tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 3, 2010 12:05am-1:04am EDT
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jews over centuries. the remarks were inspired by a letter from a jewish friend. tonight, the vaet can is distancing the pope from the controversy. so, tonight, we cant to ask you, is it fair and accurate to compare criticism and villification of the pope to the persecution of the jews, or is it wrong? tell us what you think by clicking on the "nightline" page at abc news or on our facebook page. and that's our report for tonight. for all of us at abc news, good night, america, have a great weekend, and happy easter. >> dicky: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live." >> former presidents bill clinton and george w. bush traveled to haiti this week. watch what bush does to clinton after they get through shaking hands. and a little wipe. has a woman ever resisted your advances? >> actually, yes.
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>> jimmy: for real? >> when i was 15 or 16, i fell in love a couple of times in my high school. you bitch! >> nadya suleman could be facing foreclosure. so, she's selling the kids! come on down to crazy octo-mom's baby blowout sale-bration. >> jimmy: do you go to the games? i do. >> jimmy: do yell things out? >> no. at times i -- there's hand signals. >> jimmy: what kind of hand signals do you give him? really? jamie cullum. ♪ oh oh oh ♪ this is something ♪ something that i never had >> dicky: "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes with gerard butler. gabrielle union. and music from jamie cullu so what are you going to have?
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i'm going to have one of these under 550 calorie meals. [ male announcer ] applebee's new unbelievably great-tasting and under 550 calories menu. it's all the taste and none of the trade offs. that's under 550 calories? [ male announcer ] and it's another reason why, there's no place like the neighborhood. michelle: girls, you know what that means... all: boy! boy: polos for the family, $5. saturday only. michelle: hello polos... wesley: hello? children... announcer: one hot one day wonder from old navy: classic polos $5. saturday only. and we at cottonelle have listened...
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with cottonelle roll over! mmmmmmmmm. and now it's softer. and stronger, too! so come on, everyone, #for softness and strength, let's see you "roll over"! not long ago i had a thought, right in the back of a taxi. using a pc should be simpler. so i told microsoft. and look at this. windows 7, with this new taskbar. now i can see everything that i have open. it's just miles simpler. i told them what to do and they did it. i could really get used to this. onwards driver! i'm a pc and windows 7 was my idea. honey! [ giggling ] what are you looking at? [ screech ] [ male announcer ] need a moment? ♪ [ crunching ] i'm looking at potential babysitters. awww, that's so sweet! [ male announcer ] when you need a moment, chew it over with twix.
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>> jimmy: welcome to the show, i'm jimmy. it's good to see you here. thanks for interfacing with me tonight. let me tell you something. i am -- i am completely moisturized right now. i recently begun moisturizing. my doctor told me i have to, or else i'll die. i've got a big plastic pump bottle of body lotion on my desk, and all day, i just rub it in. that's why i smell like a flower. smell me. what do i smell like? >> a flower. [ applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. i am the world's hairiest flower. that's right. it's wednesday night, which means death night on "american idol." one unlucky singer was forced to go home tonight. they drag them to the airport and stuff them on the plane, force them to actually go home. paige miles got the boot, leaving only ten karaoke singers
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behind. the top ten is when i really start to not watch "american idol." that's -- the singers this year aren't very good. i think it's time -- it's time to bring in professionals. remember how boring it was when we had college basketball players in the olympics, then the dream team came in and crushed? that's what they ought to do on "american idol." get rid of the katie stephens, bring in rick springfield and courtney love. that would be -- [ applause ] that would be fun to watch. they would kill each other. you should also be able to vote against someone on "idol." if you hate crystal bowersocks, text b-a-r-f to 22643 or something. another, some big news today. another erotic performer is claiming to have had an affair with tiger woods. which i think makes, what, 1,400 now is it? who would have ever thought that tiger woods would have more mistresses than endorsements? the newest alleged mistress is a florida-based
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adult actress/dancer/escort named devin james. that's devin cooking. they say that's the safest way, especially if you are going to fry something, that's the safest way to cook. they -- she revealed this exciting news yesterday. which -- uh, why now? i mean -- it's so 2000-late. it really is. dr. drew should do an all-tiger woods girlfriend rehab house. meanwhile, jesse james, who is married to sandra bullock for the time being -- um -- it just gets worse and worse for him. turns out not only has he been seeing the tattooed lady, apparently he slept with the bearded lady and the dog-faced boy. a woman named melissa smith told "star" magazine that she and jesse had a two-year affair. starting in 2006. that's melissa. she's got a lot of tattoos. much like, well, the other one, bombshell mcgee. minus the neo-nazi. both claimed they had wild,
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passionate sex with jesse on multiple occasions. what happened to the work ethic in this country? are there any strippers left stripping? i mean, for god's sake. [ applause ] and here's another thing. something i learned from both tiger woods and jesse james. turns out strippers are allowed to go home with their clients. liars. [ laughter ] all these women come forward, the odds that tiger and jesse have accidentally hooked up at some point seem high to me. they do. supposedly james is trying to reconcile with sandra bullock. which i don't know -- i don't know if that's a good idea. every time the guy leaves the toilet seat up, it's going to be, you left the seat up, and you did it with a nazi. he might be better off just moving to montana. and by the way, aside from the sex scandal, i guess jesse james has another big problem. look at these shocking allegations caught on tape this afternoon by tmz. >> jesse james killed my father.
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>> he did? >> shot him in the back. >> jimmy: that is -- that's worse than cheating on your wife, i think. [ applause ] killing a very old man's father. the moral of the story, you see what happens when you take an oscar away from meryl streep? she will ruin your life. [ laughter ] it's just -- it's just a joke, she had nothing to do with it. the morning older of the octo-mom, nadya suleman's house, here in california, says he's starting foreclosure proceedings because she hasn't kept up on the payments. and there is talk of foreclosing on her uterus, but that has not been started. i hope that isn't true, i mean -- [ applause ] please, if they're watching, shaq, give this woman your shoe to live in. she literally has so many
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children she doesn't know what to do. thankfully a powerful charity organization has stepped in with an offer to help. >> peta is offering to help nadya suleman save her home. they are offering to pay after posting this ad on her lawn. don't let your dog or cat become an octo-mom. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that will be nice. what a wonderful treat it must be to be the octo-mom's neighbor. but she may not need peta's help. she denies she's having trouble paying the bills, and in fact, she has a pretty sure-fire plan to potentially bring in a lot of money. >> nadya suleman could be facing foreclosure, so, she's selling the kids! come on down to the crazy octo-mom's baby blowout celebration. she's passing the savings onto you. you could walk away with a pre-owned josiah or a low mileage jeremiah. traditional adoption centers charge you an arm and a leg. but nadia's prices are
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infantastic. come down to crazy octo-mom's baby blowoutelebration. not responsible for faulty acceleration. >> jim: look for the giant inflatable baby. you'll know which one it is. [ applause ] this is something. dr. conrad murray, former personal physician to michael jackson, could have his medical license revoked. that seems like a reasonable thing to do. how many patients could he have left anyway, really? according to documents on tan obtained by the associated press, a witness says the doctor delayed calling 911 and stopped doing cp cpr on michael to hide drug vials around the room. the proper thing is, first, clear the airways then hide the drugs, isn't it? how would you even give michael jackson cpr anyway? make sure the breathing passage
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is free of obstruction. open the mouth. pinch off the -- [ laughter ] you have to do it like a bowling ball, you know? [ laughter ] former presidents bill clinton and george w. bush traveled to haiti this week to talk about the country's long-term recovery plan. this is a departure for president bush. it is unusual for him to personally visit a disaster of this scope and magnitude that wasn't his fault, so -- apparently there was some friction. i guess president bush went to visit an aid station and when he got back to the hotel room, clinton tied a sweat sock around the door handle and he had to go hang out in the lobby for like an hour. this is funny. watch what bush does to clinton after they get through shaking hands here. and a little wipe. [ applause ] let's see that again in slow motion. hello, hello, how are you? very nice to meet you. hello, yes, good-bye. and now i'm just going to wipe.
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president bush, first time we've seen him in two months this is what he does. he's the best. i miss that dizzy old dope, i really do. by the way, if you are germophobic, is bill clinton the best place to wipe your hands? it's -- god only knows what motel room floor that shirt has been on, you know? not the first time something like this has happened to prt clinton. this is from an appearance on larry king. watch here. >> big, big questions we have to face. >> jimmy: larry, oh, yeah. wipes his nose and then reaches. treating the guy like a roll of bounty paper towels. an entire day has passed since the new health care bill has signed and apparently america has not been destroyed. you really can't trust politicians, you know? republicans are taking the loss very badly. for two days now, they've actually forced the democrats to shut congress down at 2:00 in the afternoon. they've had to cancel a number of hearings and other business.
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i don't blame them. they told the democrats pret clearly, they said the way you're behaving leaves us no choice but to knock off work early and play golf. and we will keep playing golf every day until you've learned your lesson. want to play golf? the new health care bill, a bunch of new taxes in the new health care bill but the weirdest one is a 10% tax on tanning. beginning in july, indoor tanning salons are going to charge customers an extra 10%, as a result of this bill signed by president obama. which, a tax on taing salons seems very convenient for a black president, to me, i have to say. [ applause ] yet another -- yet another slap in ryan seacrest's perfectly bronzed face. good news, though. dunking your face in chocolate milk is still free. most affected by this new tax, of course, is the cast of "jersey shore." this is -- this uld potentially cost them a fortune. by the way, pauly d has announced he will be auctioning
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off his tanning bed and donating the proceeding to st. jude's children's hospital, which is nice. essentially he's fighting cancer with a machine that makes cancer, so -- really brilliant. starting this week, mtv is going to launch "jersey shore" in more than 30 foreign countries, which should help our image abroad immensely. remember when other countries started to like us again? that's gone. it will be the same cast, but mtv has come up with a clever way to adapt the show to individual markets. look at this. >> that's china. now this is "jersey shore" in jamaica. and now finally "jersey shore" afghanistan. and she just -- [ applause ] she's a tough snooki, that one. i wonder if -- i wonder if
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people in japan will feel the same way about "jersey shore" that i feel about every japanese television show i've ever seen that's a mix sure sure mixture of horror, wonder and what the hell is this that i'm watching? of all the different international versions of the show, i think the one i like best, and i've watched them all, is from our neighbors in mexico. >> we're taking you inside the hottest shore casa you ever seen. >> i spend like two hours a day on my abs. check it out. sick. >> where the drama never ends. >> you cannot break up with me. you took my virginity! >> things get very crazy. >> you did sex with my girlfriend. >> you wernot looking, i committed a robbery.
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>> no cool, bro. >> get off me, man! >> no! >> and it's always very sexy. >> are you ready for this? >> si. >> it is all just part of life on the "yersey shore." [ applause ] >> jimmy: nicely done. we have a good show tonight. gabrielle union is here. we have music tonight from jamie cullum. d we'll be right back with gerard butler, so stick around. hi. i'm dan hesse, ceo of sprint. we're so confident in the improvements we've made
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. welcome back to the show. with us tonight, from "flash forward," the lovely gabrielle union is here. then later, he's got a new album, called "the pursuit," jamie cullum is here. and not only is jamie here, he brought unicyclists. and, well, there they are practicing. you know, people don't bring us unicycli unicyclists very often. i'm glad he did. tomorrow night on the show, pierce brosnan will be here, craig robinson and sarah mclachlan with emmylou harris. so that will be good. our first guest tonight is loved by women, liked by men and respected by pets. of all ages. you can see him now in two movies, alongside jennifer aniston in "the bounty hunter" right now and starting friday, as the voice of a viking in the
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new animated movie "how to train your dragon." please say hello to gerard butler. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good to see you. >> hello. >> jimmy: i have to say, there's a real -- [ cheers and applae ] that's got to be a nice thing. i -- it does -- i'll be honest. it makes me feel a little bit bad about when i came out. >> it's a pity it's all prerecorded. there is actually nobody here. >> jimmy: people looking at you now that actually look surprised to see you though i announced like four times you were coming it's like, oh, my god, he's really here. i don't know if they thought it was going to be another gerard
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butler. it's you. >> there is actually a jerry butler that's a porn star. >> jimmy: really? >> a song singer. and i have a dialect coach called jerry butler. >> jimmy: you do? there are a lot of jerry gutter wills out there. i can see why they're happy they got you. >> exactly. >> jimmy: the porn star would have been nice, too, right? [ applause ] >> i might just be both. >> jimmy: you never know. well, you do have two movies coming out. you might as well throw a third one in there. one out already and another movie coming out on friday. you must be exhausted. is it better to promote them simultaneously? >> i never thought of it like that. i thought it as a nightmare because, i mean,t's been a couple of months now, but the last three weeks i've been doing interviews every day all over the world. literally, you do sometimes 50, 60 interviews a day. if you add up, i'm at 750 interviews now in three weeks. >> jimmy: wow. well, thanks for doi us last. >> you are.
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actuly, you are my very last interview. >> jimmy: those are the ones that are most special. >> well, you are always special. >> jimmy: thanks. you've been around the world doing this, traveling and promoting and telling people to see the movie. seems like some countries aren't worth it to go to, right? i hear about people going to germany, like, are there really that many germans that are going to make a dent in a movie? i mean, really. sorry germans. >> how to lose one complete country of fans going to see your movie. no, actually, germany is a very big, strong economic market for movies, so -- and they just gave me an award. >> jimmy: what award is that? >> it was gq man of the year. [ cheers and applause ] so i'm liking them. but i have to go back, back to paris, back to berlin, madrid for "how to train your dragon."
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i'm hoping spain and france can come up with an award. >> jimmy: maybe it could be a competition between the countries to give you things. >> yeah. something. >> jimmy: i heard you were on a diet, a very restrictive diet that sounds crazy to me. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how many calories a day were you eating? >> i was -- i was on a cleanse for 16 days. >> jimmy: that's bad. >> i'm very up and down. anybody that kws me at all, i'm either, yeah, who cares, or i'm like, cutting out everything. i was on a 16-day cleanse and i went to a crazy diet that was c. and literally you would measure out portions on a little, you know, little weights. so depressing. >> jimmy: really? i bet. >> and in the morning i had half a grapefruit and that was pretty much it until 2:00 in the afternoon. i was training, as well.
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so i'm doing a lot of cardio. >> jimmy: why did you do this? >> i have no idea. >> jimmy: really. >> actually, i had a lot of injuries from all the movies, i've been overtraining, so i wanted to slim right down and kind of start building up. >> jimmy: starve yourself? >> starve myself. >> reporter: but then i saw this picture of you at the lakers game, and you're there with adrian brody, and it would appear from the mcdonald's bag that -- you look like you got 500 calories in your fist. >> that's true. i wasn't doing the 500 calories there. was actually jeffrey katzenburg who produced "how to train your dragon." he's like, you want some mcdonald's? we were great. i was almost tripping up the linesmen. i kept going, sorry, man. >> jimmy: there's no linesmen in basketball. >> whatever you call it. what do you call them? >> jimmy: i know you're foreign. you know, mcdonald's is not scottish food, either. >> what do you call the guy -- >> jimmy: referees.
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>> almost tripped up the referee. i'm not a basketball guy. which is why i was so excited to be -- >> jimmy: you weren't the only one excited, by the way. this is after the game, and look at -- >> you can't get away with anything. >> jimmy: these laker girls -- i've never seen attention -- they probably never paid any attention in class. look at the way they're all lined up looking at you, and what are you doing there? >> well, there's a rip in my jeans -- >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> no, i was pretty much saying, i know you think you're just here to do a photo with me, but i'm one of the new cheerleaders and i was trying to do my cheerleading thing. and -- i pulled my groin in the process. >> jimmy: has a woman ever resisted your advances? be honest. i know it's -- i know it would be the humble thing to say yes, but has it ever happened? >> actually yes it has. >> jimmy: for real? were you a baby? >> i'm just kidding. it's happening now because i have to grow the beard.
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>> jimmy: really? >> more like grizzly adams every day. you get less looks. >> jimmy: give me an example, because i don't believe you when you say someone has -- >> oh, well -- when i was 15 or 16, i actually fell in love a couple of times in my high school -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you want to lay down? >> this has become the therapist's chair. >> jimmy: tell us what happened. >> carolyn mclaughlin, you bitch! [ applause ] >> jimmy: what did she do to you? >> well, here's the thing. in fact, i learned a lot about this, shortly there after, i learned how to flirt. and she flirted outrageously with me, hold my hand, smiling and pretending we were boyfriend/girlfriend until i made my, you know, my huge attraction to her very clear at which point she said, no, i'm not in the slightest bit interested and it killed me. i thought, why would she do that? so, and then i learned. i've been doing it ever since. >> jimmy: tell me. because i still -- i don't know -- what do you do?
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>> this is crazy. i don't know what you do, really. there was one day, i'm -- this girl julie morrison -- remember all the names. >> jimmy: there's not that many, probably, that said no. the ones that said yes, you probably can't even -- you need to go through the phone book to figure it out. >> i write the names down. julie morrison. carolyn mclaughlin. tracy turner. >> jimmy: oh, tracy, she's the worst. >> she was the worst, by the way. julie morrison was. no, she was. >> jimmy: what did he do? >> she's the one, you did, you know, julie was the birds and the bees. but actually -- you know -- i'll never forget, her walking up the stairs and -- thank you for your -- thanks for your support. did you know julie, as well? >> jimmy: he probably did. cleto also used to have sex in high school. you guys are the only two on this stage. >> but actually i didn't have sex with julie morrison. that bitch. so -- no, but i remember she was
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running up the stairs and i said something to her and then i gave her a long, lingering look. i said, you're going to pay for that, and i kind of smiled and she looked at me and gave me these come to bed eyes and i went, that's what you do! that's flirting! i get it now. >> jimmy: really? >> and i've been doing it ever since. >> jimmy: for you, that's great. [ applause ] i'm sure it works beautifully for you. for me it would result in a, i don't know, maybe a restraining order or something like that. now, this new movie, animated, in 3d, which is really -- 3d is great. i haven't seen it ye i heard it's a fantastic movie. somebody said it made "avatar" look like -- >> scooby doo. >> jimmy: fred flintstone. that's a good reference to use. it looks really great, i heard. and you play a viking. is it harder to do voiceover in 3d? [ laughter ]
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>> you ask some interesting questions. i just told you, i've done about 750 interviews, i've never -- >> jimmy: well, good. finally i got one. >> harder to do a voice in 3d? um -- i can't -- i don't think there's a difference. >> jimmy: it's a dumb question. you don't really have to answer. >> i'm giving that too much time. >> jimmy: we do have a clip. you play, like, the dad, the viking dad. and you are trning your young son in your image -- >> yes. trying to. >> jimmy: he's resistant. >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, let's look at the clip rather unanimous me explain the whole thing. >> i think i was supposed to help you. >> jimmy: "how to train your dragon." it opens friday. >> dad? ah -- i have to talk to you, dad. >> i need to speak with you, too, son. i -- >> what? >> what? >> you go first. >> no, you go first. >> all right. you got your wish. dragon training. we start in the morning.
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>> oh, man. i should have gone first because i was thinking, you know, we have a surplus of dragon fighting vikings but do we have enough bread-making vikings or small home repair -- >> you'll need this. >> jimmy: there you go. that's "how to train your dragon." it opens friday. and "the bounty hunter" is in theaters now. gerard butler, everybody. we'll be right back with gabrielle union. there are engines... and then there's the twin-turbocharging, 365-horsepower-generating, ecoboost engine in the taurus sho from ford. that has the thirst of a v6 with the thrust of a v8. the most innovative full- size sedan in america: the taurus sho, from ford.
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drive one. and i went in to an h&r block. they found an educatidn credit that i missed. my refund was $2000 re than what i had found on my own. you don't know what you don't know, and that's why you go to h&r block. get it right. h&r block. one of these under 550 calorie meals. so that's where get my smarts. [ male announcer ] applebee's new unbelievably great-tasting and under 550 calories menu. it's all the taste, noneof the trade offs, and another reason why, there's no pace like the neighborhood. an everyday moment can turn romantic at a moment's notice. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven, low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right for you and your partner. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. still to come, jamie cullum will be here. the city of omaha, nebraska, has given us many gifts -- marlon brando, fred astaire, the guy who plays hurley, and our next guest, too. you know her from the movies "bring it on," "bad boys 2" and on tv in "ugly betty and "7th heaven." now she is one of the stars of "flash forward." watch it thursday nights at 8:00 here on abc. please say hello to gabrielle union. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: you look great. as usual. how are you? >> thank you. >> jimmy: your family, you have kind of a crazy family, as we've discsed a number of times here on the show. do you tell them that you're going to be on the show before you go on, or, so you -- >> we don't tell them anything. we text them. we have -- we eliminate all phone conversations. whenner have to pick up the phone, there's a check that has to be written so -- put it in words. >> jimmy: so mom and dad text you? >> they have to. >> jimmy: they know how? >> well, they're lrning. they're from a different generation so my mom, ery text is like the christmas letter, you know, about cousin sally -- and she's like, my dearest middle child, and then blah blah blah. >> jimmy: by text? really? >> and my dad is more like, old black man '70s jive, not quite ebonics, but it's like, j.j. from "good times" and i'm like -- he doesn't believe in punctuation. i think you got a prostate exam,
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i don't know. >> jimmy: dynomite, right? that's great. so, dad will -- and now your parents, your boyfriend, well -- gerard butler was here -- >> i know. >> jimmy: he's dating the laker girls. you are dating dwyane wade of the miami heat, which is -- [ applause ] i like him a lot. he seems like a really good guy. >> he is. >> jimmy: is your dad excited about that? >> well, you know, i -- my high school boyfriend was jason kidd, so -- >> jimmy: oh. >> kind of had high standards. from a young age. so, my dad is like -- what are you coming with? like, he doesn't have to support you, fabulous. >> jimmy: it worked out well for him. >> he does okay for himself. >> jimmy: does he come to the games? my dad? yes, oh, does he? please. my dad is courtside, like, the queen of sheba, like, hello. with, like, a number 3 jersey on. >> jimmy: i got you. do you go to the games?
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>> i do, when i'm able to come, i definitely go. >> jimmy: and what -- how do you -- do you react when he's playing? >> if he's playing well, well, i'm happy and i'm, like, any other fan. when he's -- some unnecessary turnovers -- >> jimmy: do you boo him? >> i don't boo him, but i hiss. >> jimmy: are you a vocal -- do you yell things out? >> no. at times -- there's hand signals. it's like our own sign language. i become like bobby knight and it's not pretty. >> jimmy: what kind of hand signals do you do? >> think! think! >> jimmy: you do not do that! do you really? oh, that's -- really? >> he doesn't like it. >> jimmy: he must love that. >> yeah, not so much. there's a reason i don't sit courtside. >> jimmy: does he do that to you while you're acting? >> well, he is off to the side, like, when me and john cho are making out, he's like -- >> jimmy: that's right. on "flash forward" you are engaged to john cho, and that's okay with dwyane?
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>> yeah, he was -- he was cool with it until he, like, i was like, welcome visit my set. i've been to your work, come to my work. and he was like, this is -- wait, you're kissing him? a lot? like, harrold, like, from "herod a harrold and kumar." you guys are like totally -- hmm. and he thought it was a little weird and poor john was kind of excited at first, dwyane wade is here -- wait, we're about to get naked and this tall black man is here, not so fun. >> jimmy: yeah. yeah. >> kind of killed the whole mood. >> jimmy: take the fun out. you don't have a closed set when that thing is going on. you got your boyfriend standing over you guys. >> no, no, do it now. kiss him now. do it. i want to see the flash forward. >> jimmy: i wouldn't be that excited about that myself. >> no? >> jimmy: do you -- does the family -- i think we were talking about a family reunion. how often does that occur? >> every year, the second sunday
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of august. we assemble. >> jimmy: the union family reunion. >> well, there's two. the union family reunion and the dozens of cousins -- >> jimmy: dozens of cousins. i love that. there are dozens? >> there are thousands, yes. >> jimmy: is that a good thing? >> well there's a lot of diversity in our family. the doctors and the lawyers and the police officers and some criminals. >> jimmy: right. >> and literally, one uncle is the head of s.w.a.t. in lincoln and one uncle peddles porn and sex toys. so, you know, we like to keep it balanced, really. >> jimmy: i guess so, the yin and the yang there. somebody's got to arrest somebody and it might as well be all in the family, i guess. now, this is a great show and it's very complex. one of those shows that you want to pay attention to what's going on. and your fiance, as i recall, john cho, the character he plays, he sees -- you can see ahead into your future, he sees nothing. so, he thinks he's going to die. >> that's what he thinks, yes.
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i -- it's like a bad episode of bridezilla. i'm like, i know you didn't see anything, but i've got deposits around town, i have the dress paid for, so i'm trying to change destiny and fight for him and fight for our love and fight for him to be alive. >> jimmy: i always think he could be sleeping. i would think positively and i go, i'm probably asleep. i might just be napping. i'm not necessarily dead. >> yeah, no, he -- yeah, he's pretty much -- he feels like, no, i'm dead. >> jimmyi know he does. he's spessimistic. he really is. >> damn that cho. >> jimmy: if he looked up and saw dwyane wade over him while -- >> he's like, no, no, i don't live. >> jimmy: if that didn't kill him, nothing is. >> exactly. >> jimmy: great to see you. give my regards to the family, by text, of course. not verbally. gabrielle union, everybody. watch "flash forward" thursday nights at 8:00 here on abc. we'll be right back with jamie cullum.
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your life would be ♪ ♪ well its falling through the cracks of ancient history ♪ ♪ oh, is this something that i never something that i never had ♪ ♪ oh, is this something that i never something that i never had ♪ ♪ tell you what i've heard the wheels are falling off ♪ ♪ the wheels e falling off the world ♪ ♪ friday night and everything is a okay ♪ ♪ we are living like we've always known
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a different way ♪ ♪ we are taking on our different roads before our goal ♪ ♪ it'll bring you back around to the one you know ♪ ♪ oh, is this something that i never something that i never had ♪ ♪ oh, is this something that i never something that i nev had ♪ ♪ tell you what i've heard the wheels are falling off ♪ ♪ the wheels are fallg off the world ♪ ♪ the wheels are falling off the world ♪
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