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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 14, 2009 12:05am-1:05am EDT

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finally tonight, let's pause. the genius musician me -- behind
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the electric guitar died today at 94. he is credited with helping create rock 'n' roll. from heavy mettle to jazz, picked up his famous instrument. we leave you with the sounds of les paul and some of the musicians who made his guitar sing. from all of us, good night, america. tonight on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> how about in honor of the
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american soldier you quit [ bleep ] things up. >> i don't want to say that the president can't hold his liquor, but well, look what happened at his press conference this morning. >> do you think that your administration needs to be taking a harder line with wall street? >> anne heche. ashton kutcher is your co-star in this film. >> yeah. >> did demi show up at the set? >> oh, she was all over the set. she poked me underneath the bed. not there. >> billy mays to share with you the most important product i ever endorsed. >>iane birch. ♪ >> "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with aubrey plaza, muc si diaomne bir andir anne heche. (breathing heavily) you ok heather? all these jean options... make me realize...
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that you need some of these comfy weekend jeans? or you could get your booty in thesedreamer jeans. supportive, ike my man wesley. you'd look smoking in these super skinny jeans. awww! girl, they're 19 buks. i'm not talking about new jeans. jui'talking about... hey babe! josh?! it's timefor me to find... "new jeans." announcer: whatever jeans our heart desires. all adult jeans ust $19 kids $10. this week at oldnavy.
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>> announcer: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- anne heche. from "funny people", aubrey plaza. uncle frank and yehya, ice cream guys. and music from diane birch. with cleto and the cletones. and now i'll tell you what, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by abc, inc. >> oh, hi.
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i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. that's very nice. you know thanks to that nice reception i here unfriend all of u. last night i'm sure you heard president obama had the harvard professor and the police officer who arrested him over to the white house to talk and more importantly get stinking drunk together. vice president biden was there too. this is interesting. apparently joe biden was upset that obama had put his foot in the mouth by saying that the cambridge police acted stupidly because that's normally these -- normally his thing. but they had a beer or two or three or four. and then i guess things got wild. about 2:30 this moing obama declared war on iceland because he decided it wasn't icy enough. the white house is big, and it can be very a confusing place when you're buzzed. apparently, the president woke up this morning spooning rahm emanuel. [ laughter ] and i'm not -- i don't want to say that the president can't hold his liquor, but well, loo
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what happened at his press conference this morning. >> you said the recent bank's profits indicate that that's been no sense of remorse on wall street for risky behavior, that we haven't seen a change in culture there. would you think your administration needs to be taking a harder line with wall street? [ laughter ] >> this is kind of interesting. this is from obama's hometown of chicago. most police departments have some sort of diversity training and chicago they have the new recruits watch a video presentation. and take a look at this, keep in mind this is real. >> in chicago, diversity is our strength. shaking hands is not offensive to sick men and women. it is an acceptable way to greet people. police are confused by the tradition of puerto ricans gathering outside their homes or store fronts. and in puerto rico, that's how
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people socialize. police officers should not assume that all asians are new immigrants. all of the people we encounter on a daily basis expect to be treated with dignity and respect. mexicans are no exception. [ laughter ] >> well, that's really good news, isn't it, guillermo? [ laughter ] >> it's great. >> guillermo has a concert to go to. go ahead, you can leave now. >> yeah? >> yeah. go ahead. say good-bye to guillermo, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the world is still waiting on michael jackson's autopsy results. they were originally postponed until next week, but now they're postponed again and they say the delay is indefinite. apparently, they're still missing a nose and they need to find it. although they haven't found out the cause of death, but they have determined that michael was a lover, not a fighter.
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so -- they're dragging this out like the results show of a reality show. like -- it's like csi michael jackson or something. and they want to get results quickly, they should have gone to this place. >> got a body, but don't have nsme or money f pehoexe itivsp expensive hospital autopsies? trust jiffy topsies. that won't cost you an arm or a leg. we will establish cause of death in ten minute or less or the embalming is free. what are you waiting for? life is short, don't delay. [ cheers and applause ] >> one every 2,000 miles. with the economy in the shape it is, more and more annoying families are opting for what they call staycations, which is a vacation without the vacate part. basically you sit in the tub and pretend it's the ocean. this morning, the "today" show offered some helpful tips about how to make this staycation the best one ever. >> the art of the staycation is
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own backyard, right? of your >> exactly. it's using the time as a vacation. doing what you'd normally do on a vacation and not wasting your time off running errands or washing the car. >> you've turned our studio into a beach scene. this is something you can do in the backyard? >> exactly. if you can't afford to go to the beach, you can at least get a beach background., less than $12, pose in front of it and you have the vacation photos. >> what a wonderful way to disappoint your children. all right, kids, now we're going to pose in front of some of wallpaper that looks like the beach. that's what happened with the menendez brothers, you know? [ laughter ] parents tried to take them on a staycation and -- one thing you can do for summer without going too far is going to a baseball game. while there, you should find someone who is falling asleep and do this. [ cheering ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> speaking of baseball on wednesday the phillies were in arizona playing the diamondbacks. at the top of fourth, the announcer for phillies was talking about jason werth's hitting approach and provided us with our unintentional joke of the day. >> what's going to happen is that you jerk off the ball. almost want to t this guy here jam you, and if it comes, it comes. [ laughter ] >> that one was unintentional? last night, we as a nation celebrated the season premiere of the real housewives of atlanta. this is a reality show, that does for housewives what jaws did for sharks. it's not flattering. a housewife was putting a big party together and apparently she and her event planner for the party had some disagreement on the hors d'oeuvres or something. >> -- your name in the
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industry -- >> [ bleep ]! >> [ bleep ]! >> you -- >> who are you? who are you? >> i'm planning this ehaven't -- this event for you. for you. >> exactly for me, honey. [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]! >> [ bleep ]! >> you get out of my office! >> don't put your hands on me! >> that is going to be the worst bar mitzvah ever. [ laughter ] turned out it wasn't his baby though. you know, the passing of michael jackson and farrah fawcett and ed mcmahon, it seems like we didn't get time to properly mourn the death of tv pitchman billy mays.
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billy mays is of course the guy with the beard who sells the mops and stuff. he died a couple of weeks o, but i keep seeing him in infomercials. they have him on every night. they say sales of his products are up 25% since he died and there are a bunch of new commercials that haven't come out. i think it's a strange thing. how is billy mays still pitching products? >> hi, billy mays, here to share with you the most important product i have ever endorsed. have you ever wondered how i am able to sell these products? like the handy switch, mighty putty? or the most absorbent material ever used? even though i'm dead? it's easy. with my new products, the resurrectifier. just jab the easy to use pointer into a loved ones eyeball and it instantly brings
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them back to life. so if you're dead, or know someone who is, get on the phone. when you call, you'll get to talk with one of our friendly and caring licensed agents. >> i'm so sorry. i'll send you a resurrectifier right away. >> you have nothing to lose. but everything to gain. by it now. works on pets too. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> bring them back to life. isn't that something? all right. friday night, time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. this is this week in unnecessary censorship. [ cheers and applause ] >> -- at the moment it was awkward. nobody knew what to do so i walked over, stuck out my [ bleep ] and said it's pleasure to meet you. that broke the awkwardness. >> how about in honor of the american soldier, you quit
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[ bleep ] things up. >> and i never had a hard bleep ] in my life and i've never been with more happy with the outcome. >> me to >> yeah, i can't complain. you know, r an old [ bleep ] on the podium with these young guys, not so bad. >> since i have been here, al and i have spent every waking hour [ bleleep ]. >> would you put your lips around a dog's [ bleep ]? >> good luck. good luck. >> last night general colin powell took on the entertainer in chief, rush limbaugh and the [ bleep ] who thinks that every minute amounts to a teachable moment. >> i need you to do this without any [ bleep ]ups. understand? >> you're a mighty fancy lady. >> thank you. >> but i have got news for you. >> what's that? >> we're going to [ bleep ] the [ cheers and applause ] >> on the show tonight, anne heche. from "funny people", aubrey plaza. music from diane birch.
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and we'll be right back with my uncle frank and yehya serve ice ice. so, you're planning a trip. first stop bing. cause any search engine can help you find a plane ticket. but bing, with price predictor, can help make sure you don't pay too much for it. (sfx: "bing") it's not just a search engine it's the first ever decision engine from microsoft. nivea's first 3-in-1 shower...shampoo...and shave. it's almost everything men need for grooming... almost. new active 3 from nivea for men. what men want.
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new active 3 from nivea for men. guy 2: dude, did you get the new madden? guy 1: no, not yet. i gotta get to walmart sometime. guy 1: (cou) somebody said thy had it at midnight? guy 2: oh yeah, there your can just get it and go. guy 2: i mean, you know, that's !what i heard. guy 1: you're totally playing !right now, aren't you? guy 2: no! i don't know what yo're talking about. guy 2: making a sandwich... a tukey sandwich, so - guy 1: yeah, cool. i was, i was mowing the lawn. guy 2: oh really? 'cause it's, uh, drk out. it's midnight. guy 1: it saves gas. vo: get madden nfl '10 at !12:01am, august 14th. vo: it's the fastest way to play rated e for everyone. save money. live better. walmart. hi. ( whimpers, inhales ) ( sobs ) - hello! ( shakes and exhales ) for big moments anywhere, keep a little strength in your pocket. ( ding ) altoids smalls. are you in mint condition?
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spend 10 minutes a month with natural instincts. it's the healthier way to blend away gray. how? it's antioxidant rich and ammonia-free. in fact the more often you use it, the healthier your hair looks. natural instincts, it's all good.
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e loves target r its incredible deals. and with her daughter starting middle school tomorrow, connie's got some high expectations. she expects look 11 might be the one.
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she expects look 17 might be the one. so she shops target. where they've always got her back for back to school. target. expect more. pay less. ♪ hi, there. we're back. with us on the show tonight, from the show hung and an upcoming independent movie called "spread", anne heche is here. also with us, from the new movie "funny people", aubrey plaza. and later on, a very talented singer/songwriter here from new york. this is her debut album, "bible belt", music from diane birch. next week on the show, e script's mike stow, quentin tarantino, siena miller, eli roth, vanessa hudgens, doug benson, music from mike snow and the script and ashtokutcher. this is my uncle frank and yehya, a man i met a few years
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ago. he likes to take pictures of celebrities who like to get in -- >> yeah, today i got the guy -- the green guy -- the second one, the australian guy. >> what? >> the guy with brad pitt, in the movie "troy". what is his name? eric something. erik bennett. >> erik bennett. he's very nice. >> he's in the movie "funny people" also. you got a picture of him? >> i got four. >> four pictures. >> because my flash not on and he come out and i tell him, i fix my camera now. very nice guy. >> well, that sounds like quite an evening you had there. so anyway, uncle frank you know about yehya and what he likes to do. you have something in common and that is you both love ice cream. in fact, yehya you used to sell >> yeah, when i was a small boy i used to sell ice cream and i ate it and the guy fire me. >> because you ate too much? >> yea you know, the sugar with the -- >> the cotton candy?
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>> yeah. i ate that and i -- >> and you got fired for that? >> because i swim a lot, i need sugar. i need something, you know? >> like a hummingbird. >> yeah, i lose money. he took me and fire me, that's okay. >> well, years later we decided to make that childhood dream come true. summer is here, it's hot out and it's important to keep your cholesterol up. we sent yehya and uncle frank next door to be ice cream guys. here it is. ♪ >> hello? >> hello. >> excuse me, we want your job. >> let me get you guys some applications. >> thank you. that's my dream, man. it's my dream. help me. it's my dream and i'm a small boy. it's my dream, man.
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>> i believe you. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> all you have to do is fill those out and bring them back in. >> all right. come on. we'll fill it out and bring it back. >> okay. we'll be right back. >> uncle frank, i'm caucasian? >> you're caucasian, yeah. that's like you're white. yeah. >> white? >> yeah, we're not yellow or black, we're white. >> like cappuccino? >> yeah, medium white. >> okay. thank you. thank you. >> all right. it's self-explanatory. here's your pad and ordering pen. you guys enjoy. >> thanks, man. >> let's go to work. what a beautiful family. >> oh, thank you. >> hi, can we take your order? >> certainly. >> i remember when i was in the ocean and the guy -- with the ice cream, like the spanish people go, and i buy ice cream and i ate a lot.
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>> i would like the rocky road. >> who? >> rocky road. >> rocky? okay. my mom, she take me to the doctor. she cleaned my stomach because i ate a lot of like cream, i remember that day. and after this, i love ice cream. >> one scoop of pppp mint. and m. > a and m m.. > i i like icecereaam m d i ke. . >hohococote..fofoa ile e dura cut t ckck n now to boutour r >, pleaea. malal mal okokayay chocate lt.. thank k u.u. >> ordrder rhtht hehereununclc >> l m msee. >> l lk.k. > i iink 'sce cre.. m mtltly y ice cream.m. >> tt't's ococolole.
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boboy,y,t't'soso h hd. >> t thhgigirlrlshshee n nd d m& yea for t theheidid.. > heheanantetethe e ltlted. heherere nonow w neeeed milk. >> this milk? >> no, that's soup. >> soup? >> look for the refrigerator. >> oh. all right. >> let's start. >> a little more. >> want some? >> a quick taste. that's milk. >> the only thing we need now are cherries and whipped cream. let me get the whipped cream. more cherries. >> that's okay. >> okay. >> it's melting already. >> one minute. >> how does it taste? >> really good. >> okay. >> okay. we've got -- this is your m&m. i put it on for you. >> is it malted? >> i gotne for you. >> you want this -- very good. >> enjoy. enjoy your cherry. >> it's good, yehya. >> how you doing? >> good. how are you?
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>> good. can i get a couple of scoops in a cone? >> i don't know. i'll try. >> i like ice cream, i like whipped cream. how does this look? >> you need a banana now? >> got a banana? >> look at how it melts. i like nuts. >> need m&m's too. >> i like apple turnovers. >> that's a banana, yehya. >> i like crumb cake. do i love crumb cake. >> do you have something i can put th in to go? >> to go. we'll cover it with this. >> that's not gross. >> thank you, have a good day, man. >> see ya. >> thank you. >> i like everything that's sweet. >> this is good. >> are you enjoying it? let me taste. is it good?
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>> what's you -- what's your name? >> i'm french. >> french, we can hang out together. we can go dancing. >> oh, i like to dance. >> oh, whoa. ♪ >> yeah. very nice. >> thank you, uncle frank. you make my dream. >> this is your dream. >> that's my dream. at least i sell ice cream and i sell soda too. >> good job, yehya. i'm proud to be with you. >> thank you, uncle frank. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. i have to say in my 41 years on
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this planet, i have never seen that much saliva exchanged. uncle frank and yehya, everybody. we'll be right back with anne hee. [ female announcer ] olay challenged not just one dermatologist but a whole panel in creating an anti-aging breakthrough. introducing olay professional pro-x wrinkle protocol.
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as effective as the leading prescription wrinkle brand. challenge pro-x yourself, we guarantee the results. hi. ( whimpers, inhales ) ( sobs ) - hello! ( shakes and exhales ) for big moments anywhere, keep a littlstrength in your pocket. ( ding ) altoids smalls. are you in mint condition? when people say, "hey mike, why ford? why now? you know what i do? i introduce them to the most fuel-efficient midsize sedans... and suvs in america. i don't know if you've heard, but this whole fuel-efficiency thing... kind of a big deal. anyway, ford and lincoln mercury have you covered. in fact, they're your cash for clunkers specialists. they'll recycle your ride and get you a rebate of up to $4,500. how's that for going green? why ford? why now? why not? visit your ford or lincoln mercury dealer. tell 'em mike sent you. if you think it would help. miller lite.
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(announcer on call) off the glass, centered in front... oh what a great move, another great move... he skates in on goal... he scores! unbelievable! it's all over! oh my... (announcer) that's what greatness tastes like. triple hops brewed. great pilsner taste. miller lite. taste greatness.
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♪ hi, there. still to come, aubrey plaza and diane birch will be here. in addition to her co-starring role on the new hbo show "hung", our first guest appears alongside, beneath and sometimes on top of ashton kutcher in the new movie " spread". "spread" opens in select cities august 14. please say hello to anne heche. [ cheers and applause ] you look fantastic. thank you for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> very good to see you. >> very good to see you. >> you have a hung and spread coming out at the same time. >> two titlesou don't want to repeat. only once in your career you can do that. >> did you know the titles before you decided -- >> there's why i chose them. >> i've gotcha. well, it's timely. >> something a little different. >> is that right? >> sure. spread your wings. >> speaking of spreading your
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wings, you're very naked in this movie i heard and ashton kutcher is your co-star in this film. >> yeah. >> does he have to be naked also? >> all the time. >> he did? >> he had no clothes. he was just like forget it, no clothes. sure, let's be naked. >> he's very free with his body. >> he is. yeah. >> i don't like that. >> when you arrive in the morning, hi, i'm naked. okay, i thought -- >> driving to the set, naked. >> totally. oh this is a naked -- >> hey, you had a baby six months ago? >> 4 1/2. >> 4 1/2? i thought that was insane, 4 1/2. i'm losing my mind. >> not 4 1/2 years ago, 4 1/2 months. >> did you shoot this before that or after this? >> i'm going to say after because i looked hot in the movie. so let's just go with that. it's post pregnancy movie. yeah. no, before.
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>> your kids are named homer and atlas. they better learn to fight. they really need to. >> well, atlas is a monster. >> well, he better be because he has to hold up the world. they're unusual names. they're both greek -- i guess? >> what about atlas? i said what about atlas? well, i mean, okay, cool name, but people will totally make fun of you. i was like okay, i'm good with that. anyway, let's name him atlas. >> your husband went along with it? he was like fine, whatever? >> i dodon't know why, kids kin of tell you what their names are. >> is he strong? >> he is. yeah. he's a tough guy. yeah. >> the last thing you want, oh, yeah -- >> he can't be a wimp. not with that name. >> he has no choice. >> he can't wear glasses. no. he's got to be tough. >> he can't be an ethan, he has to be an atlas. >> at lass, yes. >> absolutely. he's proven -- >> and does homer like atlas,
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the new addition? >> oh sure. oh, yeah. he really likes him. his big question is like, mama, does he have to come along is his thing? do we have -- no, we can leave him in the car. that's what we did with you, and you're 7. so you made it. let's just leave him. >> so now, in this movie, we have a clip, one of the few scenes in which you and ashton have clothes on. >> that was weird. they had to pay us extra for that. serious. each item costs more. yeah. >> what are we going to see here? what's happening? >> well, clearly the most boring seen in the movie. >> well, yeah, sure. >> because we have our clothes on. i play a woman that goes away and he's staying at my house and i called to see if he's going to be my boyfriend when i return and have dinner with friends and everything else. and he's in my pool swimming. >> well, let's take a look at "spread", coming out august 14. >> hello. >> hey. where are you? >> at your house. >> really?
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so why didn't you come swim last night? >> i was in new york. >> oh. these guys don't need a lawyer, they need a baby-sitter. listen, we have some friends coming over on thursday night. >> we do? >> we do. do you want to check your schedule? >> yeah. sure. hey, gina, how's my thursday night look? >> oh, that's sweet. so we're on? >> we're on. >> okay. bye. >> okay. bye. >> well, he seems like a real catch. >> we should have shown the naked part. >> but everything would be bleeped out, right? >> well, there's okay. >> instead of words it would be body bleeps. >> is it as horrible as they say shooting that sort of thing, sex scene? >>wful. >> it is really bad? >> awful.
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>> really? >> well, the thing that this movie was -- so funny is everything is a sex scene and you're like okay. and every person you're working with is a girl he had sex with. what are you shooting this morning? oh, you did it on the bed. okay, you did it from behind? did you -- you hung from the ceiling? so you did the trapeze? oh, okay, that's good. i mean, should we do a leg up, leg down -- oh, on the table. let's do it on the table. >> you ran out of human positions? >> honestly, we really did. >> wow. >> did demi show up on set? >> she was all over the bed, for sure. >> she was? >> oh, yeah. yeah. she poked from underneath. it didn't seem right. stop that, not there. don't do that. >> well, great to see you. anne heche, everybody. "spread" is in select theaters on august 14 and watch "hung" sundays at 10:00 on hbo. a new season just got picked up. we'll be right back with aubrey plaza. i stinside my dryer bar and for about four months,
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it'll freshen my clothes automatically? wow, let's see you in action. hmm, i wish all my chores took care of themselves automatically. ( ♪ ) (dryer buzzing) ( sniffing ) enjoy automatic freshness for about four months with the new bounce dryer bar.
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t's a new day ♪ for about four months ♪ hi, there, we're back. as i promised we would. still to come, diane birch. our next guest is in the middle of a very big year. she has a new movie coming out with michael cera, a tv show with amy poehler called "parks &
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recreation", and as of today, you can see her with adam sandler and seth rogen in "funny people". take a look. >> do you like music? >> you like music? >> yeah, that's a weird question. >> ask me if i like food. >> that was my next question. >> yes. >> good. do you like wilco playing at the greek theatre. i wondered if you wanted to go with me? >> yeah, i'd be into that. >> okay, great. so i guess we will go to the show together. >> not anymore. >> are you serious? >> no, i'll go. >> oh, okay. >> don't say that ever again. >> please welcome the hardest working aubrey in show business, aubrey plaza. [ cheers and applause ] it's good to see you. you did a great job in the movie. >> thank you. >> you play a comedian in the
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movie. >> yes, i play a stand-up comedian. >> i assumed you were actually a comedian in real life, but you weren't at the time, were you? >> no. i was a exceedian, i did comedy -- well, i was a comedian, i did comedy theater in new york for five years, but i never had done standup before. >> you did sketch comedy and that sort of thing? >> sketch and improv. i knew they wanted a stand-up, so i kind of just like took it upon myself to try stand-up. >> and what did you do? you videotaped it? send it to them? >> yeah, because i had gone through the audition process and that went great, but i knew they wanted the cast to stand up, but i hadn't done it before. i thought maybe i'll tape myself doing it. even though that's a terrifying -- >> yeah. >> and put it online. and send it to judd somehow. so i did. i went up at this s like [ blee] bar queens.
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and i -- wrote f five minutes of jojokekes whicich i thought, yo, this is it, i think. stand-up. had my fririends lm iand thei put it on youtube a i sent the lili to thehe c castin woman who then se it to judd and then i think two daylater they offered me the part >> wowow.. >> aftfter that. > you rlly bamboozled t them didn't you? >> yeah, i'm knonown for my mboozle, of bambooement. >> you had to do statand-up wit adam sandler and sseth rogen? >>eah, i w wentt with judd and adam to o the magic clulub in hermosa beach. i thought i was going to watch. but judd went, hey, aubrey you're going on into. -- you're going to go on tonight. you're going to go on tonight after adam, good luck and then he walked away. i thought he was kidding. [ laughter ] and he wasn't. >> he wasn't kidding, yeah. how did it go? >> it was okay. adam came up to me after -- after judd told me i was going
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on and he said, you're gonna to go on after me? i was like, yeah. and he's like, oh, you're gonna die. [ laughter ] yeah. and he was like, this not going to be a good night for you. yeah. go get 'em kid. and -- yeah. then he went on and did 20 minutes and people just clapped before he even opened his mouth. you know? >> yeah, right, sure. >> because they love him. and i just was -- i was behind the curtain just crying and -- [ laughter ] just really trying not to run away. >> well, this is a picture from where and when? >> oh, no. >> which one is you here? >> that's me. that's me. yeah. that's me. dressed as a chicken. >> this is what a chicken looks like in your life? >> yeah. yeah. that's a chicken.
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>> must be a fried chicken. [ laughter ] and why are you dressed as a chicken? >> well, that's something i used to do a lot in high school. [ laughter ] >> why? >> well, -- >> were you mascot of some kind? >> sure. for my own life, i was my own mascot. my own life. i -- i was in the ugly duckling, you know that play? >> yes. >> and we had the option to purchase our costumes after the show. and i played a chicken named patty. and -- and mfriend neil and i, neil is a duck in that picture, we were like hell yes, we're going to purchase those costumes. >> well, sure. >> and we -- and friday nights was, you know, the night. we would just dress up like that and just walk around. and -- >> it looks like you did mushrooms and robbed the bank. [ laughter ] no? >> i actually i don't know who that woman is. >> really?
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[ laughter ] well, birds of a feather, i guess. [ laughter ] did you dress up frequently in unusual costumes as a youth? >> i -- yeah. [ laughter ] yeah. i did. well, i went to an all-girl's private catholic high school. >> uh-huh. >> hi, sister betty. [ laughter ] probably asleep. >> yeah. i hope so. >> yeah. but, yeah, and we had these dress down days whe you could kind of show off your style. because every other day we're wearing uniforms and people would come in their jeans or whatever. and i always took it upon myself to dress up as this character that i created who was a real estate agent named -- [ laughter ] -- nameded beverly calpin. and i would wear my mother's like '80's skirt suits and i'd
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put my books in her briefcase and i would go to school and try to sell real estate to my teachers. [ laughter ] in the lunchroom. >> and how was business? did you sell anything? >> business was great. >> it was? >> oh, yeah. >> did the teachers like that? >> i think mrs. green bought -- was interested in some properties in upper darby. [ laughter ] it was really -- you know, i thought getting ready as beverly in the morning, i thought people don't know beverly is coming in today, they're going to be excited. >>ere the other kids excited to see beverly? >> i don't think. i think it was just the delusion in my own mind. i would walk down the hall and people would go, hi, aubrey. i'd go beverly. >> this is before the market, the bottom fell out? right? this is in the good old days? >> yeah. >> did you have bus benches or anything? or you didn't go that far? >> no bus benches. >> well, congratulations. you did a great job in the movie. it's called "funny people". aubrey plaza.
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"funny people" is in theaters now. we'll be right back with diane birch. two medium cappuccinos, you're ready for the mid-morning rush thanks to a good breakfast. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more than coffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... with a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal; an excellent source of fiber that helps you avoid... the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good. of the world's most revered luxury sedan.
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12:57 am
female announcer: from jennifer,
12:58 am
while supplies last, this luxurious microfiber sofa and chair for just $399. our most dramatic offer ever: both pieces, just $399. while supplies last. from jennifer: you don't have to spend a lot to havasgood.te t start here. go furer. all right. well, you're in for a treat. this is her debut cd. it's called "bible belt". here with the song "nothing but a miracle", diane birch. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ getting tired of living living for a moment ♪ ♪ getting tired of hanging on the line ♪ ♪ wake up every morning and i pull back the curtain ♪
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♪ wonder if it's gonna rain or shine ♪ ♪ getting tired of thinking getting so tired of begging ♪ ♪ getting tired of forgetting that there's two of us ♪ ♪ i'm getting so tired of loving my man ♪ ♪ that just don't give a damn just tell me ♪ ♪ tell baby why i'm holding on when your lovin's long gone i got a good mind ♪ ♪ so why don't you tell me why i can't say good-bye just ♪ ♪ tell me baby why i've been holding on for so long ♪ ♪ and nothing but a miracle is gonna bring ya back ♪ ♪ bring ya back to me now
1:00 am
♪ i gotta get myself together gotta stop telling myself that i can do no better ♪ ♪ gotta go out and maybe start meeting some new people ♪ ♪ i gotta go out and buy myself one of those little black dresses ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm so tired of this t-shirt ♪ ♪ i'm so tired of cryin' off all my makeup ♪ ♪ gettin' just so tired of waking up ♪ ♪ with a lonely heart i'm getting so tired of giving a damn ♪ ♪ about an absent hearted man just tell me ♪ ♪ tell, baby, why i'm holding on when your love is long gone i got a good mind ♪ ♪ so why don't you tell me why i can't say good-bye, just ♪ ♪ tell me baby why i've been holding on for so long ♪ ♪ and nothing but a miracle is going to bring it back ♪ ♪ bring you back to me now, oh, i can see it ♪ ♪ it's coming down the shadows
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ohh, i can see it ♪ ♪ it's coming through the windows oh, i can see it ♪ ♪ it's coming down the ceiling ooh, i can't escape the feeling ♪ ♪ i can't escape the feeling tell me ♪ ♪ why i'm holding on when your love is long gone ♪ ♪ i got a good mind so why don't you tell me why ♪ ♪ i can't say good-bye just tell me baby ♪ ♪ why i've been holding for so long ♪ ♪ and nothing but a miracle is gonnbring it back ♪ ♪ bring ya back to me now, oh, nothing but ♪ a miracle is gonna bring you back to me ♪ hmmm... well... naaa... yeah!
1:02 am
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1:03 am
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1:04 am
one of the many tools in the veriz small business toolbox. it's the all new sesame street forest of fun... at busch gardens in williamsburg. with four family-friendly rides... and everyone's sesame street friends. ( elmo giggles ) ♪ big and small! there's fun for all! ♪ hi, there. well i want to thank anne heche and aubrey plaza. our apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. how about that song? "bible belt" that's her debut cd. playing us off the air with the song "valentino", once again, diane birch. goodht


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