tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 18, 2011 12:00am-1:05am EDT
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watching abc news. check in for "good morning america." they're working while you're sleeping and we're always online at we'll see you here tomorrow. >> jimmy: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live." >> chaz bono had the lower score but once again he escaped by the newly grown hair on his chinny-chin-chin. >> muan app makes you forget yo spent $500 on a phone
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>> jimmy: hi there. how are you? thank you. i appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching at home. thank you for watching here in the studio. and thanks for hanging posters of me in your bedroom. i appreciate it. we have a lot to get to tonight. we have a number of important matters to discuss. but none more crucial to the future of the united states than this evening's edition of "dancing with the stars." and, wow, did these stars love to dance. i mean you couldn't stop them if you wanted to. last night, it was competition night. the contestants were asked to dance to a song that came out during an important year of their lives, and that way they could get right to the sob stories, which the show is fueled by. chynna phillips, formally of the group wilson phillips made the interesting choice to dance to her own song, that "hold on for one more day," you know that? come on, that's like wearing your own band's t-shirt in concert.
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it not cool. it's not the slightest bit cool, and it's a shame because it's such a cool song. someday somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say good-bye -- until then baby, are you going to let them hold you down and make you cry? it's a classic and -- [ laughter ] nancy grace, by the way, nancy grace dedicated her dance last night to her twins, but not the ones that popped out of her dress last week. [ applause ] the ones that popped out of her pants like four years ago. the dancing last night was -- well, let me just say, much of the dancing lacked fluidity. they were very low on fluid and that disappoints me. chaz bono had the lowest score by far last night but once again, he escapes by the newly grown hair on his chinny chin chin. can you get a dance change operation because he should look into that. and even though chaz had an 18
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tonight, which is a pretty low score, the dancing gods eliminated kristin cavallari tonight, who had a 24, she had three 8s. and she got kicked off the show. and somebody said, you're kidding. no, i wish i was. i really -- [ laughter ] i guess the viewers at home just dislike her? i don't know. but kristin and her partner mark ballas will be out here in just a little bit to weep openly in my arms, and we'll get to the bottom of this. the apple corporation had a major media event from the headquarters in northern california this morning to introduce their brand-new iphone 4s. basically, it has a better camera, a faster processor and i think the coolest new feature is an app that helps you forget that two months ago you spent $500 on a phone that is now obsolete. it's -- [ applause ] hard to keep up with the iphones. today's announcement actually disappointed some people who are hoping for a fully revamped
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iphone 5, but apple put out the 4s first. it's kind of like when they split the last harry potter book into two movies, you know. this is the first big announcement for apple since steve jobs stepped down in august. but the senior vp of marketing phil schuler wowed the crowd nonetheless. >> i'm really pleased to tell you today all about the brand new iphone 4s. >> jimmy: see, that's the -- that's the zach morris "saved by the bell" model. the new iphone, one of the things it has is a voice activated personal assistant which means you'll be able to ask the phone a question, you just speak into the phone and it will answer you, you talk to your phone which is great because remember when you used to use the phone to talk to other people and finally those dark days are behind us. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: as far as appearance goes, the new iphone looks
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pretty much exactly the same as the iphone 4. they just added some bells and whistles. in fact, i have -- this is the new iphone 4 and these -- these are the bells and whistles that they added. and then -- [ applause ] you won't lose it. mail that to carrot top, will you? thank you. [ laughter ] it's -- it's such a big deal whenever apple produces a new iphone. i don't think it was this big a deal when alexander graham bell came out with the phone, honestly. but, in fact, i sent my assistant to the library of congress this morning to get some footage from that, and it's interesting to see how they did it back then. >> gentlemen, i am before you today to introduce a new device which i call the telephone. the telephone is a communication device consisting of a listening cup, a speaking tube and that's
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about it. the telephone will soon be available for the price of a chicken. a.g. bell, out. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it was similar. it wasn't -- back then you'd play angry birds by throwing -- actually throwing the phone at birds. [ laughter ] do we have any "star trek" fans here tonight? [ applause ] i wouldn't be that proud. well, i have bad news for "star trek" fans. leonard nimoy who, of course, played mr. spock announced that the "star trek" convention in chicago last week announced he's no longer attending "star trek" conventions. he said he's tired of boldly going where no women have gone before. but he did leave his fans with a
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nice message. he said live long and prosper and please stop wasting your lives on a tv show that hasn't been on for 45 years. hey. do you remember the guy, the old guy, harold camping, i think he's a reverend that told everyone that the world was going to end back in may and people sold everything and -- well, as you probably know, his prediction was a little bit off. and now he has a new date in mind, and it looks like we only have a little over two weeks left to live. >> i do believe that we're getting very near the very end. i really am beginning to think the end is going to come very, very quietly, probably within the next month it will happen, that is, by october 21. >> jimmy: i think he thinks he only has two weeks left to live. his mouth doesn't even move. [ applause ] i hope he's wrong.
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i just bought my sexy bumblebee costume for halloween. and i'd like to use it. hundreds of thousands of high school students took the s.a.t. on saturday. not one of them passed. we are way behind the chinese. we really are. the s.a.t. is important to get into a good college and a good college is important to making sure you don't wind up dressed as a super hero out on hollywood boulevard for a living. you know, if you've never been here before, you don't know, there are a couple dozen costume characters living outside our theater every day. they take pictures with tourists for money. so we thought it would be fun to give them a real question from the s.a.t. to see how well they do. and tonight, with a question from the math side of the test is our friendly neighborhood hollywood superman. >> if the length of a square is 2, what is its area? well, i'm not exactly sure, but a square, what would its area be?
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i would have to say it's going to be the distance between these two lines right here. i don't know. its area would be right here in the middle. well, we've got the square here, so i drew an "x" in the middle, and i would presume this would be the area. the answer is the area inside the box is the area. >> jimmy: or four. you can go with either one. [ applause ] that's why his fortress of solitude collapsed. algebra is his kryptonite. new jersey governor chris christie made a major announcement today to say he would not run for president of the united states. i don't think you have to announce that. i think you just don't and then -- [ laughter ] you didn't, right?
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not only did christie said he's not going to run, he said he's not going to jog or walk ever again. >> in the end, the factor, the deciding factor was, it did not feel right to me in my gut. >> jimmy: okay, now he's making fat jokes about himself. [ laughter ] i don't think -- some people said it's unfair to attack chris christie for being fat and pointed out that the same people would never attack him like that if he were gay but it's really not the same thing. for one thing, if he were gay, he wouldn't be fat. and -- [ laughter ] i really wish chris christie was running. it would be -- i would love to have him in the oval office. he'd fit right in. [ laughter ] i had to get that out of my system. i'm disappointed. [ applause ] there were so many fat jokes to be made. my writers are very disappointed, too. there's a company in india that helps write jokes for us. they've been so excited about this chris christie thing because they don't really have so many fat people over there. and they've been writing jokes
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all weekend. they've been up night and day. and i guess now we're not going to be able to use them, but let's ring those guys up if we can and get them on the video chat. >> hello, smartie halloween candy hotline. smarties. how may i assist you? >> jimmy: hey, it's jimmy. jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: yes. >> did you hear the terrible news about president fatty pants? >> jimmy: yeah, i did hear that. yeah. >> this is terrible news. we've been working all weekend for many hilarious fatty jokes. and now we must go to bed. >> we worked very hard. >> jimmy: yeah, i know, i'm sad about it, too. you had some good stuff? >> oh, very good stuff. >> very good stuff. >> jimmy: well, can we hear any of it, maybe? >> what is the point? there is no chris christie in the race. what is the point of a joke? >> what is the point of a joke? >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ]
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well, just give it a try. you have the jokes written, right? >> yes. >> yes. >> jimmy: let me ask the audience. do you want to hear the jokes anyway? [ applause ] they want to hear the jokes anyway. >> okay, well, that would be a great pleasure. [ speaking a foreign language [. >> roger is the master of tomfoolery. >> jimmy: yeah, he is very funny. hey, roger. >> knock knock. >> knock, knock. >> knock knock. >> jimmy: who's there? >> jelly donut. >> jimmy: jelly donut who? >> ah, don't worry about it. just let me in. chris christie is chasing me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> that -- that is not a good one. do the good one! what are you doing? >> jimmy: yeah, do the good
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ones, roger, because that one was a little hard to follow. >> christie said he doesn't want to run for president because it would not allow him to dedicate enough time to the most important woman in his life, little debbie and her snack cakes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: little debbie and her snack cakes? okay. that's a good one. >> next. okay. chris christie would have been the first president to to travel by forklift one. >> forklift one. >> jimmy: oh, forklift one. instead of air force one, he'd be on forklift one. do one more, if you could. >> whenever chris christie speak, it reminds me how much i love pillsbury crescent rolls.
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>> pillsbury crescent rolls. >> jimmy: oh, i enjoyed that. very good. >> thank you, mr. jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: and don't worry. the election is a year away, there will be plenty of funny people to make fun of. >> thank you, you've been very much brightening our day. >> jimmy: okay, guys, thank you. they're the best. hey, we got a good show for you tonight. freshly eliminated dancing star kristin cavallari is here with her partner mark ballas. we have music tonight from mutemath. and we'll be right back with evangeline lilly, so stick around.
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you won't believe where i'm about to zip-line into. no, i won't believe it. ahhhhh... [ thud ] did you try to zip-line into my apartment? [ crickets chirping ] why? [ male announcer ] rated t for teen. get batman: arkham city with a bonus copy of batman: arkham asylum only at walmart. the fastest way to play. ♪ $5 ♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong [ male announcer ] october's now anytober! any regular footlong is a $5 footlong! startin' at 7am! subway. eat fresh.
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>> jimmy: well, hello there. we're back. tonight on the program, from "dancing with the stars," kristin cavallari and her partner mark ballas will join us. it's tough to get beat by chaz bono and nancy grace. it's going to be hard to live that down. it really is. and then with music from this, their brand-new album, it came out today, it's called "odd soul," mutemath from the bud light outdoor stage. these guys are great. this is one to stay up for. tomorrow night, we'll be joined will arnett will be here, from the new abc show "suburgatory" jane levy will join us and have music from j cole. and on thursday, antonio banderas, "science bob" pflugfelder and music from jane's addiction. so join us this week. all right. on the magnificent television show "lost," our first guest survived six seasons of time travel, love triangles and being chased by smoke only to find out it was all jack's imagination or dream or something. i'll ask her. her new movie with hugh jackman is called "real steel." it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to evangeline
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lilly. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, i'm very glad to see you because -- >> you have the greatest audience. >> jimmy: i was worried that you might be in heaven right now because that's the last time i saw you. >> was that heaven, though? >> jimmy: may i ask you one question, and i know you got a movie to talk about and all this stuff, and you've moved on in your life and in your career and all of those things, but in the last -- in the final episode of "lost," what happened? [ laughter ] >> well, for the record, jay leno introduced me as evangeline lilly from "real steel." >> jimmy: i don't know who that is. jay leno? >> in a movie called "real steel." i don't know if you heard about that movie. >> jimmy: i have heard about
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that movie and yet i'm still wondering. >> i thought you said we were in heaven. >> jimmy: well, if we were in heaving, there would be no jay leno in heaven. [ laughter ] let's be honest. >> well done, well done. >> jimmy: that's not a face we're going to see. well, it's very good to see you, and i know you had a baby. congratulations since the last time you were here. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: it's your real baby, not like kate where she actually took somebody else's baby and is raising the baby as her own? i just am having trouble keeping between reality and fantasy. >> if you call me freckles, i'm walking out. >> jimmy: okay, good. i do want to say something. i do want to take issue with you on one thing -- >> no, no, no, no "lost." >> jimmy: it has nothing to do with "lost." i was under the impression that you agreed to have a baby with me if you were going to have a baby, and instead you had one with another person. >> where did that impression come from?
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>> jimmy: i think i might have made it up. i don't know. >> i don't have any recollection of this agreement. >> jimmy: there's a mystery surrounding the name of your baby because we don't know the name. >> do you know the name of my baby? >> jimmy: no, i don't. >> why not? >> jimmy: well, you never told me the name of your baby. >> that would explain it. >> jimmy: i sent you an e-mail so i could send you a baby gift and i did not get a response to thaechlt mail. >> oh, really? really? >> jimmy: that is true. >> i always respond to your e-mails. i really like you. >> jimmy: you didn't respond. so you're not saying what your baby -- does your baby have a name? >> my baby did not have a name for a month. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. it took a month for me to name my child. >> jimmy: really? >> maybe that's why you never heard about it. >> jimmy: could i tell you something -- i have two kids and we had a kid -- i didn't actually deliver the child, but i was there. >> thank god. >> jimmy: i was there. they wouldn't let us take my daughter out of the hospital until we came up with a name. >> see, that's the reason why i never had a child in the hospital, too many rules. >> jimmy: where did you have the
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baby? in the jungle? >> actually i kind of did. >> jimmy: you did. >> i had a baby outside in a thunderstorm. ooh. >> jimmy: what? really? >> i did. >> jimmy: that seems very dangerous. >> well, it kind of was. after i had the baby, we had to go to the hospital. >> jimmy: really? that's how you give birth to a super hero. having a baby out in a thunderstorm. >> well, speaking of super hero, his name means "the thunder." >> jimmy: the thunder. >> he is a super hero. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. guess what it is. >> jimmy: is it -- is it jimmy? is it -- >> does jimmy mean the thunder in slavic or something? >> jimmy: i don't know. is it -- what's the baby's last name? >> kallie. >> jimmy: kallie ch. so it might be something hawaiian. it might be the hawaiian word for thunder. >> you are so smart. >> jimmy: guillermo what's the hawaiian word for thunder? >> i'm not sure.
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>> jimmy: oh, that's right. you're not from hawaii. so your baby is born in hawaii and you're canadian. >> i am. >> jimmy: so it makes your baby haw hawai-adian. >> my baby is american. >> jimmy: we're off to a terrible start. you know we're american, right? >> oh, right, right. >> jimmy: why don't you want the baby to be american? >> because i'm canadian. >> jimmy: well, the baby will be -- won't the baby have citizenship in both countries? >> this is the funny story. actually, we went to apply for his canadian citizenship and the canadian people told us he's already a canadian if you're his mother, go away. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how old is he now? >> 5 months. >> jimmy: and already he's applying for citizenship? >> he's a very mature child. >> jimmy: so has the baby met his grandparents? all four? >> yeah, he's met all of his
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grandparents including his grandparents in kauai. and actually his uncle moved back in with grandma and grandpa kallie, and so when we go and visit, we have nowhere to stay except a tent in the yard. so we went there for three weeks when he was 2 months old. >> jimmy: what's going on with you. last time i saw you you were on a hit tv show and now you're homeless. you're living in a tent. >> that's how i roll. i don't know. >> jimmy: how long were you in the tent? >> three weeks. >> jimmy: what? >> three weeks. and it was awkward because i was supposed to be pumping, a little uncomfortable subject, but with no electricity. how do you breast pump without electricity? >> jimmy: the power of lightning and thunder. >> i thought you were putting your hand up to volunteer. >> jimmy: so the baby is -- does the baby sleep in a little sleeping bag? >> actually, well, i wish i had my phone here, i could show a picture of him the other night. he sleeps generally wherever we put him which sometimes can be like the floor.
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>> jimmy: is his name hakili or halulu? >> neither. very good, though. >> jimmy: somebody held up a card with the words on it. >> cheat. you're a cheat. >> jimmy: okay, so, you -- the baby is in a tent, which seems very unhealthy to me. i don't know. i would not put my baby in a tent. >> especially in hawaii. there's centipedes in hawaii, we realized that's dangerous -- >> jimmy: to babies? >> they can kill a baby with a bite. >> jimmy: you say it to me like i put my baby in a tent. i didn't! i never would allow this. wow. and the baby has been traveling -- >> yeah, oh. well, actually if you count from conception, the baby has traveled on over 16 different flights including a flight back and forth from africa and back. he's been to new zealand, he's been to -- all over america in the back of a volkswagen van. he's been to canada. he's been doing -- he's like ernest hemingway. he lives in tents. he travels all around.
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>> jimmy: you know how it ended for ernest hemingway. wow. so does the baby have a passport? >> yeah. he's got a passport. when we applied for his passport, grandma kallie was in town. we went to take him in and as usual he was just in his diaper because that's how he lives in hawaii. >> jimmy: that's how i took my passport photo. yeah. [ laughter ] >> can i see that? >> jimmy: did he really -- >> no, in the end, she was like this is not okay, he has to wear a shirt. do you not have an aloha shirt. that's where i draw the line. no aloha. >> jimmy: but there is a little photograph of him on his passport? >> and he's 2 months old. he looks nothing like that now. >> jimmy: that lasts for ten years so like when he's -- he's 8, he's going to show -- actually i think you keep it longer than that. you should see how long he can keep that baby photo of himself. >> 35 and going through customs. that's me. >> jimmy: well this, is all very confusing. we're going to take a quick break here. when we come back, we're going to talk about the movie with hugh jackman. >> finally. >> jimmy: is the baby's name
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hugh jackman? >> no. >> jimmy: okay. evangeline lilly is here. "real steel" opens friday. we'll be right back. why do we have aflac... aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ]
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hut! go! here it comes! right on the numbers! boom! get it! spin! oh, nice hands! chest bump. ugh! good job, man. nice! okay, halftime. now, this is my favorite play. oh! i'm wide open. oh, fumble. fumble. don't want to fumble any of these. [ male announcer ] share what you love, with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. it's up... and it's good! good?! they're grrreat! all she wants to wear is hoodies. hoodies and cargo shorts. getting dirty. then she left some crayons in her pocket and they went through the wash. i thought all her clothes were ruined. enter tide and tide booster. the stains are gone. it's kind of too bad. [ laughs ] another car garage honey?
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it's beautiful. that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at use the hand towel analyzer at and find out what could be on your cloth hand towel. [ ribbits ] upgrade to kleenex hand towels for a clean, fresh towel every time. a network of possibilities... ♪ in here, pets never get lost. ♪ in here, every continent fits in one room. it was fun, we played football outside. why are you sitting in the dark? ♪
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it's the at&t network. sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets!
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voice recognition. >> no, he doesn't. >> he didn't in the league. >> i must have put it in. >> right, left, upper cut. i knew that price was too good to be true. >> look at how -- >> let me look at him! >> let me see if i can reset him to english. >> how the hell do you know japanese? >> video games. >> jimmy: that is "real steel," it opens friday. evangeline lilly is here. how about that hugh jackman? he's a nice guy, huh? >> well, actually what they cut out of that scene was the chance i got to yell at him and i went "relax!" and then no one yells at hugh jackman because he's so sweet and so kind and so delicious. >> jimmy: remember when oprah tried to kill him? >> what? are you lying? >> jimmy: i wish i was lying. oprah tried to murder him. she put him on a zip line, and i don't know if she was throwing plates at him -- >> i think i have a better story. >> jimmy: what happened? >> hugh jackman was my life size pregnancy test.
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>> jimmy: in what way? >> well, when i was shooting lat last scene i'm in in the film, i was about a month pregnant and i was 99% sure i was pregnant but i just came back from africa and i wasn't sure if i was feeling sick because i had malaria or because i was pregnant. >> jimmy: is the baby's name malaria? >> no. no. >> jimmy: okay. so you weren't sure. well, that's a great position to be in, either malaria -- >> so i ended up showing up to work and i had to do a scene where i jump into hugh's arms which is not a bad thing to do unless you're a month pregnant and you don't know it. so i run up to him and i leap up on to him and as i do so, it feels like my stomach tears from here to here. it just felt like it ripped open. and then they were like, that's a great rehearsal, let's do that again and take 15 takes of that. okay, no problem. it was really painful. and at that moment i knew i'm pregnant. >> jimmy: there was something inside. well, i guess that's good. i mean, it seems kind of bad. did you get a stunt double at least to do the jumping from
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there on? >> would you choose to have someone else jump into hugh jackman's arms for you if you had the option? >> jimmy: i've not been pregnant. i don't know. but yes, i would, by the way. >> i would hope so. >> jimmy: you might find this shocking. i mean if anyone -- >> what if it was jumping into my arms? >> jimmy: well, i would crush so so it would be bad either way. i know you've been writing. you've written some children's books and some, what, screenplays? >> i actually wrote one novel that might be of interest because the main character is a very successful hooker who ends up becoming a multinational, multimillion dollar madam. >> jimmy: oh. why do you say that would be of interest? you want me to play the hooker, or do you think -- do you think i have a natural inclination? >> round about way of asking you, when it goes to film, would you -- >> jimmy: i would love to. >> thank you. >> jimmy: me and hugh jackman. yes, so, and these are -- are you selling these or have you -- >> i don't know. i've been writing since i was a
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kid and never do anything about it. actually that's not true. i published one thing ever in my life when i was 8 years old, and it was published in the school newsletter. >> jimmy: what was it? >> it was a poem called "my little sugar bowl," and it goes like this. >> jimmy: oh, you know it. i have a little sugar bowl, it's sitting on my desk. it has a lot of sugar in it because i like it that way best. and when i'm alone, all alone in my room, i sneak a few little grain, even though i know very well that it hurts my brains. the end. >> jimmy: that's very good. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: i like that. guillermo, you're my little sugar bowl from now on. >> huh? >> jimmy: never mind. well, that's very nice. that should be a children's book right there. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: it would be great. >> i should be able to do better than that by now. >> jimmy: well, it's pretty good and you know what, it will really hit home with the diabetes crowd too, i think. well, great to see you. congratulations on everything. evangeline lilly, "real steel"
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. still to come, mutemath will be here. you know our next guest from "the hills" on mtv. tonight, despite strong scores from the judges, she becomes the third celebrity eliminated from "dancing with the stars" this season. joined by her dance partner mark ballas, please say hello to kristin cavallari. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: well, it's very good to see you. but i'm sure we are seeing each other a little earlier than you'd hoped. were you surprised tonight? >> a little bit, to be honest. but, you know -- >> jimmy: i was surprised. >> were you? >> jimmy: yes. very surprised. because you got -- you got a great score last night. you got a 24. that's three 8s. >> that is three 8s, yeah. >> jimmy: and some of the other people didn't do so well, chaz bono had, what, an 18, which is lower. why do you -- [ laughter ] >> it is. >> jimmy: do you regret not having a sex change operation? >> i do a little bit now. actually, yeah. if i could go back in time. >> jimmy: it's not too late. mark, do you think the judges -- i have a theory. well, first of all, i think attractive women don't get the votes because a lot of women are voting, and they don't want attractive women in the competition. number one.
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number two, i think the judges, although you did get a good score, but their spin on it -- i think you were a pretty good dancer going into it and i think they like to see people that are not good become good over the course of the show. >> oh, see, i thought i improved as the three weeks went on. it wasn't that big -- big amount of time but i felt like compared to the first week i definitely got better. >> jimmy: mark, what is your take on this whole thing? you've won a couple of times -- >> i don't know. the great thing about the show that at the end of the day it really is the viewer's choice. we did have a good score last night. i felt that kristin was underscored a little bit last night. and there were a a lot of people with the same score. at the end of the day, i was really proud of her and i'm super bummed. like i was really upset. >> jimmy: one of the biggest problems for me is when a dance lacks fluidity. >> oh. what exactly is fluidity? >> jimmy: do you feel like your dances lacked fluidity? >> maybe. >> jimmy: i don't know what it is but i hear
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len goodman say that all the time. the dance lacked fluidity and then i realize that it bothers me too. [ laughter ] >> i felt like her dancing was really fluid yesterday and it was one of her best ones. >> jimmy: it was. it was very good. >> maybe i didn't have a good enough story. it's hard to compete with some of the most memorable years. >> jimmy: you made a big mistake. >> i think mine was like i graduated high school, moved to l.a. >> jimmy: you had to dance to a song that you picked from a memorable year of your life. now j.r., in, he picked 2003, the year he was severely injured by a land mine in new york. rob kardashian, 2003, the year his father died. china thrill lip the year she quit doing drugs. nancy grace, 2007, the year her twins were born prematurely. david arquette, 2010, marriage fell apart. started drinking heavily. ricki lake, 2010, got divorced and her house burned down. your year was 2005, and it was
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most memorable because you had to choose between going to college and being on a reality show. that's -- [ applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: in retrospect -- >> looking back, maybe i should have done -- >> jimmy: you couldn't have come up i had a terrible ear ache one year? >> it was memorable years. so you usually you want to focus on the positive, right? >> sob story. >> jimmy: for everyone else it was. >> obviously i should have gone with the other one. >> jimmy: you have to have a sob story. >> i know that now. >> jimmy: and you have to make something up if you don't have a sob story. >> i guess so, yeah. >> jimmy: was this reality show harder than -- well, "the hills" where you shopped and ate lunch. >> a lot more physically demanding. >> jimmy: how many hours did you train for this? >> five to six. >> jimmy: will you continue training five to six hours a day? >> no. >> we don't need to now. >> nope. >> jimmy: you won't. you're done with the dancing? >> i don't know. it's a lot of fun and it is a great workout so we'll see. it's been nice not to have to go to the gym. so maybe. >> jimmy: i don't know what's
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going on with you and jay cutler, the chicago bears quarterback. do you think he voted for you >> i would hope so. >> jimmy: did you ask him? >> i did not ask him, but -- maybe that was the problem. maybe that -- >> jimmy: run that by him. yeah. maybe he should have been voting. he should have got the whole team to vote for you. >> you're right. >> jimmy: but at least you can go see him play next monday, right? >> ah, maybe. now that i have a lot of time on my hands. >> jimmy: on monday? yeah, you've got nothing to do on monday. >> my mondays are open. >> jimmy: in fact, that brings us to a dramatic time of the night and it's a sad time also but guillermo is outside right now. let's go outside to hollywood boulevard for the ceremonial burning of the capezios. we have quite a fire going there tonight. >> throw them in! >> jimmy: you know what, we could eat guillermo after this thing is over. kristin, tonight you were eliminated from "dancing with the stars," and now your shoes must pay the price. guillermo? >> do it! >> jimmy: do it, guillermo. america has spoken.
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ooh ooh ooh blood pressure ♪ ♪ why can't you do a little more for jesus why can't you blood pressure ♪ ♪ ahh blood pressure do better keep rising ♪ ♪ blood pressure you're on the road on the road that's bound for nowhere ♪ ♪ why don't you do what you're told blood pressure don't worry ♪ ♪ i will help you out on one condition be more do more check your blood pressure ♪ ♪ ahh blood pressure do better keep rising ♪ ♪ blood pressure ahh blood pressure do better ♪ ♪ keep rising blood pressure blood pressure it won't let up ♪ ♪ blood pressure
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evangeline lilly, i want to thank kristin and mark. apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, will arnett, jane levy and music from j cole. this is their brand-new album, it's called "odd soul." playing us off the air with the song "allies", see the full performance at, once again, mutemath. ♪ ♪ ♪ allies fire in the sky splinters in the eye don't know any better keep your arsenal at bay ♪ ♪ live another day pull yourself
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