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tv   ABC7 News Weekly  ABC  October 2, 2011 11:35pm-12:00am EDT

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>> this is abc7 news, "washington weekly." >> the race for president and some surprising. underdog herman cain is making waves in the polls and on network talk shows. and gov. chris christie will toss his hat into the ring. here is the latest on the campaign trail. >> herman cain and the only black republican in the republican field 1 two strong polls over the weekend. first was in kansas city. about 500 attendees voted. texas gov. rick perry was in a
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distant second at 14. then there was a key party meeting at -- outside chicago. 77% of the votes went to herman cain. >> it took some patriots that were passionate to start of this nation. it will take the same to save the nation. >> there was conversation about governor rick perry not acting sooner to remove a racial slur from a rock at a popular hunting spot. >> it was painted over, but how long ago? >> then there is new jersey gov. chris christie, who has yet to decide. >> if he is happy to -- if he wants to come play, we will be happy to have him come. >> some accuse president obama for not defending a gay slur. >> [unintelligible]
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>> you want to be commander -- commander in chief you can start by standing up for the men and women that wear the uniform for the united states even when it is not politically convenient. >> we have abbie phillips with "politico." >> thanks for being with us tonight. let's talk about this continued rise for herman cain. he is starting to make his way through a lot of polls doing well. >> yes, he has been. it is someone that people discounted at the very beginning. he is doing quite well look among of republican primary voters. -- quite well among republican primary voters. many prepared for herman cain and what he brings to the table. he brings a challenge to some of the more mainstream candidates like rick perry and mitt romney.
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he is much more in line with the very straight conservative values and comes to the table with a lot of business experience. >> it comes at a time where we see a slight decline for rick perry, running into more problems this weekend. >> you have to put in the context of where we are in the primary. even a couple of weeks ago michele bachmann was in a similar situation where she made a big revise and dance -- and then fell off the grid. the can probably not take that off the table for herman cain, because it is still early. >> what about the latest issue for rick perry that attended a hunting camp. there was a sign out front that had the "n" word on it. he said my family painted over it but there is controversy over it. >> he's been out all day trying to swat down this story.
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some think it could hurt him. the problem for rick perry is that there is very little evidence that he was aggressively going out there and trying to do away with this racial slur on the property that he and his family least for many years. herman cain has been outside criticizing rick perry. he is getting it from his own party in addition to democrats who think this could be a road stone for him. >> still that x factor out there of chris christie. some call for him to continue to join the race. >> everything seems to repeat itself in this race. it is almost like what happened with rick perry. there seems to be a backing in the republican primary that people want to fill. they think chris christie can be that person. it remains to be seen it the height is real. i think chris christie is going to be spending a lot of time of the next few days investigating whether there is real money and political backing for his
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candidacy. >> we should hear something soon. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> we will get an important updated this week into the investigation of the potential cancer clustered in frederick county maryland. the county health department will convene to address the public's concerns and present a report. some believe the soil and water are contaminated from a strain of agent orange. the meeting will be held tomorrow at winchester hall at 6:30 p.m. on tuesday donald trump will be in virginia to mark the opening of his vineyard near charlottesville. he bought the former state winery for more than $6 million in april. gov. bob macdonald will join him for that grand opening. he has been trying to promote the rapidly growing wine industry. he will hold a conference tuesday afternoon. a groundbreaking is settled
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tomorrow. turf will be laid out over a 30 squelch -- 30 dozen square-foot parcel of lane -- 30,000 sq. ft. parcel of land. still to come on "washington weekly, we will take a look at other stores that will be topping headlines including the crucial hearing for the future of the post office. plus, a competitive eating contest in d.c. we will tear you where it is happening next. >> a cold night ahead. an unsettled day tomorrow. are you ready for some sunshine and warmer
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dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganf.f. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ male announcer ] at green giant we know nature gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are re/dy to be given. that's why we pick vegetables at their peak. ...and freeze them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant ♪ i just joined extracare advantage for diabetes at cvs pharmacy. i'm taking the right steps to manage
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my diabetes and my budget. extracare advantage for diabetes is a program that helps me save money on t the supplies i need so w we can stay a step ahead of... all: our diabetes! join extracare advantage for diabetes and get special savings. visit to find out more. i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.
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>> taking a look at the week ahead, congressman eisner will hold a hearing regarding the state of the u.s. postal service. the agency is nearly $10 billion in debt and dealing with high labor costs. the postal service is proposing
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in and to saturday delivery and the closure [unintelligible] is special election for a west virginian governor. there is a race between him and his republican opponent. this will be the closest governor's race in any state this year. the vacancy was created by the election of one man to the u.s. senate. millions have been waiting for it this tuesday. apple is expected to unveil the iphone5. it is expected to have a faster processor and better camera and available on the sprint network as well as at&t and verizon. the announcement will be the first for the new apple ceo cook after steve jobs stepped down last month. competitive eating is coming to d.c. ben's chili bowl.
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here are the big names the contest is attracting. >>son sonya thomas also known as the black widow has taken on wings and hot dogs. she was able to eat 183 wins in 12 minutes. -- wings in 12 minutes. then there is juliet lee a mother and a salon owner from germantown who 8 13 pounds of cranberry sauce in eight minutes. ben's chili bowl is providing the ground. >> how does she get to the name peaches? [laughter] >> competitors have six minutes to put down as many bowls of
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chilly as possible. -- chili as possible. they are preparing this 30 pound pot of chili for each person. that is about 60 regular servings of a bowl of chili. >> how many do you think you can eat? >> 60. >> that is a lot. >> abc7 news. >> that is a lot. that contest will be a week from tonight, october 9. first prize is more than $1,200. still to come, an announcement that outraged customers a fee hike for bank of america debit card holders. more details on that coming up.
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[ female announcer ] at you can choose your chanl package. ♪ ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person.
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♪ ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wai.. t tryry, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. worker #1: over 8,000 people have jobs in ohio thanks to whirlpool. worker #2: and one reason whirlpool is in ohio is freight rail. worker #3: we ship tens of millions of appliances every year. worker #1 or 2: washers, dryers, ovens. worker #4: and freight rail helps get them from warehouse to your house. vo: freight rail businesses across this country rely on it. safe. reliable. efficient. affordable. it's the engine that hauls our economy. driver: coming soon to an appliance store near you... with the help of freight rail! >> welcome back, everyone. steve retaand steve rudin joining
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us. people wrapped up outside in gloves. >> you will need it tomorrow morning. nicer weather on the way. give it a couple of days. rights act -- right now outside mostly cloudy skies. by tuesday, we could see wind gusts 30 miles per hour. high temperature 52 degrees. the last time we saw a high of the 52 on the second day of october was back in 1939. 89 for the record high back in the mid-90s. 38 in strasbourg. the high was 39. they had a little over one-third of an inch of rain mixed in with a few wet snowflakes. 48 degrees currently at the george washington university. cooler air out in the mountains,
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43 in cumberland. frederiksberg now at 50 degrees at this hour. they will drop a few more as we move through the early morning. a low pressure is spinning, hardly moving at all. by tomorrow night, it will move off towards the north and east. then it will clear. that will not happen until tuesday. once this system moves out of here, high pressure to the rest of us, will start to build across the mid atlantic. sunshine, a change in wind direction, and warmer temperatures. wednesday, thursday, and friday, and the upcoming weekend. a few scattered showers west of virginia now moving into the shenandoah valley. light showers from montgomery county. only about a 10th of an inch of rain expected for the overnight hours. not a whole lot. just enough so that tomorrow morning and afternoon to keep the umbrella handy.
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a 40% chance of showers. by tuesday some breaks in the clouds. this is a great indication of what is coming our way wednesday and thursday. upper 30's to mid 40's for overnight lows. mostly cloudy skies and a scattered showers. in the forecast tomorrow, another cool day. 50-55 degrees for a daytime high. an 70's by the end of the week. upcoming weekend, lower to middle 70's. you're online home for it abc7 weather and a whole lot more. >> thanks so much. still to come, the bank of america fee hikes for data cardholders
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation every solution comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. o0 c1
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>> said in is on your side tonight with the growing outrage with one of the nation's largest banks. bank of america announced it will charge its customers $5 a month if they use their debit card. they're not the only bank that has made a similar decision or is considering a similar charge. here is the report. >> starting in early 2012, bank of america debit card holders will be charged $5 a month whether they use their card once a month or 100 times a month. >> it may not seem like a lot but it really adds up. >> customers we spoke with, especially those that enjoy the convenience of a debit card -- >> i use my car all the time. >> are contemplating changing banks. >> that is how much people pay. it is easy to use, and you do not have to worry about your past. >> -- your cash. >> her husband the lawns to bank
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of america. >> he is probably going to want to change banks. >> a spokesperson stated the economics of offering a debit card have changed due to credit card regulations. the statement refers to the billions of dollars the bank industry expects to lose annually. starting saturday, they cannot charge retailers as much as they used to for swiping debit cards. u.s. senator dick durbin blasted the fortune 500 company saying bank of america is trying to find new ways to increase profits by sticking it to its customers. >> it is annoying and i do not appreciate it. >> there is not much we can do about it. but then if it stops, and maybe another bank will do it. >> wells fargo chase, and other banks are testing out certain these similar to this in certain states. in the america cardholders should know that if they are using their debit card to pull money out of the bank of america atm, they will not pay
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the fee. abc7 news. i just joined extracare advantage for diabetes at cvs pharmacy. i'm taking the right steps to manage my diabetes and my budget. extracare advantage for diabetes is a program that helps me save money on the supplies i need so we can stay a step ahead of... all: our diabetes! join extracare advantage for diabetes and get special savings. visit to find out more.


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