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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 29, 2010 12:05am-1:05am EDT

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okay, time for closing argument. florida governor charlie crist, once a rising republican star, is expected to announce tomorrow that he will leave the g.o.p. to run for senator as an independent. the popularity of crist, the king maker in helping john mccain win his state's republican primary has been sagging since this embrace with president obama at an event to promote the stimulus. the defection would clear the way for marco rubio to claim the
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party nomination. so tonight, we want to ask you, is this a sign of the powerful role the tea party may play in the fall midterm elections? what do you think? you can tell us on our facebook page or be a friend to the page on tomorrow night, i'll have a full profile on marco rubio to tell you what he really stands for. that's our report for tonight. for all of us at abc news, good night, america. hi, i'm jimmy kimmel on the way to work in the dodge care avan with my carpool of pals, dicky, yehya, and cousin sal. hey why don't you guys watch come flo tv? >> yehya: tv in the car?! >> jimmy: yeah. >> samanth
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. >> i don't believe it. >> jimmy: yep, the caravan offers live mobil television with up to 20 channels beamed directly to your car. >> dicky: put on the game. >> yehya: no, cartoons. >> jimmy: yehya, explain to dicky why you want to watch cartoons and then maybe he'll understand. >> it makes me relax. funny. >> jimmy: it make him relax. funny, funny. >> dicky: we're watching the game. >> jimmy: guys, guys, guys. i'm going to turn off the tv. >> i tell my mom on you. dodge caravan it has everything, so you can do anything. >> jimmy kimmel live, back in two minutes with modern family's julie bowen, author and michelle obama's brother, craig robinson, and music from doctr. dog. that's ridiculous. look at it.
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it's got seating for up to seven, a smooth v6 engine and a five star government crash test rating. why would you need 60 days, really, who is that indecisive? the dodge "you won't need 60 days to decide but we'll give it to you anyway" event. the dodge "you won't need 60 days to decide everyone! - so many footlongs... - are just $5. - seriously? this will make a splash. everyone loves subway $5 footlongs. so many favorites, all day, every day.
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subway. eat fresh. announcer: there's an easier way. just choose a style, then customize, publish and get found. sweet. get a 30-day free trial at [whistles] taxi! come on. announcer: dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles with two different gels for softness and support are outrageously comfortable. i'd rather walk anyway. announcer: are you gellin'? dr. scholl's. at the olive garden cooking school in tuscany, our chefs learn secrets of italian cooking. like how to blend four artisanal cheeses to create our new creamy fonduta sauce. in our new steak fonduta and grilled chicken fonduta. at olive garden. >> from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live."
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tonight from "modern family," julie bowen. author and michelle obama's brother craig robinson. and music from dr. dog with cleto and the cletones. and now here's jimmy kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome to the show. i'm jimmy.
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i'm here almost every night. hey, before we get started, a couple of birthday wishes. i want to wish a happy birthday to jay leno and saddam hussein. april 28th is their birthday. both of them. happy birthday. jay turns 60 today. saddam turned greenish today. so i got them each a denim shirt. tonight on american idol, it was elimination night, which is a step in the right direction. i wish every night was elimination night. tonight, they did a strange thing. they added up the votes and decided to eliminate schennasha twain. she wasn't even there as a contestant. shivaughn maginous got the hook tonight, which means only five karaoke singers left, and in just six to eight months, we'll
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crown a new american idol who will be named crystal bowersox. despite the fact that the talent this season is weak and we all have a pretty good idea of who the winner is going to be, american idol is still a popular show. after dancing with the stars, it's the most popular show on season. when it's done for the season, it creates a huge hole in the fox lineup. sometimes they run it three times a week. simon cowell has a new show coming to fox called the x-factor, and it looks like they're spinning something off with randy jackson, too. >> the idol season may be close to over, but the fun doesn't have to stop there. the producers of american idol bring you randy jackson's yo, yo, check it out, baby. >> yo, yo, check it out. >> check it out. yo, baby. check this out. >> check it out. >> yo, yo. >> yo, man. >> yo, yo. >> check this out.
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>> yo. check it out, baby. >> randy jackson's yo, yo, check it out, baby. this summer on fox. >> jimmy: baby. hey, speaking of babies, it would appear that jesse james isn't a white supremacist after all, or if he is, he's not a very good one because the new issue of people magazine has an interview with sandra bullock, and in january, she and jesse james adopted this baby before all the craziness happened with the nazi strippers and all that. apparent apparently, the movie blind side had a big impression on her, and the baby's name is louis, named after louis armstrong. he's from new orleans, which is a little weird. if you're going to adopt, why not do it like a normal person and go to malawi. she also told people she filed
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for divorce. she knew nothing about her husband's fascination with the third reich. she said this is not the man i married, but this is the man she's going to divorce. i don't know if jesse james is a nazi sympathizer, the fact is he's probably just dumb. this is america, you believe what you want to believe, but this country is built on the idea of equality for all. if you want to live in a society where people are rounded up on the basis of where they were born or people are forced to walk around in fear because of the color of your skin, maybe you should move to arizona boss we don't believe in that stuff here. right, guillermo? >> right, jimmy. >> jimmy: speaking of sleeping with women who aren't your wife, dr. phil was on the cbs morning show with harry smith. dr. phil believes you can identify an unfaithful spouse
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just by looking at his hands. >> raise your hand up. okay, if this ring finger is longer than your index finger, there is evidence that you're more at risk to cheat. >> jimmy: there is? you think dr. phil has been writing himself some medical marijuana prescriptions because there's no evidence. you know, you know some poor guy came home from work today and his wife checked his fingers. what is this? dr. phil did his whole show about finger length and its relationship to cheating. and believe it or not, there may be some truth to it. this is the golfer, tiger woods. his ring finger is slightly larger. the other ones get worn down from all the texting. tiger woods had another press conference today. this time in north carolina. he talked about his return to the pga tour, his life getting back to normal. he also supplied us with our
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unintentional joke of the day. >> i just pray to hit the hole, to be honest with you. and it stuck in the hole, and i got pretty excited. >> jimmy: going to be a few more years before he can say hole and excited in the same sentence. another popular young man with the ladies is teenage pop star justin bieber. justin bieber got mobbed at the airport in new zealand. it's like a between jumanji there. his autograph session had to be canceled because the crowd was pushing so much it became dangerous. he tweeted that the fans knocked down his mother and stole his hat. that's his hat. he tweeted, come on, people. which is, you know, those are strong words. i expect every tween in new zealand to be strip searched
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until that hat is found. i do hope he got his hat back. >> he got his hat back. according to his twitter, he said, i got my hat back. no hugs, no thank yous. just glad they did the right thing. i don't condone thievery. ha-ha. >> jimmy: why are you following justin bieber's twitter? >> because you told me to. >> jimmy: i told you. do you do everything i tell you? >> yes. >> jimmy: really, take off all your clothes? he has bieber fever like nobody i have ever seen. but best wishes go out to justin and his mother in this time. this is funny. this is from our local fox news affiliate in l.a. the coanchors, tony was not what you would call delighted by maria's reaction to the story. >> if you're married or in a relationship, this will hardly come as a surprise. a new poll shows that women
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think their pets are betting listener s than their husbands. and men think their pets are better listeners. >> jimmy: please. be professional while i report this ridiculous story. the governor of texas, rick perry, did an interesting thing. he shot a coyote himself. he told a reporter he shot and killed a coyote while he was jogging. who carries a gun while jogging? i can barely manage my ipod if i should happen to go. i like to idea of runners carrying guns. think of how much more exciting the boston marathon would be. the governor said the coyote was eyeing his dog, so he shot it, which i guess is a manly thing to do. today, our governor in california made it clear that he will not be upstaged.
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>> jimmy: he was able to beat it into submission and capture it. that's our governor. your governor doesn't have one of those. so anyway, your move, sarah palin. sarah palin just dropped a bunker buster on a petting zoo in anchorage to retaliate. today, the olympic committee stripped the women's gymnastics team from china of their bronze medal. a girl was too young to compete, and ten years later when she still hasn't finished high school, they figured it out, and today, they stripped the medal from them which means the medal goes to us, the united states.
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i know i'm excited, too. that has to be a little bittersweet. you know the girls who beat you in the olympics, it turns out they're in kinder garden so you get third place. and physicist steven hawken said based on the sheer number of galaxies and stars he's certain alien life must exist, but we should avoid interacting with aliens because they'll probably kill us. it could be like when columbus landed in america, which didn't turn out too much for the native americans. apparently, the smartest man in the world hasn't heard of an indian casino. when he says something, you're inclined to believe him because he's a genius. i have no interest in meeting aliens. i'm fine with canadians. it's an important thing. i don't mean to trivialize it. our top notch security team has
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put together an instructional video to help you at home steer clear of members of the alien race. enjoy. >> how to avoid aliens. do not make eye contact. do not invite an alien to lunch. >> hello, alien. would you like to join me for lunch? >> do not ask the alien how his day is going. >> how's your day going, alien? >> [ bleep ]. >> sorry, dude. >> and never ask an alien if he's seen the movie "alien." >> hey, have you ever seen the movie "alien"? >> what the [ bleep ] is this
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[ bleep ]. have you lost your [ bleep ] mind. >> thank you for watching how to avoid aliens. >> jimmy: tonight on the show, college basketball coach and presidential brother-in-law craig robinson is here. we have music from dr. dog, and we'll be right back with julie bowen, so stick around. wait, wait. didn't you always want to be a cowboy? no, an astronaut. no, no...remember that picture of you and mom and you're wearing the little chaps... ...and you had right. the matching hat. are you done? and you had that horse. no, you're not done. what was his name again? taffy. wow. one philly burger, cowboy burger. livin' the dream. [ male announcer ] applebee's new realburgers from across america. the classic philly with all the fixins.
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the sweet heat of our southwest jalapeno. and the cowboy burger. 100% fresh, made to order, and as unique as the neighborhoods that inspired them. only at applebee's. now open until midnight or later. that's rig, # we said sandwich? ♪ what woulyou do-oo-oo for klondike bar? ♪ ♪ this story has been confirmed via wall poston [ male announcer ] introducing the motorola backflip from at&t. breaking the news that's important to you. ♪ breaking news on facebook and text: a local man who can't find his lucky hat blames a friend.
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[ male announcer ] find out what's possible when you get facebook, twitter, text, and more streaming on a single screen. only on at&t. begins with a balanced breakfast. country crock has 70% less saturated fat than butter, and 30% fewer calories. add multigrain toast, fresh fruit and low fat milk, and they're off to a good start. country crock.
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>> jimmy: all right, welcome back. we have a good show tonight. with us on the program, the head coach at oregon state university. brother of first lady michelle obama, and author of this new book, "a game of character." craig robinson is here.
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i should ask him if the white house gets the playboy channel. they must, right? then later on, i think you'll like this band. this is their sixth album, called "shame shame" from philadelphia, music from dr. dog. then tomorrow night, we have a rabbi who boxes. he's a serious athlete. his name is yuri foreman, and courtney love is going to be here to fight him. courtney love and her band, hole. watch that, too. out first guest is a delightful woman whom you know from "ed," "boston legal," "lost" and now the great and exceptionally funny "modern family." if you don't already watch it here on abc wednesday nights at 9:00, please say hello to julie bowen. clp
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[ cheers and applause ] >> hi. >> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i can't believe you had twins like, how long ago? >> it will be a year next week. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you must like, what do they call that, exercise. >> i run. i run a lot. >> jimmy: you do. >> some people call it fleeing. but i flee like with my ipod for a long time every day. >> jimmy: do you carry a gun ever and shoot coyotes? >> we have a lot of coyotes, but i have never shot one. >> jimmy: you have to try it. all the governors are doing it. >> i have something scarier than coyotes in my neighborhood. >> what? >> do you have an iphone. you have the setting that you
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can search and roam for wireless networks to hop on. i run early, avoid the coyote. afraid of the following as i'm running around. the same things pop up. terrapin station, one of my neighbor's networks. he's a scary stoner. that's all right. >> jimmy: a grateful dead album. >> he's like smoking pot in the basement. >> jimmy: tidyeing things. >> sif lords only. that's another one. and this is in my neighborhood. you look around and there's like five of them coming up. you're like, where is the sif lord. where is the teenager who is never getting laid in his basement? and what is a sif lord? >> jimmy: it's from star wars.
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darth vader was lord of the sif. you should get a light saber. the touch of the knee will be fine for me. that's enough. they're very handy about light sabres. >> but there's one more that scares me much more than that. walter's dungeon. >> jimmy: yeah, that's no good. >> in my neighborhood. >> jimmy: you should steer clear. >> i don't know where it is, though. i know my neighbors. i see these people all the time. they're nice people. one of them has a dungeon. >> jimmy: his name is probably walter. >> i think that could be -- maybe that's his sif lord name. >> jimmy: it could be walter cronkite. it could be barbara walters' west coast home. >> i think you're overthinking this. >> jimmy: do you think it's a walter? he did name it a dungeon. it's not like he's trying to hide that much. >> i don't know. you're right, i think people
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don't realize these things pop up, and they're being obvious about it. i have a lot of kids. one dungeon, one kid. >> jimmy: how many kids do you have now? >> three boy s 3 and under. a 3-year-old and twin 1-year-olds. >> jimmy: they say it's easy to raise twins, right? >> oh, i mean, no. i was out to dinner -- because they say it's like twice as hard. it's not, it's exponentially harder. i worry a lot, and i went out to dinner with friends and we were talking about kids, of course, because you try to escape them and all you do is talk about them. and we were talking about montessori and progressive schools, and finally one friend leans over and says, you can write all the $25,000 checks for preschool you want. they will [ bleep ] in your bed. >> jimmy: when?
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>> he's right. i can send them to mommy and me violin lessons and they're still going to [ bleep ] in my bed. they're just waiting. they're like a sleeper cell and every now and a again, they throw you off. they come and kiss you and hug you just to confuse you. but they're just plotting. they're like, she's going out. i'm banging my girlfriend in the shower. i'm watering down the vodka. it's all over. >> jimmy: unless they're one of the dark lords of the sif. then you don't have that problem at all. >> that's so true. so if i'm following you, if i follow you correctly, i should get my kids into that. >> jimmy: make them nerds. dungeons and dragons. comic books. magic, the gathering. do they still have that? guillermo, do they still have magic the gathering? >> yes. >> jimmy: thank you. so when you -- everything he says is funny.
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>> what is magic the gathering? >> jimmy: i don't know. i saw it on a commercial once. >> i spend a lot of time with them imagining the worst. that's true. >> jimmy: what do you do for a 1-year-old's birthday with twins. they have to have it together. >> i know, i thought i would skip it and photoshop in a cupcake later and be like, this was great. you guys had a wonderful time. take some of my special pills from the dental surgery throughout the day. no, i am going to -- i'm actually kind of horsing them out but it's for charity. it's called baby to baby. we take all the stuff in your garage that you collected from having babies and give it to people who need it. i'm going to throw them a birthday party but instead of gifts, people are going to bring that. >> jimmy: so in other words, you're giving away their stuff for their birthday. >> or giving them something to
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talk about in therapy later. depends on how you look at it. >> jimmy: will there be a family party? will you have the relatives over or anything? >> the babysitter is a big fan of the chucky that is cheese. >> jimmy: really. >> and the kids have gone there. but i don't know. they have this, like, they have that sars ball pit where mrsa and sars lurk on every ball. >> jimmy: it's really the most horrible place on earth, chuck e. cheese. >> and they come home with furry patches of skin coming off. i give them a purell bath, but they love it. >> jimmy: you walk in and it's bad. the smell of kids' shoes overwhelms the pizza. and the pizza is not only terrible but $22. luckily, i thing they have beer here which enables you to get through it, but you put the kids in the filthy balls and there's lizards and naks on the bottom
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of it. and then when the day is over, they have a fit and don't want to go home and they scream and you ride home mad. >> how much time did you spend at chuck e. cheese? >> jimmy: a lot. i used to work as the mouse. >> i find the whack-a-mole game and hunker down. >> jimmy: modern family, when i first saw the show, i thought this is a great show. you never know if the show is going to continue to be great. and it really is a great show. >> i think so. i wish i had more to do with making it great. i kind of show up. >> jimmy: you're great. the cast is fantastic. you're included. and the writing is unbelievable. >> we have great writers. >> jimmy: all the time, i meet people who say, they just kind of are catchingont it. it's doing great, getting great ratings. every show you have been on has been successful in one way or another. >> what's the common denominator? it's definitely not me. >> jimmy: you're not going back to "lost" are you?
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>> no. i'm on hiatus enjoying family time. >> jimmy: we have a clip of the program. a sampling. let's take a look together. here is julie bowen in modern family. >> haley is still asheep and i don't know where luke is. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> i'm a little tense. >> coffee will help that. we have been over this. air travel is incredibly safe. >> i know, i know, but at the end of the day, it's a building on its side being thrown from one place to another. >> you want to take something, maybe calm your nerves. >> no, no, i want to be able to work if the kids need me. >> what a mom. sometimes i wish you were my mom. >> i'm already feeling queasy. >> jimmy: there you go, modern family wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. julie bowen, everybody. we'll be right back with craig robinson.
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12:38 am
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( snickering, laughing ) morning sir. beautiful day, isn't it? we take the time for our cheese to mature... before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters.
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>> jimmy: our next guest shared a bedroom with the first lady, which would be much bigger news if they weren't brother and sister. he is the head basketball coach at oregon state university with a new book called "a game of character." please welcome the first brother-in-law of the united states, craig robinson. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: in most families, you would be by far the prize sibling. then your sister had to go and marry the president. it's hard to top. >> it is. my sister spent her entire life being craig robinson's little sister. all my friends knew her as craig robinson's little sister. they didn't even know her name. so it's an absolute honor to be
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michelle obama's big brother. >> jimmy: for a change. that's nice of you. you -- it doesn't like, yeah, no, she's my sister. i'm not her brother? >> no, she was so gracious as a youngster growing up, coming in behind me, having the same teachers i had, some of the same coaches, same classes. no, actually, i have the best seat in the house. >> jimmy: did you guys fight a lot? >> not at all. >> jimmy: ever? >> no, we boxed. >> jimmy: that might be worse. >> we didn't fight. my dad was a boxer and he wanted us to be able to defend ourselves. he bought us boxing gloves and we boxed. she got to hit me and i got to play defense. >> jimmy: you didn't hit back. that's probably for the best. if you want to sleep over at the white house, do you have to call or do you walk up and say,
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hello. i'm here. >> i can walk up and tell them i'm here. >> jimmy: could you stay as long as you want to? >> i'm sure my sister wouldn't want that. my mom wouldn't mind. >> jimmy: i assume you have stayed at the white house. >> i have. >> jimmy: how is the water pressure there in the shower? is it powerful and great? is it as powerful as it should be for the white house? >> surprisingly, yes. for such an old building, the water pressure is really nice. >> jimmy: do they have cable? >> they do have cable. >> jimmy: playboy channel, yes or no? >> i don't know. i only watch the news channels just in case somebody is watching. >> jimmy: next time, will you -- you're a smart man. this is a little weird because your sister is now the first lady. does she ever get to come stay at your house anymore? >> nigh wife and i are trying to get them to come out and stay with us. >> jimmy: will they sleep in the kids' bed or something? >> that would -- that would be
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interesting. good question. >> jimmy: you're going to have to figure these things out. >> we would love for them to come out to corvallis and i'm sure they'll come out at some time. >> jimmy: the book is called "a game of character." what does that mean, exactly? >> when i was thinking of writing this book, my dad died about 19 years ago, and i was thinking about what made a person memorable like frazier robinson, a good coach, a good teacher, a good boss. and it all boils down to character. and a game of character is a love letter to my parents whose lessons resonate on the basketball court, in the board room, or at the dinner table. >> jimmy: we have all probably heard the story of how michelle brought barack home and said play basketball with my brother. you were kind of -- i guess your job was to determine whether he was a good guy or not. >> my sister, for those of you who haven't heard the story. my sister grew up in the same
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house i did. >> jimmy: mine, too. >> hearing my father say you can tell a guy's personality by the way they play pick-up basketball. so when she started thinking this was going to bow a serious relationship, she asked me to take him to play with my friends. and initially, i said no way. you do your own dirty work. you do your own due diligence because i liked him and i was worried i might find out something i didn't want to find out. >> jimmy: ball hog. that sort of thing. >> hacker. selfish. >> jimmy: calls fouls when fouls don't really happen. >> that's right. fortunately, as the story goes, he was terrific. he was confident but not cocky. he was unselfish. he knew when to call fouls, when to give up calls. but the best thing, jimmy, was that he didn't try and suck up to me by passing me the ball all the time. >> jimmy: he didn't?
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>> no, i was really impressed by that. >> jimmy: that was kind of dumb in retspect, right? >> considering my skill level, yeah. but it was really a testament to the kind of guy he was. i was able to report back to my sister that all is well that ends well. >> jimmy: you were a top notch college basketball player. if you played one on one, have you played one-on-one? >> no, we have not. >> jimmy: what would the score be? say you're playing to 11. what would the score be? >> you're putting me on the spot. >> jimmy: that's nigh job. >> the game is to 11. >> jimmy: yeah. >> 11-10. >> jimmy: 11-10? really, that close. >> he would beat me 11-10. >> jimmy: you think he would beat you? >> no, but it would be nice. >> jimmy: he is the president. >> yes. he's the president. >> jimmy: of all the great things the president has done, probably for you the greatest is getting your mom to go live with him in the house, right?
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was she in your house beforehand? >> no, she was not. my mom is not the type of in-law who would want to move in with either of her kids. and she had to be convinced to move to the white house, if you can believe that. >> jimmy: i can believe that. i remember hearing about that. i guess it -- there's a lot going on there. >> i talk about in the game of character house my mom had to be talked into it. and my sister asked me -- my sister tried to talk her into coming. she couldn't quite do it. she asked me to. and i just -- what i told her was it would be helpful not only to my sister and brother-in-law but helpful to her grandkids and she would be able to spend time with them and really enjoy it. that didn't quite get it. what got her to go, i fold her, it will be temporary. you can leave whenever you want. if my mom is watching, it's temporary. >> jimmy: you think that's still how she looks at it? it is temporary one way or
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another. unless she's invited to stay on with the next family in the white house. how has it changed your relationship with your sister? has it? do you still talk on the phone regularly? >> not at all. i talked to her today. >> jimmy: you talked to her today? >> i talked to her today. we are extremely close. i talk about that in the book. and i attribute that to the fact that our parents never pitted us against each other. >> jimmy: except for the boxing. >> except for the boxing. and it was really her pitted against me. >> jimmy: you also talk in the book about playing basketball with michael jordan. >> yes. >> jimmy: how did that come to be? >> that came about when he was making one of his comebacks, probably one of the later ones because i was pretty old. a buddy of his, the guy who was working him out, got a couple of us old guys to slowly work him back into shape. and i was one of those guys
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along with a couple other friends. and it was really a fun experience. >> jimmy: what is he like to play with? >> intense. >> jimmy: if you were auditioning him to date your sister, what would you tell her afterwards? >> oh, man. i would say he's not going to we the president of the united states. >> jimmy: not going to be the president. were you on the same team as he was? >> sometimes we were. i'll tell you a story that was pretty funny. we were on his team. i'm playing. i'm in my 40s playing. and acchaelg, yeah, i'm in my 40s. and we're playing, and it's an intense game. and i get knocked down. and he comes over and he says, hey, craig, you okay? i said, yeah. he said, get the [ bleep ] up then. >> jimmy: a lot of compassion there. >> yeah, yeah. so he's intense. >> jimmy: i guess so. i guess he is. it sounds like a lot of
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interesting stuff in here. it's called "the game of character." it's in stores now. craig robinson. thanks for being here. coming up, music from dr. dog. ramin: hi. my name's ramin. not too long ago, had a little brain wave, right here... on this treadmill. i said, "make my pc simpler." so i told microsoft. and before you know it, windows 7, and this snap feature. now i'm working on a couple of things at the same time... i put one to the left. snap. i put one to the right. snap. simpler. just like i said. i think i'm a genius. i'm going to walk away with my genius now. i'm a pc. windows 7 was my idea.
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>> jimmy: this is their new album, "shame, shame." here with the song "stranger,' dr. dog. ♪ ♪ twenty years of schooling i just never learned the math that one and one don't equal two they often equal half ♪ ♪ while i've tried to live the high life the best that i know how and i bought my share of debonair parlayin' it on the crowd ♪ ♪ oh i - i do believe
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that there's no more tricks up my sleeve oh the good old days have passed and the dip turns after that and slowly i've become undone a stranger with a stranger heart ♪ ♪ well i plan to hit the bottom the bottle then the top and i pray that something quits me before i got to stop ♪ ♪ 'cause the masquerade is over but i was barely there the masks come off the gilded clock yet i'm just barely here ♪ ♪ oh and i - i do believe
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that there's no more tricks up my sleeve oh the good old days have passed and the dip turns after that ♪ ♪ and slowly i've become undone a stranger with a stranger heart ♪ ♪ ♪ oh and i - i do believe that there's no more tricks up my sleeve ♪ ♪ the good old days have passed and the dip turns after that
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and slowly i've become undone a stranger with a stranger heart ♪ i do believe that there's no more tricks up my sleeve oh ♪ ♪ the good old days have passed and the dip turns after that and slowly i've become undone a stranger with a stranger heart ♪ ♪ i really do believe ♪ slowly i have become undone
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