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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 6, 2012 11:35pm-12:00am EST

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tonight on "nightline," fido 2.0. she spent her life savings to clone her dead dog. sure, it's strange, but is it also playing god? tonight, the story of a woman, her dog and her dog's clone. busted. humiliation, hot off the presses, it's "the slammer," a scandalous tabloid that prints the mug shots of who has been arrested each week, and your town could be next. plus, battle of the ballads. mitt romney and kid rock. ♪ born free >> newt gingrich and survivor. when it comes to campaign songs, we show you how these candidates aren't just singing yankee doodle. >> announcer: from the global
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resources of abc news, with terry moran, cynthia mcfadden and bill weir in new york city, this is "nightline," january 6th, 2012. >> good evening, i'm terry moran. and we're going to begin with cloning tonight. and a stark truth. life must end in death. and some of the hardest deaths to endure are the deaths of beloved pets. but what if we could overpower that death? today, science has given us the ability to manufacture clones. exact genetic cop pips of mammals. and so, tonight, let's meet a woman who made the decision to clone her dog and who says six figures is not too much to pay for it. here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: you are looking at the moment when the love of danielle's life, in a sense, returned from the dead. >> how cute. hi! do you remember me? >> reporter: this is the culmination of a more than 20-year odyssey.
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the results of an encounter with the growing, high tech and highly controversial industry of dog cloning. dan yes, ma'am's journey started when she was 18 and she bought a dog named trouble from a pet store. >> the trouble wall. >> reporter: on her pillows, on her bedspread and dressing him up in elaborate costumes. he cannot have been happy when you put this -- >> of course he was. he looked very handsome. you loved this dog. >> loved him. loved him to death. >> reporter: and when trouble died when he was nearly 18 -- >> he was basically my son. so it was terrible. it was heart-breaking. >> reporter: that is when she took her love for her dog to a level some people may find bizarre. she reached out to an animal cloning company in south cover rea, the only place in the world where you can get your dog cloned. she provided them with a dna sample of trouble that she had banked when he was alive. the cost?
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$100,000, though danielle, who recently lost her job on wall street, convinced the company to give her half off because her journey was being chronicled by tlc for a show that aired next week. 50 grand? did no part of you think, that's just too much money? >> no, i was willing to do it for 100. i got a deal. >> reporter: a few months ago, danielle got a phone call from the scientists in south korea. the surrogate mother of trouble's clone was successfully impregnated. >> just this morning in korea, we've been able to confirm the pregnancy of trouble. >> oh, i'm so excited. >> reporter: weeks later, the surrogate went into labor in the middle of the night, as danielle watched, nervously, via skype. >> aw, how cute is he? he's so cute! bye, trouble. mommy will see you toon. . >> reporter: not all clinlts are so lucky. quite often, as in the case of this man's dog, the clones do
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not survive. >> come on, puppy. come on, my true love. come on my sweetheart. >> wake up, wake up. >> reporter: and that is just part of the reason that the dog cloning business is now so fiercely controversial. this man wrote the book "dog inc," about the industry, which he says is based in south korea because that country has much louser ethical standards for the treatment of dogs than we do here in america. if you're a scientist in south korea and looking to clone dogs, it's a much better environment. >> yeah. >> reporter: this is a country where they farm docks for the dinner table. >> right. so you can just, you know, rent them from the farmers for use in the laboratory and then hopefully if everything goes okay, return them to the farmer where everything is not going to go okay. >> reporter: that's right. in korea, some people eat dog. and he says some of the docks who are used in the cloning process as egg donors or a
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surrogate mom, are later sent back to dog farms where they are killed and eaten. does that give you any pause? >> i did ask them a lot of questions about the surrogate mom and what happens to her and, you know, was she treated okay. >> reporter: they told her and us that the surrogate used in dan yes, ma' danielle's case, as well as all the surrogates are used, are sent to a nice farm to live out their days. but john is not sure. >> it sounds like what you tell your kids when the dog dies. he's gone off to this lovely little farm. >> reporter: he also worries it puts mankind on a slippery slope toward human cloning. >> once we've cloned man's best friend, how far behind might man be? it seems to, you know, be tilting closer to that. >> reporter: that, however, is not an issue that appears to concern danielle. >> giving me kisses. >> reporter: just a few weeks ago, the clone arrived at danielle's home in new york city. >> i couldn't believe it. it's amazing. everything is the same. everything.
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even his personality is the same. what trouble used to do, he does. >> reporter: so his name is double trouble? >> double trouble, yes. first one is trouble, second one is double. >> reporter: she is convinced double trouble is very similar to the original trouble, but the truth is, there is no guarantee. >> you're not really getting your dog coming back to life. you are getting a genetic dupe ly cat, or a twin. what is special about your dog, that's the part that i don't hit the can be cloned. >> reporter: what about the complaint that this is all a rip-off, that you are not getting the same dog and you are being charged enormously? >> listen, what i did definitely is not for everybody to do. i mean, it is what i wanted so it was what i did. >> reporter: despite the criticism and the controversy, danielle is undeterred. in the process of making double trouble, the south koreans also produced a second clone. he will arrive at danielle's house in weeks. she's thinking about naming him triple trouble. for "nightline," this is dan harris in new york.
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>> double trouble. "i cloned my pet" will air january 11th on tlc. thanks to dan harris. just ahead, this is one newspaper you don't want your picture in. but what explains its wild popularity? [ coughing ] [ male announcer ] got a cold? [ sniffling ] [ male announcer ] not sure what to take? now robitussin® makes finding the right relief simpler than ever. click on the robitussin® relief finder. click on your symptoms. get your right relief. ♪ makes the cold aisle easy. ♪ robitussin®. relief made simple. robitussin®. [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling.
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>> announcer: "nightline" continues from new york city with terry moran. >> innocent until proven guilty. that's how american justice is supposed to work. but it doesn't always look that way, especially with mug shots, pictures snapped in the harsh light of a police precinct. they capture suspects at their worst and that explains the
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controversy of a newspaper that splashes them all over the front page. here's abc's ryan owens. >> reporter: "the scarlet letter" is set in colonial america. >> the scarlet letter a. >> reporter: fast forward a few hundred years, and shame is back. humiliation, hot off the presses. those faces flying by on the printing press are mug shots. the only content of what may be this country's fastest-growing newspaper. "the slammer." each week, more than 100,000 cop pips are lidelivered in 11 majo cities. >> i would say it sells like hot cakes. >> reporter: readers sometimes line up to pay $1 for a first look at who was arrested the previous week. "the slammer" publishing every suspect's mug, no matter how minor the crime. the editors group the pictures
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together. the wrinkly rascals, those who laugh it up and -- >> the slammer salon is a reader favorite every time. hair dos and don'ts. people, i think, maybe empathize and sympathize with bad hair days. >> reporter: isaac cornetti came up with the idea for "the slammer" four years ago and used his parents mini van to deliver the first editions. did you have any kind of newspaper background? >> if you count delivering newspapers or reading the newspaper. >> reporter: this one-time paper boy now sits atop a growing media empire that critics claim does little more than exploit people at their worst possible moment. do you ever feel at least a little bad about what you're doing? >> i probably don't feel as bad as they do when they wake up -- >> reporter: that's probably true. >> sober up the neshgs morning. >> reporter: not surprisingly, "the slammer's" toughest critics
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are those who faces grace the pages. 19-year-old brian says "the slammer" jinxed him. he picked up a copy one week, the next week, he was in it. >> i read it one time, saw people that i knew in there and it's like, aw, man, that's crazy. next thing you know, i'm the next person. >> reporter: and now he's in the clink for at least six months. he pleaded guilty. raleigh defense attorney cakarl knudsen calls the paper trashy. >> there's not a newspaper that says, these people were found not guilty. the problem is, you get exposure from just an accusation and yet it may be just that. >> reporter: "the slammer" may cause heart burn but there's little they can do. mug shots are considered public records in most jurisdictions. of all of the mug shots you have seen, what is your favorite?
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>> i think nick nolte's is still holding out. >> reporter: i could have said that one. their best-selling issue featured hometown senator john edwards' trademark grin on the front page. >> i think politicians have definitely figured out how to take a great mug shot. >> reporter: tom delay is proof of that. senator larry craig of wide stance fame held up pretty well, too. ohio congressman jim traficant, not so much. being in the slammer does bring a measure of fame. in fact, the folks at the county jail have noticed new inmates are asking for more than a call to their attorney. >> they'll ask if it's going to be in "the slammer" newspaper. they'll ask us to try to prevent that from occurring. >> reporter: "the slammer" occasional little shows pictures of missing persons and fugitives. readers helped bring home this arkansas girl and to put this accused killer behind bars in ohio. so, perhaps it is not a surprise
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law enforcement tends to like the paper. bull we were shocked to find out who else supports it. at least with his money. >> i do need in the interest of public disclosure to tell you that i have, from time to time, had an ad in "the slammer." >> reporter: you heard it. that defense attorney who was just slamming "the slammer" puts his ad on page two, proudly proclaiming, if you're in "the slammer," you need him. your critics say you are not in the journalism business, not even in the humor business but in the humiliation business. what do you say? >> i would disagree. people aren't going into "the slammer" for singing too loudly in church. these people's actions have consequences. stop using drugs. slow down. stop drinking and driving. stop writing bad checks. it's really not that difficult to stay out of jail. >> reporter: this publisher is betting plenty of people will not heed his advice, and end up not just in jail, but in "the
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slammer." i'm ryan owens for "nightline" in raleigh, north carolina. >> "the slammer." let's remember, innocent until proven guilty. thanks to ryan owens. next up, which republican candidate is the untamed stallion of the field? well, in case it isn't obvio, we'll tell you. [ male announcer ] in 1894, a small town pharmacist set out to create a different kind of cold remedy using powerful medicine and natural ingredients from around the world. he called it vicks vaporub. today, the vicks journey continues. introducing new vicks nature fusion cold & flu syrup. powerful multi-symptom medicine flavored with natural honey instead of artificial flavors and dyes. so you can feel good about what you take to feel better. li s id m ba
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voter excitement is that x factor every presidential candidate wants. but how to create it? how about by tapping that pure american natural resource with a glorious half century record of moving hearts and blowing minds? rock and roll. here's abc's john berman with the mixed results when rock and roll comes to the campaign trail. >> reporter: if you're like most people, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of mitt romney is -- untamed stallion. ♪ like an untamed stallion >> reporter: okay, maybe not. but it is a line in one of their favorite rally songs, "born free" from kid rock.
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yeah, kid rock. also one of the first things that comes to mind when you think of mitt romney. >> hey, guys, how are you? what a crowd. >> reporter: it is a catchy tune, with wholesome american themes. certainly less controversial than this song just played at a romney rally. ♪ highway to the danger zone >> reporter: "danger zone" from "top gun." mean, doesn't mitt romney remember what happened to goose? he died! >> you got to let him go, sir. >> reporter: how could they do this to meg ryan? but we digress. songs often become sin no, ma'am mouse with campaigns. "happy days are here again" with fdr. ♪ he's got high hopes >> reporter: frantic sinatra's "high hopes" for jfk. and -- ♪ don't stop thinking about tomorrow ♪
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>> reporter: "don't stop" for bill clinton. this time around, ron paul and rick santorum use no music. it's hard to coordinate with a sweater vest. but you can hear survivor's "eye of the tiger" at newt gingrich rally. ♪ eye of the tiger >> thank you for coming out. >> reporter: and rick perry loves his country. ♪ got to love this american ride ♪ >> reporter: "american ride" by toby keith. for some campaigns, music is not easy listening. jackson browne didn't like it when john mccain used "running on empty." >> thank you, everyone. ♪ she was an american girl >> reporter: tom petty issued a cease and desist order to michele bachmann for using "american girl." a shame, too, because as you can see, michele bachmann has some moved. former florida governor charlie crist was forced to grovel on
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youtube as part of a settlement over the use of the talking heads "road to nowhere." >> the use of david burns' song and his voice in my campaign advertisement without his permission was wrong and should not have occurred. >> reporter: and as for mitt romney and kid rock? ♪ you can let me down >> reporter: the romney campaign made sure to get mr. rock's okay before rocking out to "born free." ♪ i was born free >> reporter: because what kind of untamed stallion doesn't ask permission? i'm john berman for "nightline" in manchester, new hampshire. >> john berman and his unique take on the trail there. well, tomorrow night, here on abc, be sure to watch diane sawyer and george stephanopoulos moderate a presidential debate on the eve of the new hampshire primary. and on sunday morning, george returning to host abc's "this week." he'll bring you the whole picture on politics. thank you for watching


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