tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 24, 2010 12:35am-1:35am EDT
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: there you go. it's over with. this guy was crying the whole time. i really am embarrassed for him. well, "lost" is done. i don't know what we have left. i really don't. tonight the cast is here to reflect, to dissect and to hopefully answer the question that i think is on everyone's mind right now -- what the hell just happened?
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>> announcer: tonight, jimmy kimmel hosts the cast of "lost." brought to you by bud light. >> jimmy: thank you. "lost" crash landed in our living rooms with a story about love, death, good, evil, time travel, polar bears and fried chicken. and if you're expecting it all to get wrapped up tonight, you're probably missing the point of the show. two things i think we learned for sure though. number one, don't go chasing waterfalls. [ laughter ] and number two, all dogs don't necessarily go to heaven. [ laughter ] all right. well, let's -- where better to begin than with the guy who began it all and with whom it
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ended too, dr. jack shepherd? please welcome matthew fox, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i'm so happy to see you alive right now, i really am. [ cheers and applause ] so that was the first time you'd seen the ending, right? >> that was the first time, yeah. just sitting backstage. it's pretty moving. yeah. >> jimmy: you feel a little bit like tom sawyer looking in on your own funeral? yeah, a little bit, yeah. it's hard to watch for me. but sometime down the road i suppose i'll go back and watch it all the way through. >> jimmy: your neck has healed up. that's good news. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i want to present you,
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if i could, with my theory on what happened. okay? in a lot of religions, christianity being one of them, the idea is life is a test. that you go through your life and if you're good, you go to heaven or nirvana or whatever. and if you're bad, you don't, you go to hell or you don't go anywhere. my theory is that the whole show from beginning to end, we're watching jack's test. his test. and his life on the island i think was his real life. >> yes. >> jimmy: you think -- >> i completely agree with that. >> jimmy: i'm on a roll. >> yep, yep. >> jimmy: obviously, jack passed the test. >> yes. >> jimmy: and maybe the characters -- maybe each of the characters has their own story and their own test. but this show i think was jack's test. >> i would agree with that. i mean -- >> jimmy: i'm so proud of myself right now, you have no idea. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> but at the same time, that's -- what's beautiful with the way it ends is there's room for interpretation depending on people's spiritual beliefs. i think there are also religions that believe that when you die you go to a place -- and that place can last for a nano second or it can be an extended period of time. where you have to remember your own death and all of the people that were instrumental, that you loved the most and henn ehelped the most and were the most important to you. you have to remember all of them. and remembering them, lead up to the moment you died, before you can move on to whatever's next. >> jimmy: i want to look at a clip from the first episode of this srngs t this season, the final season. this is when you were on a plane again. take a look. >> don't worry.
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>> you got to go now. it's okay, you can let go. >> jimmy: now, i think what happened during that turbulence is jack died there. and when the plane calmed down, that's when you passed over, and maybe the whole island, the adventure, the journey, all that stuff happened in the nano second, as you said. >> that's possible. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i have another theory i've been working on. because jack was with kate and kate was with sawyer and then jack was with juliette and juliette was with sawyer. there's another thing i'm working on, that you were all in some sort of wife swapping like
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hedonism like tea party island. all inclusive, of course. you don't have to pay for anything extra. >> it was a little bit like that, that's for sure. >> jimmy: well, you told us and you've said this a number of times, that you knew what the ending was at the beginning. you knew what the ending to the show was. were you telling the truth? >> i knew the final image. i knew the show would end with his eye closing. i knew that he would die. and i just hoped beyond hope that there would be redemption in that. i believe there is. you know, it's been an incredible, incredible experience playing this guy. taken him the four years to where he becomes sort of a broken man and has deviated from his destiny on the island. and knows that he has to go back or he'll die. and then start to embrace the notion that he has this thing to do on the island and that he's going to give his life in doing it. he starts to feel strong. and has given over to the notion that that's exactly whether he's meant to do.
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and yeah. so i always knew the show would end with his eye closing. >> jimmy: we got a lot of the gang here tonight. hey, can we just get one shot of your eye closing one more time? [ laughter ] >> no way. >> jimmy: we have quite an hour planned for tonight. matthew fox is with us. much of the cast is with us. we have the never before seen alternate endings to the show with damon lindelof and carlton cuse. we'll be right back with ben linus and locke, michael emerson and terry o'quinn. >> oh, hi! i'm stephen colbert. congratulating "lost" on a great run. now, i've never seen lost. but i was a huge fan of the series it was based on, "gilligan's island." i have to say, in this new version, it was even harder to choose between ginger and m
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maryanne. my only disappointment was the globetrotters never showed up. or did they? rewatch season three, episode seven very carefully. anyway, "lost," congratulations on finally going off the air. i got to say, i never saw that ending coming. that j.j. abrams is a genius. >> announcer: abc's "jimmy kimmel live" "aloha to lost" brought to you by bud light. everyone, listen up. i found the plane's beverage cart. and it's full of bud light. - here we go! - ( cheering ) ♪ we're gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay! it's the sure sign of a good time. the just right taste of bud light. here we go. whooo!
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♪ a day once dawned ♪ ♪ and it was beautiful ♪ so, look, see the sights ♪ that you learned [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. ♪ get your grad the exclusive samsung strive for just $19.99. only from at&t. advil liqui-gels, you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than tylenol rapid release gels. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. [old computer keyboard beeping] any better than this. [alarm sound] ♪
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>> jimmy: matthew fox is with us as we say "aloha to lost." the final season and complete collection available on blueray and dvd on august 24th. we're honored, by the way, to have the great academy award winning composer with us tonight. sitting in with our band the cletones. every once in a while, will you do me a favor and give me one of those big "lost" blast noises? excellent. just work that in wherever it feels right, you know what i'm saying? >> you got it. >> jimmy: together our next two guests played four characters. ben linus, henry gill, john locke and the monster known as smoke. please welcome michael emerson
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and terry o'quinn. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, thank you for coming. [ cheers and applause ] by the way, all three of you are not nominated at the emmys this year, that will be a travesty. right? i'm looking for the horns kind of. [ laughter ] ♪ first of all, i want to -- terry, is it good terry or bad terry that we have here tonight? >> it's out of work terry tonight. >> jimmy: it's out of work terry. you guys both got to play good
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guys and bad guys kind of in the same guy. you went back and forth a little bit. michael, you went back and forth i think twice in the last episode. not you of course but your character. is it more fun to play the -- ♪ >> nice. >> jimmy: more fun to play the smoke monster than it is to play john locke? >> it's not more fun, it's just different. you know, the writing has been consistently great, so i've had fun playing -- i had fun playing both of them. >> i liked that when you were playing the smoke monster and didn't know you were playing it. >> that was the best, yeah. that was all of season five when i was the smoke monster and didn't know it. >> jimmy: you never know when you're the smoke monster. you really don't. it just kind of sneaks up on you. >> it could be anybody. it could happen to you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i've heard that -- i heard that you guys were hoping to do a show together after this. is that true? >> well, we joke around a lot on the set and -- but a lot of
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times we try to think of what kind of goofy double act we could come up with, you know, later on in life. but once in a while, we have kind of a half-clever idea. and we're just pitching it around on street corners and other places. >> jimmy: are you, yeah? >> trying to get something going. >> i have -- it's fun, i've loved working with michael and i have said on many occasions i would like to again. >> jimmy: you should do "the amazing race" together. that be with a great start. [ applause ] if you do do a show together, can i pitch you something? >> sure. >> jimmy: okay. veg es magicians by night. forensic police officers by later at night. because vegas is -- you guys go around. somebody's killing show girls. you guys have to go around solving crime. one of you maybe plays it very straight. by the book. the other not so much. plays by his own rooms. >> i think it's a great idea. what do you guys -- [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: and we call it -- >> which one would be the one that didn't play by the rules? >> jimmy: either one of you. i think you could switch off who's playing by the rules and who's not playing by the rule. >> could one have a foreign accent? >> jimmy: whatever you want to do. you could be like sig freud and roy, both have foreign accents. somebody gets attacked by a tiger. the other steps in. it's called "cadaver ka dab ra." >> some tights are so great that no show could live up to the promise. >> jimmy: that could be one of those, absolutely. you guys, really, the acting on the show has been phenomenal. some of the scenes tonight between jack and locke were just phenomenal. you guys -- do you goof around during that -- those scenes? or is it very serious? >> i mean, we goof around quite a bit.
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yeah. there's a lot of light stuff in between that. i mean -- right? >> jimmy: are you thinking of something in particular? >> no, somewhat. you know, matthew's very professional. everybody on the show, truly, has come -- i mean, well, for the most part, has come prepared. >> jimmy: who's the least professional on the set? >> well, josh holloway. >> jimmy: josh holloway. [ applause ] >> is he here tonight? >> jimmy: no. >> he's not here? >> jimmy: he's not here. >> josh holloway. >> jimmy: very unfrprofessional. there have been many great scenes. what hits you as the most memorable for each of your characters? >> i still remember -- i can't forget in season one when we were shooting the first episode that i was heavily involved in that was called "walk about." and actually in the shooting of
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it, i still didn't know -- i had no idea where we were going of course and i didn't know it was going to be strong. when i watched it, it was when locke wiggles his toes and stands up and the music -- that's when i realized what we had with michael and with jack. that's when it all came together for me. i said, holy mackerel this could really be something. >> jimmy: how about you, michael? >> i've had a lot of great scenes that involved food. and there was one with cereal and there was one where i made dinner for juliette. one i particularly remember, i was being held captive in an under water chamber and john locke brought me food and said it was rabbit and i said, did this have a number on it? which is one of those moments i knew i was in a comedy. >> jimmy: but no one else. >> but no one else. >> jimmy: matt, how about you, what really sticks out for you? >> there's so many. it's hard to -- i think the very -- in the pilot, the scene where kate is stitching up jack was probably just the first
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time -- it was really -- it was a tough thing to do. >> jimmy: very "rambo"-esque. >> it was amazing, he really gave me some great notes in that scene. so that stands out. that was a good one. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not what i was expecting. that's the show for you. never what you're expecting. all right. well, we have a lot to come. executive producers damon lindelof and carlton cuse. i got a nice drive shaft ring from michael. thank you, michael, i think we're engaged. we'll be back with more. our "aloha to lost." [ applause ] >> this is h >> this is how big a fan i am. you know the woman, widmore's wife? i can't even keep up with that relationship. she was at a christmas party,
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the white-haired woman. i shrieked as i came around the corner. i looked that the woman. oh, god, and she takes me aside. she goes, please don't do that. [ laughter ] >> announcer: with the new version of yahoo! mrsion of yah mobile, you can preview your inbox, stay connected to everything on the go. new improved yahoo! mail from mobile coming soon. what you did at this morning's meeting? that was pure poetry. stop it. hello? you spotted a million dollar accounting error that no one else noticed.
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that was pretty sweet. ha ha. but you did have eight layers of sweet crunchy back up. what can i say? you're the man. or -- you know, the little dude. ha. that's me. [ female announcer ] stay on your game by stopping mid-morning hunger with kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain that helps you stay full, so you can stay focused. uh, he's a little focused right now. can i take a message? it adds yellow to the standard rgb color system, for colors never before seen on tv. notice the lifelike color on this yellow seahorse. oh sorry, yellow-ish seahorse on your tv with three color technology. observe the stunning blue sea. in your mind that is. well, you get the picture. actually, you don't. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. aveeno hair shines in real life. new aveeno nourish plus shine with active naturals wheat smooths damaged cuticles for 75% more shine in one use.
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[ where d.c. goes to get away.o busch gardens williamsburg, maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at ♪ ♪ ay, yay, yay, yay ♪ ay, yay, yay, yay ♪ ♪ ♪ baby, baby, baby, baby... uh-oh ♪ ♪
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hello, everybody. sorry i couldn't be with you tonight. i'm watching the action from the set of my new movie "snakes on the plane 2 electric boogaloo." it's about what happened when a bunch of deadly snakes attack a group of kids on the way to a break dancing competition. i play the sam jackson role. and we're all very proud of it, right, guys? >> right. any way, even though i have a great new family. i do miss you guys and i wish i could be there. so i love you. and remember, keep snaking! ♪
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>> jimmy: things are going well for josh i guess. as we explore this mysterious show known as "lost." alternate endings. visits from more of the cast. our next guests are foreigners to our land. please make them feel welcome. please say hello to naveen andrews, daniel dae kim and emilie de ravin. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. thank you guys for coming. and you have not seen -- have any of you seen the finale, the entire finale? >> no.
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>> jimmy: so you have no idea what's going on. why are you harboring skulls, naveen? >> it is a gift from manson to emilie. >> jimmy: from charles manson? from marylailyn manson. such a big fan of the show. terry, i don't know if your aware of this, but he painted a picture of john locke. >> oh, i've got it. he gave me a print of it. >> jimmy: oh, he did? can we see that? wow. very talented. i'm surprised marilyn isn't wearing his hawaiian shirt. naveen, you don't watch the show, do you? is that true? >> i saw the pilot. we used to -- >> jimmy: saw the pilot. >> you have to know what the piece is and what happens. we used to go to each other's houses and i used to go outside and have a cigarette and, you know. no, i haven't seen the show. >> jimmy: emilie, you were off the show for a year. during that time that you were off the show did you watch?
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>> no, i didn't, consciously, because i figured claire had no clue what was going on so -- >> jimmy: really, wow. >> emilie would not either. >> jimmy: which was preferable to you, playing sweet normal claire or "can't find my hair brush" -- >> um, you know, i don't know. i actually like a lot of things about the crazy claire. and very luckily that was a wig so i probably -- if that wasn't, i probably wouldn't be saying that. >> jimmy: daniel, one of the most emotional moments of the show was when jin and sun drowned together, and yet it seemed like somebody should have stayed around for the baby. >> a lot of people come up to me and say that. >> jimmy: i would think so, yeah. >> they don't congratulate me on the great scene, they say "what about the baby." >> jimmy: what about the baby? >> what can you say? >> jimmy: how many kids can angelina jolie adopt? you can't just -- [ laughter ] daniel, every boat you're on exploded it seems like. >> yeah, it's true. every season, i seem to be on a
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boat and -- >> and it explodes. >> it explodes or we lose children, something. >> jimmy: something terrible happens. something terrible has happened really to all of the characters. how many times do you think you were beaten as ben linus? >> how many episodes was i in? >> jimmy: and just double it? >> it was a lot. >> jimmy: there was a lot of beating. >> more than most tv characters. >> jimmy: were you disliked personally on the set? why all the beatings? [ laughter ] >> i'm happy to say i never saw a glimmer of relish in anyone's eye when they were coming after me. >> except me. >> jimmy: uh-oh. all right. well, we'll be back with more with the cast. also tell you how you can get your very own piece of the island including delicious boxed lasagna as our "aloha to lost" continues. vo: for graduation we gave identical twins,
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gift cards from very un-identical stores. let's see what happens. twin #2: gift card... employee: yeah! let's spend some money dude. twin #1: gift card... blueshirt: let's check out some laptops. twin #1: aww yes! employee: go go go go, nice! blueshirt: and check this out! you could stream it right to your tv. employee: yeah get it in there, get it in there... twin #1: i'll take it. class is in session... teacher: super nova. classmate: technology is so cute. vo: this graduation, give 'em something they'll actually need. give them a gift card from best buy. but never one to get in a sticky situation. that's outlast lipstain frm covergirl. light as air lipwear that does what a lipstick can't.
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the precision pen glides over lips with a flush of sheer color. it's never sticky. 'cause it's a stain. and it won't leave your lips 'cause it's from outlast. read my lips, this i not a lipstick. it's lip magic in a marker. outlast lipstain. [ male announcer ] from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. someone named terry says, "i need you right now"? you say what? oh. [ male announcer ] need a moment? now try twix java. made with coffee-flavored caramel and crunchy chocolate cookie. terry. my boss. oh! [ male announcer ] chew it over with twix java. [ male announcer ] with greasy fast food, what are you really getting? try the new orchard chicken salad sub or the sweet onion chicken teriyaki. both part of a subway fresh fit meal. subway. eat fresh.
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[ where d.c. goes to get away.o busch gardens williamsburg, both part of a subway fresh fit meal. maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: if you want to hold a piece of "lost" history this summer they'll be an auction online where you can bid on such items as walt's flash comic book in espanol. you can get one of locke's knifes. a box of dharma initiative lasagna. go to and register. all the proceeds go to charity. let's meet the rest of the castaways. please welcome them. [ cheers and applause ] welcome, everyone. i think we should start probably
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with the -- maybe the biggest question for nester, are you or are you not wearing eye liner? >> i was in a book store about a month ago with my wife and my kids and -- you know, just in line. i feel this presence behind me. i hear this man say, wow, those really are natural. [ laughter ] and i turn around. at first i thought he was talking about my wife. and then i realized he's looking at me. i said thank you. >> jimmy: that's right. people don't realize you're one-quarter raccoon and hence -- [ laughter ] jeremy, i heard that somebody pulled a prank on you as far as -- regarding this appearance on the show? >> indeed. >> jimmy: what did they tell you was going to happen? >> i'm devastated. because it's not happening. >> jimmy: yeah, tell everyone what it was. i'd like to know who told you this too. >> i heard from somebody -- that there was going to be strip
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poker and a snowball fight. >> jimmy: snowball fight. >> and i rehearsed, man. it's all i prepared. >> jimmy: are you often the victim of little practical jokes like that? you really believe there's going to be a snowball fight here? >> i did. >> jimmy: don't worry, there will be no snowballs. michael, first of all, harold, i'm sorry, i'm calling you michael. >> everybody does it, all the time. i dot know. >> jimmy: just change it to michael. >> i might as well. >> jimmy: michael's a nice name. friends can call you mike. >> okay. >> jimmy: first of all, thank you for killing ana lucia. [ applause ] so -- >> no, no. >> jimmy: your character did some bad things. >> yes. >> jimmy: you weren't in the church. >> right. >> jimmy: where do you think michael is? >> well, i think, you know, that we answered that. michael's -- he's stuck on the island. >> jimmy: still roaming on the island?
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>> with the other people, just whispering to people. for the rest of -- for eternity, whispering. it sucks. >> jimmy: you're sentenced to muttering. >> exactly. >> jimmy: and what do people say to you when they meet charles whidmore? just you walking out here i got nervous. >> nothing. >> jimmy: nothing at all? >> which is very nice. >> jimmy: sure. in australia, you play like a very friendly tv dad? >> yeah, i was australia's favorite dad for many years. >> jimmy: see, you go from being like australiaustralia's bill c >> to charles whidmore. >> jimmy: who at the end, maybe he was redeemed somewhat as well. would you agree with that? >> i wish you hadn't asked me that question. i still don't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy. >> jimmy: i think there are a lot of blurry lines as far as who's good and who's bad on the show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but you were pretty bad.
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>> well, i thought it was fun. >> jimmy: harold, what happened to walt? he's 8 feet tall now, right? >> he's 8 feet tall and dating and -- i don't -- that's what happened to him. >> jimmy: so it's his fault because he had to go and grow that you weren't on the show that much. >> well, yeah, sort of. maybe. >> jimmy: you got to give these kid cigarettes. i told them gary coleman, i did. >> they were hoping for gary coleman but it didn't work out that way. he actually grew. >> jimmy: when we come back, we have something very special. we have some of the alternate endings to the show. first, before we do that, let's take a quick look back at the tender moments from "lost." ♪ ♪ i get lost in your eyes ♪ and i feel my spirits rise
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[ applause ] >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" "aloha to lost" brought to you by bud light. yahoo! mail gives you 100% unlimited storage so you never have to the three an e-mail ever. now you can get social content in yahoo! mail like tweets from your friends right from your inbox. hey, i'm matt. one day, i had a dream-
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that for once, it would be really simple to project stuff... right from my laptop... achhh! next thing you know: windows 7. where all you got to do is hit a couple buttons... boom - instant presentation. girl: you might have a future in this. accchh! phew. i'm a pc and windows 7 was my dream. girl: idea. right. wa♪ch this. it's a pretty big deal.
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anks for your help. >> jimmy: thank you, michael and the cletones. executive producers damon lindelof and carlton cuse. they claim they have known how "lost" would end all along since it is begin. but that does not mean there was only one ending. they actually chose from a few and shot a few. here now -- you're only going to see this here. what they left on the cutting room floor, the alternate endings to "lost." >> and then the bomb exploded.
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and the submarine blew up. >> well, that's great. so what do we do now? >> i'm sorry, sayid, the tribe has spoken. >> you mean that figuratively, right? >> no, got to leave the island, man, got to go. >> what are you talking about? >> who are you? >> yeah, you look familiar. you on tv? >> i'm jeff probst. hello? >> right. >> you've got to be kidding me. where have you been? [ laughter ] >> no idea. >> i did not spend five years in
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the republican guard, take a bomb to the stomach in the limousine to be eliminated by jack [ bleep ] probst. >> really? is that the way that "survivor" ends? >> i don't know, i've never seen it. >> great. >> wait. wait. damon, i've got it, okay? >> lay it on me. let's go. >> we start close on hurley's face. >> hurley, yeah. oh, yeah. >> he's in a diner. >> diner, right. >> and he's in a booth. >> oh, yeah. >> and he's buying a song. >> a song. >> on a juke box. >> yes, carlton, yes, yes!
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to the -- >> wait a minute. is that the ending to "the sopranos?" >> i don't know, i don't have cable. >> oh! me neither! who does, carlton? >> hey, don't worry, we got this, we got this. >> all right. okay. back to black. interior. bedroom. a light. switches on. [ laughter ] >> it's bob [ bleep ] newhart. >> oh, bob newheart. you won't believe the dream i just had. i had an inn. and this crazy little town in vermont. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's funny because i -- i
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just had this dream that i was a castaway on this crazy island. [ laughter ] there was a polar bear and -- a guy who turned into smoke. >> you're not emily. [ screams ] >> bob. this doesn't work either. >> carlton thinks he's seen it. >> this may be one of the most famous final shows in all of television. and you think you've seen it? >> yeah. >> hold on one second. we could do a time travel thing and go back in time. >> yeah, bob, what if this happens before your finale? bob, bob? bob? >> great. >> well.
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looks like it's just the two of us, freckles. >> jimmy: thrilling conclusion to the "aloha to lost" special. - welcome to my new abode... - this is awesome! wow! who knew you were so environmentally responsible? yeah, enviro...what? your house made of empty bud light cans. - oh, they're not empty! - oh, here we go. ♪ yeah! there's bud light in the fridge made of bud light! it's the sure sign of a good time. the just right taste of bud light. here we go. look, a window! - ( screams ) - sorry, honey.
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