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tv   Inside Washington  ABC  September 20, 2009 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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>> so long before "les miserable," there is one musical i would kill for. ♪ ♪ if i were a rich man ♪ yaba da di da di da di da di di di da ♪ all day long, i'd diddle diddle dum ♪ if i were a wealthy man ♪ i wouldn't have to work hard ♪ da da da ♪ all day long, i'll diddle diddle dum ♪ if i were a little bittle rich
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♪ ay yay yay... so one day, i get a phone call from south america. they want me to be tevya in "fiddler on the roof." now, i have to explain to them that i'm jewish and i don't play friday nights, and saturday matinees, and rosh hashana, yom kippur, succos, simcha torah, pesach, shuvuas, tishe be'av, erev tishe be'av, hanukah, purim, barbara streisand's birthday-- i don't play. ( laughter ) they said, all right, it doesn't matter, you can do it. we can work out a deal with you, you don't have to work. but you've got to sing it our way. i said, "what's your way? "what do you mean? what's your way?" the south american way." ♪ dear god, you've made many, many, many poor people in the world. i realize, of course, it's no shame to be poor, but it is no great honor, either.
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so what would've happened, what would be so terrible if i would have a little fortune. ♪ if i were a rich man ♪ ya bi di bi di ♪ all day long, i'd bi di bi di dam ♪ if i were a wealthy man ♪ i wouldn't have to work hard ♪ ya bi di bi di ♪ all day long, i'd bi di bi di day ♪ if i were a little bittle rich ♪ i'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen ♪ right in the middle of the town ♪ a fine tin roof with real wooden floors below ♪ there will be one long staircase just going up ♪ and one even longer coming down ♪ and one more leading nowhere, just for show ♪ i'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese and ducks ♪ for the town to see and hear ♪ squeaking just as noisily as they can
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♪ and all the kukuriku will bang like a trumpet on the ear ♪ as if to say, "here lives a wealthy man" ♪ if i am a rich man chiko chiko chiko... boom ♪ all day long, tequila and cigar ♪ if i am a millionaire ♪ life is a fiesta ♪ chiko chiko chiko... boom ♪ all day long, champaign and caviar ♪ if i am a spanish millionaire ♪ i'm going to take maria from andalusia on a caribbean cruise, ♪ and on my yacht, you'll schmooze with the whose and whose ♪ and then i'll take siesta ♪ life is very besta in my castle in capri ♪ that's the kind of millionaire i'll be ♪ if i am a rich man chiko chiko chiko... boom
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♪ all day long, champaign and caviar ♪ if i am a millionaire ♪ life is a fiesta chiko chiko chiko... boom ♪ if you want to have some details more ♪ talk to me manana por favor ♪ if you want to be a millionaire. so, you have some time for me? can i talk to you for a minute? can you explain me why do i have to be poor all my life? >> ♪ if i were a rich man >> and schlep milk to the rich people ... with a sick horse he's blind he doesn't listen to what i tell him. what's the matter with you? if i have a little fortune a little one
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not a big one. yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo >> ♪ if i were a rich man... ♪ all day long, champaign and caviar ♪ all day long tequila and cigar ♪ if i'm a spanish millionaire. ♪ ole. ( applause ) i never forget those moments sitting in row f, seat number 4, when the curtain opened and jean val jean started singing. ♪ what have i done, sweet jesus? what have i done? ♪ become a thieve in the night become a dog on the run
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♪ and have i fallen so far and is the hour so late ♪ nothing remains but the cry of my hate ♪ the cries in the night that no body hears ♪ here as i stand at the turning of the years ♪ if there's another way to go i missed it 20 long years ago ♪ my life was a war that could never be won ♪ they gave me a number and murdered val jan ♪ when they chained me and left me for dead ♪ just for stealing a mouthful of bread ♪ ♪ yet why did i allow that man to touch my soul and teach me love? ♪ he treated me like any other he gave me his trust
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♪ he called me brother my life he claims for god above ♪ can such things be, for i had come to hate the world ♪ this world that always hated me ♪ take an eye for an eye turn your heart into stone ♪ this is all i have lived for this is all i have known.
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i was stunned and i'll never forget the first tears i shed when i heard this next song. ♪ i dreamed a dream in time gone by ♪ when hope was high and life worth living ♪ i dreamed that love would never die ♪ i dreamed that god would be forgiving ♪ then, i was young and unafraid ♪ and dreams were made and used and wasted ♪ there was no ransom to be paid no song unsung, no wine untasted
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♪ but the tigers come at night with their voices soft as thunder ♪ as they tear your hopes apart, as they turn your dreams to shame ♪ she spent a summer by my side she filled my days with endless wonders ♪ she took my childhood in her stride
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♪ but she was gone when autumn came ♪ and i still dream she'll come to me ♪ and we will live the years together ♪ but there are dreams that cannot be ♪ and there are storms we can not weather ♪ ♪ i had a dream my life would be so different from this hell i live in ♪ so different now from what it seems ♪ now life has killed the dream
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i dreamed ♪ ♪ and how we laughed when the innkeeper came out and started singing ♪ master of the house quick to catch your eye ♪ never lets a passerby to pass him by ♪ servant to the poor, butler to the great ♪ comforter, philosopher, and lifelong mate ♪ everybody's boon companion gives them everything he's got ♪ everybody raise your glass everybody raise your glass ♪ everybody raise your glass to the master of the house. ♪ oy ya yoy
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o, that's from another musical. ( laughter ) there is one song in "les miserable" which is very close to my heart. it is known to the public as "bring him home;" among the cast members, it is called "the prayer." for seven long years, both of my children went to the israeli army, and i was singing this song on the stages of tel aviv, new york, and london. but in my heart, always, i was praying for the safe return of my kids and their friends from the army. tonight, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to dedicate this song to this group of soldiers
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sitting right there representing the israeli army. ( applause ) ♪ ♪ god on high hear my prayer ♪ in my need you have always been there ♪ he is young he's afraid ♪ let him rest
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heaven blessed ♪ bring him home bring him home ♪ bring him home ♪ he's like the son i might have known ♪ if god had granted me a son the summers die one by one ♪ how soon they fly on and on and i'm old and will be gone ♪ bring him peace
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bring him joy ♪ he's young he is only a boy ♪ you can take you can give ♪ let him be let him live ♪ if i die let me die ♪ let him live
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bring him home ♪ bring him home bring him home. ♪ ( applause )
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>> for my father's 80th birthday, we surprised him with a gift which he will never forget. my father and 15 members of his family were saved by a non- jewish family during the
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holocaust, the kvarchuks. they were hidden in a bunker underneath the house for 18 months. alfred kvarchuk was my father's age, 13 years old, and my father's best friend. while he was playing outside, he would watch for rman soldiers approaching, and he would walk for miles to bring extra food from neighboring towns so nobody gets suspicious. we brought alfred kvarchuk as a surprise gift to israel for my father. we walked into the house, my father was sitting at the chair,
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not facing us, and i said, "dad, i brought you a gift for your 80th birthday". my father turned around and said, "what gift? i don't need gifts. alfred! alfred kvarchuk." dad, this is a song for you. ♪ papa, can you see me? papa, can you hear me? ♪ papa, can you find me in the night? ♪ papa, are you near me? papa, can you see me? ♪ papa, can you help me not be frightened? ♪ looking at the skies i seem to see a million eyes ♪ which ones are yours?


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