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tv   America This Morning  ABC  October 7, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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making news this morning, coast-to-coast protests. >> from the big cities to the heartland, students in debt and the unemployed trying to send a message. and now, getting attention from the white house. where is lisa? missouri's missing baby case takes a turn when police say the family isn't cooperating with the investigation. also this morning, the final days of steve jobs. now details, today, about how he chose to say good-bye. good morning, everyone. i'm tanya rivero. >> and i'm rob nelson. what began as a few hundred people demonstrating in the shadow of wall street, has now
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spread from coast-to-coast. >> it's caught the attention of the president and the presidential hopefuls, even though protesters have little use for any of them. john hendren has details. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, tanya. good morning, rob. frustration over the stagnant economy is really spilling out into the streets. but this movement isn't the tea party. it's like the tea party's liberal counterpart. >> united we stand. >> reporter: they are united in a growing national movement. >> this is a kind of revolution. power to the people. >> reporter: the wall street movement began with a few protesters in front of the new york stock exchange, and has become to occupy america. spreading to nashville. to cleveland. >> if we all had good-paying jobs, then we wouldn't be here. >> reporter: and as far as los angeles, a place with one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country. they are the anti-tea party, protesting corporate greed and massive profits for bailed-out
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banks, a movement not embraced by many republicans. >> don't blame wall street. don't blame the big banks. if you don't have a job an you are not rich, blame yourself. >> reporter: they call themselves the 99%, struggling in this economy, while 1% profits. >> we're tired of big corporation. we're tired of wall street. we're tired of the 1% running this country into the ground. >> reporter: it's part of a more widespread sentiment, as president obama acknowledged. >> the american people understand that not everybody's been following the rules. that wall street is an example of that. >> reporter: the president's solution, his $443 billion jobs plan, to be paid for, in part, through a tax on the wealthy. a tax republicans have resisted. now, their target is wall street. but many of the protesters are also disgusted with washington, blaming both parties for protecting corporate interests at the expense of workers. rob and tanya? >> american anger spilling out into the streets. john hendren, thanks for that report. meanwhile, vice president
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joe biden says the republican party is strong enough to take the white house next year. at a washington event, he said many americans blame the administration for the bad economy, even if it's not their fault. but the republican party is too fractured to negotiate with. the vice president predicted he and mr. obama will win re-election. and ten years ago today, the united states went to war in afghanistan. it is now the longest war in u.s. history. nearly 70,000 troops are still in afghanistan. and some of them will stay through 2014. a majority of americans now believe the war is not worth fighting. there will be no white house events today to mark the anniversa anniversary. and a new report says the decision to kill american-born anwar al awlaki last month, wasn't made by president obama. reuters is reporting that a secret panel of high-government officials creates a kill or capture list and presents it to the president. the administration would only say the killing was authorized
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by congress and was legal. it is nobel prize week, which culminates this morning with the awarding of the nobel peace prize. it will be an individual or a group involved. and one long shot, but also getting some buzz, facebook founder, mark zuckerberg, that after vague comments from the nominating committee. congresswoman gabrielle giffords made a second trip to washington, d.c. this time, her astronaut husband was the man of the hour. but he didn't seem to mind sharing the spotlight. more from abc's john donvan. >> reporter: the ceremony at the white house today was for the retiring astronaut, a navy man, mark kelly. but the light shone more on the woman who sat in the front row. gabby giffords, who sat there smiling in a way that made it awfully easy for the rest of us to contemplate everything she's been through. and isn't that what we wanted? back on that brutal day when a crazy man fired a gun at her head. almost within hours, reports
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were circulating that up in the hospital room, she was already communicating. pulling through. easy to say. but in fact, they had to put her into a coma to keep her alive. three days before she could breathe on her own. indeed, it would be seven months before we would see her again. a brief drop-in for an important vote in congress, where it was clear not just how much work she put in to be able to do this, but how much she had had to put in. but in a still image, it was there again today, in the moment where she embraced her husband, after first pinning a medal on his chest with her left hand. now the better one. the smile that makes it easier for the rest of us to contemplate everything she's been through so far, just to get back here. john donvan, abc news, washington. >> an amazing recovery. and it is a quarter-century late. but the white house is finally rolling out the red carpet today for the 1985 super bowl champion chicago bears. president obama is paying tribute to the surviving members of the people. space shuttle's "challenger" blew up just two days after their big win.
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so, they never made it to the reagan white house. >> and to believe everything is political. one of the players on that team decided not to go. he's not necessarily a fan of the president. so, he's boycotting the event. congrats to the team. now, for this morning's weather from around the country. up to six inches of mountain snow, from colorado to montana. rain in the lower elevations. thunderstorms, gusty winds and hail from texas to minnesota and the dakotas. showers and thunderstorms in southeast texas. and from miami up to savannah. frost and freeze advisories, in the northeast. >> can't believe it. boston gets up to 61. new york, 69. and 80s from miami to dallas. 77 in detroit. 80 in chicago. and 83 in kansas city. 76 in phoenix. 66 in colorado springs. and just 52 in salt lake city. and coming up, a much-needed boost. word that 3 million overseas jobs are coming back to the u.s. >> good news. plus, new insight into the final days of steve jobs. how he prepared and how he said
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good-bye to the people closest to him. and it's deadline day for a contract deal with the cast of "the simpsons." but is it already too late? that and more when we come back.
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welcome back. a new report out today says 3 million jobs are now on their way back to the u.s. from countries like china. many of them are in the auto industry. but even appliances are again being made in the usa.
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manufacturers are finding that american workers are more productive and shipping costs are lower. >> made in america. we like that. >> we do. >> good to hear that. mortgage rates are now at an all-time low. the average rate for a 30-year fixed loan is under 4%. 15-year mortgages are about 3.25%. rates have been low all year. but it hasn't been enough to boost the struggling housing industry. overseas markets are higher this morning after european moves to shore up banks there. tokyo's nikkei average rose 84 points today. hong kong's hang seng is up 441. in london, the ftse opened higher. on wall street, the dow gained 183 points yesterday. meanwhile, the nasdaq index was up 46. apple's stock dipped only slightly in the first trading day after the death of steve jobs. some of his fans are honoring his memory with more than flowers. they are buying. it's a phenomenon often seen when a pop star passes away.
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but much less for corporate figures. analysts think apple sales will remain strong. and they're likely to be strong for sprint, whose customers starting today can preorder iphones. the older iphoiphone 4 is part that. this should come as no surprise to many of you this morning. it is going to cost a little more to travel this thanksgiving. travelocity says the average airfare will be 400 bucks. that's 4% more than last year. the airlines have reduced the number of seats available on their flights. but one way to save big, get this, is to fly on thanksgiving or perhaps the day after. some good advice. it may be a wrap for the long-running "simpsons" whether its voice actors take a pay cut or not. fox has until noon to decide on the cut that will bring their
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salary down. fox executives say if the dispute is not resolved, they may stop making new episodes after this season. even if the actors agree to the cut, the studio may still cancel the show after next season, which would be its 24. >> d'oh! >> i can't believe they would cancel "the simpsons." >> unbelievable. hopefully they'll work something out. next on this friday morning, a permanent decision for a 20-year fixture of "monday night football." and after a deeply emotional plea by her parents, the case of missing baby lisa irwin takes a new turn. [ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew.
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we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. challenge that thinking with olay. ♪ , there's more than a jar of olay moisturizers in every bottle of olay bodywash to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. with olay. take toast. spread with i can't believe it's not butter! add jacques. he's french. oui. ♪ oui like. [ male announcer ] fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all.
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announcing shipped for free, guaranteed to last. ♪ no minimum order. no end date. from l.l. bean. the best approach to foodd date. is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. welcome back, everyone. some drivers out west are having a tough time getting around after a storm dumped heavy rain and more than two feet of snow in the sierra nevada mountains. the october snowfall forced drivers to chain up their tires much earlier than usual.
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>> really back at that time of year again. this morning, the wet, icy conditions move east to parts of i-15, 17 and 80 in the rockies. also wet on i-90 and 94 from the dakotas to minnesota. i-70, from denver to topeka. pretty slick on i-10, from san antonio to houston. and also parts of i-95 and 75 in florida. >> if you're flying airport delays are possible in salt lake city and miami. as the shock over death of apple's steve jobs, memorials for him are unmistakable. the sidewalk in front of jobs' home in palo alto, california, you see flowers, candles and literal apples, mimicking the company's logo. >> we're learning more about jobs' final days. "the new york times" reports that jobs met with a select circle of people and turned away many more who were seeking a final good-bye. he spoke with his biographer,
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walter isaacson. jobs told isaacson he agreed to the book so his kids would know more about him. >> lived and died on his own terms, for sure. just hours after the announcement of his death, a major robbery at an apple store in arkansas. surveillance pictures show a getaway car used by two robbery suspects wednesday night in little rock. police say they got away with two dozen iphones, plus an ipad. even some laptops. there's been a strange twist in the case of a missing infant from missouri. police say the baby's parents has stopped cooperating with them, two days after they reported her missing from her crib. police say they are calling off the search and have no leads or suspects. this prompted the baby's parents to issue their own statement, read by a family member. >> we saw the press conference at 7:00. and want the public to know we have never stopped cooperating with the police. the main goal has always been to find lisa and bring her home.
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>> but it is not clear what accounts for such different versions of what happened there. coming up on "good morning america," we'll hear from the missing baby's parents who will speak out about those interrogations. stay tuned for that. well, no matter who made the first move in all this, you're not going to hear this on monday "monday night football" anymore. ♪ are you ready for some football ♪ >> that's right. our sister network, espn, dropped the familiar hank williams jr. open last monday, after williams made some controversial comments about president obama, comparing the president to hitler. williams says that move to not play the song violated his freedom of speech. and that he didn't want his song used ever again. however, espn says, it informed williams of its decision to drop him for good. >> he said, he said. in baseball, it's win or go home tonight for all four national league teams that are still alive. for american league action and the nhl's opening night, here's
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espn news. >> good morning. i'm don bell with your espn news update. big-time drama in the bronx last night. the yankees and the tigers. game five of the alds. winner moves on. loser goes home. top of the first. scoreless. nova pitching to don kelly. to the bleachers it goes. first postseason home run for him. tigers lead 1-0. on the next pitch, delvin young. coming on, send it long. his third of the postseason. back-to-back jacks for the tigers. ivan nova left after two innings. jose valverde gets alex rodriguez to strikeout. tigers win, 3-2. they advance to the alcs. zdeno chara and the bruins, raising the banner. as boston hosts the philadelphia flyers. midway through the first, bruins on the powerplay. tyler seguin to brad marchand. 1-0, bruins. under two seconds left in the
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first. bruins defense, they try to clear but they can't do it. jakub voracek finds the back of the net for the flyers. second period, still 2-1. david krejci, to marchand. 2-1, is your final. that is your espn news update. i'm don bell. coming up next, everybody, "the pulse," and some touching online tributes to the one and only steve jobs. >> stay with us. [ male announcer ] it's a fact: your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength...
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pronamel iso-active rehardens enamel and helps protect against the effects of acid erosion. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. that's why i buy new charmin basic. it's very reasonably priced. plus, it's two times stronger when wet
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versus the leading competitive brand. new charmin basic works for my bottom line. and my bottom. new charmin basic. welcome back, everybody. time for "the pulse" and some stories sure to get people talking on this weekend. we start off, though, with tributes to steve jobs. all over. >> "the daily beast" website found these. the first is by a 19-year-old. look at that. showing the classic apple logo. but in place of the bite mark is steve jobs' silhouette. brilliant, really. it's the quiet realization that apple is missing a piece. >> of all of the ones i've seen, that's the most creative. >> they're a creative bunch. >> they're loyal. a perfect tribute to steve in that one. another one this morning created for the italian magazine,
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"panorama" showed a mosaic of steve jobs made of tiny apple products. >> if we can zoom in on that, we can see that more. and one more we have. a political cartoonist drew this, showing steve jobs in heaven. saying i have an of for that. >> how aptly fitting is that. >> get rid of the paperwork at the gates of heaven. >> very nice. it's amazing what you see out of the back window sometimes. case in point, check out these two. >> some bear cubs seem to be having a great time as they mounted the backyard hammock. they were just getting comfortable. but you just knew this wasn't going to last. >> no way. eventually some restlessness leads to catastrophe. and both of them ended up back right where they started, on the ground. >> none the worse for the wear. i have two, young sons. you could replace my sons for the bears. look at that. >> hammocks are comfortable. but not easy to get in there.
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>> that's part of the fun, falling. >> falling out of it after the experience. >> fall on your backside. all right, with halloween around the corner, our next story is thanks to our friends at and a haunted house in canada. the nightmares fear factory. >> they call themselves the premiere haunted house in niagara falls. and captured these actual photos of people scared out of their minds. >> that's great. oh, my gosh. for people who get too scared, a guide will help you outside. but it comes at a cost. they will put your name on the chicken list. >> that's an incredible haunted house. >> i want to know what they're looking at. show me the other side. >> it reserves the surprise. but it looks really good. >> i want to check that one out. >> a little road trip to niagara falls. that would be a good story. all right. see if that's in the budget. for some of you now, your
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local news is next. >> for everyone else, the late-night comics take on sarah palin. we'll be right back. i kept feeling this radiating ache everywhere. the pain was so frustrating. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can feel better and do more of what i love.
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dove cleansers rinse cleaner than soap. you like that song. >> i do. wakes you up in the morning. finally from us this morning,
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sarah palin is making it clear that she's not going away, even though she's decided not to make a run for the white house. >> it was an announcement many had been waiting for, especially the late-night comedians. >> we all know the sad news. sarah palin is not running for president. feels like my heart quit halfway through its first term. [ laughter ] >> are you telling me that driving around the country in a bus with a giant picture of her face next to the constitution was nothing but a publicity stunt because i find that difficult to believe. palin said she won't be campaigning or presidenting. but she will continue with her speechmaking and tv commentating. i guess we'll never get to see a snowmobile one. a shame. >> we spent time analyzing over the past few months that sarah palin has been traveling around the country in a constitution-wrapped bus, frequently primary states. which suggested two distinct
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possibilities. you are either running for president of the united states. or you are a crazy person. [ laughter ] last night, sarah palin went on fox news, bravely supporting the lapel pin that could have easily carried her weight, to get the answer. >> no, i'm not running. >> so, i'm ready to call it with 100% of sarah palin's reporting. the winner is, crazy person. >> sarah palin wrote a letter. [ laughter ] which explains why her spellcheck had to be given cpr this morning. sarah palin is not running for president. but she says she will help other candidates get elected. yeah. those other candidates are named barack obama and joe biden. that was nice of her. >> good stuff. >> always good. always count on those guys. coming up later on "good morning america," we wrap up totally awesome '80s


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