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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 5, 2010 12:05am-1:05am EDT

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finally tonight, pictures of devastation and heartache across the south. unprecedented flood waters are starting to recede, a relief, but also a painful new reality filled with homes and businesses destroyed. violent weather and flash flooding have killed 29 people across three states. hit hardest may be the music
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city, nashville, tennessee, where the cumberland river today crested at a 70-year high. several nashville landmarks are under water, including the nfl stadium that the tennessee titans call home, the country music hall of fame and the historic grand ole opry. but in a positive sign, the show goes on, and the musicians relocated to a dry spot to continue with the entertainment. and that's our report for tonight. for terry moran, cynthia mcfadden and all of us at abc news, good night, america. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel. and it's time to play -- the answer is iron man! brought to you by iron man 2 the video game -- the brand new game that lets you play the part of iron man or his pal war machine. dicky, let's meet tonight's contestants -- >> dicky: jimmy, her name is jennifer and she's from ottawa,
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canada. his name is yehya, and he's from egypt. >> jimmy: welcome, contestants. the rules are simple. i will ask you a question, you give me the answer, which is iron man, okay. >> i hope i know. >> jimmy: i hope you do, too. the first person to three wins a copy of the game. let's play! what red-and-gold superhero's suit and weapons can players create and upgrade in tony stark's lab in the iron man 2 video game? jennifer. >> the answer is iron man. >> jimmy: the answer is ire man. that is correct. >> jimmy: question two. which superhero's mission is to extract a s.h.i.e.l.d. agent, protect a helicarrier and take down a skyscraper-tall enemy in the iron man 2 video game? jennifer? >> the answer is iron man. >> jimmy: that is absolutely correct! you only need one more to win. yehya, get ready. >> okay. >> jimmy: question three. which super hero's unrivaled speed, agility and devastating
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combat moves can you control in the iron man 2 video game. yehya? >> jimmy: no. jennifer? >> the answer is iron man. >> jimmy: that's correct. congratulations! you've won the iron man 2 video game. >> dicky: iron man 2, the video game. available today on 360, ps3, psp, wii, ds. go beyond the movie. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with pamela anderson, jorge garcia and mickey rourke. build your better breakfast at subway!
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- mickey rourke. from "lost," jorge garcia.
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and "dancing with the stars'" pamela anderson. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" and now, that's not all -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. i'm happy you could be here for this and that you have a television to watch it at home. this is -- i have to say, a very important night of television here at abc. there are now only three accept solds left of "lost," this is terrible. i'm going to miss it.
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on one hand, i love it, i don't want it to end, but i'm glad they aren't dragging things out just to keep it going, like sex, you know? anyway, tonight on "lost," all the foreigner ins got ki s got. it was very sad. sayeed sacrificed himself for his friends. jin and sun drowned, i think. sorry to ruin it for you, but -- you go back in time, you can experience all over again. i doubt they survived, though. they seemed pretty dead. i think i have the island figured out. and, well, please, if you could, bring me the chalk board. this is going to seem a little complicated, but this is -- [ applause ] what i -- what i did was this. i assigned a numerical value to each of the characters based on the number of letters in their names and their location in the alphabet. then i plugged those numbers into a series of equations.
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i subjected them all to a simple regression analysis and you'll see here, i -- i figured out the secret to the island is -- nurblog 2. isn't that something? [ applause ] nurblog 2 or 3, i'm not sure. well, that might not be right, but we have jorge garcia here with us tonight. he plays hurley on the show. and tonight, he gives us exclusive insight into what the hell is going on in this week's edition of "secrets of lost." >> if you rearrange the letters in hurley and libby, it spells "baby under hilly." i don't know what a hilly is,
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but there's a baby under there. >> jimmy: whoa. [ applause ] that's big. baby under the hilly. after the "lost" finale, join us for a special post-"lost" special here with the cast. we're going to have pretty much the whole cast here and we'd love you to join us or we'll kill you. hey, this is good news. they caught the guy they think tried to bomb times square on saturday. [ applause ] his name is -- faisal shahzad is his name. he's a 30-year-old naturalized citizen of the united states who moved here from pakistan. he was on board a flight to due bay. they pulled away from the gate when fbi agents stopped the plane and escorted him off it. i love when they say escorted, as if he's being seated at a wedding or something. it's amazing that this guy -- he made it through security, through the gate and onto the aircraft. i still can't get my tweezers on the plane. man, when that plan pulled away
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from the gate he probably thought he was home free. he probably just slirped into his uggs, paid $3 for the headset, he was all set to watch "the backup plan." all of a sudden his escorts arrived and ruined the whole thing. he could have been back home in pakistan by now. which is worse, by the way? prison or pakistan? maybe the joke's on us. meanwhile, oil is still leaking off the coast of louisiana. lots of oil. bp, the company responsible for it, has a very good plan. bp is hoping to create a giant vinegar spill to turn the gulf of mexico into a delicious salad dressing. actually, what they're doing is -- [ applause ] oh, i didn't know we had salad fans here. they're spraying chemicals on the oil to try to disperse it. and some environmentalists say the chemicals pose their own changers but the company that
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makes them points out the active ingredient is the same thing they put in ice cream. bp is trying to get the spill reclassified from disaster to dessert. in nashville, the heavy rains -- raining flooding the city there. they are finally starting to recede. the weather has been brutal in nashville. or the nay domes, too. and the affect of all this crazy weather is apparently taking a heavy toll on area weather men. >> more rains developing in areas that do not need -- and what is likely to happen is much like last night, and we're going to likely see more storms develop in parts of mississippi, and then those storms will much like last night move up to the north and east, so, we may deal with a situation a lot like today. >> jimmy: the size of the doppler. [ applause ] either the mississippi river or a vasectomy. you ever see anything like that,
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uncle frank? >> no, jim. >> jimmy: tiger woods had another press conference this morning. he is in florida in advance of this week's player's championship, and he was kind enough to provide us with our indiana tensional joke of the day. >> once i final a certain -- certain shachts fit at different lengths, they feel great. i mean, the shaft that i use at the masters is great at one length, the shaft i use now is at a different length, so -- it's one of the experiments. once you find one that works, it's pretty good. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know how that happened. teleprompter accident. i don't know when it will end. possibly never. i tried to stop, i just can't. former first lady laura bush was on oprah today to discuss her new memoir, "spoken from the heart." oprah is a close friend of the obamas --
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>> please welcome one of the most popular first ladies in history, laura bush. >> she greeted laura bush with so much warment today. look at this. it's hard to believe they aren't sisters, from that. let's see that again in slow motion if we could. look at how they -- it is almost like they're touching. it's as if -- it's as if one of them has the swine flu and they're -- oprah hugged mike tyson harder than that, i think. after the initial discomfort they seemed to get along well. the bush twins showed up, too. jenna bush provided the most candid moment of the interview when she talked about the music her mom listens to. >> if you came to the ranch, my parents turn on music and, old country, usually, or some -- my mom is a secret last far yan. >> my kind of place. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that explains some of her husband's behavior.
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they call her the burning bush. that must be why. michael jackson's family is not reacting well to a claim that michael was gay. last week, a very fat man named jason phifer, that's him, he was the office manager for michael's friend and dermatologist arnie klein. he claims he and michael had a two-month long love affair. he showed pictures of him with michael's family. dr. klein claims he walked in with jason and michael with his shirt off. i just hope there's not a sex tape. but the jackson family is -- here is how jermaine reacted when they asked him able it on tmz. >> klein? >> yes. >> [ bleep ] him. he's full of [ bleep ]. michael was not gay. he's full of [ bleep ]. >> okay, sir, thank you. >> jimmy: he's a little bit on the fence. he was not -- [ laughter ] the paparazzi caught up with michael's father joe jackson and he was not happy, either.
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>> hey, joe, joe, what do you think about the recent claims that michael was gay. >> michael was what? >> gay. >> michael wasn't no gay. none of my sons are gay. >> well, klein -- >> michael made a lot of love to chickens and don keeps, soup cans, ceiling fans and wedding gowns. >> he had sex with fans and wedding gowns? >> yes, he did, of the female purr swags. michael was strange, maybe. hell, he was stranger than a $3 bill, but that don't make him gay. my son ain't never ever have sex with a fella. >> all right, okay, thanks, joe. >> and while we at it, check out my new album called "baby need breakfast" by desiree and doggie dee. that's dropping may 14th. >> be sure to check that out. >> jimmy: crazy. nobody ever mentioned this, but
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the guy has a pumpkin head. and one more thing. as you probably now, it was elimination night on "dancing with the stars." i don't like the eliminating that goes on. it's so negative. i would like to see a show where they add people every week. start out with one lonely contestant and by the end of the season, he's got a big group of friends. but that's not how it works t s. the person i gambled on, erin andrews, that's nonsense, and pamela anderson, but she was very good, as well. and who was asked to packed the bedazzled suitcase? >> pamela and damian. >> jimmy: you see the hoff was devastated. but that brings it to this. it's consolation time. after out-dancing an 80-year-old astronaut and a mother of eight, tonight, america failed us. please welcome the sixth
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contestant removed this season from "dancing with the stars." along with her dance partner damian whitewood, please welcome pamela anderson. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well -- thank you for being here. [ applause ] can i say, just on behalf of america, i'm very sorry and i'm disgusted in my fellow countrymen? >> why? >> jimmy: for not voting for you. >> what's up, guys? >> i'm excited. >> jimmy: after all the lives you saved on the beach -- >> i know. >> jimmy: all the slow motion running that you did for us. >> i know. >> jimmy: this is the thanks that you get? >> i know. >> jimmy: it's outrageous. what do you think happened? >> well, we lost. >> jimmy: yeah. >> did tommy lee -- he was supposed to vote for you. he was having trouble.
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you said you got to learn to vote for me and did he learn? >> no, women, yes, he did learn. he figured it out. >> jimmy: and did he do it? >> yes, he did. i saw him. i helped him. >> jimmy: you did? you hovered over him while he voted? >> yes, i did. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> his assistant did it. >> jimmy: well, that's not -- that doesn't count. do you think you deserved to be voted off tonight? >> um -- i mean, gosh, we wish we could go further, right, but it's good -- it's perfect. i'm happy. >> jimmy: you blame damian for this? >> yes. >> jimmy: damian, you -- i think you -- what you do, you -- i think you strapped your pelvises together last night. was -- y >> we had to get closer in the hip department. it was well rehearsed. it paid off. >> jimmy: it seemed like --
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>> hard job. somebody has to do it. >> jimmy: you're dancing, and last time you were here, you said that there was some sexual tension between the two of you but you wanted to use that sexual tension to fuel the dance. said you wouldn't hook up with damian because you did not want it to ruin your dancing together. true? >> no. >> jimmy: yes, you did. >> yes, i did? >> jimmy: i was here. it was me you said it to. now that the dancing is over, however, what's the plan? >> we can have sex. >> jimmy: oh, you can? [ applause ] no wonder damian seems so happy about losing right now. you threwcompetition, didn't you? >> we can have sex. not with each other. >> jimmy: i think you almost turned bruno around. when you first went out there, you -- you were wearing underwear, you were not? >> what is this underwear thing?
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i always wear panties. >> jimmy: you do? >> yes. >> jimmy: always? >> well, i mean, they're sown into the costumes, too. >> jimmy: they're sown into the costumes? >> how do you know that? sk >> jimmy: he's wearing them, too? >> believe me, they have standards and practices. they follow me around everywhere. >> jimmy: they check everything? >> they give you the nipple covers and everything. >> jimmy: maybe that was the problem. too much clothing. >> some people did say that. i did hear that. >> jimmy: are you guys going to continue to dance in any capacity? >> yes, i want to do something with music and dance, i think, who knows. and together. >> for sure. >> jimmy: i heard you were hoping to dance with president obama. is that true? >> well, of course. i love obama. >> jimmy: do you think that would be good for him if you grabbed him and started dancing with him? >> probably not. >> jimmy: that could be trouble at home. that could be trouble with oprah, you know.
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>> why? >> jimmy: why? because, you know, if anything, god forbid, happens to michelle, you know oprah's got dibbs. she's the queen. >> i see. >> jimmy: who do you think is going to win? >> who do you think? >> yeah, i think evan is doing quite well. he's coming -- >> jimmy: you think he's the guy? >> definitely. >> jimmy: who do you dislike the most of the other competitors? >> ah -- we don't dislike everybody. everybody is nice. >> jimmy: who one cheated? >> i'm sure they're all cheating. we didn't cheat. >> jimmy: you did not cheat. well, probably should have cheated is probably what should have happened there. you should have done some bribing or cheating or something. but unfortunately you didn't and unfortunately this is the time of, well, the week, where we have to do something kind of terrible and guillermo is outside right now. we'll go outside to hollywood boulevard for the ceremonial burning of the capezios. pamela, tonight youer eliminated
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and it's time for your shoes to pay the price. do it, guillermo. america has spoken, and your dance card has been punched. i'm very sorry to see you go. >> it was really fun. like doing a little play every week. it was fun to play characters and get into it. >> fun to work with, as well. it was a blessing. >> we had fun together. >> jimmy: it seems like you're lying, but -- >> really? now we can rest. >> jimmy: thank you for participating on behalf of the american broadcasting company, or whatever it is. we'll be right back. pamela anderson and damian whitewood. we'll be right back with mickey rourke. - hey, uncle bob! - heeey. oh, bud light! here. we. go.
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this is a hospital. you're sick. this party's going to be sick. whoop. what's up guys -- room 324. can we fill this with ice? clear! shhh. ( coughs ) you'll need this, trust me. bud light in 324. we gotta ice these down! it's the sure sign of a good time. the just right taste of bud light. here we go. ( neighing ) nurse costumes, i like it! the j welcomerewards of bud ligh from're staying at this resort for free? how? see when i accumulate 10 nights, i get one free. and...they let me choose where to use them. the loyalty program he signed us up for has all these restrictions, blackout dates, a crazy point system... and we couldn't stay here. so what am i getting for free? my undying love? [ yelps ] wendy. hole-in-one. [ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights. and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart.
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. thank you for being here. with us tonight, one of my favorite actors and skre men, you know him as hurley on the show lost, jorge garcia is with
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us. tomorrow night, samuel l. jaxson will be here, chris that miller will be with us and music from godsmack, so, wake the whole neighborhood up for that. last year, our first guest won critical acclaim and a golden globe for his good guy performance in "the wrestler." but starting friday, he is a bad guy, a very bad guy named whiplash in "iron man 2." please say hello to mickey rourke. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm okay. >> jimmy: last time i saw you was on the big screen and -- why do you hate iron man so much? >> the burger king commercials. >> jimmy: is that what did it? how is life? >> not bad. >> jimmy: are you happier than you were like, exactly five
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years ago at this time? >> no. i'm okay. i'm okay. >> jimmy: is it even orp less happy? how does it go for you? >> it depends on what i did the night before. >> jimmy: what do you do for fun? what's a good night out for you? >> these days? it's different. i got a girlfriend. >> jimmy: oh, okay. what's a good night in for you? >> the girlfriend's mood. >> jimmy: the girlfriend's good. your girlfriend is very beautiful. i saw a photograph of her. >> she was a big help -- not really, but i -- she's good looking, i have to give her a break. because in the character in iron man i played a russian, and so she's russian, so i work three hours a day for three months on the russian accent, which is really difficult for the english tongue, especially mine, and she, i come home and practice the russian on her and she said, what leng waj are you speaking, that sucks. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: she was not a helpful
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person. >> she helped me do a better job because the russian teacher thought i was great, she thought i was terrible. so, she went to see the movie the other night and i think the only one i texted was her going, how was it? >> jimmy: what did she say? >> she didn't answer me back. >> jimmy: oh, no. did you text her in russian? >> no, i told her within two years i'll learn russian and it's been a year now and i'll on, like, it's not happening. >> jimmy: you got serious about this role. as a comic book movie, you went to a russian prison to find out what it's like to be in a russian prison. you -- >> i was in a strip club and i ended up in a russian prison. >> jimmy: oh, i see. via. [ applause ] >> no. >> jimmy: how do you -- who do you call to get into a russian prison?
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>> i was actually over in russian on other business and i forget what the business was, but -- [ laughter ] because my character comes out of a russian prison after many years, so i asked the woman that i was with who was showing me around, can i get into a russian prison without staying there? and she made a few phone calls and the russians were really cool. >> yareally? >> i've been in a few prisons over here, down on will cox, and it is always nice to go when you don't have to stay. so, i went through, i took a tour of the prison and my favorite place was the bakery. they had a really great bakery. you could smell it three tiers up. i didn't see the worst prison. they showed me a prison inside of moscow. there are different zones and my character happened to come from a prison that was in a very bad zone. >> jimmy: bakery prison. >> right. what was interesting about the -- i had a guy actually come
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to my hotel room who had gotten out of a really bad zone after 13 years and had tattoos on and he came in and took his shirt off and pulled his pants down and then took his underwear off and i saw the details illustrations he had. eyeballs down near his groin -- >> jimmy: i have those. >> and i said to him -- >> jimmy: to remind me that god is always watching. >> i said to him, what are the eyeballs? because i used them in the film. my makeup guy didn't like that too much. i was standing there and kenny is on his nighs putting the eyeballs on. because if you get incarcerated really young, where you were there, what neighborhood you came from, what your political affiliati affiliations, your sex yum preference is, and they are diagrammed from their taupeso their fingers, and i said, what's the deal with the eyeballs, and he says, that
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means i'm looking over you. and then they had another tattoo that was a cat. and the smaller the cat, the more powerful the prisoner. i said, give me a little tiny one over here. it was good research. the language was really tough. the russian people went out of their way to be really helpful. >> jimmy: did they know you in the prison? >> no. they wanted to know who the hell that was. but they -- it's very quiet there. not like the jails and the prisons here. >> jimmy: did you meet your girlfriend in the prison? >> i did, in the prison. she was in the women's detention center. >> jimmy: nice. that's where i would have gone, right to the women's prison. >> i said, i want something six foot tall, drop dead. and out came ana. i said, i'll take her, and her sister. >> jimmy: hey, you know what, we've got -- you got your action figure here. this is the whiplash action figure. it looks like he's holding two
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strings of snot in his hands. have you had an action figure before? >> i did. the action figure really looked low budget. i looked at it and tossed it out the window. i had a cool one in "sin city." >> jimmy: do you have that at your house? >> no. you know what, if somebody brings their kid over or something it's like, oh, here, have this. >> jimmy: you give it away. all right. that's nice. >> i have a bobble head. a bobble head one of these. >> jimmy: there's a whiplash bobble head? why didn't we get one of those? >> there was a paparazzi chasing my girlfriend and getting really upset. i went after him, he held it up and i took it.
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>> >> jimmy: andy garcia told us you were his little league coach. you really were? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you must have been a kid, too? >> i was one grade higher than andy. to make what i called my friday night-saturday night money. i coached the kids that were one grade under me. >> jimmy: you got paid? >> yeah, i was like, i think 13 and andy was 12. and -- i wasn't that popular in the neighborhood. so, what they did -- this is back in the day in miami when the cubans started to come over. they weren't treated that great. now they run the city, but back then it was like, you know, they treated them like second class silt sevens unfortunately. they decided to give me -- they go, since rourke is over there smoking a cigarette with no shirt, coaching a team, we're going to give him the cuban guys. that was a big mistake. we won the city championship, andy was my third baseman. >> jimmy: you remember his play?
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was he good? >> he hit about .600. flawless fielder, clutch hitter. i had another kid named julio that shook in his boots when he went up to bat. he had a 2-2 count on him, i said, listen you little [ bleep ], crowd the plate. then it was -- the count was 3-2, i told you to crowd the [ bleep ] plate. and let the ball hit you. you [ bleep ]. and he -- he let it hit him. [ applause ] >> jimmy: whatever you got to do. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you and robert downey jr. on a movie, it seems like, i mean, now days probably pretty reasonable, but if you take this back like ten years ago, you probably set the whole place on fire. >> the two of us? well, out was funny because both of us got a second chance and, you know, you don't get a lot of second chances in anything in life, especially in the movie business and both of us had two and a half strikes, really.
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i think he was worse than me. >> jimmy: he may have had four. he was crowding the plate. let's just say that. >> no, he was clouding the plate. yeah, it was -- it was funny. i remember i had to take off a lot of weight from "the wrestler" still. i had to lose 12, 15 pounds. i'm on the treadmill with a 40 pound vest because the iron man suit that i wore weighed like 38 pounds so my stunt man, he came up with a great idea of putting me on a machine with an incline wearing a 40 pound vest for, like -- >> jimmy: to get used to it? >> he would take 20 pounds off, this way i wasn't gassing. i was sitting there, i'm walking uphill, it's during a lunch break, and robert is over there doing these strange movements, kung fu, he called it, and he
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walked around with a satchel now of vitamins. and i thought, wow, we've come a long way from -- i would have been showing up noon and he wouldn't have even been there. >> jimmy: and not vitamins in the satchel, either. wouldn't have been a satchel. >> yeah, right. >> jimmy: we have a clip of the movie. this is where iron man and whiplash meet for the first time on the racetrack in monte carlo. well, take a look. "iron man 2."
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>> jimmy: women, there you go. "iron man 2" opens friday. mickey rourke, everybody. we'll be right back with jorge garcia.
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>> jimmy: all right, we are back. you know our next guest as hurley, the most lovable lot toe winner and friendliest friday chicken magnate of them all. you can see him exactly three more times on the great show "lost." please say hello to jorge garcia. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's good to see you jor jorge. you know what? thanks for coming. this would be a fun thing to do. just tell everyone what the ending is. >> right. >> jimmy: they would go crazy. >> the dog dies.
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>> jimmy: that would be the saddest ending of all. how is everything? >> it's great. >> jimmy: you're done shooting. you do know the ending or you do not ending? >> i know everything but this really small part of the ending. >> jimmy: okay. so you know -- >> that was a scene i wasn't in that i know they shot and, yeah, i don't know what happens in that scene. >> jimmy: did you guys have a big party? >> we had a couple. >> jimmy: you did. >> actually, they had a huge party the week before we finished wrapping. >> got you. >> jimmy: giant party at the ranch, jimmy buffet crashed it. >> jimmy: the jimmy buffet? >> yeah. kind of odd. >> jimmy: i would make sense that an odd thing that an odd thing would happen at the "lost" wrap party. >> he's island-themed, too.
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did he sing? >> he did. >> jimmy: that must have been fun. >> kind of cool. >> jimmy: what celebrity were you most surprised to find out was a big fan? >> there is a lot of musicians. i just signed a hurley doll to marilyn manson. >> jimmy: really? >> i don't know if he knows it, but manson, it's coming. it's in the mail. >> jimmy: he gets mail? that's surprising. >> or however he gets it. >> jimmy: i don't imagine him going out to the mailbox in his underpants in the morning. what did you write to marilyn manson when you have to sign? >> um -- i wrote, like, you rock, dude, you know, just -- you throw a dude in there. >> jimmy: is this the doll that you -- >> no, it was the other one. i've never seen that doll. >> this comes out in august,
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perfect timing, months after the show ends. and there's actually something -- something wrong with the arm here. hold on a second. one arm appears to be much shorter than the other. i don't know what's going on here. >> wow. does this cut off at the elbow? >> jimmy: i'm wondering, does this have anything to do with, do you like get some horrible radiation? >> this is from the finale that this arm starting going into my body? >> jimmy: getting a by by flipper arm? that is a little weird. yeah. man. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's -- >> like, the back is plastic but there's, like, soft padding in the front. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they gave me more of an ass than i have. >> jimmy: made you into beyonce or something back there.
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>> jimmy: well, must be cool to have action figures anyway. even if they are horribly deformed. >> it doesn't look like that figure does a lot of action. >> jimmy: you brought along some photographs of very -- the show is on in my countries, right? how many, do you know? >> i have no idea. a lot. >> jimmy: more than five, definitely. this is the guy who does your voice in italy. >> yeah. that's my italian voice. >> jimmy: and you met him? >> i did meet him. i met him in rome. >> jimmy: were you excited to meet him? >> it was kind of cool. they had about six of us, they did different voices. it was kind of cool. >> jimmy: does he sound like you at all? >> ah, not really. he asked me if the dudes was
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just something i added in mice or if it was in the script. >> jimmy: which is it? >> they write the dudes in. i might move them around in the sentence but it's pretty much -- >> jimmy: you have the freedom to dude where you want to? >> sometimes, sometimes. >> jimmy: this is -- from czechoslovakia. that's the guy that does your voice. and this guy is your hungarian dude. he looks like ben linus a little bit. he shouldn't be doing you. [ applause ] >> you should see a picture who does ben linus' voice and it will look like me. >> jimmy: i want to show something that is great. you have a blog where you write about all kinds of things, and there was a rat in your house? >> there were a few rats in our house. >> jimmy: and this is -- this is one of the great things. you have a rat in the house, your girlfriend is terrified. so, what do you do?
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>> get the video camera. that's you. >> it's 4:00 in the morning. >> that's me going to work. oh! >> get it out! put it outside! put it outside! oh, my god. do you think it's going to get out of there? do you think -- do you think it's going to crawl out of the box? >> no, no. oh, oh. >> oh. >> i'm scared. that means there's a lot. oh, my god. it fell, it was like -- >> jimmy: that is -- she must have been delighted. that you showed that to america.
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>> my -- the best part in that video is the moment when her ocd takes over and she puts the thing, like, the one tupper ware that's not in its place, goes, oh, oh. >> jimmy: she was more scared than with all the smoke monsters and polar bears and all the terrifies things on the island. more scared than anyone on the show ever has been from a simple rat. >> the rats are real, though. >> jimmy: are you moving out of hawaii now? >> i am. we've been packing. you have a lot of junk? >> a lot. i've been there for six years. >> jimmy: are you taking the rats with you? >> no. i don't think they make it through agriculture inspection. >> jimmy: i'm excited and depressed about the ending of the show, but i'm more excited than anything and great to have you here for one last time, promoting hurley. jorge garcia, everybody. "lost," tuesday nights at 9:00 on abc, and a special two and a
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