you see.
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when i get home from work, i go to the chips and cookies. >> that's step one. you have to get it out of sight. the things you want to eat, we want to put in sight. first thing, take fruit and put it on the counter. the average person who had this on their counter, seven pounds less. >> really? >> yeah. >> the other thing you can do, put out dry fruits and nuts. healthy snacks that you enjoy. your kids will enjoy. you make it so they'll running through the kitchen, instead of seeing the cookie that was just there, they're going to grab raisins, whatever it is. >> you're still having the cookies and chips, just less frequently? >> you'll eat them still. fine, cookies are great. you just want to only have them occasionally. it's a great way to do it. >> let's move to the fridge, sam. what am i doing wrong in here? >> the fridge is the same issue. we have most of our vegetables and fruits in the bottom.
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>> forget they're there. >> bring it out of the shadows. let's put it where we can see it. actually, the evidence shows that you're three times more likely to eat something if it's in eye line. >> okay. >> the staples are easily cut up, fruits and vegetables here. you have avocadoes, which are also a great snack. eggs are important for health. plenty of fruit. herbs are also something that will make any dishes. >> i like non-fat greek yogurt, too. put your own fruit in it. >> it's rich and creamy but has no fat. the other great thing to have is water ready available. water pitches increases how much water we drink. >> what do i have to take out of the fridge? >> the things i look for to take out are things are sugar. one of the top couple ingredients. or lots of words you don't understand. if you don't know what that is, you probably don't want to be eating it. >> sam, real quick, show us a good snack to make as we go to
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this weekend. it'll be good for them. >> all your vegetables you need something to do with it. hummus is one of the best things to do. olive oil, lemon, garlic. >> right in with the chick peas. >> a quick blend and you're good to go. >> you use the vegetables you have in your eye line in the fridge and dip them? >> exactly right. >> sam kass, great to see you, my friend. >> ayeah. >> a little bit of a buzz kill on my cookies but i'll work through it. >> put them on the today. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. if you're doing everythihi right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together,
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and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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we are back. it's 8:51. time for today's special birthday wishes. with al on assignment, dylan gets the honors. >> i feel like aimi'm walking on hallowed ground. in honor of our living longer, living better series, we have secrets to a long life. happy 103rd birthday to catherine in pennsylvania. she said the secret is to keep a sense of humor and smile at everyone. she looks beautiful. mr. al starr is 100 years old. he's from illinois. says eating two pieces of dark chocolate every day is his secret. >> that's my secret. love al. >> happy 100 birthday to
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she said having a dream and a passion for a cause can help you. francesco. >> love it. >> have to have the glass of whiskey every day. >> and the dark chocolate. >> all good advice. almeda of canfield, ohio, turned 100 years old, as well. she says to eat graham crackers for breakfast. >> i like it. >> last but not least, a happy 100th birthday to benjamin yehuda of new york. two cups of warm water every morning and walk a mile every day. >> nice. >> if you want us to honor someone's milestone birthday or anniversary, head to don't forget to include a photo. >> nice job, dylan. >> under a lot of pressure. >> he got stuck on a flight. >> longevity, there's always a
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in life. >> live life. >> love it. we have something really special next week. it's up for the job. we are interning in careers we'd like to try. here's a preview. >> reporter: from serving up the weather forecast in studio 1a -- >> wow. >> amazing. >> reporter: -- to serving breakfast to the king of the jungle. >> what, give usp show business? >> reporter: al does his internship at the san diego zoo. >> hi, who are you? >> i'm natalie. >> reporter: natalie sees if the devil really does wear prada. >> first off, tea. little bit of milk. >> reporter: she interns at "koz "cosmopolitan "cosmopolitan" magazine. carson will be at a different runway. seeing what it takes to be a ramp agent, helping to get to be.
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the ropes as an air traffic controller. it's non-stop laughs as willie interns at "saturday night live." you can tell his heart was really into it. >> can we get a picture? >> reporter: i'm going to follow around comedian amy schumer, as her assistant, while tamron shadows movie director ava duvernay. >> this one is trying to bite me. >> reporter: it'll be dog days for kathie lee and hoda, as they intern at a pet groomers. finally, sheinelle and dylan are the women behind the band rascal flatts. >> amazing internships. >> i know. >> back breaking work i'm doing for the men and women of delta airlines and you're doing that! >> i know. is bradley cooper in your phone? >> how was your devil wears prada internship?
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>> they opened the doors in a way they usually don't do. >> who was hosting? >> melissa mccarthy and kanye. >> wow. >> you got a good one. you're a rock star. >> with rascal flastts. i got to hand off the guitar on stage. >> this was a good series. i had a really good time. >> by the way, it's called up for the job. it's all next week, starting with monday, al has his internship at the san diego zoo. >> very cool. up next?
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out with us. commute. fabulous forecast over the next few days as high pressure is in place.
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today through the weekend with highs today in the lower 60s.near 70 saturday and low rain chances monday wednesday.of course temperatures will cool down as 50s the rest of the week. some of the rain on tuesday a sumter man is in jail after an undercover operation led to his arrest on drug charges. 20-year-old tyreek broughton was arrested thursday after authorities say marijuana and pills were found at his home. he is being held at the sumter-lee regional detention center where he's awaiting a bond hearing. and the usc women are back-to-back sec champions! the gamecocks clinched a share of the regular season title monday. last night they had a chance to take the crown outright. the only thing standing in their way -- the georgia bull dogs. usc opened up a big lead over uga and would close the game out down the stretch. the team celebrated at half court with the
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keep it tuned right here to w-i-s news 10 for more of the "today show". and get breaking news first at w-i-s t-v dot com. good morning / afternoon / evening, i'm
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this morning on "today's
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what the presidential candidate is saying and not saying that might surprise you. then, the ultimate geography fail, and it's hilarious. a mind bending performance by a meant list. all that and more coming up now. >> announcer from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today". it's friday morning, february 19th, 2016. i'm willie along with natalie and dylan in for al this morning. he's on assignment, as is tamron, down in south carolina getting ready for tomorrow's primary. dylan has our morning jam. we all know what it is and love it. >> it's in honor of al. he got stuck in the airport in montreal. i get the call at 9:00 last night that al isn't going to make it back in time and that's why i'm here. in honor of al, "on the road again."
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he instagramed a picture. >> montreal is a great town. >> nice place to hang out overnight. >> good restaurants. >> shall we talk a little politics? >> yes. >> the republican primary in south carolina, as i mentioned, is tomorrow. ahead of that, donald trump has taken this to an entirely new place, squaring off with the pope. he walked back comments a little bit that he made yesterday. on the flight home from mexico yesterday, the pope was asked about trump and he challenged his proposal to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants. he said, a person who thinks about building walls and not building bridge it is not a christian. that's the pope responding to trump's proposition for a wall. donald trump arguing the pope would be blessed to have donald trump as president. >> for a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful. if and when the vatican is
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everyone knows, is isis' ultimate trophy, i can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that president. >> a top trump aide tweeted a picture showing the vatican city surrounded by walls. saying the pope benefits from having walls around where he lives. why shouldn't america? donald trump said he was at a town hall last night on cnn and other appearances where he said, i don't want to get into this. this is the media, after he heard the comments, saying the media put this on the pope. i like him. walking away from a battle with the pope. >> i don't know that you want to take on the pope. >> if anybody would, he could. >> i feel there are bigger powers that come into play when you're on the pope's bad side. >> it's amazing when you think about this election, you think it can't escalate anymore or go to a different place -- >> nothing is too sacred. >> the pope. it's unbelievable.
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yesterday, i was like, you've got to be kidding me. >> it's what we say every day. >> i know. >> we get some votes tomorrow in south carolina. it'll be a huge day in the campaign. we'll see if any of this affected donald trump. >> probably not. >> not at all. some incredible video, and kind of a sad story around this. this is a helicopter that crash landed. it was all caught on camera. the helicopter had just taken off outside of pearl harbor in honolulu, near the u.s.s. arizona memorial. it sputtered out of control. it had gotten about 500 feet up into the air or so. the pilot and a family of four on board. all rushed to the hospital. a person is said to be in critical condition. unclear why the helicopter -- what happened on board that it started sputtering. the national transportation safety board is going to be on site today to start the investigation. you can imagine, the family going off to do sightseeing, see beautiful hawaii, and then this happens.
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we hope and pray for the person who is in critical condition, that they come out of it. >> have you done those in hawaii? they'll hover above a waterfall. >> stunning. >> best way to take in the scenery. >> i've never done it but i hope to someday. >> we're thinking about that family today. >> also the pilot being credited for bringing it down into water, off land, where there were people. nearby enough that witnesses and people could get to them and try to help them. >> rescue as quick as possible. on a lighter note, we saw this earlier today. adele and ellen have joined forces. they pulled off this amazing prank at a jamba juice. adele is wearing an ear piece and ellen is feeding her lines. it's hilarious. >> am i seeing wheat grass there? >> yeah, wheat grass. >> take out scissors from your purse. in your purse is scissors. i would like -- and start
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>> can i chop some up? thank you. >> dump out the purse. where is my money? i need to pay for this, right? dump it out on the counter, all of this. let's see what i have here. >> let's see what i have here. >> you have knives and twizzlers. >> what else do i have? >> symone, you're supposed to carry those. >> how do i pay for this? >> cash or credit. >> do i pay or not? i'm a celebrity. do i have to pay? >> the accent makes it more funny. >> i'm surprised the people behind the counter -- i would have been like, don't pay. fst it's yours.
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>> she was gnawing on the wheat grass and when they gave up the gig, she was like, this is awful. another funny clip during "wheel of fortune." sometimes the hardest part is solving the puzzle. they solved it no problem. it's what happens after. it was a pat sajak following up question. >> read it. >> gondola ride through venice. >> yeah. [ applause ] let's check your geography knowledge. what country do you think we're sending you to? >> paris. france. >> do we still get it? >> you get the trip but also an atlas. >> that's hard though. granted, venice is probably not the hardest one. i mean, if you are put on the spot like that -- >> you're so caught up in the
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al said when he was on "wheel of fortune," he was like the epic fail. he was with his mom, the pressure. >> sayhe was throwing curve balls. >> they got the trip. venice, france, is where he'll be visiting. >> or paris. >> we have something we want to try here achlt. apparent think apparently, a scientist created coffee flour. it's made of coffee beans. you add it to your recipes, not to be used as a subty tystitute for flour, of course. just a little bit. apparently, it gives you a little caffeine kick. >> does it taste like coffee? >> i don't think so. >> we'll find out. >> doesn't smell like coffee. >> i'll try it. >> i'm always the first to dig? >> go for it. >> thank you. >> my experience, caffeine makes things bitter tasting. we'll see. i'll do it without the sir upyrup.
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>> don't try it with the syrup. >> not bad. i don't really taste the coffee, to be honest with you. >> i taste bitterness. >> there's a little -- when you breathe out, you can taste -- >> each serving has 145 milligrams of calf fee,caffeine, the equivalent of one cup of coffee. >> you're not a coffee drinker so this could be a substitute if you needed a kick or boost in the morning. >> gives you a little pick me up. >> there are people who like to add a little something to give them the extra boost. it's not commercially available yet. we should point out. it's something still in development. let's see how we feel by the end of the show. >> i don't like maple syrup. i like the aunt jamima. >> my husband is like, it's not good for you.
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>> they say don't use this like regular flour. just add a small amount to the regular flour in the recipe. don't substitute for regular flour. could be dangerous. >> that could be a lot, yeah. >> it is a little bitter. >> i'm into it. >> it's good. >> got a kick. i got a kick. >> do you want to do the weather or no? >> you poured maple syrup on it and ruined it. we have warm temperatures to talk about. all weekend long, especially through the middle of the country with a ridge in the jet stream, high temperatures will be above average, by 15 to 35 degrees above average in some areas. we broke a lot of records yesterday. we'll see a smattering of records broken today. dallas should hit the 70s through the weekend. st. louis, 70s today and tomorrow. it'll spread east into tomorrow. we are going to see temperatures well above average from
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shar let-- sharcharlotte, 70s. we have this cold front that will trigger gusty winds, especially through the northern and midwest. we could see 65-mile-per-hour winds. wintry mix through the higher elevations and upstate new york weekend as highs warm into the 70s. showers return monday with periods of rain tuesday and wednesday of next with 2" rain totals possible. the biggest thing to remember -- today is it's >> that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you very much. coming up, when actions speak louder than words.
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language of presidential candidates. that's after this. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough.
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we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. hi. welcome. dish soap? you may not feel it but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. oh. on my skin? that's really scary. dove body wash is different. oh yeah. it has only the gentlest cleansers. plus the unique care of nutrium moisture. it's so soft. just made me feel good. this is different. this is caring. this is dove. there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all."
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hello my love! the flame is out... the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude... your mother... antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it's not working. campbell's microwaveable soups. made for real, real life. jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy. coughing...sniffling... and wishing you could stay in bed all day. when your cold is this bad... need new theraflu expressmax. theraflu expressmax combines... maximum strength medicines available without a prescription... fight your worst cold and flu symptoms... you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. new theraflu expressmax.
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every move the presidential candidates make has the potential to help or hurt their campaigns. even a shrug of the shoulders. >> we have the president of the body language institute. she's here to help you read the body language of four of the candidates. jeanine, good morning. >> good to see you. >> we dissect their words so much, but you're going to clue us into their body language. there are some tells there, as well, as to what kind of leader they'd be, right? >> absolutely. we actually will look at body language more often than words. i'm a keynote speaker for big corporations. i'll say, they'll all have to
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the hula hoops are in the middle of their hands. go in a circle, the hula hoops have to make their way. i do this with my body. what do you think the executives do? they climb through the hula hoops. they're in the three inch high heels. it's because of the gesture. they'll pay attention more to the gesture than the words. >> let's start with hillary clinton. play the sound. >> i've always been somebody who believed and raised in my family and faith, and i with my blessings, had an opportunity and obligation to help others. that's what i'll do as president. >> you might not have seen it. it's a shoulder shrug. watch this. it indicates uncertainty. >> family and my faith. >> watch here. one shrug already. two shrugs here. a third. there we go. the hat trick of shoulder shrugs.
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when you're saying a addydee fi -- difinitive answer, it cancels out your certainty. we don't know what the catalyst is here for hillary, but it'll hurt her message. >> you think voters pick up on the cues subconsciously. >> they do. this i say peanut butter and jelly on my socks, please, your brain says, i don't understand that. >> sign of humility maybe? >> no, it's always uncertainty. in the united states of america, what do you want for lunch? i don't know. she's imploding here. >> let's look at donald trump. of course, again, we heard a lot of what he's had to say. you read the body language. >> people are buying it. you know it's happening. >> watch his hands. rewind it. >> uses the hands a lot. >> he does this move a bit. let's rewind and watch donald trump's hands. >> turned out to be a disaster.
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>> i always think of the monkey with the tambourine there, the cymbals. i'm not saying it to disrespect donald trump. this move here that he does constantly, remember you wind up the toy and the monkey is like ding, ding? he does the banging of his hands in the air. >> what does it tell you? >> it's connected with people who think outside of the box. creative thinking. that's why you get someone that is from the real estate industry running for president. he'll be on the front lines talking to the people coming into our border. border patrol. he's going to think outside the box. creative thinking. if you want someone that has that strategy with creativity. >> we're not getting politics get into this. >> he's a chopper. >> let's go back to the democrats and look at bernie sanders. you say to keep an eye on his finger. >> when i talk about democratic socialism, i'm not looking at venezuela or cuba. i'm looking at denmark and sweden.
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countries? >> see the wagging of the finger? let's rewind the clip again. he wags his finger a lot. >> i'm looking at cuba, denmark and sweden. you know what goes on? >> wagging the finger, judgment lingers. when we wave our finger, it's judgment wavering. police do thrks onis, on the ground! you may feel judged by him. but is he saying something he has judgment to? judgment could come. someone could be like, is he the right person for president? >> or reprimanding what he's talking about. >> we don't know what the catalyst is. >> or a big bang. >> have you come to a class at the body institute? >> i'd like to be a guest speaker. >> we've had you here enough. let's look at marco rubio. you want us to focus on his facial expression. >> i do.
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if you don't, people say, it must be true. he didn't refute it. we saw what he did to dr. carson in iowa, which was wrong. >> here it comes. >> trey gowdy came up with a statement, saying he was no longer endorsing me. >> watch his face. it's disgust. his upper lip coming up, eyes and nose wrinkles. >> we saw what he did to dr. carson. >> he's disgusting. look at the brow. it's like he's dropping a non-verbal f bomb. we don't know what the catalyst is. we can assume, and most people will, why would someone spread a rumor that's not true that we can verify within minutes? we see this disgust. >> for the photoshoped photo. >> we talked about hillary early. she were doing a shrug. he's congruent.
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and we see concongruency. >> i met joe biden one time and i say, let's throw him back in the mix. he's the guy that keeps it real. >> the way this race is going, he might be in the mix in a couple weeks. always good to see you. thank you so much. coming up, from "america's got talent" to our studio. oz pearlman (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are... (dog whimpering) to keep it pumping. we won here.
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and here. here. and here. uh, here. also in here. back there. behind here. even next to these guys, here. in the nation's largest, independent study, rootmetrics just named verizon number one network for the fifth time in a row, here. so when the other guys claim they're the best, remember: there's only one, number one. and now we'll pay up to $650 to switch to the best network. this one right here. i'm going to share a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up. that's so interesting honey because i'm going to share a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up. (whispers) l'eggo my eggo anncr: golden crispy, warm and fluffy eggo waffles. l'eggo my eggo. don't let a cracked windshield ruin your plans. trust safelite. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. ever look at a squirrel and think,
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pretty sure that's how nuts werediscovered. larabar. food made from food. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable one thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes keeping you protected every week, every month, every year you ready ma? always life is unpredictable, so embrace it! head and shoulders. live flake free for life is she after our liquid gold? oh, she better not be. our claim runs straight down to the glut'n free stuffin'. it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold.
9:23 am
...doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear.
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stop reading my mind. i can feel it. >> can't stop. >> in our next half hour, oz pearlman is going to blow your mind. straight from "america's got talent," he's here with mind bending tricks unlike anything you've seen before. you don't want to miss it. willie and natalie? >> can't wait. this is very cool. we'll watch up with ruth b, who became an overnight singing sensation in just six seconds. how one vine shot her to super stardom. >> that's right. she's about to make her tv debut, performing "lost" after i thought activia wasn't for me. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules.
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no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free. dannon pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. every wonder what we're made of? no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.
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headlines, let's check on your forecast. today -- candidates will make their last plea for votes for tomorrow's south carolnia republican primary. you can see another busy day ahead for the candidates all around the state. the only candidates with scheduled stops in the midlands are kasich and marco rubio. rubio is at the marriott hotel in downtown columbia. that started at 9 this morning. kasich is expected to be at a town hall at senate's end at 10. the other four candidates will have events focused on the upstate and the coast. fabulous forecast over the next few days as high pressure is in
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look for mostly sunny skies today through the weekend with highs today in the lower 60s.near 70 saturday and low to middle 70s sunday. a pattern change by monday as a storm system moves our way and will increase clouds and our rain chances monday wednesday.of course temperatures will cool down as well. highs monday and tuesday in the lower 60s, look for middle to upper 50s the rest of the week. some of the rain on tuesday could be heavy. we are in first alert mode mon-wed and will have the very latest keep it tuned right here to w-i-s news 10 for more of the "today show". and get breaking news first at w-i-s t-v dot com. soak up the sunny to partly cloudy skies through this "tell them, to go **** themselves..." he's not a reckless blowhard, or a scripted robot. he's a conservative governor with proven results. he led the nation in job creation and beat the teachers union to enact massive reform.
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over 40 retired generals and admirals and 12 medal of honor recipients know he's the commander in chief we need now. conservative, proven and prepared. jeb bush for president. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. taking a look at the headlines.
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the public are paying final respects today to supreme court justice antonin scalia. throughout the day, thousands of people will file by his casket, as his body lies in repose in the great hall of the supreme court. where scalia served for almost three decades. his funeral takes place tomorrow in washington. pope francis said he is willing to relax the church's opposition to artificial birth control to control the spread of the zika virus. on his flight home from mexico, the pope said that avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. the explosion of zika in latin america has led some governments to urge women to avoid getting pregnant. the virus has been linked to birth defects. hospitals are reporting an alarming jump in the number of flu cases around the u.s. officials say the predominant strain hitting people is a good match for the current flu vaccine and they're urging a flu shot for anyone who has yet to get one. the biggest risk is people over 65 or those under the age of 2,
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illnesses. experts are recommending a flu shot for everyone six months of age and older. a big arts and crafts store is recalling hundreds of thousands of products that may have been exposed to mold. the recall involves more than 250,000 poinsettia flowers and holiday paper boxes. they were sold at michael's stores last year. there may be mold on the products, posing a risk to people with allergies to mold. consumers should return them to michael's for a full refund. and for those of you who love chicken and waffles, mcdonald's is testing what could be the next big thing. sounds amazing. it's a chicken and pancake sandwich called the chicken mcgriddle. they use syrup-filled pancakes for the bun. just being tested now in ohio. it could be offered elsewhere if it takes off. i'm into that. let's get a check of the weather.
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>> i was hoping for a sample. we are looking at the weather for the weekend. it'll be nice. spotty thunderstorms back through the midwest, but up and down the east coast, 50s and 60s. through the midwest and the names, 40s, 50s and 60s. average. on sunday, we'll see a better chance of showers and storms from the great lakes to texas. temperatures dropping to the 40s and 50s behind the cold front. hanging above averageshowers return monday with periods of rain tuesday and wednesday of next with 2" rain totals possible. the biggest thing to remember -- today is it's the last day to cast your
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>> that's your latest forecast. >> my mind is already bent. >> we're ready. >> throw it in the air, whatever it is. >> i don't know what's happening. >> if you watched "america's got talent" last season, you recognize oz pearlman. he wowed the judges and the audience with his magic of the mind. >> now, he'll try to get into our heads with amazing tricks. oz, good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> we don't know what to expect. >> a notable game here on the "today" show, two truths and a lie. >> yes. >> we'll play it in a fun way because it's against a mentalist. always the best. >> always great. >> we have, courtesy of the "today" show, two truths. and a lie. >> big lie. >> i don't decide who lies. you decide. let's keep it as random as possible. willie, take the cards and mix them up. there's no way you know which is which, what is what, who is who.
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>> no. >> hand one to dylan. hold it close to you. anyone any one you want. this is for you only. look down and see whether it says lie or truth. hold it close to your body. we'll do a throwback. there's no way we could have heard about this on the show. let's go way back in time. puppy love. your first boyfriend. your first girlfriend. first crush. >> are we saying this on tv? >> we'll see. >> okay. >> now, here's the game, each of you thought of the person for yourself. did you think of the person? >> sure. >> sure. yeah. >> popular in middle school. i like it. >> whoever had a card that said truth is going to tell me the truth. tell me the real person's first name. >> i don't want to -- >> just the first name. >> if your card says lie, make up a fake name. whoever is going to tell me the
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so you don't stumble on air. i like how willie was nervous. he's nervous about telling the truth. >> no, no, going back -- yeah. >> truth or lie. >> going through the catalog. >> the catalog of girls? >> you just got yourself in trouble. >> sorry. >> wasn't me. >> you did it on your own. >> two of you will tell the truth and one tells a lie. let's do it. your first crush? >> okay. >> here we go. what was the name of your first crush? >> laura. >> interesting. i like the way you said it, full eye contact. what was the name of your first love? >> tommy. >> she hesitated a hair. you never know. natalie, your first crush? >> rafi. >> good name, by the way. solid choice. that was definitely the truth. i don't think you would have made up quite a fake name. how did i do it? did you tell the truth? mm-hmm. willie, you were nervous.
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you said tommy, which was a lie. you probably have not thought of the first crush in years, is that right? >> right. >> i see you and him and go back to when this was. think about when -- see how you did that? that was good. this has something to do with school. >> what are you picking up? >> oh, my gosh. >> when did you meet him? >> hintkindergarten. hold on. something about it is really funny that you remember about him. could i have found this on facebook orion online? >> no. >> it was the two of you and it was a funny story. one time, close your eyes for me, dylan. >> natalie, look. willie. what was so funny about you and the young man?
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said we were going to get married. >> you were going to get married in kindergarten. look at me in the eye. it sounded -- people don't lie big. if she said tommy, it sounds like the real name, bobby, which was his name, wasn't it? >> it was. >> wait, did you talk before? >> i did not talk to him at all. >> had you met him before? >> on break. >> i stalked her for months. >> we have to bring bobby out. i'm kidding. >> i don't think bobby remembers me. this is way back. >> let's say something notable. >> amazing. >> willie is thinking about it. you're at work. you have the greatest job in the world. you like time off. >> yeah. >> you walked in earlier and mentioned, i'm working hard. something about a trip. a trip, a vacation. >> right. >> i want you to think of something notable from your past. right away, i can tell, you wouldn't have done the obvious. nothing in the last year or two, correct? >> right.
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how many years ago are we talking? >> three, i think. >> that would have been roughly 2013? >> '13, yeah. >> give or take. >> is that right? >> might have been '14. >> you're there with someone. i see you smiling. i don't think you did the obvious choice. somewhere in the u.s., is that correct? >> yeah. >> i feel like you didn't want to go over the top, bragging. i saw the segment with venice and paris. this has your name on it in a weird way. twist is and turn. envelope with your name on it. natalie knorr rallsmorales. i wanted you to rip it open for willie. >> do i get a trip? >> you hold on to this, natalie. willie,,hree years ago, where did you go that was notable? >> the grand canyon. >> okay. have you mentioned it on air ever? >> maybe. a long time ago. >> how many trips have you been
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>> hundreds. >> you're thinking of a female person, right, not your wife? >> no, because you said not my wife. >> good. >> he said, don't get me in trouble. >> just to be clear, it was his rule. >> rip it open. there's a note inside. >> okay. >> who was it, not your wife, what's her name? >> natalie morales. >> read that out loud. >> seeing it clearly, this had to be three years ago. >> louder. >> natalie went on a trip to the grand canyon and had the best trip ever with willie. canyon. >> walking the grand canyon. >> how did you do that? you have to give me something. >> not that good if i tell you. >> amazing. >> wow. >> incredible. >> oh, my gosh. >> oz pearlman, unbelievable. >> amazing. >> wow. >> incredible. >> where is bobby now is what we want to know. >> let's find bobby. coming up, it took a few seconds for her life to change forever.
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we'll catch up with ruth b, who i drive a golf ball. i drive to the hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that's not what we all have in common. we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto . xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. i couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way. yeah, treatment with xarelto . hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines.. xarelto can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while
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or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. same here. with xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto . sfx: cell phone vibrates. yeah? (sigh) you're okay... he's okay, he made it! jason.. what do you mean? we were very bad boys. alexa what's in the news? alexa: here's the news, "alecbaldwin and jason schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi.baldwin threw his shoe at photographers before making arun for it". my poor cashmere socks... alexa, will you order another pair of brescianis. reordering bresciani socks. okay listen... can you send some lawyers or something?
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...alec? now you can create your own tour of italy at olive gararn, starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 10 favorites to enjoy on one plate. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. the best tour of italy is the one you create. at olive garden. pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. mmmm mmmmm mmmm (laughter) mmmm, mmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmm, mmm! mmmm, mmmm mmmm. yoplait.
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mmmm. does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. and there's one place that has it all. office depot officemax. gear up for great. while watching the strkstv show "once upon a time," ruth b was inspired to write a song about peter pan. >> she posted it on vine and within days at thousands of views. it became her single "lost boy." first, ruth b, welcome. >> thanks for having me.
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you posted your song on vine. it -- well, the six seconds. then you created more of the song. >> mm-hmm. >> you exploded overnight, for the most part. now you have a record deal, right? >> yeah. i mean, it's been an incredible year. pretty mind blowing. it's been awesome. >> what about the inspiration for the song, ruth? what struck you as you were watching that? >> i mean, i was watching the show "once upon a time." i've always loved fairy tales anyway. the season was about peter pan. i played random chords and lyrics. the first line came to me and i built it off of that. >> the vine is six seconds long. how do you get people's attention in six seconds? >> it's crazy. vine forces users to be creative, which i'm thankful for that. you have to be super original and wow the audience. someone is either going to stop and check you out or scroll right past. it's six seconds. >> you have over 2 million vine followers
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you're doing it right. ruth b is going to sing her hit i've been coloring since i was 19. my hair showed it. then everything changed. introducing new and improved garnier olia... the only haircolor powered by 60% oils, zero ammonia i love that, with olia... hair gets better every time i use it. now i don't see dryness or dullness. all i see is shiny, brillianancolor. and zero grays. it feels so soft and healthy. it's the best experience i have ever had coloring my hair. new garnier olia. brilliant color, visibly healthier hair. jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy. i did it.... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails.
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give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too!. general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal. again! our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ]
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what? dad, can you help me with this? sure, riley...uggh...ah-choo! oooh! disgusting!! eeawww! so gross! germmmmssss!! great, this is just great! guys, it's alright! when life gets messy, get clorox. it cleans and kills germs. and now bring home disney pixar's inside out. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies! only from tums curing a yeast infection can take days. relieving the itch... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse.
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trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. the citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. that's cash back now, and cash back again later. it's cash back d\j vu. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented by citi. >> as promised, here now is ruth b with the television debut of the hit song that started it all, "lost boy."
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nowhere to go and no place to call home my only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away, too then one night, as i closed my eyes, i saw a shadow flying high he came to me with the sweetest smile told me he wanted to talk for a while he said, peter pan, that's what they call me i promise that you'll never be lonely and ever since that day i am a lost boy from neverland usually hanging out with peter pan and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from captain hook
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away from all of reality neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free he sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe believe in him and believe in me together we will fly away in a cloud of green to your beautiful destiny as we soared above the town that never loved me i realized i finally had a family soon enough we reached neverland peacefully my feet hit the sand and ever since that day i am a lost boy from neverland
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and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from captain hook run, run, lost boy, they say to me away from all of reality neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free peter pan, tinker bell, wendy darling, even captain hook you are my perfect storybook neverland, i love you so you are now my home sweet home forever a lost boy at last and for always i will say i am a lost boy from neverland, usually hanging out with peter pan
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always on the run from captain hook run, run, lost boy, they say to me away from all of reality neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free [ applause ] >> wow. stunning. >> get used to that beautiful voice. you're going to be hearing a lot more from ruth b. thank you so much. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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[ applause ]
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>> i do all these things now. >> for your voice. >> because you lost your voice a while. >> whatever works. how are you on this fine friday? >> great. >> i'm so excited about this story on friday. we're going to introduce you to this up and coming designer. he's 27 years s d from queensqueens. he just wrapped up a show at new york fashion week. it was packed. everybody and anyone was in there. kim kardashian, beyonce. people love him. he even let me try on his designs. >> love it. >> nice. >> i hope you got to keep them. >> we'll talk about it. >> cat walk, right?
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>> kathie lee and (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms,
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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that whites do. ...when too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically. we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton,
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headlines, let's check on your forecast. today -- candidates will make their last plea for votes for tomorrow's south primary. you can see another busy day ahead for the candidates all around the state. the only candidates with scheduled stops in the midlands are kasich and marco rubio. rubio is at the marriott hotel in downtown columbia. that started at 9 this morning. kasich is expected to be at a town hall at senate's end at 10. the other four candidates will have events focused on the upstate and the coast. fabulous forecast over the next few days as high pressure is in place. look for mostly sunny skies today through the weekend with highs today in the lower 60s.near 70 saturday and low to middle 70s sunday. a pattern change by monday as a storm system moves our way and will increase clouds and our rain chances monday wednesday.of course temperatures will cool down as well. highs monday and tuesday in the lower 60s, look for middle to upper 50s the rest of the week. some of the rain on tuesday could be heavy. we are in first alert mode mon-wed and will have the very
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keep it tuned right here to w-i-s news 10 for more of the "today show". and get breaking news first at w-i-s t-v dot com. soak up the sunny to partly cloudy skies through this
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this is "today." with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. congratulations. you made it to try day friday, february 19. >> that's one of my jams. "cake by the ocean" by dnce . >> la, la, la. >> it's -- cake by the ocean >> go, lori. >> really good with the hands. who invited lori laughlin? you both have the musical taste of a 17-year-old girl. great kickoff to the weekend. if you grew up in the 70s and -- 80s and 90s or you have small children at home you know about "full house."


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