tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 9, 2010 12:05am-1:05am EST
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jersey home and made admissions of guilt to the police. it's unlikely he will face federal charges. and in london, three passengers were arrested by armed guards on a plane bound passenger misconduct. e, and sad news tonight. jean biden, mother of vice president joe biden, died today in wilmington, delaware, surrounded by ved ones. >> joe biden's mother was so dear to him, stories about her formed a central part of his acceptance speech at the democratic convention. >> when i got knocked down by guys better than me, and this is the god's truth, she sent me back out and said, bloody their nose so you can walk down the street the next day. is and that's what i did >> reporter: the center of the biden family, catherine eugenia finnegan biden was born in 1917 and married to joe biden sr. >> my mom taught her children, failur failure at some point
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in your life is inevitable. but giving up is unforgivable. >> reporter: she helped her son, who she called joey, heal after the devastating loss of her first wife and daughter. >> i remember her saying shortly after the funeral, out of every terrible thing, something good will happen if you look hard enough. >> reporter: and lived to see him become vice president. >> i joseph biden jr. do solemnly swear. >> reporr: jean biden was 92 years old. our sympathies to the biden family. that's our report for tonight. i'm cynthia mcfadden. for all of us here at abc news, good night, america. bundle up for the weekend. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a word from pizza hut. right now, you can get your favorite pizza hut pizza for just $10. any toppings, any crust, any size, ten bucks. we're living in a magical time. what's your favorite topping, cleto? >> peppers and onions. >> jimmy: what about you?
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>> peppers and onions, also. >> jimmy: oh, because you're related. guillermo? >> i like pepperoni and jalapenos. >> jimmy: very good. bold guy in a bikini what is your favorite topping? >> cheese. i like my people sa like my head. no toppings. >> jimmy: huh. and what about you, piece of chewing gum under the bald guy's seat? >> i like sausage. >> jimmy: huh. how about that. my favorite topping is mushroom and diced tomatoes. >> boo! boo! >> jimmy: shut up, gum! >> dicky: get your favorite pizza hut pizza -- any size, any crust, any toppings for just ten dollars. hurry before this deal is gone. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes with shenae grimes, colbie ka lay and tobey maguire. winter can be beautiful.
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with relief from dry, uncomfortable skin. only aveeno skin relief has an active naturals oat formula... to improve all five symptoms... of winter skin in just one day. discover the beauty and comfort of skin relief. only from aveeno. discover the beauty and comfort of skin relief. on the inside. my inner-workings a work of art. a digestive tract that should be bronzed. and an immune system so stunning... [ low growl ] my vet thinks i'm the eighth wonder of the world. [ female announcer ] introducing iams with prebiotics. prebiotics work inside, clinically proven to promote strong defenses. healthy inside... healthy outside. [ dog ] oh hi girls, nice day, huh? i am an iams dog. [ female announcer ] learn more about prebiotics at >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!"
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jimmy. i'm the host of the program. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. i can see that you're very enthusiastic, and like to welcome you all to "the tonight show with jay leno." they moved things around again today, yeah. you know, strange things are going on over at nbc. jay leno and conan o'brien are apparently moving in together is what i hear. got an apartment. i don't know what's going on. if you've been following this, you know nbc made the decision they were making too much money, so they threw all their shoes into a bag, like scrabble tithes, shook them around and dumped them out. jay leno was on at 10:00, conan at 11:30. i think they want them to be on at the same time. it's confusing. i do understand what's happening. let me explain what's going on in late night television right now. follow this. now, think of it as a pie, okay? in this case, a pumpkin pie. now -- this is the late night tv
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pumpkin pie. you have the hosts that are competing for their piece of the pie. jay leno, conan, jay leno. all of these guys. and us, too. and the object is to eat the pie. that's the idea, is, you want to eat the pie. so -- and the pie itself, when you do eat it is delicious. it's a delicious pie. but you see here, what i'm doing is eating pie, which is what, you know, we all want to be doing is eating the pie. and all the other hosts want pie, but they can't have it because i'm eating it myself. can i get some whipped cream? [ applause ] now -- okay, now -- okay. [ laughter ] so, the whipped cream represents white people.
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and then the pie itself represents, like, kind of orangish people. the crust is very good, actually. really -- so -- what was i talking about? oh, tiger woods. that's something, right? all the sex he's been having? [ applause ] i'll save you for later. all right. let's imagine that tiger woods was a pizza. i've been looking for an excuse to eat a whole pie and i found it. in all serious, people have been asking me about this, and i thought it would be a good idea to take questions from the audience. and that way, hopefully we can cover everything in one shot and won't have to answer questions. does anyone have a question? we are somebody.
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right here, okay, yes, sir what is your name? >> shu-ann. >> jimmy: and your question? >> can i go backstage and hang out with tobey maguire. >> jimmy: no, he not here to do that. he'll be on the show. nothing else? okay. anyone? okay, yes. what is your name? >> pat. >> jimmy: what is your question? >> can we go to the bathroom? >> jimmy: no, not until after the show is over. >> can i go backstage and hang out with tobey maguire? >> jimmy: no, you can't. he's not here to hang out. if we have any questions about late night television, late night landscape. okay, this guy right here. yeah. right there. what is your name? >> hi, greg. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> new jersey. >> jimmy: okay what is your question about late night? >> how many tie boss you own? >> jimmy: a lot. i have a lot of ties. >> so, like, what's like a lot? more than five? >> jimmy: yeah. more than five.
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>> great, thank you. >> jimmy: you know, i was just hoping that we'd have a question -- yes, what is your name? >> cson. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we're -- where are you from, carson? where are you from? >> i'm from here in l.a. >> jimmy: okay what is your question? >> what do you think is going to happen to my show? >> jimmy: that is a good -- do you have your immunity idol? >> yes, i do. >> jimmy: as long as you have your immunity idol, i think you're safe. >> okay. >> jimmy: hold onto that. >> okay, thanks. can i have your show? >> jimmy: no, you can't have my show. >> can i have $1,000? >> jimmy: go hang out backstage with tobeyaguire and we'll talk about that. >> okay, great. >> jimmy: carson daly, everyone. you know what he is?
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[ applause ] i've always said this. he's part of the late night landscape. in fact, we're thinking about starting a late night landscaping business. congratulations to the alabama crimson tide. they beat texas last night at the rose bowl to win the national championship. i see we have mixed feelings about that. a lot of people in town to see the games. the weather has been so nice here, a lot of people aren't going back after being in town to see the games. someone left the door open in canada and the whole country is covered in ice. by the way, that's killing the slurpee industry. i'm choking on pie. i'm all right. another arctic blast is blasting in. a big problem for farmers in the south. citrus crops are at risk. they say the entire crop of frankenberries could blost. and at least the cold and snow is making a white christmas for members of the serbian orthodox chur. they celebrate today, which seems odd because jesus was born
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two weeks ago. the kid is on formula already. but even more unusual is the way members of the serbian church commemorate the birth of christ. >> orthodox christians celebrated christmas yesterday, and members of one california church did it in a very unique way. they say the gun fire started with serbian immigrants, so, they are trying to keep the custom alive. >> tradition that kind of died off, but yeah, we're trying to bring it back, bring in the guns, shooting the black powder downtown and let everyone know it's serbian christmas. >> jimmy: that's one way to -- where's santa? the serbians killed him, honey. and by the way, no one survived serbian hanukkah. richard heene, the father of the balloon boy, who, by the way, should not be called the balloon boy because he was never in a
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balloon. he should be called the attic boy, but we -- anyway, his father is going on jail monday to begin serving his sentence, and though he pled guilty to faking it, he's now going back to the original story and claiming it wasn't a hoax. he claims that he only pled guilty to keep his wife from being deported. he was on "the today show" this morning with home video that he believes proves that his family truly believed the son was in the balloon. you know how there are certain families where almost everyone is a great actor? the heenes are not one of those families. >> the heenes now want to share more of what ty say is home video from that day. specifically showing what happened after they supposedly learned their 6-year-old son falcon was floating away, too. >> dad, falcon's in there. >> where? >> in the ship? >> he -- he was just here. >> no, he's in there. >> what? >> he's in there. i saw him crawl in. >> no, he's not.
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>> yeah. >> he was just right here. falcon? falcon? >> no way! >> jimmy: so -- we are to believe that when told her 6-year-old boy was flying hopelessly away in an untethered balloon, his mother's reaction was "no way!" good dialogue. this guy -- [ applause ] oh, thank you. heene is insistent that he didn't do anything. at the end of the interview with matt lauer, he ask eed a good question. >> have you done nothing wrong? when you look over this whole thing, do you think there's nothing you did to deserve this jail sentence you are going to start on monday? >> i've done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve this. i'm being persecuted, i think, for the benefit of -- the term runs out in 2011, he's probably going to run for governor. not off my back. >> richard heene.
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>> look, i -- i need to clear my name. i need everybody to know that this was not a hoax. absolutely not. >> jimmy: all right, tell the guys in prison. have them spread it around, because -- hey, some sad news for david hasselhoff fans. are there fans? well, you have bad news coming, because david says he's leaving the show "america's got talent," which you have to believe is the best news paula abdul has ever heard. an opening for a loopy semicoherent tv judge? it might be time to climb out of the bathtub and put some shoes on. hasselhoff said he's leaving to work on a new show of his own. i didn't believe that until i saw this pro mow we made up. >> from the people who brought you vern troyer pees in a plant, and loosely based on a novel by evelyn waugh. nigel lythgoe and vodka
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presence, "so you think you can eat a burger completely [ bleep ] hammered?" only on lifetime. >> this is amess. >> jimmy: seems like an odd choicef network. are you guys fans of the show "jersey shore?" well, snooki, this morning, she's -- she's the little one. for some reason, this morning, she did the weather on wpix in new york. and turns out she's a natural. >> oh my god. >> that's all right. >> today there's going to be some light snow with p.m. flurries. let's see. suffern, 29. >> jimmy: and then the sports guy punched her in the face. it was awful. next month, the season premiere of "survivor." they are doing something different this time. a special heroes versus villains
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edition. the most loved and most hated contestants from past shows and i have to admit, it looks like the best "survivor" get. >> the ten greatest heroes. james, colby, amanda, can dis, j.t., sugar, oprah, obama and e jesus. versus jerry, coach, osama bin laden, darth vader, spencer, jaws, hitler and john gosselin. "survivor," here roams versus villains. >> only on cbs. >> jimmy: that should be -- i tell you one thing -- [ applause ] i really -- i don't -- i do not see hitler and oprah getting along at all. all right, time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship."
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>> good to see you. >> you, too. happy 2010. >> i know, right? [ bleep ]. >> if you are helded that way, all of that is going to be [ bleep ] cold. >> we're going to run down 10, 15 yards and take a [ bleep ] in the end zone. >> it's not unusual for me to look up from working on a budget on something and to find a pig and the pony [ bleep ] right there in front of me and staring at me. >> most angels don't [ bleep ] your face. >> it kind of shows that things worked out the way they're supposed to. jason [ bleep ] somebody, now it's my turn. >> this is everything that texas is all about. friendly, but he's got a big [ bleep ]. >> we have two professors threatened with black [ bleep ]. the scare shut down the campus. >> you're married. >> i am, to my beautiful wife stephanie. >> where do you guys like to [ bleep ]? >> all over. >> super job helping everybody today. >> yeah, thanks, but elmo would rather play with his [ bleep ]. >> very well.
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>> jimmy: we have a good show tonight. from "90210," shenae grimes. music tonight from colbie caillat. and we'll be right back with tobey maguire, so stick around. whether you use at&t or verizon, chances are at the end of the month, you're going to have some unused minutes laying around. the difference is, at&t lets you keep the minutes you don't use. while verizon... ...doesn't. adios, minutes! [ male announcer ] when you compare, there's no comparison. well, they ain't comin' back. [ male announcer ] at&t. a better 3g experience. get 50% off all blackberry smartphones after mail-in rebate. minty.
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handsome! mmm, minty. mindy? beautiful, isn't it? breathtaking. fresh. (announcer) for a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to 5 times longer there's new scope outlast. one of these under 550 calorie meals. so that's where get my smarts. [ male announcer ] applebee's new unbelievably great-tasting and under 550 calories men it's all the taste, noneof the trade offs, and another reason why, there's no pace like the neighborhood. k-y yours + mine home. want him to think i was -- the greatest wife ever. one has an amazing sensation for me. the other a thrilling sensation for him, and when they combine -- ♪ [ both sigh ] [ female announcer ] k-y brand yours + mine. we've got a way for you to check the status of your loan online... securely, any time, anywhere. our e signature technology makes it really easy... for you to sign your documents from home. we've helped over three-quarters of a million families... refinance or purchase their home.
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>> j >> jimmy: sorry. there was some left there was some left. we have a good show tonight. with us tonight from "90210," shenae grimes is here. very lovely young lady. also tonight, we have music for all to enjoy from another lovely young lady. this is her new cd, "breakthrough." colbie caillat is here. next week on the show, chevy chase, joan rivers, dax shepard, elisha cuthbert, aziz ansari, kate walsh, chef paul bartolotta, music from melanie fiona, larry gatlin, and katherine mcphee, and kobe
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bryant, no music from kobe bryant, but -- i am going to -- you know what, i've been meaning to ask him about is the lakers. i will. our first guest tonight is a terrific actor despite the fact that, as a college student, he was bitten by a really bad spider. he is nominated for a golden globe for his excellent performance alongside jake gyllenhaal and natalie portman in "brothers." it's in theaters now. please say hello to tobey maguire. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> good, how you doing? >> jimmy: good. a little skruf there. >> i do, yes. >> jimmy: is that for a role or make it harder to get through airport security? >> it does incident ally, but it's actually for a role in a
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movie that may or may not be happening some time in the next few months that, a, i may or may not want to do. but we'll see. just in case. >> jimmy: what the hell, grow the beard. are you playing santa? does it need to be long by the time -- >> yeah. i have two weeks. so we'll see what it gets to. >> jimmy: if anyone can do it, it's you. how were the holidays? >> they were nice. good. >> jimmy: you have two kids. >> i do. a 3-year-old daughter, rubruby,d an 8 month old sonotis. >> jimmy: ruby, this is her first conscious christmas, right? >> she was into it last year, but this year, you can see her getting excited. and we left, you know, cook keekeep s out for santa. vegan cookies, but cookies out for santa, the night before. and i don't know. you know -- >> jimmy: did santa eat them? does he eat those? >> yeah, he does. >> jimmy: he does.
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okay. >> and we leave crumbs. santa ate the cookies, and no, he left crumbs. i was like, yeah, that's tefd, you know? and she startled eating the crumbs. >> jimmy: really? >> we don't give her many sweets. >> jimmy: yeah, no. you should feed her more often, yeah. that's really sad. >> i felt bad. i was like -- >> jimmy: she's a little detective, boy, analyzing that the crumbs were there. either that or santa -- if you think about it, santa is a slob. he comes -- it's not his house. and he's getting cookie stuff all over the place. >> he doesn't bring the plates back to the kitchen. >> jimmy: he's a mess. he really is. and the reindeer, too, will leave a little something behind which -- that's not good. >> i didn't get that. >> jimmy: are you working on a ciderman movie right now? >> we are -- "spider-man four" we will make next year. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i heard it was -- i love the movies, by the way. i'm like a 12-year-old boy when one of your spider-man movies
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comes out. like, literally, i dress like a 12-year-old boy. >> weird. >> jimmy: i heard that production stopped or something. >> well, we weren't in production. we're trying to get it ready and, you know, we're in a process and the aim is to make it some time next year to be ready for, you know, probably -- i don't know, some time in 2011. i don't know, there's so many different variables and stuff that we're all working diligently to bring -not only spider-man, but a very good spider-man to everybody. >> jimmy: when it's time for the movie, do you hit the gym and get in super good shape? >> i do. i have to get in really good shape. but there's a lot of time between the movies where i have to stay in shape, and i actually, as strange as it may sound, i go to kids parties and try to stay in shape that way. i brought a tape of it. >> jimmy: you go to -- >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: let's look at the -- really? let's look at the tape. >> spider-man! wow! >> jimmy: okay. >> well -- >> jimmy: you still have some time. >> yeah. it's not always without incident, you know? it happens. >> jimmy: and kids love that kind of stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i don't know if you remember this, but we met a long time ago, in fact,ou were one of my first ever television interviews. when you were in woody allen's movie "deconstructing harry," you remember that, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. i was -- they -- at comedy central, i was working on a show there, they said, would you like to host this special about this movie. they said, you'll get to interview woody allen, and this
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kid tobey maguire. i was excited about it. so, today, we went crazy trying to find the tape of this and this is -- i think, like, what, 12 years ago? >> yeah, something like that. >> jimmy: 12 years ago, and yeah, this is good. >> all right. >> jimmy: how did you like the mov movie? >> a lot. >> jimmy: did you like your part in it? >> uh -- sure. >> jimmy: i can't really improved since then, but -- >> i really drove a lot of people to the theater with that one. >> jimmy: well, how are you supposed to answer a stupid question like that? >> reasonable question. >> jimmy: it's weird that -- it looks like 20 years ago, and for you, it looks like it was shot this morning. >> i'm still thinking about that. such a strange question and answer thing. >> jimmy: what else i remember is, at the party afterworards, e whole time you made fun of my clothes. >> are you serious? >> jimmy: i was wearing, like,
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my father-in-law's sport jacket. >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: and i don't know where the shirt came from. i think my mom may have purchased it for me. i'll fix you one day, maguire. >> i apologize. >> jimmy: it was fine. by the way, you did a fantastic job in this movie "brothers." [ applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: congratulations on the nomination for the golden globes. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: really. genuinely scary. and -- physically scary. emotionally scary. jake gyllenhaal was here, he said you had a lot of fun on the set. i can't imagine that that was -- maybe he had fun and you didn't? >> well -- fun is a strange way to put it. yeah, because it was -- maybe substantial and satisfying or, you know, intensely gratifying, but fun -- not fun. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> not joyful fun. >> jimmy: it didn't seem like it was a fun environment. but for those who don't know,
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you play a marine who experie e experiences somethg horrible. i don't know how much we want to say about it, but -- >> i come back and i have had a severe psychological trauma, and, you know, i'm trying to reintegrate into my life and to my family, and i'm having a very hard time. >> jimmy: and they thought you were dead. >> they did think i was dead, yeah. >> sorry, we left that out. >> jimmy: that is kind of key. >> because things happen while i'm away between my wife and my brother, played by jake gyllenhaal. >> jimmy: and, well, here -- we have a clip here, and, again, think about the fact that jake said he was having fun on the set. from "brothers." >> you know what i did? to get back to you? >> no. >> you know what i did? to come back to you? you -- you -- you know how i
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suffered? i suffered because of you. and what has he done to my house and my kids? >> you -- >> my brother, in my house. >> please -- >> i love you, grace. >> please -- >> you know how much i love you? you know i've -- you know what i could do with these hands, grace? >> jimmy: there you go. that's tobey maguire in "brothers." thanks for coming. we'll be right back with shenae grimes. (announcer) sleep is your body's strongest ally. it can lift your mood, help rebuild muscle... and improve your concentration.
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tylenol pm works with your body to ease the aches and pains that keep you awake, and helps you fall asleep in a non-habit forming way. because the better you sleep, the better you feel. kelly: want a tighter tush? with old navy's goga pants for $12 it's easy! ready? just put on the pants and instant yoga butt. heather: it's working! announcer: go out and get active! all goga pants $12, girls 7. this week only at old navy. and over probably isn't giving results you want. introducing neosporin ® lip health™. shown to restore visibly healthier lips in just three days. new neosporin ® lip health™. rethink your lip care. what are you looking for? stress relief ideas, but these links are stressing me out. try bing. bing? i feel more relaxed already. now visual search "yoga poses"... huh. downward dog looks good...
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nights at 8:00 on the cw. please say hello to shenae grimes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> doing good. >> jimmy: what kind of name is shenae? >> it's gave lick. my cousin's named shonda. she found the name shenae. it was spelled s-n-i-e, and people would mispronounce it, so she spelled it we net cli hoping people would pronounce it right. and that's never happened. and the things that people come out with. >> jimmy: what do they call me? >> she nigh ya. shiny. >> jimmy: shiny?
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that's nice. >> and my favorite, shenay-nay. a lot of fun in elementary school when martin lawrence -- >> jimmy: right, shenay-nay. >> oh, there he is right there. there i am. haunted me on a couple of school buses. >> jimmy: that's not what you want to see. how old are you? >> i'm 20. >> jimmy: it's been a long journey to get to this. how old when you started really acting, not like school plays and stuff. >> 14, i think. when i startled. >> jimmy: what did you do then? >> well, i did a couple of commercials. one of my first gigs was "degrassi." >> jimmy: my daughter watches that. >> a teen drama, another remark. ironically, i end up here again. >> jimmy: that's a remake? i don't know why i remember it -- something that i -- i've only seen it recently but i remember hearing about it a long time ago.
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>> there was an old series with a band named the szit remedy -- >> jimmy: that was the real band's name? >> it was. >> jimmy: no wonder they weren't more successful. and don't remember them. >> jimmy: and this is a canadian show. and you are a canadian from canada. >> that's what canadian means. >> jimmy: you wound up on this show. had you seen the original "90210?" >> i actually had. no one believes me, but my mom loved it. so that was kind of my mommy-daughter bonding time. we would watch it and "party of five." >> jimmy: really? oh, okay. >> i was caught up. >> jimmy: educational programming for you. >> very much so. the walshes taught great lessons. >> jimmy: you had some of the original stars of the show on your show, so then you -- i would think -- well, your mother must go nuts.
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>> my mom was super excited. she melt jennie, and i think she met shannon. i was most excited to meet shannon. she's amazing. >> jimmy: she was nice to you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: because i -- >> my girl brenda. >> jimmy: i met her before, but you heard a lot of stories that she's not, and i would think that if she came in to that set and she looked at you with daggers in her eyes saying, you've stolen my life -- >> and you are me -- >> jimmy: and i will destroy you. >> that would be frightening. >> jimmy: she didn't do that? >> fortunately not. i did make them put her in the same trailer as me because we have split trailers, and i was really -- >> jimmy: you lived together. >> more or less. i asked they provide a cup to listen through the wall. >> jimmy: who do you live with? >> i have a couple of roommates. >> jimmy: you do? >> yes. a couple. >> jimmy: females, males? >> two males. i'm lucky.
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>> jimmy: how do you know them? >> through friends. >> jimmy: have they been checked out? >> they're actors so, everyone can check them out. >> jimmy: all right. are they people we might know? >> one of them was in "mean girls," the funniest one, i might be biased. but yes. >> jimmy: how did you come to live with these men? >> i met them through friends and daniel is good friends with andy milanakis. >> jimmy: i know him very well, and it's probably not good idea to hang out with his friends. you wind up on tmz. >> andy is only allowed from certain hours. >> jimmy: but i heard, and tell me if this is true, you're looking for your own place? >> i am. >> jimmy: i hope this is not news to the roommates. >> no, they know. >> jimmy: and are you really looking on krak craigslist? >> i am. how else do you find? west side rent ams is a joke. they don't help me out at all.
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>> jimmy: you're not supposed to -- you're on television. you have a television show. >> i feel like i should have a screener or something. if i show up at the door -- >> jimmy: just live in the trailer with brenda there. >> just stay there all the time. >> jimmy: we pulled some ads off craigslist. free rent in exchange for a massage. one private bed room and bathroom in a beautiful apartment in exchange for a massage. i'm a male offering a room for someone special who would be comfortable with this type of situation. >> all right. >> jimmy: are you comfortable with that? >> what time is the massage taking place? >> jimmy: i'll let you know. here's another one. share studio with me. the coolest gets it. this is a female, in my 20s, single, can sometimes be wild and do crazy things. hate boyfriend drama, though i love to date and one night stands are my bread and butter. >> all right. >> jimmy: you might want to stay out of therefrigerator. interest?
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>> not so much. >> jimmy: free room and board for live-in housekeeper/playmate. i would love to find a female that would do this. you need to play the role of number three with hubby and me. >> that could be -- i mean, playboy was kind of my first aspiration coming out here. it could be interesting. that's on the maybe list. >> jimmy: $400, nice room in nice large christian home. nice, mature hispanic christian couple, considering to rent out a room to a good woman if you do, i'm sorry and good luck, thank you, god bless and no fatties. >> well, fortunately, i don't think i have to worry about the last part. and my nona would be happy. >> jimmy: let's get it going, shall we? i think we found you a place to live. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the other thing is, this homelessness problem, if we tackle it one case at a time -- >> one case at a time.
12:49 am
thank you, craigslist. >> jimmy: thank you for being here. "90210," tuesday nights at 8:00 shenae grimes, everybody. we'll be right back with colbie caillat. a job hunting expense ? ( man ) last summer my ki. does he need to file a tax return ? they're not just any questions. ( woman ) did we just make a charitable donation ? they're the trickiest, thorniest, questions of all. ( woman ) is this considered a home office ? bring your tax question to the company that helped clients get over 43 billion dollars in refunds last year alone. how can i get more money ? click, call, or come over. h&r block: get it right. click, call, or come over. better cover up those hands, or they'll be in for a dry spell. [ male announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty. it helps your hands seal in moisture while you do the dishes. [ sponge ] who could have predicted that? [ sponge ] so it's not a chore.
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12:57 am
12:58 am
♪ ♪ i miss those blue eyes how you kiss me at night i miss the way we sleep ♪ ♪ like there's no sunrise like the taste of your smile i miss the way we breathe ♪ ♪ but i never told you what i should have said no i never told you ♪ ♪ i just held it in and now i miss everything about you can't believe that ♪ ♪ i still want you and after all the things
12:59 am
we've been through ♪ ♪ i miss everything about you without you oh ♪ ♪ i see your blue eyes every time i close mine you make it hard to see ♪ ♪ where i belong to when i'm not around you it's like i'm alone with me ♪ ♪ but i never told you what i should have said no i never told you ♪ ♪ i just held it in and now ♪
1:00 am
1:01 am
and still you're gone ♪ ♪ can't believe that i still want you having loved you i never should have ♪ ♪ walked away and after all the things we've been through ♪ ♪ oh it's never gonna come again i miss everything about you without you ♪ without you oh ♪ ♪ oh no no ♪ oh no no ♪ oh no ♪ i never ♪ oh no ♪ i never ♪ i never told you ♪ oh no ♪ i never ♪ oh no ♪ i never ♪ oh no ♪ i never told you ♪ oh no no
1:03 am
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